CVS Minute Clinic Appointment Process |Services & Features| - SKREC News (2025)

CVS Minute Clinic Appointment – CVS Is among the biggest pharmaceutical chains in the United States of America. They have a presence in more than 9000 locations in 45 states and the United States of America. CVS Has been working in the United States of America for more than 60 years.

Even in those tough times, when novel coronavirus hit the United States of America, CVS stood up with the nation and, in association with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provided every COVID-19 service without any cost.

CVS Health has a few subsidiaries working in the same field but with different goals. For example, CVS minute clinic is also a subsidiary of CVS Health, but it has different goals, and Americans are using it for different needs. Today we will talk about everything related to the CVS minute clinic, and we will also learn about how you can easily create a serious minute clinic appointment.

What is a CVS Minute Clinic?

CVS Health launched a CVS minute clinic back in March 2000. CVS minute clinic is among the few walk-in clinics or retail clinic services working in the United States of America.

Initially, the startup was launched by someone else, but in 2006 CVS bought it and rebranded it as a CVS minute clinic.

They have a presence in more than 33 states of the United States of America, and they have 1100 locations in those 33 states. You can use the services of the CVS minute clinic sitting in Arizona to Washington DC.

CVS Minute Clinic Appointment Process |Services & Features| - SKREC News (1)

Services Offered by CVS Minute Clinic.

Before we move ahead and talk about the main query of the blog, let’s first discuss the services offered at CVS minute clinic. CVS minute clinic is not a complete service like CVS Health. That is why the services are very limited and Available only at 1100 locations nationwide.

  • CVS minute clinic is capable of providing minor injury services such as bug bites and stings, minor burns, and minor cuts. Splinter removal, Springs, and joints.
  • Minor illnesses include allergies, flu-like symptoms, gout, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sinus, zika, and tract infections.
  • Apart from that, you can also get yourself tested for asthma, cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.
  • At the same time, several skin condition treatments are also available at CVS minute clinics which include athlete’s foot, lice, shingles, and Sunburn.
  • If you want to get yourself vaccinated for COVID-19, birth control injections, hepatitis A and B, pneumonia, and shingles, a CVS minute clinic could be the best option for you.
  • CVS minute clinic is doing a tremendous job when it comes to women’s services. You can get yourself treated for gonorrhea, pregnancy evaluation, herpes, vaginal discharge, urinary tract infections, used infections, etc.

Apart from the above-given services, there are a huge number of services that we have not mentioned yet. You can get TB testing, weight loss programs, ear wax removal, pre-travel consultation, malaria, more sensitive prevention, etc.

CVS Minute Clinic Appointment Process

If you are suffering from any physical condition whose treatment is available at the CVS minute clinic, you should get yourself an appointment for the same.

Kindly follow the below given step-by-step tutorial to make CVS minute clinic appointments. It is a very simple process, but you should read all the points very carefully.

  • First of all, you have to click on the above-given button to reach the official website of CVS minute clinic.
  • The button will also redirect you to the appointment page, where you have to fill in either your zip code, Pink city name, or state to see the locations.
  • Once you have entered the city, it will take you to the next page, where you can select the nearby CVS minute clinic.
  • As soon as you click on that nearby CVS minute clinic location, it will ask you a full question starting with your COVID-19 status and symptoms.
  • After that, it will show you all the services offered by that specific CVS minute clinic location. You can select any Service you want.
  • Now it will ask you to enter your date of birth and appointment date, and time.
  • On the next page, it will ask you to enter all the details of the patient. Starting from full name to all the way to contact information.

Once you have entered all the information, it will ask you to recheck before it creates an appointment for you. It will show you everything related to your appointment, starting from your purpose of visit to the clinic location.

Apart from that, You can use the same CVS one-minute appointment process to get an appointment for either coronavirus vaccine or testing. You don’t have to use a separate appointment process to do that.

Other CVS Minute Clinic Features

As you are already aware, the CVS minute clinic is among the few walk-in clinics or retail clinics actively working in the United States of America. But it also provides some unique features so that Americans can enjoy the services offered by CVS minute clinics from any location in the country.

E-Clinic and Video Visit

Recently, CVS minute clinic launched its E clinic, which is actively working in more than 33 states of the United States. CVS Recommend everyone use the clinic if they want to stay in their home during the pandemic and get treated for several conditions.

At the same time, CVS minute clinic also launched a video visit, which is working in 49 states of the United States of America. It will charge you at least $59, and the CVS minute clinic will provide you with a professional healthcare expert using video conferencing.

CVS Minute Clinic Locator

If you don’t want to use the online appointment system and you want to directly visit the CVS minute clinic, then you can use their CVS minute clinic locator to find the nearby location.

Not every serious health and pharmacy has the option to provide CVS minute clinics. In the United States of America, CVS Health and pharmacy are available in more than 9000 locations, but CVS minute clinics are only available at 1100 locations.

It is always going to be a wise decision to check the serious minute clinic locator to make sure you are visiting the right CVS Health and pharmacy.

  • To find the CVS minute clinic, you have to use the above-given button, which will directly take you to the official website of the CVS minute clinic.
  • Now on the official page, it will ask you to enter either your zip code, city name, or name of the state.
  • As soon as you enter either of these things, it will show you all the CVS minute clinic locations. You can select depending on the services you want because not all CVS minute clinics have equal services.
  • At the same time, it will also show you the minute clinic hours. Usually, the timing is between 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM.


CVS minute clinic has been among the few retail clinics actively working in the United States of America for a very long time now. As of now, it is available in more than 1100 locations nationwide. But, you should remember that CVS Health and pharmacy is working in more than 9000 locations in the United States, which means not every CVS Health and pharmacy location have a CVS minute clinic option.

At the same time, the services of the CVS minute clinic are also limited. Seriously, launched its minute clinic to lower the pressure from CVS pharmacy and health by separating minor diseases and screening.

Even though no clinic offers walk-ins also, it is always in your favor if you create a CVS minute clinic appointment before your visit. It will make sure that you will get to meet a professional at the given time.

We have already attached the step-by-step CVS minute clinic appointment process. It is a very simple process, and you can use it for every service offered by the clinic. Along with minor diseases, it also provides services related to coronavirus, such as testing, vaccine, etc.

What are the major services offered by CVS minute clinic?

Currently, the CVS minute clinic is offering minor illness and monitoring services. You can get yourself treated for bug bites, sprains, strains, joint pain, diabetes screening, high blood pressure screening, sleep disorders, acne, chickenpox, shingles, flu vaccination, vitamin B12 shots, birth control, urinary tract infections, and others. CVS is doing everything to add more and more services to their CVS minute clinic. You should check their official website to see the latest updates.

Is it necessary to get a CVS Minute Clinic appointment before a visit?

No, it is not necessary to get a CVS-minute clinic appointment before your every visit. The appointment process is available, but you can also opt for walk-ins. CVS minute clinic is accepting walk-ins, but you might have to wait for hours to get yourself treated. That is why we recommend everyone to use the other given a step-by-step tutorial on CVS minute clinic appointments.

CVS Minute Clinic Appointment Process |Services & Features| - SKREC News (2025)
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