The Oxford English Grammar - PDF Free Download (2025)

The Oxford


In memoriam



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Preface This book is addressed primarily to native speakers of English and others who use English as their first language. It is a comprehensive account of present-day English that is chiefly focused on the standard varieties of American and British English, but it also refers frequently to non-standard varieties and it draws on the history of the language to illuminate and explain features of English of today. It offers a description of the language and is not intended to prescribe or proscribe. This work is unique in its coverage for native speakers of the language. It is written to be accessible to non-specialists, but students of the English language and related subjects will also find it of interest and value. It serves as a reference work and can also be used as a textbook. Each chapter is prefaced by a list of contents and a summary of the chapter. You may wish to read through a whole chapter or to consult particular sections. The Glossary at the end of the book will provide you with succinct explanations of terms that are frequently used in the book. In writing this book, I have drawn on my many years of experience in teaching, research, and writing. I have taught English language in a range of institutions and to different age-groups: at primary schools, at a secondary (grammar) school, at a college of further education, and at universities. My university teaching has encompassed a British university, universities in the United States, and a university in a country where English is a foreign language. I have been in English language research for over thirty years, and have directed a research unit (the Survey of English Usage) for the last twelve years. My books have ranged over various types of writing: monographs, reference works (including co-authorship of the standard reference grammar of English), textbooks, and books addressed to the general public. Numerous citations appear in this book. Many of them come from American and British newspapers, magazines, and books. Most are taken from two sources: ICE-GB (the British million-word component of the International Corpus of English, drawing on language used in the period 1990-3) and the Wall Street Journal (about three million words from this American newspaper for 1989, provided in a CD-ROM by the Association for Computational Linguistics Data Collection Initiative). ICE-GB was tagged and parsed with the assistance of programs devised by the TOSCA Research Group (University of Nijmegen) under the direction of Professor Ian Aarts. ICE-GB was compiled and computerized, with extensive mark-up, by researchers at the Survey of English Usage, who also undertook substantial manual work on the outputs of the TOSCA programs as well as manual pre-editing for parsing. The following Survey researchers were involved in the creation of ICE-GB or in the subsequent grammatical processing: Judith Broadbent, Justin Buckley, Yanka Gavin, Marie Gibney, Ine Mortelmans, Gerald Nelson, Ni Yibin, Andrew Rosta, Oonagh Sayce, Laura Tollfree, Ian Warner,


Vlad Zegarac. I am especially grateful to Gerald Nelson for overseeing the compilation of ICE-GB and the grammatical processing. He is also responsible for drawing up the annotated list of sources for ICE-GB texts in the Appendix. The work on ICE-GB was supported in the main by grants from the Economic and Social Research Council (grant R000 23 2077), the Leverhulme Trust, and the Michael Marks Charitable Trust. Financial support was also received from the Sir Sigmund Sternberg Foundation and Pearson Pic. I am indebted to Akiva Quinn and Nick Porter, colleagues at the Survey, for ICECUP, a software concordance and search package, which I used extensively for searching ICE-GB for words and grammatical tags. I am also much indebted to Alex Chengyu Fang, another colleague at the Survey, for the application of two programs that he created: AUTASYS was used for tagging the Wall Street Journal Corpus, and so gave me access to grammatical information from an American corpus, and TQuery was invaluable for searching for structures in the parsed corpus. Thanks are due to a number of colleagues for their comments on one or more draft chapters: Judith Broadbent, Justin Buckley, Alex Chengyu Fang, Gerald Nelson, Ni Yibin, Andrew Rosta, Jan Svartvik, Vlad Zegarac. I am also grateful to Marie Gibney for typing the drafts.

Contents List of Tables and Figures


Pronunciation Table


Abbreviations and Symbols


Explanations of Corpora Citations


1 The English Language


2 The Scope and Nature of Grammar


3 An Outline of Grammar


4 Word Classes


5 The Grammar of Phrases


6 Sentences and Clauses


7 Text


8 Words and their Meanings


9 The Formation of Words


10 Sounds and Tunes


11 Punctuation


12 Spelling




Appendix: Sources of Citations in ICE-GB






List of Tables Table 4.18.1 Classes of irregular verbs 127 Table 4.34.1 Primary pronouns 166 Table 4.34.2 Archaic second person forms 168 Table 4.44.1 Primary indefinite pronouns and determiners 193 Table 8.3.1 Brown, LOB, and ICE-GB rankings of the fifty most frequent words in present-day English 403 Table 9.37.1 Lexically conditioned allomorphs in verbs 472 Table 10.3.1 English consonants 482

List of Figures Figure 2.5.1 Figure 5.2.1 Figure 5.2.2 Figure 5.2.3 Figure 5.2.4 Figure 5.39.1 Figure 5.43.1 Figure 5.47.1 Figure 6.2.1 Figure 6.2.2 Figure 6.4.1 Figure 6.4.2 Figure 6.4.3 Figure 6.4.4 Figure 6.4.5 Figure 6.4.6

Tree diagram 30 Structure of a noun phrase 209 Premodifiers and NP heads 210

Postmodifiers and NP head: Sentence [3] 210 Postmodifiers and NP head: Sentence [4] 211 Structure of an adjective phrase 288 Structure of an adverb phrase 295 Structure of a prepositional phrase 300 Co-ordination of two main clauses: Sentence [1] 312 Co-ordination of three main clauses: Sentence [2] 312 Subordinate clause within a main clause: Sentence [5] 316 Co-ordination of final subordinate clauses: Sentence [6] 316 Co-ordination of initial subordinate clauses: Sentence [7] 316 Subordination within subordination: Sentence [8] 317 Co-ordination within co-ordination: Sentence [9] 317 Initial subordinate clause linked to two main clauses: Sentence [10] 317 Figure 6.4.7 Final subordinate clause linked to two main clauses: Sentence [13] 318 Figure 6.4.8 Parenthetic and-clause containing co-ordination of subordinate clauses: Sentence [14] 318 Figure 6.4.9 Embedded relative clause: Sentence [16] 319 Figure 6.4.10 Embedded co-ordinated clauses functioning as noun phrase complements: Sentence [17] 319 Figure 6.4.11 Four to-infinitive clauses in asyndetic co-ordination: Sentence [18] 320 Figure 9.2.1 Structure of a complex word 440 Figure 10.6.1 Vowel chart 486

Pronunciation Table Consonants voiceless




J tj h



cat few



but dog

m n



get van



5 z


r w

3 d3



red we yes


P t k

Sit she




d g


n ring

Vowels a a:



arm (RP) arm (GA)






a: (RP)

ei (RP) e: (GA)



her her

so (RP) o: (GA)





hair (RP) hair (GA)



is (RP) i (GA)

near (RP) near (GA)





ago my



ua (RP) o (GA)

poor (RP) poor (GA)



AI3 (RP) Al (GA)

tire (RP) tire (GA)



aus (RP) au (GA)

sour (RP) sour (GA)



The pronunciation symbols follow those used in The New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and in the latest edition of The Concise Oxford Dictionary. RP (Received Pronunciation) is an accent that is typical of educated speakers of British English, though by no means all educated speakers use it. GA (General American) is an abstraction from what is typical of English pronunciation in the United States in contrast to RP. Most of the differences for vowels between RP and GA are due to the [r] being separately pronounced in GA after a vowel. For


more detailed discussion of the pronunciation of consonants and vowels, see 10.3-8. Syllabic consonants (consonants that constitute a syllable by themselves) are marked by a subscript vertical line: 1, n. Primary stress is marked by (') before the syllable, and secondary stress by (,) before the syllable: 'capitalize. See 10.10-12. The ends of tone units are marked by vertical lines, and the nuclear syllable is in capitals: UnFORtunately| I've caught a COLD| The direction of the tone is shown by an arrow before the nuclear syllable. See 10.15 f.

Abbreviations and Symbols A adverbial GA General American ICE-GB British corpus of ICE (International Corpus of English) M main clause NP noun phrase O object P predicative PP prepositional phrase RP Received Pronunciation S subject sub subordinate clause V verb () [] // {}

comment or explanation after citation; optional letter(s) or word(s) comment or explanation within citation; phonetic transcription phonemic transcription (cf. 9.36) morphemic transcription (cf. 9.38); alternatives, e.g.: a piece of 1 f bread a bit of / \ information

Explanations of Corpora Citations All citations preserve the original wording. If anything is omitted (to avoid irrelevant distractions), the omission is indicated by [...]. A few citations come from the American component of ICE (International Corpus of English). They are cited by references beginning ICE-USA-SIA and are direct (face-to-face) conversations. Citations from the Wall Street Journal are for issues published in 1989. References consist of three sets of digits, for example 890929-0070-49. The first set indicates the date by year, month, and day; the second set is the identity number for the item; the third set identifies the sentence. Citations for ICE-GB, the British component of ICE, are for language used during the years 1990-3. Pauses are indicated by , a short pause (the equivalent of a single syllable uttered at the speaker's tempo), and by , a long pause (the equivalent of two or more syllables uttered at the speaker's tempo). Citation references for ICE-GB begin either'S' (spoken texts) or 'W (written texts). The major divisions within these two categories are: SI S1A

dialogue private conversations SIB/ public dialogues S2 S2A S2B

monologue unscripted monologues scripted monologues

Wl non-printed writing W1A student essays W1B letters W2 W2A W2B W2C W2D W2E W2F

printed writing informational (learned) informational (popular) informational (reportage) instructional persuasive (press editorials) creative (novels/stories)

There are 500 texts (samples) in ICE-GB, each text containing about 2,000 words, for a total of about one million words. The spoken texts number 300. Fifty of the spoken texts are scripted (written down and read aloud); the scripted texts are transcribed from the spoken recordings. Many of the texts are composite; that is, they are composed of several subtexts (shorter samples), such as a text comprising a number of personal letters.


Citation references for ICE-GB consist of three sets, for example SlB-046-63. The first set is the major category, in this instance a public dialogue (SIB); the second set is for the identity number of the text, which in this instance is a broadcast interview (in the subcategory S1B-041 to S1B-050), the third set is for the number of the text unit. The basic unit for reference in each text is the text unit. In written texts, the text unit corresponds to the orthographic sentence. In spoken texts, it is the approximate equivalent of the orthographic sentence, though there may be more than one equivalent in writing and sometimes a spoken text unit is grammatically incomplete. A list of the sources of all texts, including any subtexts, in ICE-GB appears in the Appendix at the end of the book.

Chapter 1 The English Language Summary

English throughout the world (1.1-6) 1.1 1.2 1.3

English internationally 3 The spread of English in the British Isles 4 The spread of English In other firstlanguage countries 6

1.4 1.5 1.6

The spread of English in secondlanguage countries 8 English pidgins and Creoles 11 English as an international language 12

The standard language (1.7-10) 1.7 1.8

Standard English 14 Variation In standard English 15

1.9 1.10

Correct English 16 Good English 17

Chapter 1 Summary English is used in most countries of the world as a first language, a second language (for communication between inhabitants), or a foreign language. It is essentially a Germanic language introduced by invading tribes from the European continent into what later became known as England. It spread from there throughout the British Isles and subsequently to the United States and other territories colonized by the British, almost all of which are now independent countries. Since the end of the Second World War English has been the foremost language for international communication. The standard varieties of American and British English have influenced those of other countries where English is a first language and they have generally been the models taught to foreign learners. In the past they have also been the models for English as a second language, but in recent decades some secondlanguage countries have begun to develop their own standard varieties. Standard English is remarkably homogeneous across national boundaries, particularly in the written language. It admits less variation than non-standard varieties. Its repertoire offers choices according to type of activity engaged in through language, medium of communication, and degree of formality. Correct English is conformity to the norms of standard English. Good English is good use of the resources of the language: language used effectively and ethically. Sensitivity to the feelings of others requires avoidance of offensive and discriminatory language.

English throughout the World 1.1 English internationally

The geographical spread of English is unique among the languages of the world, not only in our time but throughout history. English is the majority first language in twenty-three countries. It is an official language or a joint official language in about fifty other countries, where it is used in addition to the indigenous first languages for a variety of public and personal functions. It is also used as a second language, though without official status, in countries such as Bangladesh and Malaysia. Countries where English is a first or second language are located in all five continents. The total population of these countries amounts to around 2.5 billion, about 49 per cent of the world's population. Where English is a first or second language, it is used internally for communication between nationals of the same country. In addition, English is used extensively as a foreign language for international communication by people who do not ordinarily employ it when speaking or writing to their compatriots.1 The number of first-language speakers of English has been estimated at well over 300 million, of whom over 216 million live in the United States. The United Kingdom has about 53 million, Canada over 17 million, and Australia about 14 million. Countries where English is a majority first language may have large percentages of bilingual speakers and speakers for whom English is a second language. For example, Canada has a large minority of unilingual French speakers (nearly 17 per cent) as well as an almost equal percentage of speakers who are bilingual in French and English. Most countries with second-language speakers of English are former British colonies, such as India and Nigeria. English has been retained as an official language in the majority of these countries after independence because none of the indigenous languages was accepted by all citizens as the sole national language. As an official second language, English is used in a variety of public functions: in government, in the law courts, in broadcasting, in the press, and in education. In many African and Asian countries it serves as the means of interpersonal communication between speakers of different indigenous languages. Because of both its national and its international reach, English is often used for literature, sometimes in forms that draw heavily on local colloquial forms of English. Writers and politicians in some African and Asian countries are ambivalent about the role of English: English may be viewed as an imperialist language, imposed by colonial oppressors and impeding the role of indigenous languages, or as the language of liberation and nationalism in countries divided by tribal loyalties. The problem in calculating the numbers of second-language speakers is


how to decide who counts as a speaker of the language. Should we include in our totals those who have a rudimentary knowledge of vocabulary and grammar but can make themselves understood only in certain types of exchanges—for example, giving street directions or offering goods for sale? If so, we might recognize as second-language speakers perhaps most of the 2.5 billion that live in countries where English is used as a second language. On the other hand, conservative estimates, requiring much greater competence in the language, tend to put the number at about 300 million. A similar problem arises in calculating the numbers of users of English as a foreign language. Estimates have ranged wildly—from 100 million to 600 million. English is extensively studied as a foreign language. It is a compulsory subject or the preferred optional language in most countries where it is not a first or second language. It has been estimated that over 150 million children are studying English as a foreign language in primary or secondary schools. Many millions of foreigners listen to BBC broadcasts in English, and many millions follow the BBC English lessons on radio and television. 'Follow Me', the BBC English by_Television 60-programme course for beginners, produced in 1979 with a consortium of European television stations, has been shown in over 80 countries. It attracted vast audiences in countries throughout the world in the 1980s, and in China alone it had an estimated audience of over 50 million. Over half a million visitors, mostly from the European continent, currently visit the United Kingdom each year to study English as a foreign language. A poll conducted in December 1992 showed that English is the most popular language in the European Union (then called the European Community) among young people (aged 15 to 24), and while 34 per cent of that age group spoke English in 1987 the figure in 1990 had risen to 42 per cent. A European Commission report for 1991-2 showed that 83 per cent of secondary school students in the European Union were learning English as a second language, compared with just 32 per cent learning French, the nearest competitor.

1.2 The spread of English in the British Isles

From the middle of the fifth century and for the next hundred years, waves of invading tribes from the European continent—Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and Frisians—brought their Germanic dialects to Britain, settling in the country and driving the Celtic-speaking Britons westward to Wales and Cornwall. Isolated from other Germanic speakers, the settlers came to acknowledge their dialects as belonging to a separate common language that they called English.2 Germanic is a branch of the Indo-European family of languages, from which have descended—among others—Latin and its Romance derivatives, Greek, Celtic, and Sanskrit. The Germanic dialects of the settlers belonged to West Germanic, the parent language also of modern German, Dutch, Flemish,


and Frisian. From the middle of the ninth century England suffered large incursions by Danish Vikings, intent on settling as well as plundering. Their Scandinavian language belonged to North Germanic. The Danes came close to capturing the whole country, but were defeated overwhelmingly by the English under the leadership of King Alfred the Great. The Treaty of Wedmore signedin the same year (878) confined the Danes to the east of a line roughly from London to Chester, an area known as the Danelaw. There were further Danish invasions in the late ninth century, and finally from 1014 to 1042 the whole of England was ruled by Danish kings. The Scandinavian language introduced a considerable number of common loanwords into English and contributed to present dialectal differences in the north and east of the country. Much of the population in those areas must have been bilingual and it has been suggested that bilingualism may have hastened the reduction of inflections in English since the stems of words were often similar in the two Germanic languages. In 1066 William the Conqueror, Duke of Normandy, invaded England and became its king. The Norman conquest established a French-speaking ruling class. French was the language of the royal court, the nobility, the church leaders, parliament, the law courts, and the schools. Most of the population continued to speak English, but bilingualism became common. Bilingualism resulted in an enormous influx of French words into English. From the late fourteenth century English displaced French for most purposes, and during the next century a standard English language emerged to meet the needs of the central bureaucracy, the printers, and the educators. Latin, however, was the language of learning throughout the Middle Ages—as in the rest of Europe— and remained so in England as late as the seventeenth century. English arrived early in Scotland. By the seventh century the northern English kingdom of Bernicia had extended its territory—and its dialect—into what is now Southern Scotland. This dialect is the source of Scots, an ancient dialect of English that may be viewed as parallel with Modern English in their common derivation from Old English. By the middle of the sixteenth century Scots was becoming influenced by English in word forms and spellings, a process encouraged by the use of English Bibles in Scotland in the absence of a Scots Bible. When James VI of Scotland succeeded Queen Elizabeth I in 1603 to become James I of England, combining the thrones of the two kingdoms, there was a quickening of the pace of adoption of English in Scotland for writing and by the gentry for speech. The final blow to Scots as the standard dialect of Scotland was the Act of Union in 1707, when the two kingdoms were formally united. Despite attempts at reviving Scots, it remains restricted mainly to literary uses and to some rural speech. It has, however, influenced Scottish English, the standard variety of English in Scotland. About 80,000 people speak Scottish Gaelic, a Celtic language that is confined to the West Highlands and the Western Isles of Scotland, but nearly all of them are bilingual in Gaelic and English. [

Wales was England's first colony. It was ruled from England as a principality from the beginning of the fourteenth century, and was


incorporated into England by the Acts of Union of 1535 and 1543, which promoted the use of English for official purposes. The standard variety of English in Wales is thought to be identical with that in England. There are, however, distinctive Welsh English accents. According to a 1991 census, over half a million inhabitants of Wales above the age of 3 (19 per cent) speak Welsh, a Celtic language, most of whom are bilingual in Welsh and English. As a result of current education policies, the number of Welsh speakers among the young is now increasing. English was permanently introduced into Ireland when the Normans invaded the country during the twelfth century and settled French and English speakers in the eastern coastal region, though many of their descendants adopted Irish (or Irish Gaelic), the Celtic language of the native inhabitants. In the sixteenth century the Tudor monarchs began a policy of bringing to Ireland large numbers of English settlers, and later also Scottish settlers, to displace the Irish from their land. By 1800 English was the language of half the population. The famines of 1846-8 led to mass emigration from Ireland, most of those who emigrated being Irish speakers, the poorer part of the population. During the nineteenth century English was promoted in the Catholic education system in opposition to the use of Irish by Protestant proselytizing societies. Despite attempts since independence to revive the use of Irish in the Republic of Ireland, there are few Irish monolinguals and perhaps only 2 per cent of the population use Irish regularly. The United Kingdom, but particularly England, has a high proportion of speakers of immigrant languages. A 1981 survey, covering all pupils in primary and secondary schools under the control of the Inner London Education Authority, found that nearly 45,000 pupils (about 14 per cent) spoke a language at home other than English or in addition to English. The five most frequently reported languages, in order of frequency, were Bengali, Turkish, Greek, Spanish, and Gujerati.3 British-born descendants of Caribbean immigrants, mostly from Jamaica, may speak a variety of English (related to Jamaican Creole) that has been termed British Black English.4

1.3 The spread of English in other first-language countries

Beginning in the early seventeenth century, the English language was transported beyond the British Isles by traders, soldiers, and settlers. During the next two centuries Britain acquired territories throughout the world. In some of these territories, British settlers were sufficiently numerous to dominate the country linguistically as well as in other respects, so that the indigenous population came to adopt English as their first or second language. More importantly for the future of English, the numbers of the early settlers were swelled enormously by waves of immigration and even when the newcomers brought another language their descendants generally spoke



English as their first language. All the major countries outside the British Isles where English is the dominant language have succeeded in assimilating linguistically their immigrants from non-English-speaking countries: the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The first permanent English settlements were established in the New World, beginning with the founding of Jamestown in 1607. The colonial period came to an end when the American colonies rejected British rule in the War of Independence (1776-83). Both before and after their independence, the Americans acquired territories that were occupied by speakers of other languages—Amerindian languages, Dutch, French, and Spanish. These have influenced American English, together with the languages of immigrants in lateoperiods—notably German and Yiddish. It is estimated that over 27 million United States residents speak a language other than English at home, about half of whom use Spanish. Every year over half a million new immigrants enter the United States, most of them from non-English-speaking countries and most of them Spanish speakers. Political independence of the United States led to cultural—including linguistic—independence, and hence to the growth of a separate standard American English that no longer looked to Britain for its norms. Though regional differences in pronunciation are conspicuous, American English is more homogeneous than British English in vocabulary and grammar, because of its shorter history and because of past migrations across the American continent and present easy mobility. As a result, dialect differences have not had as great an opportunity to become established and there has been much mixing of regional dialects. Black English, originally restricted regionally as well as ethnically, is used by most black speakers in a range of standard and non-standard varieties.5 Canada became a British possession in 1763, wrested from the French. After the American War of Independence, large numbers of loyalists settled in Canada, followed during the next century by waves of immigrants from the United States and the British Isles. Canada has a large minority of unilingual French speakers (nearly 17 per cent), concentrated in the province of Quebec, as well as an almost equal percentage of bilingual speakers in French and English, which are the joint official languages of Canada. Virtually all Canadians speak English or French, apart from some rural indigenous or immigrant communities. In 1770 Captain James Cook claimed the eastern coast of Australia for Britain. Soon afterwards, penal colonies were established to which convicts were transported from Britain. Until after the Second World War, immigration from Asian countries was restricted and most immigrants were English-speaking. Many of the Aborigines (the indigenous population before British colonization), who number fewer than 200,000, speak only English. The first British settlement in New Zealand was in 1792. New Zealand became part of New South Wales and then after 1840 a British colony in its own right. Most settlers have been English-speaking. The indigenous Maori language, spoken by about 300,000, has official status in the courts.


Most of the other countries where English is the majority language are islands with relatively small populations located in the Atlantic or Caribbean (for example, Bermuda and Grenada) and were once—or still are—British colonies. The inhabitants are mainly of African origin, whose ancestors were brought in as slaves and adopted the language of their masters (cf. 1.5).

1.4 The spread of English in second-language countries

Of the countries where English is primarily a second language, South Africa has the largest number of people who speak English as their first language— over 1,800,000. At the time of writing there are eleven official languages: English and Afrikaans, a language related to Dutch, and nine African languages. Dutch settlements began in the Cape in 1652 and were wellestablished when the British arrived in 1795 and then annexed the Cape in 1814. Many of the Dutch-speaking Boers soon moved away to establish their own republics, but after two wars won by the British the Boer republics were absorbed in the Union of South Africa in 1910 as a dominion of the British Empire. In 1931 South Africa became an independent country within the British Commonwealth and in 1961 a republic outside the Commonwealth. It has recently rejoined the Commonwealth. Blacks, who constitute the majority of the population (about 70 per cent), speak a variety of indigenous languages. White first-language speakers of English, mainly of British descent, number about 1,120,000. The Indian community (about 400,000) are first-language speakers, as are increasing numbers of the ethnically mixed coloureds, who have been shifting their language loyalty from Afrikaans to English. In addition, about 1,750,000 Afrikaners and 5,500,000 blacks are bilingual in English. Afrikaans is associated with the ideology of apartheid, and therefore English is more popular in the non-Afrikaner population. In the absence of a common indigenous language, English is likely to survive the recent political and social changes in South Africa, at least as a second language. English first came to South Asia (the Indian subcontinent) through trade. In 1600 Elizabeth I granted a charter to some London merchants giving them a monopoly on trade with India and the East. The East India Company gradually gained control over most of India, but in 1859 it was replaced by direct British rule. English was first introduced through Christian missionary schools, and its study was then encouraged by those Indian scholars that saw it as a means of gaining access to Western culture and science. In 1835 Lord Macaulay produced an official Minute that favoured English as the medium of education for the elite, a policy that was adopted and put into practice by the British administration. After the partition of British India into India and Pakistan in 1947, Hindi became the official language of India and English remained as an associate official language for the country as a whole as well as an official language in some states; in Pakistan, English is an official language


alongside the national language Urdu. It is not an official language in Bangladesh, which seceded from Pakistan in 1971, but it has continued to play an important role there. Sri Lanka, as it is now called, became the British colony of Ceylon in 1802. As in India, English was first taught through Christian missionary schools. It became the language of administration, a medium for higher education, and a neutral language linking the Sinhalese majority and the Tamil minority, descendants of Indian labourers brought from South India by the British to work on plantations. In 1948 Ceylon became a British dominion and in 1972 the independent republic of Sri Lanka. English was replaced in its former official functions by Sinhala in 1956, sparking language riots. However, there have be£n some recent moves to enhance the status and use of English in Sri Lanka. In 1988 the Sri Lankan government proclaimed English to be a link language between the two major communities and is attempting to promote its use, particularly in education. In the other three South Asian countries, English is a primary foreign language. Nepal was never part of the British Empire, but the Maldives was a British protectorate (1887-1965) and part of Bhutan was annexed by the British (1865-1907). Only tiny fractions of the populations of South Asian countries have ever had English as their first language, but there are sizeable numbers of secondlanguage speakers who can claim to be bilingual. According to one estimate, only 4 per cent of the population of India use English regularly. However, that percentage translates into 30 million people, making India the third largest English-speaking country after the United States and the United Kingdom. India also ranks third for the publication of books in English and offers over 3,000 daily newspapers in English. English and French are official languages in Mauritius, a small island in the Indian Ocean. At one time a French colony, it was a British colony from 1810 until it gained its independence in 1968. Three former British colonies or protectorates are located in South East Asia: Brunei, Malaysia, and Singapore. Brunei was a British protectorate from 1888 until its independence in 1984, and it has retained English as a joint official language with Malay. Britain competed for control over Malaysia from the sixteenth century onwards, formally incorporated parts into the British Colony of the Straits Settlements in 1826, and established protectorates over other parts in the late nineteenth century. Malaya gained its independence in 1957 and, after other countries joined it, the federation of states became the Federation of Malaysia in 1963. Singapore left the Federation in 1965 to become an independent city state. English is no longer an official language in Malaysia, though it is a compulsory subject in primary and secondary schools and is used in the media and in higher education. English remains an official language in Singapore (jointly with Mandarin Chinese, Malay, and Tamil), used extensively both internally and externally for business. The Philippines, also located in South East Asia, became an American colony in 1898 and a selfgoverning commonwealth in 1935. The country gained independence from the United States in 1946. English remains an official language, jointly with Filipino, but its functions are becoming restricted.



The joint official languages in the British colony of Hong Kong, located in East Asia, are English and Cantonese, though only a minority of the population use English. Hong Kong Island was ceded by China to Britain in 1842, and the mainland New Territories were leased to Britain in 1898. Hong Kong is due to be returned to China in 1997, but its importance as a centre for international trade is likely to ensure the survival of English in its business community fo/ the foreseeable future. In the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century, the European powers competed for territories in Africa. English is an official language in seventeen former British colonies: West Africa:

Cameroon (with French), Gambia, Ghana, Nigeria, Sierra Leone East Africa: Kenya (with Swahili), Sudan (with Arabic), Tanzania (with Swahili), Uganda South Africa: Botswana, Lesotho (with Sesotho), Malawi (with Chichewa), Namibia, South Africa (with ten other languages, as noted at the beginning of this section), Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe In addition, English is an official language in Liberia, created in 1822 as a homeland for freed American slaves. Some island territories where English is a second language are located in the Pacific. In all the following, English is a joint official language: Cook Islands (with Polynesian languages), Fiji (with Fijian), Guam (with Chamorro), Papua New Guinea (with Hin Motu, an indigenous pidgin, and Tok Pisin, an English-based pidgin), Solomon Islands (with Solomon Islands Pidgin). Except for Guam, which is still a territory of the United States, these were all colonies or protectorates of Britain, Australia, or New Zealand. In much of Spanish-speaking Central America, English or English Creole (cf. 1.5) is commonly spoken. English is an official language in the Central American state of Belize (formerly British Honduras), which was a British colony from 1862 until its independence in 1981. The Spanish-speaking Caribbean island of Puerto Rico was ceded by Spain to the United States in 1898 and since 1952 has been a semi-autonomous commonwealth linked to the United States. Because of its links with the United States, many Puerto Ricans are bilingual in Spanish and English. English is an official language in two locations in Europe outside the British Isles: Malta (jointly with Maltese) and Gibraltar. The Republic of Malta, which comprises several islands in the Mediterranean Sea, was a British colony from 1802 and became an independent republic in 1974. The British colony of Gibraltar, a peninsula on the south-west coast of Spain, was ceded by Spain to Britain in 1713. Spain claims sovereignty, but Gibraltarians generally prefer to remain British or to become an independent territory within the European Community.



1.5 English pidgins and Creoles

Pidgins are languages that are not acquired as mother tongues and that are used for a restricted set of communicative functions. They are formed from a mixtur^of languages and have a limited vocabulary and a simplified grammar. Pidgins serve as a means of communication between speakers of mutually unintelligible languages and may become essential in multilingual areas. A Creole develops from a pidgin when the pidgin becomes the mother tongue of the community. To cope with the consequent expansion of communicative functions, the vocabulary is increased and the grammar is elaborated. There are about thirty-five English-based pidgins and Creoles, Englishbased because they draw heavily on English vocabulary.6 They can be divided into Atlantic and Pacific varieties. The Atlantic varieties are linked to West African languages. They were established in West Africa and also developed in the Caribbean as a result of the slave trade when slaves speaking different West African languages were deliberately mixed on the transport ships and in the Caribbean plantations to reduce the risk of rebellions. The Pacific varieties developed later, mainly in the nineteenth century, and continue to flourish in Hawaii, Papua New Guinea (where the pidgin is called Tok Pisin), and other Pacific islands. A pidgin may be creolized, becoming a mother tongue for some of its speakers, as happened in many areas of the Caribbean and has been happening to a limited extent with Tok Pisin in Papua New Guinea. A Creole may be decreolized, when speakers adopt features of standard English, as is common in Jamaica and in Hawaii; it may be repidginized through use as a link language in contact areas, as has been occurring to Krio of Sierra Leone, or it may develop as a language in its own right, as has happened to Sranan, an English-based Creole in Surinam, which has survived in the absence of a standard English. Recreolization may also take effect, a process that seems to be happening in London Jamaican, whose speakers were born in Britain and can speak their regional British English but have adopted features different from, though influenced by, Jamaican Creole. Where a Creole and the standard variety of English coexist, as in the Caribbean, there is a continuum from the most extreme form of Creole to the form that is closest to the standard language. Linguists mark off the relative positions on the Creole continuum as the basilect (the furthest from the standard language), the mesolect, and the acrolect. In such situations, most Creole speakers can vary their speech along the continuum and many are also competent in the standard English of their country.7



1.6 English as an international language

The pre-eminence of English for international communication is in part indebted to the spread of English (outlined in 1.3-5) as a first or second language for internal communication in numerous countries that were once part of the British Empire. The role of English as an international language has gathered momentum since the end of the Second World War through the economic and military global dominance of the United States and the resources it deploys for scientific and technological progress. The United States remains by far the richest country in the world as measured by gross domestic product, which amounted in 1992 to 5,905 billion dollars, compared with 3,508 billion for Japan, its nearest rival.8 In developing countries, English is regarded as the language of modernization and technological advancement. Most of the world's scientific and technical journals are in English. It is commonly required for international trade and at international conferences, and is the official medium for communication at sea and in the air. Television programmes in English are viewed in many countries where English is a foreign language, and when demonstrators wish to achieve the maximum international impact they chant and display their slogans in English.9 The English taught to foreign learners is generally British or American English in their standard varieties. Except for pronunciation the differences between the two are relatively minor, as indeed they are between the standard varieties in any of the countries where English is the majority first language. The mass media are ensuring, if anything, the smoothing of differences and are encouraging reciprocal influences, though the influence of American English is predominant. Despite some trivial variation in spelling and punctuation, and some more important variation in vocabulary, the standard first-language varieties of written English are remarkably homogeneous. Predictions that they will diverge to become mutually unintelligible are implausible. It is reasonable to speak of an international standard written English. It is also reasonable to speak of an international standard spoken English if we limit ourselves to the more formal levels and if we ignore pronunciation differences. Even pronunciation differences—which of course exist within each national variety—do not constitute a major obstacle, once speakers have tuned into each other's system of pronunciation. The situation in countries where English is primarily a second language is fluid and varies. In the past these countries have looked to British or American English for language norms. But there are indications that in some countries—such as India, Nigeria, and Singapore—local models of English are being sought that are based on their own educated varieties. This nativization of English augurs well for the continued use of English for internal functions in those countries. At present, there are no established and generally acknowledged standard varieties in second-language countries. As a result, teachers and examiners are uncertain as to the norms towards which teaching should be geared: those of



the evolving local standard or those of some external standard. In some areas the insecurity of teachers is exacerbated by inadequacies in their acquisition of English. Institutionalization of national standards will require research by grammarians and lexicographers into the language of educated speakers and the agreement of educational and governmental authorities.10 The standard will then be codified in dictionaries, grammars, and usage guides, and incorporated in textbooks and in school and college examinations. The likelihood is that, as in Britain and the United States, only a minority will be fully competenfin the national standard and that there will be a continuum of non-standard variation linked to it. We may hope that the new national standards will take their place as constituents of an International Standard English, preserving the essential unity of English as an international language and therefore its continuing value for that role. The continuance of English as a second language or its demotion to a foreign language depends on government policies. In some countries the decision has been taken to promote a local language as the national language to the detriment of the role of English in administration and education. Thus, Swahili is being promoted in Tanzania, Bahasa Malaysia in Malaysia, Burmese in Burma, and Filipino in the Philippines. But governmental policies can change, as they have in some countries—at least for higher education—where the decline of English has been viewed with concern and the need has been accepted for an elite that is proficient in English. It is likely, however, that in some countries English will no longer be used for internal purposes. The lack of a legal official status need not in itself affect all the uses to which English is put within second-language countries. After all, English is not an official language in the United States, though there are current moves to designate it as such. The present role of English as an international language derives from its geographical spread and the prestige and practical value it has acquired through the United States in the last few decades. It cannot be attributed to the intrinsic superiority of English over potential other candidates. It is possible to point to some features that appear to make English easier to learn than some other languages. English has few inflections, so foreign learners do not have to memorize declensions and conjugations. It has natural rather than grammatical gender, so learners do not need to memorize the gender of each noun and do not have to cope with ensuring gender agreement between the noun and an accompanying article or adjective. For most Europeans at least, the Germanic and Romance elements that constitute the bulk of English vocabulary provide welcome help. On the other hand, the absence of inflections has increased the importance of prepositions and the burden of memorizing the preposition that goes with a particular verb, noun, or adjective in a particular meaning: look at and look to, pride in and proud of, afraid of and alarmed at. English also confronts the learner with a multitude of idiomatic combinations, particularly verbs with adverbs; get by, do in, turn up, make out. The frequent absence of correlation between pronunciation and spelling is a serious obstacle for learning to read and write (cf. Chapter 12).



There is no method of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of English in cofliparison with other languages for foreign learners. Ultimately their motivation for learning English is pragmatic, depending on the value they expect to gain from doing so.

The Standard Language 1.7 E n g l i s h Standard English is the national variety of the language inasmuch as it is not restricted to any region within the country. It is taught throughout the education system, and is identified with educated English. It is the public language of official communication—in central and local government, in parliament and the law courts, and generally in the mass media. It is preeminently the language of printed matter; indeed, only the standard language has an established orthography. It is the variety that is taught to foreign learners. No English-speaking country has a language academy to monitor changes in the standard language and to pronounce on their acceptability. To some extent the functions of an academy have been adopted by writers on usage in newspaper columns or in guides to usage.11 Grammars of English focus on the standard language, paying minimal attention to differences in non-standard varieties—partly because there has been less research in those varieties and partly because grammars of the standard language have applications in the teaching of English to foreigners. Except for specialized dictionaries of dialect and slang, dictionaries too encode the standard language. Although they generally proclaim themselves to be descriptive, in practice they evaluate through their usage labels and they often include notes on usage problems.12 National standard varieties in countries where English is a first language are remarkably homogeneous, particularly in written English. The homogeneity is explained by their common descent from the British English of the seventeenth century. It is only in the late eighteenth century that the United States—the first of the states originally settled by British colonists—began to develop its own language norms. The influence of print, and more recently of radio, television, and film, have contributed to prevent the national standards of English-speaking countries from drifting far apart. If anything, under these influences and the ease of international travel the national standards have tended to converge.



1.8 Variation in standard English

A major characteristic of standard varieties is that they admit relatively less variation than non-standard varieties. Nevertheless, their uniformity should not be overstated. There are of course the well-known usage disputes: Whom do you want? and Who do you want?; It is I and It is me; hopefully in the sense 'I hope that'; different from, different to, and different than. Such variants represent changes in progress within the standard variety that have not been accepted by all speakers or that have not spread across the informal—formal continuum. But most variants are noticed only by English language specialists. In the following pairs, the [a] sentence is probably satisfactory for all English speakers, whereas the [b] sentence may be considered odd by some: [la] Who (or whom) did they give the prize to? [lb] Who (or whom) did they give the prize? [2a] I want you to say nothing about it. [2b] I want that you should say nothing about it. [3a] They're keeping an open mind on the appointment. [3b] They're keeping open minds on the appointment. [4a] That looks like being the best solution. [4b] That looks to be the best solution. [5a] My family donated to the college a well-equipped gymnasium. [5b] My family donated the college a well-equipped gymnasium.

A different kind of variation within standard English relates to the choices available for different uses.13 One dimension of use is the type of activity engaged in through language. Varieties defined by this dimension are sometimes termed registers, though the term is also extended to use varieties of all dimensions. Instructions typically resort to imperatives, as in cooking recipes: Bring to the boil, then pour over the meat rather than You should bring . . . Also typical is the omission of the direct object: Bring to the boil rather than Bring the gravy to the boil. Such omissions are also usual for instructions on labels: Do not freeze, Stand upright, Keep out of reach of children. We can immediately recognize as legal language the following sentence extracted from the instructions accompanying the issue of a credit card: No delay by the Bank in debiting the Account for any Card Use or part thereof shall affect or prejudice the Bank's right to do so subsequently.

The sentence illustrates prescriptive shall, archaic thereof, and the legal sense of prejudice. The unusual capitalization of Account and Card Use is conspicuous. The vocabulary items convey unmistakably the provenance of the sentence. Many registers have been recognized apart from the language of recipes and the language of legal documents. For example: literary language, religious language, academic prose (including scientific writing), technical writing,



business writing, the language of advertising, the language of newspaper headlines, journalistic writing. When such specialized registers irritate nonspecialists by their obscurity, they are sometimes referred to by pejoratives such as journalese, officialese, gobbledygook, legalese, computerese. More generally, they are disparagingly called jargons.14 Another dimension is the medium: whether the communication is in speech or in writing. Most speech is in the form of dialogue, an instantaneous interaction not occurring in writing. Most dialogue is spontaneous conversation, contrasting with the planning and revision that is usually possible in writing. Speech communicates also through intonation and paralinguistic features and when the participants are visible to each other also through body language. On the other hand, there are some punctuation and graphic features that are unique to the written language. (See also 11.1.) A third dimension is the formality of the language. The appropriate choices depend on the attitude of the speaker (or writer) to the listener (or reader), to the topic, and to the purpose of the communication. Much vocabulary is neutral in this dimension. Here is an opening sentence of a formal, coldly distant letter: Further to my letter of 10 December 1993, the Interest Review Unit have considered your representations.

A more friendly and more informal letter would have begun: Thank you very much for your reply to my letter of 10 December 1993. The Interest Review Unit have taken account of what you have written.

Contrast the casualness of Sorry about what I said with the more formal and polite I apologize for my remarks.

The three dimensions—type of activity, medium, and level of formality— overlap. Most speech tends to the less formal end of the formality continuum. Legal documents are necessarily in writing and are generally formal. Scientific articles in learned journals are formal, though popular scientific articles are much less so. The young discipline of computer science is happier with greater informality.

1.9 English

Correct English is the notion of correctness applied to standard English. It is legitimate to speak of mistakes in the use of standard English affecting spelling, punctuation, vocabulary choice, and grammar. At the same time, there are a relatively few disputed usages, and about those there may be legitimate disagreements on which variant is correct. More controversial are views that would extend the notion of correctness to pronunciation. Standard English in the sense of the term used in this book may be pronounced by a variety of accents. The nearest to a non-localizable



British accent is Received Pronunciation or RP (also known more popularly as BBC English, Oxford English, or the Queen's English), an accent with some variability used by those in the upper socio-economic ranges in England (cf. 10.6). All English-speaking countries have accents that are indicative of the socio-economic class of the speakers. In some countries, these vary regionally. For example, in the United States there is no non-localizable upper-class accent, but presenters in the major networks use a homogenized accent (Network English) that avoids regional associations. Also controversial is the view that children should be taught to speak standard English as well as write it. Most educationists—though not all those in authority over education—advocate tolerance of non-standard dialects and all accents in speech while encouraging the acquisition of written standard English. They similarly support the maintenance of bilingualism, viewing the retention of an immigrant language as a valuable asset. Just as English cannot claim intrinsic superiority as the reason for its international role, so the choice of the dialect that developed into our present standard English was not motivated by its superiority over other dialects of the period. It originated in the dialect that was common in London in the fifteenth century. London educated speech was a mixture of dialects among which predominated the East Midlands dialect, which was spoken by more people than any other dialect. The London dialect was a supra-regional dialect that reflected the status of London as the seat of the royal court and the political, judicial, and commercial capital of the country. Had it not been for the Norman Conquest, the standard language might have arisen from the Wessex dialect, which because of the dominance of the West Saxon kingdom under King Alfred and his successors had become the literary language. The London dialect was not intrinsically superior to other dialects of the fifteenth century, and any other dialect or mixture of dialects might have suited just as well as the basis from which the standard language emerged. However, because of the functions it has been required to fulfil, standard English has become elaborated in grammar and vocabulary to an extent far beyond any of the non-standard dialects. In particular it alone can be used for the range of writing that is essential in a modern society.

1.10 GOOCI E n f f l l S h

Good English is sometimes equated with correct English, but the two concepts should be differentiated. Correct English is conformity to the norms of the standard language. Good English is good use of the resources available in the language. In that sense we can use a non-standard dialect well and we can use the standard language badly. By good English we may mean language used effectively or aesthetically: language that conveys clearly and appropriately what is intended and language



that is pleasing to the listener or reader. In the last few decades, lack of clarity in government writing and legal documents has been the target of movements for plain English in several English-speaking countries and they have achieved some successes in promoting legislation and in changing the attitudes of governments and businesses. By good English we may also mean language used ethically. Commentators have highlighted and criticized doublespeak, the dishonest language employed by some political and military leaders to conceal their actions by obfuscations or to manipulate their followers in explaining away their policies. Protection is in some instances offered through legislation or overseeing agencies to prevent advertisers from lying about products or services. Bad language is usually equated with swearing, which violates taboos against certain expressions referring (in the main) to sex and excretion. The use of swear-words and tolerance of their use have varied across time, region, and social class. In most countries where English is a majority first language greater tolerance has been extended in recent decades to swearing and obscenities when they occur in realistic portrayals of characters in literature, film, and television drama. But the taboos generally remain in force for at least their use by children as well as by adults where both sexes are present, particularly in middle-class society or on public formal occasions. Swearing by politicians and sports celebrities still evokes scandalized comments, even when not intended for public hearing. Recent decades have seen a heightened awareness of another aspect of bad language. Attention has been drawn to language that is likely to give offence to particular groups and that might result in discrimination against them. As a result, positive or neutral expressions have been offered to replace language considered sexist or racist and nomenclature considered hurtful to those with physical or psychological disabilities. Excesses in the advocacy of such replacements have given rise to the disparaging terms political correctness and politically correct. The politically correct movement—particularly strong in American universities—has been viewed by many outside it as repressive and punitive and has evoked protest and ridicule. There is now a vocabulary of terms in -ism and -ist to denote behaviour and attitudes that are considered to be offensively discriminatory and that refer to people who are thought to be prejudiced or to discriminate. In addition to the well-established terms racism and sexism, we can find designations such as ableism (discrimination in favour of able-bodied people), ageism (discrimination on grounds of age), animalism (discrimination against animals), classism (discrimination on grounds of social class), handism (discrimination against the left-handed), heterosexism (discrimination against homosexuals), lookism (discrimination because of a person's looks), sizism (discrimination because of a person's size). Among expressions that have been coined, or given greater currency, to avoid language that was thought to be prejudicial are humankind ('mankind'), humans or human beings (generic 'man'), chair or chairperson ('chairman'), flight attendant ('steward' or 'stewardess'), supervisor ('foreman'), gender



reassignment ('sex change'), differently abled ('handicapped'). Compounds with challenged—such as physically challenged ('crippled') and intellectually challenged ('unintelligent')—have been created to denote people who suffer from disabilities or to refer to the disabilities themselves, since disabled and handicapped were felt to be objectionable. This compounding has given rise to jocular inventions, such as sartorially challenged applied to a British politician who is notorious for slovenly clothing. The perception, promoted by the feminist movement, that English has an in-built bias against women has had the most repercussions, and some of the proposals for change have won wide acceptance in several of the countries where English is a majority first language. In particular, the generic use of man and men to include women is now avoided. Whereas the American Declaration of Independence asserted in 1776 that 'all men are created equal', as far back as 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights declared unambiguously that 'All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights'. One major target for attack has been a feature in grammar. English has a gender distinction for the third person singular pronoun: masculine he and feminine she. It does not have a gender-neutral singular pronoun when generic reference is intended to include both men and women. Numerous proposals, reaching back more than a hundred years, have been offered for an epicene pronoun; for example: thon, tey, en. None has gained acceptance. The present fluidity of usage may be seen in extracts from the 1990 regulations of a School in the University of London. The first citation follows the traditional prescription to use the masculine: [1]

No student will be admitted to any course until he has paid the requisite fees. [W2D-007-7]

This use has been denounced as reinforcing the stereotype of men as dominant and in some contexts (for example, job advertisements) it may be interpreted as excluding women. The alternatives he or she (sometimes written s/he, him/her, his/her) may serve as a satisfactory substitute: [2]

No student is allowed to register or study concurrently for more than one examination of the University of London or of the School unless he or she has previously obtained in writing the permission of the Director of the SchOOl. [W2D-007-11]

If alternative forms are needed more than once, the result can be clumsy: [3]

A candidate who wishes to enter the School before his or her eighteenth birthday may be asked to write to state his or her reasons. [W2D-007-45J

Resort can be had instead to they, them, or their as generic singulars, a common usage in speech: [4]

This certificate lists the four courses for which the student was registered, showing letter grade assessments of their work over the year and grades for their examination performance. [W2D-OO7-76]



Some people object to this use of the they-pronouns as singulars, despite the convenience. Another method is to use the plural throughout, thereby sanctioning the use of they. [5]

Students failing to disclose this fact are liable to have their registration cancelled. [W2D-007-13]

Or to avoid using pronoun forms: [6]

Every student is allocated a tutor, who will advise in the selection of courses and act throughout the session as supervisor. [W2r>007-70]

In [6] the direct object pronoun has been omitted after advise, and possessive pronouns have been omitted before courses and supervisor. Some writers—usually women writers—have employed a mixture of stratagems, including the use of she as a generic. Professor Jean Aitchison, a linguist, explicitly mentions this in the preface to a recent book: [7]

One further point: in this edition, I have tried to avoid the sexist linguistic usages found in the earlier versions, which misleadingly implied in places that only males of our species could talk. I have done this partly by using the plural (people instead of he), partly by using indefinites (a person, anyone) followed by a plural pronoun (if anyone is surprised, they should see how increasingly common this usage is), and partly by interchanging he and she in places where a neutral between sexes pronoun is required. [Jean Aitchison, Teach Yourself Linguistics (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1992), p. viii.]

The previous edition was published in 1987, only five years earlier. It is likely that people will continue to choose from the existing variants rather than adopt a new pronoun and that they will increasingly become acceptable as the generic singular even in formal style.15

Chapter 2 The Scope and Nature of Grammar Summary

What is grammar? (2.1-3) 2.1 Types of grammar books 23 2.2 Descriptive and prescriptive grammar 24


Theories of grammar 25

Chomsky and theoretical linguistics (2.4-6) 2.4 Grammar In the mind 26 2.5 Transformational-generative grammar 29


Grammatical and acceptable


The tradition of English grammatical writing 37

The study of grammar (2.7-9) 2.7 2.8

The data for grammar 35 Reasons for studying grammar




Chapter 2 Summary The word grammar is used variously, both in everyday language and as a technical term. It may refer to a book or to the contents of a book. Its scope may be restricted to syntax (the ways in which words combine into structures of phrases, clauses, and sentences) or it may include many other aspects of language. Grammars may be primarily intended as reference works or as textbooks; they may be aimed at native speakers or foreign learners. Descriptive grammar describes the rules of the language objectively whereas prescriptive grammar evaluates and advises. In one technical sense, a grammar is a theory of language description that can be applied to individual languages. Universal grammar concerns the properties that are common to all human languages. Traditional grammar adopts terms and approaches to language description, derived from Latin grammars, that were common in previous centuries. The most influential—and controversial—figure in theoretical linguistics in recent times has been Noam Chomsky, who conceives the goal of linguistics to be a description of the mental grammar of native speakers: the system of rules and principles that characterize the mental structures that underlie their ability to speak and understand their language. Chomsky hypothesizes that human beings have an innate language faculty that enables children to acquire a mental grammar quickly when they are exposed to a particular language. The object of research is the linguistic competence of the ideal native speaker, who knows the language perfectly, which is to be distinguished from linguistic performance. Grammaticality is related to competence, whereas acceptability is related to performance. Sentences may be unacceptable for various reasons; for example, because they are factually or logically nonsensical or because they are stylistically clumsy. Technically, a sentence is ungrammatical only in relation to a particular model of grammar; it is ungrammatical if that grammar does not account for it as a grammatical sentence of the language. For their data, linguists may draw on samples of actual use of the language, their own knowledge of the language, and judgements about the language elicited from native speakers. Theoretical linguists have tended to rely solely on introspection and their own evaluations. The study of language has a strong claim to be included in the curriculum as part of general knowledge. There are also applications for the study of language generally and for the study of syntax in particular. The tradition of English grammatical writing is based on the Latin grammars that were produced in the medieval and renaissance periods. Their influence persists in current terminology and approaches to grammar.


What is Grammar? 2.1 Ol

The word grammar is used in a number of ways. It may refer to a book, in bOOlCS which case a grammar is analogous to a dictionary. And just as we have many English dictionaries, which vary in the number of their entries and the quality of their definitions, so we have many English grammars (or grammar books), which vary in their coverage and their accuracy. The largest English dictionary is the scholarly twenty-volume Oxford English Dictionary, which traces the history of words and their meanings. Similarly, there are large scholarly grammars, notably the seven-volume Modern English Grammar on Historical Principles, published at intervals between 1909 and 1949 and still consulted by scholars, and the more recent Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, published in 1985, that extends to nearly 1,800 pages.1 In the concrete sense of the word grammar, a grammar is a book of one or more volumes. We of course also use grammar for the contents of the book. When we compare grammars for their coverage and accuracy, we are referring to the contents of the book: a grammar is a book on grammar, just as a history is a book on history. Grammars vary in their coverage. They are sometimes restricted to syntax, the ways in which words combine into structures of phrases, clauses, and sentences. But grammars may also include descriptions of one or more other aspects of language: morphology (the internal structure of words), wordformation (how new words are formed from more basic elements), phonetics (the possible sounds and sound patterns), phonology (the distinctive sounds and sound patterns), orthography (the conventional spellings), vocabulary, semantics (the meanings of words and sentences), and pragmatics (the interpretation of utterances in their contexts). This grammar treats all these aspects of language, but the term grammar is used in Chapters 3-5 in a common popular and technical usage as a synonym of syntax. A distinction is often made between a reference grammar and a pedagogical grammar. Like a dictionary, a reference grammar is intended for individual consultation; it is not expected to be read or studied from beginning to end. Some reference grammars resemble dictionaries closely in being organized alphabetically rather than (as is usual) thematically. Pedagogical grammars, on the other hand, are textbooks, chiefly intended for class use under the guidance of a teacher. The material in pedagogical grammars is graded according to the level and ability of the expected users and is generally presented in sections that can reasonably be absorbed within a class period. A topic is usually revisited in later sections in greater detail. It is assumed that sections will be studied in consecutive order. In practice, the distinction between these two types of grammars is not always clear-cut. Reference grammars—or chapters from them—are



sometimes used in class, and the more advanced pedagogical grammars may explicitly aim to serve also as reference works. Some pedagogical grammars are intended additionally—or chiefly—for self-study. Further distinctions can be drawn that apply to both pedagogical and reference grammars. Some English grammars are primarily intended for native speakers and others primarily for,non-native learners. And just as there are bilingual dictionaries, so there are grammars of English that point out problems for (say) German or Swedish speakers or interesting contrasts with what occurs in their own language. Finally, grammars have different general objectives and their readers differ in their interests. Some readers study grammar because they wish to improve their use of the language. Others feel themselves competent in the language and are interested, or also interested, in learning about the language—in studying grammar for its own sake and not necessarily for practical applications.

2.2 Descriptive and prescriptive grammar

A distinction is often made between descriptive grammar and prescriptive grammar. Descriptive grammar attempts to describe the rules of the language objectively, accounting for what actually occurs. Prescriptive grammar is evaluative, guiding readers as to what is correct or incorrect. For example, a prescriptive grammar may prescribe that none takes a singular verb or it may allow either singular or plural; it may proscribe the adverb badly after a copula verb as in We feel badly about it (insisting on the adjective bad), can in the permission sense as Can I leave now? (requiring may instead), and like as a conjunction in They behaved like they know me (prescribing as if). Prescriptive grammar focuses on phenomena that are in divided usage in standard English, such as whether data is to be treated as singular or plural, or features that occur chiefly in non-standard usage, such as the multiple negation in / didn't say nothing about nobody (corresponding to / didn 't say anything about anybody in standard English). Evaluations as to what is correct or incorrect are intended for those who want to use standard English and are unsure about particular points. Evaluations may vary, since prescriptive writers rely largely on their own feelings. They do not necessarily accept evidence of what most educated people use or even of the usage of those considered to be the best writers or speakers. Guides to usage are predominantly prescriptive. Many grammars contain both descriptive and prescriptive rules. The most sensitive guides and grammars point to stylistic variation, noting (for example) that the conjunction like is common in speech in standard English but not in writing. Pedagogical grammars are inherently prescriptive when their purpose is to tell



their users—for example, foreign learners of English—what to say or write, but the best are based on accurate descriptions of current uses. Descriptive grammars that are concerned with stylistic variation sometimes refer to prescriptive rulings, since the rulings reflect attitudes to usages that may result in stylistic restrictions; for example, confinement of the usages to speech or to formal writing. Descriptive grammars generally describe the standard variety, though some may occasionally refer to different practices in non-standard varieties. In recent decades, major reference grammars of English have dealt with both the American and the British national standards, sometimes noting differences in other national standards. Descriptive grammars that are restricted to descriptions of standard varieties may be viewed as covertly prescriptive in that by ignoring non-standard varieties they implicitly downgrade their value. It is possible to formulate grammars of non-standard varieties, though there is greater variation in these varieties.2

2.3 Theories of grammar

Every grammatical description presupposes an underlying theory, though many descriptions do not make their theoretical basis explicit and some are eclectic in drawing on more than one theory. In one technical sense, a grammar is a theory of language description. Grammatical theories make assumptions about the nature of natural languages (the languages that human beings acquire naturally, as opposed to artificial languages, such as computer languages), present goals for describing them, and develop methods of argumentation, formulation, and explanation. Among the many current general theories of language are Transformational-Generative Grammar, Tagmemic Grammar, Systemic Grammar, and Word Grammar. Some designations refer to a set of theories that share objectives but differ in many important respects. For example, generative grammars include Government and Binding Theory, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar, and LexicalFunctional Grammar. Grammatical theories are applied to the descriptions of individual languages. Sometimes the purpose of the application is to develop the theory, to demonstrate how the theoretical framework can cope with the language data and to investigate what changes in the theory are required for it to be successful. Universal grammar concerns the properties that are common to all human languages (including potential languages) and that may therefore be taken to be defining and necessary properties of human language. In another approach, requiring studies of large numbers of languages, language universals may be absolute without exceptions (for example, that all languages have nouns), or there may be universal tendencies that admit a relatively few



exceptions (for example, that the basic word order is for the subject to appear before the object in a sentence, in the sequences subject-verb-object or subject-object-verb or verb-subject-object). Typological linguistics is the study of the characteristics shared by groups of languages (for example, that in one language type the subject normally precedes the verb whereas in another type it normally follows the verb) even though the languages are not necessarily related historically. On the othqr hand, historical linguistics (also called comparative grammar) deals with the characteristics of languages that are related historically, and traces the development of families of languages from a common source or traces the development of individual languages. Traditional grammar adopts the approaches and descriptive categories used, particularly in school grammars, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Traditional grammars describe solely, or chiefly, the written language and are indebted to Latin grammars for some of their analyses of English. Scholarly reference grammars of the first half of the twentieth century, such as the major work by Otto Jespersen (cf. n. 1), have also been considered traditional grammars. Traditional grammars typically make use of notional criteria; for example, defining a noun as the name of a person, place, or thing rather than by formal criteria such as that nouns typically take plural inflections or that they typically may be introduced by the. Grammars that make frequent use of notional definitions are notional grammars. A distinction is sometimes drawn between formal grammars and functional grammars. Formal grammars describe the formal rules and structures of the language. Functional grammars also describe how the language is used, taking account of communicative purposes and of stylistic and social factors.

Chomsky and Theoretical Linguistics 2.4 G r d l T I I T I d r 111 t h 6 |f|jnd

During the last forty years, the most influential figure in theoretical linguistics ^ e e n Noam Chomsky. Even linguists who oppose his views have been influenced by them and have been compelled to react to them. Chomsky conceives the goal of linguistics to be a description of the internalized grammar of native speakers—their mental grammar. This is the knowledge of rules and principles that underlies their ability to speak and understand their language. It is an unconscious knowledge and is to be




distinguished from the conscious knowledge that we obtain if we study grammar. As native speakers, we acquire our unconscious knowledge through exposure to the language during childhood. We do not need to study grammar to be able to communicate in our own language. After all, people were speaking and writing English long before the first English grammars appeared at the end of the sixteenth century. In any case, though English is the language that has been most intensively researched^ linguists are nowhere near to having uncovered a complete grammar of English, so it would not be possible to learn all the highly complex rules even if we could imagine making use of conscious knowledge of them as we speak. Chomsky draws a distinction between competence in language and performance in language. Competence is the underlying knowledge, whereas performance is the actual use made of that knowledge. Performance is affected by factors that are assumed to have nothing to do with language; for example, limitations on memory and a person's mental state at the time. Chomsky restricts the goal of linguistics to a description of linguistic competence. Since mental grammars are not directly observable, evidence for a description of competence must be derived from some aspects of performance, such as the judgements of native speakers on whether the constructions are ambiguous and on whether a set of sentences are similar in meaning. Chomsky's belief that progress in linguistics requires researchers to concentrate on competence is controversial and so are his views on what data constitute evidence for his theory. Chomsky's conception of competence in most of his work is restricted to the knowledge that enables a native speaker to produce an indefinitely large number of sentences, some of which are novel in the sense that they do not replicate sentences that the speaker (and perhaps anybody else) has produced before. For example, it is unlikely that the previous sentence has ever been written in exactly that wording. Many linguists have argued that competence should include (for example) knowing how to use sentences in context, since that knowledge may affect the form of sentences (particularly their intonation) and the interpretation of sentences. In his more recent work, Chomsky has implicitly taken account of some of this criticism. We can assume that individual speakers of the language have different mental grammars. It is obvious, for example, that people vary in the number of words they know and the meanings they ascribe to them. We might expect them to vary also in the range of constructions that they can use and understand. Chomsky is not concerned with language variation. For him the goal of linguistic description is a description of the ideal speaker-hearer's intrinsic competence. Just as a perfect dictionary would ignore the limitations on the knowledge of actual speakers (and of course all our present incomplete dictionaries discount those limitations), so a perfect grammar must ignore the limitations and idiosyncrasies in their actual grammars. Linguists have traditionally generalized, abstracting from variation in use, but this abstraction has been carried to great lengths by Chomsky and his followers. Chomsky claims psychological reality for the formulations of his theory. His grammar is intended to represent the mental grammar of the native



speaker. The model of this mental grammar that the theory constructs undergoes changes as additional data are discovered and accounted for, and the theory may need to be amended drastically. At one time, it was thought that the rules postulated for the grammar would correspond to the mental operations in the production and recognition of speech, but attempts to find evidence for the psychological reality of the rules in the encoding-decoding processes have been frustrated. Psychological reality is claimed only for the representation of the knowledge of the rules. But that claim is highly significant, for it asserts that a successful representation reflects the structure of that part of the human mind that deals with language. Chomsky also claims that his theory explains how children acquire the ability to speak at an early age despite the complexity of the rules and despite their exposure to fragmentary and imperfect data. Children hear incomplete sentences, hesitations, and false starts, and yet are able to construct an internalized grammar that abstracts from the data that they are exposed to. Chomsky hypothesizes that human beings have a language faculty separate from other mental faculties. This faculty—referred to as universal grammar— is species-specific (limited to human beings) and innate. Because children are equipped with this innate faculty, they are able to construct an internalized grammar quickly when they are exposed to a particular language. Many psychologists and linguists are sceptical of the belief that there is a language faculty distinct from other structures of the mind. They view linguistic knowledge as part of general knowledge, and consider that language acquisition as well as language processing should be investigated within the same framework as other types of cognitive acquisition and processing. According to Chomsky, the principles required to abstract from the raw data to construct an internalized grammar are universal, pertaining to universal grammar. Chomsky and his followers have been exploring the extent to which rules can be assigned to universal grammar, reducing what needs to be described for individual languages. It is hypothesized that in addition to innate absolute universals that are common to all languages, there is also an innate set of parameters that vary among languages. When exposed to a particular language, children have to recognize which settings of parameters are applicable to that language. One parametric setting (or value) allows an unstressed subject pronoun to be dropped in a language such as Hebrew—but not in English—and the same setting regularly marks the verb with the person and the number (and in some instances the gender) of the subject. Another parametric variation applies to the ordering of verbs and objects. In languages such as English, the verb ordinarily comes before the object, but the reverse order is normal in a language such as Japanese. Research into parametric variation has been making important contributions to linguistic typology, though the psychological underpinning is not generally accepted. Not all linguistic theories present claims for the psychological reality of their grammar. Some theories have a sociological bias, striving to explain the functions of language in human interaction. Other theories have practical aims, attempting descriptions that can be best applied to teaching of languages



to foreign learners, to translations, or to natural language processing on computers. Some theories, such as Chomsky's, make claims for the truth of their grammars. Others are happy to be judged by criteria such as economy, simplicity, and elegance or by the successes they achieve when they are applied in other fields.3

2.5 Transformationalgenerative grammar

Chomsky's theory is a type of transformational-generative grammar, first advocated in his classic work Syntactic Structures (published in 1957) and modified in various stages. Generate is a term introduced into linguistics from mathematics, where it means 'provide a precise specification for membership in a set'. A generative grammar is intended to specify precisely the membership of the set of all the grammatical sentences in the language, excluding from the set all the possible ungrammatical sentences. It is a formal grammar that ideally consists of all the rules required to specify the structures, interpretations, and pronunciation of all the grammatical sentences. Informal grammars rely heavily on the knowledge of the language possessed by their users to fill gaps in the specifications. In a generative grammar the specifications are of the kind that would be required by computer programs. The formulations of rules in Chomsky's theory have changed radically, but an early formulation may illustrate what is meant by precise specification. The very simple set of rules in [1] generates a large number of sentence structures: [1]


S -> NP + VP


NP -> (Det) + (Adj) + N


VP -> V + (NP)

These are rewrite (or expansion) rules for phrase structure. The rules are instructions for rewriting the symbol on the left of the arrow as a string of one or more symbols on the right of the arrow. The symbols stand for Sentence, Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Determiner, Adjective, Verb, and Noun. Rule (i) is read as 'Rewrite S as NP plus VP'. Put informally, rule (i) specifies that a Sentence consists of a Noun Phrase and a Verb Phrase. Rule (ii) specifies that the Noun Phrase is a Noun preceded optionally by a Determiner and/or an Adjective. Rule (iii) specifies that the Verb Phrase consists of a Verb plus an optional following Noun Phrase. NP in rule (iii) allows the second application of rule (ii). Many complexities are here omitted; for example, that nouns may be singular or plural, verbs may be present or past, and adjectives may be comparative or superlative. The lexicon (ideal mental dictionary) has a list of all the possible words in the language, their word category, and the structures they can fit in. Some examples, again in a highly simplified version, are given in [2]:





a, the


clever, large, old, tall


book, child, man, Norman, Sheila


bought, called, loved, saw, took

The combination of the rules in [1] and the vocabulary in [2] allows the following sentences, among many others: [3]

Norman loved Sheila. Sheila saw Norman. Sheila called the child. The tall man bought a book. The clever child took a large book.

The structures of the sentences in [3] are given by the rules in [1] and [2]. The organization is hierarchical in that the words are grouped into constituents of the sentences: Norman is an NP consisting of just an N; loved Sheila is a VP consisting of a V (loved) and an NP that in turn consists of just an N (Sheila). The constituent structure or phrase structure can be represented by a tree diagram, as in [4] (Fig. 2.5.1): Fig. 2.5.1 Tree diagram

A transformational grammar makes use of transformations to relate structures. Chomsky claimed that phrase structural rules alone were inadequate for language description and that transformational rules were also needed to capture generalizations and to provide simpler and more elegant descriptions. Four types of transformational rules were proposed: these change one structure into another by moving, inserting, deleting, and replacing items. The nature of these rules has changed in the various stages of Chomsky's work and they remain a matter of considerable controversy. A typical early transformation was the rule for changing an active sentence into a passive sentence. Though no longer a current rule, passivization is a



useful illustration of a transformation. Passivization converts the active sentence [5] into the passive sentence [6]: [5]

Martha may take the newspaper.


The newspaper may be taken by Martha. >

The transformation operates on the structural description [7] that specifies the structure to which the rule applies: [7] NPi—AUX—V—NP2 The structural change is shown in [8]: [8] NP2—AUX + be + en—V—by + NPi The rule involves several components of change, which can be illustrated for sentences [5] and [6]: 1. The second NP (the newspaper), which was the object of the verb in [5], is the subject of the verb in [6] and has accordingly been moved to the front of the sentence. 2. The first NP (Martha), which was the subject of the verb in [5], becomes part of a prepositional phrase introduced by the preposition by, and that phrase follows the verb. 3. May take, which consists of the auxiliary (AUX) may and the infinitive take, is expanded by the addition of a form of the auxiliary be (here simply be), and the main verb is changed into the passive participle form ending in -en (taken). Further rules apply, which will not be discussed here. For example, the choice of the verb be depends on the preceding auxiliary. In [9] it is been, in [10] being, and in [11] was: [9]

The newspaper has been taken by Martha.

[10] The newspaper is being taken by Martha. [11] The newspaper was taken by Martha.

The ending -en is an irregular inflection for the passive participle, which regularly ends in -ed: [12] The newspaper may be borrowed by Martha.

Other examples of irregular forms of the participle are illustrated in [13] and [14]: [13] The newspaper will be read by Martha. [14] The newspaper may have been torn by Martha.

The rules will also have to allow for the optional deletion of the by-phrase: [15] The newspaper may have been borrowed. The passive transformation was intended to capture the relationship between the active and the passive: the agent of the action (Martha), the thing affected by the action (the newspaper), and the action itself are the same in both [5] and [6]. The rules for the structures of constituents in the two



sentences are identical. The passivization rule obviates the need for repeating independently the structural rules and the selectional restrictions. Selectional restrictions disallow the co-occurrence of certain semantic'classes of words in specified syntactic relations. They exclude (for example) The newspaper may drink Martha and its passive Martha may be drunk by the newspaper. Early in his work, Chomsky postulated two levels of syntactic structure: deep structure and surface structure. The operation of phrase structure rules resulted in deep (or underlying) structure, and the operation of transformational rules on deep structure resulted in surface structure. Identical deep structures were posited for sets of sentences such as those in [16] I consider her my best friend. I consider her to be my best friend. [17] That you haven't ever met him is surprising. It is surprising that you haven't ever met him. [18] We have turned off all the lights. We have turned all the lights off. [19] She writes better than you write. She writes better than you do. She writes better than you.

On the other hand, sentences [20] and [21] are ambiguous. The ambiguities were said to reflect different deep structures. [20] Visiting relatives can be a nuisance. [21] It's too hot to eat.

The ambiguity of [20] is dissolved when we replace can be by is and are. [22] Visiting relatives is a nuisance. [23] Visiting relatives are a nuisance. In [22] visiting relatives can be paraphrased by 'to visit relatives', whereas in [23] it is synonymous with 'relatives who visit'. In [21] it can be the general pronoun found in It's sunny and It's raining, or it can refer to a baby or living animal, or it can refer to food. The ambiguities are revealed by expansions: [24] It ['the weather'] is too hot for us to eat anything. [25] It ['the dog'] is too hot for it to eat anything. [26] It ['the food'] is too hot for anyone to eat it.

In the sense of [25] the subject itin [21] is identical with the underlying subject of eat, whereas in the sense of [26] it is identical with the underlying object of eat. Traditional grammars devoted attention to many of the transformations posited in the earlier stages of transformational-generative grammar, though they did not set up a formal descriptive apparatus for the correspondences. They considered active sentences as basic, and passive sentences were described in relation to them. Similarly, negative sentences were related to positive sentences, and questions to statements. Research on transformations



has been valuable in discovering relationships between structures. However, most current linguistic theories have dispensed with transformational rules and do not recognize a distinction between surface and deep structure.4

2.6 Grammatical and acceptable

In everyday use, a sentence is said to be grammatical when it conforms to what are thought to be the norms of the language. Critics may condemn Tell it like it is as ungrammatical or not correct because like is being used as a conjunction, contrary to what they think is correct or proper in standard English. They may similarly condemn constructions such as people what live in this neighbourhood and It ain't right. As a technical term in linguistics, grammatical is used to designate conformity to the rules of a grammar based on a particular grammatical theory. Such a grammar applied to a non-standard dialect of English may include people what live in this neighbourhood as a grammatical construction. A generative grammar attempts in its formulations an explicit account of the rules that differentiate grammatical or well-formed sentences from ungrammatical, ill-formed, or deviant sentences. The boundaries between the well-formed and the ill-formed are fuzzy. It is obvious that Little a boy the ran street up is not an English sentence, but judgements among both linguists and non-linguists have differed on the status of sentences such as The talking about the problem saved her and / didn 't believe it, although Sid asserted that Max left. In their eagerness to reach the boundaries of the language, some generative linguists have discussed extremely clumsy sentences they thought should be included, such as Max wanted Ted to persuade Alex to get lost, and Walt, Ira. Judgements on whether sentences are well-formed or not are judgements on their acceptability. In a generative grammar, sentences are either grammatical or ungrammatical—either included by the rules or excluded. Acceptability, however, is scalar: not only are there disagreements among native speakers, but also they may evaluate certain sentences as neither completely acceptable nor completely unacceptable. Chomsky has maintained that grammaticality and acceptability are distinct concepts: grammaticality relates to competence, whereas acceptability relates to performance. A sentence may be unacceptable because of its length or complexity, reasons having to do with style or limitations on human memory. But such sentences are to be treated as grammatical because they cannot be excluded from the set of grammatical sentences without excluding acceptable sentences. For example, certain rules apply recursively and there is no obvious limit to the recursion. Examples of recursion are co-ordination in [1] and relative clauses in [2]: [1]

Peter is happy and Joan is tired and Carol is angry and Norman is cold and . . .




This is the man that hit the dog that bit the cat that ate the mouse that frightened the child that. . .

Since there is no definable limit to the number of co-ordinate or relative clauses, the grammar will allow an infinite number, but in practice nobody would continue to produce them indefinitely or be happy with sentences that went on too long. In certain types of embedding of relative clauses within other relative clauses, the degree of unacceptability increases with each recursion, but generative grammars may find it inappropriate or uneconomical to handle the increase in terms of grammaticality. Compare the differences in acceptability in [3], [4], and [5]: [3]

The woman who(m) the detective questioned lives in my apartment building and is an old friend of mine.


The woman who(m) the detective who(m) the students recognized questioned lives in my apartment building and is an old friend of mine.


The woman who(m) the detective who(m) the students who(m) I teach recognized questioned lives in my apartment building and is an old friend of mine.

Grammars vary in what types of unacceptability they can account for or want to account for. They tend to exclude types for which it is difficult or impossible to generalize. Sentences may be factually nonsensical, as in [6], or logically nonsensical, as in [7]: [6]

The earth is flat.

[7] Two and two are five.

Unacceptability may depend on one's beliefs: [8] His parents are atheists, and mine are eccentric too. We may reject a sentence because it seems implausible or absurd: [9]

Your daughter has just swallowed a whale.

But it is often possible to imagine contexts or interpretations where a sentence such as [9] makes sense; for example, the whale was a toy or cake in the form of a whale. Metaphorical uses override absurd literal interpretations. Sentences that are nonsensical under a normal interpretation are commonly found in children's literature, fables, and poetry. We might dismiss [10] as ridiculous, but a recent work of fiction fits the sentence into a plausible context: [10] Give the lad a happy story to drink.5


The Study of Grammar 2.7 TIlC dflt3 for Scholars researching into grammar can draw on a number of sources for their grammar data. One obvious source is examples of actual use of the language. The examples may be collected to investigate a particular point; for instance, negative constructions in English (I don't have any money, I have, no money, I think it's not right, I don't think it's right). These maybe collected systematically (for example by reading through a set of newspapers) or casually (by noting examples that one reads or hears) or by a combination of these two approaches. For the voluminous Oxford English Dictionary some 800 voluntary readers supplied citations on slips from their casual reading, which were added to the citations that were more systematically collected from specified early works. Scholarly grammarians in the first half of this century (such as Otto Jespersen, cf. n. 1) amassed enormous numbers of citation slips for their research. The recent availability of increasingly powerful small computers has promoted the creation of large corpora (collections of electronic texts) that are distributed internationally, providing data for researchers that were not involved in their compilation. A corpus may be limited in its scope (say, to dramatic texts or runs of particular newspapers) or it may attempt a wide coverage. Some English corpora now run into many millions of words. A few contain transcriptions of the spoken language, material that is not easily obtainable by individual researchers. Some corpora are annotated for grammatical or other features of the language, enabling researchers to retrieve such information as well as specified words or combinations of words. Corpus linguistics has become a major area of linguistic research. Studies in computer corpora have resulted in numerous publications. Corpus studies have obvious attractions for linguists who are not native speakers of the language, since they can be confident that their material is reliable. Those who are native speakers still find it useful to check corpora for their generalizations. Corpora are essential for studies of varieties of language, since differences between varieties are generally exhibited in the relative frequencies with which particular linguistic features occur. It may be a matter of chance whether relatively uncommon constructions or language features appear in even a very large corpus in sufficient quantities—or at all—to provide adequate evidence. Linguists can supplement corpus data by drawing on their own knowledge of the language. Indeed, it has been common practice among theoretical linguists in the last thirty years to rely solely on data drawn from introspection. They use their knowledge of the language to create a set of samples for their own investigation, and evaluate the samples for acceptability, similarities of



meaning, and ambiguities, and draw on their intuitions for decisions on grammatical structure. Linguists may be biased or unsure in their judgements. It has been a common practice to consult the judgements of others, often native informants who would not know the purpose of the investigations. Some linguists have devised elaborate elicitation procedures under controlled conditions, asking large groups of informants for their judgements or requiring them to perform specified tasks. For example, when 175 British informants were asked to complete a sentence beginning / badly, most of them used either need (65 per cent) or want (28 per cent), indicating that these were the favourite verbs when the intensifier badly was in pre-verb position. In another experiment, eighty-five American informants were asked to use probably with the sentence He can not drive a car; 70 per cent of them positioned it before the auxiliary can, evidence that this is its normal position in a negative sentence.

2.8 Reasons for studying grammar

From time to time there are public debates about the teaching of grammar in schools. Educational fashions change, and after a period of over twenty-five years since the formal teaching of grammar was abandoned in most state schools there have been recent calls in both Britain and the United States for the reintroduction of grammar teaching as part of'a return to basics'. There are sound arguments for teaching about language in general and the English language in particular. An understanding of the nature and functioning of language is a part of the general knowledge that we should have about ourselves and the world we live in. In this respect, linguistics deserves a place at all levels of the curriculum at least as much as (say) history, geography, or biology. For language is the major means by which we communicate with others and interact with them, and our attitudes to our own variety and the varieties of others affect our image of ourselves and of others. Linguistics is a central discipline that has bearings on many other disciplines: psychology, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, literature, and computer science. Vocational applications are found in areas as diverse as the teaching of foreign languages, speech therapy, and information technology. Study of the English language can help students develop their ability to adjust their language appropriately to different contexts. They should be aware of the expectations that standard English is the norm for public writing, and they will need to learn to adopt the conventions for public writing in grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation. Grammar (in the sense of 'syntax') is generally regarded as central to linguistics, and it should therefore be included in a linguistic curriculum on its own terms. Many educationists have denied that a study of grammar can improve the ability to write English correctly and effectively, but (as with all



subjects) it depends on what is taught and how it is taught. It would seem reasonable to suppose that written style can be improved through learning about the resources for grammatical structures, word order, and the devices for connecting sentences and paragraphs. Certainly, that kind of knowledge would be helpful at the editing stages to improve the style of earlier drafts and to correct grammatical errors. There are other applications of a knowledge of grammar both in and out of the classroom: the interpretation of texts—literary or non-literary— sometimes depends on grammatical analysis; recognition of grammatical structures is often required for punctuation; and a study of one's own grammar is helpful in studying the grammar of a foreign language.

2.9 The tradition of English grammatical writing

The Western tradition for the study of grammar derives from the Greek philosophers, who treated it in their discussions of logic and rhetoric, and the study was taken up by Roman scholars. This tradition continued in the works on Latin grammar that were produced in the medieval and renaissance periods, when Latin was the language of learning. The grammar that was taught in the early grammar schools in England was Latin grammar, not English grammar. The earliest known grammar of English was by William Bullokar, published in 1580, who wanted to show that English was as capable of grammatical analysis as was Latin. By 1800, a total of 112 grammars were published, excluding later editions. Most of these were slight, containing lists of letters and syllables and their pronunciation, definitions of parts of speech with their inflections, and treatments of punctuation and versification, and a very little on syntax. The traditional analyses for Latin grammar were generally applied to English grammar, including the Latin case names for nouns and the tenses for verbs, even though English does not have analogous inflections. There were exceptional authors such as John Wallis (one of the founders of the Royal Society), who treated English in its own terms in his 1653 grammar. Most of the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century grammarians were prescriptive, setting out rules for correct speech and writing. By the twentieth century, both scholarly grammarians and textbook writers focused on the analysis of clauses. The emphasis on historical linguistics by the late nineteenth century added a new dimension, mainly in scholarly grammars: the writing of grammars of English that traced the history of forms and constructions. The most influential contemporary approach is exemplified in A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language published in 1985 (cf.


n. 1), an eclectic work drawing on the scholarly traditional grammars and on various recent linguistic theories. It is restricted to the two major national standards of American and British English in their present state, and has taken



account of the spoken as well as the written language and of other types of stylistic variation. A notable feature is that it goes beyond the sentence to incorporate the influence of the context, both the linguistic context and the situational context.6

Chapter 3 An Outline of Grammar Summary

The scope of grammar (3.1-2) 3.1 The grammatical hierarchy 42 3.2 Above the sentence and below the word 44

Sentences 43.3-12) 3.3 3.4

3.5 3.6 3.7

Simple, compound, and complex sentences 44 Declarative, interrogative, Imperative, and exclamative sentences 45 Interrogative sentences 46 Tag questions 48 Imperative sentences 49

3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12

Exclamative sentences 51 Statements, questions, directives, exclamations 52 Speech acts 53 Positive and negative sentences 55 Active and passive sentences 57

The constituents of sentences (3.13-23) 3.13 The basic sentence structures 3.14 Subject and verb 60 3.15 Subject 61 3.16 Direct object 63 3.17 Indirect object 64 3.18 Subject predicative 66


3.19 Object predicative 68 3.20 Complements and adverbials 70

3.21 Semantic roles 71 3.22 3.23

Rearranging the basic structures 74 Ellipsis 77

Phrases and words (3.24-8) 3.24

Phrase types and word classes 78 3.25 Verbs 79

3.26 Nouns and pronouns 83 3.27 Adjectives and adverbs 85 3.28 Co-ordination and apposition 86


Chapter 3 Summary Words, phrases, clauses, and sentences are grammatical units that constitute a hierarchy in which the sentence is at the highest level, though exceptions are common in the hierarchical relationship. Some grammatical phenomena apply across sentences, and some morphemes (constituents of words), such as inflections, need to be treated in the grammar. Sentences can be classified in various ways: (1) simple, compound, complex; (2) declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamative; (3) statement, question, directive, exclamative; (4) assertion, request, offer, apology, and other kinds of speech act; (5) positive, negative; (6) active, passive. The basic structures of sentences always have a subject and a verb as constituents. The main verb may also require or permit one or two complements. The possible complements are direct object, indirect object, subject predicative, and object predicative. In addition, sentences usually have one or more adverbials, which are optional constituents. The constituents have semantic roles, indicating the part they play in the description of the situation. For example, the subject may be the agent of an action. The basic structures can be arranged in various ways. R Part of the structure of a sentence may be omitted without affecting the acceptability of the sentence or its interpretation. The interpretation of the ellipsis may depend on information in the situation as well as the words of the sentence. For textual ellipsis the interpretation depends solely on the words that come before the ellipsis (anaphoric ellipsis) or those that come after it (cataphoric ellipsis). There are five types of phrases: noun phrases, verb phrases, adjective phrases, adverb phrases, prepositional phrases. The major division in word classes (or parts of speech) is into open classes (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs) and closed classes (such as pronouns and auxiliaries). The open classes readily admit new words and therefore most words belong to the open classes. Seven grammatical categories apply to verbs (main verbs and auxiliaries), affecting the forms that verbs can have: mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive), modality (modal auxiliaries), tense (present, past), aspect (perfect, progressive), voice (active, passive), number (singular, plural), person (first, second, third). Two categories apply to nouns: number (singular, plural) and case (common, genitive). Four categories apply to pronouns: number (singular, plural), person (first, second, third), case (subjective, objective, genitive), gender (masculine, feminine, non-personal). The semantic category of comparison applies to adjectives and adverbs that are gradable. These may have inflections for comparatives (e.g. taller) and



superlatives (e.g. tallest) or periphrastic forms (e.g. more wealthy, most wealthy). • Phrases may be linked by co-ordination or apposition.


The Scope of Grammar 3.1 The grammatical hierarchy

Here and in the next three chapters, grammar is employed, in one of its common uses, as a synonym of syntax: the study of the ways in which words combine into structures of phrases, clauses, and sentences.1 Those four grammatical units—words, phrases, clauses, and sentences— constitute a hierarchy. The sentence is at the highest level in the hierarchy, the word is at the lowest level. Within the hierarchy: a sentence consists of one or more clauses a clause consists of one or more phrases a phrase consists of one or more words Let us start with the sentence. In [1] the sentence consists of just one clause: [1] His account contains many historical solecisms. [W2A-001-26] We can divide that sentence into three phrases: [2]

His account contains many historical solecisms

The phrases in [2] consist of one or more words. Each phrase has a head (or principal word). The three heads are the noun account, the verb contains (j,he only word), and the noun solecisms. The three phrases are named after their heads: [2a] His account contains many solecisms

noun phrase verb phrase noun phrase

Each phrase can be assigned a grammatical function in the clause: [2b] His account contains many solecisms

subject: noun phrase verb: verb phrase direct object: noun phrase

As we can see from [2b], a noun phrase can function as either the subject or the direct object. However, a verb phrase can function only as the verb of the clause or sentence.2 Just as a sentence may consist of only one clause so a phrase may consist of only one word. This may seem peculiar, since in everyday usage we think of phrases as having more than one word. The reason for the grammatical usage is economy. Rules that apply to a phrase apply equally whether the phrase consists of one word or more than one word. By allowing one-word phrases, grammarians can avoid having to repeat the same rules for one-word phrases and multi-word phrases. We can see that this is so, since we can reduce each phrase in [2b] to one word and preserve its grammatical functions.



[2c] It contains solecisms


subject: noun phrase verb: verb phrase direct object: noun phrase

You will notice that in [2c] the pronoun it is taken as the head of a noun phrase. That is because pronouns are essentially a subcategory of nouns. The grammatical hierarchy is subverted in two ways: at the same level and across levels. A grammatical unit can contain other units at the same level in the hierarchy. Compounds are words composed of more than one word (usually only two words), e.g. the noun headache and the verb babysit. Phrases commonly contain other phrases. To take a simple example, the subject of [3] is the noun phrase the title of the course. [3]

The title of the course was Woodland Ecology [SIA-036-162]

The noun phrase (NP) contains within it the prepositional phrase (PP) of the course (headed by the preposition of), which in turn contains the noun phrase the course. These relationships are expressed schematically in [3a]: [3a] the title of the course of the course the course



A clause can also contain another clause: [4]

Ifyou've been given a voucher because you have a low income, the value of your voucher may be reduced. [W2D-001-106J

The //-clause ends at income, and the because-clause is within the //-clause ('if you've been given a voucher for that reason'). Finally, a sentence can be embedded within a sentence in direct speech, as in the sentence marked off by quotation marks in [5]: [5]

Prince Charles duly walked down the line, shook hands with who was there, and then, showing a rather splendid sense of humour said 'You know, I could have commanded him to be here tonight.' [W2B-004-32J

Units at a higher level in the grammatical hierarchy can function within units at a lower level. For example, the clause pay as you earn can be embedded in the noun phrase the pay-as-you-earn policy. More commonly, the embedded clause follows the head noun; for example, the f/z<jf-clause in [6], which modifies the noun things: [6]


I had a whole list of things that I wanted to buy eventually [SIA-OI3-IO2]


3.2 Above the sentence and below the word


The sentence is the highest unit that is normally treated in grammar. However, some grammatical phenomena apply equally across sentences. For example, pronouns may refer to words in a preceding sentence, as in [1]: [1]

Organic farmingtaWes its cue from traditional agriculture. It makes use of the best ideas from the past and grafts onto them a scientific approach coupled with modern techniques that were unheard of in our grandfather's day. [W2B-027-17 f.]

The initial pronoun it in the second sentence refers back to the initial phrase organic farming in the first sentence, and the choice of it rather than (say) she or they is determined by the reference to that phrase. If we were to combine the two sentences by introducing the subordinating conjunction since between them, the same reference of it to organic farming would be across clauses but within one sentence. This type of reference also occurs within a clause: in the first sentence of [1] its also refers back to organic farming. Here is an example with it [2]

Moussaka's got aubergines in it [SIA-063-23]

The unit below the word is the morpheme. Words consist of one or more morphemes; for example, we can divide the word grandfather into the morphemes grand and father. For most purposes, the word is the lowest unit that is treated in grammar. However, there is one important respect in which the grammar needs to refer to morphemes. Inflections are morphemes that signal the grammatical variants of a word; the inflectional -s at the end of ideas indicates that the noun is plural; the inflectional -s at the end of makes indicates that the verb is the third person singular, so that we say she makesbut I make and they make. In addition, some affixes signal the part of speech to which a word belongs: the prefix en- in enslave converts the noun slave into a verb, and the suffix -ize converts the adjective modern into the verb modernize.

Sentences 3.3 Simple, compound, and complex sentences

Traditionally, sentences are classified as simple, compound, or complex according to their internal clause composition. A sentence consisting of one clause is a simple sentence. Hence, [1] is a simple sentence, and so is the much longer [2], which has phrases that are more complex than those in [1]: [1]

I went there last week [S2A-024-9]


My Right Honourable Friend the Secretary of State met health authority



chairmen on the tenth of July and more recently at a briefing seminar in Cardiff on the nineteenth of October [SIB-056-3]

Clauses are units that, like sentences, can be analysed in terms of constituents functioning as subject, verb, direct object, etc. A compound sentence consists of two or more clauses at the same grammatical level. Each of the clauses is a main clause, and typically each could be an independent sentence: [3]

It has only been a week and I feel lonesome without you. [WIB-OOI-36J

In [3] the two main clauses are linked by the co-ordinator and. A complex sentence contains a subordinate clause as one of its constituents. In the complex sentence [4] the subordinate clause functions as a direct object of the verb understood. The clause is introduced by the subordinator that •« [4]

Men of rank and education in the provinces understood that the preponderance of Roman strength doomed resistance or revolt to failure. [W2A-001-58]

It is perhaps easier to see that the f/iaf-clause is a direct object if we replace it with the pronoun that, as in [4a]: [4a] Men of rank and education in the provinces understood that.

Unlike [4], [4a] is a simple sentence, since it consists of only one clause. The traditional classification of sentences into simple, compound, and complex is a simplification of the clausal patterns in sentences, since it does not take into account frequent clause relations such as the co-ordination of subordinate clauses and subordination within one or more of the main clauses in a compound sentence. In addition, the spoken language in particular commonly contains utterances that cannot be analysed in terms of clauses. These issues are discussed in 6.1-7.

3.4 Declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamative sentences

We can distinguish four types of sentences with respect to their major uses in communication: 1. 2. 3. 4.

declaratives, or declarative sentences, for statements interrogatives, or interrogative sentences, for questions imperatives, or imperative sentences, for directives exclamatives, or exclamative sentences, for exclamations

Declaratives are the most common type. They are also the basic type, in that the others can be most easily described by their differences from declaratives. The four sentence types are illustrated by the following four related simple sentences:




3.5 Interrogative


They work hard.


[la] Do they work hard?


[lb] Work hard.


[lc] How hard they work!


The two major types of interrogatives are yes-no questions and w/z-questions.3 Yes-no questions are generally intended to elicit the reply yes or no: [1]

Do you always work very quickly [SIB-023-65]


Have you got an Uncle Victor [SiB-026-29]


Would you quarrel with that [SIB-028-80]


Can you remember how you felt when you heard that she died [SiB-046-71]*


Are there any other matters arising [. . .] [siB-077-90]


Is this call for maturity amongst our politicians and communicators naive? [W2A-017-38]

The response may be more informative than a simple yes or no: [7] A: B:

Do you drink quite a lot of it ( , ) Use it as a mixer for my uhm ( , ) lemonade (, ,) and lime lemon lime and someone introduced it to me the other day [SiA-009-47 ft]

The word order in yes-no questions differs from that in declaratives. In declaratives the subject comes before the verb, as in the declarative corresponding to [2]: [2a] You have got an Uncle Victor.

In the yes-no question [2] the auxiliary verb is placed before the subject you. This change is subject-operator inversion, the operator generally being the first or only auxiliary. If the question does not have an auxiliary, do is inserted as a dummy auxiliary, as in [1]. For example, the yes-no question in [8a] corresponds to the declarative in [8]: [8]

It interferes with your life.

[8a] Does it interfere with your life [siB-026-209]

Does in [8a] has the appropriate inflection (3rd person singular present tense) corresponding to the inflection of the verb interferes in [8]. The insertion of do in [1] and does in [8a] ensures that the question begins with the sequence verb followed by subject." Negative questions generally convey the speaker's expectation that the response should be positive: [9]

Isn't that a little irregular? [W2F-oo4-i33j ('Surely it is')



[10] Haven't they got that the wrong way round [SIB-04&31] [11] Can't you wait until everybody's finished having their lunch [SIB-049-38] [12] Am I not allowed friends any more? [W2F-008-128]

W7z-questions expect a reply that supplies the information that the whword indicates as required. They are called w/i-questions because the whwords generally begin with wh-, the exception being how. The wh-word may be a pronoun [13]-[15], an adverb [16]-[21], or a determiner (introducing a noun phrase) [22]: [13] What made you write them [SIB-048-8] [14] What did he mean [SiB-047-23j [15] Who's next [S2A-054-92] [16] Uhm but why isn't it in French [S1B-02&S9J


[17] Where did it all begin? [W2B-oio-i58j [18] How will this embarrassing confrontation end? [W2E~009-24] [19] [. . .] when should the allies according to you cease hostilities [SiB-027-76] [20] How deep is the snow [S2B-024-79J [21] And uh animals or children and never ever try to do chemistry experiments live [S2A-053-63]


As for whatever I said on the phone about our relationship, well if you can remember any of it still please forget it [SIBOO3-169]


Stir the spices into the meat, and season with salt and pepper. [S2D-02086]

You can be added either for contrast or for some kind of emphasis (entreaty or warning): [5]

You pay now and I'll pay next time.

[6] You tell me. [W2F-001-53] Occasionally, t h i r d person subjects occur: [7]

Nobody say anything.


Those without letters from their parents raise their hands.

First and third person imperatives are formed with let. Let may be a main verb ('allow'), but let's must be the imperative auxiliary:6 [9]

Uhm let me find you something ethnic [SIA-OIS-184]

[10] Let me put it this way [SiB-063-226] [11] Let's have a closer look at some of those manoeuvres [S2A-054-739] [12] Let's get really drunk [SiA-048-ii9] [13] Let us be clear, though, that a mature attitude to communications about national identity and international threat is possible. [W2A-oi7-7i] [14] Now ( , ) let me say again that is not a bad record by the police [S2B-03784]

[15] The motto of the market is 'Let the buyer beware'. [W2A-019-70] [16] In the long term, it is the replacement of Arab dictatorships by democracies that will be the best guarantee of freedom, stability and peace in the Middle East. Let Iraq be the first. [W2E-ooi-6O f.]

Do is placed before the imperative verb or auxiliary to make it less abrupt and more persuasive: [17] Do bear in mind that unit values, and their income can fall as well as rise. [W1B-022-90] [ 1 8 ] Do come in. [W2F-004-61]

[19] Do let's have another game.

Don't or do not is placed initially to negate second person and third person imperative sentences: [20] But don't underestimate the problems (S2A-023-60] [21] Don't be intimidated by vehicles following too close behind [S2A-054-165] [22] Do not hesitate to contact me if you need any more information, [WIB-018129]

[23] Don't let anybody in except me [SiB-048-120]


First person imperatives may be negated simply by inserting not after the pronoun: [24] Oh let's not get touchy touchy [SiA-038-224] [25] Let me not fall into temptation.

Alternatively, don't is inserted before let's or let me (especially in British English) or after let's (especially in American English): [26] Don't let's tell the police [S1BO48-H7] [27] Don't let me think about it. [28] Let's don't tell anyone.

3.8 Exclamative sentences

Exclamative sentences begin with what or how. What introduces noun phrases. Otherwise, how is used. [1]

What strong words you use. [WIB-003-160]


What an idea you've got [SIA-032-230]


And what an opportunity ( , ) this is for the youngster [S2A-003-81J


What a star you are—as you would say! [WIB-002-25]


How she how she talks [SIA-OIO-2O4]


How clever he is [SIA-055-46]


How sweet they were [. . .] [890929-0089-3]


How well she plays.

Like the interrogative w/i-phrase, the exclamative phrase is fronted. Otherwise, the word order is that of declaratives. Unlike questions, there is no subject-operator inversion (cf. 3.5). For example, the declaratives corresponding to [1] and [6] are: [la] You use such strong words. [6a] He is so clever.

Such in [la] is a determiner introducing a noun phrase, and so in [6a] is a premodifier of an adjective and can also premodify an adverb. Like such in [la] and so in [6a], what and how are intensifiers. In the absence of evaluative expressions in the context they may be interpreted as conveying either a high degree or a low degree. Thus, what an idea in [2] may be interpreted as 'an excellent idea' or as 'a terrible idea'. Similarly, how she plays may be interpreted as 'she plays excellently' or 'she plays badly'. Exclamatives are often abbreviated to just the exclamative phrase: [9]

What a shame [SiA-006-278]

[10] What an admission from an actor. [wiB-003-11]



[ 1 1 ] HOW Stupid [S1A-014-187] [12] How nice for you [SIA-041-355]

In the following example, the that-dause is subordinate to the abbreviated exclamatory phrase How wonderful: [13] How wonderful that this man has gotten a position in a university to help undo all the silly things that secretaries do when arranging luncheons, meetings, etc. [890725-0141-2]

3.9 Statements,

questions, directives, exclamations

We have seen (cf. 3.4) that sentences fall into four main types that differ in form and that these four types are associated with four major uses in communication: 1. 2. 3. 4.

declaratives interrogatives imperatives exclamatives

statements questions directives exclamations

However, there is not a complete correlation between the sentence types and the communicative uses. For example, rhetorical questions have the form of a question but the communicative function of a statement. If the rhetorical question is positive the implied statement is negative, and vice versa. The implied statement is the mental answer that the speaker intends the hearer to infer from the rhetorical question. Rhetorical questions are a persuasive device, and they are particularly common in persuasive discourse such as political speeches and newspaper editorials. They make take the form of yes-no questions [1]—[2] or w/i-questions [3]-[5]: [1]

Don't I waffle on? [WIB-004-37] ('I certainly waffle on')


My question is: is there any point in having a democracy when it can elect and keep on electing such a ludicrous government as we have had for the last ten years [W2B-oi4-4i] ('There certainly isn't any point')


What else is there to do? [W2C-014-97] (There's nothing else to do')


It has been a while since we spoke, but not too long for me to forget you—how could I forget you. [WIB-008-126] ('I couldn't possibly forget you')


A: But sorry is this the right example Is this correct now B: Who knows I really don't know [siB-002-160 ff.]

Here is a series of rhetorical questions from an editorial: [6]

Even though the changes were more than he planned, we see no evidence that Mr Major's limited game of musical chairs is the shot in the arm his government badly needs. Does sending Gillian Shephard to



agriculture make any more sense than sending John Gummer to environment? Where, apart from Mr Clarke's move, is the flair, the dash, the new blood and the supreme self-confidence the Tories need to sustain them through a troubled fourth term? Is John Redwood, the Thatcherite MP for Wokingham, really the man for Wales when his only link with the principality until now has been the M4? [The Sunday Times, 30 May 1993, p. 2.3]

In contrast to rhetorical questions, declarative questions have the form of a declarative but the force of a question. In writing they end in a question mark and in speech—as in A's question in [8]—they end with a rising intonation. [7]

With all the bits of work you've done over the years, your CV must be full? [W1B-001-149]


A: A gentleman from the bank came down to see you B: That's right [SiB-061-14 f.]

Finally, exclamations may take the form of declaratives [9]-[ll], imperatives [12]-[15], and interrogatives [16]-[18]: [9]

I've not had a permanent job for almost two years now! [WIB-OOI-23]

[10] You can only have showers on week-days after supper, and you have to pay 5 Francs each time—I couldn't believe it! [wiB-002-126] [11] He is also the most unsexy Spaniard I have ever seen! [WIB-005-99] [12] I don't mean to sound religious, God forbid no! [WIB-OOI-13] [13] Don't think that for one minute [SiB-049-43] [14] [. . .] Do something exotic, wet and wild! [WiB-011-47] [15] Shoot him! [W2F-012-130] [16] Have you managed to have time away from wife-to-be!?! [WIB-002-134] [17] What the hell is this? [WIB-OOMI] [18] So isn't the weather gorgeous? [WIB-005-47]

The nearest in force to exclamatives are sentences with the intensifiers such and 50 (cf. 3.8). [19] The country created such a strong impression on us! [WIB-013«2] ('What a strong impression the country created on us') [20] Oh that was so funny [siA-018-258] ('How funny that was')

3.10 SpGGCtl 3CtS

The four major communicative uses discussed in 3.9 distinguish uses at a very general level. We can make numerous more refined distinctions when we examine the utterance of sentences in actual contexts. When we utter a declarative, we generally do more than state something. We may simply



inform somebody of something, as perhaps in this response of a patient to the doctor's query: [I]

A: Now uh the rest of your health is okay I mean are you generally well B:

/ feel fine [siA-051-134]

But we use declaratives for numerous purposes. For example, we can use declaratives to praise [2], to request [3], to apologize [4], to advise [5], to give permission [6], and to make an offer [7]: [2]

I'm very happy with your work.


I should like some sugar, please.


I'm sorry for the interruption.


You should use another route.


You may have another piece.


I can lend you a hand with the washing-up.


We can express similar kinds of communication by using other sentence forms: [2a] How splendid your work is! [3a] Pass the sugar, please. [4a] Will you forgive my interruption? [5a] Shouldn't you use another route? [6a] Help yourself to another piece. [7a] Can I lend you a hand with the washing-up?

At the same time, these utterances retain their general communicative force. For example, [5a] is more polite than [5] because it is framed as a question that more easily allows the hearer to reject the advice. When we speak or write, we are performing communicative actions. These actions, expressed in words, are speech acts, which are intended to convey communicative purposes to the intended hearers or readers.7 The communicative purpose depends on the particular context. For example It's going to rain may be simply a prediction, or it may be intended as a warning to take an umbrella, or it may be intended to indicate that a projected excursion should be cancelled. Speakers occasionally convey their purpose by using performative verbs, which explicitly denote their communicative purpose: [8]

I apologize for the interruption.


I predict that it will rain this afternoon.

[10] Talking to the driver is forbidden. [II] I must inform you that your time is up.8 [12] I sentence you to three months' imprisonment. [13] We advise you to avoid becoming involved.

A sentence may convey more than one communicative purpose:


[14] I'm sorry for the interruption, but I should like to use the phone. T h e first clause conveys an apology, a n d the second a request.

3.11 Positive and negative sentences

Sentences are either positive or (less commonly) negative JThe most frequent method of negating sentences is to insert not or the contracted form n't in the verb phrase: [I]

He would not stay long. [w2F-oi8-8i]


Such communication was not part of the proceedings. [W2C-001-7]


The countries around the world do not fit into neat and precise categories of climate and weather. [W2B-026-2]


Well, that bit wasn't true, but he certainly didn't go to the premiere. [W2B-004-31]

Like questions (cf. 3.5 and n. 4), negative sentences require an operator. Not is positioned after the operator [l]-[3], and n'tis attached to the operator. In [1] the operator is the first—and, in this instance, only—auxiliary (would); it is the main verb was in [2]; and it is the dummy operator do in [3]. In the two clauses of [4] n't is attached to the operators was and did. As [4] demonstrates, negation may apply to more than one clause in a sentence. In negative questions, contracted n't is attached to the operator and therefore comes before the subject [5], whereas not generally follows the subject [6]-[8]: [5]

Listen can't we do this at some other time [SiA-O38-iO2]


[. . .] can we not have his forecast of the underlying rate of inflation excluding mortgage interest at the end of next year the fourth quarter [SIB052-35]


Does novel-writing not come easily to you [SiB-048-42]


Why did they not speak out? [W2C-001-15]

But not may also occasionally come between the operator and the subject: [9]

Do not the police really remain (, > as to many they appeared in nineteen eighty-one to have become ( , ) a white male force encased in technology [. . .] [S2B-037-36]

Sentences maybe negative because of negative words other than not [10] Things never work out the way we would like them to. [WIB-OOI-37] [II] At the time of the original meeting nobody had any idea of what would happen [SIB-O61-126] [12] There's no surer way to lose a good friend than to marry her. [W2F-Oi8i0] [13] However, I have heard nothing formally, [WIB-024-34]



In standard English, two negative words occasionally occur in the same sentence (or clause), but in that case they make a positive: [14] None of the countries have no political prisoners. ('All the countries have some political prisoners.')

Non-standard dialects use more than one negative to emphasize the negation: [15] Nobody told me nothing.

[16] We don't want none, neither. The equivalents of [15] and [16] in standard English are: [15a] Nobody told me anything. [16b] We don't want any, either.

Double or multiple negation was common in earlier English, but by the eighteenth century it was no longer acceptable in standard English. Negation may affect a phrase, without making the sentence negative: [17] They spent a not unpleasant time at my place, didn't they? [18] They were no doubt shocked to read some of the reports. [19] I was greeted by none other than the mayor, and so was my assistant.

A tag question accompanying a negative sentence or clause is typically positive, as in [17a]; some (or its compounds such as somebody) is typically replaced by any (or its compounds) in negative sentences, as in [18a]; so in [19] requires to be replaced by nor or neither in [19a]. [17a] They didn't spend a pleasant time at my place, did they? [18a] They were not shocked to read any of the reports. [19a] I was not greeted by the mayor, nor was my assistant.

As speech acts, negative sentences are used to deny something that has been mentioned: [20] A: I mean four of the five sabbaticals were missing B: That's irrelevant A: It isn't irrelevant [SIA-068-157 ff.] [21] But he was saying it as if it was my job to do it whereas of course it isn't [S1A-069-49]

More commonly, what is denied is an assumption that is not made explicit: [22] A: Rugby the girls are just treated like a few honorary girls but they're not integrated B: At King's Canterbury they are integrated but it isn't too free it's still quite academic [SIA-054-72 f.]

Negative sentences are also used to reject an offer or invitation: [23] A: Have some banana bread (, > B: Look I'm not much of a banana bread eater [SiA-010-170 ff.]


Negative yes-no questions generally convey an expectation of a positive response, though the expectation may be frustrated: [24] 'Don't you know snails are a delicacy?' 'I don't want to know anything,' I said, turning on my side and closing my eyes. [W2F-013-56 f.]

Why don't you and the abbreviated why not convey advice or offers: [25] So why don't you knock on his door [SIB-007-55] [26] Other times you say hey look I mean there's no point in competing why don't you come in with us [SIB-OO5-IO5] [27] Why don't you have some Guinness [SiB-079-192] [28] We are happy to give a randomly selected jury power over the life or death of individuals, so why not give a similarly randomly selected panel power over the nation? [W2B-014-71]

3.12 Active and passive sentences

An active sentence contains an object as one of its constituents (cf. 3.16). Active sentences can generally be made passive. The changes required by the transformation of active to passive are illustrated in the contrast of active [1] with passive [la]: [1]

One of the lecturers recommended us to do this at the university.

[la] We were recommended to do this at the university by one of the lecturers [S1A-013-135]

Some of the changes affect the verb phrase. An additional auxiliary (generally the auxiliary be) is added, which in [la] is were, and the main verb is made into a passive participle, which for recommended is the same form as the past. The active object us becomes the passive subject we; the active subject is moved to the end, where it is introduced by the preposition by. Get is used less commonly as a passive auxiliary: [2]

And just under half get invited to staff meetings [SIB-077-29]


[. . .] and that's why I got sent home the night when other people didn't turn up and ended up going to Cambridge [siA-011-124)

A valid reason for resorting to the passive is that it is then possible to omit any mention of the agent (or cause) of the action, which is expressed in the active by the subject. Indeed, the fry-phrase referring to the agent is commonly omitted, as in [2] and [3] above and [4] below: [4]

[. . .] I'm not trained as a ( , ) as a therapist [SiA-004-86]

The usual motivation for omitting mention of the agent is that identification of the agent is irrelevant or intended to appear so. The identity of the agent may also be unknown, as in [5]:




Oh she's called Jennifer [siA-006-119]

Or the agent may not be a specific person: [6] I think it's how you're introduced to them [SiA-oi6-i8O] Similarly in [7], where if refers to a film: [7]

It's set in the future [SiA-049-236]

In scientific and technical writing it is quite common for writers to resort to the agentless passive to avoid frequent use of the personal pronouns / and we and thereby maintain a more impersonal style: [8]

For observation by bright field and interference microscopy urediniospores scraped from erumpent pustules and macerated or hand-sectioned telia were mounted in lactic acid and heated to boiling point. [W2A-028-41]


This approach was therefore considered and found to be far more attractive. [W2A-038-45]

The agentive passive can be used to good purpose, despite the availability of the more common active: [10] The story was inspired by a tip-off from an officer of the SB (the Polish secret police, which had been harassing Gowing for a few months), that Soviet hardliners, backed by the KGB, were trying to depose General Jaruzelski. [W2B-005-32]

The passive is preferable in [10] for two reasons. First, the active would produce a clumsy unbalanced sentence in which the part before the verb was much longer than the object (the story): [10a] A tip-off from an officer of the SB (the Polish secret police, which had been harassing Gowing for a few months), that Soviet hardliners, backed by the KGB, were trying to depose General Jaruzelski inspired the story.

Secondly, the story refers to what has been mentioned before and comes naturally at the beginning of the sentence as a link to the new information about the tip-off. In [11] Kim Philby is placed at the end of the passive whichclause as the climax: [11] It is noteworthy that the section in which Greene worked was that of the Iberian sub-section of Section V of the SIS, which was controlled by none other than Kim Philby. [W2&O05-141]



The Constituents of Sentences 3.13 The basic sentence structures

A sentence consisting of just one clause is a simple sentence. The basic structures of a clause are therefore identical to those of a simple sentence. For a first approach to the grammar of the sentence and clause, it is sensible to examine the basic structures of simple sentences that are declarative (typically making a statement), positive (rather than negative), active (rather than passive), and complete (rather than elliptical). The constituents of the basic structures appear in their normal order, and they consist of phrases that do not themselves contain clauses. Each basic structure constitutes the nucleus of a simple sentence: [1]

I'm sending you this card.


He shrugged his shoulders.

We can add one or more adverbials, which are optional constituents: [ l a ] I'm sending you this card to stand in your bedroom. [WiB-oo6-5ij [2a] He merely shrugged his shoulders. [W2B012-20]

In analysing the basic structures, we disregard adverbials. The basic structures have two obligatory constituents: a subject and a verb, denoted by the symbols SV. Below are examples of sentences consisting of just a subject and a verb in that order. The two constituents are indicated by the parenthesized symbols that follow them. [3]

All the flowers (S) have disappeared (V).


The enemy tanks (S) are retreating (V).


You (S) should be working (V).


All my friends (S) laughed (V).

The verb (V) of the sentence takes the form of a verb phrase. The verb phrase consists of one or more auxiliaries (or auxiliary verbs) plus the main verb, which is the head of the verb phrase.9 The main verbs in [3]-[6] are disappeared, retreating, working, and laughed. It is the main verb that determines which constituents may follow it, and these constituents are the complements of the verb. In [3]-[6] there are no complements. The types of complements are: direct object indirect object subject predicative object predicative




The complements are discussed in later sections (3.14*20). They are exemplified in the sentences below: [7]

I (S) hate (V) this noise (0).


The idea (S) could make (V) her (0) a fortune (0).


The party treasurer (S) is (V) very hospitable (P).

110] They (S) drove (V) us (O) cra2y (P).

Complements may be obligatory, as in [9], or at least obligatory in the intended sense of the verb, as in [10]. More important is the link between the complement and the verb. Only one instance of a particular complement type (direct object, indirect object, etc.) can occur in the same clause. This restriction does not exclude co-ordination of two phrases, since the coordinated unit as a whole functions as a complement: [10a] They (S) drove (V) us and everybody else (0) crazy (P).

Some verbs allow more than one type of complementation. For example: the verb drive can have no complements, or just a direct object, or a combination of direct object with an object predicative: [11] He (S) is driving (V). [lla] He (S) is driving (V) his father's car (0). [lib] He (S) is driving (V) me (0) mad (P).

Traditionally, sentences have also been divided into two parts: the subject and the predicate. The predicate consists of the verb and its complements and also most adverbials. Excluded from the predicate are sentence adverbials, which point to logical links with what precedes [llal] or express a comment by the speaker or writer [llbl]: [ l l a l ] Nevertheless (A), he is driving his father's car. [ l l b l ] Frankly (A), he is driving me mad.

3.14 a n d VGrb

The verb is the easiest constituent to recognize, because of its formal characteristics. The verb of the sentence takes the form of a verb phrase, and the first or only word in the verb phrase indicates present or past tense. Thus, like is present in [1] and liked is past in [la]: [1] I like the music.

[la] I liked the music. In [2] have is present tense even though have thankedrefers to past time: [2] I have thanked them for the gift. In contrast, had is past tense:



[2a] I had thanked them for the gift.

In [2a] had thanked is the verb phrase, and thankedis the main verb. The phrase can be replaced by the one word thanked, in which case thanked is past tense and its corresponding present is thank [2b] I thanked them for the gift. [2c] I thank them for the gift.

We can identify the subject easily if we change a declarative into a yes-no question, since the change involves the movement of the subject (cf. 3.5). For example, the declarative [3] can be turned into the interrogative [3a]: [3]

His manner was often intense.

[3a] Was his manner often intense?

The subject is his manner in both [3] and [3a]. Similarly, the subject is the education minister in both [4] and [4a]: [4]

The education minister managed the rare feat of antagonizing all the teaching unions.

[4a] Did the education minister manage the rare feat of antagonizing all the teaching unions?

If an adverbial (A) is present at the beginning of the declarative it is often moved to a later position in the interrogative: [5]

Last week (A) she (S) began (V) a campaign against journalistic cliches (0).

[5a] Did she begin a campaign against journalistic cliches last week? But some types of adverbial generally occur initially: [6]

Anyway (A), would you necessarily get the job [siA-093-115]

3.15 SllbJGCt The subject has a number of characteristics, two of which we have seen in 3.14. Here is a list of the major characteristics: 1. In declaratives, the subject normally comes before the verb: [1]

I (S) might go (V) back to Cambridge early.

It need not come immediately before the verb, since an adverbial may intervene: [2]

I (S) just (A) remembered (V) the letter.

2. In interrogatives, the subject generally comes after the operator, the verb used for forming interrogatives (cf. 3.5); the rest of the verb phrase (if it



consists of more than the operator) follows the subject. In the examples, the operator is indicated by V and the rest of the verb phrase (if any) by 'V: \, [3]

Are (v) they (S) aware of your views?


What did (v) you (S) get (V) out of it?


Is (v) everything (S) being changed (V)?

There is no change in the declarative order in w/z-interrogatives if the interrogative w/j-expression is itself the subject: [6]

Who (S) did (V) most of the driving?


What (S) made (V) them angry?


What sort of physical activities (S) were (V) available?

3. In second person imperatives (the most common type), the subject you is normally omitted: [9]

Turn (V) it off.

4. The verb agrees in number and person with the subject where the verb has distinctive forms in the present or past tense: [10] / (S) am (V) in sympathy with her position. [11] We (S) are (V) very concerned about you. [12] All their children (S) were (V) in good shape. [13] He (S) seems (V) nervous.

The agreement applies only to the first verb in the verb phrase if there is more than one: [14] Your friends (S) are being (V) bitchy.

5. The subject decides the form of a reflexive pronoun (e.g. myself, herself, themselves) functioning as the object, when the subject and object refer to the same person or thing: [15] You (S) can cut yourself. [16] They (S) washed themselves.

6. Some pronouns have a distinctive form when they function as subject (cf. 3.18,4.35): [17] She (S) is at college, so you can't see her now. [18] We (S) very rarely worked with them, though they contact us sometimes. She and weave subjective forms, contrasting w i t h her and us.

7. When we change an active sentence into a passive sentence (cf. 3.12), we change the subjects: [19]

The young producer (S) proved all the critics wrong.

[19a] All the critics (S) were proved wrong by the young producer.



8. In an active sentence that expresses the notion of an agent ('doer of the action'), the agentive role is taken by the subject: V [20] My aunt (S) gave me a mower for my wedding.

3.16 DirGCt ObjCCt

When the main verb does not have a complement, it is intransitive. When it has a direct object (O), it is transitive. Many verbs can be either intransitive or transitive: [1]

I (S) am eating (V).

[la] / (S) am eating (V) my lunch (0).

If a sentence has only one complement of the verb and that complement is a direct object, its basic structure is SVO. We can identify the direct object in a declarative sentence if we can elicit it as a response to a question beginning with who or what followed by the operator (cf. 3.5) and the subject: [2]

She (S) would have asked (V) her parents (0).

[2a] Who (0) would (v) she (S) have asked (V)? [W2F-019-H2] [3]

They (S) speak (V) Welsh (0) at home.

[3a] No but at home what (0) do (v) they (S) speak (V) [SIA-069-113]

In formal style, whom is used as the direct object in place of who. [2b] Whom would she have asked?

Here are some major characteristics of the direct object. 1. The direct object normally comes after the verb, as in [la], repeated below: [la] / (S) am eating (V) my lunch (0).

The main exceptions to this rule occur in vc/i-questions (cf. 3.5) and in relative clauses (cf. 5.9). If the w/i-expression in a question is a direct object, it is fronted: [4]

What sort of dance training (0) did (v) you (S) have (V) [SIA-004-67]


Which car (0) did (v) you (S) take (V) [siA-009-210]

Similarly, if the relative expression in a relative clause is a direct object it is fronted: [6]

[. . .] I had to meet this girl who (0) / (S) haven't seen (V) for ten years from my school [SIA-062-167]


If you want a large black pencil ( , ) that's a marker pencil which (0) you (S) have (V) there [S1&002-96]



2. Some pronouns have a distinctive form when they function as direct objects: [8]

My shoes are killing me. I don't like them at all.


Nobody can catch them. They are hardened smugglers.


Contrast objective me and them w i t h subjective / a n d they.

3. If the object and the subject refer to the same person or thing, the direct object is a reflexive pronoun (which ends in -self or -selves): [10] / (S) could kick myself (0). [11] She (S) has completely cut herself {0) off from me.

4. When we change an active sentence into a passive sentence, the active object becomes the passive subject: [12]

The massive costs (S) harm the film industry (0).

[12a] The film industry (S) is harmed by the massive costs.

3.17 ObjCCt We have so far encountered two basic structures: SV and SVO, exemplified in [1] and [2]: [1]

My glasses (S) have disappeared (V).


Our country (S) is absorbing (V) many refugees (0).

The verb disappear here is an intransitive verb, since it does not have a complement. The verb absorb is here a transitive verb, since it has a direct object as its complement. Some transitive verbs can have two objects, an indirect object as well as a direct object. In [3] sending has just one complement, a direct object; in [3a] it has two complements, an indirect object followed by a direct object (O). Both objects are indicated by 'O': [3]

I am sending an official letter of complaint (0).

[3a] I am sending you (0) an official letter of complaint (0). Here are some other examples of verbs w i t h these two complements: [4]

Well if you give me (0) it (0) tomorrow I might be able to do some tomorrow morning [. . .] [siA-038-155]


[. . .] we tell each other {0) everything (0) [siA-054-i]


Tea he makes tea he makes phone calls he makes gets me (0) lollipops


[. . .] and what I would suggest is that we make you (0) an appointment to go and see one and talk it through (0) [SIA-078-89]

(0) [S1A-074-368]




[. . .] that teaches one (0) a lesson about predicting things (0) [. . .] [SIB03678]


[. . .] the public sector health service buys you (0) free private care (0) [S1B-039-83]

[10] Can you pick a photograph that uh shows us (0) the position (0) [SIB-06953]

[11] [. . .] and that earns United (0) a free kick (0) [S2A-003-95] [12] Uh and it certainly isn't sitting there thinking that it owes us (0) a living (0) [S2A-023-32]

[13] Acting is a source of additional behavioural phenotypic flexibility, 'intelligence' permits individual organisms (0) an increased capacity either to avoid change, or to track change, or both (0). [WIA-OO9-64] [14] [. . .] and I wish you (0) success in finding a suitable career opening (0). [W1B-019-48]

The indirect object can generally be paraphrased by a phrase introduced by to or for, but that phrase follows the direct object. For example: [5a] We tell everything (0) to each other. [9a] The public sector health service buys free private care (0) for you.

Sometimes the direct object is absent and the indirect object alone is the complement of the verb: [15] [. . .] and we shall I promise you (0) ( , ) bring our own forces back home just as soon as it is safe to do so [S2&O30-58] [16] Only God knows if there is absolute truth, and God doesn't tell us (0). [890825-008^47]

When there is one object, the basic structure is SVO; when there are two objects it is SVOO, the first object being indirect and the second direct. A verb taking one object is monotransitive, a verb taking two objects is ditransitive. Like the direct object, the indirect object can be questioned by who(m) or what: [17]

Easterly winds bring us (0) this extreme cold (0).

[17a] What (0) do easterly winds bring us (0)? [17b] Who (0) do easterly winds bring this extreme cold (0)?

However, many people prefer to use the construction with a preposition in questions such as [17b]: [17c] Who do easterly winds bring this extreme cold to? [17d] To whom do easterly winds bring this extreme cold? [formal]

The indirect object shares characteristics with the direct object, a reason for calling both of them objects: 1. The indirect object comes after the verb: [18] The waiver clause denied (V) them (0) their rights (0).



When both objects are present, the indirect object comes before the direct object.10 2. As with the direct object, some pronouns have a distinctive form when they function as indirect object. The objective forms me in [4], and us in [10] contrast with the subjective forms land we. 3. If the indirect object and the subject refer to the same person or thing, the indirect object is a reflexive pronoun: [19] They (S) asked themselves (0) the same question.

4. When we change an active sentence into a passive sentence, the active indirect object can become the passive subject. Compare repeated [3a] with [3b]: [3a] I am sending you (0) an official letter of complaint (0). [3b] You (S) are being sent an official letter of complaint (0).

The active direct object (an official letter of complaint) is retained in the passive of [3b]. The direct object can also become the passive subject: [3c] An official letter of complaint (S) is being sent you [0].

In [3c] the active indirect object {you) is retained in the passive. More commonly, the corresponding prepositional phrase replaces the passive indirect object: [3d] An official letter of complaint is being sent to you.

The indirect object typically refers to a person or some other animate being that is the recipient or beneficiary of the action.

3.18 Subject predicative

So far we have seen three basic structures: SV, SVO, SVOO. They are exemplified in [l]-[3]: [1]

My glasses (S) have disappeared (V).


Our country (S) is absorbing (V) many refugees (0).


/ (S) am sending (V) you (0) an official letter of complaint (0).

In [1] the main verb disappeared is intransitive, whereas in [2] and [3] the main verbs absorbing and sending are transitive. Absorbing in [2] has one complement: the direct object; sending in [3] has two complements: the indirect object and the direct object. Some verbs are neither intransitive (without any complement), nor transitive (accompanied by one or two objects as complements). Such verbs are copular (or linking) verbs. The most common copular verb is be. The complement of a copular verb is the subject predicative (P).u



The water-bed (S) was (V) very comfortable (P).


The baby tortoise (S) was (V) the size of a large soup plate (P).


Copular verbs can refer to a current situation, e.g. be, or to a changed situation, e.g. become. Contrast: [6]

The disastrous consequences are obvious.

[6a] The disastrous consequences became obvious. Here are examples of subject predicatives with copular verbs : [7]

My name is Amanda (P) [S1A-014-82]


It just sounds a little affected (P) [siA-044-170]


Yes you were in Brunei (P) that year [SiA-056-245]

[10] [. . .] I feel so self-conscious (P) in high heels [SiA-042-291] [11] The Third World (3W) constitutes most of Asia (excepting Japan) Africa and Latin America (P) [. . .] [WIA-OIS-62] [12] I mean the audience used to go mad (P) as soon as he came on [. . .] [S1A-044-335]

[13] And of course I always wax poetic (P) about it to you [. . .] [SiA-094-38] [14] They the owners were demanding payment of instalments as they fell due (P) or became due (P) up to the date of the award [S2A-O65-59] [15] [. . .] I remember I wasn't there (P) [SiA-002-138] [16] Neither we nor, almost certainly, President Bush and Mr Major know how much of Iraq's armoury remains intact (P) [. . .] [W2E-005-78] [17] It seems a pity (P) to waste it on an unappreciative audience. [W2F-011-15] [18] "We have no useful information on whether users are at risk (P)," said James A. Talcott of Boston's Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. [891102-0191-9] [19] Big mainframe computers for business had been around (P) for years. [891102-0171-9]

[20] The recent explosion of country funds mirrors the "closed-end fund mania" of the 1920s, Mr. Foot says, when narrowly focused funds grew wildly popular (P). [891102-0159-8] [21] Some of his observations about Japanese management style are on the mark (P). [891102-0156-33]

Copular verbs other than beor become can be replaced by be 01 become, though the other verbs may contribute an additional element of meaning. Copular verbs typically take an adjective phrase as their complement; for example: [8], [10], and [12]-[14] above. The subject predicative is characterized in these ways: 1. The subject predicative comes after the verb, as in all the above examples. 2. The subject predicative cannot become the passive subject of the sentence, unlike the direct and indirect objects, since the distinction between active and passive applies only to sentences with transitive verbs. If the copular verb is be and if the subject predicative identifies the subject, the subject and subject predicative can change places:




The president (S) was (V) Bill Clinton (P).

[22a] Bill Clinton (S) was (V) the president (P).

3. If the subject predicative is a pronoun with distinctive subjective and objective forms, we have a choice. The subjective form tends to occur in formal style: [23]

It is / (P). [formal]

[23a] It's me (P).

The subject predicative typically characterizes the person or thing referred to by the subject. It also commonly identifies the subject or the location of the subject.

3.19 Object predicative

We have seen four basic structures: SV, SVO, SVOO, and SVP: [1]

My glasses (S) have disappeared (V).


Our country (S) is absorbing (V) many refugees (0).


/ (S) am sending (V) you (0) an official letter of complaint (0).


The water-bed (S) was (V) very comfortable (P)

In [1] the main verb is intransitive, in [2] and [3] transitive (in [2] monotransitive and in [3] ditransitive), and in [4] it is copular. The fifth basic structure contains a transitive verb with two complements: a direct object (O) and an object predicative (P), normally in that order (cf. 3.22): [5]

/ (S) have made (V) my position (0) clear (P).

A verb that has a direct object and an object predicative is a complextransitive verb. Both complex-transitive verbs and ditransitive verbs have two complements. One fundamental difference between the two sets of complements is that there is a predicative relationship between the direct object and the object predicative. The relationship is analogous to that between the subject and the subject predicative. Thus, for [5] the relationship is shown when we introduce a copular verb between the direct object and the object predicative [5a], and similarly for [6] and [6a]: [5a] My position (S) became (V) clear (P). [6]

They (S) called (V) it (0) freelance teaching (P).

[6a] It (S) was (V) freelance teaching (P).

The other difference is that only the direct object in an SVOP structure can be made the subject of a passive sentence: [5]

/ (S) have made (V) my position (0) clear (P).

[5b] My position (S) has been made (V) clear (P).




Since the object predicative is not an object, it cannot be made a passive subject. In contrast, both complements in an SVOO structure—the indirect object and the direct object—can be made passive subjects: [3] / (S) am sending (V) you (0) an official letter of complaint (0). [3a] You (S) are being sent (V) an official letter of complaint (0). [3b] An official letter of complaint (S) is being sent (V) you [0].

Here are some further examples of the SVOP structure: [7]

But state courts upheld a challenge by consumer groups to the commission's rate increase and found the rates (0) illegal (P). [8911020179-15]


But Asian nations' harsh memories of their military domination by Japan in the early part of this century make them (0) fearful of falling under Japanese economic hegemony now (P). [891102-0149-12]


The department placed a moratorium (0) on the research (P), pending a review of scientific, legal and ethical issues. [891102-0145-9)

[10] They call it(0) "photographic" (P). [891102-0092-26] [11] In July, closely held Hearst, based in New York, put the paper (0) on the block (P). [891102-0078-6] [12] Many felt Hearst kept the paper (0) alive (P) as long as it did, if marginally, because of its place in family history. [89ii02-0078-i6] [13] You're getting cheese (0) on your{, > jumper(P) [SIA-O61-86] [14] [. . .] she found him (0) really frustrating (P) because he didn't seem bothered [SIA-014-120]

[15] [. . .] you're driving independents (0) out of business (P) [siB-005-112] [16] [. . .] police and customs kept the Defiant (0) under observations (P) [SIB063-233]

[17] Uhm as soon as I took my leg (0) out of the water (P) it fell straight open [S1B-066-26]

[18] The German press dubbed him (0) honest John (P) today [. . .] [S2B-oo2-89j [19] The allies' ability to attack powerfully and accurately at night caught the Iraqis (0) at a disadvantage (P) [S2B-008-29] [20] [. . .] he still thought a leadership challenge (0) unlikely (P) [S2B-017-36]

If the object predicative is a prepositional phrase, it may not be possible to make a simple paraphrase of the relationship between the direct object and the predicative. The paraphrase, however, can be established by omitting the preposition [21]-[22] or replacing it by another preposition [23]: [21] [. . .] I first got a millionaire (0) for my neighbour (?) at twenty-four twentyfive years old [SiA-028-220] ('A millionaire is my neighbour') [22] Maybe I'll just treat it (0) as a work of art (P) [. . .] [SIA-64-68] ('It is a work of art') [23] The French initiative threw the United Nations Security Council (0) into confusion (P) [. . .] [S2B-010-22] ('The United Nations Security Council is in confusion')


3.20 Complements and adverbials


We have so far encountered five basic structures: SV, SVO, SVOO, SVP, SVOP. The constant constituents are the subject and the verb. The other constituents are the complements of the verb: direct object, indirect object, subject predicative, and object predicative. Complements of the verb can be clauses as well as phrases (cf. 6.16). The basic structures can be expanded by adverbials, which are optional constituents of the sentence. They are not complements, because their occurrence is not dependent on the main verb in the sentence. They are optional in the sense that the sentence remains well-formed when they are omitted. However, they are usually important informationally in the context, and in that sense they cannot be omitted without damaging the communication. Here are some examples of adverbials (A) that show their informational value. The examples also illustrate the possibility for more than one adverbial to occur in a sentence. [I]

It was quite a nice do otherwise (A) [SIA-019-72]


I met a girl on the train (A) today (A) [siA-020-i]


In the summer (A) you can take a car and four people for a hundred and twenty pounds (A) [SiA-021-97]


You need a lot of strength in the right hand (A) [SIA-022-295]


Well (A) presumably (A) she called him [siA-023-127]

Adverbials are usually adverbs (e.g. presumably in [5]), prepositional phrases (e.g. on the train in [2]), or clauses (cf. 6.13 f.). They may also be noun phrases: [6]

I had a really good supper last night (A) [SiA-011-241]


Give me a warning next time (A) [SIA-091-303]


In the 'good old days' our great-great-grandmothers walked several miles (A) to the village, [. . .] [W2B-022-4]


Oh Cath was in this afternoon [. . .] (A) [siA-009-105]

Some constituents that resemble adverbials semantically are complements, since they are obligatory and are dependent on the main verb. These are predicatives (P). For example, last night in [10] is required to complete the sentence, unlike last night in [6]: [10] Our committee meeting (S) was (V) last night (P).

In [10], the subject predicative completes a sentence beginning with a subject and a verb. The basic structure of the sentence is SVP. Similarly, in [11] the object predicative is an adverb: [II] [. . .] yeah you put it (0) here (P) [SiA-010-13]

Elsewhere here may be an adverbial, but in [11] it is an object predicative that is required to complete the sentence. The basic structure of [11] is SVOP. The five basic structures are listed below in full:




Subject + Verb Subject + Verb + Direct or Indirect Object Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object Subject + Verb + Subject Predicative Subject + Verb + Direct Object + Object Predicative

Here are examples of the five structures: [12] My glasses (S) have disappeared (V). [13] Our country (S) is absorbing (V) many refugees (0). [14] / (S) am sending (V) you (0) an official letter of complaint (0). [15] The water-bed (S) was (V) very comfortable (P). [16] / (S) have made (V) my position (0) clear (P).

There is one further element that is optionally added to the basic structure—the vocative (cf. 5.15): [17] Robin what do you think [SIA-020-230]

Agreement between the subject and verb in number and person is discussed in 5.14.

3.21 Semantic roles

A. Subject

Sentences—and the clauses within them—are used to describe situations. Each constituent of a sentence or clause plays a role in the description. It is not clear how many roles should be distinguished, nor is there space to discuss the roles in detail, but some indication is here given of the major roles that have been identified and of the verb types that are typically involved. If the verb is transitive or intransitive the subject typically has the agentive role, referring to the doer of an action: [1]

Will anyone (S) congratulate me on my cooking [SiA-020-266]


You (S) picked her up [SiA-020-20]


Does she (S) play tennis [SIA-020-207]

If the verb is copular, the subject typically has the identified role (referring to someone or something identified through the subject predicative) [4]-[5] or it has the characterized role (referring to someone or something characterized by the subject predicative) [6]-[7]: [4]

[. . .] this (S) is my daughter Felicity [SIA-OIO-214]


The difficulty (S) is the travel [SiA-019-350]


So this one (S) was which many of you may have in your gardens [S2A024-69]

[10] For the average property, the cistern should have a capacity of 230 litres (50 gallons). [W2&012-33] [11] Inside was the engine—his engine. [W2F-007-4] [12] My sister Mary Jane squeezed in beside me at the rail. [W2F-013-7]

Appositives may be linked by the co-ordinators and or (more usually) or. [13] The single layer net can be seen as a crude emulation of a neural cell, or neuron, in the brain. [W2A-032-67]

This is co-ordinative apposition, since neural cell and neuron refer to the same thing.

Chapter 4 Word Classes Summary

Determination of word classes (4.1-2) 4.1 Open and closed classes 92 4.2 Criteria for word classes 94

Nouns (4.3-12) 4.3 Characteristics of nouns 96 4.4 Proper nouns 97 4.5 Count and non-count nouns 97 4.6 Regular plurals 100 4.7 Irregular plurals 101 4.8 Non-standard plurals 106





Case 109

4.11 Genitive and of phrase 112 4.12 Meanings of genitive and ofphrase 113

Verbs (4.13-20) 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17

Characteristics of verbs 117 Form-types of verbs 117 The-s form 121 The -Ing participle 122 The -ed form in regular verbs 124

4.18 4.19 4.20

Irregular verbs 126 Non-standard verb forms: present tense 129 Non-standard verb forms: past tense and -ed participles 132

Adjectives (4.21-5) 4.21 Characteristics of adjectives 4.22 Attributive and predicative adjectives 134


4.23 4.24 4.25

Nominal adjectives 136 Gradability and comparison 139 Adjectives as unmarked term 140


Adverbs as complements

Adverbs (4.26-8) 4.26 Characteristics of adverbs 141 4.27 Adverbs as adverbials 146

Auxiliaries (4.29) 153 Conjunctions (4.30) 156




Prepositions (4.31) 159

Determiners and pronouns (4.32-45) 4.32 4.33 4.34 4.35 4.36 4.37 4.38

Characteristics of determiners and pronouns 163 Definite and Indefinite articles 164 Forms of personal, possessive, and reflexive pronouns 165 Person, number, gender, case 168 Generic pronouns 172 Substitute pronoun one 173 It 174

Numerals (4.46) 198 Interjections (4.47) 201

4.39 4.40 4.41 4.42 4.43 '4.44 4.45

Existential there 178 Primary reflexive pronouns 180 Emphatic reflexive pronouns 184 Reciprocal pronouns 185 IV/r-pronouns and determiners 186 Indefinite pronouns and determiners 192 Demonstratives 196


Chapter 4 Summary Word classes (or parts of speech) are either open or closed. Open classes are by far the largest because they readily admit new words. The open classes are noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. The closed classes are auxiliary, conjunction, preposition, determiner, pronoun, numeral, and interjection. Many words belong to more than one class.

f '•

Word classes are established on the basis of three types of criteria: notional (meanings), morphological (forms), and grammatical (relations with other words and larger units).


Nouns by themselves or with determiners and modifiers typically function as subject and direct object. Nouns are either common or proper, count (having both singular and plural forms) or non-count. They may be in the common case or the genitive case, for which there is a corresponding o/-phrase. Gender differences (masculine, feminine, non-personal) are signalled only through some associated pronouns. Verbs (or main verbs) by themselves or preceded by auxiliaries (or auxiliary verbs) function as the verb of a sentence or clause. Verbs have five form-types: base (without inflections), -s form (for the present tense), -ingparticiple, past, and - ed participle. In regular verbs the past and the - ed participle are identical, but they are distinguished in some irregular verbs. Adjectives by themselves or with modifiers typically function both attributively as premodifiers of nouns and predicatively as subject predicative. Nominal adjectives (e.g. the poor) serve as head of a noun phrase. Most adjectives are gradable: they can take intensifiers (e.g. very) and comparison (e.g. taller, tallest, more difficult, most difficult).

Adverbs by themselves or with modifiers typically function as premodifiers of adjectives and other adverbs, as adverbials, or as complements of verbs. Sentence adverbials are either conjuncts (logical connectors, e.g. therefore and nevertheless) or disjuncts (commenting on the stance of the speaker or the content of the sentence, e.g. frankly, fortunately). Adjuncts are adverbials (e.g. referring to space, time, or manner) that are more closely linked to the processes or circumstances described in the sentence. Auxiliaries fall into two major sets: primary auxiliaries {be, have, do) and modals (e.g. can, will, must). They precede verbs to express notions such as time, permission, possibility. As operators they play a role in sentence processes such as negation and interrogation. Conjunctions are either co-ordinators or subordinators. Co-ordinators {and, or, but) link units of equal status. Subordinators (e.g. if, although) link subordinate clauses to their host clauses.



Prepositions (e.g. of, in) function as the first constituent of prepositional phrases and are typically followed by noun phrases as their complements. They may be simple (consisting of one word, e.g. of, to) or complex (e.g. according to, as well as). Determiners (e.g. the, your) introduce noun phrases, whereas pronouns (e.g. she, anybody) function as noun phrases by themselves or with modifiers. Many words may be either determiners or pronouns. The definite article the and the indefinite article a(n) are only determiners. The major sets of pronouns/determiners are the primary pronouns (personal, possessive, reflexive), the w/z-pronouns (interrogative, exclamative, relative, nominal relative, vc/i-conditional), and the indefinite pronouns (assertive, nonassertive, negative, universal, quantifying). Other sets of pronouns or determiners are demonstratives, reciprocals, pronoun one, existential there. Numerals may function as pronouns or determiners. There are three types: cardinals (e.g. two, ten thousand), ordinals (e.g. first, twentieth), fractions (a half, two-thirds). Interjections are exclamatory emotive words that are loosely attached to the rest of the sentence, e.g. ah, ouch, sh, wow.


Determination of Word Classes 41 3flCI C l O S e d

Grammatical descriptions require reference to word classes (or parts of speech), such as noun and verb. Further distinctions may be made within word classes; for example, within nouns the distinction between common nouns and proper nouns. Grammarians have varied on the number of classes and subclasses. The more comprehensive and detailed their descriptions, the more classes and subclasses they require. Word classes fall into two categories: open classes and closed classes. Open classes readily admit new members and therefore are by far the largest classes. There are four open classes: noun verb adjective adverb The seven closed classes recognized in this grammar are: auxiliary conjunction preposition determiner pronoun numeral interjection As with the open classes, the closed classes may be divided into subclasses. For example, conjunctions are subdivided into co-ordinators (or co-ordinating conjunctions) and subordinators (or subordinating conjunctions). Items may belong to more than one class. In most instances we can only assign a word to a word class when we encounter it in context. Looks is a verb in 'It looks good', but a noun in 'She has good looks'; that is a conjunction in 'I know that they are abroad', but a pronoun in 'I know thai and a determiner in 'I know that man'; one is a generic pronoun in 'One must be careful not to offend them', but a numeral in 'Give me one good reason'. Some members of a class are central (or prototypical), whereas others are more peripheral. Tall is central to the class of adjectives, because it conforms to all the characteristics of adjectives; in particular it can be attributive (premodifying a noun) as in that tall building and predicative (functioning as subject predicative) as in That building is tall. Afraid, on the other hand, is peripheral, because it can only be predicative as in He was afraid.



Some members of a class consist of more than one word. Book review and cable car are compound nouns, no one and one another are compound pronouns, because ofand in spite of are complex prepositions, as well as and in order that are complex conjunctions. Compounds may be written as orthographic words, either solid or hyphenated. The pronouns nobody and yourself are written solid (though yourself is separated in your good self), and no one is sometimes hyphenated as no-one. Roughly corresponding to the distinction between open-class and closedclass words is that between lexical or content words, on the one hand, and grammatical or function words, on the other. These terms acknowledge the importance of most of the closed-class words in the grammatical relations between words or higher units. It would be wrong, however, to think of closed-class words as lacking content. The preposition into contrasts with out of in the sentence 'He went into the kitchen and she went out of the kitchen', and the pronouns nobody and everybody are obviously different in their meaning. Some words do not fit well into any of the classes. Among them are: 1. the negative particle not and its contraction n't, which are used to form negative sentences (cf. 3.11); 2. the infinitive particles to, so as to, and in order to, which are followed by an infinitive verb; 3. the infinitive particles for and in order for, which introduce the subject of an infinitive clause (cf. 4.30): [1]

And I mean it's you know a bit difficult for people to get there [SiA-019-345]


In order for a closure to be carried (,) there have to be a hundred honourable members for the closure [SIB-05I-17]

4. with and without, when they introduce the subject of a non-finite or verbless clause (cf. 4.30): [3]

I put it on with the zip done up [SiA-042-174]


You'll never get a word in with me talking [SIA-O81-41]


We're riding here with our visors up as it was a very cold and humid day [S2A-O54-123]

5. existential there (cf. 4.39): [6]

There's a certain amount of academic snobbery attached to UNIX I always feel [S1A-029-166]


4.2 Criteria for word



Word classes have been established on the basis of three types of criteria: notional, morphological, and grammatical. Notional (or semantic) criteria involve generalizations about the meaning of words in a class. Notional definitions have often been applied to English nouns and verbs. A common notional definition of the noun class is that nouns are names of persons, things, and places. To some extent it is a satisfactory notional definition in that many central nouns refer to persons, things, and places. But it is inadequate in that it excludes many words that we wish to place in the same class as child, book, and city because they behave in the same way grammatically. The notional definition of nouns excludes abstract nouns such as action, destruction, morality, time, authorship, happiness, existence, contradiction—to mention just a few. Verbs have been notionally defined as expressing an action or a state. The definition is undermined by the very words action and state: action is a noun, and so is state as used in the definition. Morphological criteria refer to the forms of words that belong to one class. These may be inflectional forms of the same lexical item: plurals of nouns (book/books, child/children), variant forms of verbs (steal/steals/stole/stealing/ stolen), comparatives and superlatives of adjectives {happy/happier/happiest). Or they may be affixes, usually suffixes, that identify particular classes. For example: -ness or -ity for nouns (goodness, normality), -ize or -ify for verbs (specialize, dignify), -able or -less for adjectives (suitable, careless), -ly for adverbs (mostly). Morphological criteria are inadequate for differentiating word classes in English for several reasons. First, many words are invariable in English, and do not admit inflections. This is so particularly for the closed classes. Secondly, even with the classes that admit inflections, many words are invariable. Nouns such as chess and information do not have plural forms. Adjectives with more than two syllables (beautiful, interesting) do not have inflected forms, nor do many with two syllables (famous, hopeful). Most adverbs are not inflected for comparison. Only verbs are virtually always inflected.1 Thirdly, most words are not marked by affixes as belonging to particular classes. The forms of the words do not identify speech as a noun, come as a verb, nice as an adjective, or here as an adverb, though potentialities for inflections differentiate the first three words. Finally, since it is often possible to convert words from one class to another, some affixes that are characteristic of a particular class remain when the words are converted to another class: the noun suffix -tion (prevention, education) remains when certain nouns are converted to verbs (condition, proposition); the adjectives disposable and hopeful are converted into the nouns disposable/disposables and hopeful/hopefuls. When they are in isolation, we cannot tell whether look and looks are nouns or verbs, though we know that looked and looking are verb forms. Morphological criteria alone are generally insufficient to establish word classes or to identify the word-class membership of a word in isolation.



However, in context the inflectional potential of a word is a guide to its word class, where inflectional variants are available. We know that make in [1] is a noun because we can add a plural inflection: [1]

How would you know what make it was [SIA-OOS-I34]

[la] How would you know what makes they were? And we know that make is a verb in [2] because we can inflect it as a verb: [2]

If you're a stone and a half it must make some difference [SIA-038-72]

[2a] If you're a stone and a half it must have made some difference. [2b] If you're a stone and a half it must be making some difference. [2c] If you're a stone and a half it makes some difference.

Since verbs are almost always inflected, inflectional potentiality is a useful criterion for verbs. Grammatical (or syntactic) criteria involve the grammatical functions of the word in its relation to other words. The criteria are invoked to establish the actual functions in context or the potential functions in isolation. As head of a noun phrase, a noun may function as subject, direct object, indirect object, etc. It may be introduced by determiners, premodified by adjectives, and postmodified by prepositional phrases and relative clauses. As head of an adjective phrase, an adjective may function as premodifier of a noun and as subject predicative and it maybe premodified by adverbs. Similar criteria may be applied to all the word classes. Grammatical criteria are the most reliable criteria for establishing word classes, though peripheral members may not conform to all the criteria. In practice, morphological criteria are employed together with grammatical criteria where inflectional variants or affixal characteristics are available. Central members of the noun class can function as subject, be preceded by the determiner the, and take plural forms. Notional criteria are often a useful entry to a recognition of a class, as indeed is simply a list of examples. Notional criteria are valid for establishing equivalences in word classes across unrelated languages, since morphological resemblances are likely to be absent and grammatical resemblances may sometimes be insecure.



Nouns 4.3 Characteristics of nouns

As the head of a noun phrase, a noun has a range of functions (cf. 5.3). For example, the noun teachers is the head of the subject noun phrase of [1] and the noun dinner is the head of the object noun phrase in [2]: [1]

The teachers aren't perhaps aware of how they can work with the disabled student [SIA-OOI-96]


The people we were staying with they (, ,) cooked us a traditional Normandy dinner [siA-009-118]

Typically, nouns are introduced by a determiner (cf. 4.32 ff): the definite article the in [1] and the indefinite article a in [2]. They may be premodified: in [2] by the adjective traditional and the noun Normandy. They may also be postmodified: the relative clause we were staying with postmodifies people in [2] and the prepositional phrase in the building postmodifies room in [3]: [3]

And they were saying wait until summer and you'll get the benefit then (, > because it's the coolest room in the building [SIA-017-93]

The typical noun has both singular and plural forms: teacher/teachers, dinner/dinners, building/buildings. Here are some typical noun endings: postage, pilgrimage, patronage, savage, courage, beverage -ation, -tion, -sion, -ion: explanation, education, nation, division, invasion, objection -er, -or: writer, painter, player, actor, doctor -ing: building(s), saving(s), shaving(s), writing(s), gathering(s), wandering(s) -ity: reality, immunity, disparity, eternity -ment: appointment, deferment, experiment, establishment, embarrassment, ointment -nes: awkwardness, eagerness, giddiness, happiness, lawlessness, readiness -ist: atheist, soloist, apologist, biologist, capitalist, specialist, realist, dramatist -age:

Some of these endings were endings of the words when they were borrowed from other languages. For noun suffixes in word formation, see 9.21 f.



4.4 Proper nouns

Nouns are either common or proper. Proper nouns name specific people, animals, institutions, places, times, etc. They have unique reference, and in writing they begin with a capital letter; Bill Clinton, Jerusalem, Christmas, December. Names may consist of a combination of a proper noun with other words (adjectives, common nouns, prepositional phrases), and it is usual for the initial letters of each open-class word in the name to be written in capitals, and also the definite article the if it is part of the name: The Hague Queen Elizabeth The New York Times Scotland Yard Lake Michigan Great Britain Closed-class words, such as the definite article (when not part of the name) and prepositions, are generally in lower case: the Pacific the United States of America the University of Michigan the King of Belgium Proper names are non-count: they have no contrast in number. Generally, they have only a singular form, but some place-names have only a plural form: the Netherlands the Bahamas the Alps the Andes the United Nations the British Isles Proper names are treated as common nouns when they do not have unique references, though they retain capitals in writing. They can then be in the plural and take determiners that are confined to count nouns:

4.5 Count and noncount nouns


I bet it's busy on Sundays [SIA-006-250]


I've got a lot of Julians in my class [SIA-032-277]


It's about a group of latterday Rip Van Winkles who in a Bronx hospital in 1969 were briefly awakened from a catatonic state in which they'd existed for 30 or even 40 years [S2B-033-6]

[4] [5]

But you're a bit of a Bertie Wooster yourself [S1B-042-43] So this is a very common sight ( , ) on a Saturday at Paestum [S2A-024-21]

Common nouns are either count (or countable) or non-count (or uncountable or mass). Count nouns have both a singular and a plural and they can be introduced by determiners that accompany distinctions in number. For example:


a one every • picture either this

two several



many these

Non-count nouns indicate entities that are viewed as uncountable. They are singular in form and are treated as singular for subject-verb agreement (cf. 5.14). They are introduced by a restricted set of determiners (cf. 4.32 ff). For example: the ' this some information any no

my whose which sugar what whatever

Like plural count nouns, non-count nouns may head a noun phrase without an overt determiner, the zero article (cf. 4.33): [1]

I think they're not too good on music [siA-033-115]


She was an enthusiastic gardener, a collector of old furniture ('Not antiques,' Eleanor once said to her), a hoarder of books and records, photographs and silly mementoes. [W2F-009-25]

[3] [4]

Honesty is appreciated a lot [SIA-037-206] You even have to pay extra if you want bread with your meal. [wiB-002-127]

The count/non-count distinction correlates to some extent with the distinction between concrete and abstract nouns. Concrete nouns are used to refer to entities that are typically perceptible and tangible, whereas abstract nouns refer to those that are not perceptible and tangible, such as qualities, states of mind, and events: morality, happiness, belief, disgust, pursuit. When concrete nouns are non-count, the entities they refer to are viewed as an undifferentiated mass: furniture, bread, cheese, coffee, whisky. We can often achieve countability with non-count nouns (particularly concrete nouns) through partitive expressions. There are general partitive expressions, such as a piece of/pieces o/and a bit of/bits of:

a piece of a bit of some pieces of two pieces of

bread sugar cheese information advice evidence news

There are also partitive expressions that tend to go only with certain noncount nouns: two slices of bread/cheese/cake/meat


a lump of sugar/coal a bar of chocolate/soap/gold a g/a5s of water/soda/whisky three cups of coffee/ tea We can also use measurements: two pounds of sugar/coffee/tea a ton of coal a Zzfre of brandy Some nouns can be either count or non-count, sometimes with a difference of meaning: [5]

How would we do it if it was paper [SIA-077-21] (non-count)


It's gonna be difficult cos all my papers are in a mess in my desk [siA-074342] (count)


That's exactly what happens in our eyes and that's why the nasal retina actually sees light {, > from the lateral field [SIB-OIS-185) (non-count)


At the beginning death was seen as a light, now he seems to be praising it as a darkness. [wiA-018-27] (count)


Do you want cake [SiA-019-90] (non-count)

[10] Mm that's a wonderful walnut cake [SIA-056-195) (count) [11] Is that because you were having difficulty remembering things [SIA-059-17] (non-count) [12] They might be in financial difficulties [SIB-065-3] [13] One loses interest in everything when one has children [SiA-032-ii] (noncount) [14] I mean Thames and Hudson have expressed an interest and it's possible I would be able to publish something out of that but you know all that takes a very long time [SIA-066-106]

More generally, many concrete nouns that are normally non-count can be treated as count nouns in two uses: 1. When the noun refers to different kinds or qualities: [15] I don't like sparkling wines all that much [SiA-019-14] [16] We bought Italian cheeses, fresh pasta and olives [. . .] [wiB-013-29]

2. When the noun refers to quantities in a situation where the units are obvious: [17] One sugar only, please. [18] I'll have two coffees.


4.6 Regular plurals


Count nouns make a distinction between singular and plural. Singular denotes one, and plural more than one: [1]

It weighs one pound exactly.

[ l a ] It weighs at least one and a half pounds.

In writing, the regular plural ends in -s: cat/cats



Some spelling rules affect the addition of the regular -s inflection: 1. If the singular ends in a sibilant (see below) that is not followed by -e, add -es: pass/passes





A few nouns ending in -s have a variant in which the consonant is doubled before the inflection: bus/buses or busses gas/gases or gasses

bias/biases or brasses focus/focuses or focusses

If a sibilant is followed by -e, only -s is added: cage/cages disease/diseases grudge/grudges 2. If the singular ends in a consonant plus y, change the y to i and then add -es: spy/spies



Proper nouns are exceptions: the Kennedys

Bloody Marys

If a vowel precedes the final y, the plural is regular: toy/toys


3. For some nouns ending in -o, add -es. Here are common examples: echo/echoes veto/vetoes




In some instances there is variation between -os and -oes; for example: cargo/cargos or cargoes volcanoes

motto/mottos or mottoes

volcano/volcanos or

The regular -s plural inflection is pronounced as /iz/, /z/, or /s/ depending on the final sound of the singular. 1. /iz/ if the singular ends in a sibilant: /s/





/z/ buzz/buzzes III bushl bushes /tf/ church) churches /•$/ barrage/barrages grudge/grudges 2. /z/ if the singular ends in a vowel or a voiced consonant (cf. 10.3) other than a sibilant: ray/rays





arns 3. /s/ if the singular ends in a voiceless consonant (cf. 10.3) other than a sibilant: cat/cats cake/cakes

4.7 Irregular plurals



1. Voicing of final consonant

Some nouns ending in -/or -fe form their plurals by changing the ending to -ves. They include: calf/calves life/lives half/halves loaf/loaves knife/knives self/selves leaf/leaves thief/ thieves Others have regular plurals as well: dwarf/dwarves or dwarfs handkerchief/handkerchiefs or handkerchieves hoof/ hooves or hoofs scarf/scarves or scarfs wharf/wharves or wharfs Some nouns ending in -th have the regular plural in spelling, but the pronunciation of th is voiced / 5 / and therefore followed by /z/. However, in most cases, the regular pronunciation /9s/ is a variant: baths oaths paths sheaths

truths wreaths youths

A change of voicing also occurs from the voiceless /s/ ending in singular house to the voiced ending in /ziz/ in plural houses. 2. Mutations In a few nouns, the plural is formed by mutation (a change in the vowel): man/men woman/women foot/feet goose/geese mouse/mice louse/lice




Children, the plural of child, combines a vowel change and the irregular ending -en (a survival of an Old English plural inflection). A similar combination appears in brethren, a specialized plural of brother. The older plural ending is found without vowel change in ox/oxen. In American English there are also variant plurals of ox: regular oxes and the unchanged form ox. 3.

Zero plurals

Count nouns that have the same form for singular and plural are said to have zero plural. These include the names of some animals, particularly cod, deer, sheep; nouns denoting quantity when they are premodifieS by a numeral or other quantifier and particularly when they are attached to a noun head: two hundred (people), three dozen (plants), several thousand (dollars). The measure nouns foot (length unit), pound (unit of weight or of British currency), and stone (British weight unit) optionally take zero plurals: six foot two, twenty pound, fifteen stone. 4.

Foreign plurals

Some nouns borrowed from other languages (in particular from Latin and Greek) may retain their foreign plurals, but generally only in technical usage. In non-technical usage, the regular plural is normal in some of the instances listed below: (a) nouns in -us, with plural in -i: alumnus) alumni bacillus locus nucleus (b) nouns in-us, with plural in-a: corpus/corpora genus/genera (c) nouns in -a, with plural in -ae: alga/algae antenna formula vertebra (d) nouns in -um, with plural in -a: addendum/addenda bacterium curriculum erratum ovum (e) nouns in -ex or -ix, with plural in -ices: appendix/ appendices codex index matrix (f) nouns in -is, with plural in -es: analysis/analyses axis basis crisis diagnosis ellipsis hypothesis oasis parenthesis synopsis thesis (g) nouns in -on, with plural in -a: automaton/automata criterion phenomenon (h) nouns in -eau, with plural in -eaux: bureau/bureaux The regular plural is normal with bureau and other such words borrowed from French (e.g. plateau, tableau). Some French words ending in -s have the same spelling for their plural, but are pronounced regularly with /z/ (e.g. corps, rendezvous). (i) nouns in -o, with plural in -i: tempo/tempi virtuoso


Certain nouns in -a are regularly treated as singular, though the ending represents an original plural: agenda, insignia. The use of other nouns in -a as singulars is controversial. They include criteria, media, phenomena, strata. Media in the sense 'mass media' is often treated as singular: [1]

This is a call for a more mature leadership a more mature media and a more mature constituency. [W2A-017-83]


And maybe the media plays a part in all this [SiB-030-52]


The way-up criteria is a phenomenon used to establish which way the rocks were originally deposited, [WIA-020-3]


Many LA countries, including Brazil, Argentina and Chile, opted for importsubstitution industrialization, a phenomena where manufactured goods are made in the country for a domestic market instead of importing them from abroad. [wiA-015-68]


Schmidt (1982) explained this phenomena by describing the motor program for walking—in animals—as being innate [. . .] [wiA-016-56]

Data is commonly used as a non-count noun in scientific discourse: [6]

In this context inertia is and taking on my dad's [siB-080-252] ('my dad's car')


Well ( , ,) uhm you get better repeatability the more readings you take [S1B-004-266J


Imperative (cf. 3.7.): [2]


Tell me about your life [S1A-O75-27J

Present subjunctive (cf. 5.25): [3] I urged in my previous letter that these research staff be treated as their present colleagues and be permitted to apply for a redundancy payment when their contracts expire, [WIB-024-31]

For verbs other than be, the present subjunctive can only be distinguished from the present tense indicative in the third person singular, which has the -s form. Hence, there is not a distinctive subjunctive form in: We recommend that they repay the full amount. The subjunctive f o r m can appear in the t h i r d person singular: We recommend that he repay the full amount.

The present tense form here would be repays. British English rarely uses the present subjunctive except for the verb be, as in [3]. It uses instead should (he should repay) or the present tense -5 form (he repays). Here is an example from an American source of the present subjunctive with a verb other than be: [4]

Israel insists that it remain in charge on the borders [. . .] [International Herald Tribune, 24 January 1994, p. 8]



4. Infinitive (cf. 5.19), which has two major uses: (a) bare infinitive (without to), follows a modal auxiliary (cf. 4.29): [5]

I must write that message [SIA-039-II3]

(b) to-infinitive is the main verb in infinitive clauses (cf. 6.10):3 [6] I'd like to write something on process theology [SiA-053-24]

B. -s form-type

C. -ing participle

The -s form-type is restricted to the third person singular present tense: [7]

It comes with a small remote control and all the usual features, including wired and optical outputs [W2B-040-33]


It still is very very difficult for me to be monogamous (, ,) and to have a satisfying ongoing sexual relationship with anybody [SiA-072-210]

The -ingparticiple is used in: 1. Progressive aspect, following the auxiliary be (cf. 5.31): [9]

I think somebody's been leadingyou up the garden path [SiA-008-223]

2. -Ing participle clauses, as the main verb (cf. 6.10): [10] Those involved in the deal are keeping details secret to avoid putting the sale in jeopardy. [W2C-020-39]

D. Past

The past is used for the past tense (cf. 5.21 f.): [11] You mentioned that any lump should be excised, [SIB-OIO-61] [12] The photograph I thought was absolutely terrible [S2A-027-50]

E. -ed participle

The -erf participle is used in: 1. Perfect aspect, following the auxiliary have (cf. 5.27 ff.): [13] We have been waiting for Her Majesty the Queen to arrive and we've discovered that there has been a fault in her transport arrangements [S2A020-84]

2. Passive voice, following the auxiliary be (cf. 3.12): [14] I feel sure that some day it will be published [siB-026-243]

3. -ed participle clauses, as the main verb (cf. 6.10): [15] The applications will then be published to enable public consultation, with winners announced in October and any newcomers taking over from January 1993. [W2C-017-46]

The past subjunctive (cf. 5.26) is were, and it can only be distinguished from the past indicative when the subject is I or third person singular:



[16] If I were you, I'd apply for the York position just for the experience, [WIB074-43]

[17] Of course, BS would squeal, but it could hardly complain if closure were its only aim. [W2C-007-22J

In these instances the past indicative is was, which often replaces subjunctive were, particularly in less formal use: [18] [. . .] I'd go to the Palmer one if I was you. [SiA-oos-54]

4.15 TliC " S T O r m

For both regular and irregular verbs the spelling and pronunciation of the -s form is virtually always predictable from the base form. The rules for deriving the -s form from the base form are similar to those for adding the plural inflection to singular nouns in regular plurals (cf. 4.6). The regular spelling of the -s inflection is s: run/runs put/puts revere/reveres Here are additional spelling rules for particular cases: 1. If the base ends in a sibilant sound (see below) that is not followed by -e, add -es: buzz/buzzes pass/passes catch/catches fax/faxes rush/rushes For a few words ending in -s, there is a variant in which the -s is doubled before the inflection: bus/ buses or busses bias/ biases or biasses focus/focuses or focusses gas/gases or gasses Where sibilants are followed by -e, only -s is added: force/forces grudge/grudges rise/rises 2. If the base ends in a consonant plus y, change the y to i and then add -es: worry/worries fly/flies bury/buries deny/denies If a vowel precedes the final y, the spelling is regular: play/plays annoy/annoys 3. For some verbs ending in -o, add -es: go/goes do/does echo/echoes veto/vetoes




Derivatives with go and do also have -es: undergo/ undergoes overdo/ overdoes 4. There are two irregular forms: have/has be/is The -5 inflection is pronounced /iz/, /z/, or /s/ depending on the final sound of the base: 1. /iz/ if the singular ends in a sibilant: /s/ pass/passes fax/faxes /z/ buzz/buzzes HI rushl rushes /tj/ catch/catches Is/ camouflage/camouflages judge/judges 2. /z/ if the singular ends in a vowel or a voiced consonant (cf. 10.3) other than a sibilant: pay/pays pursue/pursues hum/hums drive/drives rebuild/rebuilds 3. /s/ if the singular ends in a voiceless consonant (cf. 10.3) other than a sibilant: cook/cooks convert/converts worship/worships 4. There are irregular pronunciations: > (a) do /du:/ —» does /dAz/; so also for the derivatives of do, such as overdoes (b) say /sei/ —> says /sez/

4.16 ThG -ffl£

As with the -s form, the spelling and pronunciation of the -ing participle is virtually always predictable from the base form of both regular and irregular verbs. The inflection is spelled -ing, which is added to the base: pass/passing carry/carrying go/going bej being Here are additional spelling rules for particular cases: 1. If the base ends in -e, drop the -e before the -ing: drive/driving make/making deceive/deceiving co-operate/co-operating



But if the base ends in -ee, -oe, or -ye, keep the final -e: see/seeing disagree/disagreeing hoe/hoeing dye/dyeing Also, singe keeps the -e in singeing, distinguishing it from singing, the -ing participle of sing. Binge and tinge have the variants hinging or bingeing; tinging or tingeing. 2. If the base ends in -ie, change the i to y and drop the -e: die/dying tie/tying untie/untying lie/lying Contrast die/ dying with dye/ dyeing. 3. In general, double the consonant letter before -ing if all these three conditions apply: (a) the base ends in a single consonant letter (b) a single vowel comes before that consonant letter (c) the final syllable of the base is stressed, as it must be if the base is monosyllabic. All three conditions apply in these examples: tip/tipping rob/robbing sag/sagging hum/humming bet/betting

permit/permitting defer/deferring forget/forgetting upset/upsetting forbid/forbidding

There is no doubling if: (a) the base ends in two or more consonant letters: sing/singing fight/fighting kick/kicking remind/reminding (b) there are two vowel letters before the final consonant of the base: read/reading reveal/revealing despair/ despairing (c) the final syllable of the base is not stressed: limit/limiting differ/differing deliver/delivering The letters y and w count as vowel letters when they come at the end of the base (and are pronounced as vowels), and they are therefore not doubled: apply/applying fly/flying show/showing There are some exceptions to the rules for doubling: (a) A few words ending in -s have variants with or without the doubling: bus/ busing or bussing gasjgasing or gassing bias) biasing or biassing focus/focusing or focussing Busing and gasing are irregular, and so are biassing and focussing.



(b) British English generally doubles the consonant letter if the base ends in -/even though the final syllable of the base is not stressed: marvel/marvelling model/modelling quarrel/quarrelling travel/ travelling American English generally follows the regular rule and does not double the consonant: marveling modeling quarreling traveling British and American English differ in the same direction for a few bases ending in -m(e) or -p: British

programme/programming diagram/diagramming kidnap/ kidnapping worship/ worshipping American program/programing diagram/diagraming kidnap/kidnaping worship/ worshiping However, in both British and American English, handicapping and humbuggingare usual, even though the final syllable of the base is not stressed. (c) If the base ends in -c, the c is in effect generally doubled as ck even though the final syllable of the base is not stressed: mimic/mimicking panic/panicking picnic/picnicking traffic/trafficking The pronunciation of the -ing inflection by speakers of standard English is generally /irj/, at least in their careful speech. A common non-standard pronunciation is /in/, which is sometimes represented in writing as -in, e.g. singin'. Some non-standard dialects prefix the -ing participle with a- before consonants: a-huntin', a-comin\ a-runnin. The a-prefix is usually explained as a reduced form of the preposition on, originally attached to verbal nouns ending in -ingand then generalized to -ingparticiples.

4.17 The -ed form in regular verbs

The -ed form in regular verbs and in many irregular verbs represents two form-types: the past and the -erf participle (cf. 4.14): past: We saved some money, -ed participle: We have saved some money. The -ed form in regular verbs is virtually always predictable from the base form. The regular spelling of the -ed form in regular verbs is -ed: play/played talk/talked disturb/disturbed distinguish/distinguished


Here are additional spelling rules for particular cases, which largely coincide with those for the -s form (cf. 4.15) or the -mgparticiple (cf. 4.16): 1. If the base ends in -e, drop the -e before adding -ed: deceive/deceived save/saved co-operate/co-operated But if the base ends in -ee, -oe, -ie, or -ye, keep the final -e: disagree/disagreed hoe/hoed die/died dye/dyed 2. If the base ends in a consonant plus y, change the y to i and then add -ed: worry/worried cry/cried apply/applied deny/denied If a vowel precedes the final y, the spelling is regular: play/played annoy/ annoyed There are exceptions where the y changes to i even though a vowel precedes they: lay/laid pay/paid Derivatives of lay and pay are also exceptions: mislay/mislaid underpay/ underpaid The verb say is similar to these two verbs in spelling: say/said But said is irregular in pronunciation /sed/. 3. The rules for doubling the final consonant letter of the base are identical with those required before the -ing inflection (cf. 4.16), and they may therefore be restated here briefly. In general, double the consonant letter before -ed if all these three conditions apply: (a) the base ends in a single consonant letter (b) a single vowel comes before that consonant letter (c) the final syllable of the base is stressed All three conditions apply in these examples: rob/robbed permit/permitted defer/deferred Exceptions: (a) A few words ending in -s have variants with or without the doubling: bus/bused or bussed bias/biased or biassed focus/focused or focussed gas/gased or gassed (b) If the base ends in -/ or for a few words in -m(e) or -p, British English generally doubles the consonant letter whereas American English generally follows the regular rule:





marvelled modelled quarrelled travelled programmed diagrammed kidnapped worshipped American marveled modeled quarreled traveled programed diagramed kidnaped worshiped However, in both American and British English, handicapped and humbugged are usual. (c) If the base ends in c, the c is generally doubled as ck even though the final syllable of the base is not stressed: mimicl mimicked paniclpanicked picnic/picknicked traffic/trafficked The rules for the pronunciation of the -ed inflection are analogous to those for the -s inflection (cf. 4.15). The inflection is pronounced /id/, /d/, or /t/ depending on the final sound of the base: 1. /id/ifthebaseendsin/d/or/t/: /d/ mend/mended fade/faded defend/defended /t/ net/netted visit/visited hesitate/hesitated 2. /d/ if the base ends in a vowel or a voiced consonant (cf. 10.3) other than

Id/: flow/flowed try/tried revise/revised save/saved 3. /t/ if the base ends in a voiceless consonant (cf. 10.3) other than /t/: walk/walked notice/noticed fix/fixed help/helped

4.1o lrrC|£lll3r VCrbS

There are five form-types (cf. 4.14). Apart from the highly irregular verb be (which has eight forms), irregular verbs may have three, four, or five forms, depending on whether one form is used for two or three form-types. The -s form and the -ingparticiple are always available and can be predicted from the base for all verbs except the verb be (which has the unpredictable -s form is as well as the unpredictable present tense forms am and are). Except for the verb be, we therefore need list only three forms to show irregularities in the verb: the base, the past, and the -ed participle. These three forms are known as the principal parts of the verb. For example, the principal parts of the verb see are see (base), saw (past), and seen (-ed participle). We can additionally derive from the base the remaining forms sees (-s form) and seeing (-ingparticiple). The principal parts of the verb make are make, made, made, the five form-types are therefore make (base), makes (-s form), making (-ing participle), made (past), made (-ed participle). The principal parts of the verb put, which has only three forms, are



put, put, pup, the base, the past, and the -ed participle are identical, and the additional forms are puts and putting. Dictionaries list the principal parts of irregular verbs and of regular verbs that have spelling changes across the principal parts, such as doubling of the consonant before the inflection or the change of 7 to i. We can establish seven classes of irregular verbs according to whether or not four features apply to their principal parts: 1. The past and -ed participles are identical, as in regular verbs. 2. The past has a -d or -tinflection, as in regular verbs, and the same inflection may also be found in the -ed participle. 3. The vowel in the base form is identical with the vowel in the other two principal parts, as in regular verbs. 4. The -ed participle has an -(e)n inflection, which is not found in regular verbs. Table 4.18.1 sets out in columns the four features and indicates whether they apply (+) or not (-) to each of the seven classes of irregular verbs. The '±' for class II indicates that some verbs in the class do not have the specified feature. Two irregular verbs do not fit into the seven classes. The present-day forms of the verb be derive historically from different verbs: the past tense was and were, the present tense am, is, are, and be, being, been (cf. 4.14). The verb go takes its past form went from a different verb; the principal parts are go, went, gone. past = participle

Table 4.18.1 Classes of Irregular verbs

-tl-d inflection

all vowels identical

-« inflection

I. bend bent bent II. show showed shown III. buy bought bought IV. break broke broken V. hit hit hit VI. find found found VII. begin began begun

Examples of verbs in the seven classes follow, together with some brief comments. I.

bend bent bent build built built have had had make made made

burn burnt burnt learn learnt learnt smell smelt smelt spell spelt spelt spoil spoilt spoilt



The inflections are irregularly attached. The -t inflections follow a voiced sound, contrary to the general rule (cf. 4.17). Those in the second column also have regular variants: burn, burned, burned and spoil, spoiled, spoiled. The regular variants are usual in American English. II.

show showed shown mow mowed mown sew sewed sewn saw sawed sawn

shear sheared shorn swell swelled swollen

The past is formed regularly, but the participle has the -(e)n inflection. Those in the second column have a different vowel in the participle, hence the '±' in the table. All the verbs also have regular variants for the participle: show, showed, showed. III.

buy bought bought hear heard heard lose lost lost say said said feelfeltfelt keep kept kept

dream dreamt dreamt kneel knelt knelt lean leant leant leap leapt leapt

Despite the identity of spellings in some instances, the vowel sounds of the past and participle always differ from that of the base. Those in the second column also have regular variants: dream, dreamed, dreamed. IV.

break broke broken speak spoke spoken blow blew blown hide hid hidden lie lay lain

see saw seen take took taken tear tore torn write wrote written bite bit bitten

All three forms differ. The past lacks an inflection, but the participle has the - (e)n inflection. The verbs vary in their sameness of vowels. For example, blow has the same vowel in the base and the participle (blown), tear has the. same vowel in the past and the participle (tore, torn), and the vowels are different in all three principal parts of write.


hit hit hit burst burst burst hurt hurt hurt let let let set set set putputput cut cut cut cast cast cast

fit fit fit rid rid rid quit quit quit sweat sweat sweat wet wet wet wed wed wed

All three parts are identical. Those in the second column also have regular variants: fit, fitted, fitted. Cost belongs to this class, but it is regular in the sense 'estimate the value or cost of.




find found found feed fed fed read read read bleed bled bled figh t fo ugh t fo ugh t dig dug dug win won won sting stung stung

get got got hold held held strike struck struck stand stood stood wind wound wound light lit lit speed sped sped hang hung hung

The past and participle are identical, as in the regular verb, but there is a change in the vowel and there are no inflections. A few verbs in this class also have regular variants: light, lighted, lighted; speed, speeded, speeded. In American English, get has two participles: got and gotten; the tendency is for have got to denote possessing something and have gotten to denote obtaining something. Hang also has a regular variant—hang, hanged, hanged—which tends to be used to denote suspension by the neck, especially in an official execution. VII.

begin began begun drink drank drunk sing sang sung ring rang rung shrink shrank shrunk swim swam swum

come came come run ran run

Those in the first column have three different forms for the principal parts and no inflections. Those in the second column have the same form for the base and the participle.

4.19 Non-standard verb forms: present tense

A historical perspective is helpful for understanding the variations in verb forms in non-standard dialects and their differences from standard English. The present tense in Old English distinguished the three persons in the singular. The inflections for the present can be generalized as follows (where p is equivalent to present-day th, and the parentheses indicate variant omissions): 1st person singular 2nd person singular 3rd person singular plural

-e - (e)st - (e)p -ap

The present subjunctive was -e for the singular and -en for the plural. The Northumbrian dialect of Old English eventually developed a somewhat different system for the present tense:



1st person singular 2nd person singular 3rd person singular plural

-o, -e -as -es, -as -es, -as

Phonological changes led to the neutralization of the unstressed vowels in the inflections to e /a/ and then to the loss of final -e. By about 1300, the verb paradigms for the present tense had developed separately in the Middle English dialects: 1st person singular 2nd person singular 3rd person singular plural

North -(e) -es -es -es

Midland -e -es(t) -ep/-es -enj~es

South -e -est -ep -ep

The Midland dialects had adopted the subjunctive plural inflection -en as an alternative for the indicative plural. The -es inflection for the third person singular infiltrated into the Midland dialects from the North. By the late fourteenth century, the London standard (which drew on various dialects) had the following paradigm for the present tense: 1 st person singular - (e) 2nd person singular - (e)st 3rd person singular -eth plural -e(n) At the same time, a variant -(e)s inflection (spread from the North) was used in London for the third person singular as well as the -eth inflection (shegiveth, she gives).

During the next two centuries there were losses of final -e in the first person singular and of final -n and then final -e in the plural, so that these assumed the base form that they now have in standard English. By the end of the seventeenth century, the -s form was the dominant form for the third person singular in the increasingly standardized English, though doth and hath continued to be used until well into the eighteenth century as a spelling convention rendered by /s/ in speech, as was perhaps often the case with other verbs in the seventeenth century. Plurals in -s are also occasionally found in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. By the nineteenth century, the distinctive second person singular was abandoned for general use as a result of the supplanting of thou by you; thou and the -st form {thou walkst, thou knowest) have continued to appear in the restricted domains of poetry and prayer. They are occasionally used facetiously; and so is the -eth inflection, as in this epigram advertising a lager: The Lord giveth. The Landlord taketh away. [The Independent Magazine, 6 August 1994, pp. 14 f.]

Present-day standard English retains only two forms in the present tense: the -5 form for the third person singular and the base form for the rest. Hence, the


anomaly in standard English that -s signals the singular in the present tense of verbs but the plural in nouns: The students listen. The student listens.

Non-standard dialects vary in how they treat the present tense. Commonly, the paradigm has been regularized to extend the -s form to all persons in the singular and to the plural (/ knows, we knows, etc.). Alternatively, the uninflected base form has been extended to the third person singular (she know). Old inflected forms have been retained to a limited extent in some non-standard dialects: the -eth inflection for the third person singular (she knoweth) and the -en inflection for the plural (they knowen). Some nonstandard dialects that have kept a distinctive thou/thee pronoun for the second person singular have also retained the -st inflection that accompanies it. Dialect variation is particularly acute with the verb be, whether as a main verb or an auxiliary verb. In some non-standard dialects, the paradigm has been regularized by using be throughout (/ be, you be, etc.). In some, regularization is achieved through is (I is, you is, etc.). There are also nonstandard dialects that have bin or are (I bin, I are, etc.). In others, the verb be may be omitted in the present tense whenever it can occur in a contracted form (They my friends, corresponding to They're my friends), though omission does not usually apply to am. Ain't is a much stigmatized negative present tense form for be (both main verb and auxiliary verb) and for auxiliary have (She ain't angry, I ain't telling, They ain't done it). In standard English there is no corresponding negative verb for (I) am not in the declarative, though aren't (I)? serves the purpose in the interrogative, especially in British English. Earlier spellings of ain't included an't, a'n't, i'n't, e'n't for be, and ha'n't for have; they represent earlier pronunciations that more closely represent the positive forms. Ain't is stigmatized in both British and American standard English, though it is used informally in speech in certain contexts, particularly by speakers of standard American English. American politicians may use ain't in public speeches to convey a folksy tone. In [1] the casualness is enhanced by the use of the double negative: [1]

The state leaders of United We Stand America, meeting in Dallas to debate their future, faced serious questions about whether Mr. Perot's claim last week that the country "ain't seen nothing yet" was more than an idle boast. [International Herald Tribune, 8 February 1994, p. 3]

In non-standard dialects ain't is common, but in't is preferred in some dialects for tag questions. Some non-standard dialects have amn't for am not, and others use aren't for am not in the declarative (/ aren't). Some Black English dialects use ain't also to correspond to didn't.


4.20 Non-standard verb forms: past tense and -ed participles


The past tense inflections in Old English can be generalized as follows, where the parentheses indicate variant omissions: 1 st person singular - (e) 2nd person singular -e, -(e)st 3rd person singular - (e) plural -on The past subjunctive had -e or -en for the singular and -en for the plural. As a result of phonological changes (reduction of unstressed vowels to e /a/ and subsequent loss of final -e and also loss of final -n), the emerging London standard looked like this by the late fourteenth century: 1 st person singular - (e) 2nd person singular - (est), - (e)st 3rd person singular - (e) plural -e(n) By the nineteenth century, continuation of the phonological processes and abandonment of a distinctive second person singular had resulted in the levelling of the whole past paradigm to one form. Non-standard dialects generally display the same results. Some that retain the thouj thee pronoun also retain the -st inflection for the second person singular. Some non-standard dialects may use the base form in combination with past time adverbials ('I like the movie I saw yesterday'). The distinctions in the past tense of the verb be in present-day standard English can be traced back to Old English, if we take account of phonological changes: 1st person singular 2nd person singular 3rd person singular plural

was wxre wees wSron

was were was were

Old English subjunctives were singular waTre and plural wseren. They were distinctive only in the first and third person singular, as in present-day standard English. Most non-standard dialects have generalized the forms of the past tense of be, either using was {we was, you was) or were {Iwere, itwere). Some have used was for the positive (we was, she was) and were for the negative (we weren't, she weren't). Old English had two major classes of verbs. Weak verbs formed their past and -ed participles by the addition of inflections, generally containing t or d. Strong verbs did so by changing the vowels and adding an -en inflection to the participle, as in present-day ride, rode, ridden. The weak verbs were by far the more numerous, but many of the strong verbs occurred very frequently. However, since it was easy to add inflections to weak verbs, it was usual to



create new verbs on the model of the weak verbs and to adapt borrowed verbs to that model. Nowadays all newly formed or borrowed verbs follow regular processes of adding inflections for the past tense and the -ed participle. In the course of time the tendency to regularize the verb forms led to many strong verbs becoming weak. Among common verbs that have changed from strong to weak since the Old English period are climb, help, melt, step, walk, wash. There are relatively few changes in the opposite direction. Among common verbs that have changed from weak to strong by analogy with other verbs are dig, fling, hide, spit, and wear. In some instances, strong verbs adopted forms from another class of strong verbs; for example, spoke has replaced the earlier spake, which is found in the King James Bible. Some strong verbs also had alternative weak forms, such as knowed, that have not survived in standard English. Non-standard dialects have irregular verb patterns that vary among themselves and differ from standard English. On the whole, the tendency is to generalize or regularize further than in standard English. Occasionally older forms have been retained; for example: crope as past of creep and croppen as participle. Here are examples of different treatments of the principal parts of verbs in non-standard dialects (cf. 4.18): 1. past generalized to participle: go, went, went hide, hid, hid take, took, took write, wrote, wrote 2. participle generalized to past: see, seen, seen do, done, done swim, swum, swum 3. base generalized to past and participle: come, come, come give, give, give run, run, run 4. regularization: know, knowed, knowed creep, creeped, creeped see, seed, seed catch, catched, catched 5. new irregular form introduced: write, writ, writ bring, brang, brung ride, rid, rid The generalization and regularization tendencies are also found in presentday standard English (cf. 4.18). Some irregular verbs have regular variants,



and speakers of standard English are sometimes unsure whether verbs such as 5mgand drink have distinctive forms for the past and -ed participle.

Adjectives 4.21 Characteristics of adjectives

Adjectives serve as the head of an adjective phrase (cf. 5.39 ff.). Used alone or with one or more modifiers, they have two characteristic functions (cf. 4.22): premodifier of a noun [1] and subject predicative [2]: [1]

In short, she was one of those happy natures who find life 'fun' and never take offence if they are asked out to dinner at six o'clock. [W2F-017-12]


Weather's been great these last few days so I'm happy. [wiB-002-9]

Here are some typical adjective endings: -able, -Me -al -ed -ful -ic -ish -ive -less -ous -y

acceptable, suitable, capable, credible accidental, seasonal, dictatorial, political frenzied, crooked, wicked, kindhearted careful, faithful, doubtful, lawful romantic, dramatic, historic, dynamic childish, foolish, smallish, feverish active, comprehensive, defective, affirmative careless, reckless, hopeless, harmless famous, glorious, ambitious, erroneous tasty, moody, heavy, hungry.

Some of these endings were endings of the words when they were borrowed from other languages. For adjective suffixes in word-formation, see 9.20.

4.22 Attributive and predicative adjectives

Most adjectives can be used both attributively (as premodifiers of nouns) and predicatively (as subject predicative). Attributive adjectives attribute a quality or characteristic to what is denoted by the noun they modify: pleasant company, pleasant dreams. Predicative adjectives are part of the predicate, linked to the subject by a copular verb such as be or seem: The company was pleasant, Your dreams seem pleasant.

Some adjectives are attributive only:




I usually think that advertising and publicity is a complete and utter waste


At encounters like this the sheer power which the United States can exert is glaring [S2B-040-105]


Harry hurled himself at the soldier, knocking him off his feet and right out of the vehicle, leaving Harry as the sole occupant and in the driving seat.

of money [. . .] [SIB-078-21]



He will continue to report to Donald Pardus, president and chief executive Officer. [891102-0174-2]


She's sitting there at this very moment saying why doesn't he ring me at this moment [SiA-020-126]


A defense lawyer thought this testimony an "atomic bomb" in the face of the prosecution. [89i004oii8-29]

Many adjectives that are only attributive are so when they are used in a particular sense. For example, real is attributive only in the sense 'rightly so called' [7]-[8] but is a central adjective in the sense 'actually existing' [9H10]: [7]

And it's a chance to bring back Alan Ball who's uhm a real exponent and expert on Greek football [S2A-018-67]


Is Yiddish a real language [S2B-042-60]


He said there was a real danger of massacres in the absence of civil authority [S2B-004-124]

[10] The possibility that the conducting filament is a mixture of microcrystallites and dielectric is real. [W2A-034-65]

Similarly, criminal, late, and old are only attributive in [11]-[13] but central adjectives in [14]-[16]: [II] [. . .] one of the (, > main principles of criminal law is judge the act not the actor [S2A-044-i05j

[12] Under the late dictator Gen. Franco, many Basques supported the radical nationalist organization ETA; now, ETA finds itself isolated. [891011-0113-25] [13] I have defeated them, these two old enemies of lovers [S1&007-129] [14] It is unfortunate that some people are not exposed to better opportunities than welfare or criminal activities. [891005-0114-24] [15] Late payment of bills is the latest problem to surface as a result of the desktop-computer maker's much publicized switch to a new system for providing its management with information. [891011-006O-2] [16] He's got a wrinkled old lace [SiA-015-58]

Adjectives that are only attributive tend to be intensifiers (e.g. utter), restrictives (e.g. only), related to adverbials (e.g. old [13] 'of old'), or related to nouns (e.g. criminal [11] 'dealing with crime'). Some adjectives are only predicative: [17] Caroline is afraid of Nellie's attempts to get her to join in the nude dancing and runs off. [W2B-oo9-ioi] [18] [. . .] I was getting quite fond of him [SiA-049-19]



[19] Her office personality is a positive one; but she is not aware of this, any more than she is conscious of her breakfast-time vagueness. [W2F019-32]

Many of these predicative adjectives resemble verbs in their meanings: afraid of fear', fond of 'like', aware that 'know that'. Central adjectives can be attributive [20] or predicative [21]. They can also function as an object predicative [22] (cf. 3.19) and postmodify nouns [23] or indefinite pronouns {2A\. [20] I spent some time looking for a suitable menu package to use to do this, but could not find a wholly suitable system [WIA-005-33] [21] Some were drafted into the army if they were suitable for that and some went into palace service [S2A-059-38] [22] Thus it can be seen that choropleth has its advantages—good visual impression, easy to construct (in some ways) easy interpretation (also restricted) which may make it suitable for certain purposes in statistical analysis. [WIA-OO6-76]

[23] Reliance acquired a 7% UAL stake earlier this year at an average cost of $110 a share, and reduced its stake to 4.7% after UAL accepted the bid at prices higher than $282 a share. [891102-0042-11] [24] The moral is, try and learn what everybody else is using and then try something better or at least different. [W2tx>i7-22]

4.23 Nominal adjectives

Adjectives can serve as the head of a noun phrase (cf. 5.3). Adjectives as heads of noun phrases are nominal adjectives. They are generally introduced by a definite determiner, commonly the definite article the. Nominal adjectives do not take plural inflections, but they can be plural in meaning. We can distinguish nominal adjectives that have plural reference from those that have singular reference. Plural nominal adjectives refer to animate beings, generally human, and they have generic reference (cf. 5.16): [1]

The vital decisions we reach on human fertilisation and embryology and subsequently pregnancy termination must affect how we regard the status of each individual his or her human rights the treatment of the handicapped the fate of the senile and the terminally ill [SIB-060-34]


A recent estimate puts the proportion of the literate in Egypt at around half of a percent certainly no more than one percent [S2A-048 28]


For the first time the 1991 census will include a question about long-term illness to help plan services and facilities for long-term sick and elderly


In South East Asia and in South America there's less of a tradition of democracy less articulation of the consequences of the birth rate among




the very poor but there's also less evident inadequacy of natural resources [S2B-048-72]



It is the 'old old' or those over 75 who are most likely to experience major health and mobility problems. [W2A-013-7]


There was a professional pessimism about the ability to help the so called 'chronic sick' and so the neglect of their services seemed justified


So I thought this is an interesting (, > uhm idea of bringing disabled and aWed together [. . .] [SiA-002-7]


All three are located in the mythified undifferentiated home counties and feature a common cast of supporting characters choleric retired generals do-gooding vicars absent-minded professors domineering cooks and assorted spinsters with bees in their bonnets and bats in their belfries the dog-loving the boy-hating the busybody the scatterbrain the shortsighted the long-winded [S2B-026-H]


And what the Government should have done straightaway to ease our collection problems is introduced one hundred per cent rebates as of April the first this year for the poorest of society [SI8-034-106]


In most of the above citations the determiner is the, but determiners are absent in the co-ordinated phrases of [3] and [7]. Nominal adjectives may be premodified by adverbs, as is usual for adjectives: terminally ill [1], very poor [4]. But like nouns, they may be premodified by adjectives—old old [5], socalled 'chronic sick' [6]—and by nouns or noun phrases—the long-term sick [3]. They may be postmodified by prepositional phrases: the literate in Egypt [2], the poorest of society [9]. The superlative poorest [9] shows that, like other adjectives, nominal adjectives can be inflected for comparison. In their potential for inflection and modification, nominal adjectives share features that are characteristic of both nouns and adjectives. Some plural nominal adjectives are nationality or ethnic adjectives. They all end in a sibilant sound: -(i)sh, (British, Welsh), -ese (Portuguese), -ch (French), -s (Swiss). [10] The imperial family's remoteness from ordinary Japanese will be underlined by the absence of a coronation procession. [W2C-oos-42] [11] Seventy years on, the Chinese are suddenly objecting to the plans for the new airport. [W2E-oos-5O] [12] There were Celts of course in the British Isles the ancient Britons and the ancient Irish [S2A-022-11]

Singular nominal adjectives generally refer to abstractions: [13] It looks as though she's verging on the dreamy [SIA-067-142] [14] [. . .] somebody may be doing the dirty on me ( , ) behind my back [SIA067-194]


[15] There is a hidden plane of meaning (the unconscious for Freud; the imagination, perhaps the divine, in Symbolism). [W2A-002-22] [16] So now (, , > can he keep his cool and really or -lice. As a result of phonological processes, the suffix -e was dropped so that I the adverb and adjective came to have the same form, and -lice developed into 1 present-day -ly. Some adverbs still have the same form as corresponding 1 adjectives; for example: hard, long, fast, early, daily, kindly. In other instances, 1 adverbs have forms both with and without the -ly suffix, though sometimes j differing in meaning: ! [27] It's a bit late now [SiA-022-168]


[28] Have you seen any of the others lately? [W1&002-97]


[29] Incorporated in the great wooden beams which descended deep into the mine-shaft was a revolutionary 'man-engine', the first of its kind in the country. [W2F-007-8]

: \ i

[30] Thought of Jeff and how deeply he cares about the political situation in this country, [WIB-003-48] [31] I think you're doing fine [SiA-075-ij


[32] Put the onions into the bowl and chop finely [...] IW2DO2O85] [33] Don't be intimidated by vehicles following too close behind [S2A-054-165]


[34] One item closely matches your theme [siB-007-16]


[35] God that came out quick didn't it eh [SIA-056-211]


[36] I'll just quickly show you one or two more [S2A-046-47]


Only the -ly form can precede the verb. Adjective forms of adverbs are more common in informal English: [37] Dobrovolski getting away on the left hand side gets in the cross and Kalivanov gets in the first real good effort of the evening [S2A-010-43]

In informal American English, real and sure are commonly used as intensifiers and good and bad as manner adverbs: [38] I sure like them. [39] He plays real good.

Non-standard dialects extend the use of adverbs (particularly manner adverbs) without the -ly suffix: [40] They sing terrible. [41] You don't talk proper.

Many adverbs are gradable, but most require the comparative to be expressed periphrastically through the premodifiers more and most (cf. 4.24). Those adverbs that take comparative inflections are generally identical with adjectives. Here are adverbs with irregular forms for their comparatives and superlatives: badly well little much


worse better less more farther further

worst best least most farthest furthest

Here are some examples with regular inflections: fast hard often soon

faster harder oftener sooner

fastest hardest oftenest soonest

Like gradable adjectives (cf. 4.25), gradable adverbs can be used as the unmarked (or neutral) term in /jow-questions: [42] I'm just wondering how quickly I can read this book [SiA-053-i] [43] And we can do that with female speakers and male speakers and children (, > to see how well they can perceive pitch differences [S2A 056-89] [44] The first decision to be made is how frequently recordings should be made. [W2A-oi6-2i]

Badly is the marked term in [45]: [45] How badly do the children have to behave before they are hit? [W2B-017-66]


4.27 Adverbs as adverbials


Grammatically, we can distinguish three major functions of adverbs (alone or with modification) as adverbials: conjuncts disjuncts adjuncts Because conjuncts and disjuncts may relate to the sentence as a whole, they have been called sentence adverbials. Adverbs that are conjuncts (conjunctive adverbs) are logical connectors that generally provide a link to a preceding sentence [1] or clause [2]. They involve a great deal of compression of meaning, as paraphrases can show. For example, therefore in [1] is to be interpreted as 'because the more demanding the work the sooner fatigue sets in'. [1]

The more demanding the work the sooner the fatigue sets in. It is therefore necessary to encourage the operators to take short breaks to keep them properly alert. [w2B-033-8if.]


If he was not taken in procession to the prison gates, as happens both to Samuel Pickwick and to William Dorrit, the relief and celebration must nevertheless have been much the same. [W2B-oo6-32]

The unit in which the conjunct is positioned may be part of a clause: [3]

It'll mean traders will be able to offer a discount for cash or alternatively charge extra to customers using credit cards [S2Boi9-28]


Could a tumour not cause obstruction and hence swelling [SIB-OIO-77]

Here are examples of conjuncts, listed semantically: first, second,...; firstly, secondly,...; next, then, finally, last(ly); in the first place...; first of all, last of all; to begin with, to start with, to end with equally, likewise, similarly, in the same way again, also, further, furthermore, moreover, what is more, in addition; above all in conclusion, to conclude, to summarize namely, for example, for instance, that is (to say) so, therefore, thus; hence, consequently, as a result, as a consequence, in consequence otherwise, else rather, alternatively, in other words on the contrary, in contrast, in comparison, on the other hand anyhow, anyway, besides, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, though, yet, in any case, at any rate, after all, at the same time, all the same incidentally, by the way

Disjuncts provide comments on the unit in which they stand. Two major types of disjuncts are distinguished: style disjuncts and content disjuncts. Style disjuncts can be paraphrased by a clause with a verb of speaking; for



example, the style disjunct frankly by the paraphrase 'I say to you frankly', in which frankly functions as a manner adverb 'in a frank manner': [5]

Americans may say they'd like the idea of a simple President leading a simple life without all the trappings and paraphernalia of a world leader but frankly that's nonsense [S2B-O2i-ii]


And the second uh purpose is in fact involved in sex or more strictly I suppose the exchange of DNA [S2A-051-25]


Briefly then the Sigma makes sensible use of its technology (,) it cruises very well and it comes with a three-year warranty [S2A-055-63]


But simply if I took a starting point as 1880 and the end-point as 1980 what would be the difference between the temperatures in those two dates [SiB-007-173]


Personally I agree with H G Wells that it is a great mistake to regard the head of state as a sales promoter [S2B-032-45]

Here are examples of style disjuncts, listed semantically: approximately, briefly, broadly, crudely, generally, roughly, simply bluntly, candidly, confidentially, flatly, frankly, honestly, privately, strictly, truly, truthfully literally, metaphorically, personally There are a number of fixed prepositional phrases that function as style disjuncts. For example: in brief, in all fairness, in general, in all honesty, in short Style disjuncts are also expressed by fixed clauses of various types. For example: to be candid, to be fair to put it bluntly, to speak frankly strictly speaking, crudely speaking put simply, put briefly if I may be candid, if I can speak confidentially, if I can put it bluntly Most of the adverbs and prepositional phrases that function as style disjuncts can also function as manner adverbs within their sentence: [10] [. . .] I am going to speak very honestly [SiB-051-53]

Honestly and frankly can also shade into a predominantly emphatic function: [11] I don't honestly know [SIA-068-32]

Content disjuncts may be modal (commenting on the truth-value) [12]-[13] or evaluative (making a value judgement) [14]-[19]: [12] This is probably a woman's size [SIA-022-628] [13] He obviously felt he was being tested in some way [SIA-037-16]



[14] Opposition candidates boycotted the vote. Unmysteriously, President Gnassingbe Eyadema won, with 96.5% of the vote. [The Economist, 4 September 1993, p. 69] [15] Not surprisingly, the socially depriving conditions had an adverse effect on children. [W2B-019-27] [16] Progress has naturally been patchy ( , > for confidence in the police is a fragile growth [S2B-037-54] [17] Major accidents and pollution incidents, which thankfully are rare, often create very special trans-frontier pollution problems. [W2A-030-2] [18] Touchingly, the prime minister seems to believe that the Italian public understands him, and that direct appeals will head off plummeting polls. [The Sunday Times, 14 August 1994, p. 1.14] [19] Moreover, Irish voters have wisely never given him an overall parliamentary majority. [W2E-004-95]

Wisely [19] makes a value judgement on the subject of the sentence as well as on the content of the sentence as a whole: 'Irish voters were wise never to have given . . . ' and 'That Irish voters have never given . . . was wise'. Here are examples of content disjuncts that are (a) modal, (b) evaluative, (c) evaluative and subject-related: (a)

admittedly, certainly, clearly, evidently, indeed, obviously, plainly, surely, undoubtedly, apparently, arguably, (very, etc.) likely, maybe, perhaps, possibly, presumably, probably, supposedly, actually, basically, essentially, ideally, nominally, officially, ostensibly, really, superficially, technically, theoretically (b) fortunately, happily, luckily, regrettably, sadly, tragically, unhappily, unfortunately, amazingly, curiously, funnily, incredibly, ironically, oddly, remarkably, strangely, unusually, appropriately, inevitably, naturally, predictably, understandably, amusingly, hopefully, interestingly, significantly, thankfully (c) cleverly, foolishly, prudently, reasonably, sensibly, shrewdly, unwisely, wisely, rightly, justly, unjustly, wrongly Adjuncts are more integrated into sentence or clause structure. Four major subclasses of adverbs as adjuncts are distinguished: space time process focus The first two subclasses relate to the circumstances of the situation described in the sentence or clause; the third involves the process denoted by the verb and its complements; the fourth consists of adverbs that focus on a particular unit. Space adjuncts include position [20]-[21] and direction [22]-[24]: [20] Why have I got such a terrible collection of letters here [SIA-OIO-55]



[21] There are cockroaches crawling around inside even if you have grates [SiA063-150]

[22] Well we could go there lor about five minutes but then I have to leave again [SIA-098-239]

[23] So I said don't worry about this and we ran back to my car [SIA-028-81] [24] Shall I move these away [siA-012-33]

Time adjuncts include position in time [25]-[27], duration [28]-[29], and frequency [30]-[33]: [25] And have you recently had antibiotics for anything [SIA-089-122] [26] Ring her tomorrow and invite her out [siA-020-951 [27] You mean you haven't shaved it off since [SiA-017-175] [28] How long has he lived in this country [SIB-OSO-135] [29] Some fields remain grass permanently, others stay in grass for only a few years at a time before being ploughed up. [W2B-027-54] [30] None the less, it constitutes a sanctuary that occasionally helps more than 1,000 refugees. [W2c-002-89] [31] The craving for more freedom of expression was all too often reduced to a need to call oneself by the name of one's nationality. [W2B-oo7-88] [32] After all the party that controls the White House invariably loses ground in the mid-term elections for Congress and usually much more ground than has been lost this year [S2B-006-14] [33] We were in telephone contact daily [SIB-061-186]

Process adjuncts relate to the process conveyed by the verb and its complements. Adverbs functioning as process adjuncts are mainly manner adverbs, which convey the manner in which the action is performed: [34] And I thought the overall impression in the hall was a bad speech badly delivered [SiB-039-29] [35] Apply the brake very smoothly and put it back on its side stand [S2A-054-37] [36] Cassie crouched forward, holding her arms tightly around her as if suffering from stomach pain. [W2F-ooi-i64] [37] The pup looked up and wriggled happily at the sound of his name. [W2F006-233]

[38] Firstly, he suggests that the diagnostic process is non-comparable, in that, physical illnesses are assessed objectively and mental illnesses are assessed subjectively. [WIA-007-60]

WTi-adverbs often function as adjuncts. They have the special function of introducing certain types of clauses: interrogative, exclamative, relative, nominal relative, and w/i-conditional (cf. 4.26). How and however can also function as premodifiers: [39] How many classes are there that disabled people can go to [. . .] [siA-00260]



[40] And so however conservative their intention the ultimate effect of these philosophies was to weaken the idea of any moral authority beyond the Self [S2BO29-87]

Focusing adjuncts focus on a particular unit in a sentence or clause. The major semantic types are: additive particularizer exclusive intensifier Additive adverbs emphasize that what is said applies also to the focused part. They include: also both either even

neither too yet

as well in addition

[41] Besides being an academic sociologist Mike Grierson is also the warden of a small block of flats for people diagnosed as suffering from schizophrenia [S2B-038-45] [42] It's part of the complication of the countryside that it's both an ideal and a hard economic fact [SIB-037-7] [43] Did you intend then even then to become a writer [SIB-046-107] [44] I think he worked in a bank too at one stage [SIA-033-45] [45] [. . .] The photon travels through without being either absorbed or reflected [SIB-015-96]

Particularizer adverbs emphasize that what is said is restricted chiefly to the focused part. They include: chiefly especially largely mainly mostly notably

particularly predominantly primarily principally specifically

at least in particular

[46] And those forty or so jobs you've applied for have they mainly been in response to vacancies that you've seen advertised [siA-034-197] [47] They speak of continuing racial harassment especially of young black men [S2B-037-24]

Exclusive adverbs emphasize that what is said is restricted entirely to the focused part. They include: alone exactly just

precisely purely simply


merely only


[48] You know there are only three vegetarian dinners here [SIA-OH-231] [49] Well you should just stay till Sunday night [SIA-OII-143J [50] Is that simply a question of money and cost [SIB-050-56]

Intensifiers denote a place on a scale of intensity, either upward or downward. Intensifier adverbs are particularly numerous. They include: almost quite fully rather badly greatly slightly barely hardly somewhat highly completely strongly considerably immensely thoroughly deeply incredibly less/least totally enough entirely much/ more/ most utterly nearly well extremely

a bit a little a little bit a lot at all

[51] [. . .] she says there's now a change to re-allocate money to areas that badly need it |S2B-oi5-75] [52] The police have greatly improved their training and equipment ( , ) for handling public disorder [S2B-037-80] [53] I've got another number and I don't like it very much [SIA-041-245] [54] But this hardly worries the recording industry, who want to deter multigeneration copying. [W2&O38-H2]

4.28 Adverbs as complements

Adverbs often function as complements of the verb be, in which case they are subject predicatives (cf. 3.18). Generally, the adverbs have a spatial meaning, though the meaning may be extended metaphorically: [1] [2]

[. . .] my friend who gets these seats is away she's ill [SIA-045-145] But the potential is there certainly [SIB-014-48]


The flag is up for an offside decision [S2A-oo3-5O]


If you are abroad for more than six months in any tax year you will not be given automatic credits for any week in that tax year. [W2D-oo4-79]


I was up before her though ( , ) yesterday [SIA-019-199]


A: Is it flashing B: No But it is on [siA-049-147]


I wish it was over now [SIA-038-232]



The complements of be may also have a temporal meaning: [8] Well, that was then, this is now. [WIB-OOI-64] The adverbs of phrasal verbs and phrasal-prepositional verbs (cf. 5.34 f., 5.37) are complements of the verbs and have spatial meaning, literal or metaphorical: [9]

How did that come about [SIA-004-57]

[10] But it went off okay last night did it [SiA-005-199] [11] I would hold my breath if your arrival could be speeded up by doing so. [W1B-007-111]

[12] Drop in on the way in [SIA-043-231] [13] In which case we'd better get you to fill in one of these forms [SIA-089-248] [14] I think you'd know if you'd put on a lot of weight [SIA-OII-194] [15] And I thought well now where shall I poke him to wake him up [SiA-018-261] [16] But when the two leaders emerged from their meeting they played down their differences [S2B-002-97] [17] Turn the heat down to low [. . .] [W2D-02O89j [18] Never do anything you can get away with not doing [SiA-030-171] [19] Is this the guy that was breaking out into a sweat [siA-037-170] [20] And he thinks his wife is having it off with someone else [SIA-063-177] For some phrasal verbs the effect of the adverb is completive, indicating that the action has concluded and the result has been achieved: 'put on a lot of weight' [14], 'wake him up' [15]. In [11] up is intensifying: 'could be speeded up'. A few verbs other than phrasal verbs require a complement, usually one with spatial meaning. Here are some examples with adverbs: [21] Seven successive popes lived here before the papacy returned to Rome [S2B-027-79]

[22] [. . .] by the time I got home they'd already phoned my agent [SiA-092-47] Here is an instance where the adverb has a manner meaning: [23] So I don't think they have behaved well at any stage frankly [S2B-O13-61] Complex-transitive verbs take adverbs as object predicative (cf. 3.19), again usually with spatial meaning: [24] Yes but obviously by the fact that she wanted him back as I said to you she obviously wasn't leaving him [SIA-OSO-144] [25] Just as they were about to become corrupted or softened by a posting, orders moved them somewhere else. [W2F-oo9-ii6] [26] Larry O'Connell calls them together [S2A-009-5] [27] It's to Dubrolsky in the end who plays it through [S2A-019-209] Here is an example where the adverb has a manner meaning: [28] So how come you've been treated differently [SIA-060-8]



Auxiliaries 4.29 Auxiliaries

Auxiliaries (or auxiliary verbs) fall into two major sets: 1. the primary auxiliaries: be, have, do 2. the modals (or modal auxiliaries or secondary auxiliaries): can, could may, might shall, should will, would must Be, have, and do are also main (or lexical or full) verbs. Their informal contracted forms are given in 4.14. The modals also have informal nonnegative and negative contracted forms. Some of the modals have stressed and unstressed pronunciations. Both are given below, the stressed pronunciation first and then the unstressed (with reduced vowels). can could may might shall should will '11 would 'd must

/kan/, /ksn/ can't /ka:nt/ or /kant/ /kud/, /kad/ couldn't /kudnt/ mayn't /mei/ /memt/ (British) /mAit/

/Jal/./Jsl/ /Jod/./Jad/ /wil/

mightn't shan't shouldn't won't


/Ja:nt/ (British) /Judnt/./Jadnt/ /waont/

/al/or/1/ /wud/, /wad/ wouldn't /wudnt/ M/or/d/ /mASt/



The alternative pronunciations of can't are British /ka:nt/ and American /kant/. In British English, shan't is sometimes used as a negative contracted form of shall, and mayn't is very occasionally found as a negative contracted form of may. Auxiliary be combines with a following -ing participle to form the progressive aspect (cf. 5.31 f.); e.g. was playing. It also combines with a following -ed participle to form the passive voice (cf. 3.12); e.g. was played. Auxiliary have combines with a following -ed participle to form the perfect aspect (cf. 5.27 ff.); e.g. has played. Auxiliary do is the dummy operator: in the absence of any other auxiliary, it functions as the operator to form (for example) interrogative and negative sentences; e.g. Did they play? They didn't play. The modals are followed by an infinitive, e.g. can play. They convey notions




of factuality, such as certainty (e.g. She could be at the office), or of control, such as permission (e.g. You may play outside). The modals differ from the primary auxiliaries in several ways: 1.

They do not have an -s form for the third person singular present: He maybe there. She can drive.


They do not have non-finite forms and therefore must be the first verb in the verb phrase. 3. Their past forms are often used to refer to present or future time: He might be there now. She could drive my car tomorrow.

Must has only one form. All the auxiliaries are used as operators for negation, interrogation, emphasis, and abbreviation (cf. 5.18). For negation, not is placed after the auxiliary or the negative contracted form is used: [1]

Uhm (, > I think I remember being with a girl people who can converse in languages other than their own and considerable irritation because of being constantly interviewed And the phone never stops going And ( , > people offer one goodies Not that one doesn't get offered nice things [SiB-046-2 ff.] [16] No I think I would certainly want to live with someone that could understand one's own angst and anxieties [SiA-020-251] [17] And one has to say straightaway I won't say it again during this programme but all three (, > who've just spoken are active supporters of the Labour Party [siB-022-70]

The gender contrasts apply to the use of the third personal singular pronouns to refer to entities in the situation [18] or to an antecedent in the linguistic context [19]: [18] Look at him\ [19] He married a girl from the Soviet Union and she followed him [siA-014-150]

In general, he refers to males, she to females, and it to all else. She and (less commonly) he are occasionally used to refer to inanimate objects such as cars, boats, and computers. It is used for babies and animals where their sex is unknown or disregarded: [20] A: So I was left with the baby B: HOW Old is it [S1A-039-69 f.] [21] But you couldn't have a dog leaving it all day could you [SiA-019-170]

The absence of a gender-neutral singular personal pronoun has posed problems. On the various methods of dealing with the problem, see 1.10. The contrasts in case apply to the personal pronouns. In general, the subjective case is used for the subject of a sentence or finite clause and the objective case in all other instances, as in these contrasts between subjective I and objective me. [22] Can / find out the computer data you hold about me? [W2D-oio-35] [23] I'm sure that you are expecting me to say something stimulating thoughtprovoking and original [S2A-045-9] [24] But / think really what made my mind up was when my husband Terry gave me an ultimatum [. . .] [SIB-049-32]

There is, however, variation in case when the pronoun is the complement of the verb be. The formal variant is the subjective form and the less formal variant is the objective form:



[25] His name was Trophemus and it was he who introduced Christianity to this land [S2B-O27-39]

[26] The reason that this is such a sacred place is because the two Marys remained in the Camargue with Sarah the servant and it is she who has become the most important person for the gypsies [S2B-027-110] [27] Hello it's me again [SiA-098-220]

The objective form is also normal in abbreviated responses in the spoken language: [28] A: Well I don't suppose she knows how many people are living in the whole property B: Me [S1A-007-239]

We and you function as determiners when in combination with a following noun or nominal adjective: [29] [. . .] we are an endangered species we men and we sportsmen [siB-02145]

[30] [. . .] Jules was going around saying you bloody men you hypochondriacs [. . .] [S1A-080-257]

For the third person, demonstrative those is used in standard English, but nonstandard dialects use the third person pronouns them or they (cf. 4.45). Personal pronouns are sometimes modified by relative clauses: [31] And we who happen to be in a better position than the others to be able to send any troops have sent some troops [S2B-oi3-65]

Other possibilities (mainly for first person plural and second person) are modification by adjectives in exclamatory phrases [poor you), and by adverbs {we here), and prepositional phrases {you at the back, mainly in vocative phrases). It and they are not modified by adjectives or relative clauses. Demonstrative those is used instead of they with relative clauses.

4.36 Generic pronouns

Generic reference may be conveyed by the generic pronoun one (genitive one's, reflexive oneself or one's self) and the personal pronouns we, you, and they. The generic pronoun one is formal and tends to be replaced by the personal pronouns we, you, and they in less formal contexts. They all refer generally to people, though the reference may be restricted by the context. Here are some examples of generic one. [1]

One loses interest in everything when one has children [siA-03211]


Or the stresses may be psychological ones uhm bereavement divorce or marriage come to that ( , ) loss of one's job [S2A-033-37]




In other words, within the pluralist society, one is free to choose to be unconf ranted by choice; one may find oneself choosing from the variety to have no variety. [W2A-012-52]

Generic we has the widest extent in that it must include the speaker as well as those addressed. You, the most common generic pronoun in speech, generally includes the person or persons addressed. They excludes the speaker and those addressed. [4]

We don't have a constitution which says Congress shall pass no law restricting the freedom of press or Congress shall pass no law uhm discriminating against religions [SiB-on-149]


We should not underestimate the defence of honour or the realization of claims to certain titles, rights and privileges as motivating factors leading to the outbreak of open and public war during this period. [W2A-010-16]


God you do have to be careful don't you [SIA-023-26]


When you select these modes, the Page up/down buttons allow you to step through their software pages, while the data entry controllers allow you to edit the parameters. [W2B-031-67]


A: And is Japan the one that doesn't like beards or long hair B:

So they say [SIA-097-234 f.j

Here are examples of the alternative reflexive forms oione—oneself and the less frequent one's self: [9]

And will he take it from me and my own experience that it's a very satisfactory way of employing oneself and serving the customer [SIB-05973]

[10] It must be peculiarly disconcerting, don't you think, to be left for someone entirely different from oneself? [W2F-011-92] [11] The solutions must involve a re-emphasis of the values that have helped many blacks succeed: respect for the family, for the community, for one's Self. [891011-0117-70]

To avoid repeating one, some speakers and writers switch to another generic pronoun, such as you: [12] [. . .] one feels that if you create too many if you secrete too many of your own endorphins ( , > you get addicted to your own {,) home-made opiates and then have to keep producing them [S2A-027-68]

In American English, one was traditionally followed by he: [13] If one is wise, he should not put all his savings in one place. However, many would now not use generic he, to avoid charges of sexism.


4.37 Substitute pronoun one


Apart from generic one (cf. 4.36) and the numeral one, there are two uses of one as a substitute pronoun. One may be a substitute for an indefinite noun phrase: [I]

Uhm B: Well ( , ) different ones for different times I think [SIB-048-22]


Consequently, all the early types of video recording, and most of the later ones, have attempted to achieve a high writing speed without an excessive actual tape speed. [W2D-014-71]

In [7] ones substitutes for models (the head only), in [8] for favourite poets (the head and its premodifier), and in [9] for types of video recording (the head and its postmodifier). One and ones may serve as pronouns without reference to any preceding noun phrase: [10] In England it doesn't matter because ( , ) he can get help as he's uh the only one allowed to drive that car [siA-009-224] [II] Here too are the families of those who lost loved ones during the conflict [. . .] [S2A-020-70]



4.38 •*

The pronoun it has four uses: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.

referring it anticipatory it cleft it prop it

Referring It

Referring it is exemplified in [l]-[3]: [1]

A: How long did you do English for B: Uh I did it for about half a term [SIA-006-I f.]


And so Bob drafted this questionnaire and gave it to Dick [SIA-OOS-97]


I had a really really good supper last night It was lovely [SIA-OII-241 f.]

It can also refer to the whole or part of a sentence or clause: [4]

/ was very alert yesterday It's a bit unlike me [siA-019-214 f.]


I hope you don't mind my rubbing my hands I think perhaps its a nasty gesture but I find they get cold [SiA-022-136 f.]


[. . .] I don't think we can run A-REV on Apples (, , > I think its unlikely [S1A-029-144 f.]



A: So you're going tonight then yeah B: I'm thinking about it uh [SIA-038-ISO f.]

Anticipatory It

Anticipatory it is used when a clause (generally one that might have functioned as subject) is postponed to provide a more balanced sentence, a sentence where what precedes the verb is shorter than what follows it. Anticipatory it then serves in the position that might have been occupied by the clause. For example, anticipatory it is the subject in [8] and the extraposed clause (the clause taken out of its position and moved to the end) is he's not going to be back here. [8]

It's a shame he's not going to be back here [SIA-042-32]

As a less common alternative, the clause could have been the subject, though in this instance the omitted conjunction that would have to be restored. [8a] That he's not going to be back here is a shame.

Extraposition is normal with clausal subjects. But subject -ing clauses usually occur in the initial position. Here is an example of an -ing clause that has been extraposed: [9]

So a lot of my friends were in one-parent families as well so it didn't seem particularly odd not having a father {, ,) I think [SiA-076-67]

[9a] Not having a father didn't seem particularly odd. Here are some further examples of extraposed clauses: [10] It's a funny thought isn't it that I was embarrassed [SiA-032-37]



[11] It is hardly probable that anything can be proved; it is even possible that there is nothing to prove; and unwarranted investigation might cause undeserved distress. [W2F-001-2] [12] It was extraordinary what you went through to to get the picture in those circumstances [SIA-052-144J [13]

It is physically impossible to force myself to work sometimes [SiA-040-122]


It would be a waste of time for people watching this programme to think that this is a party political split across the board [siB-022115]


How difficult is it going to be for her to find employment [SIB-062-138]

If after a complex-transitive verb (one having both object and object predicative; cf. 3.19) the object clause is a that-chuse, it is generally extraposed: [16] And did he make it clear that he wasn 't putting in any money [SIB-O61-21] Compare: [16a] Did he make his decision clear?

To-infinitive object clauses are also generally extraposed. Here are other examples of extraposed object clauses: [17] And will he take it from me and my own experience that it's a very satisfactory way of employing oneself and serving the customer [siB-05979]

[18] But I have such a thin skin I'm always terribly easily hurt and I find it very hard to forgive although I do (, , > eventually [SIA031-103] 3. Cleft It

Cleft it serves as subject of a cleft sentence or cleft clause. The sentence is split to put the focus on some part of it. The cleft sentence is introduced by cleft it followed by a verb phrase whose main verb is a copular verb, generally be. The focused part comes next, followed by the rest of the sentence introduced by a relative item. Here are examples of cleft it [19]

It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are [siB-043-103]


Now I ask you if you could explain why its not until twelfth of January that you signed that application form [SIB-061-94]

[21] It uh looks like Justin Channing who's receiving treatment [S2A-003-52] [22] And it was then that he felt a sharp pain [S2A-067-54] [23] [24]

It's this kind of routine work where she says her concentration is most affected [S2B-011-71] It was not nominal electoral mass but political contacts which gave clout [S2B-025-27]

[25] It's in the scenes when De Niro fighting against an on-rush of uncoordinated tics and twitches is beginning to relapse into the coma from which he'd been recently aroused that he and Williams are particularly impressive [S2B-033-20]



The focused part is occasionally fronted for additional emphasis: [26] Semione it is who chips the ball in [S2A-010-162] The relative item may be a zero relative (omitted relative that): [27] And rt's these motions we're designing for [S2A-025-21] [28] It's the young miner I feel sorry for, especially one with a young family. [W2F-007-82]

Generally zero relative is not used when the focused part is the subject of the rest of the cleft sentence, but it is occasionally found in informal conversation: [29] It's his Mum falls in love with him [siA-006-125] The focused part may be a clause: [30] [31]

It is what you put in and what you achieve w h i c h c o u n t s [S2B-035-4] But

it w a s


we moved on to consider the crucial monetary issues {,)


the European context {,) that I've come to feel increasing concern [S2B050-13]

[32] But its when the happy little game strays into the field of advertising that hackles are bound to rise. [W2E-006-52] [33] It wasn't till I was perhaps twenty-five or thirty that I read them and enjoyed them [siA-013-216] Standard English does not allow the focused part of a cleft sentence to be the subject predicative after copula be or to be a part of a verb phrase. Both these are allowed in non-standard dialects of Irish English: [34] It's lucky she is. [35] It must have been smok/ngthey were. 4. Prop it Prop it (or empty it) is used to fill the place of a required function—generally the subject—but has little or no meaning. It is particularly frequent in expressions referring to weather and time: [36] Anyway if its really bad weather we'll just (, , > you know stay in [SIA-OOB205]

[37] It's really hot in here [siA-017-202] [38] One day we went up on the chair-lift and it was bright sunshine [siA-021227]

[39] But unfortunately both Saturday and Sunday /'twas really foggy [SIA-036149]

[40] I think its going to rain [SiA-073-302] [41] Its a bit late now [siA-022-168] [42] It's so near Christmas [. . .] [SiA-03913] [43] Its past midnight and what have I said? [WIB-OOI-74] [44] No idea what time it is! [WIB-OOS-2] [45] A: Sorry about this B: Its alright [SIA-026-93]



[46] /t's just been all work and no play [SIA-040-228] [47] I may well be tempted into the party that Helen was talking about depending how much work I have to do, you know how it goes [SIB-004-68]

Prop it also occurs in functions other than as subject, including some idomatic expressions: [48] Actually you probably wouldn't have enjoyed it here [SiA-oio-199] [49] I'm not really in favour of boys' schools taking on girls in the sixth form and that's it [SIA-012-198]

[50] Uh Rebecca can't make it tomorrow [siA-099-78] [51] And when I started again in the September I said now if nothing comes you've had /tchum [SIB-026-60] [52] The constraints on member governments would be purely political so in practice probably wouldn't prevent individual governments going it alone as they did in the Gulf [S2B-013-30] [53] Yes we are creating a classless Britain and a first-class Britain one which can compete and where everyone can make it wherever they come from whatever their backgrounds [S2B-035-54] [54] [. . .] his ambition is not to make money but to play the Casanova but hasn't the confidence to hit it off with the streetwise town women, [WIB012-42]

[55] I'm taking it easy myself, at least while the summer weather lasts, [WIB014-54]

4.39 Existential there is to be distinguished from the spatial adverb there. The two can co-occur. In [1] the first there is existential and the second there is spatial: [1]

When I went through Romania ( , ,) there were guards there as well [SIA014-26]

Existential there has some of the characteristics of a pronoun, as we will see later in this section. Ordinarily, some of the information in a sentence (or clause) is known to the hearer or speaker, perhaps from the situation or linguistic context. The subject of the sentence or clause is usually known information. Existential there is used as a device for rearranging the sentence so as to present the subject (at least) as new information. The rearrangement involves postponing the subject and replacing it by existential there, which is followed by a verb phrase (generally with be as the main verb): [2]

There were a lot of idiots on the road [. . .] [SIA-019-138]

In [2] there is the grammatical subject and a lot of idiots is the notional subject. Without existential there the sentence would be:



[2a] A lot of idiots were on the road.

Since the notional subject is new information, it is commonly an indefinite noun phrase; that is to say, a noun phrase with an indefinite determiner (such as a, some, any) or no determiner, or an indefinite pronoun such as someone, nobody, any. But a definite noun phrase may occur if it is new information: [3]

Uhm ( , ) there may be some funds that the department knows how to tap ( , ) There may be the odd scholarship [SiA-035-93 f.]

The existential sentence sometimes has only the notional subject following the verb, as in [3] above. In that case, only the existential form of the sentence is possible if the verb is be. Here are some further examples: [4]

There were hundreds of cabins [SiA-O2i-62j


I don't think there's anything quite like Toblerone [SiA-023-190]


Oh I think there's a lot of that [siA-031-115]


[. . .] there are various places where you can do that [siA-035-34]


There's too much of me talking [SiA-037-247]


There's no problem [SIA-038-159]

[10] There's still time [siA-079-64]

More usually, there are elements other than the notional subject in the existential sentence. They may precede or (more commonly) follow the notional subject: [11] [. . .] but within the beech and oak woods there are different kinds [SIA036-200] ('Within the beech and oak woods are different kinds') [12] I thought there was safety in numbers [siA-072-208] ('Safety was in numbers') [13] I'll leave the bastard and then he'll realise that there's something wrong [SIA-080-148] ('Something is wrong')

The notional subject may be followed by an -ingparticiple and perhaps its complements. The participle would be the main verb in the corresponding non-existential sentence. [14] There's a road going up the side [SIA-071-47) ('A road is going up the side') [15] Otherwise there would've been two groups sitting there waiting for me to lecture on Tuesday [SIA-082^4] ('TWO groups would've been sitting there . . .') [16] There should be quite a few people coming tomorrow [SIA-099-296] ('Quite a few people should be coming tomorrow')

Another type of existential sentence has a noun phrase followed by a relative clause. As in the cleft sentence, the effect is to give greater prominence to the element preceding the relative clause: [17] Well there are five who've got forms with me so far [SIA-069-244] [18] There is one thing that truly disturbs me, and I speak as a Methodist clergyman. [891012-0145-7] [19] And there were these weird organisms that are well preserved [SIB-006-255]



In this construction, the noun phrase may have functions other than as notional subject: [20] It's very flat and there's a lot of things I'm ignoring [SIB-O8-118] ('I'm ignoring a lot of things') [21] And there are weeks when you can get struck down [. . .] [siB-012-10] [22] You notice that halfway down this trail there's a line I've drawn [siB-017122]

In [23] there is a zero relative (omitted relative that). As with cleft sentences, the zero relative occurs in informal speech even though it is the subject of the relative clause (cf. 5.9): [23] Uh so there was something happened at that boundary which is of significance although we don't know what it is [SIB-006-264] ('Something that happened at that boundary . . .')

Existential there has some of the characteristics of pronouns. It can occur as the subject of its sentence or clause. This is evident in questions, where it is positioned after the operator (cf. 5.18): [24] Is there anything else [SiB-017-158] [25] Are there any particular events that you can remember about your father [S1A-075-131]

Similarly, like personal pronouns it acts as the subject of a tag question: [26] There wouldn't be any point would there [SiA-029-182] [27] There's no problem is there [siB-013-21]

Like other grammatical subjects it often determines number concord, taking a singular verb even though the notional subject is plural. This usage is common in informal speech: [28] [. . .] there was elements of it that were fun [SIA-076-125] [29] No I mean there's no seats left on that day [siA-074-188] [30] But honest to goodness there's all these numbers that you can dial for all ( , > all the different sexual pleasures that you want [SiA-027-162)

The alternative plural concord with a plural notional subject also occurs frequently: [31] But it shouldn't be too difficult because there are always loads of jobs going [S1A-O97-231]

4.40 Primary reflexive pronouns

Reflexives (myself, yourself, etc.) have two uses: 1. The primary reflexive is used in place of a personal pronoun to signal that it co-refers with another nominal in the same sentence or clause;



that is to say, they both refer to the same entity. Primary reflexives may be either obligatory or optional. 2. The emphatic reflexive is used in addition to another nominal to emphasize that nominal. The addition is always optional. The primary reflexive usually co-refers with the subject. The reflexive may be the direct object [1], the indirect object [2], the subject predicative [3], the object of a prepositional verb [4], or the agent in a by-phrase [5]: [I]

U.S. trade negotiators argue that countries with inadequate protections for intellectual-property rights could be hurting themselves by discouraging their own scientists and authors and by deterring U.S. high-technology firms from investing or marketing their best products there. [891102-0173-7]


The first chapter asks about your daydreams and then as an exercise you have to write yourself an obituary one which in your wildest dreams you would love to have. [wiB-003-6]


One of the great motifs of moral thought in the last century < , ) has been the crucial importance of private space the territory in which we're simply free to be ourselves [S2B-029-126]


The word dissemination, I decided, referred only to itself. [891102-0084-41]


Takeover experts said they doubted the financier would make a bid by himself. [891102-0012-21]

The subject with which the reflexive co-refers may be implied from a host clause. This commonly occurs in subordinate non-finite clauses without a subject: [6]

After your first three weeks of sleep deprivation, you are scarcely in touch with reality; without psychiatric treatment, you may well be unable to fend for yourself ever again. [891102-0087-35]


Following the acquisition of R.P. Scherer by a buy-out group led by Shearson Lehman Hutton earlier this year, the maker of gelatin capsules decided to divest itself of certain of its non-encapsulating businesses [891102-0168-2]


He also charged that the utility lobby was attempting to all but buy votes with heavy campaign contributions to himself and his colleagues. [8911020070-10]


Starting in late November, the Conservative government intends to raise about $20 billion from divesting itself of most of Britain's massive water and electricity utilities. [891012-0055-3]

In [10] the subordinate clause is initial, so that the reflexive is cataphoric (cf. 7.9) since it precedes the pronoun {she) with which it co-refers: [10] Believing herself to be by nature unbusiness-like—for her husband deals with all the household bills, investments and tax demands—she does her best to suggest efficiency by her appearance. [W2F-019-21]

The subject may be implied in a subordinate clause even when there is no co-referring noun phrase in a host clause: [II] It is physically impossible to force myself to work sometimes [siA-040-122]



[12] And will he take it from me and my own experience that it's a very satisfactory way of employing oneself and serving the customer [S1&05973]

[13] He and I share a belief that walking is not simply therapeutic for oneself but is a poetic activity that can cure the world of its ills. [890906-0016-23]

Similarly, the subject may be implied in subject-less independent sentences: [14] Why not do it for ourselves? It is implied regularly in second personal imperatives: [15] Don't compare yourself with anyone else [SIA-042-139] [16] So stir yourselves tonight. [W2E-003-074]

Less commonly, the reflexive may co-refer with a nominal other than the subject; for example, the direct object [17]-[19] and the subject predicative [17] [. . .] you've neither judged or encouraged me but you have allowed me to be myself and make my choices. [wiB-005-18] [18] "Learn what the white man has to teach us—then do it for ourselves," says Derrick Malloy, eight minutes older than his brother. [89725-0133-9] [19] Will not someone out there save him from himself? [890814-0026-51] [20] [. . .] they were very much in the shadows suited each other [SiA-054-3]


It's caused by two germs that live together ( , ) and scratch each other's back [S1A-O87-155]


[. . .] we none of us poach each other's business ISIA-027-62]


Anyhow you and Harriet know one another [. . .] [SiA-094-75]


Nell's a very prim little thing, the/U be good for one another. [W2F-007-138]

As with the primary reflexives, the reciprocals usually co-refer with the subject, but they may co-refer with noun phrases in other functions, such as direct object: [7]

Now you should be able to stack all of these columns on top of each other [S2A-046-10]


In programming, getting the sound you want typically involves constantly moving to and fro between different parameters, fine-tuning them against one another. [W2B-031-9]

In [9] the noun phrase the banks is the complement of a preposition and the reciprocal pronoun is within the postmodifier {to each other) of that phrase: [9]

Second, there is a reduced risk because the gross exposure of the banks to each other has been cut. [W2C-016-28]



As with the primary reflexives, the co-referring subject you is implied in subject-less imperatives [10] and maybe implied from a host clause [11]-[12]: [10] Love one another [S2A-020-63] [11] And then the prophet comes in and says well even if we all have one father that's no excuse for betraying each other and in particular for men to betray their wives and to take foreign wives [S2A-036-58] [12] On Wall Street men and women walk with great purpose, noticing one another only when they jostle for cabs. [891102-0153-12]

Constructions with each other correspond to constructions in which the two parts of the pronoun are separated into each . . . other. The separation places greater emphasis on the reciprocity: [13] They will each know when to involve the otherin responding to the task in hand, [WIB-029-60]

[14] Fortunately, this doesn't lead to each program looking like every other [. . .] [W2B-036-37]

The corresponding constructions with the reciprocals are: [13a] They will know when to involve each other in responding to the task in hand. [14a] Fortunately, this doesn't lead to the programs looking like each other.

4.43 LV/7-pronouns and determiners The w/i-pronouns and determiners are so called because they are spelled with an initial wh, the exceptions being how and its compounds. They fall into five sets according to the type of sentence or clause in which they occur: A. B. C. D. E.

interrogative exclamative relative nominal relative w/j-conditional

Some of them are used both as pronouns and as determiners. The wh- words or phrases with the w/i-word are initial in their sentence or clause. Hence, if they are not the subject, they are generally fronted: They gave me an expensive gift for my birthday. What an expensive gift they gave me for my birthday. For w/j-adverbs, see 4.26.


A. Interrogative


Interrogative w/i-pronouns and w/i-determiners introduce wh-questions. They represent a piece of missing information that the speaker wants the hearer to supply. The pronoun is illustrated in [1] and the determiner in [2]: [I] A: Who's that then < , ,) B. Well she's called Lynn [SIA-037-69] [2]

A: whose project is it B: Uhm ( , ,) I'm not sure [SiA-066-90]

Citations [3] and [4] illustrate their uses in subordinate clauses: [3] A: I want to ask you what you think about the role of the father today < • - >

B: Thank you very much [SIA-072-28 f.] [4]

A: Do you know what word is used to mean that something is life-giving or supportive in its function B: Growth factor [SiB-009-1331]

There are five interrogative pronouns: who whom whose which what Three of these are also determiners: which what whose Who and whom differ in case: who is subjective and whom is objective (cf. 4.35). But in practice who is commonly also used for object functions [5]-[6] except in formal style, where it is replaced by whom [7]: [5]

Who didn't you like [SiA-037-53]


Anyway so (, ,) who else can we nominate [SiB-079-61]


When was it last serviced, by whom, and what service agreements or guarantees exist? [W2D-012-56]

There are some gender contrasts between personal (masculine or feminine) and non-personal (cf. 4.35). Who and whom are only personal. Both as pronoun [8] and as determiner [9], whose also has only personal reference: [8]

Whose is that book?


Whose standards are you (, , > invoking [SIA-062-58]

Which, on the other hand, can be personal or non-personal both as pronoun [10]-[ll] and as determiner [12]-[13]: [10] I mean which is better to do this and clean clean the wax out of your ears or to go round with wax in your ears [SIA-O8O-6I] [II] Which of your friends are you closest to? [12] "In a credit crunch," Citicorp Chairman John S. Reed warns, "financial institutions would be faced with a choice: Which customers do you take care of? [ . . . ] " [891012-0081-37] [13] Which car did you take [siA-009-210]

The gender of what varies according to its function. As a pronoun, what is only non-personal:



[14] What were the first symptoms [SIA-040-278] [15] What are other people doing [SIA-014-242]

As a determiner, what can introduce personal [16] as well as non-personal noun phrases [17]-[18]: [16] What politicians have you met? [17] By what right do we impose our values on the residents of Colombia? [890929-0138-24]

[18] Why what size feet have you got [SiA-017-288]

The speaker uses which to indicate an assumption that the hearer has a restricted set from which to make a response. In using what, the speaker assumes an open-ended set. The interrogative pronouns maybe postmodified by else or otherwise (who else, what otherwise) and by ever (who ever, what ever) and various intensifying phrases {who the hell, what the devil). B. Exclamative

What is used as an exclamative determiner. It may precede the indefinite article: [19] And he's just been acquired by the slavers and they are washing him in ( , ) in a stream and they're finding out what a very beautiful young man he is [S2A-059-58]

[20] [. . .] if it were me I would rather spend the money on something else given what a cramped flat we have, [WIB-009-97] [21] What a mess she was in, what a labyrinth of lies and half-truths was closing around her, her own and those of a generation gone. [W2F-003-96]

If the noun is non-count or plural, what is the only determiner: [22] What nonsense I'm writing. [23] What strong words you use. [WIB-003-160]

The exclamative noun phrase is often used alone: [24] What a ridiculous letter, [WIB-OIO-106] [25] What an appropriate introduction to San Francisco! [W1&012-15) [26] Oh what a nightmare [SIA-038-247] [27] What fun [SIA-069-327]

Exclamative whathas intensifying force similar to that of intensifying such (cf. 4.45). But, unlike suc/i-phrases, w/zaf-phrases are always initial in their clause, and they can introduce subordinate clauses, as in citations [19] and [20] above.

C. Relative

Relative pronouns and determiners are used in the construction of relative clauses, which postmodify nouns (cf. 5.9). They normally come at the beginning of relative clauses:



[28] Oh my God I went to have dinner with this girl called Kate who's on my course [SIA-038-20]

But if the relative item is a wfr-pronoun and it is the complement of a preposition, the preposition may precede the pronoun: [29] Again I'm not so much concerned with meaning but the ways in which the satire is for addresses for e-mail [S2A-028-76]

As with the interrogative pronouns, there are some gender contrasts. Who and whom are personal, as illustrated in [31]-[34]. Which is non-personal [35]-[36]: [35] They can't fit me in for a week so I'm going to do it for a day which is useless really but (, > I just heard today [SIA-099-57] [36] All these are the dates of the context in which the artefact was found not the date that they think the artefact belongs to [SiB-oi7-46]

The older use of the pronoun which for personal reference ('Our Father which art in Heaven') is preserved in archaic forms of religious language. That and the zero relative pronoun (symbolized by' [0]') are used for both personal and non-personal reference:



[37] Maybe they are people that have just never thought about it [SIA-037-6] [38] Your father actually is up to just about every trick that's in the book [. . .] [S1A-06 5-135]

[39] The people 10] we were staying with they (, ,) uh cooked us a traditional Normandy dinner [SIA-009-118] [40] What's happened to the door [0] we had out there [SIA-007-38]

Neither that nor the zero relative may be the complement of a preceding preposition. Citation [36] illustrates this difference between them and the whrelatives. In [36] which is the complement of the preceding preposition in the context in which...; but the preposition to is stranded at the end of the relative clause introduced by that the date that they think the artefact belongs to. The zero relative pronoun does not function as the subject of the relative clause. The determiner whose is used for personal and non-personal reference: [41] It is for example clear ( , > that pharaonic Egyptian society did not contain people whose status was so elevated that they felt writing to be beneath t h e m [S2A-048-31]

[42] So in the case of the sensory system which deals with the sensation from the whole body the primary neuron the central neuron is the neuron that aligns itself in the dorsary ganglia and whose axons make up peripheral nerves and dorsal roots [siB-015-28]

The determiner which is normally used for non-personal reference: [43] It may be that the potential obstacles are not insurmountable, in which case I look forward to hearing from you to discuss things further. [WIB-018-117]

Only the wfr-relatives are normally used in non-restrictive relative clauses, including sentential relative clauses (cf. 5.9 f.): [44] They also provided videotapes, which they selected themselves, of the high points of her interrogation. [891012-0105-24] [45] There are charges that these culminated in the kidnapping and execution of former Premier Aldo Moro, whose insistence on defying an American veto on admitting Communists into the Cabinet infuriated Washington. [W2C-010-23]

Non-standard dialects often use what or as as relative pronouns for personal or non-personal reference: That's the woman what told me.

Here's the car as I bought yesterday. In some dialects, genitive what's is sometimes used as the determiner: They're the people what's children are causing all the noise.

The relative pronoun is commonly omitted in non-standard dialects when it is subject of the relative clause: I'm taking the bus [0] goes to Manchester.

Resumptive pronouns are sometimes introduced, echoing the relative pronoun: They're making a birthday party for their youngest, which I'm invited to it.



D. Nominal relative

Nominal relatives introduce nominal relative clauses (cf. 6.12), which function like noun phrases as subject, direct object, etc. [46] Excuse me I've got to do what I did last time [SIA-OOI-17] ('. . . the thing that I did last time')

There are twelve nominal relative pronouns: who whom whoever whomever whosoever whomsoever

which whichever whichsoever what whatever whatsoever

Which and what and their compounds can also be determiners. The difference between the two sets parallels that for the interrogative determiners which and what. Those ending in -soever are archaic, except for whatsoever. Here are some further examples of the nominal relative pronouns: [47] You saw what happened [SIA-OOS-48] [48] No I mean (, , > he'll have to think about who will look after Nell when she gets home from school [SIA-031^4] [50] I can't remember who he was talking to [. . .] [siB-oi6-i4O] [51] I was just wondering if it was worth complaining to whoever was in charge or not bothering [SIA-69-178]

[52] Because she's still wondering for anybody [SIA-003-47]


The cat will attack anyone [. . .] [siA-019-152]

The negative force is in the implied contrast. For [9] the meaning conveyed is that the cat will attack not just certain people. Similarly, in [10] the implication is that nobody has more fault than the speaker: [10] It's my fault as much as anybody else's more than anybody else's [SiA026-244]

The assertives have a positive force. This is most obvious in questions. In [11] some indicates an expected positive response: [11] Dad will you have some more juice [SiA-022-233]

Here are some further examples of assertives: [12] Listen can't we do this at some other time [SIA-038-102] [13] Oh well I've never been something like that [SiA-oi4-i48] [14] Oh please eat something [siA-023-120] [15] Oh that was someone else [SiA-032-i85] [16] So I think from today's session you've realised I hope that you shouldn't start somebody on life-long anti-hypertensive therapy based upon one single blood pressure measurement [Si&oo4-267]

Here are examples of negative indefinites: [17] There have been six federal presidents since the birth of the federal state and none has been as popular as the present president [S2B-021-93] [18] We all know in our own lives what changes the last ten years have brought but none of us knows the picture overall and that's what the census supplies [S2B-044-18] [19] There are many origami yachts, boats and ships, but none are as simple or as full of movement as this wonderful design by Japan's First Lady of origami, Mrs Toshie Takahoma. [W2u-oi9-64] [20] What worries me about regional theatres at the moment is that almost none of them have permanent companies [siB-050-55] [21] Nobody ever makes it like she used to make it [SiA-057-131] [22] At the same time neither party can afford to ignore the two main messages from the electorate [S2B-oo&2i]



[23] Neither of these two types of new religious movements is likely to permit much in the way of 'internal pluralism'. [W2A-012-29]

It has been argued that none is singular because of its etymology. In practice, it is treated as both singular [17]-[18] and plural [19]-[20]. Here are examples of universal indefinites: [24] He denied all knowledge of it [SIA-014-4] [25] And she said all I want is a vase [SIA-019-81] [26] The ocean currents carrying warm water could reach both polar regions entirely unobstructed. [W2B-025-37] [27] So each party has its own different rules for election of its leader [SIB-OII95]

[28] Environment is everything that happens to you which you sense happening to you as you grow up through life [SIB-016-95] [29] And the imposition of calendar age on everybody (,) by social life and by bureaucracy is something which I think we're right strongly to resist [S2A038-39]

Finally, we come to the quantifiers, some of which are compounds. The primary quantifiers can function either as pronouns or as determiners: 1. many, more, most, a few, fewer, fewest, several, enough 2. much, more, most, a little, less, least, enough 3. few, little Subset (1) quantifiers are count, and subset (2) quantifiers are non-count. However, less is often treated also as count ('less people'). Subset (3) quantifiers are negative; few is count and little is non-count. Here are examples of the quantifiers in their three sets—[30]-[33], [34]-[35], and [36]-[37]: [30] And many of these earthquakes are caused by a rupture along a single fault [. . .] [S2A-025-51] [31] So we switched on and off uh several times which is uh the best way of coping with temperamental printers [siA-024-22] [32] And I've got so many events to go to I mean I know that sounds a bit odd but I mean I've got a few [SIA-039-285]

[33] This is a false belief you've been having for a good few years now and I think it's time {, > that you got rid of this [SIA-069-52] [34] You may have a little trouble getting in [siA-027-90] [35] And such wilderness as we do have is actually wearing out because we have so much access [SIB-037-66] [36] There was little time for research and there were few research students [S2A-041-14]

[37] There are very few clubs now which're exclusively male [SiB-021^6]

In addition, there are a number of compound quantifiers used only as pronouns; for example: a bit, a lot, a couple. Like the primary quantifiers, they can combine with a following o/-phrase to denote quantity.



Indefinite pronouns may be postmodified mainly by relative clauses [38], and prepositional phrases [39]: [38] And anybody who thinks that there is great glory in war as such uh is off his head [SiB-031-31] [39] Michele on Sunday was sort of pronouncing some of the Latin names ISIA036-222]

The compounds in -body, -one, and -thing can also be postmodified by reduced relative clauses: [40] Well Karen reckons that she's kind of jealous of Karen and Ian because she's got nothing out there apart from Salvatore [SIA-036-37] [41] [. . .] the parent turns out to be somebody quite murderous [SIB-03O-IOII [42] I can never think of anythingto say when I'm being being under stress [S1A-O38-46]

Some of the primary quantifiers can be premodified by intensifiers, such as very and so.

4.45 There are four primary demonstratives: this




They can function either as pronouns [1] or as determiners [2]: [1]

Oh you have to pay for these [SIA-030-49]


Do you have one of those houses with a view [SIA-031-18]

The primary demonstratives present two types of contrast. The first is a contrast in number: this and that are singular, these and those are plural. The second is a contrast in proximity: this and these indicate relative nearness, that and those indicate relative remoteness. The proximity may be in space [3]-[4] or in time [5]-[6]: [3]

But in the presence of a scattering material the light has travelled a very convoluted path perhaps three or four times the distance between this side of the bottle and that side [S2A-053-9i]


This paper builds on that study to propose a mapping to allow Mascot 3 to be used with Occam. [W2A-038-6]


Lewis with a kind of half smile playing around his lips (, ,) and just dropping off his work rate a bit in this second round after that fast start to it [S2A-009-82]


They would set out what these policy areas would be and then the foreign ministers of the twelve would implement those policies on the basis of majority voting [S2B-013-26]



This is also used in informal speech as an indefinite determiner, roughly corresponding to a or some: [7]

And there'd be this guy that always used to snore with his mouth wide open in the tree and they the others used to pop acorns in through his mouth [S1AO46-325]

Similarly, these may be indefinite, introducing new information rather than referring to something in the situational or linguistic context: [8]

There's all these horror stories about it happening but I've never actually heard of it (, > actually happened to anybody [SIA-IOO-208]

Such may have a demonstrative sense ('like that') as a pronoun [9] or (more frequently) as a determiner [10]-[ll]: [9]

[. . .] I'd like to do it every day (, , > but you know such is life [SiA-oo3-ioi]

[10] Do I understand you to be saying that in such an accident uh a passenger would be thrown uh first of all forwards and then backwards [SIB-068-50] [11] He is entitled to such payments subject only to the limited category of cross-claims which the law permits to be raised as defences by way of set-off in such circumstances [S2A-065-33]

In [10] the determiner such precedes the indefinite article. Some non-standard dialects have a three-term system for the demonstratives. Distance further off than that/those is indicated by yon and thon, among several variants. Common non-standard alternatives to those as determiner are they and particularly them: [12] What was Moses doing going off in them wild jeans [SiA-040-9]

There are also non-standard compounds in which here is added to this/these ('this here house') and there to that/those ('that there tree') and their variants (e.g. 'them there politicians'). The demonstratives may be preceded by determiners: [13] I don't know what all this is about [SIA-024-18] [14] Oh well let me take both those points uh at once [SiB-043-ii] [15] They must not lay the paper upon which they are writing on any such book, etc, open or closed. [W2D-006-38]

The demonstrative pronouns may also be postmodified, particularly that and those. [16] Conditions within the sands of the embryo dunes are similar to those at the top of the intertidal zone. [W2A-022-68] [17] But to those who knew the river in its heyday it's dead [S2B-022-61 [18] Is this an indication that the social structure within the church mirrored that in society? [wiA-002-25] [19] Perhaps the most promising view is that which suggests that amnesia is the result of damage to a specific systemic component of episodic memory. [wiA-004-91]



The singular demonstrative pronouns generally have only non-personal reference. The exceptions are when they are subject and the speaker is providing or seeking identification: [20] [. . .] this is my daughter Felicity [SIA-OIO-214] [21] Is that Jane Warren [SIB-078-90]

Numerals 4.46 Numerals

There are three types of numerals: A. cardinal B. ordinal C. fraction Numerals constitute a closed system in that they comprise a restricted set of items, but there is no limit on the combination of these items. They may function as pronouns or determiners. They may be written out as words or as digits.

A. Cardinals

Cardinals (or cardinal numerals) refer to quantity. They include zero and its synonyms: nought or naught, cipher or cypher, and the terms used in various games—nil, nothing, love, and (in American English) zip. They also include dozen and score.

Here are examples of cardinals as pronouns [l]-[3] and as determiners [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

She wakes me up at six every morning [SIA-019-190] That was a mistake by a factor of ten [SIA-C-24-28] Uhm the very last lecture before Christmas {,) uh is The Ancient Celts Through Caesar's Eyes [S2A-022-2]



[41] Strong rumours were around about a reshuffle the very next day [. . .] [W2B-012-37]

[42] And what arouses one's suspicions is that that very same Hebrew form Malachi means my messenger [. . .] [S2A-036-72]

The ordinals functioning as pronouns may be postmodified: [43] Incorporated in the great wooden beams which descended deep into the mine-shaft was a revolutionary 'man-engine', the first of its kind in the country. [W2F-007-8]

[44] The findings of Rothwell (1985, p.375) are not encouraging in this regard, showing decisions on technology to be usually 'top-down' in character, to the extent that supervisors and end-users are often the last to know about the nature of the changes proposed. [W2A-on-87]

C. Fractions

The fractions refer to quantities less than one. They include (a) half, two halves, a quarter, three-quarters, and compounds of a cardinal number with an ordinal, such as two-thirds, three-fifths, one-eighth. The fractions can be pronouns [45]-[47] or determiners [48]-[51]: [45] In some areas, it states, as many as one third of homes have already been sold. [W2C-015-32]

[46] Each one of these is about ten milliseconds ten thousandths of a second [S2A-056-106]

[47] And just under half get invited to staff meetings [SIB-077-29] [48] Uh I did it for about half a term [SIA-006-2] [49] It's probably half the population at best that are covered [SIB-058-52] [50] At an altitude of 60 miles (96 kilometres)—the maximum height the V-2 reached—the air has about one-millionth the density at sea level, so the V-2 can be considered to have been in space for a brief period. [W2B-03529]

[51] Even now jets can only operate up to about one-sixth satellite speed. [W2B035-47]

Cardinals may be co-ordinated with fractions: [52] One and a half billion babies will be born over the next ten years [S2B-02273]

[53] And that was how I flew, with the rest of the unit, to Hong Kong for three and a half wonderful weeks. [W2B-004-87]

Fractions may be premodified by intensifiers: [54] The society in which we live is one in which two percent of the society own about half the wealth and it's getting worse the gap between the rich and the poor [S2B-036-51]

[55] Nearly three-quarters of the water used is for agricultural purposes, and the area of irrigated land is increasing steadily each year. [W2B-024-62] [56] John Turner who ( , ) is playing the organ today has been Cathedral Organist here for over quarter of a century [S2A-O2O-77]



Further examples appear in the citations given above: as many as one third [45], under half'[47], up to about one-sixth [51].

Interjections 4.47 lfltGrJ6CtiOnS

Interjections are exclamatory emotive words that are loosely attached to the rest of the sentence. They are common in the spoken language and in representations of conversation. Here is a list of common interjections: ah ho-ho aha hooray ahem humph boo oh eh oho ooh gee ha oops ha-ha ouch hello ow hey phoo hi pooh ho psst

sh shooh tsk tut-tut ugh uh-huh uh-uh whew whoops wow yippee yuk

A few have been converted into nouns or verbs; for example: boo (noun or verb), pooh-pooh (verb), shooh (verb), tut-tut (noun and verb), wow (verb). Cor /ko:(r)/ is British. There are also a number of hesitation noises, which may be represented by these spellings: hm uh mhm uhm mm um In addition, there are many exclamatory words and phrases that have been considered interjections, though they are related to other words in the language. Here are some examples: blimey (British) bottoms up (British) cheerio (British) cheers (British) crikey damn

gosh hear, hear heck (American) right on (American) so long sure



doggone it (American) well done drat well, well Some exclamatory words or phrases are borrowed from foreign languages; for example: dao, skol.

Chapter 5 The Grammar of Phrases Summary

Types of phrases (5.1) 5.1 The five types 208

Noun phrases (5.2-16) 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9

The structure of the noun phrase 208 Functions of noun phrases 212 Determiners 213 Premodifiers of nouns 217 Postmodlflers of nouns 219 Extraposed postmodiflers 221 Restrictive and non-restrictive modification 223 Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses 225

5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16

Sentential relative clauses 228 Apposltives 230 The co-ordination of noun phrases 233 Segregatory and combinatory co-ordination 236 Subject-verb agreement 237 Vocatives 241 Reference of noun phrases 243

Verb phrases (5.17-38) 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26

The structure of the verb phrase 246 Operators 248 Finite and non-flnlte verb phrases 251 Tense and aspect 253 Simple present and simple past 254 Secondary uses of the simple tenses 256 Future time 259 Modal auxiliaries 260 Present subjunctive 266 Past subjunctive 268

5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 5.32 5.33 5.34 5.35 5.36 5.37 5.38

Present perfect 270 Past perfect 272 Modal perfect 274 Perfect in non-finite phrases 275 Progressive 275 Progressive in non-finite phrases 277 Auxiliary-like verbs 278 Phrasal and prepositional verbs 279 Phrasal verbs 280 Prepositional verbs 282 Phrasal-prepositional verbs 285 Other multi-word verbs 287

Adjective phrases (5.39-42) 5.39 5.40

The structure of the adjective phrase 288 Functions of adjective phrases

5.41 Premodifiers of adjectives 290 5.42 Postmodiflers of adjectives 292 290



Adverb phrases (5.43-6) 5.43 5.44

The structure of the adverb phrase 295 Functions of adverb phrases

5.45 5.46

Premodiflers of adverbs 298 Postmodiflers of adverbs 298


Premodiflers of prepositions and prepositional phrases 304


Prepositional phrases (5.47-9) 5.47 5.48

The structure of the prepositional phrase 300 Functions of prepositional phrases 302


Chapter 5 Summary Five types of phrases are distinguished, each named after the word class of the head of the phrase: noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, adverb phrase, and prepositional phrase. The head of a noun phrase is a noun, a pronoun, a nominal adjective, or a numeral. It may be introduced by one or more determiners, and it may be modified by one or more premodifiers and by one or more postmodifiers. Noun phrases commonly have one of the following functions: subject, direct object, indirect object, subject predicative, object predicative, complement of a preposition, premodifier of a noun, vocative. The most common premodifiers of nouns are adjectives, nouns, genitive noun phrases, participles, and numerals. The most common postmodifiers of nouns are prepositional phrases and relative clauses (finite or non-finite). Modification of nouns may be restrictive or non-restrictive, a distinction depending on the meaning intended by the speaker/writer. Restrictive modification restricts the scope of the reference of the noun phrase, whereas non-restrictive modification does not do so but instead contributes further information. Sentential relative clauses, which are non-restrictive, have as their antecedent not a noun head but the whole or part of what precedes them in the sentence. Appositives are typically non-restrictive noun phrases that have the same reference as the preceding noun phrases. Noun phrases may be co-ordinated syndetically (with co-ordinators) or asyndetically (without co-ordinators). In polysyndetic co-ordination, coordinators are inserted between each pair of noun phrases. Co-ordination is segregatory if a paraphrase shows that each noun phrase could function independently. Co-ordination is combinatory when the noun phrases function as a unit that cannot be separated in that way. The verb agrees with the subject in number and person wherever such distinctions are featured in the verb. Agreement is expected to be with the head of the noun phrase, but the number of the verb is sometimes attracted to that of another noun in the phrase, usually one that is nearer. Singular collective nouns may be treated as plural (especially in British English) when the focus is on the group as individuals. Vocatives are predominantly noun phrases. They are optional additions to the basic sentence structures, and are used to address (usually) people, either to single them out from others or to maintain some personal connection with them.



Three types of contrast can be established for the reference of noun phrases: definite/non-definite, specific/non-specific, generic/non-generic. The head of a verb phrase is a main verb, which may be preceded by up to four auxiliaries in a specific sequence. Operators are used for negation, interrogation, emphasis, and abbreviation. The functions of the operator can be performed by the first auxiliary in the verb phrase or by the main verb be (in British English especially, also have) when it is the only verb in the verb phrase. In the absence of another potential operator, do is introduced as a dummy operator. Verbs may be finite or non-finite. A verb is finite if it is marked for the distinction in tense between present and past. In a finite verb phrase the first or only verb is finite. The two tenses (as shown by verb inflections) are present and past. The two aspects are perfect and progressive. The simple past is primarily used when the situation was completed before the time of speaking or writing. The simple present is primarily used for situations that include the time of speaking or writing. The most common ways of expressing future time in the verb phrase are with will (or its contraction 'II) and be going to. The present subjunctive has the base form of the verb; it is mainly used in thatclauses. The past subjunctive is were, used in hypothetical constructions. Each of the modals has two kinds of meanings: deontic (referring to some kind of human control) and epistemic (a judgement of truth-value). The perfect (auxiliary have plus the -ed participle) is used to indicate that a situation occurs within a period preceding another period or point of time. For the present perfect, the period extends from the past to the present time. For the past perfect, the period precedes another situation in the past. The progressive (auxiliary be plus the -ingparticiple) primarily focuses on the situation as being in progress. There are a large number of idiomatic verb combinations. A phrasal verb combines a verb and an adverb. Phrasal verbs may be intransitive, transitive, or copular. A prepositional verb combines a verb and a preposition. Prepositional verbs may be monotransitive (with a prepositional object), doubly transitive (with a direct object and a prepositional object), or copular. A phrasal-prepositional verb combines a verb, an adverb, and a preposition. Phrasal-prepositional verbs may be monotransitive (with a prepositional object) or doubly transitive (with a direct object and a prepositional object). The head of an adjective phrase is an adjective, which may be preceded by premodifiers and followed by postmodifiers. A sequence of adjectives may constitute a hierarchy of modification or the adjectives may be co-ordinated



(asyndetically or syndetically). The two major functions of adjective phrases are as premodifier of a noun and as subject predicative. The most common premodifiers of adjectives are intensifying adverbs. The most common postmodifiers of adjectives are prepositional phrases and clauses. The head of an adverb phrase is an adverb, which may be preceded by premodifiers and (less commonly) followed by postmodifiers. The major functions of adverb phrases are as premodifiers of adjectives and adverbs and as adverbials. Adverbs can be premodified by intensifying adverbs and they can be postmodified by adverbs, comparative clauses, and prepositional phrases. A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and its complement. Prepositional complements are chiefly noun phrases, -ing participle clauses, and wh-clauses. Prepositional phrases may have the following functions: postmodifier of noun or adjective, subject predicative, object predicative, adverbial, and complement of verb. Prepositions and prepositional phrases may be premodified by intensifying adverbs.


Types of Phrases 5.1 The five types

The five types of phrases are named after the class of the word that is the head of the phrase. The phrase types are exemplified below in the order that they are discussed in this chapter. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

noun phrase recent deluges of reports (head: deluges) verb phrase might have been accepted (head: accepted) adjective phrase surprisingly normal (head: normal) adverb phrase more closely (head: closely) prepositional phrase for a moment (head: for)

Prepositional phrases always consist of two constituents: a preposition and the complement of the preposition. In the prepositional phrase for a moment, the constituents are the preposition for and its complement a moment, a noun phrase with two constituents—the indefinite article a and the noun moment. Other phrase types may consist of just one word as head (cf. 3.1); for example, in [l]-[4], the noun phrase lectures, the verb phrase brought, the adjective phrase cold, and the adverb phrase badly. [1]

Lectures begin at nine.


They brought me a box of chocolates.

[3] I'm feeling cold. [4]

They are behaving badly.

Noun Phrases 5.2 The structure of the noun phrase

A noun phrase has as its head a noun, a pronoun, a nominal adjective, or a numeral. See 4.3 ff. for nouns, 4.32 ff. for pronouns, 4.23 for nominal adjectives, and 4.46 for numerals. The noun phrases in [1] are indicated by italics: [1]

Female spotted hyenas are so much like males that it's hard to tell them apart. Now, scientists believe they know why. Solving a centuries-old puzzle, California researchers have reported in the journal Science that high levels of male hormone absorbed before birth turn female spotted hyenas into large aggressive animals and make the male hyena a second-class citizen of his own clan. [International Herald Tribune, 1 July 1993, p. 9]



The noun phrases at the end of [1]—the male hyena and a second-class citizen of his own clan—are two separate noun phrases ('make the male hyena into a second-class citizen of his own clan'). Some of the noun phrases in [1] consist of a single word; for example, in the first paragraph the nouns males and scientists, and the pronouns it, them, and they. Most of the noun phrases in [1], however, have more than one word. Noun phrases that have a noun as their head are often introduced by the definite article the or the indefinite article a or an. The and a are the most frequently used members of the class of determiners, which includes also some, both, and this (cf. 4.32-4, 4.43, 5.4). The second paragraph in [1] has several noun phrases introduced by the indefinite or definite article; for example a centuries-old puzzle and the male hyena. Noun phrases may have modifiers. These may add information that characterizes more specifically what the head refers to. In [1] California modifies researchers: the researchers in question are restricted to those from California. Because it precedes the head noun researchers, California is a premodifier. In the noun phrase high levels of male hormone absorbed before birth, there is both premodification and postmodification: the noun head is levels, which is premodified by high and postmodified by of male hormone absorbed before birth. Modifiers are dependent on the head and can be omitted without disturbing the structure of the sentence, but like adverbials (cf. 3.20) they are usually important informationally and in that sense they cannot be omitted without damaging the communication. We can now represent the structure of the typical noun phrase (NP) that has a noun as its head (Fig. 5.2.1). The parentheses indicate the elements of the structure that may be absent. Fig. 5.2.1 Structure of a noun phrase



noun head



These four constituents are exemplified in the noun phrase a second-class citizen of his own clan: determiner: a premodifier: second-class noun head: citizen postmodifier: of his own clan More than one determiner can introduce a noun phrase (cf. 5.4); for example, all and our in [2]: [2]

In the initial sorties all our aircraft have returned safely [S2B-OO8-15]

A noun head may have more than one premodifier. There are two sets of premodifiers in [1], which differ in their relationship to the noun head: female



spotted hyenas and large aggressive animals. Spotted modifies hyenas, and female modifies the unit spotted hyenas. On the other hand, large and aggressive separately modify the head females, since we can reverse their order (aggressive large females) and we can co-ordinate them (large and aggressive females). The structural difference is displayed in Fig. 5.2.2. Fig. 5.2.2 Premodifiers and NP heads

A noun head may also have more than one postmodifier. Two postmodifiers are exhibited in [3]: [3]

[. . .] I think it is a pity that LB is the only major corporation I have worked for where this has been a problem. [wiB-020-24]

The noun head is corporation and the two postmodifiers are / have worked for and where this has been a problem. The second postmodifier modifies the whole of the preceding noun phrase, including the first postmodifier, since clearly the writer does not want to generalize by extending the reference to major corporations where he has not worked. On the other hand, the two postmodifiers in [4] modify the head separately: [4]

[. . .] we could not trace the invoice dated 22nd March 1990 for£43.13. [W1B-021-37]

We could reverse the order of the postmodifiers without changing the meaning: [4a] We could not trace the invoice for £43.13 dated 22nd March 1990.

If we ignore the internal structure of the postmodifiers by using the convention of triangles, we can show the difference in the relation of the postmodifiers to the head in Figs. 5.2.3 and 5.2.4. Fig. 5.2.3 Postmodifiers and NP head: Sentence [3]

Modification of nouns can be very complex. Here is an example of the heaping up of premodifiers in the headline in a local London weekly paper:



Fig. 5.2.4 Postmodifiers and NP head: Sentence [4]


Dog row sword death jury told trial man 'didn't intend any harm' [Hackney Gazette, 21 April 1989, p. 5]

As commonly in headlines, grammatical words such as the and was (cf. 8.19) are omitted, so that a full version of the headline sentence might read as in [5a]: [5a] The dog row sword death jury was told that the trial man 'didn't intend any harm'.

The noun phrase subject is virtually unintelligible without the information supplied in the first paragraph of the news item: [5b] An alleged murderer has denied deliberately plunging a sword into an unarmed man after a row over a dog fight.

Complex noun phrases usually have heavy postmodification. Here is an example, where everything after What is constitutes one noun phrase: [6]

What is the single mechanism or dual mechanisms that allows a conducting filament to grow in the vertical direction immediately after breakdown and then at a later time and with the reapplication of a higher current to undergo radial growth to a lower resistance state? [W2A-034-37]

The structure of a noun phrase may be extended through co-ordination or apposition. In co-ordination (cf. 5.12), two or more noun phrases are joined by a co-ordinator to form one compound noun phrase, as in [7]: [7]

If you have left school, college or an approved training course you may be credited with contributions in one of the relevant tax years to help you to get benefit. [W2D-002-IIJ

In apposition (cf. 5.11), two noun phrases are typically juxtaposed. The second noun phrase typically refers to the same entity as the first noun phrase: [8]

Another tropism that may be of widespread occurrence, and which is also particularly evident in roots is a directional response to injury, traumatropism. [W2A-O25-25]

In [8], traumatropism is in apposition to (or an appositive of) a directional response to injury. The appositive here (traumatropism) is the technical term for what is described in the first noun phrase.



5.3 Functions of noun phrases

The possible functions of noun phrases are listed below: 1. Subject [I]

And my earliest memory of the theatre is going to the Hippodrome in IpSWiCh [. . .] [S1B-023-33]

2. Direct object [2]

[. . .] sign your name there [SIB-026-152]

3. Indirect object [3]

I always tell people I am not a musical person [SIB-046-22]

4. Subject predicative [4]

Uh faith has been a gift for me [si&O4i-ii3]

5. Object predicative [5] I called this little talk a survey of global bifurcations [S2A-033-70] 6. Complement of a preposition [6]

Uhm but why isn't it in French [SIB-026-89]

7. Premodifler of a noun or noun phrase1 [7]

Simon's on this revision course [. . .] [SiA-093-229]


So a lot of my friends were in one parent families as well [. . .] [S1A-007-175]

8. Vocative [9]

You're a snob Dad [siA-007-175]

There are a number of other functions performed by restricted ranges of noun phrases. 9. Adverbial

Noun phrases function as adverbials in expressions of time, location, direction, manner, and intensification: [10] But you have to wait a long time [SiA-062-ni] [II] The flag goes up far side [S2A-O18-66] [12] Some of it's coming out this way [S2A-053-78] [13] [. . .] and would certainly not have been designed that way today [S2A-025-90]

[14] The loss in nineteen seventy hit him a great deal [. . .] [SiB-04O8i] 10. Premodifler of adjective [15] The plane was 4 hours late, [WIB-009-75] [16] It's sixteen feet long six feet high six feet wide [S2A-055-77]



1 1 . Premodifer of preposition [17] He revealed that Washington had informed the Kremlin an hour before the start of the assault [S2B-oos-57] [18] Two sleek, grey bodies were effortlessly riding our bow wave just a foot or so beneath the surface. [W2B-029-94] 12.

Premodlfier of adverb [19] Now Mercedes have always been good at insulating their car but they've gone a stage further with this [S2A-055-13]

13. Postmodifier of noun [20] Women may suffer from lack of "acceptable partners" because too many of the men their age are dead [. . .] [Betty Friedan, 'Intimacy's Greatest Challenge', The Times, 19 October 1993, p. 2] 14.

Postmodifier of adjective [21] We're short fifteen dollars.

Pronouns and nominal adjectives can perform the first six of the functions listed above for noun phrases. Clauses that serve the functions performed by noun phrases are termed nominal clauses (or noun clauses) (cf. 6.12).

5.4 Determiners

A. Predeterminers, central determiners, postdeterminers

Determiners come at the beginning of a noun phrase. They convey various pragmatic and semantic contrasts relating to the type of reference of the noun phrase and to notions such as number and quantity (cf. 4.33, 4.43-6, 5.16). Determiners are distinguished according to the positions they can occupy relative to other determiners. They are also distinguished according to their co-occurrence with types of nouns. A noun phrase can be introduced by more than one determiner. It is usual to distinguish three sets of determiners that may co-occur in this sequence: (1) predeterminers, (2) central determiners, (3) postdeterminers. Here are examples with all three kinds of determiners: cdl{\) my(2) many(3) friends tvWce(l) every{2) other(3) day Just one or two of these kinds of determiners may be present: all( 1) casualties all{\) those(2) friends my(2) friends my{2) many(3) friends everyil) day every{2) other(3) day



Many determiners can also be premodified by intensifiers: hardly any (money) no fewer than twenty (claims) virtually no (trees) just about every (viewpoint) almost all (instances) far too much (time) more than half (my efforts) so very little (milk) less than ten (per cent) Predeterminers

The predeterminers fall into four subsets: (a) the subset all, both, half (cf. 4.44, 4.46) all 1 both > the children

half J (b) multipliers (cf. 4.46) consisting of: (i) the subset once, twice, and (archaic or literary) thrice once ] , , I a day twice M r , , . Il every ; few weeks thrice J (ii) the subset double, treble, quadruple (double 1 (They now earn) < treble > their previous salary ^ quadruple J (iii) multiplying expressions headed by times: ten times the fatalities three times a day four times each month (c) fractions other than half. one-tenth the speed one-millionth the density two-thirds the time (d) exclamative what (cf. 4.43), which can precede the indefinite article: , f a day what { ' [ a happy occasion Such and many can also precede the indefinite article: such 1 J a friend many j \ a good time But such and many are not predeterminers, since they straddle the sets of determiners.2 Both can be preceded by determiners from other sets. For



example, such can follow the predeterminer all, central determiners such as any, and postdeterminers such as several: all ^| any >• such parties several J Many can follow central determiners: my 1 the > many ideas whose J Many and such can also co-occur: many such crises The predeterminers do not co-occur. Those in subsets (a) and (c) also function as pronouns and can take partitive o/-phrases: all of my children two-thirds of the time Such and many can be similarly used: such of your people many of the cars 2.

Central determiners

Like the predeterminers, the central determiners do not co-occur. The central determiners are all closed sets: (a) articles, comprising the definite article the and the indefinite article a or an, and the zero article (cf. 4.33, 5.16) (b) demonstratives: this, these, that, those (cf. 4.45) (c) possessive determiners: my, our, your, his, her, its, their (cf. 4.34 f.) (d) interrogative determiners: which, what, whose (cf. 4.43) (e) relative determiners: whose, which (cf. 4.43) (f) nominal relative determiners: which, whichever, whichsoever (archaic); what, whatever, whatsoever (cf. 4.43) (g) w/i-conditional determiners: whatever, whatsoever, whichever (cf. 4.43) (h) indefinite determiners: some, any, either, no, neither (cf. 4.44) Enough can be a central determiner, but it can sometimes follow the head noun: enough food food enough 3.


The postdeterminers fall into four subsets: (a) cardinals (cf. 4.46) all my six children



(b) primary ordinals (cf. 4.46) her twenty-firstbirthdzy (c) general ordinals: e.g. another, last, next, other (cf. 4.46) both her other daughters (d) primary quantifiers: e.g. many, several, few, little, much (cf. 4.44) the several poems by Blake in our anthology your few suggestions the little information you gave me B. Singular count, plural count, non-count

Nouns maybe count or non-count (cf. 4.5), and count nouns maybe singular or plural. Determiners can be distinguished according to which nouns they co-occur with. 1.

With singular count only

central determiners: a or an, each, every, either, neither postdeterminer: cardinal one every neither one 2.


With plural count only

predeterminer: both central determiners: these, those postdeterminers: cardinals from two up; primary quantifiers many, a few, few, several both

five ,



> books

these I several J


With non-count only

postdeterminers: much, a little, little much 1 , . .. . > luck a little J 4.

With singular count, plural count, and non-count

predeterminers: all, multipliers, fractions, exclamative what central determiners: the, no, possessives, interrogatives, relatives, nominal relatives, w/j-conditionals postdeterminers: ordinals



all their half the which(ever) 5.

house houses furniture

With singular count and non-count

central determiners; this, that this I f car that I I information 6. With plural count and non-count

central determiners: zero article, some (stressed /sAm/, unstressed /s9m/), any, enough some 1 f dollars enough J \ money Stressed some and any can also co-occur with singular nouns: [1]

He was obviously afraid of mentioning some girlfriend and offending the Wife [S1A-037-24]


5.5 Premodifiers of nouns

And also in any area of teaching you look for uhm any experience you've had with the relevant age range [SIA-033-161]

Adjectives are typical premodifiers of nouns, but other word classes are also used in this function. Nouns, participles, genitive noun phrases, and numerals are particularly common. Below are the types of premodifiers. 1. Adjective or adjective phrase [1]

So I think from today's session you've realised I hope that you shouldn't start somebody on life-long anti-hypertensive therapy based upon one single blood-pressure measurement [SiB-004-267]

2. Noun or noun phrase [2]

One of the consortium members uh uh has all the files [siA-024-621


And then I had the vegetarian option which was a wonderful spinach cheese thing with good uhm veggies [SiA-on-246]

[4] It's a hundred and fifty pound job to replace a door [SiA-007-107] [5]

My father had a Church of Scotland background [siB-041-105]

3. -ing participle [6]

But I hope to throw the net further in the coming weeks and get to know other nationalities, [WIB-002-69]



4. -ed participle [7]

The results of that in pollution and wasted natural resources every year is shameful. [W2B-013-69]

5. Genitive noun phrase (cf. n. 1) [8] 6.

That's the old soldier's way isn't it [SIA-009-180]

Numeral [9]

Only do six essays not twelve [SIA-053-59]

[10] Unfortunately, at the time the first launchers were required, jets could operate only up to about one-tenth satellite speed, so they could not be used to solve the problem. [W2B-035-46] 7.

Adverb [11] In the first week of May 1988 William Millinship, the then managing editor of the Observer, took me aside—it was on the pinky-grey editorial floor of the paper's new building over Chelsea Bridge—and spoke to me with unaccustomed force, even severity. [W2B-015-4]


Prepositional phrase [12] Both accords follow months of behind-the-scenes negotiations between PLO and Israeli officials, with Norway acting as a go-between. [International Herald Tribune, 10 September 1993, p. 1]


Clause [13] It is required to allow updating and track entries by data from several sensors using a read and lock procedure call (prior to writing) and a write and unlock procedure call (to complete writing). [W2A-038-127; bold in original] [14] Had the what-can-you-do—? Carry-a-card—7 problem again! [WIBOIO-93]

Apart from then [11], a few place adverbs and (before some pronouns and determiners) intensifying adverbs are used as premodifiers (cf. the adverbs as postmodifiers in 5.6). For example: an overhead projector quite a crowd the downstream current quite some time offshore deposits rather a good mathematician the inside doors just about everybody overseas broadcasts nearly everything the above diagram almost nothing our downstairs tenants virtually all the immigrants Premodifying prepositional phrases and clauses tend to be ad hoc, and are generally hyphenated. A few premodifying clauses, such as keep-fit in keep-fit class., are established expressions. Here are two other examples: pay-as-you-earn tax do-it-yourselfstore


5.6 Postmodifiers of nouns


The typical postmodifiers of nouns are prepositional phrases and relative clauses. Below are the types of postmodifiers. Prepositional phrase (cf. 5.47 ff.) [1]

It's j u s t a question of(,,) which is the more efficient approach [S1A-O29-196]


Finite relative clause (cf. 5.9) [2]


Relative -Ing participle clause (cf. 5.9) [3]


And finally today marks the beginning of a week of Christian unity < ,) so it's an opportunity for Christians everywhere to at least unite in prayer for a speedy end to the war in the Gulf [S2B-023-57]

Adverb [8]


It's really shorthand for the view that well-being depends on more than the absence of disease [S2B-038-2]

Appositive infinitive clause (cf. 5.11) [7]


And again Fred when is the best time to do it [SiB-025-58]

Appositive finite clause (cf. 5.11) [6]


An intake shaft would provide higher ventilation efficiency for the more extensive layout planned for the mine. [W2A-031-38]

Relative infinitive clause (cf. 5.9) [5]


The air mass bringing the coldest temperatures is the polar continental mass which comes in from the Soviet Union. [W2&O26-74]

Relative -ed participle clause (cf. 5.9) [4]


We don't have a constitution which stops (, ,) government from legislating certain things [SIB-OII-148]

[. . .] So you arrived the day before did you [siB-066-120]

Adjective [9]

Uhm let me find you something ethnic [SIA-OIS-184]

[10] As well as the bonfire proper there was a second, more seriously built fire, where men were turning a sheep on a spit. [W2F-018-84] 10.

Noun phrase [11] And yet in his address this morning President Bush referred to destroying his nuclear capability and destroying his chemical warfare capability [SIB027-7]

Adverbs, adjectives, and noun phrases are more restricted in their use as postmodifiers of nouns. Most adverbs and noun phrases in this function refer to time or place.3 Time reference:



a month ahead a day later a year ago the meal last night some time afterwards my appointment the following day Place reference: the weather outside our journey overseas the rooms upstairs the point /iere

your way home the park nearby the road t/iaf way the houses this side

Postmodifying adjective phrases can usually be treated as reduced relative clauses: something ethnic—'something that is ethnic'; the best way possible— 'the best way that is possible'. Compound indefinite pronouns and compound indefinite adverbs (which behave in some respects like pronouns) can only be postmodified: somebody taller somewhere quiet nothing interesting nowhere better anyone knowledgeable anywhere cheap If the adjective itself has a postmodifier (cf. 5.42), then the adjective phrase generally postmodifies the noun or pronoun: students good at athletics the books easiest to read those sure of themselves a computer powerful enough to cater candidates confident that they will for your needs be interviewed an income greater than mine But if the postmodifier of the adjective is a to-infinitive clause or a comparative construction, we can put the adjective before the noun and its postmodifier after the noun: the easiest books to read a greater income than mine In a small set of noun phrases, the adjective always follows the noun. These derive from French or are based on the French word order; for example: heir apparent attorney general president elect court martial (For the plurals of these compounds, see 4.7.) Proper in the sense 'in a strict designation' also always follows the noun, as in the bonfire proper in [10]. Similarly, present and absent follow the noun when they are equivalent to relative clauses: the members present—'the members who were present'; the people absent—'the people who were absent'.




Comparative constructions [12] After five years of decline, weddings in France showed a 2.2% upturn last year, with 6,000 more couples exchanging rings in 1988 than in the previous year, the national statistics office said. [891102-0155-47]

A noun may be modified by a combination of a determiner more, less, or as before the noun and a comparative construction after the noun. In [12] the determiner is itself modified (6,000 more) and the comparative construction is than in the previous year, the two parts forming a discontinuous unit: 6,000 more than in the previous year. Here are other examples: [13] Moreover, the Japanese government, now the world's largest aid donor, is pumping far more assistance into the region than the U.S. is. [891102-014938]

[14] He also claims the carrier costs less and takes up less space than most paper carriers.


[15] The cells are broken off ( , , > so I wasn't able to do as good an operation as / would have wished {,) on that lady [. . .] [siB-010-23]

The combination may also involve a premodifying adjective: [16] In part, this may reflect the fact that 'she speaks a more progressive language' than her husband, as Columbia's Prof. Klein puts it. [8911020097-3] ('a language more progressive than her husband speaks')

An inflected form of an adjective may be used: [17] In particular, Mr. Coxon says, businesses are paying out a smaller percentage of their profits and cash flow in the form of dividends than they have historically. [891102-0102-38]

Four of the primary quantifier pronouns may also be postmodified by comparative constructions: much/more, few/fewer, little/less. The absolute forms of the pronouns are used in constructions introduced by as: [18] I was surprised to see more of them here than in NY, maybe as many as in London [WIB-OH-44]

The comparatives are used in constructions introduced by than: [19] Now you've been in more of this building than I have [siA-013-219]

5.7 Extraposed postmodifiers

Postmodifiers of noun phrases need not be attached directly to the noun that is head of the phrase. This is trivially so when two postmodifiers relate to the same noun, since the second postmodifier is distanced by the first: [1]

The Foreign Office has rejected a call by families of British hostages in Lebanon (,)

for the restoration of diplomatic ties with Syria [S2B-019-32]



Both the fry-phrase and the/or-phrase postmodify call. In [2] there is only one postmodifier of concerns: the o«-phrase, which stretches to the end of the sentence. However, the postmodifier is separated from concerns by the parenthetic remark that is enclosed in dashes: [2]

We do have concerns—and believe staff should too—on the more extreme agreements which sometimes get drafted by companies who are relatively unfamiliar with CASE contract norms, [WIB-029-34]

Postmodifiers maybe extraposed (moved outside their normal position) to the end of a sentence or clause, leapfrogging over other constituents: [3]

However, new sets soon appeared that were able to receive all the TV channels.


Citation [3] contains a typical example of extraposition. The noun phrase (all of which is italicized here and in subsequent examples) is the subject of the sentence and the predicate {soon appeared) is considerably shorter than the subject. If the postmodifier were not extraposed, the sentence would be clumsy: [3a] However, new sets that were able to receive all the TV channels soon appeared.

The stylistic principle of sentence (or clause) balance requires that the part before the verb should not be much longer than the part after the verb (cf. 3.22). Another principle is also involved. The principle of end focus encourages the placement of the most important information at the climax of the sentence. Appeared is a verb that expresses the notion of coming into existence, which is relatively light informationally. Extraposition of the postmodifier in the subject tends to occur in contexts where the extraposed postmodifier cannot be misanalysed as modifying another noun.4 Favourable contexts are where there is no competing noun. Such contexts occur where the verb is intransitive [3] or passive [4], or where the verb is copular and followed by an adjective phrase [5]: [4]

A tape recording was then published in which Mr Lenihan freely admitted he had rung the president. [W2E-004-82]


The format has a slight drawback in that few VCRs are available that accept its tapes; there are also few prerecorded Video 8 tapes available. [W2D-014-103]

As in [3], the verb was published in [4] expresses the notion of coming into existence, while the predicate are available in [5] expresses the notion of being in existence. Here are some other examples of extraposition from a noun phrase that is the subject of a sentence or of a clause within a sentence: [6]

A hunt's begun for two gunmen who burst into a pub in South London and opened fire on drinkers killing two [S2B-016-3]


Repeated attempts were therefore rightly made to fulfil the purposes of the United Nations without conflict [S2B-030-71]




The real nation he contended already existed in Eastern Europe possessed of an authentic Jewish culture passed down through the medium of the Yiddish language [S2B-O42-67]


The cause of ice ages is still a controversial subject, and debates continue about the precise climatic effects of individual cycles, [WIA-00626]

Less frequently, extraposition takes place from noun phrases that are the direct object [10]-[ll], the subject predicative [12], or the complement of a preposition [13]: [10] They call anything a burger that you slap into a roll [SIA-055-187] [11] The invoice shows no deposit as having been paid; but in fact I paid a deposit of £903.87 to Mr Swan on 11 December in the form of a cheque which has since been cleared through my bank. [wiB-027-ni] [12] I once had a fan letter from Neil Kinnock saying what a good way it was to start Monday morning and asking me how I got away with it. [W2B-ooi 11] [13] If she ever found herself in a position, by raising her little finger, to save him from a painful and lingering death, she hoped (she said) that she would still have the common humanity to raise it; but to be candid, she felt some doubt on the matter. [W2F-on-89j

5.8 Restrictive and non-restrictive modification

Modification of nouns may be restrictive or non-restrictive. The distinction is essentially a distinction of the meaning intended by the speaker or writer, though it may correlate with differences in intonation or punctuation. Modification is restrictive when the modifier is intended to restrict the reference of the noun phrase. Modification is non-restrictive when the modifier does not restrict the reference, but instead contributes information about what is referred to in the rest of the noun phrase. The distinction between the two types of modification is illustrated in [1] and [2]: [1]

The poor areas of Mexico City are awash with polluted water [S2B-022-107]


He was obviously afraid of mentioning some girlfriend and offending the wife So eventually I had to help the poor guy out [siA-037-24 f.]

Poor in [1] is restrictive, since it is used to distinguish one set of areas of Mexico City from other areas. On the other hand, poor in [2] is nonrestrictive, since it is used to make an evaluative comment on the person in question and is not intended to distinguish him from other persons. In speech, restrictive premodifiers tend to be stressed; in writing, there is no difference in punctuation between the two types of premodification. Whether a premodifier is restrictive or non-restrictive usually depends on the context beyond the noun phrase itself, sometimes the situational context as well as the linguistic context. In [2], light blue is a non-restrictive



premodifier of carpet if we assume—as seems likely—that there is only one carpet in the room: [3]

The room is hot and my feet are hot even though they are barely touching the light blue carpet, [WIB-006-41]

On that assumption we can paraphrase the light blue carpetby a non-restrictive relative w/zic/i-clause separated by punctuation marks (cf. 5.9): 'the carpet, which is light blue'. In [3a], on the other hand, light blue is a restrictive premodifier of carpet, since its function is to distinguish the carpet from other carpets: [3a] I've decided to buy the light blue carpet, though my husband prefers the dark blue one.

Proper nouns are generally not modified restrictively, since they are generally identified uniquely. However, they may be modified restrictively when some kind of specification is needed. For example, in [4] one person named John is specified by the modification, in [5] one part of July is singled out, in [6] two types of Greek are contrasted, in [7] post-war Japan is implicitly contrasted with pre-war Japan, and in [8] the implicit contrast is with the present condition of the United Nations. [4]

That's the only John / know [SiA-032-285]


They come out late July August [SIA-033-108]


One of the ( , ) synoptic gospels is written in more or less colloquial Greek ( , ) sort of as it would be spoken rather than literary Greek [SIA-05399]


Postwar Japan, pacific, industrious and in its own way democratic, belongs in the best, not the worst, traditions of the 20th century. [W2c-oos-


They will continue to work for a stronger more effective United Nations.



Non-restrictive postmodifiers are often marked by punctuation or intonation separation from the rest of the sentence as a kind of parenthesis, as in [9] and [10]: [9]

I will begin with a look at the weather of our own country, which is part of a temperate climate, before moving on to the different very varied climates of the world. IW2B-026-6]

[10] The eagerly awaited gala premiere of the Pink Panther Strikes Again, at the end of 1976, made the front pages twice. [W2B-004-21]

In [10] the writer chose to insert the commas, thereby treating at the end of 1976 as a separate piece of information, but he could equally have omitted them without affecting the non-restrictive sense of the phrase. For example, of Russia and of Japan in [11] are non-restrictive despite not being separated by punctuation, since the two named leaders are uniquely identified without the prepositional phrases: [11] Moving to thaw long-frosty relations, President Boris N. Yeltsin of Russia and Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa of Japan agreed Thursday to discuss



the two nations' territorial dispute in a summit meeting here in October, raising the prospect of stepped-up Japanese aid. [International Herald Tribune, 9 July 1993, p. 1]

If [11] had read the President of Russia and the Prime Minister of Japan, the two o/-phrases would have been restrictive, since they would have been required to identify which President and which Prime Minister were being referred to. Although of Russia and of Japan are non-restrictive in [11], they are not separated from the rest of the sentence by punctuation. The absence of punctuation is usual if the non-restrictive postmodifiers are brief prepositional phrases.

5.9 Restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses

W7i-relatives, such as which and who, are normally the only relatives used with non-restrictive clauses. Intonation or punctuation separation is a signal that the clause is non-restrictive: [1]

There will be a break from 12.30 pm till 1.30 pm for lunch, which will not be provided. [wiB-017-52]


The other six include Diana Turbay, daughter of a former Columbian president, who edits a leading news magazine. [W20001-90]

Punctuation separation is sometimes absent from what are obviously nonrestrictive clauses, as in [3] (where Dr Funk of Tahiti is the name of a baby tortoise) and the two clauses in [4]: [3]

Finally, into the garage to inspect Dr Funk of Tahiti who was hibernating in a box of straw. [W2BO04-37]


If you get a certificate AG3 which shows you can contribute less than £11.20, you should ask the optician for form ST(V) on which you can apply for help with the cost of a private sight test. [W2D-001-64]

Sometimes, however, punctuation makes a difference. The insertion of a comma after prisoners in [5] would indicate that the vt>7zo-clause is nonrestrictive and therefore that all prisoners breach rules: [5]

The department is also likely to look at ending the dual role of the Prison Board of Visitors, who act as prison watchdogs as well as fulfilling a disciplinary role against prisoners who breach rules. [W2C-001-74]

Restrictive relative clauses may also be introduced by w/j-relatives. There are two restrictive relative clauses in [6], one beginning with who and the other (embedded within it) beginning with under which: [6]

In the meantime, I can give you the following list of commentators who are on contracts under which they retain copyright: [. . .] [wiB-016-99]

That is commonly used in restrictive relative clauses instead of the whpronouns:




I enjoyed the time that I was given to study and to explore [SIA-OOI-29]

The two types of relatives may co-occur in the same sentence: [8]

[. . .] tumours which grow slowly are less radio-sensitive than tumours that grow rapidly [. . .] [SIB-OIO-92]

Indeed, that and the wh-pronoun may modify the same noun: [9]

There are two directories that I can direct you to uhm which will give you the first lead on that [SiA-035-127]

But there are stylistic objections to the use of both that and a w/t-pronoun when the relative clauses are co-ordinated: [10]

[. . .] it was part of the anomalous froth now being blown off a boom that had run for 10 years and which had thrown up the usual number of excesses. [W2E-002-73]

Relative wh-words may be preceded by a preposition. The preposition may be fronted with the wh-word, which is the complement of the preposition: [11]

Now ( , ) as for actually ( , ) how (, > or to whom you send the messages {,) there's a standard convention (, > used (, > for addresses for e-mail [S2A-028-76]

Compare with [11]: 'You send the messages to them.' That, however, cannot be preceded by a preposition. Instead, the preposition is stranded, i.e. left at the end in its usual place (cf. 5.47): [12]

I knew my Wagner and my Beethoven and my Brahms very well but uh I saw that there were a great number of British composers that I hadn't heard of[siB-O32-i4] (Cf. '/ hadn't heard of a great number of British composers.')


Your instructor will also point out many things that you haven't even thought about [S2A-054-125] (Cf. ' You haven't even thought about those things.')

If the relative is a w/i-word, the preposition can either be fronted or left stranded. Compare [13a] and [13b]: [13a] Your instructor will also point out many things about which you haven't even thought. [13b] Your instructor will also point out many things which you haven't even thought about.

Fronting of the preposition, as in [11], tends to occur more frequently in formal style. The prepositional phrase may itself be the postmodiner of a noun in the relative clause: [14]

Other people will have to pay for their sight test, the cost of which may vary from one optician to another, so it may pay you to shop around. [W2D-001-12]



The antecedent of which in [14] is sight test, so the cost of which corresponds to 'the cost of the sight test'. In a somewhat clumsy variant of [14], the prepositional phrase is fronted: [14a] Other people will have to pay for their sight test, of which the cost may vary from one optician to another, so it may pay you to shop around.

A construction similar to that in [14] appears in [15]: [15]

This assumption is supported by the nature of the Latin used in the Llandaff Charters, some of which have been shown to date from the second quarter of the sixth century [. . .] [WIA-OOI-74]

Relative that may be readily omitted from restrictive clauses if it is not the subject of the clause. In such cases it is usual to speak of a zero relative. In [16] the noun tie is modified by two restrictive relative clauses. The first clause has a zero relative pronoun and the second has the relative pronoun that [16]

And she'd actually described the tie he was wearing that I'd given him for his Christmas before [SIB-02615]

In [16] that is required to mark the beginning of the second clause. It could be omitted (since it is not the subject) if the second clause was the only one: [16a] And she actually described the tie I'd given him for his Christmas before.

Relative that is not omitted from the second clause in [17] because it is the subject: [17]

The worst I've done is like ( , ,) why I can't think of anything that's like approaching that really [SIA-097-160]

Relative words other than pronouns are also used to introduce relative clauses. The relative determiner whose is exemplified in [18] and [19]. In [18] whose is personal ('his face') and in [19] it is non-personal ('its achievement'). Although there are brief pauses before both relative clauses, the clause in [18] is non-restrictive and the clause in [19] is restrictive: [18]

Above him is the Byzantine emperor ( , ) whose face has been somewhat rubbed but one sees a little bit of the under drawing with a big black moustache and a baggy turban [S2A-059-8]


Our successor as Chancellor of the Exchequer (, > has during the last year but isolation [S2B-050-59] [16] When I was a young and inexperienced gardener a thing that really whetted my appetite is a is a very dumpy thick tome or a series of tomes that you can't get your hands on for love nor money now which was sold in four and sixpenny weekly instalments called the Marshall Cavendish Encyclopedia of Gardening [siB-025-115] [17] But, as has already been suggested, the pluralism of modern society also embraces options that are internally monolithic in belief and/or practice. [W2A-012-51]

And/ or is an abbreviatory device {'and or or'). In co-ordinative apposition, the two noun phrases linked by and or or are co-referential. The co-ordinators can be regarded as markers of apposition: [18] Deng Rong, 43, the book's author and Mr. Deng's youngest daughter, makes clear that her aim is not to write a tell-all unauthorised biography but rather something closer to a Communist hagiography. [International Herald Tribune, 20 August 1993, p. 1] [19] The impulses that occur in the brain produce certain recognized patterns on an electroencephalogram (eeg, or brain wave trace). [W2B-023-5] [20] With V-2 engines such a vehicle would have a maximum speed of only about 6,000 miles per hour (9,600 kilometres per hour) or about onethird of satellite speed. [W2B-035-42]




5.13 Segregatory and combinatory coordination

Co-ordination of noun phrases may be segregatory or combinatory. The coordination is segregatory when each noun phrase could function independently in the clause, perhaps with some changes, such as in the number of the verbs. For example, [1] is roughly equivalent to [la]: [1]

Bomb warnings and drugs courier baggage were mentioned. [W2C-001-48]

[la] Bomb warnings were mentioned and drugs courier baggage was mentioned.

The co-ordination is combinatory when the noun phrases function semantically as a unit and cannot be paraphrased in a co-ordination of clauses: [2]

This unscheduled stop provoked some consternation in the United States, coming so soon after Rajiv and President Reagan had met at the United Nations in New York, and just a month before the first Reagan-Gorbachev summit in Geneva. [W2BOH-25]


The remark certainly didn't seem to bother Pete, as a week later, in Paris, he and Lynne were married. [W2B-004-50]


Anyhow you and Harriet know one another [. . .] [SIA-094-75]


They have their own companions, Frankenstein has a very caring family and the opportunity to make friends at University, Adam and Eve have each other, whilst the inhabitants of the Wasteland miss the chance to form meaningful relationships amongst themselves, [WIA-OIO-42]

One another [4] and each other [5] are explicit indicators of combinatory coordination. They can be inserted in [2] ('had met each other') and [3] ('were married to one another'). On the other hand, both and neither are common indicators of segregatory co-ordination of noun phrases: [6]

Both Wales and the North had never progressed beyond being military zones, so that there was no structure of government to be destroyed and consequently they were much harder to subdue, [WIA-OOI-83]


We have also seen in the last few days that there was neither time nor reason to delay the land battle any longer [S2B-014-20] ('there was not time and there was not reason')

Co-ordinated modifiers of noun phrases are also open to the distinction between segregatory and combinatory co-ordination. In [8], the beech and oak woods is shown to be segregatory because of the previous mention of your beech woods and your oak woods: [8]

So uhm so then that means like you get your get your beech woods and your oak woods but within the beech and oak woods there are different kinds [SIA-036-200]

Out of context, the beech and oak woods could have a combinatory interpretation: 'the woods containing both beeches and oaks'. In [8], however, the context makes it clear that the phrase is elliptical for 'the beech woods and the oak woods'.



Segregatory co-ordination may involve ellipsis of some part or parts of the noun phrase. [9]

Poplar, as one of the most poverty-stricken boroughs in London, attracted the attention of Beatrice and Sydney Webb in 1914. [W2B-019-10] ('Beatrice Webb and Sydney Webb')

[10] Tape is the recording medium used by both audio and video recorders. [W2D-014-61] ('both audio recorders and video recorders') [11] Nor, to turn to Marxist or quasi-Marxist interpretations, is there any evidence that slavery was a decisive factor. [W2A-ooi-29] ('Marxist interpretations or quasi-Marxist interpretations')

In combinatory co-ordination, there is no ellipsis: [12] Add the tomato and onion mixture then bring to the boil before adding the contents of the tin of beans. [W2D-020-88] ('the mixture containing tomatoes and onions') [13] For example, the diagnostic and statistics manual (DSM) has been updated twice, once in 1968, and again in 1980, with a revised version in 1 9 8 6 . [W1A-OO7-79]

[14] She had egg and bacon breakfast and it seemed enough, but she wants some milk. [W2F-003-79] [15] Ultimate power would lie with the jury of 12 randomly selected good men and true. [W2B-014-73]

5.14 Subject-verb agreement

The verb agrees with the subject in number and person wherever such distinctions are featured in the verb. Subject-verb agreement applies to the first verb in the verb phrase, whether it is a main verb or an auxiliary. Except for the verb be, the distinctions appear only in the present tense, which has two forms: the -s form (ending in -s) and the base (or uninflected) form. The -s form is used for the third person singular, and the base form is used otherwise. Subject-verb agreement varies in non-standard dialects, where some verb forms are merged (cf. 4.19 f.). If the noun phrase has a noun as its head, the relevant distinction is only in number, since all such noun phrases are in the third person. The general rule then is that singular noun phrases require the -s form and plural noun phrases require the base form: [1]

His account contains many historical solecisms. [W2A-001-26]


Many terrestrial soils, in contrast, contain large proportions of very small particles made up of clay minerals. [W2A-022-83]

Agreement is expected to be with the head of the noun phrase, the plural schools in [3]:





In recent years several schools of thought have emerged, each championed by leading exponents of the period, [WIA-OOI-8]

Modal auxiliaries (cf. 4.29, 5.24) do not have an -s form, so the agreement rule does not apply to them. For example, modal will is used with a singular subject in [4] and with a plural subject in [5]: [4]

My door will always be open to you. [WIB-OOI-133]


Our relationship is just beginning—growing pains will be part of its growth. [W1B-001-41]

Personal pronouns have distinctions in person as well as number. The third person singular pronouns he, she, and it take the -s form and the other personal pronouns—/, we, you, and they—take the base form: [6]

Well he has this stupid girl he falls in love with doesn't he or something


And she wants to know when to move it uh before or after the budding




So ( , ) I don't really want to go anyway so ( , ,) I don't see it makes a difference ( , ) really [SiA-006-325]


I hate this [siA-001-18]

[10] Life goes on Matthew doesn't it regardless of the turmoil we find ourselves embroiled in. [WIB-OOI-23] [11] Uhm ( , ) and really you need it all through your life [SiA-003-17] [12] And as you can see they look (,) quite different [S2A-028-42]

Whether used as a main verb or as an auxiliary, the verb be has further distinctions, which extend to the past tense. In the present tense, it has three forms, adding a distinctive form am for the first person singular in agreement with the pronoun /. [13] At the moment I am at home doing some work on a word processor, [WIB001-121] (1st person singular) [14] Well you are going to be a doctor [siA-039-104] (2nd person singular) [15] The other thing is uhm (, , > do you confide in her [siA-031-166] (3rd person singular) [16] Like fallen leaves that the wind sweeps to and fro, we are indiscriminately swayed by our unsubstantial and frivolous emotions, [WIB-OOI-38] (1st person plural) [17] Regards to your family—I hope you are all well, [WIB-004-139] (2nd person plural) [18] More and more people are being arrested [S2A-005-23] (3rd person plural)

The verb be is the only verb to display distinctions in number and person for the past tense. Was is used for the first and third persons singular, and were is used otherwise: [19] Also, on reflection, I was baffled by the logic. [W2B-004-47] (1st person singular)



[20] However, one had to make allowances for youth, as Lynne was actually younger than one of the children she was talking about. [W2B-004-49] (3rd person singular) [21] Well we were wondering about that [SIA-073-67] (1st person plural) [22] Robert Runcie it's it's wonderful meeting you just at this point after ten years is it when you were just leaving Saint Albans [SIB-041-46] (2nd person singular) [23] And within the dance field that you were both {,) in before this (, > uhm (, > would you say the attitude is is fairly ( , } uhm { , ,) rigid towards no not even thinking about including disabled people [SIA-002-48] (2nd person plural) [24] And they have a conventional cooker as well which they were using [SIA009-183] (3rd person plural)

Nominal clauses (cf. 6.12) functioning as subject generally take a singular verb: [25] That his people believe that after last night Is doubtful [S2B-oo8-85] [26] Once you've sent a message onto the e-mail system ( , > receiving them act as priest [SIB-OOI-9] [16] At no time were they prepared to do so [siB-014-19] [17] Never were slaves so numerous as in Italy during the first century B.C. [W2A-001-31]

[18] Rarely in human history has the idea of an obligation imposed on us by others seemed so constricting and suffocating [S2B-029-127]

C. Emphasis

The operator may be used to convey emphasis. In speech, the emphatic function is signalled by placing the nuclear tone (a distinct pitch movement) on the operator; in writing, emphasis is occasionally signalled by italics or (mostly in manuscripts) by underlining. (The same methods are used to signal emphasis for words other than operators.) The emphasis on operator is usually intended to deny something that has been mentioned previously or that may have been assumed, or to reject what has been said by somebody else; e.g. an offer, invitation, advice, order. (See also 3.10.) The emphatic function of the operator is unequivocally conveyed even in writing by the positive forms do, does, did when they are used in positive declarative sentences or clauses that are not abbreviated (see subsection D below): [19] I do apologise for that [SIA-006-260] [20] [. . .] it does actually face south-west not west [siA-023-250] [21] Well I did think about it [siA-039-215]

The non-emphatic equivalents are 'I apologise' for [19], 'it actually faces' for [20], and 'I thought for [21]. Apart from such contexts, the operator do is not necessarily emphatic. For example, in [22] it is required as a dummy operator to form the vWi-question: [22] Why did you buy it [SiA-048-256]

Did in [22] may also be emphatic, but the emphasis would be conveyed by the intonation. Similarly, the negative forms of do (doesn't, don't, didn't) need not be emphatic, since they are used as dummy operators for negation. Here are two examples of operators other than do that are used for emphasis. The context shows that they are intended to be interpreted as emphatic: [23] I read that in the paper (, > so it must be true [SIA-063-185] [24] "I think it will be all right," said Mr Hurd in a crowning sentence of elliptical emoliience in which every word can have a different stress which renders a different overall meaning. But it won't be all right: the question is whether he, or any of the other questors after unity, can now help to make it so. [W2E-003-541]

Here are some examples from writing where the operator is shown to be emphatic because it is in italics [25] or because it is underlined [26]-[27]:



[25] 'I want my d-daddy,' Tommy sobbed without looking up. 'He is alive. He isV [W2F-002-49] [italics twice in original] [26] Anyway, I really must go now. [WIB-013-105] [underline in original] [27] You can be certain that I love you. [wiB-015-ioi] [underline in original]

D. Abbreviation

The operator may be used as an abbreviating device to avoid repetition of the verb phrase, perhaps together with other parts of the predicate: [28] I've got to phone Liz because she said she was going to phone ( , ) on uh Monday night but she hasn't [SIA-093-203] ('she hasn't phoneo") [29] And W G Grace was coached by his mother and she didn't do a bad job and neither did he [SIB-021-78] ('neither did he do a bad job') [30] A: Oh I wouldn't touch those B: No I wouldn't either [SIA-042-322 ff.] ('I wouldn't touch those either')

In British English an intransitive main verb do can be added to the abbreviating operator. It serves as a substitute for the rest of the predicate: [31] Yes please don't bother for a moment because merely I wanted to know whether you disagree as I think you might do from what you've been saying with that passage that I've quoted from Dr Kendall's evidence [SIB070-123]

[32] Thank goodness I didn't say anything awful ( , ) because I could've done [S1A-091-299]

Abbreviating operators are commonly used in tag questions (cf. 3.6): [33] She's company though isn't she [SIA-019-162] [34] Well you've got income coming in from the property I suppose haven't you [S1A-071-117]

[35] Apparently he dithers, hardly surprising being a politician is it? (WIB-OOI-22] [36] But you can't just pick them up off the counter can you [SIA-079-217]

5.19 Finite and nonfinite verb phrases

Verb phrases may be either finite or non-finite. In a finite verb phrase the first or only verb is finite. A verb is finite if it displays tense; that is, the distinction between present and past: [1]

What stops a Prime Minister passing discriminatory legislation [SIB011143]


He added that the car stopped almost immediately and the young man, who was in a "terrible state," told him he had hit two people. [W2C-017-33]

In [1] stops is a finite verb phrase consisting solely of a finite verb in the present tense, and in [2] stopped is likewise a finite verb phrase but this time the finite verb is in the past tense.



The finite verb phrases marked in [3]-[8] contain more than one verb, but only the first verb in the verb phrase is finite: [3]

British and Irish nurses at a Baghdad hospital have stopped work in protest at not being allowed to leave Iraq [S2B-019-7]


Everything else has been stopped [siA-012-237]


The reason I have a new landlord is cos I'm startingwork in Finchley today, [WIB-009-136]


The new contractors will be starting the week of the 22nd. [WIB-028^8]


Now before I can start the instrumentation we need to know a little bit from maths of how we go from absorption measurement into measurement of concentrations of haemoglobin and cytochrome [S2A-053-43]


Silvie kept me there 1% hours today and did start complaining about the electricity board. [WiB-006-88]

The three non-finite verb forms have been illustrated in [3]-[8] as functioning within a finite verb phrase: 1. - ed participle (stopped), functioning as perfect participle in have stopped [3] and as passive participle in has been stopped [4] 2. -ing participle (starting), functioning as progressive participle in 'm starting [5] and will be starting [6] 3. infinitive (start), functioning after modal can in can start [7] and after dummy operator did in did start [8] If a non-finite verb is the first or only verb in the verb phrase, the phrase is a non-finite verb phrase: [9]

Well will you tell her that you might save Rebecca from complete despair because being exposed twice within a month would be rather awful for her [S1A-O21-151]

[10] It's right it's on a sort of hill ( , ) and you've got lovely views looking out the South Downs [SIA-036-148] [11] I wouldn't really be looking forward to be getting dressed up on Friday [SIA042-262)

[12] I broke my right wrist riding my bike in Germany [SIA-046-133] [13] And I've got so many events to go to I mean I know that sounds a bit odd but I mean I've got a few [SIA-039-285]

[14] Yeah he said he seemed quite quite happy to meet you [SiA-008-155]

A finite verb phrase can function as the verb of a simple sentence [15], the verb of a main clause within a compound sentence [16], or the verb of a subordinate clause [17]-[18] (cf. 6.4): [15] Tonight I 'm going to my first cocktail party at the Commission, my dears! [W1B-002-85]

[16] Now I've just been workingon this and and the problem has been to a certain extent the printer [SiA-024-3]



[17] Hackney has become fashionable among artists, actors and writers who want to live some way into London but who don't have much money, [WIB011-16]

[18] We would get more information if they were asked for a doctor's letter to the College Occupational Physician. [WIB-018-87]

In [16] there are two co-ordinated main clauses, each with its own verb, the finite verb phrases've been workingand has been. In [17] the finite verb phrases want and don't have function as the verbs in finite relative clauses (cf. 5.9), a type of subordinate clause, the main verb of the sentence being has become. In [18] the finite verb phrase were asked functions as the verb in a finite subordinate clause introduced by the subordinator if, the main verb of the sentence being would get. A non-finite verb phrase normally cannot function as the verb of a simple sentence or as the verb of a main clause within a compound sentence.9 It can, however, function as the verb of a non-finite subordinate clause: [19] I don't recall actually giving the name [SiB-061-182]

In [19] giving is the verb of an -ingparticiple clause. It is a transitive verb, and its direct object is the name. Imperative sentences and clauses are generally called finite, even though the verb does not display a distinction in tense: [20] [. . .] just feed in some of your tapes and say look this is what you've got t o do [S1A-056-19]

They are associated with other finite clauses because the imperative verb can be the verb of a main clause. The same applies to clauses whose verb is a subjunctive (cf. 5.25 f.).

5.20 Tense and aspect

Tense is a grammatical category referring to the location of a situation in time. Strictly speaking, English has only two tenses of the verb—present and past— if tense is defined as being shown by a verb inflection. However, English has many ways of referring to past, present, and future time. We use a number of auxiliary verbs in combination with main verbs to refer to time. Time is also conveyed with the help of adverbs (e.g. nowadays, tomorrow), prepositional phrases (e.g. in 1990, before the next meeting), noun phrases (e.g. last week, this evening), and clauses (e.g. when we saw them, after the conflict is over). The aspect of the verb refers primarily to the way that the time of the situation is regarded rather than its location in time in absolute terms. English has two aspects: the perfect aspect and the progressive (or continuous) aspect. The aspects are expressed by a combination of an auxiliary and a following verb. The perfect aspect (as in 'I have written many times before now') is primarily used to place the time of one situation relative to the time of another



situation.10 The progressive aspect (as in 'I am writing a letter to my parents') primarily focuses on the duration of the situation. Distinctions in tense are signalled by the inflections of the first or only verb in the verb phrase. For all verbs except the modals, the present tense distinguishes between the -s form (e.g. saves) for the third person singular and the base (or uninflected) form (e.g. save) for the rest. For regular verbs and many irregular verbs, the past tense has the -ed inflection (e.g. saved, cf. 4.17 f.). Aspect is always combined with tense. So has left and have left are present perfect (because has and have are present tense), whereas had left is past perfect (because had is past). Similarly, am leaving, is leaving, and are leaving are present progressive, whereas was leaving and were leaving are past progressive. The two aspects are combined in has been leaving. Further complexity is introduced when the two aspects are combined with modals or passives (cf. 5.17).

5.21 Simple present and simple past

When there is only one verb in the verb phrase, the choice is between the simple present and the simple past: simple present (it) computes (they) compute simple past (it/they) computed The simple present has the wider use. It has been called the non-past tense, signifying that it can be used whenever the past tense is inappropriate. The simple past is generally used to refer to past time, i.e. before the time of speaking or writing. Auxiliaries, such as will, and semi-auxiliaries, such as be going to, are used to refer to future time (cf. 5.23). The simple past is primarily used when the situation was completed before the time of speaking or writing. This paragraph from the beginning of a novel follows one in which the narrator introduces himself: [1]

I grew up in Piano, a small silicon village in the north. No sisters, no brothers. My father ran a gas station and my mother stayed at home until I got older and times got tighter and she went to work, answering phones in the office of one of the big chip factories outside San Jose. [The Secret History, by Donna Tartt (London: Penguin, 1992), p. 5]

The narrator has introduced himself as 28 years old and it is therefore clear that he has finished growing up. The paragraph describes the situation during the time in which he was growing up ('I grew up in Piano'). Contemporaneous with that past situation is the situation of his father's work ('ran a gas station') and within that past situation are two sequences of other situations relating to his mother ('stayed at home' and 'went to work') that are divided by a change



('I got older and times gottighter'). All the situations are set in a period before the narration and all are described with the simple past. In this first paragraph of a news report [2], the present situation described with present tense (is transfixed, a combination of present is and passive participle transfixed) is set in a background of past events, for which the past tenses came and proclaimed are used: [2]

Four years after the Berlin Wall came down and leaders proclaimed a new era of freedom and prosperity, Western Europe is transfixed by gloom. [International Herald Tribune, 9 August 1993, p. 1]

The simple present is primarily used for situations that include the time of speaking or writing, as in these examples of the state present: [3]

I feel like doing something exciting [SIA-048-209]


Well this is very tasty [siA-057-120]


She sounds quite sensible actually [SiA-038-29]


There is no asbestos in our products now. [891102-0191-7]


It employs 2,700 people and has annual revenue of about $370 million. [891102-0187-4]


All four seats have memory devices [S2A-055-11]


Serbs and Croats make up the core of the Yugoslav population. [W2&00729]

[10] You know nothing [SIA-044-364] [11] He said half plus half equals one [SIB-O65-21]

The situations in [3]-[ll] refer to a state that remains unaltered throughout. The duration encompassed in those situtions varies immensely from the very brief periods in [3]-[4] to the timelessness in the simple arithmetic calculation in [11]. In contrast to the state present in [3]-[ll], the recurrent present is used for events that happen repeatedly. The period includes the time of speaking or writing, but the events need not be happening at that time: [12] Again there are eight over ninety this year four men and four women and the oldest is Robert Weston who's ninety-seven and still walks to church [S2A-020-36]

[13] I work in the Physiology Department [S2A-034-93] [14] If you appease a bully you pay for it later (, > and you often pay more dearly [S2B-030-10] [15] Just as the warm air rising up pushes other air out of the way and sets the atmospheric convection circulating, so the sinking cold water at high latitudes pushes other water out of the way, eventually ensuring that water rises to the surface in the tropics and is warmed by the Sun as it begins to move out towards the poles. [W2B-025-20] [16] Seagrass grows in sand, silt or mud and resembles an underwater meadow. [W2B-029-67]

The instantaneous present is used with a single event that occurs simultaneously with the time of speaking or writing. Performative verbs (cf.



3.10), for example, describe the speech act that is being performed by the utterance itself: [17] I apologise for the very short notice but I have only just received the final list of names myself. [wiB-02218] [18] After much consideration we regret that we are unable to offer you the post on this occasion, [WIB-019-71] [19] Well I thank my honourable friend for that question [siB-059-44] [20] Smoking is forbidden in all parts of the building. [W2D-006-54]

Other common uses of the instantaneous present are in descriptions of events taking place simultaneously with the act of speaking: [21] Now then Barnes comes inside on his right foot waits twists turns feigns to play to the left clips it nicely nicely to Platt on the far side [S2A-001110 ff.]

[22] The field officer (, > Brigadier Braithwaite ( , ) rides (, > to face Her Majesty salutes with his sword and the fact that the college haven't yet billed him for my services and if they don't do it before April they won't get the money anyway So this is nothing to do with me anyway so I just sympathise because I need the job and I sort of try to keep him happy [S1A-082-48]

4. The simple present refers to events in the very recent past time in newspaper headlines: [16] Taiwan and China Reach Accord on Return of Hijackers [International Herald Tribune, 8 August 1994, p. 1] [17] Bagwell Hits 39th, Trumps Williams' 42d [International Herald Tribune, 8 August 1994, p. 15]

The reports below these two headlines were in the simple past. 5. The simple present can also be used—as an alternative to the simple past— with verbs of communication or reception of communication when the message is still valid: [18] Mary Jane fe//s me I shouldn't use the word half-caste [SIA-OSO-182] [19] He says he'd feel less of a man if he didn't speak up for what he believes in. [W2F-007-102]

[20] I Ziearwe're doing a gig together [SIA-096-7] [21] I understand from our recent telephone conversation that your last certificate dates from September 1988 and that you would like to renew this by taking the refresher course this September, [WIB-018-61] [22] It was, you may think, very natural and proper that she should take her mother's side, but I gather it went a good deal further than that. [W2F-01197]

In an extension of this use, simple present can be used with past reference to writers, artists, musicians, etc., and their works: [23] It's in the Bible that Abraham stands up and argues with God over the fate of the cities of the plain [siB-047-92] [24] Freud wants to avoid the suggestion, that Jensen, his contemporary, was consciously using his ideas. [W2A-002-65] [25] [. . .] if you look at theorem minus three it says it is differentiate provided the derivative of that point is non-zero [SiB-013-203] [26] If Beckett makes few value judgements in his text, it is because his whole position is one of assertive though ungrounded evaluation. In refusing to play the detached observer, Beckett identifies himself in a brashly partisan way with the text he is reading. [W2A-004-30 f.] [27] In his book, A Plea for Reflectors, John Browning describes just such a telescope. [W2A-040-16]



5.23 tiftlG

The two most common ways of expressing future time in the verb phrase are with the modal will and its contraction ' // and with the semi-auxiliary be going to: [I]

A: Is the whole system going to grind to a halt over the next two years B: No I don't think it will because we know that there is a reasonable amount of collection of the present poll tax and I would be fairly confident that that will continue [SiB-034-110 f.]


Please arrive at 8.45 am for registration as the first teaching session will start at 9.00 am promptly. [S2B-005-81]


I won't be a second Richard I'm just going to go berserk for a while and 17/then start again [SIAOOI-20]


I'm hoping 17/ be on the 'phone at home too in the very near future, [WIB002-96]

Some speakers (in the south of England, in particular) use shall instead of will for the future when the subject is / or we. [5]

Well if I get bored with the company I shall come and find you [siA-040^02]


We shall be away on holiday from Wednesday 29 August to Tuesday 12 September (both dates inclusive). [wiB-027-76]

The simple present and the present progressive are both used to refer to future scheduled events: [7]

California politicians face a formidable opponent in the November elections: O.J. Simpson. [International Herald Tribune, 8 August 1994, p. 3] (The reference is to the trial of Simpson scheduled to start during the election campaign season.)


So we have to decide who is going [SiB-077-109]

A number of auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries may have future reference when used in the present tense, generally in combination with other meanings: [9]

I keep thinking I must do something about it [SIA-OIO-42]

[10] She said that she'd find out precisely whether I should get Book One or Book Two tomorrow so I'll ring her Wednesday morning. [siA-043-177] [II] We're at the moment when there's about to be a struggle between the earthly and the divine and that's why this episode illuminates a world that we know [S2B-028-96]

[12] The spillage is certain to cause immense environmental damage. [W2E-00112]

The auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries may refer to a future within a past period when they are in the past tense: [13] He was watching her being destroyed right in front of him. He would never thereafter know precisely why he did what he did next. [W2F-012-117] [14] I was just thinking about art because I was going to get back to painting after not doing any for a year and a half [SIB-OIS-I]



[15] We were due to go back to collect our boat from Andraitx in Majorca where we had left it in May. [W2B-012-77] [16] Uh as I understood the completion date was to be the third of February [S1B-061-146]

[17] I was going on holiday to Slovenia but HF (the walking hols, co.) cancelled this last weekend. [wiB-006-126]

The semi-auxiliaries in [14]-[16] allow the inference that the situation did not occur. In [17] the context indicates that that inference must be drawn. Will plus the perfect may also refer to a past period: [18] Next to that there's a manuscript of about sixteen hundred uh which will have been made in Baghdad [S2A-05M0] ('I predict it was made in Baghdad') [19] You will have noticed this isn't a synthesizer this is a human being [S2A030-18]

For the use of will plus the perfect to refer to a past time within a future period, see 5.29.

5.24 Modal auxiliaries

When they appear, the modals (or modal auxiliaries) must be the first in the sequence of auxiliaries in a verb phrase (cf. 5.17) and they may function as operators (cf. 5.18). In standard English they function only as finite verbs and therefore only one modal may be present in a verb phrase, but in some nonstandard varieties modals can co-occur (cf. 4.29). Unless they are functioning as operators, the modals are followed by an infinitive: can be, may see. Most of the modals have present and past forms: e.g. can/could. Each of the modals has two kinds of meanings: deontic (or root or intrinsic) meanings and epistemic (or extrinsic) meanings. Deontic meanings refer to some kind of human control over the situation, such as permission or obligation. Epistemic meanings refer to some kind of judgement of the truthvalue of the proposition, such as its possibility or necessity. Sometimes there is a merger of meanings: [1]

A. Can/could

Can you tell us how you first got involved in this project [siA-002-100]

Can you might be paraphrased by 'are you able to' (ability) or by 'is it possible for you to' (possibility). The major meanings of the modals are listed below with examples. Ability [2]

I can just about carry it [siA-019-244]


I mean obviously I can write academic articles [SIA-066-123]


Could you be a bit more specific than that [SiB-020-86]



Permission [5]



Can I borrow yours [SiA-093-253]


You can take these [siA-022-254]


Could I have the slides on please and the lights out [S2A-040-1]

Possibility [8]

Can this be sent [SiA-091-112]


These forces can be known and expressed only indirectly, through the condensations and displacements of dream imagery. [W2A-002-25]

[10] I have not forgotten you—how could I. [WIB-OOS-93]

B. May/ might


Permission [11] If I'm that interested I'll ask you if I may have a piece [. . .] [SiA-oio-178] [12] In the meanwhile, may I just confirm a few administrative details, [WIB-03005]

[13] Having given you a brief outline of the scope of our interests and the way we are structured I wonder if I might now turn in more detail to the traditional examples of land management [. . .] [S2A-045-59]

In the permission sense, may and might are more formal than can and could and are used less frequently than they are, but may is sometimes prescribed. 2.

Possibility [14] I may be staying around to the end of the week or I may go back tomorrow [S1A-098-48]

[15] Uh (, ,) it may be worth your while (, > [SIA-066-70] [16] You might be interested in it [siA-032-144]

C. Will/would


Future prediction [17] He'll be nineteen on Friday [. . .] [S2A-003-82] [18] And as she grows up she'// see that her dislike of Gavin is irrational even if she can't admit it [siA-054-39]


Present prediction [19] The procedure is very simple and will be familiar by now [S2A-054-197] [20] The tourist season will be over by now. [W2F-013-22] [21] You might still talk about a moral consensus but that hardly justified making illegal what a minority of the population sincerely believed was permissible That would be what John Stuart Mill called the tyranny of the majority [S2B-029-101]


Habitual prediction [22] Hence if you smile, you w/7/feel happy. [wiA-017-32] [23] My door will always be open to you. [WIB-OOI-133] [24] [. . .] she'll answer yes to every question you ask her [SIB-OIO-49]



[25] If an outcrop of a syncline/anticline occurs on a horizontal face then the outcrop pattern will be wider than the thickness of the fold strata [. . .] [W1A-020-93]


Volition [26] Will you have another cup of tea grandpa [SIA-028-153] ('DO you want to have a cup of tea') [27] I will answer you in a minute [SIA-038-263] ('I intend to answer you') [28] Right 17/ask her [SIA-017-40] [29] [. . .] would you please sit back close your eyes and try and envisage the scene [S2A-044-45]

The combination would like is commonly used with volitional meaning. [30] I would like it done on Wednesday if possible [SIA-038-152] ('I want it done . . .') [31] Now ( , ) where would you like to have it [SIA-089-I65]

D. Shall/should

The use of shall for the prediction and volition meanings is rare outside the English of Southern England. The regulative use, imposing an obligation, is largely confined to legal and administrative language. 1.

Prediction (with 1st person subjects) [32] I shall regret this for the rest of my life! [WIB-015-24] [33] I shall have a fever by tonight, blood poisoning soon after. [W2F-015-121] [34] As we shall discover, the concept of child abuse is an extremely elusive one and means different things to different people. [W2B-017-25]

The more common alternative is will or its contraction '//. 2.

Volition (with 1st person subjects) [35] It is a far from boring topic, but there are so many favourite ways of doing it that I shall not add my own. [W2D-oii-48] [36] Shall I go first [SiA-002-2] [37] [.. .] and we shall I promise you (, > bring our own forces back home just as soon as it is safe to do so [S2B-030-58]

The more common alternative is will or 'II in declarative sentences. Interrogative shall I/we can be replaced by should I/we or do you want me/us to. Those who use shall with first person subjects in place of will may also use should like in place of would like: [38] I should like to help you as much as I can [. . .] [WiB-0015-13] 3.

Regulative [39] The committee shall consider the case after hearing any representations which the teacher may make. [W2D-008-49]



[40] Congress learned during the Reagan administration that it could intimidate the executive branch by uttering again and again the same seven words: "Provided, that no funds shall be spent. . ." [891102-008O-1] 1. Probability

E. Should, ought to

[41] Lesions such as these should be capable of a good recovery in the long t e r m . [W2A-026-71]

[42] [. . .] when you've won every major medal in the sport and held the world record nerves shouldn 't be a problem [S2A-007-126] [43] With a new labor force, service at Eastern Airlines is likely to improve sharply, and with its strong route structure, the Texas Air Unit ought to make a "spectacular turnaround," he says. [891005-0041-57] 2. Obligation [44] I can remember when common sense said that for instance women were weaker than men women shouldn't wear trousers women should earn less than men [siB-029-123] [45] So does anybody else uhm have any topics that they feel we should pursue [S1B-077-44] [46] Oh well I suppose I ought to go to bed, as it's work tomorrow. [wiB-013100]

F. Must, cannot/ can't, have to, have got to, need

1. Certainty [47] I read that in the paper ( , ) so it must be true [SIA-063-185] ('It is certain to be true') [48] They must have been his daughters, mustn't they [. . .] [siA-023-350] [49] A Salomon managing director once said to me, "If you think a million dollars is good money, you must not have kids." [891012-0133-29] ('It is certain that you do not have kids') [50] So (,} in all biochemical systems there has to be an off switch as well because otherwise (, > things would burn out [. . .] [S2A-034-112] [51] Loose shirts over jeans has got to be a sort of from under the grill [S1A-O95-225]

In certain constructions, the preposition is stranded—left by itself, without a following prepositional complement. Stranding may result from the absence of a complement or from the fronting of the complement.16



The complement is absent in three instances: 1. Where a prepositional verb or phrasal-prepositional verb is in the passive, the subject corresponds to what would be the prepositional complement in the active: [7]

All she meant, I feel, is that McQueen popularized the term, for it is generally held to be a negro phrase and was talked about before the film star came on the scene. [W2B-010-194] ('People talked about that)


A bill will be introduced to enable applications for asylum in the United Kingdom to be dealt with quickly and effectively [S2B-041-41] (They will deal with applications for asylum')

2. The subject of the host clause is the same as the implied prepositional complement in an infinitive clause (5.42): [9]

Buses are well lit, easy to see into from outside, and pick up and set down passengers at regular intervals, reducing the chances of violence or robbery. [W2D-009-8I] ('It is easy to see into buses')

[10] [. . .] they're rather nice to look at as you'll see later then I found out he was going out with a woman that I was going out with you know [. . .] [siA-052-71]

If the relative clause has a zero relative (cf. 5.9), the prepositional complement is of course absent: [18] They may have to say that's the direction we were going in [SiB-039-46] ('. . . the direction that we were going in')

The preposition must be stranded in relative clauses if the relative is that [17] or zero [18] since the preposition can only precede a w/j-relative. In whquestions and in relative clauses with a w/j-relative there is usually a choice. Generally, the prepositional complement alone is fronted and the preposition is stranded, as in [12]-[16], In a usually more formal alternative, the preposition is fronted with its complement in a wfr-question [19] or relative clause [20]:




First of all to what companies does that scheme apply [siB-062-si]


There can't be many other countries for example where the retail price of a loaf of bread is lower than the wholesale cost of the ingredients from which it's made [S2B-039-14]

If the wh-question or relative clause is long, the preposition is more likely to be fronted. Contrast [21] with [21a]: [21]

You find me preparing for a concert organized by friends at which for half an hour I will be reading one of my poems to an audience 1000% of the size of the normal audience for poetry, [WIB-OIS-67]

[21a] You find me preparing for a concert organized by my friends which I will be reading one of my poems at.

6. The relative in a nominal relative clause (cf. 6.12) must always come first in that clause. The relative may be the same as the implied prepositional complement: [22]

I think that's what everybody ( , ) hopes for not from Lutyens (,) not even always from Le Corbusier (, ,) but from car production hovercraft balloons robots [S2A-040-57] [14] The path followed by such an oceanic current depends partly on the difference in temperature between the equator and the poles, partly on the effect of the Earth's rotation, and partly on the shape of the ocean basin itself. [W2B-025-14]

The conjunction can also appear simply in front of a phrase that is not coordinated to another phrase: [15] Fish could be seen feeding but not on hook baits. [W2D-oi7-87j




Premodifiers of prepositions and prepositional phrases

Prepositions may be premodified by intensifiers. Here are some examples: [I]

I don't think there's anything quite like Toblerone [SIA-C-23-190]


It's so near Christmas it's unbelievable [SIA-039-13]


The contribution of modern genetics has shown however that the genetic code is really a fundamental organising principle and there is a radical unity long before the fourteen-day stage [SiB-060-64]


The choir is placed sharply above the nave [. . .] [W2B-003-102]


This stance was somewhat hypocritical, as for many years, indeed ever since the war, all the major investment decisions in the industry had been agreed by, and, in the main, financed by, government. [W2B-016-15]


A button labelled Layer/Active, handily located just below the Tone Buttons, allows you to switch between the two functions. [W2BO31-31]

In some instances the intensifiers modify the whole prepositional phrase rather than the preposition. In such instances the prepositional phrases are close in meaning to adjective phrases: [7]

I mean A: But uh

[c] A: Uhm oh that's true [d] Or Coke Coke will do ( , > [e] B: Yes




I could probably manage to take you back to the station on some Coke [SIA-006-96 ff.]

Each of the first two clusters [a] and [b] consists of two co-ordinated main clauses. The third cluster [c] is a simple clause preceded by interjections. The fourth cluster [d] begins with the co-ordinator or, but or does not link to the immediately preceding clause; it in fact presents an alternative to what is said in the second main clause of [a]: / could bring the odd bottle of cider. Or in [d] is equivalent to alternatively and might be regarded as a connective adverb rather than as a true co-ordinator. Yes [e] is a response item—a non-sentence, since it does not have clause structure. The fifth cluster [f] is one main clause with a subordinate to-infinitive clause. We could generally refer to clause clusters instead of sentences, even for the written language, so as to avoid confusing grammatical sentences with orthographic sentences. But sentence is preferred in this book to clause cluster because it is familiar to readers.

6.7 Meaning relationships in

co-ordination and subordination

Similar meaning relationships are sometimes expressed through coordination and subordination. In [1] the subordinate w/»7e-clause is concessive and contrastive in meaning: [1]

While some politicians and communicators may identify themselves with some transnational culture, many of them are great patriots. [W2A-oi7-6Oj

A similar meaning can be conveyed through co-ordination with but [la] Some politicians and communicators may identify themselves with some transnational culture, but many of them are great patriots.

The second clause may be juxtaposed and may more explicitly show the relationship through a conjunct such as however. [lb] Some politicans and communicators may identify themselves with some transnational culture. However, many of them are great patriots.

In [2] the clauses are in a cause-effect relation. They are asyndetically co-ordinated, linked by the conjunct so ('therefore'): [2]

The economies are too small to supply a large range of products now universally sought and desired, so these have to be imported, at great cost relative to the money earned by the primary sector. [W2A-019-33]

The two clauses could be syndetically co-ordinated by and: 'and so these have to be imported'. Alternatively, the first clause could be subordinated, introduced by (for example) since, and the redundant conjunct so would then be omitted. The cause-effect relationship in [2] can be emphasized by making the second clause explicitly identify the relationship:



[2a] The economies are too small to supply a large range of products now universally sought and desired. That is why these have to be imported, at great cost relative to the money earned by the primary sector.

Again, the two clauses can also be co-ordinated: and that is why. Co-ordination, syndetic or asyndetic, is an option that is also available for the time relation exemplified in [3]: [3]

When Monsieur Savlon came back to clear the table he asked me in perfectly good English, 'You do not like snails?' [W2F-013-52]

The subordinator when makes the time relation explicit. If the clauses are co-ordinated by and, the assumption is that the two events (his return to the table and his question) are in chronological order: [3a] Monsieur Savlon came back to clear the table and he asked me in perfectly good English, 'You do not like snails?'

Since the two clauses share an identical subject, it would be possible to omit the second subject he, so that we would now have co-ordination of the predicates. Alternatively, the two clauses could be set out as two orthographic sentences, and optionally then could be inserted after the subject he to make explicit the time relation between the clauses. Similar meaning relationships can be conveyed at the level below the clause through nominalizations—noun phrases that correspond to clauses. For example, corresponding roughly to [3] is [3b], where return is a noun converted from the verb return: [3b] On Monsieur Savlon's return to clear the table he asked me in perfectly good English, 'You do not like snails?'

Co-ordination (syndetic or asyndetic) and juxtaposition put the clauses on the same grammatical level. Syndetic co-ordination emphasizes their connection. Subordination downgrades the subordinate clause grammatically in relation to the host clause or host phrase, and nominalization provides a further downgrading to the level of the phrase.

Signals of Clause Relationships 6.8 OF CO-


Co-ordination of clauses is signalled by the presence of a co-ordinator between the clauses (syndetic co-ordination) or by the potentiality for its presence (asyndetic co-ordination, cf. 6.2). The central co-ordinators are and



and or. They alone can link more than two clauses at the same level, and all but the final instance of the co-ordinator are then usually omitted. Thus in [1] or links four to-infinitive clauses: [1]

On the other hand I long to travel, to get out of London, to go to America orjust to see wide open unspoilt spaces. [WIB-006-72]

In polysyndetic co-ordination, the co-ordinator and or or is repeated, contrary to normal practice. The effect is to emphasize the individuality of each of the clauses: [2]

Columba then prophesied that he would become a beggar and that his son would run from house to house with a half empty bag and that he would die in the trench of a threshing-floor. [wiA-020-53]

The other clear co-ordinator is but. Unlike the central co-ordinators, it can link only two clauses at the same level. Like them, it can also link subordinate clauses: [3]

When my plate was clean I asked her if she would mind telling him when she got the chance that I couldn't stand snails or garlic, but that this was no reflection on his excellent cooking. [W2F-013-90]


Cut the meat into even-sized cubes, leaving on any fat but removing all g r i s t l e . [W2D-020-25]

There are several other items that are sometimes considered to be coordinators. For and so that ('with the result that') resemble the co-ordinators in not allowing a co-ordinator to precede them. We cannot, for example, add a second/or-clause in [5] linking it to the first by and, or, but [5]

'It doesn't matter,' I said, for I didn't want to admit that I sometimes feel shy with foreigners. [W2F-013-92]

By contrast, we can co-ordinate two because-chuses: [6]

However, because in many cases the condition is well controlled by medication and because sufferers don't necessarily like to talk about their illness, most people are not aware of the extent of epilepsy in the population. [W2B-023-29]

For and so that can link only main clauses. Unlike the co-ordinators, they cannot link subordinate clauses or parts of clauses. Other putative co-ordinators are nor and yet. Both of these can be preceded by a co-ordinator: [7] [8]

So you didn't have a lot of religious pressure but nor did you have a lot of religious thought [SIA-076-150] But the fact is you're part of an alliance and yet you are acting unilaterally [S2B-O1O-11O]

Because they can themselves be preceded by co-ordinators, both nor and yet are better regarded as adverbs, more specifically conjuncts (conjunctive adverbs, cf. 4.27).7 In the absence of a co-ordinator, clauses linked by nor, yet, and other conjuncts are asyndetically co-ordinated:




It's been available now for two decades yet in that time a hundred million children have died from diarrhoea [S2B-022-128]

Conjuncts such as however, therefore, and nevertheless are more removed from the co-ordinator class because they need not be positioned at the beginning of their clause: [10] None of France's wine regions can steal a march on Burgundy, however. [891102-0121-25]

[11] But not all concerted action is therefore ineffectual. [89ion-oi46-53]

Like nor and yet, their clauses can be linked by co-ordinators: [12] The early evidence suggests the strategy has worked but nevertheless Iraq's surviving aircraft and huge quantities of guns and missiles will be more effective in daylight [S2B-008-30]

6.9 Signals of subordination

There are two types of signals that a clause is subordinate: the identity of the initial item in the clause and the nature of the verb phrase or its absence. A clause is subordinate if it is introduced by a subordinator (or subordinating conjunction) such as if, because, and although (cf. 4.30). Certain subordinate clauses are introduced by wh-words (cf. 6.12). Some of these whwords are used only with subordinate clauses; for example: whoever, whatever, however. Others may also be used with interrogative main clauses; for example: who, which, when, where, why, how. The subordinators as, that, and though are exceptional in that they occasionally do not come at the beginning of their clauses (cf. concessive clauses in 6.14). That may be either a subordinator like whether [1] or a relative pronoun like which [2]: [1]

We decided that we would work together [. . .] [SiA-001-43]


[. . .] I very much enjoyed the work that I was involved in [SIA-OOI-28]

As a subordinator, that can usually be omitted ('zero that') when its clause is not functioning as subject: [la] We decided we would work together.

In [la] there is no overt signal of subordination for the complement we would work together, but we could point to the option of inserting the subordinator that. As a relative pronoun, that is functioning in place of w/z-relative pronouns: [2a] I very much enjoyed the work which I was involved in. Like the subordinator, relative that can often be omitted ('zero relative'):



[2b] I very much enjoyed the work I was involved in.

Again, the covert signal of subordination in [2b] is the optionaiity of inserting that. Subject-operator inversion may signal subordination without a subordinator, mainly in conditional clauses (cf. 6.15): [3]

It acts as a metaphor representing his early awakening for literature which could have been channelled into something better had he been taught how. [WIA-018-84] ('if he had been taught how')

If the verb in a clause is non-finite [4] or if there is no verb [5], the clause is generally subordinate (cf. 6.10): [4]

She paused, sighed winsomely, looking aged. [W2F-O08-7]


He began running, feeling light and purposeful, scarcely seeming to touch the pavement with his feet, his heart strong and amazingly compliant with his sudden awakening. [W2F-008-95]

Subordinate Clauses 6.10 Forms of subordinate clauses

There are three major forms of subordinate clauses: 1. finite clause, whose verb is a finite verb (cf. 5.19): [1]

When we were walking over the bridge Mary Jane stopped to take a shot of a woman on the other side of the road who was dragging a child along by the hand. [W2F-oi3-iiO]

2. non-finite clause, whose verb is a non-finite verb (cf. 5.19): [2]

To test the belt tension, press the belt down at a point midway on the longest run between pulleys (Fig. A:25), using firm thumb pressure. [W2D018-5]

3. verbless clause, which does not have a verb: [3]

In accordance with the principles of direct play the ball should be thrown forward where possible. [W2D-oi5-i09]

Non-finite and verbless clauses are treated as clauses because we can analyse their structure in the same way as we analyse finite clauses. So in [2] the infinitive clause can be analysed as having a verb to festand a direct object the belt tension; similarly, the -ing participle clause has a verb using and a direct object firm thumb pressure. The analyses of the non-finite clauses can be compared with those for corresponding finite clauses (cf. 3.13 ff.):



[2a] You (S) test (V) the belt tension (0). [2b] You (S) use (V) firm thumb pressure (0).

The structure of the verbless clause where possible [3] can be analysed as having a conjunction where and a predicative possible. Compare the corresponding subordinate finite clause: [3a] . . . where [conj] that (S) is (V) possible (P)

A non-finite or verbless clause may be host to a finite clause: [4]

'It doesn't matter,' I said, for I didn't want to admit that I sometimes feel shy with foreigners. [W2F-013-92]

The infinitive clause in [4] is host to the tfiaf-clause. The verb in a non-finite clause may take any of four non-finite forms and the clause may be with or without a subject: 1. -ingparticiple clause with subject: [5]

I don't see a French writer voluntarily writing in English [SIB-026-107]

2. -ingparticiple clause without subject: [6]

Yes the thing is we we do notice very much that there's difficulty in attracting younger members to the societies [SiB-025-135]

3. -ed participle clause with subject: [7]

This said, the Isozaki scheme is not entirely without merit. [W2A-005-83]

4. -ed participle clause without subject: [8]

Unless otherwise stated the tuition fees will be charged on a simple hourly rate [. . .] [S2B-044-106]

5. to-infinitive clause with subject: [9]

Uh well do you want me to tell you the truth [SIB-029-41] ('that I should tell you the truth')

6. to-infinitive clause without subject: [10] And I just thought well now where shall I poke him to wake him up [SIA018-26]

7. bare infinitive clause with subject: [11] But what made him want to go to Disneyworld for the job [SIA-065-255]

8. bare infinitive clause without subject: [12] [. . .] I think it helps support our style of policing structure [SIB-033-13]

9. verbless clause with subject: [13] No soldiers here, although those waiting squads in trucks were only minutes away. [W2F-015-34]

10. verbless clause without subject: [14] Women, however, although under subjection, are not actually in a class of their own, but in an underrated grouping according to gender, which cuts across all classes. [W2B-009-69]



6.11 Functions of subordinate clauses

The functions of subordinate clauses can be consolidated into four major types:

A. Nominal clauses

All nominal clauses (cf. 6.12) may have the following first two functions in a host clause, and most nominal clauses may also have functions 3-5:

A. nominal clauses, which can have a range of functions similar to those of noun phrases (cf. 5.3) B. relative clauses, which postmodify noun phrases (cf. 5.9) C. adverbial clauses, which can have a range of functions similar to adverb phrases or prepositional phrases when these function as adverbials (cf. 5.44, 5.48) D. comparative clauses, which together with the comparative items more, less, or as or the comparative inflection -er function as intensifiers (cf. 5.41,5.45).




That his people believe that after last night is doubtful [S2B-oo8-85]


Whether a stock offering is in the best interest of Mr. Wisner or his shareholders is unanswerable. [891004-0124-80]


[. . .] to talk of it as a United States operation simply misreads history or intentionally misinterprets history [siB-027-109]


And mastering this technique can be a lot of fun [S2A-054-108]

Complement of a verb, chiefly as direct object (cf. 3.16): [5]

Only nine per cent answered that religious leaders played a significant part in their life [SIB-028-24]


I don't know what my mother would have done if we had not come out naturally bookish [SiB-046-36]


[. . .] I've never wanted to be a writer at all [SIB-026-196]


Depending on who comes, you'll possibly need to bring sleeping bags and I hope you don't mind sleeping on the floor, [WIB-004-45]

Most nominal clauses may also function as: 3.

Complement of an adjective (cf. 5.42): [9]

It's strange, I don't look like my mother and everyone here presumes I'm Spanish and is surprised that I don't speak a word. [wiB-003-114]

[10] They are not sure what did happen [S2B-028-59] [11] I'm not quite sure if that's right actually [siB-075-18] [12] And they say they're prepared to take industrial action to back their demands for shorter hours [S2B-011-20]

Unlike these nominal clauses, noun phrases functioning as complements of adjectives require linking prepositions: surprised at that, sure of that, prepared for that.




Complement of a preposition (cf. 5.47): [13] At the time of the original meeting nobody had any idea of what would happen [SIB-061-1201 [14] I'll come on to when you went off to Germany shortly [SiB-061-85] [15] [. . .] you seem to have a capacity for handling stress [siB-041-116] [16] [. . .] you've talked in various articles over the years about her making you feel utterly inadequate and and horrible [SIB-046-63]


Complement of a noun (cf. 6.16): [17] [. . .] it had a lovely wood letter-rack and a sort of in-tray done in wood which I fancied despite the fact that I haven't got anything to put in it [S1A-O14-216]

[18] Police say they can't confirm a TV report that the building had been hit by automatic fire [S2B-016-95]

[19] Many more people can look forward to a retirement in the knowledge that in addition to the basic state retirement pension they will benefit from their employer or personal pension scheme [S2B-O35-23] [20] And uh she then said well look uhm you because you're a national figure you've been in eight million homes tonight uh you really must get used to the idea that people will come up to you [S2A-023-3]

B. Relative clauses

Relative clauses postmodify noun phrases. They can be restrictive [21] or nonrestrictive [22]: [21] Individuals who need professional help are those who cannot handle these problems themselves. [wiA-007-44] [22] We can send two representatives and additional observers (who can participate but not vote), [WIB-024-60]

Reduced relative clauses have a non-finite verb: [23] It was a very contemporary version of the play [. . .] although most people responding to it didn't feel that it had been updated to a specific period [siB-023-45] ('most people who responded to if) [24] Uh this is an action authorised by the Security Council of the United Nations [siB-027-107] ('an action that is authorised by the Security Council of the United Nations') [25] But according to the United Bible Societies these figures don't tell the whole story (, > as some countries imported paper she said she was coming tomorrow to tell me whether or not she could do the following week [SIA-083-36]

W7i-interrogatives are introduced by w/i-pronouns [19] (cf. 4.43), or w/i-determiners (cf. 4.43), or ivh-adverbs [20] (cf. 4.27): [19] At another point during the hearing, Rep. Markey asked Mr Phelan what would be discussed at a New York exchange board meeting today. [891102-0104-30]


A spokesman said he could not speculate as to when a new proposal would be presented or how long it would take to complete, and Ramada officials declined to elaborate. [891012-0117-13]

WTifltwould be a determiner in [19] if it were followed by (say) issues. As with main clauses (cf. 3.5), if the w/i-element is the complement of a prepositional phrase, the preposition may be stranded at the end [21] or (in formal style) maybe fronted with its complement [22]: [21]

I'm not sure who I should speak to.


I am not sure to whom I should speak.

In standard English, subordinate interrogative clauses differ from main interrogative clauses in word order. Main clauses require subject-operator inversion except when a w/r-element is the subject (cf. 3.5): [13a] Was it worth going ahead at all? [16a] Was it free or not? [20a] How long would it take to complete?

Subordinate clauses, on the other hand, place the subject first, as in declarative clauses. However, non-standard dialects commonly have subject-operator inversion in subordinate clauses: [13b] You can decide was it worth going ahead at all. [16b] I didn't know was /tfree or not. [20b] He didn't know how long would /ttake to complete.



In consequence, non-standard dialects omit in such cases the subordinators whether and if, which are redundant when the interrogative is signalled by inversion. To-infinitive clauses may serve in all three types of interrogatives, as yes-no interrogatives [23]-[24], alternative interrogatives [25]-[26], and w/z-interrogatives [27]-[28]. However, only whether—not if—can be used to introduce yes-no and alternative clauses. [23]

The municipalities said they have not decided whether to try to force the company to go through with the contracts. [89iiO2-oi4i-3O]


As a result, Fed officials may be divided over whether to ease credit. [891102-0120-16]


It is hard to know whether to laugh at or cry about the impoverished woman who raises rabbits to sell as pets or as meat. [890929-0055-21]


During the coming weeks, President Bush must decide whether to veto the bills containing them—or, alternatively, to sign these bills into law with a statement declaring their intrusions on executive power to be in violation of Article II, and thus void and severable. [89ii02-0O8o-i7j


It is hard to know what to do about drugs. [890929-0138-57]


These issues weigh on Mr. Clausen as he considers whom to anoint as his SUCCeSSOr. [891002-0067-150]

Whether or if can be repeated in alternative clauses if the alternative clauses are in full: [29]

The issue is whether fleet requirements can be met by remanufacturing previously built aircraft or whether additional new production is required. [890911-0107-10]

If the alternative clause is infinitive, whether can be repeated when infinitival to is retained: [25a] It is hard to know whether to laugh at or whether to cry about the impoverished woman who raises rabbits to sell as pets or as meat.

Or whether and or ^/introduce yes-no interrogative clauses when they are coordinated with a Wi-interrogative: [30]

The indictment does not say how the alleged bid-rigging was to be done or whether the two companies went through with the alleged scheme. [890807-0101-19]


How soon Wang will stage a comeback, or if it will at all, are still matters of debate. [891018-0120-2]

C. Subordinate exclamative clauses

As in main exclamative clauses (cf. 3.8), what introduces noun phrases [32] and how is used otherwise [33]. What and how are intensifies in this use. [32] And I know what great joy he's brought not only to his family but to so many of his parents' friends [SIB-O60-50] ('very great joy') [33]

My agent called me in this morning to tell me how good he was. [wiB-003131]



D. Nominal relative Clauses

Nominal relative clauses (or independent relative clauses or free relative clauses) closely resemble noun phrases.9 Like noun phrases and unlike other clauses, they can take a plural verb: [34] 'What the market wants to see are deals in non-recessionary businesses,' said Brian Doyle, a senior analyst at Salomon Brothers. [890918-0054-41]

They can have concrete reference [35] and indeed personal reference [36]: [35] In two years, I probably have eaten what looked like 20 different types of fish, only to be informed each time that I was eating "snapper" or "garoupa." [890920-0116-21]

[36] We bribe whoever needs to be bribed to get on that plane before anyone thinks we might try anything so crazy. [W2F-015-109] [37] So before the centralisation of the Temple (, > you had local officials where anybody could do whatever they liked in them more or less [. . .] [SiB-ooi-27] ('anything that they liked . . .') [38] And this is where the eighty-nine earthquake occurred [S2A-025-57] ('the place at which the eighty-nine earthquake occurred') [39] This enables you to get your weight evenly distributed, and to push off to whichever side the ball comes. [W2D-013-49] ('any side that the ball comes')

[40] This is how she put it [SiA-040-321] ('the way that she put it')

To-infinitive clauses can also be nominal relative clauses: [41] "It is absurd that societies so stricken with crime should attempt to apply their standards to us and teach us what to do," he said. [International Herald Tribune, 25 April 1994, p. 4] ('that which we should do') [42] It outlines some of the opportunities that are available at our main branches and who to contact for more information [S2B-O44-81] ('the person that you should contact. . .') [43] So (, > he directed me where to go [siB-049-143] ('the place that I should go to') [44] You don't just learn words and grammar you learn how to uh behave more generally [SIB-003-088] ('the way that you should behave more generally')

Nominal clauses that are complements of verbs or adjectives may be fronted. The motivation for doing so is generally end-focus: to place at the climax the information that is new or at least relatively less familiar to the hearer. Here are two examples: [45] Uh the record of Saddam Hussein does not lead us to believe that what he says he says he'll do he necessarily will do [SiB-027-18] [46] I hope to go to the States sometime soon but whether it will materialise I don't know, [WIB-014-85]



6.13 Forms of adverbial clauses

Adverbial clauses may be finite, non-finite, or verbless, and the verb of a nonfinite clause may be an -ing participle, an -ed participle, a to-infinitive, or a

bare infinitive (cf. 6.10). Adverbial clauses that are finite generally have a subordinator, such as if or although; exceptionally, subject-operator inversion maybe used instead of the conditional subordinator if (cf. 6.14). Non-finite and verbless clauses may have a subordinator [l]-[2], but they are commonly used without a subordinator [3]-[4]: [1]

Embarrassingly, my seat broke. When reclined it was not long enough for my legs [. . .] [The Times, 21 January 1993, p. 14]


Defend yourself physically only if really necessary. [W2D-009-56]


And you condemn the series having seen a bit of one of them [siA-006-103]


They met six years ago while both worked at a bank in Nazareth, she a clerk and he a computer instructor. [International Herald Tribune, 3 May

1994, p. 1]

In the absence of a subordinator, the meaning of the adverbial clause in relation to its host clause may be vague when the sentence is viewed in isolation. For example, the -ing participle clause in [3] might be temporal ('after you have seen a bit of one of them') or causal ('because you have seen a bit of one of them'). In the wider context it is clear that the clause is concessive ('though you have seen (only) a bit of one of them'). If the non-finite or verbless clause does not have a subject, its understood subject is normally interpreted as identical with the subject of the host clause. Thus, the subject of the -erf participle clause When reclined [1] is understood to be it 'When it (i.e. my seat) was reclined'. An adverbial participle or verbless clause is said to be dangling (or unattached) when its understood subject is not identical with the subject of the host clause. In [5] the subject of the verbless clause // severe is in the previous sentence—these (changes): [5]

Injury at any point along the length of the axon process produces biochemical and ultrastructural changes within the nerve cell body and these are more pronounced if proximal. If severe, nerve cell death may result. [W2A-026-6]

More commonly, the understood subject of a dangling clause can be deduced from some item in the host clause—his in [6], yielding the interpretation 'When he was in the company of Bob Fagin and Paul Green': [6]

When in the company of Bob Fagin and Paul Green, no doubt his hurt was assuaged by routine duties and by companionship [. . .] [W2B-006-62]

Violation of the identical-subject rule is usually considered to be an error if it is noticed. But the rule is felt not to apply in certain cases. The main exceptions are:



1. If the dangling clause is a style disjunct that has the speaker's I as the understood subject (cf. 4.27): [7]

Broadly speaking, the process followed reflected the revised priorities. [W2A-016-84] ('I am speaking broadly')


[. . .] and our links as we all know uh elsewhere uh are uh to put it mildly uh inadequate [S2A-023-28]

2. If the understood subject refers to the whole of the host clause: [9]

I would like it done on Wednesday if possible [SIA-038-152] ('if it is possible')

[10] Firstly, the head may twist sharply, tearing and twisting the connections and membranes of the brain. [wiA-004-15] ('the sharp twisting of the head will tear. . .')

3. In scientific usage, if the understood subject refers to the I or we of the speakers or writers: [11] Concentrations of substances below ten to the seventh cannot be measured using these radioactive-based methodologies [S2A-042-87] [12] Each question will be considered in turn before looking at an alternative approach. [W2A-O16-17]

4. If the understood subject is a generic you, we, or one (cf. 4.36) :10 [13] It's the same deal when setting off on a slippery surface [S2A-055-53] [14] Bearing in mind that many retired people can still contribute usefully to society, it seems probable that the burden of a dependent child is, overall, at least as high as that of a retired person. [W2B-oi8-52]

Absolute clauses are adverbial participle clauses or adverbial verbless clauses that are not introduced by a subordinator and that have their own subject: [15] Sanctions on Haiti having produced no useful results so far, the United States is now considering whether to tighten them further. [International Herald Tribune, 21 January 1994, p. 6] [16] It may seem perverse to derogate AA, NA etc., they being organisations which do fine and irreplaceable work in offering salvation to those afflicted by addiction. [The Independent Magazine, 5 February 1994, p. 9] [17] There are populated areas all around the bay the total population being in excess of ten million [S2A-025-55]

[18] While the government holds the towns, Unita controls much of the countryside, its troops equipped with American-supplied ground-to-air missiles to deter air transport. [W2c-002-82] [19] Lesley talked with animation, the restraint of their first meeting all gone. [W2F-OO3-67]

[20] College work aside, I have just ended this strange relationship with the girl we spoke about in Paris, [WIB-OOS-86]



6.14 Meanings of adverbial clauses

Below are given, with examples, the major types of adverbial clauses according to their meaning relation with the host clauses. Some subordinators can be used with more than one type of clause; for example, since can serve with time or reason clauses, so that with purpose or result clauses.11

Place clauses

Place clauses may refer to position [l]-[3] or direction [4]-[5]: [1]

They fired rockets and artillery last night but where I was they made no move to advance [S2B-014-81]


Where the mighty Rhone river meets the Mediterranean Sea its silt has created a spreading triangle of wild marshes ( , ) the Camargue [S2B-02796]


DDT should still be used, with appropriate safeguards, wherever pests can be well controlled, and particularly when more expensive chemicals cannot be afforded. [890912-0079-85]


And Mr. McPhee is the envy of other writers for his ability to follow wherever his fancy leads. [890803-0142-12]

In [5], the where-dause is the complement (object predicative) of the verb put [5]

[. . .] with the footballing folk of Newcastle urged to put their money where their mouths are[..

Temporal clauses

.] [W2C-004-69]

The situation in the host clause may occur before that of the temporal clause [6]-[8], at the same time [9]-[12], or at a later time [13]-[15]: [6] [7]

And she's advised them to get a good grounding before they go [SiA-005136] I didn't realise they were wisdom teeth until someone pointed them out [S1A-046-24]


What the chain does is sell even cheaper petrol to undercut this independent till he's driven out of business or until he can be bought out by the main corporation [SIB-OOS-IOI]


Mrs Mandela sat impassively while Mr Kgase gave evidence in the court, which was half-empty for the first time since the case opened last month. [W2C-019-64]

[10] Uhm ( , ) and I think one of the things that I felt when I was studying dance {,) was I very much enjoyed the work that I was involved in [SIA001-28]

[11] [. . .] whenever Adam and I hug and say hello he sits on my knee and he you know he puts one leg on either side and we hug and we're close physically [siA-003-112] [12] [. . .] it was supposed that a king had the right to rule only as long as he was acting in the interests of his people. [W2B-014-53] [13] Laura likes tea bags you see after they've had taken some of the strength OUt [S1A-O42-44]




[14] So when this nerve is cut not only will you be numb in the area not only will the relevant muscles not be able to move but muscle will be all floppy through lack of tone [sis-009-85] [15] Once we're convinced that we have the right to determine when life becomes human and when it ceases to be so{,) then we stand in danger of creating a society that is potentially self-destructive [SIB-060-36]

When a sznce-clause and its host clause refer to a period leading up to the present (and perhaps including the present), the host clause generally takes the present perfect (cf. 5.27): [16] Well I Ve read about three books since I finished my degree [. . .] [SIA-08438]


Conditional clauses

[17] The Pentagon has called up more than thirty thousand reservists since the crisis began but most of them have been support units doctors cargo handlers mechanics [S2B0i7-i6j

Conditional clauses generally express a direct condition, indicating that the truth of the host clause (or apodosis) is dependent on the fulfilment of the condition in the conditional clause (or protasis).12 However, some conditional clauses may express an indirect condition that is related to the speech act: [18] And if I remember rightly you had jaundice didn't you [SIA-028-41] ('if I remember rightly it would be true to say') [19] I mean if I told you honestly things can be really interesting [. . .] [S1A-048-8]

[20] [. . .] I did need to have a need to say (, > that I was doing something because uhm otherwise I wouldn't be anybody if you see what I mean [S1A-O60-159]

Direct conditions may be either open (or real) or hypothetical (or closed or unreal). Open conditions leave completely open whether the condition will be fulfilled: [21] You're going to have huge trouble (,) if you've infected me [SiA040-28i]

In [21] the speaker does not give any indication whether he or she believes that the condition—the infection by the person addressed—has been fulfilled. Hypothetical conditions, on the other hand, express the speaker's belief that the condition has not been fulfilled (for past conditions) or is not fulfilled (for present conditions) or is unlikely to be fulfilled (for future conditions). The hypothetical nature of the condition is conveyed through the verb forms, which are backshifted (cf. 6.18). Future and present hypothetical conditions take the past in the conditional clause and a past modal in the host clause. The future hypothetical condition is exemplified in [22], where the modal 'd (= would) appears in the host clause and the past scratched in the conditional clause: [22] I 'd be far more upset if somebody say scratched one of my records (, > than tore one of my books [SiA-oi3-i75]



The present hypothetical condition is shown in [23], where the modal could appears in the host clause and the past had in the conditional clause: [23] Now if I had an S{, ,) I could do a really clever word [SIA-OIO-60]

The past hypothetical condition takes the past perfect in the conditional clause and a modal past perfect in the host clause: [24] I mean do you think she would have been different ifthere'd been {, > a supportive man in the home [SIA-072-215]

The modal in all three types of conditions is generally would or its contraction 'd. It is used in the host clause unless some additional modal meaning is required, as with could in [23], which can be paraphrased by 'would be able to'. If the verb in the conditional clause of a present or future hypothetical condition is be, subjunctive were (cf. 5.26) is sometimes used instead of indicative was in the conditional clause, particularly in more formal contexts: [25] [. . .] I would if I were you [SiA-095-300] [26] It certainly provided a pretext, if one were needed, for the foreign tours he undertook to fifteen different countries during his first year after being elected to office. [W2B-011-14]

Conditional clauses may also have subject-operator inversion without a subordinator. In such cases the auxiliaries are usually had, were, or should: [27] I think had he won the 1970 election he would have resigned in 1972 or 1 9 7 3 [S1B-04O66] [28] I am confident that I can deal with the problems uh of Prime Minister were I to be elected [. . .] [S1BO43-78] [29] However, should I briefly tire of cisatlantic life, and discover the means to journey to North America—some conference might perhaps afford the opportunity—then perhaps, I trust, we might meet again. [wiB-015-55]

The most frequent conditional subordinator is if,13 but there are others. Some are exemplified below. [30] He says the country faces paralysis unless a solution is found quickly [S2B-011-119]

[31] The Democratic leadership agrees to relent, provided the president asks for a modest tax increase—modest in the present year, but increasing rapidly thereafter. [890929-0009-32] [32] So given that a micrometre is a thousandth of a metre this'll normally be about point two five of a micrometre [S2A-051-16] [33] The magazine will reward with "page bonuses" advertisers who in 1990 meet or exceed their 1989 spending, as long as they spent $325,000 in 1989 and $340,000 in 1990. [891102-0182-10] [34] [. . .] supposing she'd said that to a psychiatrist what would they say [SIA031-121]



Circumstantial clauses

Some place, time, and conditional subordinators may be used to introduce clauses that express a more general meaning of circumstances. In such cases, the subordinators where, wherever, when, whenever, and if are interchangeable. [35] So we believe in more investment better management some deregulation where appropriate to improve and expand those public services [S2B-035-46] [36] Finally, when straw is combined with manure and composted, it can be spread onto the land to return fertility to the farm. [W2B-027-61] [37] Avoid vigorous evening exercise if possible, as the increased adrenaline it produces may cause sleep problems, so try to take exercise in the morning or up to late afternoon. [W2BO22-69]

Alternative-conditional clauses

Alternative-conditional clauses express two or more stated possible conditions: [38] When you tie a standard rose and this applies to any standard rose whether you do it yourself or whether you buy it you really need two ties on it [siB-025-77] ('if either condition applies') [39] I hope you'll think it's sensible law ( , } but whether you do or not (,) uh you'll have to accept it from me because I am the judge ( , ) of the law [S2A-O61-10]

[40] Whether or not we believe in God we inhabit a culture in which religious teachings are marginal to many people's moral choices [S2B-029-8] [41] Furious, Peter assured all and sundry that, Prince Charles or no Prince Charles, he would boycott the premiere. [W2B-004-29] [42] The steering is just too vague and I'm still not convinced that two hundred horsepower and front-wheel drive ( , ) make desperately happy bedfellows deliberately in order to have something to talk about when he came on this ShOW [S1B-042-97]

[67] You'll learn assertiveness so as not to be inhibited by other people's agendas [S2B-029-118]

Result clauses

In contrast to purpose clauses, result clauses refer to a situation that is or was in effect, the result of the situation described in the host clause. [68] [. . .] they actually said it was their fault you see so that they paid all the costs and everything else [SIS074-16] ('with the result that they paid . . .') [69] But the thing is you always have to write them in a slight code so people don't know exactly what you are talking about [. . .] [siA-015-22]

So in [69] may be the conjunctive adverb, since the difference between the conjunction and the adverb is neutralized in asyndetic co-ordination (cf. 6.2). If the co-ordinator and is used, so is clearly an adverb: [70] The final possibility is the electron can come in ( , ) and actually knock off an electron which is bound to one of the atoms in the molecule (, > and so you get two electrons {, > coming away from the molecule [S2A-O2834]


Manner clauses

Proportion and similarity clauses


Manner clauses refer to the manner of the action expressed by the verb. Though treated here for convenience, they are complements of the verb (cf. 6.16): [71]

[. . .] and the lecturers do as they're instructed [SIA-082-27]


[. . .] the dilemma was whether you carry on as if he could take over or you'd have to start all over again [SIA-062-4]


It is misleading to talk as though ninety percent are covered ISIB-058-51]

Both proportion and similarity clauses involve kinds of comparison. A common type of proportion clause has comparatives in both clauses:15 [74] The simpler the business, the better off you are. [890817-0033-32] [75]

"He used to say that the faster he could sell MiniScribe, the better," recalls the former manager. [890911-0078-55]


The more sons a man has the more labour, and so the larger he can make his herd. [WIA-OII-314]

This type can be reduced to verbless clauses: [75a] The faster, the better. Somewhat similar is the verbless construction so ... so...: [77]

I told her I was in a hurry, but I've transformed her house while she's taught Emily, so far so good, [WIB-006-89]

Another type of proportion clause is introduced by as or just as. The host clause begins with the correlative so and has subject-operator inversion: [78]

And as lawsuits against directors and officers mushroomed in the mid1980s, so did the policy claims. [890814-0092-19]


But as fears of a recession in the near future fade, so does the Fed's incentive to ease. [890815-0054-16]

Similarity clauses resemble the second type of proportion clause in form:

Comment clauses


Just as the October 1987 "meltdown" in the stock market did not produce an economic recession (as we correctly predicted at the time), so the present strength in the stock market does not necessarily mean that the economy will avoid recession. [890905-0010-7]


Just as Newsday has had to acknowledge and cater to the differences between Long Island and New York, so too must the Times appeal to the varying tastes of readers in far-flung communities. [89O9O5-oiO2-i9j

Various types of parenthetical comment clauses are used, particularly in speech. The finite clauses are generally introduced by the subordinator as: [82]

Well now as far as I know I've never been raped or anything [. . .]


As he said to me well we didn't seem to be going anywhere fast





[84] Uhm so I think he may not have the confidence to go ahead as it were [S1A-069-264]

[85] As I remember it used to be sort of like fairly common for a Tuesday that I'd pretend to be sick {,) and so I didn't have to go to school [SIA076-83]

[86] Assuming that post at the age of 35, he managed by consensus, as is the rule in universities, says Warren H. Strother, a university official who is researching a book on Mr. Hahn. [891102-0092-15]

Non-finite comment clauses are style disjuncts (cf. 4.27): [87] Broadly speaking, there are three types of theories in scientific subjects. [W2A-035-15]

[88] Put simply {,) the principles of policing as asserted at the top ( , ) have not yet made in their view a sufficient penetration at all levels [S2B-037-25] [89] To be fair you used to come when your Mum and Dad were still living in Portland Road but you haven't been since [siA-027-117]

6.15 Comparative


Comparative clauses involve a comparison with what is conveyed in the host clause. The comparative element signals the standard on which the comparison is made. In [1] the comparative element is much more attention: [1]

[. . .] we now give much more attention to the mentally and physically handicapped than we did even twenty-five or thirty years ago [SIB-060-55]

The standard of comparison is the amount of attention given to the mentally and physically handicapped. Attention is modified discontinuously: much more . . . than we did even twenty-five or thirty years ago. In [1] more is an irregular comparative form of much and is itself intensified by much. The basis of comparison is the situation twenty-five or thirty years ago, which is compared with the present situation. Comparatives are either inflected forms (older) or phrases constructed with more (more convenient); cf. 4.24. They are used to express a higher degree of comparison, as in [1] above and in [2] below: [2]

[. . .] and here am I actually working longer hours than I've ever worked in my life [SIB-04I-98]

A lower degree of comparison is expressed by premodifying less (itself a comparative of little) with a postmodifying than-dause: [3]

[. . .] guidelines have been issued by the various health authorities which dictate that if patients suffer heart attacks over the age of seventy they should receive less priority treatment than those who suffer similar conditions under the age of seventy [SIB-056-14)

An equivalent degree of comparison is expressed by premodifying as with a postmodifying as-clause:




Many felt Hearst kept the paper alive as long as it did, if marginally, because of its place in family history. [891102-0078-16]

The comparative element may be a noun phrase [5], an adjective phrase [6], or an adverb phrase [7]: [5]

Yet however much one might prefer the trilogy over earlier texts, the criteria of purity, continuity and authenticity create more problems than they solve. [W2A-004-16]


I'm so glad—she was more despondent and depressed than I've ever seen her when I left her to come home last September, [WIB-OII-26]


I think he's feeling the time going more slowly than I am since he's the one left behind, [WIB-OIO-154]

Comparative clauses are often elliptical, omitting elements that they share with their host clauses: [8]

The implication is that physical illnesses can be diagnosed more reliably than can mental illnesses, [WIA-007-61]

On the other hand, we can restore the ellipted elements of [8]: [8a] The implication is that physical illnesses can be diagnosed more reliably than mental illnesses can be diagnosed.

We can also omit a further shared element in [8], the auxiliary can: [8b] The implication is that physical illnesses can be diagnosed more reliably than mental illnesses.

In [8b] we are left with only the subject of the comparative clause. In [9] only the direct object remains and in [10] only an adverbial: [9]

[. . .] if you hate these photographs more than the one that's on the back of the album I think you should leave the one that's on the back of the album [. . .] [siA-ioo-15] ('than you hate the one that's on the back of the album')

[10] Pastoralism was much more widespread in the past than at present [WIAon-3] ('than it is (widespread) at present')

When the only element left in the comparative clause is the subject and an auxiliary, the auxiliary functions as an operator (cf. 4.29). If the subject is not a pronoun, then subject-operator inversion is an option, as in [8] above and in [11]: [11] When the scientists dosed forest land in Harvard, Mass., with a common nitrogen fertilizer, ammonium nitrate, they found the soil absorbed about 33% less methane from the air than did unfertilized ground. [890928-096-9] I

The subject alone may be ellipted in the comparative clause: [12] [. . .] the effects on San Francisco were much less than would've occurred with the same earthquake at a closer distance [S2A-025-39] [13] Not all sects are new religious movements, but many of the new religions exhibit the sectarian characteristic of proclaiming an exclusive truth, and even those that claim that they do not do so may, in practice, turn out to be far less internally tolerant of diversity than might at first appear. [W2A-012-30]





But the increase cited in the API report was larger than had been expected. [891005-0046-20]


The government sells timber on a sustained basis, never selling more than is grown. [89ioo5-oii2-8]

However, in such instances the comparative clause seems to imply a relative clause: [14a] . . . larger than (the increase that) had been expected. [15a] . . . never selling more than (the timber that) is grown.

When the only element left is a pronoun that has both subjective and objective cases (cf. 4.34), the tendency is to use the objective case even when the pronoun would be the subject in a restored fhan-clause: [16]

In fact she'd get somewhere quicker than me [SIB-049-94] ('than I would (get)')

But some writers are uneasy at using the objective case, as shown in [17] by the parenthetic question mark after me: [17]

There are about 50 other girls, most appear younger than me (?) and are very unfriendly. [WIB-002-120]

The alternative is to use the subjective pronoun with the operator (cf. 5.18): [18] Now you've been in more of this building than I have [siA-017-219] More . . . than can also be used metalinguistically, to indicate a more accurate ascription: [19]

[. . .] he was content to think that nature was more acting than acted upon, that the mind was more easily conceived as a thing made than a thing making. [W2A-003-19] ('more accurately described as acting than acted upon')


[. . .] I thought actually when he came on he was very blond but in fact he's more ginger-haired than blond-haired on this near side [S2A-017-4]


'I think you'll find the administrator more than happyto talk to you about his work,' he said, firmly overriding me. [W2F-O04-125] ('happy to a degree that is not adequately described merely by the word happy)


The action however we should describe more as painting than scribbling [S2A-048-79]


Now this car coming up behind me is getting closer ( ,) so I'm making my intentions more than clear (, > and acting early [S2A-054-164]

Unlike the normal use of comparatives, this use can apply to verbs—for example, acting and acted upon in [19]. Metalinguistic more also occurs without the t/zan-clause: [24]

As he looked he knew this was not a woman about to achieve happy release, more a woman about to be cast into damnation. [W2F0i2-i08]

More cannot be replaced by an inflected form:



[25] His account of the motif further disguises the village of Voisins in the middle distance, makes the landscape appear more wild than cultivated, and all but effaces the acqueduct. [W2B-002-78] (not: 'w/Vderthan cultivated')

6.16 Complementation of verbs, adjectives, and nouns

Nominal clauses (cf. 6.12) can function as complements of verbs, adjectives, and nouns.16 The complement clauses can be f/jaf-clauses, and the subordinator that can be omitted. Here are examples with verbs [l]-[2], adjectives [3]-[4], and nouns [5]-[6]: [I] [2]

Only nine per cent answered that religious leaders played a significant part in their life [SIB-028-24] I suppose / was looking for something else and just passed over it [S1B-062-134]


Were you aware that there came a time when a deposit had to be paid by Ward for the property [siB-061-102]


You are sure you informed us [SiB-074^73]


And I got the impression that people only knew if they'd got one themselves uhm [siB-077-24]


[. . .] I get the impression people are borrowing lots of money as well to fund them because supposedly at the other end there's this big pay-off [S1A-O79-93]

In most complement f/iaf-clauses, the verb in the clause is indicative, but if the complement clause conveys the meaning of a directive, the present subjunctive is sometimes used instead, particularly in American English: [7]

I urged in my previous letter that these research staff be treated as their present colleagues and be permitted to apply for a redundancy payment when their contracts expire, [WIB-024-31]


In the face of nuclear holocaust, not to mention the horrors of contemporary non-nuclear war, it is imperative that a new maturity be achieved in domestic and international communications. [W2A-017-43] (The that-clause is an extraposed subject. Compare 'That a new maturity be achieved is imperative'.)


But suggestions that Saddam be given cash compensation, an oilfield or an island, would only encourage future extortion [. . .] [W2E-010-32]

Alternatives to the present subjunctive in such contexts are the modal should (particularly in British English) [10] and the indicative [11]: [10] Although Somalis are determined that he should never be allowed to stage a come-back [. . .] [S2B-023-66] [II] It was essential that the Pope appeared to be the most important ruler in the world [S2B-027-84] (Here too the t/iat-clause is an extraposed subject.)



Another common alternative is to use a to-infinitive clause in place of a thatclause: [12] Would you call into the station, or would you prefer him to come to your house? [W2F-009-107] (Compare the subjunctive in a finite clause: '. . . or would you prefer that he come to your house?')

Verbs, adjectives, and nouns may take as complements various types of whclauses: interrogative, exclamative, and nominal relatives (cf. 6.12). These may be either finite clauses or to-infinitive clauses: [13] I wonder why he's holding a globe [SIA-067-109] [14] Because she's still wondering ( , ) why you haven't acknowledged whatever it was she last sent you [SIA-095-289] [15] I am not sure if I want to become a Foster Corporate Parent, but I am very interested. [891102-0105-44] [16] [. . .] he was uncertain what to do [SIB-040-8] [17] Mr Rogers you asked the question when should the allies according to you cease hostilities [SiB-027-76] [18] On the basis of this already filtered and framed information the inspector takes a decision whether to respond with an investigation. [w2A-oi8-28]

The complement w/i-clauses may also be linked to nouns by prepositions: [19] It's just a question of{, , > which is the more efficient approach [SiA-029196]

[20] In other words the notion of worsening educational standards reflects the decision about how to interpret the evidence (,) rather than anything derived from the evidence itself [S2A-O21-69] [21] There is also growing doubt as to whether further embryo research is the best way forward (,) and even increased recognition that assisting fertility does not depend on IVF alone [SIB-060-45]

Complements for verbs, adjectives, and nouns may be to-infinitive clauses and these may be without their own subject. The understood subject is generally identical with that of the host clause: [22] / want to see what happens next [siB-026-207] [23] / certainly have no desire to mislead anybody [SIB-058-55] But with nouns the understood subject may also be generic (cf. 4.36): [24] The first is the notion that freedom to experiment on human embryo {,) is necessary to help infertile couples [SiB-060-39] ('freedom for one to experiment')

Or it may just be left vague: [25] As far as Watson was concerned interviews when the decision to seize the vessel was taken on the twenty-second of August [S1B-063-63]

When a noun phrase intervenes between the host verb and the to-infinitive, it is often unclear whether the phrase belongs to the host clause or the complement clause. In either case, if it is a pronoun it is in the objective case.



Here are some examples: [26]

I don't want her to catch your cold [SIA-042-87]


[. . .] I told him to drive the forklift truck [S2A-O67-39]


Could I ask you to look at certain passages of his interviews [SiB-063-65]


[. . .] the data entry controllers allow you to edit the parameters. [W2B031-67]

In [26] her belongs to the complement clause as its subject, so that we can refer to the clause including her by that [26a] and we can make the clause passive [26b]: [26a] I don't want that. [26b] I don't want your cold caught by her.

Other common verbs that resemble want in this respect are hate, like, love, and prefer. On the other hand, in [27] and [28] the pronouns do not belong to the infinitive clause. We can refer to the clause separately from the pronoun [27a] [28a] and we can make the pronoun the passive subject of the host clause [27b]-[28b]: [27a] I told him that. [28a] Could I ask you this? [27b] He was told to drive the forklift truck. [28b] Could you be asked to look at certain passages of his interviews?

Like tell and ask are some other verbs that can take indirect objects; for example: order, persuade, recommend, teach. Finally, [29] is an example of a construction that does not fit either the want type or the te/Z type. If we apply the previous tests, we find that [29] yields: [29a] The data entry controllers allow that (i.e. you to edit the parameters). [29b] The data entry controllers allow the parameters to be edited by you. [29c] The data entry controllers allow you that. [29d] You will be allowed to edit the parameters.

Many verbs fall into this intermediate range but they vary and do not necessarily share the features of the infinitival complementation of allow. They include consider, encourage, expect, help, permit. Some verbs—but no adjectives or nouns—may take bare infinitive clauses (where the infinitive is without to) as complement. The verbs help, let, and make may take bare infinitive clauses that do not have their own subject: [30]

Japanese money will help turn Southeast Asia into a more cohesive economic region. [891102-0149-22]


You can now let go of the front brake [S2A-054-49]


They offered it to someone else but he changed his mind so they had to make do with me [S2B-025-10]

Let and make are restricted to certain verbs in their complements, mainly let go, let fly, let be, make do.



A somewhat larger number of verbs may take as complement a bare infinitive clause with its own subject. They include get, have, let, make, feel, hear, see, watch, help: [33]

Theoreticians would have us believe that if digital audio data are transmitted correctly, the resulting audio must also be correct. [W2B-040-17]


[. . .] what would make Guy de Maupassant decide to write through an Englishwoman



I let them have ten minutes to get there at Union Council yesterday and you shouted at me [SIA-068-150]


I had intended to take them dancing and to hear Colin sing but they wanted to see a film and so I was outnumbered. [WIB-OO&63]


Uhm you'll both venture out onto busier roads [S2A-054-121]

[64] Well I was wrong about it being a show-place [. . .] [S2B-048-9] [65]

I could never get rid of the feeling that she was responsible for his buying all the Prattertons, and that through them she had somehow enticed him into marriage. [W2F-014-21]

The same options of case apply as with verb complementation. The possessive pronoun is used in [65] but the objective case of the personal pronoun in [63] and [64]. Complementation of nouns by -ing participle clauses always requires a linking preposition, whether or not a subject is present. Examples are given below of complement clauses with their own subject: [66]

There is no question of it being necessary or not [. . .] [W2D-017-61]


What are the chances of it being used? [W2C-oc»78]


Was there any realistic prospect ever for it working [S2B-014-96]


Now that we have adopted a system of my paying all expenses and then claiming, the problem should be solved. [wiB-020-25]


And it is sometimes coupled to a charge of Coleridge collapsing through a drug-induced fatigue into a snug intellectual cocoon. [W2A-003-13]

The possessive pronoun is used in [69] but the objective case in [66]-[68]. The common case Coleridge is employed in [70] rather than the genitive Coleridge's.

The citations that follow resemble those in [53]-[57]. They differ in that the noun phrase that immediately follows the verb is independent of the complement clause. As a consequence it can be made the passive subject of the host clause, as in a construction that corresponds to [71]: [71]

I saw him smiling and pointing up as the ( , ) fly-past came by [S2A-oi9-93]

[71a] He was seen smiling and pointing up as the fly-past came by.

Furthermore, since the noun phrase is independent of the complement clause, it can be a personal pronoun—as in [71]—but not a possessive pronoun. Verbs commonly used in this type of construction include verbs of perception {e.g. feel, hear, see), catch, discover, find, get, have, leave: [72]

I can feel you beginning to buckle under the weight of all this sincerity. [W1B-005-21]

[73] [74]

The most notable was EMI who soon had an all electronic scanning system running. [W2B-034-37] We've got Dim Dimitri Conichevjust moving forward in our picture there [S2A-016-49]


Not surprisingly we get uhm the bulk of the heat coming in from the sun [S2A-043-47]


You saw the pool being cleaned when you arrived [SIB-066-81]


I heard the sound of a body hitting the car—it's a very soft impact SOUnd. [W2C-017-32]




But for others it's a nightmare as they find their work being used without permission [S2B-023-3]


[. . .] I will leave that question uhm ( , ) hanging for now [S2A-049-41]


Keep the indicator going [S2A-054-170]


She could feel the lie making her blush. [W2F-009-94]

For some verbs there is a choice of complement clause. The choice may be from two or three clause types: a finite clause, an -ingparticiple clause, or an infinitive clause. Remember, for example, may take all three: [82]

Most of the time I remember / felt nothing at all. . . [wiB-010-22]


I remember learning French [SIA-053-324]


We must remember to get on that plane you know [SIA-048-40]

The finite and -ing participle clauses [82]-[83] are factual, referring to some situation that has existed, whereas the infinitive clause [84] is non-factual, referring to a situation that may come into existence. It is possible to replace the finite clause in [82] by a participle clause and to replace the participle clause in [83] by a finite clause, in both instances preserving roughly the same meaning: [82a] Most of the time I remember having felt nothing at all. [83a] I remember that I learned French.

The finite tfiaf-clause is more flexible than the non-finite clauses. We can obtain a rough equivalent of the infinitive clause of [84] by inserting an appropriate modal auxiliary (in this instance the semi-modal be to) in the that-dause: [84a] We must remember that we are to get on that plane.

Furthermore, f/iat-clauses allow a range of tense and modal possibilities not open to the non-finite clauses: [85] Remember that alcohol affects your judgement of both people and Situations.



And one must also remember that uh the same Arnold Bax has written poetry and I think plays under the pseudonym of Dermot O'Brien [SiB-032103]


Remember that other people may be just as apprehensive as you are [. . .] [W2D-009-147]

Apart from the factual/non-factual distinction, -ing participle and infinitive clauses sometimes differ aspectually. The participle clause may indicate duration or iteration: [88]

I hate being rushed. [W2F-013-79]

[88a] I hate to be rushed.

In contrast with the infinitive clause in [88a], the participle clause adds an indication of duration.



Reported Speech 6.17 Direct and indirect speech

Reported speech conveys reports of acts of communication, including those of the reporters themselves. The reports may represent unspoken thoughts, either self-reports or deductions about the thoughts of others. In literature, the narrator is given the conventional licence (if the author so wishes) of knowing the thoughts and feelings of some or all the characters as well as what they say in private conversations from which the narrator is supposedly absent. The two major categories of reported speech are direct speech and indirect speech.17 Direct speech purports to convey the exact words that were spoken or written. Indirect speech conveys the content rather than the form. Of course, in both types only a part of the total communication may be reported. Citation [1] contains two examples of direct speech extracted from a fictional dialogue that presents a question and a response: [1]

One day the question that had dominated him all this time slipped from him, almost as if it had no meaning for him: Was the child mine?' 'Yes,' Susan said. ' Though I know I could never convince you of that' [W2F-008-52 ff.]

A possible indirect report of the exchange in [1] would be: [la] He asked whether the child was his. She said that it was, though she knew she could never convince him of that.

The continuation of [1] provides an example of indirect speech, which represents the man's unspoken thought: [2]

Quietly doomed, he felt he must continue. [W2F-OOS-55]

A possible direct report of his feeling would be: [2a] Quietly doomed, he felt, '/ must continue'.

The reporter is held responsible for the accuracy of direct speech. By convention it is considered unnecessary to provide replications of pronunciation or the other speech features, though the manner of speaking is sometimes indicated (particularly in literature) by the choice of verb (e.g. mumble, whisper, screech, sigh) or by the addition of an adverbial (e.g. hastily, placidly, sarcastically, indignantly, in trepidation). In the written language, verbatim accuracy is generally expected (and may be legally required) in direct reporting. Omissions from quotations are supposed to be indicated by ellipsis periods and any changes by editorial comments. In writing, direct speech is typically enclosed in quotation marks. The reporting clause, with any accompanying description or comment, may precede the direct speech [3], follow it [4], or come in the middle [5]:




Cosmo said, 'Can I lend a hand?', and, pushing, asked, 'What is the picnic in aid of?' [W2F-oi8-6O]


'Where's the sea?' I asked. [W2F-013-10]


'Something's wrong with Derek?' Anne wailed, getting to her feet. '/ knew it. He's dead!' She swayed back and forth on the spot, her shoulders shuddering. [W2F-002-166 ff.]

When the reporting clause is medial or final, its subject is not a pronoun, and its verb is in the simple present or simple past, then subject-verb inversion is sometimes used: [6]

'It can't be far away,' said Mary Jane, swivelling her head. 'Isn't that a castle on the top of the cliff?' [W2F-013-121]

For the punctuation of direct speech, see 11.30. Reporting clauses are often omitted in fiction writing where there is a sequence of exchanges and it is clear who is speaking in each turn: [7]

She was spooling the programme on to the tape machine when the phone rang. 'Isobel? It's Bruno here.' 'What's that frightful noise in the background?' [W2F-020-149 ff.]

The reported speech, whether direct or indirect, may be introduced by a noun of speaking rather than a verb: [8]

A firm point of law can be seen in the wife's statement 'Take up the spike from the ground. If people, or if cattle should perish upon it, you yourself and I, with our children, will either be put to death, or be led into slavery'. [W1A-002-72]


[. . .] the essence of religion ( , ) is the answer to everybody's question (,) what is the meaning of me and the other and the world [SiB-028-53]

[10] This reinforces the earlier statement, that man is blind to what he cannot See. [W1A-018-33]

[11] When did we last hear in a television discussion or a newspaper editorial the simple assertion that something was wrong because God or religious doctrine said so [S2B-029-9]

The reported speech may be connected to some nouns of speaking by a preposition: [12] This is going to be a question of who you know not what you know [S1A-027-13]

[13] I can't give a satisfactory explanation as to why that should have occurred [S2A-068-26]

It may also be a predicative following the verb be. [14] [. . .] you've anticipated my next question again because my next question was how do you think you viewed women at that time and how does that compare with your views today [siA-072-197] [15] What I want to claim is {, > that communication now extends far beyond language ( , > because of technologies which have matured from infancy during the twentieth century [S2B-048-27]



A report may be partly in indirect speech and partly in direct speech. The mixture is clearer in writing, where the quotation marks can signal direct speech: [16] The Motor-Cycle Crash Helmets (Religious Exemption) Act 1976 provides that any requirement imposed now or later by regulations under the 1972 Act shall not apply to any follower of the Sikh religion 'while he is wearing a turban'. [W2B-020-77]

Both direct and indirect speech may be hypothetical rather than a report of what was actually spoken, or they may present an abstraction of what might be said: [17] If I say / haven't done anything, then you think I'm being deceitful. [W2F-008-77]

[18] I was going to tell you Ginny's got engaged but you knew that anyway [SIA093-269]

[19] People would say you've just got cold feet [. . .] [SIA-OSO-ISI] [20] They nearly said they weren't going to op let me operate on her [S1B-010-58]

[21] And everybody said oh after dinner we're looking forward to hearing this [S1B-032-115]

[22] I can remember when common sense said that for instance women were weaker than men women shouldn 't wear trousers women should earn less than men [siB-029-123]

6.18 F o r n i S Or i n d i r e c t SDGGCh

Indirect speech is used to report declaratives, interrogatives, directives, and exclamatives (cf. 3.4). The nominal clauses reporting indirect speech are commonly complements of verbs of speaking or thinking, though they may also be complements of nouns (cf. 6.17). Nominal f/iaf-clauses are used for indirect declaratives: [1]

General Schwarzkopf claims that continuing the fighting a few days longer would have made no difference to the fate of the Kurds [. . .] [W2E-009-72]

The subordinator that is often omitted after most of the verbs: [2]

You see he told somebody / was weak [SIA-052-62]

Some verbs also allow infinitive clauses [3]-[4] or -ing participle clauses [5]-[6] for indirect declaratives: [3]

But first he'd had to find out who claimed to be speaking on behalf of the company its executives or the shareholders [S2B-007-45]


The communique warns that the reporters will be executed immediately if the police capture any of the traffickers' families to exchange for the



hostages; it also promises to murder relatives of police officers and politicians. [W2C-001-88] [5]

The patients were interviewed and tested in a laboratory and results consistently showed that the higher the spine sever the less patients reported being able to 'feel' an emotion. [wi*oi7-2O]


He recalled visiting both Yugoslavia and Indonesia as a boy with his grandfather and mother, the latter when he was only six years old. [W2B-011-62]

Indirect questions are reported by various finite interrogative clauses; yes-no questions [7], alternative questions [8], and w/i-questions [9] (cf. 3.5): [7]

In a reference to the Hindu claim over a mosque in the northern holy town of lodia he asked whether religious faith could be placed above the constitution and whether India was heading towards becoming a theocratic state [S2B-006-49]


Could you also inform me whether individual members receive the journal or whether they need to be journal subscribers as well. [wiB-028-137]


I want to ask what you think about the role of the father today [SIA-072-29]

Indirect directives (orders, requests, and the like) may be reported by nominal finite clauses. The verb is then usually subjunctive (especially in American English) or it is used with a modal such as should: [10] The project was first proposed four years ago and until recently the Quebec government had insisted that the Canadian government help pay for the project. [890911-0021-3]

[11] But they recommend that any work by the water, electricity and gas authorities should be done before the scheme is started. [W2C-017-82]

Suggest also allows an -ingparticiple clause as an indirect request: [12] Mr. Bennett has suggested sending drug dealers to military-style camps designed to build self-esteem. [89O9O6-oo87-ii]

Indirect directives are commonly infinitive clauses: [13] The Louisiana attorney general and New Orleans district attorney have asked a federal district court to allow them to revive laws making it a crime to perform abortions, punishable by as much as 10 years in prison. [891012-0122-5]

[14] A marijuana smuggler is told to work with AIDS patients. [89ioi2-oo96-i9] [15] As a result, the FDA ordered importers to detain most of China's cannedmushroom shipments for tests and began a nationwide recall of cans that had been linked to outbreaks. [89O927-oo9i-iO]

Indirect exclamatives are reported by exclamative clauses introduced by what or how. [16] My agent called me in this morning to tell me how good he was. [wiB-003131]

Indirect speech is geared to the reporter's deixis: that is to say, it is geared to references to time, place, and participants from the point of view of the reporter and the person or persons being addressed by the reporter, and not



to the original discourse that is being recorded. There are consequential referential shifts from the original discourse. Personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, and reflexives are shifted to take account of the reporting situation. Hence, in [17] the original /and my of the speaker are shifted from first person to third person, and a possible original utterance might have had only either my husband or Mark [17]

Mrs Collier said she'd like to come down one day and uh get some knowledge of her husband Mark [SIA-028-236J

Similarly, in [18] the original / has been shifted to you, the addressee in the reporting situation: [18]

And you said you were looking in the Guardian uhm on Monday obviously [S1A-034-205]

In [19] I replaces she or the name in the original discourse: [19]

My mother said to my cousin apparently that / was getting fat [SiA-041-73]

And in [20] the instances of I and my replace you and your in the original discourse: [20]

[. . .] the last doctor said that it was quite a lot to do with breathing through my nose because /couldn't breathe through my nose during the night when I'm sleeping [siA-051-110]

Another type of shift from the original discourse to the reported or indirect speech is backshift: a shift from the original present tense to past tense. The original simple past or present perfect may also be shifted to past perfect. The relationship between the tenses in the reporting clause and the reported clause as a result of backshift is the sequence of tenses. [21]

I felt a little consolation when a policewoman told me how lucky I was that the bullet fragments were embedded in my car door frame and dashboard rather than my head. [89ion-oii7-35]


And what he said was that alcohol was good for the memory [S2A-027-12]


Mr. Cohen, the new Drexel general counsel, says several attorneys have told him they would not submit detailed bills because of a concern the bills would later be viewed by the government. [891004-0013-48]


And he said that uh Mr Hook had told him that he'd been at a health farm for a fortnight worrying about what to do with his business and his uh private life [. . .] [S2A-O70-57]


Andreotti said that 139 secret arms dumps had been gathered in over the last decade—but 12 were seriously missing. [W2c-oio-35]

The past perfects in [24] and [25] could be replaced by simple pasts: [24a] He said that Mr Hook told him that he was at a health farm for a fortnight. [25a] Andreotti said that 139 secret arms dumps were gathered in over the last decade.

The original present may be retained if the content still applies at the time of the reporting situation:



[26] On Friday, Sen. Boren told a meeting of the Democratic committee members that he intends to offer an amendment to Sen. Bentsen's proposal that would reduce the capital gains rate. [891002-0002-20]

The report in the newspaper [26] evidently precedes the actual offer of an amendment. Similarly, in [23] the refusal to submit applies at the time of reporting, so that the pasts could be replaced by presents (will not submit, will later be viewed). In [21] the luck of the interviewee and the embedded fragments were still in evidence in the reporting situation, and so presents could have been used in that sentence too (how lucky I am; the bullet fragments are embedded). The same principle can be applied to [22], where a generalization is stated (alcohol is good for the memory). Further examples appear below of the retention of the original present tense forms: [27] [. . .] The organisation ARK has said that sea-level will rise by one meter Initially observations on that vessel [. . .] were by police in South Wales (, , > Were the customs aware of these observations [SIB-063-226 ff.]

Pronouns are commonly used anaphorically to refer to a previous phrase, their antecedent: [4]

My cat, a ginger male, is lost. If you have seen him, please phone me. [notice attached to a tree in north-west London]


When one feels an emotion, certain involuntary changes occur within us. These include changes in salivation, breathing, heart rate, perspiration and muscle tone. [WIA017-14 f.]


Steve checks over his uh shoulder to see if there are any dangers There are none whatsoever [S2A-oo6-87f.]

The former and the latter, though not usually considered pronouns, have similar functions: [7]

There are two main components in coffee: soluble and insoluble substances. The former are the caffeine, sugar and proteins, the latter the oils and colloids. ['Italians know how to express it so well', by Chris Long, The Independent, 28 December 1992, p. 11]

The anaphoric reference may be to the whole of the previous sentence (cf. also [5] in 7.9): [8]

I had to find out where the controlled drugs were kept, and how they were ordered, delivered and paid for. This meant getting involved in administration [. . .] [W2F-004-38]

The relative pronoun which can begin a new sentence with the same anaphoric reference to a previous sentence as that [9]

In a flat, faltering voice Louis XVI then read the formal declaration of war as though it were a death sentence upon himself. Which indeed it was. [Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution, by Simon Schama (London: Penguin Books, 1989), p. 597]

The sentence introduced by which is a sentential relative clause (cf. 5.10). Here and there are also used for extended anaphoric reference: [10] Christ brought us freedom from the curse of the law by becoming for our sake an accursed thing for Scripture says the curse is on everyone who is hanged on the gibbet ( , ) The reference here is to the exhibition of the dead body not a lingering execution [S2B-028-32]

Personal pronouns may have cataphoric reference to a name in a subsequent sentence at the beginning of a narrative. This is a common device of suspension in fiction, but it is also found in newspaper and magazine features or news articles. Here is a striking example:


[11] He's sitting on the sofa locked into a staring match with the television set as he digests his deli sandwich and daily dose of anti-inflammatories. There's a channel changer to fill the void in his racquet hand, and whenever he gets tired of watching golf, he can retire to the four-poster bed in a room he keeps as cold as Dracula's vault, the better to get his beauty sleep. Or, in his case, his power sleep. "This is it, this is my life; it's like being a retired person," said Pete Sampras, the world's top-ranked tennis player and the defending champion of the U.S. Open [. . .] [International Herald Tribune, 29 August 1994, p. 17]

Pronouns and the adverbs here and there may have extended cataphoric reference: [12] It's a classic example of the right hand not knowing what its left is doing. A valuable nonproliferation initiative by the Clinton administration is being undermined by another of its pet projects. [International Herald Tribune, 29 August 1994, p. 8] [13] Here are some of those thoughts. 6 November 1987: Today I went home, and [. . .] [W2B-ooi-ii7]

In certain stereotyped sentences, cataphoric this and here are interchangeable: (the news. This is 1 I what I mean. Here is J | how to do it. ^ how it goes. Similarly, these and here in these stereotyped sentences: These/ Here again are the main points of the news. These/Here are the results. More obviously cataphoric are below, as follows, and the following. Cataphoric below contrasts with its antonym, anaphoric above: [14] Nerve injuries have been classified into various grades and these are discussed below. [W2A-026-63] [15] You may find the above questions obvious, for which I apologise [. . .] [W1B-030-58]

7.11 Verb and predicate substitution

Do so, do it, do the same, and the like are often used as substitutes for a verb and (if present) any complements of the verb or adjuncts (adverbials that are not sentence adverbials, cf. 4.27). Since for their interpretation they depend on an antecedent, these substitutes contribute to cohesion. [1]

Perhaps she should stay away from Lesley today? But in her heart of hearts she knew that if she did so she would regret it later on. [W2F-003-38] ('stayed away from Lesley today')




A: Don't you ever stick your finger in your ear B: For Hertford A: Well I presume so [SiA-099-97]


A: That's the effect isn't it B: I felt SO [S1B-O69-79]


Was this prefix, Mocu-, an indication of status? It would seem so [. . .]


Anyhow are you coming to stay? If so when? [wiB-005-142]


The negative corresponding to pro-clause so is not. [10] A:

Is that a position that is likely to ensure ( , } as I put it in my resignation letter < , ) that we hold and retain a position of influence in this vital debate (, , > B: I fear not [S2B-050-69 f.]

[11] A: I mistook you for a more intelligent kind of man B: I'm afraid not no [siA-041-106] [12] A:

Uhm (, ,) were your first {, > sexual relationships anything like you'd expected them to be (, ,)

B: I gUeSS not [S1A-072-167] [13] A: Its a question of faith B: Maybe not [siA-071-255]

7.12 Ellipsis

Ellipsis—the omission of material that can be recovered by the hearer or reader—plays a significant role in grammatical cohesion when the part to be recovered is indicated in the previous text. Sometimes, particularly in responses in conversation, most of the sentence is ellipted: [1]

A: What's that B: The jigsaw [SiA-057-11 f.]


A: Who do you think this is really for (, , > B: Well me [SIA-O6O-I89 f.]





Well I d o n ' t need a m a n at the m o m e n t ( , )


Why [SIA-080-32 f.]

A: Have you noticed they've been bleeding a lot recently B: Uhm Yeah they have [SiA-087-i98 ff.]

Often all or most of the predicate is ellipted after an operator (cf. 5.18): [5]

A: So how come you've been treated differently B: Well I wasn't [siA-06O8f.]


A: Didn't John used to deal with uhm divorce in his earlier days B:

Did he [S1A-O61-249 f.)

In this sports report, there is an accumulation of negative auxiliaries, each with a different ellipsis: [7]

A sobering thought for the festive season: if Mike Quinn were to maintain over a full campaign his Coventry scoring rate of 10 goals in six matches, he would finish with a total of 70. That would make him, in statistical terms, the greatest striker ever in the English game. He can't, won't and isn't. . . [The Independent, 28 December 1992, p. 19]

To supply the ellipsis, we have to re-read the two sentences of the preceding paragraph: 'He can't maintain over a full campaign his Coventry scoring rate of 10 goals in six matches, he won't finish with a total of 70, and he isn't the greatest striker ever in the English game.'

7.13 Place and time connectives

As might be expected, place and time connectives thread their way through descriptions and narratives. They indicate the locational and temporal relations between situations. First, examples of place connectives: [1]

Forty detectives and uniformed officers [. . .] had been given the task of blocking off each passage way. A firearms unit was also positioned nearby along with a dog handling unit. [W2C-011-55]


In the 69th minute Wallace broke clear and raced towards the penalty area [. . .]. Burrows sprinted across from the left and brought him down about 25 yards from the goal. [W2c-oo4-37 f.]


There are bound to be guards at the checkout, whether the alarm is out for us or not. We'll never get past looking how we do. [W2F-oi5-ii3]

Next, some examples of time connectives: [4]

The leak in the bathroom has been long-standing but earlier this year we accepted assurances that it had been cured. We even redecorated the bathroom. Soon afterwards we discovered that nothing in fact had been done to resolve the problem. [wiB-016-112 ff.]


If you receive any interest on overdue tax demands, please forward them to me as I will then take up the matter with the Inspector. Meanwhile, I



hope to prepare the accounts and establish the exact liability for 1990/91 shortly, [WIB-023-92 f.] [6]

It was to no avail, but it helped Alice through the first aftermath of the news. Until then Alice had felt paranoid and helpless, wounded by the thought that someone in authority saw her as a threat. [W2F-009-40 f.)

The place adverbs here and there and the time adverb then often function as pro-forms for place and time: [7]

In stage 4, the reef has grown most or all the way around the topographic high to enclose a lagoon. Lime muds may accumulate here in this atoll-


A: It's just beside the uhm Science Museum B: You can buy geological maps from there [SIB-007-46]


He could see gaps in the timbers that should have protected him and through them the sea appeared like a monster's icy rolling eye. Then the ship lurched up out of the trough and glistening bright light crashed in upon him through the bars. [W2F-001-4 f.]

like Stage. [W2A-023-22]

Relations in time are also shown by the maintenance or change in tense or aspect (cf. 5.20). Here is an example: [10] In the confident days when the Single European Act was approved, it was possible to think in terms of structuring a European currency around the Deutschmark. But today the Deutschmark is no longer looking such a solid foundation. [W2E-008-74 f.]

The change from was to is accompanies the change from in the confident days to today.

7.14 Sentences may begin with a co-ordinating conjunction that points back to a previous sentence or set of sentences, as in [1] (where the sentences are numbered for convenience of reference): [1]

(1) Then he could rein in the agencies that share responsibility to curb the arms trade but do not share an unalloyed interest in doing so. (2) The Commerce Department wants to expand trade, not regulate it. (3) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission seeks to promote nuclear power, not just prevent proliferation. (4) The Defense Department wants to keep arms from falling into the wrong hands—but not at the expense of having defense contractors go broke. (5) And the State Department's interest in cultivating good relations with other countries can interfere with denying them exports. [International Herald Tribune, 4 January 1993, p. 6]

And in (5) signals that its sentence is the final one in a set of four, each dealing with a US government agency that shares responsibility for curbing the arms trade but also has an interest in encouraging such trade. By setting out the four points as separate orthographic sentences, the editorial gives greater prominence to each agency's interest, stacking their individual vested interests


against their shared responsibility. The passage also illustrates the use of parallelism in cohesion: sentences (2)-(4) have similar syntactic structures and (2)-(5) are semantically parallel. In [2] the reservation expressed in the final sentence of this feature article is reinforced by being stated in a separate paragraph. But highlights the writer's doubt: [2]

If the Clinton-Gore team can effectively respond to the new global agenda— understanding, explaining and carrying out intelligent policies to meet new changes—it will have demonstrated true leadership. But that is a big "if." ['The '90s Leaders Need Bigger Thinking', by Paul Kennedy, International Herald Tribune, 4 January 1993, p. 6]

While but in [2] relates just to a previous sentence (albeit in a previous paragraph), but in [3] relates to the set of three sentences that begin a book review. But marks a fact that is surprising in view of what has been said in the previous three sentences: [3]

Trollope is our most popular and reprinted Victorian novelist. His new companions in the Abbey—Dickens, George Eliot and Hardy—may sell more copies of individual novels, but they cannot match the expansiveness of Trollope's appeal. Forty or more of his works are currently in print—some in as many as five different editions. But for a century, Trollopians have complained about the lack of a reliable life of their author. ['Trollopiad', by John Sutherland, London Review of Books, 9 January 1992, p. 12]

In [4] or introduces an alternative to the suggestion made in the previous sentence. The alternative is elaborated in the next sentence, so that or initiates a set of two sentences: [4]

7.15 Logical connectives

Personally, Marje, there is one more thing that bothers me. Since you had such a cracking story on your hands, why didn't you turn it into proper bodice-ripping fiction? Or, if that was not good enough, couldn't you have left our illusions intact and simply confessed to your diary? The passionate details could have been released in the future, if some nosy biographer turned up after your death. ['Marjorie Proops and the bodiceripper scandal', by Margaret Maxwell, The Independent, 4 January 1993, p. 5]

The co-ordinators in 7.14 point to certain types of connections between sentences or sets of sentences. Various expressions make explicit these and other types of connections, particularly in exposition and argumentation. Some examples of the types are listed below, together with illustrative sentences. Listing

First(ly), second(ly), third(ly)...; first of all, in the second place, for one thing,



equally, also, in addition, furthermore, what is more, moreover, above all, finally, lastly, to conclude, last but not least, in conclusion, to sum up [1]

While it sounds intriguing, I have to say no this time around for two reasons. Firstly, we simply have no promotional budget left [. . .] Secondly, personnel will also be a problem. iwiB-019-34 ff.]

Apposition (including exemplification) that is to say, namely, for example, for instance [2]

On occasion Frankish rulers intervened directly in Britanny. For example, they issued diplomas for Breton monasteries, which conveyed to these Breton communities the same legal status and privileges that many Frankish churches enjoyed. [wiA-003-44 f.j

Result consequently, so, therefore, as a result, in that case, then [3]

However no one has denied that conditioning has some role in learning. It is therefore highly worthy of close examination. [wiA-017-51 f.]

Reformulation in other words, rather, put differently, alternatively [4]

The plant uses this nitrate to grow. In other words, the farmer has a source of 'free' nitrogen. [W2B-027-81 f.]

Contrast on the contrary, on the other hand, instead [5]

Gowing made further enquiries to try to find out more, but he could not confirm the story. Instead he decided to write a novel based upon this incident and using his knowledge of political events in Poland to make his story authentic. [W2B-005-34 f.]

Concession nevertheless, however, still, yet, in any case, all the same, at any rate, in spite ofthat [6]

At that time, my speech was good enough to pass muster in public so we had no worries on that score. Nevertheless, I had spent months wondering when, where, and how much to reveal to colleagues and the public. [W2B-001-38 f.]

A new topic can be introduced by explicit markers such as: My next subject is . . . What I'd like to talk about now is . . . I'm going to deal first with . . . I'd like to start by discussing . . . Let us now turn to . . . We must now move on to . . . I've been meaning to tell you t h a t . . .


We can put our main topic on hold while making a digression. Common markers of digression are incidentally and by the way. [7]

'We tried all kinds of crazy ideas for putting analogue and digital recordings on the same tape,' says Wirtz, 'but we found we can't do it— yet.' Incidentally, although the signal may sound the same after recording and playback, it certainly does not look the same when analysed electronically. [W2&O38-i09f.]

More explicit markers of digression are constructions such as Before I answer, I'd like to say... We can return to the main topic by explicit markers such as To get back to what I was saying... or As I was saying...

Textual Patterns 7.16 Let us now examine the conceptual relationships expressed by sentences or sets of sentences within a paragraph. (The sentences in the examples that follow are numbered for convenient reference.) Consider the pair of consecutive paragraphs in the following fictional description. [1]

(1) Housekeeper, cleaner, butt, object of pity and scorn, Elisabet was somewhat younger than her master but even less prepossessing. (2) At least, Kobus hoped he was not deluding himself on that score. (3) She was skinny but big-bottomed; splay-legged; bent forward at the hips and bent upwards at the neck. (4) Denied a bridge to her nose, she had been endowed by way of compensation with exceptionally narrow, deep nostrils. (5) The upward twist of her neck made it all the easier for the onlooker to gaze into these; as well as to take note of the limited yet exaggerated range of expressions which crossed her little face. (6) There was a scowl of unavailing concentration; her puffed-cheek, closed-eye acknowledgement of pain; her rare grin of pleasure, when both her elongated yellow teeth were revealed; her generalised wrinkling up from chin to forehead, which showed that respect and wonder were going on within. (7) All these expressions were accompanied by more or less identical gasps. (8) She spoke little, and when she did it was difficult to follow her. (9) Her clothes were rags. (10) Her smell was not sweet. [The God-Fearer, by Dan Jacobson (London: Bloomsbury, 1992), pp. 7 f.]

The two paragraphs, which begin a new section early in the novel, are united by a shared topic. The topic is introduced in the first sentence—the topic sentence: it is the unattractiveness of Elisabet, who is said to be 'even less prepossessing' than her master Kobus. The second sentence implies that Kobus agrees with the narrator's evaluation. The subsequent sentences in the first paragraph and the whole of the second paragraph elaborate the topic. The



writer presents in (3) a general impression of Elisabet, and then in (4)-(6) focuses on details; (5) refers to her 'limited yet exaggerated range of expressions', and these are particularized in (6). The remaining sentences move from a description of her body and facial expressions to the sounds she made (7) and (8); the condition of her clothes (9); and her smell (10). The pair of paragraphs start with a generalization in (1), which is then supported by particularization. On a smaller scale, the same relation of generalization and particularization exists between the second half of (5) and the whole of (6). The topic sentence is commonly, though not invariably, the first sentence of a paragraph. It is so in [1] and again in [2], which conveys a generalization (1) followed by an example in (2)-(4). [2]

(1) At times, those who govern also regard particular circumstances as too uncomfortable, too painful, for most people to be able to cope with rationally. (2) They may believe, for instance, that their country must prepare for long-term challenges of great importance, such as a war, an epidemic, or a belt-tightening in the face of future shortages. (3) Yet they may fear that citizens will be able to respond only to short-range dangers. (4) Deception at such times may seem to the government leaders as the only means of attaining the necessary results. [Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life, by Sissela Bok (London: Quartet Books, 1980), p. 168]

In [3] it is the second sentence that is the topic sentence: [3]

(1) For the past ten years or so Derrida has been dividing his time between Paris and America, mainly through his visiting professorships at Yale and Johns Hopkins universities. (2) His following among American critics has grown apace, and it is now safe to say that he exerts a greater influence on them than any of his fellow French post-structuralists. (3) This is evident from the sheer volume of critical writing that nowadays bears the deconstructionist imprint, whether openly acknowledged or (more often) betrayed by certain characteristic turns of argument or phrase. (4) Derrida himself has entered with alacrity into the various discussions sparked off by his writing. (5) To disciples and opponents alike he has responded with a number of prolix and mind-wrenching texts designed for translation and wittily exploiting the inherent ambiguities of the medium. (6) In some of these essays the playful inclination—already well developed in his writing on Nietzsche—seems to outrun any content of serious argument. (7) But one needs to exercise a good deal of caution when applying such conventional measures of worth to texts that explicitly put them in question. (8) Perhaps the most radical effect of Derrida's writing has been to transform the very notion of what counts as 'serious' critical thought. [Deconstruction: Theory and Practice, by Christopher Norris (London: Methuen, 1982), p. 90]

The first sentence sets the situation in place and time. The topic sentence (2) conveys the extent of Derrida's influence on American critics, for which evidence is provided in (3). In (4)-(8) the writer describes and evaluates Derrida's reponses to the reactions of critics influenced by him. In [4] the first two orthographic sentences might alternatively have been punctuated as one sentence with a colon between the two parts. As a pair they state the topic: the contrast between theorists and experimenters. The topic is restated more succinctly in (3), and then pairs of sentences elaborate the



contrast by citing specific details illustrating the differing approaches of theorists and experimenters. [4]

(1) Theorists conduct experiments with their brains. (2) Experimenters have to use their hands, too. (3) Theorists are thinkers, experimenters are craftsmen. (4) The theorist needs no accomplice. (5) The experimenter has to muster graduate students, cajole machinists, flatter lab assistants. (6) The theorist operates in a pristine place free of noise, of vibration, of dirt. (7) The experimenter develops an intimacy with matter as a sculptor does with clay, battling it, shaping it, and engaging it. (8) The theorist invents his companions, as a naive Romeo imagined his ideal Juliet. (9) The experimenter's lovers sweat, complain, and fart. [Chaos: Making a New Science, by James Gleick (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1988), p. 125]

The narrative paragraph in [5] has no topic sentence. The paragraph narrates a series of events in chronological order. Each event or set of events is followed by the contemporary mental reaction of the fictional child narrator—(2), (5), (8)-(9): [5]

(1) We went first into my mother and father's bedroom; someone looked in a cupboard. (2) I thought—What are we searching for: something that has been lost in the uprising of the extremists? (3) My mother went to the end of the passage and knocked on the door of Helga and Magda's room; after a time Magda came out and stood with her back against the door; she put her arms out like a crucifix. (4) Rosa Luxemburg spoke to Magda in her soft purring voice and after a time Magda lowered her arms and put her head on Rosa Luxemburg's shoulder; she seemed to weep. (5) I thought—There are illustrations like this in stories about myths. (6) Someone opened the door into my bedroom; my mother seemed to protest; the door into my room was closed. (7) Then Rosa Luxemburg left Magda and held her arms out to me. (8) I thought—I am to become part of this odd story? (9) When I was in Rosa Luxemburg's arms she had a strange musty smell like something kept in a sack in an attic. [Hopeful Monsters, by Nicholas Mosley (London: Minerva, 1991), p. 9]

The paragraphs cited earlier in this section illustrate different conceptual relationships between sentences or sets of sentences. They are included in the following list of some major relationships.5 generalization particularization exemplification supporting with factual evidence supporting with argumentation restatement elaboration qualification concession

refutation chronological narration description definition offering solution evaluation contrast comparison summarization

Similar analyses apply to units within monologues.




7.17 Conventional textual patterns

Some types of written texts are patterned conventionally. Recipes are strikingly similar in the categories they contain, though the order of categories and the layout may vary in different publications: container(s) cooking time(s) number of servings ingredients with their measures instructions, expressed in brief imperative sentences, that follow the sequence of actions [1]

Corn Bread MAKES 1 LOAF [There follows a paragraph mentioning that there are different versions of corn bread, and that this is the author's version. Readers are told where commeal, one of the ingredients, is available.] 55g (2 oz) butter, melted 110g(4 oz) commeal 55g (2 oz) plain flour 30g (1 oz) caster sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder A good pinch of bicarbonate of soda 225ml (8 oz) low-fat natural yoghurt 120ml (4 fl.oz) milk 2 eggs, beaten Grease a 1.5 litre (2% pint) loaf tin with a little of the butter. Mix all the dry ingredients in one bowl and all the liquid ones in another. Quickly, and using as few strokes of a spoon as possible, fold the wet ingredients into the dry. Pour into the greased tin and bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C/400 °F, gas mark 6 for 35 minutes or until a skewer comes out dry when pushed into middle of the loaf. Allow to cool, then slice. [The Cooking of America', by Richard Cawley, in The Sunday Times Cook's Companion, ed. Shona Crawford Poole and Richard Girling (London: Ebury Press, 1993), p. 173]

There are numerous written text types that are like recipes in having a highly conventionalized format. Among them are the main text of dictionaries and telephone directories; notices of births, engagements, marriages, and deaths; personal classified advertisements; listings for films, plays, and radio and television programmes; knitting instructions; descriptions of chess games; income tax forms. Other conventional forms have somewhat looser structures. Articles in learned journals reporting experimental research have sections on hypotheses, methodology, description of experiment, discussion of results, conclusions, and they end with a list of references; the articles may be preceded by an abstract and include additional sections on previous work and suggestions for future research. Such journal articles are seen as subtypes conforming to a more general Problem-Solution pattern, which may also be extended to include the context in which the problem is situated and an evaluation of the solution.



News reports in newspapers have a conventional structure.6 They begin with a headline or set of headlines printed in large bold type. The report proper begins with the lead, a sentence or paragraph introducing and summarizing the news. Other categories deal with the main event or events, the background of the events in the present situation and in past events, an evaluation of the events and an evaluation of the consequences; any of these categories may include attributions to sources and quotations from people on their reactions. Some categories are optional and are likely to be omitted in short news reports. The categories are partially illustrated in the following news report. [2]

Iraqi raid into Kuwait LONDON (Reuter)—Two hundred Iraqis crossed the Kuwaiti border in heavy transport vehicles early yesterday and seized armaments, including surface-to-surface missiles, from trenches before returning to Iraq, a local United Nations spokesman said. The raid came as Iraq prohibited an aircraft chartered by UN weapons inspectors from landing in Baghdad. The spokesman, Abdellatif Kabbaj, said the Iraqi raiders ignored protests by UN observers at the Umm Qasr border post, according to Kuna, the Kuwaiti news agency, monitored by the BBC. The trenches are guarded by the observers 24 hours a day in accordance with a UN Security Council resolution passed last November. "Kabbaj pointed out that the Iraqis had been able, in 90 minutes, to transport the contents of the [arms] depots to their vehicles and returned to Iraq," the agency said. The aim of the operation appeared to be the retrieval of Iraqi arms left behind after the Gulf war. An Iraqi vehicle crashed into a UN vehicle during the operation, but there were no casualties. [The Independent, 11 January 1993, p. 1]

The headline summarizes the report, which is further summarized—but in sentence form and at greater length—in the lead sentence. The lead conveys some of the kinds of information that are prescribed in journalism textbooks: who did it, what they did, where they did it, and when they did it. The other news categories do not appear in sequential order. The second paragraph gives the current background to the main event: a simultaneous event in which Iraq also engaged in an act that contravened a decision of the UN. The third paragraph provides a detail on the main event (the Iraqis ignore protests by the UN observers) and then gives further background information, a reference to the current situation (the trenches are continuously guarded) intertwined with a reference to a past event (the Security Council resolution). In the next paragraph another detail is presented on the main event (the speed with which it happened), for which the news agency reporting it is quoted. The final paragraph comments on the event by suggesting a reason for the Iraqi action (the retrieval of Iraqi arms left behind after the Gulf War) and implies an evaluation of the only immediate consequences of the event (a car crash, but without casualties). One notable feature of this news item is the care taken to attribute the information to various sources: the UN spokesman is quoted by the Kuwaiti news agency, which is monitored by the BBC. The item as a whole is based on



a report from Reuter in London. The explanatory addition of arms to depots in the agency quotation is indicated as an editorial insertion by its enclosure in square brackets.

7.18 Speech acts

One way of looking at the uses of sentences and their interrelations is through speech act theory, which is most easily explained with illustrations from conversations (cf. 3.10).7 Here are examples of various speech acts performed by uttering declarative sentences: [1]

You should take an aspirin, (advice)


I'm going to give you a bicycle for your birthday, (promise)


It's going to rain, (prediction)


You mustn't smoke in here, (prohibition)


You may take another one. (permission)

The communicative force of the utterance depends on the particular context and the intention of the speaker. Alice will be at my party may be intended as a promise, an order for an immediate action, or general advice to be implemented whenever the situation arises. The hearer may of course misinterpret the intention of the speaker. Finally, various functions may be realized by utterances that do not have the form of clauses (cf. 6.1). No smoking is a prohibition, Hands up! a command, Taxi! a request, The Police! a warning, Hello a greeting, Out may be a command or an umpire's declaration, Congratulations is itself a congratulation. The performance of an utterance in a particular context with a particular intention is a speech act and the intention is its illocutionary force. Verbs— such as apologize, warn, and advise—explicitly denoting the illocutionary force are performative verbs. They normally convey the corresponding speech acts when they are used in the present tense in declarative sentences with /or we as subject of these verbs. The possible insertion of hereby is an indication that the utterance has the associated illocutionary force, though hereby is restricted to highly formal contexts. Thus, [l]-[5] might be prefaced by performative verbs: [ l a ] I advise you to take an aspirin. [2a] I promise you that I will give you a bicycle for your birthday. [3a] I predict that it will rain. [4a] I forbid you to smoke in here. [5a] I permit you to take another one.



In saying [2a], for example, I am making a promise and in saving [3a] I am making a prediction. The performative verbs may have the same illocutionary force when used in the passive: [lb] You are advised to take an aspirin. [4b] It is forbidden to smoke in here.

Past and perfect forms, however, are used in reports of the speech acts denoted by the performative verbs, so that as speech acts [lc] and [4c] have the status of reports: [lc] I advised him to take an aspirin. [4c] I have forbidden them to smoke in here.

Some performative verbs are conventionally used for the speech acts they denote: [6]

I hereby adjourn the meeting.


I name this ship the Northern Star.


I bet you ten dollars that I will get the job.


I declare the winner to be Alison White.

In hedged performatives, uttering the sentence indirectly conveys the speech act denoted by the performative verb. For example, [10] refers to the obligation to congratulate, but the implication is that by uttering the sentence the speaker accepts the obligation to perform the speech act and the acceptance is the equivalent of performing it. [10] I must congratulate you on passing the examination with honours. Here are some further examples of hedged performatives: [11] I would like to apologize for my lateness. [12] May I thank you for your generous gift? [13] I have the honour of presenting my niece. [14] I am happy to acknowledge my debt to you for your constant advice. [15] It is a pleasure to welcome you all to this historic meeting. [16] I regret to inform you that you have been suspended from membership of the society. [17] I should like to tell you all how grateful I am for being invited to participate in this inaugural meeting.

Except for the conventional uses exemplified in [6]-[9], it is normal to perform speech acts (advise, warn, predict, etc.) without the use of performative verbs. Communicative functions are commonly conveyed indirectly. For example, the request to turn out the light might be made directly through the use of the imperative or the performative verb request. [18] Turn out the light. [19] I request you to turn out the light.




Utterance [18] is rather harsh for a request, though it could be softened by the addition of a tag question: Turn out the light, will you? or by the addition of please: Turn out the light, please. On the other hand, [19] is highly formal. However, there are numerous indirect ways of making the same request, for example: [18a] Would you mind turning out the light? [18b] Could you turn out the light? [18c] should like you to turn out the light. [18d] wonder whether you would be good enough to turn out the light. [18e] Hadn't you better turn out the light? [18f] How about turning out the light? [18g] Have you forgotten to turn out the light? [18h] What should you do when you leave the room? Here are some further examples of possible indirect speech acts. [20] Why don't you look at the brake lining? (advice) [21] Do you have a match? (request for a match) [22] It's getting cold in here, (request to close a window or to turn on a heater) [23] There's a wild dog in the neighbourhood, (warning) [24] It's stopped raining, (suggestion to go out)

Indirect speech acts tend to be more tactful ('saving face') or more polite than the corresponding direct speech acts. The question form of the request in [21] allows the hearer to reply Yes or No, as with questions that genuinely seek such responses. The hearer is asked whether he has a match, but the implication is that if he has one the speaker wants it. The indirect request is politer than a direct request since it gives the listener the opportunity of refusing indirectly by replying that he does not have a match (whether or not that is true). Politeness is similarly a motivation for the indirect formulation of the request in [22], since it leaves it to the listener to infer the need to close a window or turn on a heater. Here is a list of some common paired exchanges in conversation.8 greeting—greeting farewell—farewell request for yes-no information—yes/no request for missing information—information supplied request for action—accepted/rejected request for permission—granted/refused suggestion—accepted/ rej ected offer/invitation—accepted/rejected explanation—accepted/rejected complaint—apology/excuse/rebuff compliment—thanks assertion—agreement/disagreement



In all instances there may be qualification in the response or amplification beyond what is required by the initial utterance. The second speaker may also evade responding directly. Backchannels (or hearer signals) are common acknowledgements that the listener is following what is being said (cf. 6.1). They may also express agreement or diagreement. Here are some examples: m, uhuh, yes, no, I see, right, OK, of course, exactly The speaker may encourage the listener to continue listening by insertions such as you see and you know. Some exchanges are fairly stereotyped: greetings, farewells, introductions, enquiries about health, openings of telephone conversations. There are also less restricted conventional formats in dialogue discourses as diverse as liturgies, legal cross-examinations, and panel games.

7.19 Implications

Implications are conventional in indirect speech acts (cf. 7.18). For example, the implication is that you are asking to be told the time when you ask someone Can you tell me the time?, and when you say Do you know where the nearest post office is? your expectation is that the hearer will understand that you want to know where it is. Literally, the questions are merely whether the hearer is able to tell the time and whether the hearer knows where the nearest post office is. Agreement or disagreement is often implied. The suggestion in [1] may be followed by [2] or [3]: [1]

Let's go to a movie.


Let me first phone my sister.


I'm afraid I have to hand in a paper tomorrow.

The implication in [2] is that the suggestion is accepted. ('OK, but I have something to do first'), whereas the implication in [3] is that it is rejected ('No, I don't have the time'). Here is a more complicated fictional example, set in South Africa (A Sport of Nature, by Nadine Gordimer, London: Jonathan Cape, 1987, p. 79). Olga and her husband Arthur are contemplating leaving the country. A guest from Italy ('the butterfly lady') recommends that they buy a place in Italy: 'a little pied-a-terre'. Olga replies: [4]

The way things are going, it might have to be more than that!

The narrator comments: [5]

Olga laughed when she said it, and the butterfly lady did not pause to take in the inference . . .



The inference that 'the butterfly lady' missed was that Olga and Arthur were contemplating moving their main residence abroad, so that they would need more than 'a little pied-a-terre'. In [6] it is asserted in the first sentence that Brenda Clubine felt encouraged. The implication is that the subsequent sentences give the reason for her feeling encouraged. [6]

When she arrived in California's prison for women in Frontera in 1983, convicted of killing her husband by hitting him with a bottle and stabbing him with a kitchen knife, Brenda Clubine felt encouraged. A surprising number of her fellow-prisoners had similar stories to tell. They had killed their husbands or lovers after enduring years of beatings, torment and humiliation. [. . .] Although the state had convicted most of them of firstor second-degree murder, they thought of themselves as victims. [The Economist, 16 January 1993, pp. 48 f.]

A listener may make the wrong inference, misinterpreting a previous speaker's implication, as in [7]: [7]

'And there's no door on the lavatory,' continued the good Earl. Silence. 'No door on the toilet?' gasped one of the models. 'Well, how do you get in then?' ['Nothing but the best', by Sue Arnold, The Observer, 27 December 1992, p. 12]

The first speaker intends his statement to be understood as reporting that the opening could not be closed off because a door was missing, perhaps originally there but subsequently removed. The model absurdly misunderstood him as reporting the absence of an opening.

Chapter 8 Words and their Meanings Summary

Defining the word (8.1) 8.1 Words as units 398

Origins of words (8.2-9) 8.2 Where English words come from 400 8.3 Words from the Old English period 401 8.4 Words from Scandinavian 403 8.5 Words from French 405

8.6 8.7

Words from Latin and Greek 406 Synonyms from native, French, and Latin sources 408 8.8 Words from other languages 410 8.9 Recent loanwords 412

Changes in meaning (8.10-12) 8.10 New and old meanings 413 8.11 Causes of semantic change 413




Semantic relationships between words (8.13) 8.13

Semantic relationships


Combinations of words (8.14-15) 8.14

Free combinations and idioms



Collocations 426

Homonymy and polysemy (8.16-17) 8.16




Numbers of words (8.18) 8.18 The size of the vocabulary 430

Two major types of words (8.19) 8.19

Content words and grammatical words 431

Polysemy 429


Reference books on words (8.20) 8.20 The contents of dictionaries 432

Meaning (8.21) 8.21 Sense, denotation, reference 433



Chapter 8 Summary Though the term word is an everyday word in English, there are problems in giving it a precise definition. More than half of the English words in common use today derive from the Old English period (450-1150). Other major sources of English vocabulary are words from Scandinavian, French, Latin, and Greek. Latin and Greek continue to provide elements from which new words are formed. Words acquire new meanings because of changes in society, the desire for euphemism, the need to express intensification, the abbreviation of a longer expression, and the adoption of specialized terms into the general language. Words shift in meaning when they become generalized or specialized, or acquire pejorative or ameliorative connotations, or are extended through metaphor or metonymy. Words may be semantically related as synonyms, which can be used interchangeably in at least some contexts; as antonyms, which may be contraries (allowing intermediate terms), contradictions (excluding intermediate terms), or converses (involving reciprocal relationships); through hyponymy, whereby a superordinate term covers its hyponyms (more specific terms); through a part—whole relationship, such as holds between ceiling or floor and room.

Combinations may be free or idiomatic. Intermediate are collocations, words that tend to co-occur. Homonyms are distinct words that happen to have the same form. Homophones are homonyms that are pronounced the same but are spelled differently. Homographs are spelled the same but are pronounced differently. Homomorphs have the same form and are related in meaning but are different grammatically. Polysemes are words that differ in meaning but the meanings are felt to be related. The average number of words known by an educated adult has been estimated as at least 50,000 and perhaps as high as 250,000. Estimates depend on whether polysemes, grammatical forms of words, and compounds are counted separately. The vocabulary is said to consist of content words (comprising those in the open classes of nouns, full verbs, adjectives, and adverbs) and grammatical words (those in the closed classes). Dictionaries may be arranged alphabetically or semantically. General alphabetic dictionaries usually offer information on spelling, pronunciation,


inflections, parts of speech, definitions, usage labels, and etymology. They are increasingly offering encyclopedic information. The sense of a word is its cognitive meaning as determined by its place within the semantic system of the language. Its denotation is its relationship to entities, situations, and attributes that exist outside language. Its connotation is the emotive associations that it invokes. Reference is what a word—more commonly a phrase—refers to in a particular utterance.



Defining the Word 8.1 WOfflS 3S linilS

Of all the linguistic terms in everyday English, word is one of the most frequently used.1 We talk about the meaning of words, their spelling, their pronunciation; whether they are short or long, easy or difficult; what is the correct word or a better word for something. We may object to some words as dirty or offensive. We have a perception of words as basic units of our language. Yet there are problems in giving a precise definition of the term word. In linguistic descriptions the morpheme is generally viewed as the basic unit for vocabulary and grammar rather than the word (cf. 9.36 f.). In written English, words can be easily recognized. The orthographic word is isolated on either side by a space or a combination of a space and one or more punctuation marks. But, as we will soon see, there is some variability in writing and some arbitrary divisions into words. In the spoken language, words are not differentiated in the flow of speech sounds. Several criteria have been proposed for identifying words: 1. In speech we can pause between words, perhaps inserting vocal pauses such as uh: [1]


This is an exaggerated though possible instance of interruption by pauses. However, it would be odd to pause between parts of a word: between trampland -ingor between flower- and -bed. In [2], extracted from a conversation, the verb have is isolated by pauses on either side: [2]

You uh I ;j | jk .^B ^f



languages (such as Hebrew) that have affixes corresponding to the English definite article the and certain conjunctions and prepositions.

Origins of Words 8.2 Where English words come from

In general, the relationship between words and their meanings is arbitrary and conventional. There is nothing in the sound of the English word pigto indicate the animal or in the sounds of little and big that would enable someone ignorant of English to assign the words to their correct meanings in English.2 It is normal for concepts to be expressed by different words in different languages. Where the same word or a very similar-sounding word appears in two languages, it is reasonable to assume one of three possibilities: (1) The word existed in the common language from which the two developed; English father and German vater descend from a common ancestor in Germanic; (2) One language borrowed the word from the other; restaurant is a loanword from French, borrowed in the nineteenth century; (3) The similarity is coincidental; there is no reason to relate Britain and British to the Hebrew word /bnt/ ('covenant'), whereas cider and Hebrew /Jexa:r/ ('strong drink') are ultimately related despite differences in sound, since cider is a Semitic word that entered English as a loanword from French after passing through Greek and Latin. The contribution of onomatopoeia to the vocabulary of any language has been severely marginal. Onomatopoeia is a type of sound symbolism (or phonaesthesia, cf. 9.34) that associates the sound of a word with its meaning. We can recognize the imitation of sounds in words such as boom, bubble, crack, ping-pong, pop, slap, tinkle. The imitations in sounds are suggestive and not universal. Onomatopoeic words tend to be language-specific: cocks crow cock-a-doodle-doo in English, but kikeriki in German and /O:O:D:/ in Chinese; a pistol goes bang in English but v'lan in French; the bell sounds ding-dong in English but talan-talan in Spanish. English people giggle, titter, or chuckle, whereas Japanese people kusu-kusu. The original English word-stock comes from the Germanic language that the Anglo-Saxon invaders brought with them when they colonized Britain. It has been estimated that about 85 per cent of the words that are known to us from the Old English period have not been preserved in the English of today. These losses have been more than compensated for by the tens of thousands of loanwords adopted from other languages, in particular from French, Latin, and Greek.3 The most extensive way in which the English vocabulary has been



augmented is through natural growth. New words have been created from old words by combining words or parts of words that are already in the language, including established loanwords. Driveway combines the words drive and way, superstructure the prefix super- with the word structure; mortgagee the suffix -ee with the word mortgage. Word-formation is the topic of Chapter 9. Our vocabulary has also increased substantially through the addition of new meanings for old words and expressions. Mouse is used metaphorically for a computer device; minder has acquired a specialized sense for an adviser to politicians to protect them from making embarrassing mistakes. New meanings may also arise from translations of foreign expressions. A recent conspicuous example is green, 'concerned with the conservation of the environment', a translation from the German grim, which had acquired that ecological meaning in German. Recent loan translations into British English from French (as a result of legislation and regulations of the European Union) include cohabitation, 'sharing political power', and subsidiarity, 'allocation of powers to lower levels of government as far as possible'. Semantic change is treated later in this chapter.

8.3 Words from the Old English period

It has been estimated that more than half the words in common use today derive from the Old English period (450-1150). Among them are many that are classed as grammatical words (cf. 8.19): pronouns (e.g. /, he, you), conjunctions (and, if, that), auxiliary verbs (can, may, will), prepositions (at, for, of, to), and the negative word not. Below is a selection of other common words: kinship nouns: brother, child, daughter, father, mother, son, wife other nouns: book, day, food, house, light, man, meat, night, water, word, work verbs: be, drink, drive, eat, have, help, know, live, see, sit, sleep, stand, write adjectives: cool, full, good, long, old, slow, strong, young The vocabulary that the Anglo-Saxon invaders brought with them was almost purely Germanic, but it contained at least fifty Latin loanwords found in other Germanic languages that were absorbed during the contacts between Germans and Romans before the invasion of Britain. Among those loanwords that have survived in present-day English are: butter, cheese, dish, kitchen, mile, pound, street, wall, wine Additional loanwords were adopted after the invasion, particularly after the introduction of Christianity into England at the end of the sixth century and its gradual spread throughout the country during the seventh century.



Many of the loanwords concerned the church and education. Among those that have survived are: altar, candle, disciple, history, master, noon, paper, verse Latin loanwords from other spheres include: anchor, cap, cook, cucumber, fan, fever, fork, pear It has been estimated that just over 500 Latin loanwords were present in Old English. Most have dropped out of the English vocabulary; others were lost and borrowed again at a later date, for example sign, reborrowed via French. The conquered Celts left few traces on the English language apart from place-names or segments in place-names. Among the place-names derived from Celtic are Cornwall, Devon, Dover, Kent, London, Thames, York. Also from Celtic is the first segment in Doncaster, Exeter, Gloucester, Lancaster, Winchester. The second segment in these names comes from the Latin castra ('camp') and is likely to have been present in the Celtic names. Relatively few Celtic words were borrowed in later centuries. The most common are clan, slogan, and whiskey (or whisky) from Scotland; galore, shamrock, and Tory from Ireland; and crag from Wales. The vocabulary of the Old English period that has survived contains many of the most frequently used words in present-day English. Frequency data can be obtained from three corpora (collections of language material), each containing one million words, that have been compiled in recent times: the Brown Corpus of written American English; the LOB (LancasterOslo/Bergen) Corpus of written British English; and ICE-GB, the British corpus of the International Corpus of English. Table 8.3.1 sets out the frequency rankings of the fifty most frequent words in Brown, LOB, and ICE-GB.4 Only two of the words on the lists for Brown and LOB, the corpora of printed material, are not found in Old English texts: the Scandinavian loanwords they and their, which make their first appearance in texts in the early Middle English period. The ICE-GB list also contains two representations of sounds that occur very frequently in the spoken language: uh and uhm (sometimes transcribed er and erm in British English), which may fill a hesitation gap or be used as a backchannel (cf. 6.1). Almost all the items on the three lists are grammatical words (cf. 8.19). A few others—uh, uhm, and well—are used mainly as discourse signals for interaction with others or in the organization of speech. An apparent exception is know, but it owes its prominence in ICE-GB to its high frequency in the discourse signal you know, which occurs 1,318 times out of the total frequency of 2,796 for know. The twelfth on the list—'s—excludes the genitive; it comprises enclitics representing contractions of is, has, and us (in let's).



Table 8.3.1 Brown, LOB, and ICE-GB rankings of the fifty most frequent words in present-day English

8.4 Words from Scandinavian

Brown 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

the of and to a in

that is was

he for it

with as his

on be at

by I

this had not are but

LOB 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

from or

have an

they which one

you were her all she

there would their we

him been has when who will more no


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

the of and to a in that is was it for he as with be on 1 his at by had this not but from

ICE-GB 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

have are

which her she or

you they an were there been one

all we

their has

would when if so no

will him who

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

the of and to a

in I

that it

you is 's


was on

be uh as

this but have with he are


26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

uhm at we not

there so or

by which from what one

if well all no an

do had has can

about would been know

Scandinavian settlement in England began in the middle of the ninth century, but was soon confined to the Danelaw, territory to the east of a line running from London to Chester. It is therefore in the north and east of the country that Scandinavian influence was greatest, and is still present in local dialects and place-names. Examples of dialect terms derived from Scandinavian that are absent from the standard language are: bairn ('child') ket ('rubbish') kirk ('church') kirn ('churn') laik or lake ('play')

lait (look for') lop ('flea') lug ('ear') speel or spoal ('splinter') stee ('ladder')

Common Scandinavian segments in English place-names are thorp ('settlement' or 'farm'), by ('village' or 'farm'), thwaite ('clearing'), and toft ('plot of ground'). Examples of names with these segments are: Althorp, Bishopsthorpe, Northorpe, Thorpe Derby, Grimsby, Ormesby, Rugby, Stokesby




Birthwaite, Easthwaite, Falthwaite, Thwaite Bratoft, Eastoft, Lowestoft, Moortoft, Toft The English and Scandinavian languages belong to the Germanic family. Many words that the Scandinavian settlers spoke were identical to, or closely resembled, their English cognates. Most of the Scandinavian loanwords make their first appearance in Middle English writings since virtually all extant writings from the earlier period emanate from outside the Danelaw, but they were probably in widespread use well before 1150. For over two centuries many of the Scandinavian settlers were probably bilingual in Scandinavian and English. Their use of Scandinavian was reinforced by trade and further invasions by Scandinavian settlers. For a period of twenty-five years in the early eleventh century the whole of England was ruled by Danish kings. It is not surprising that some common words in English are the result of Scandinavian influence. Among them are the highly frequent words law and wrong, both of which make their first appearance in writings before the Norman Conquest. Sometimes the Scandinavian form ousted an English cognate: begin, egg, get, give, kettle, sister. In other instances, semantic contamination occurred, so that an English word acquired the Scandinavian meaning: bread (Old English 'fragment'), dream (Old English 'joy'). Some Scandinavian words replaced unrelated English words: anger, cut, knife, sky, take, window. Still others coexist with their English counterparts, but usually differ in use: Scandinavian loanwords dike, ill, scrub, skin, skirt and English words ditch, sick, shrub, hide, shirt. The initial /sk/ in scrub, skin, skirt, sky is characteristic of words deriving from Scandinavian; among other loanwords with the same initial sounds are scab, scant, scare, scorch, scowl, skill.

The most important Scandinavian loanwords are the third person plural pronouns they, them, their, the plural Scandinavian th- forms were presumably felt to be more distinctive than the Old English h- forms, which might be confused with th? singular pronouns in Old English; the Old English accusative forms, for exanliple, were hine ('him'), hie or heo ('her'), hit ('it'), hie or heo ('them'). Other grammatical words adopted from Scandinavian include both, same, and though. Perhaps also indebted to Scandinavian influence was the spread of Northern are, replacing the plural sindon or syndon that was dominant in Old English writings. Relatively few Scandinavian words have been adopted since the Middle English period. They include fiord (or fiord), geyser, rug, saga, ski. The most recent well-known importations are smorgasbord and ombudsman.


8.5 Words from French

Although a few French words were borrowed earlier, the vast majority of French loanwords entered English after the Norman Conquest of 1066. A new ruling class was then established whose native language was Norman French. French became a prestige language, used as an alternative to Latin in education, administration, and law. Until 1250 relatively few French words entered English; one estimate is merely 900 words. As the ruling class turned away from the sole use of French to become bilingual, they introduced into English a flood of French words. Over 10,000 French words were adopted during the Middle English period, most of them between 1250 and 1400, the period when French had to be learned rather than acquired as a native language. French loanwords came from two French dialects: Anglo-Norman (the dialect of Norman French that developed in England) and Central French (the French of Paris, which later became standard French). In some instances English has acquired doublets, one form from Anglo-Norman and the other from Central French. From Anglo-Norman are derived cattle and warranty, and from Central French the corresponding words chattel and guarantee. The loanwords from French reflect the interests of the ruling class in administration, law, war, religion, fashion, food, trade, and cultural pursuits. Here are examples of loanwords in these spheres that have survived to the present day: administration, allegiance, parliament, public, revenue, tax acquit, court, crime, defendant, judge, jury, justice, pardon, sue, summon army, enemy, guard, officer, peace, soldier, war clergy, faith, prayer, religion, sermon, service coat, costume, dress, fashion, frock, jewel, lace boil, dinner, feast, fry, roast, supper, toast bargain, butcher, customer, grocer, money, price, value art, college, music, poet, prose, story, study The names for some kinds of meat served at the table derive from French: beef, bacon, mutton, pork, veal, venison; the names of animals are retained from Old English: bull, cow, deer, sheep, swine. Words have been borrowed from French since the Middle Ages but to a much lesser extent. Those adopted during the sixteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century reflected the frequent travel in France by the wealthy and educated and their reading of French books: bigot, detail, duel, essay, invite, invoice, prelude, ticket, vogue. Later French loans tend to reveal their foreign origin in their spelling or pronunciation: amateur, ballet, boulevard, bureau, cafe or cafe, cigarette, connoisseur, encore, entrepreneur, fiance, massage, reservoir, restaurant, souvenir. Recent borrowings include aromatherapy (though it could equally have been compounded from English words), bustier ('close-fitting bodice'), fromage frais ('low-fat dairy dessert').


8.6 Words from Latin and Greek


Some Latin loanwords were present in Old English (cf. 8.3). The influx of French during the Middle English period (cf. 8.5) introduced a multitude of words that ultimately derived from Latin. Hundreds of Latin words were also borrowed directly from Latin in the Middle English period, though it is often impossible to tell whether a particular Latin word (for example, consist, explore, modest) entered English directly or via French. The Latin borrowings were largely legal, religious, or scholarly terms. Among them are: admit, client, conviction, custody, discuss, equal, index, infinite, intellect, library, medicine, minor, opaque, prosecute, pulpit, scribe, scripture, simile, testimony In the fifteenth century it became customary for writers—in particular poets—to introduce Latin loanwords as a decorative device. Some of these aureate terms have survived, such as mediation and prolixity. The major introduction of words from Latin occurred during the Renaissance (1500-1650). Some 10,000 new loanwords entered English during that period, most of them directly from Latin. The Latin borrowings were intended to augment English vocabulary for scholarly discourse. Their absorption eased the transition from Latin to English for that purpose. Most of those that have survived are part of the general vocabulary. Among the numerous Latin loanwords are: adapt, appropriate, benefit, climax, compensate, confident, consult, digress, editor, exist, expectation, fact, fictitious, frequency, habitual, imitate, immature, instruct, investigate, invitation, offensive, quote, relapse, series, sporadic, susceptible, urge, vindicate Most Greek words entered English via Latin or French: aristocracy, atmosphere, autograph, chaos, comedy, crisis, critic, dogma, drama, enthusiasm, harmony, machine, parenthesis, rhythm, system, theory Some words came directly from Greek: acme, bathos, catastrophe, cosmos, criterion, idiosyncrasy, kudos, misanthrope, pathos, pylon, therm The massive borrowing of words from foreign languages, particularly Latin, during the Renaissance provoked controversy. Some writers objected to the loanwords because of their obscurity. The inkhorn terms, as they were called, were ridiculed as pedantic. Instead of borrowing from other languages, purists advocated giving existing English words new meanings or forming new words from existing English words. Some also proposed reviving obsolete English words or drawing on words in regional dialects. In the course of time many of the ridiculed words have ceased to seem strange:



alien, concede, conscious, contaminate, defunct, idiom, ingenuity, integrated, negotiation, notoriety, segregated, strenuous, timid Latin and Greek continue to be active in English in providing the segments from which new English words are formed, words that did not exist in the original languages:5 acupuncture, aerobics, agnostic, biorhythm, condominium, dinosaur, homophobia, macrobiotics, neurotic, retrovirus, telepathy Classical elements have proved particularly valuable for forming innumerable scientific and medical terms. A number of classical prefixes and suffixes are commonly used in creating new words (cf. 9.6-22); for example: anti-, de-, dis-, post-, pre-, pro-, re-al, -ant, -ial, -ic Numerous Latin phrases are preserved in English, some of them particularly or exclusively in legal or medical usage.6 In print it is usual to italicize most of the phrases, and in writing to underline them. Here is a selection of Latin phrases in common use among well-educated speakers of English: ab initio ad hoc ad infinitum alma mater a priori bona fide compos mentis de facto de jure ex officio habeas corpus in camera in loco parentis

in memonam in vitro ipso facto magnum opus memento mori modus operandi modus vivendi mutatis mutandis non sequitur per annum per capita per cent (or percent) per diem

perse persona non grata post mortem prima facie pro forma pro rata quid pro quo sub judice sui generis ultra vires vice versa

The three levels of distinctions in American university degrees are denoted by the Latin phrases cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude. It is still customary for institutions to employ Latin for their mottoes. Some abbreviations stand for Latin words or phrases; in most cases their full forms may be unknown to many users. Here are some common examples, most of them occurring only in written English: AD a.m. c. or ca. cf. e -getal.

anno Domini ante meridiem circa confer exempli gratia et alii, et aliae, or et alia



etc. i.e. loc. cit. NB op. cit. p.m. PS QED q.v. s.v. v. or vs.

8.7 Synonyms from native, French, and Latin sources

et cetera idest loco citato nota bene opere citato post meridiem post scriptum quod erat demonstrandum quod vide sub verbo versus

The vocabulary of English has been enormously enriched by the absorption of words from French and Latin. In particular, English enjoys an abundance of synonyms or near-synonyms because of duplications from these two sources. We sometimes find triplets from native English/French/Latin sources: tell/recount/relate ask/question/interrogate teach/train/instruct fearful/cowardly/timid friendly/amiable/amicable kingly/royal/regal shy/coy/diffident freedom/liberty/latitude liar/perjurer/fabricator land/country/territory tale/story/narrative Each of the non-native sources may also offer synonyms. From French: annul/cancel reprimand/rebuke/reprove hideous/horrible humble/modest anguish/distress/grief joy/pleasure From Latin: concoct/fabricate contradict/controvert authentic/genuine



consequence/repercussion acrimony/virulence/acerbity Latin loanwords are generally more learned and formal, but stylistically there is often little to choose between native and French words. In some instances, the French or Latin loanword is stylistically neutral and more familiar than the native synonym. In the examples that follow, the first column gives a word that derives from Old English; the synonyms in the second column are from French, except for the Latin synonyms of kin: mar woe bliss deem kin

spoil trouble joy judge, decide relative, family

Languages do not favour exact synonyms since it is uneconomical to have two words that do exactly the same work, so when stylistic differences are absent other differences emerge. It may be a matter of collocation, the company that a word habitually keeps (cf. 8.15): we talk about an oral contract rather than a spoken contract, friendly advice rather than amicable advice. Or there may be differences in meaning: where carry and transport overlap in situational use, transport is not appropriate when one speaks of carrying something over very short distances (for example, from one room in a building to another room) but is more appropriate than carry if a vehicle is used. Synonyms may also differ in their grammatical potential; you can teach, train, and instruct somebody, and you can teach somebody something, but you cannot train or instruct somebody something:


teaching us physics teaching us to shoot training us to shoot instructing us in swimming

At various periods hostility has been expressed to excessive importations from Latin or French. In the fifteenth century the aureate diction of some poets evoked a certain amount of disparaging comment, but the introduction of unfamiliar Latin words was a stylistic device that had little impact on the general vocabulary. During the Renaissance, purists condemned the inkhorn terms that were borrowed in huge numbers, mainly from Latin (cf. 8.6). In the eighteenth century there was opposition to accepting too many words from French, then the prestige language of Europe. Early in the nineteenth century, the Romantic movement's interest in the medieval period produced some attempts to replace French and Latin words by native formations; the purists succeeded only in adding a few words, notably foreword (as an alternative to preface) and handbook (a revival of an Old English word as an alternative to manual). It is not surprising that successes were few, since French and Latin words are deeply entrenched in the English vocabulary. The vast majority of



English speakers do not know whether a particular word derives from Old English, French, or Latin. Words from French such as cancel, judge, and trouble are fully naturalized, as are Latin words such as contradict, discuss, family.

8.8 Words from other languages

English has been hospitable to words from many other languages, though no languages have provided us with the huge numbers received from French and Latin. Within the confines of this book it is not possible to do more than touch on the most important of the languages that have contributed to the present English vocabulary. In the sixteenth century and onwards, trade, exploration, colonization, and cultural contacts led to the borrowing of new words from a variety of languages. Major sources were the Romance languages of Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian. Since the Spanish and Portuguese were the European pioneers in exploration and colonization, many non-European words were transmitted into English through these two languages. Among the loanwords from Spanish and (to a lesser extent) Portuguese are: anchovy, armada, banana, barbecue, cafeteria, cannibal, canoe, canyon, cargo, cask, chilli (orchili), chocolate, cigar, cocaine, cockroach, cocoa, desperado, embargo, guitar, mosquito, negro, port (wine), potato, ranch, renegade, sherry, siesta, tango, tank, tobacco, tomato, vanilla Many Spanish loanwords are found exclusively or predominantly in American English because of the proximity of Latin America, the absorption of Spanishspeaking areas during the period of expansion of the United States, and the more recent immigrations of millions of Spanish speakers from Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Among these words are: chicano, frijoles, hacienda, patio, poncho, puebla, rodeo, tortilla The numerous words from Italian include many musical terms as well as some names for foods. Here is a selection of Italian loanwords: aria, artichoke, bandit, broccoli, cameo, carnival, casino, concerto, duet, finale, ghetto, graffiti (singular graffito), incognito, inferno, influenza, larva, libretto, macaroni, maestro, mafia, malaria, paparazzi (singular paparazzo), piano, pizza, ravioli, regatta, replica, scampi, solo, soprano, spaghetti, studio, umbrella, vendetta, vermicelli, volcano Trade relations and wars between England and the Low Countries, particularly in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, led to a number of loanwords from Dutch, Flemish, and Low German. Later loans came through contacts between the British and the South African Boers and between the



Americans and the early Dutch settlers in America. Among the loanwords from Dutch and kindred languages are: apartheid, booze, boss, brandy, buoy, coleslaw, commando, cookie, cranberry, cruise, deck, decoy, dock, dollar, dope, easel, excise, freight, furlough, gin, kit, knapsack, landscape, luck, onslaught, pickle, reef, sketch, skipper, slim, smuggle, snap, snip, trek, waffle, wagon (or, also in British English, waggon), yacht

A .

Some loanwords have come from High German, including a group of words for foods and drinks (most of them making their first appearance in American English through German-speaking immigrants): delicatessen, ersatz, frankfurter, hamburger, hamster, lager, noodle, poodle, pretzel, pumpernickel, rucksack, sauerkraut, schnitzel, waltz, wiener American English has coined a number of words with the German ending -fest bookfest, songfest, walkfest. The United States has had large numbers of Yiddish-speaking immigrants, who have introduced Yiddish words originating from German, Hebrew, and Slavic languages. Most of the words are confined to American English, but some have spread to other national varieties. Among the Yiddish loanwords are: bagel, chutzpah (or hutzpah), gelt, goy, kibbitz, kvetch, maven (or mavin), megillah, nebbish, nosh, nudnik, schlep (or schlepp), schmo (or shmo), schmooze, schnozzle, shlock, shtick (or shtik), yenta Until recent times, loanwords from Hebrew and Arabic have generally entered English through other languages. Most of the Hebrew words have religious significance: amen, babel, cabbala (or cabala, kabbalah, kabala), camel, cherub, jubilee, manna, messiah, sabbath, satan, seraph, shibboleth Many English first names are ultimately from Hebrew; for example: Daniel, David, Elizabeth, John, Mary, Michael, Ruth, Susan. The early translations of the Old Testament provided words such as long-suffering, scapegoat, and stumbling-block. Words ultimately of Arabic origin include some that incorporate the Arabic definite article al. A number of the words are scientific or mathematical terms, an indication of the eminence of Arab scholarship in the Middle Ages: admiral, albatross, alchemy, alcohol, alcove, algebra, alkali, almanac, amber, assassin, candy, cipher (or cypher), harem, hazard, lemon, magazine, nadir, safari, sherbet, sofa, syrup, zenith, zero Conquest and trade by the British have brought words from oriental languages. India has been the largest contributor. Loanwords from the various Indian languages, some borrowed through other languages, include:

mm ^r



bungalow, cashmere, chutney, cot, curry, dinghy, ginger, guru, juggernaut, jungle, jute, loot, mango, pariah, polo, punch, pundit, pyjamas (or pajamas), shampoo, swastika, thug, toddy, veranda (or verandah), yoga Loanwords from Persian have usually passed through other languages. They include: arsenic, bazaar, caravan, chess, khaki, kiosk, magic, musk, paradise, rook, scarlet, shawl, spinach, tiger From Chinese have come: chop suey, chow, chow mein, ginseng, gung-ho, ketchup (or catchup or catsup), kung fu, tea, tofu (via Japanese), typhoon From Japanese: bonsai, geisha, hara-kiri (or hari-kiri), judo, haiku, ju-jitsu, kimono, sake, soy, soya, tofu, tycoon Contacts between the European settlers and the native American Indians led to relatively few borrowings from Amerindian languages. Among them are: chipmunk, hickory, moccasin, moose, pecan, racoon, skunk, squash, toboggan, totem

8.9 Recent loanwords

A collection of neologisms that entered English between 1941 and 1991 notes that most of its loanwords came from French, the main source of loans since the Norman Conquest. The author also points out that many words containing foreign elements are actually formed in English. An inspection of new words for the ten years 1981 to 1990 yielded only nine loanwords, three of them from French and the other six from six different languages.7 The predominance of loanwords from French is confirmed in a dictionary of new words covering the decade ending 1991 that includes words that came into prominence during that period as well as words that were first recorded then. Of the thirty-nine loanwords, eight came from French. The nearest competitors were Spanish and Japanese, both with five. An examination of the dictionary highlights the paucity of foreign borrowings among the 750 entries.8


Changes in Meaning 8.10 New and old meanings

Words may acquire new meanings. Usually the new meanings coexist with the old. Hand is used for the end part of a human arm as well as for various derived meanings, such as for the hour or second pointers on a clock or watch and for a set of playing-cards dealt to a player. We did not lose the animal reference of mouse when we acquired its reference to a computer device. The verb cram could be used for forcing things into a receptacle long before it could be used for preparing for an examination by an intensive burst of study. The British informal drinking toast cheers is now also synonymous with goodbye and thanks. Squid is an American college slang synonym of nerd as well as denoting a sea creature. Sometimes a new meaning eventually displaces an earlier meaning. Earlier meanings of lewd—such as 'untaught', 'foolish', 'ignorant', 'ill-mannered'— are obsolete. Meat no longer refers to food in general, except as an archaism in older translations of the Bible or in proverbs such as 'One man's meat is another man's poison'. Earlier uses of silly—'fortunate', 'happy', then 'blessed', 'holy', then 'pitiable'—are no longer available to us. The uses of nice in expressions such as a nice distinction and a nice fit are now likely to be misunderstood by most people. The homosexual meaning of gay has become predominant and is driving out earlier uses. There are two main approaches to the study of semantic change in the vocabulary. We can examine the causes of change or the processes of change. We will look at each of these in turn.9

8.11 Causes of semantic change A. External history

Words may acquire new meanings because of changes in society. In the feudal system a knight was a military servant of his lord; the feudal relationship no longer exists, but the word remains with a new significance: the title knight is conferred on a man by the British monarch in recognition of personal merit or services to the state. Although there is a continuity in the development of the institutions, terms such as monarch, lord ('peer of the realm'), and Commons have changed in their significance as the functions and powers of the institutions have changed. The anomalous use of the term public school in England for a certain type of private fee-paying school not under the control of the state or the local government can be explained by the changes in the management of these schools. When it was felt that sex over-emphasized the biological differences between males and females because the word was also



used for 'sexual intercourse', the grammatical term gender acquired the additional role of signifying a more neutral division. Class, still used in general for any set or division, has been pressed into service for what is thought to be a major division in society. With changes in kinship relationships, family has acquired the more restricted sense of 'nuclear family' (as in 'working to support the family'). Technological changes may affect meanings. Manuscript may be used of texts written on the typewriter as well as by hand—in contrast to print— though typescript is also available if the distinction is needed. A more radical change affected the noun manufacture, the etymology (ultimately from Latin) specifies that the work was done by hand, and that was the first use of the word in English, but when it became usual for the production of goods and materials to be performed by machines, the common use of manufacture and manufactured excluded work by hand. Car, once used to denote a carriage, cart, or wagon, is used—particularly in British English—for a vehicle powered by an internal-combustion engine (also called motor car and particularly in American English automobile), when this type of vehicle became the usual means of private transport. Scientific developments may affect meanings. Atom was once thought of as the ultimate indivisible particle of physical matter, but this conception changed when atoms were split. Germ was used vaguely for something that causes a disease; it now more specifically refers to a micro-organism. Language, at first restricted to human communication involving words and grammar, has also been applied to the communication systems of various other creatures (for example, dolphins and bees) as these have been shown to constitute complex systems.

B. Euphemism

The desire for euphemism motivates some acquisitions of new meanings. Euphemisms are a way of avoiding direct reference to subjects that are taboo or impolite or simply felt to be unpleasant in the community to which we belong, or they are a way of disguising activities and attitudes that others might consider offensive.10 Parts of the body and bodily processes attract euphemisms, drawing on existing words or expressions, some of them informal or slang. Here is a small selection from a vast repertoire: bottom, box, (family) jewels, knockers, tail sleep with, score, swing pass water, break wind, tinkle, the runs, be excused toilet, lavatory, bathroom (American), geography of the house {British) period, (be) expecting, (be in) labour More delicate constitutions from an earlier period have left their mark in the euphemistic substitutions of white (meat) for the breast of a chicken and dark (meat) for the thigh. Illness and death give rise to many euphemisms:



condition, social disease, stroke (trouble with the) plumbing, waterworks, (give a) specimen pass away, loss, the departed, casket (American), funeral director, memorial park (American) People with a physical incapacity have been labelled with a series of euphemisms, including handicapped and disabled. Current notable euphemisms are differently abled in Britain and physically challenged in the USA. War has brought a plethora of euphemisms, many of them to avoid referring directly to killing. Here are just a few examples: armed reconnaissance carpet bombing collateral damage degradation cleanse

friendly fire neutralize pacify police action surgical strike

Similarly, redeploy, retire, and withdraw conceal the ignominy of retreat. (Secret) agent and operative are dignified terms for spies. The fighting in Yugoslavia that began in the early 1990s has given rise to the euphemistic expression ethnic cleansing. Taboos on certain swear words have resulted in phonetic disguises;11 for example: shoot, shucks darn golly, gosh gee, jeez crikey heck

(shit) (damn) (God) (Jesus) (Christ) (hell)

Rhyming slang is another disguising device, the disguise being particularly effective if the rhyming word is left out, as in these examples: berk (Berkeley or Berkshire hunt) cobblers (awls) hit (and miss) raspberry (tart) Tom (tit)

C. Intensification

(cunt) (balls) (piss) (fart) (shit)

From time to time we feel the need to express our approval or disapproval in strong terms. Words have been pressed into this service that depart from their earlier meanings, sometimes—as in the case of awful—ousting previous uses. Below are some instances of approving and disapproving adjectives accompanied by illustrative nouns. They are used mainly in speech.



fabulous speech fantastic dress gorgeous day marvellous play phenomenal success smashing story terrific show wonderful lesson

awful meal dreadful teacher horrible weather revolting book rotten party

Successive generations seek out new terms. Among recent expressions of approval are awesome, bad, brilliant (also brill), cool, radical (also rad), wicked.

Adverbs may also have acquired new meanings in becoming intensifiers: awfully good badly needed deeply worried

highly intelligent terribly nice terrifically patient

Whereas the adjective awful retains its disapproving meaning—as in awful meal—the adverb awfully has flattened into a general intensifier synonymous with extremely or perhaps merely very. D. Collocation

The tendency for words to collocate—co-occur frequently with other words (cf. 8.15)—can result in a particular word being used alone with the meaning of the pair of words. Private derives from the collocation private soldier, Wellington from the collocation Wellington boot. In appropriate contexts, the pill will be understood as referring to the contraceptive pill. To propose to somebody is to propose marriage to that person. A woman who is expecting is expecting a baby. Intercourse is generally understood to refer to sexual intercourse, a point missed by the foreign student who wrote that he enjoyed coming to a summer school in London because it gave him the opportunity to have intercourse with people from many countries. Below are some examples of recent words used with the meaning of the collocation. The omitted words of the full forms are given in parentheses: cable (television) (wheel) clamp jet(-propelled aircraft) landfill (site) laptop (computer)

E. Technical and general use

(shopping) mall Patriot (missile) soap (opera) (space) shuttle

The nineteenth and twentieth centuries have witnessed an explosion of technical terms, due to the enormous expansion in scientific and technological studies and in their practical applications. Technical terms are expressions in use within a specialized field of knowledge or activity. There is no clear dividing line between technical terms and terms in general use, since



technical terms may pass into the general vocabulary, and general words and expressions may in addition acquire a technical meaning. Some technical terms are restricted to usage within their field. We are not likely to encounter in non-specialized contexts plant terms such as embryophyta and phaeophyta, chemical terms such as titration and basicity, or linguistic terms such as hyponym and denominal. Of course, many technical terms are in general educated use with roughly the same meaning: deciduous, fungus, gene, neologism, prehensile, ruminant, tort. However, when some technical terms have come into more general use they have acquired a different meaning among non-specialists. For example, in general use the psychological term complex denotes an obsession, while inferiority complex refers simply to a sense of inferiority; the legal term alibi has been extended to mean an excuse of any kind; the mathematical term parameter is commonly used for a measurable or quantifiable feature; spectrum, a term in physics and optics, is in general use to mean a wide range. When everyday expressions are adopted as technical terms, they are defined precisely and may then become distinct from their more general use. Examples are mass (physics), salt (chemistry), complement (grammar), dedicated (computers), benign (medicine), frame (film).

8.12 Processes A. Generalization and specialization

B. Pejoration and amelioration

Generalization involves a shift in the meaning of a word that makes it more inclusive. The legal term alibi has extended its use to any kind of excuse, pilot is now used primarily for the person who operates an aircraft in addition to its use for the person who takes charge of a ship entering a harbour, and marathon refers to any activity involving difficulty and long duration. Specialization results in a restriction of meaning. Starve used to refer to dying by any means, science to all kinds of knowledge, cattle to all livestock. Mutton has precluded the use of sheep to refer to the animal as food. In American and Australian English corn is typically restricted to maize.

These two processes involve an evaluative shift, pejoration moving to a less favourable connotation and amelioration to a more favourable connotation. Silly is an early instance of pejoration. In Old English sxlig meant 'happy', 'blessed'; by the Early Modern period it had deteriorated evaluatively to mean 'deserving of pity', 'helpless'; 'weak', 'insignificant'; 'unlearned', 'ignorant'. Crxftighad the favourable senses 'skilful', 'ingenious' in Old English, not the later pejorative connotation of crafty. Similarly, cunning meant 'learned', 'clever' in Middle English. Officious started off with the meanings 'eager to please' and 'dutiful', true to its Latin etymology, but soon acquired the



modern pejorative meaning. More recent times have seen the acquisition by propaganda and then appeasement of pejorative connotations. Shrewd provides a contrast to crafty and cunning: it began pejoratively in Middle English in the meaning 'wicked', 'vicious', then shifted to 'cunning' before acquiring its present favourable connotation; shrew and shrewish remain pejorative. Other examples of amelioration are fond, which once meant 'foolish', and more recently aggressive. The current slang terms bad and wicked are striking instances of amelioration. C. Metaphoric extension The metaphoric extension of a word is probably the most common process by which a word acquires an additional meaning. When the new meaning has become established its metaphorical relationship may no longer be noticed: the metaphor is a dead metaphor. The similarity that gives rise to the new meaning is generally one of form or function. The formal similarity may be in shape: bulb (of electric lamp) hand (of clock) cake (of soap) leg (of table) eye (of needle) mouse (for computer) fork (of road) mouth (of river) It may be in spatial relationship: bottom (of road) face (of building) brow (of hill) foot (of bed) coat (of paint) head (of table) Or the metaphor may combine shape and spatial relationship: arm (of chair) leg (of table) cap (of bottle) vein (in marble) A remoter spatial relationship is conveyed by rainbow ('an arch of contiguous colours') in rainbow coalition, and by shoot ('discharge something') in shoot oneself with a drug, or shoot a question at somebody. The similarity may be functional: bump (from job) menu (on computer screen—also similar in cannibalize (a vehicle) layout) ceiling (for prices) mule (drugs courier) (ethnic) cleansing (computer) program demolish (an argument) root (of problem) (brain) drain sow (dissent) (acids) eat spoonfeed (students) (DNA) fingerprint (be in) suspense grasp (an idea) toy (boy) gulf (between factions) (computer) virus



The similarity may be evaluative, as in these expressions when they are applied to people: angel arse-hole baby bitch cat cow heel

honey mouse Pig prick swine witch

Or there maybe a combination of evaluation with some physical similarity, as in couch potato and infect (with ideas). D. Metonymic extension Another common process is metonymy. A word acquires a new meaning as an entity or attribute that is substituted for something with which it is associated. Here are common kinds of metonymic relationships that have resulted in new meanings. part for whole: (new) blood ('people'), (new) face ('person'), (another) hand ('person') concrete for abstract: bench ('judiciary'), brain ('intellect'), crown ('monarchy'), seat ('membership'), turf ('horse-racing') abstract for concrete: falsehood ('lie'), performance ('event'), terror (referring to a person), trust ('organization') eponym (named after a person or place): bikini, boycott, dunce, lynch, pasteurize, platonic, sadist, sandwich, sherry, valentine place for institution: Downing Street ('the British Prime Minister'), the City ('British financial institutions'), Paris ('the French Government'), Washington ('the American administration') transferred epithet (transferred from a person): curious (response), happy (occasion), hopeful (turn of events), miserable (weather), red-eye (flight), sad (result), sick (building syndrome) Another kind of metonymy appears in white-collar crimes, i.e. crimes by whitecollar workers. The various kinds of conversion (cf. 9.29) involve some changes of meaning that are metonymic. For example, to orphan means 'to make somebody into an orphan', a bore is 'somebody or something that bores'. However, the change of proper noun to common noun sometimes implies a comparison and is then metaphoric:



He is a veritable Hitler. She is the Einstein of our time. When shall we build Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land?

Semantic Relationships between Words 8.13 Semantic relationships A. Synonymy

Words can be grouped into sets that share some relationship of meaning. The thesaurus is a reference book that arranges the vocabulary into conceptual categories that display words and phrases that are associated in meaning, though the term has also been used of alphabetical dictionaries of synonyms. The relationships that are most widely recognized are synonymy and antonymy.12 Synonyms are expressions that are identical or similar in meaning and that can be used interchangeably in at least some contexts (cf. 8.7). The verbs buy and purchase are synonyms: They

f bought 1 an expensive house. [ purchasedj

They differ stylistically in that purchase is formal. They also differ grammatically in that only with buy can we insert an indirect object: She bought me a birthday present.

The nouns order and the more formal command are synonymous in the sense of directive, but order is more inclusive. Only order(s) can be used in these contexts: I will not take orders from anybody. My orders ['orders given to me'] are to requisition this building.

Commandment is restricted to a divine command. Now can only be replaced by nowadays when it means 'in these times': I can't tell you now. What will happen now? They now knew that he was guilty.


B. Antonymy


Antonyms share a negative relationship within the same field of meaning. Cold and hot are antonyms in the semantic field of temperature: if something is cold, it is not hot; if it is hot, it is not cold. The two terms are gradable on the temperature scale: my food can be very cold or it can be cooler than yours. There are also other gradable terms on the scale between cold and hot, so that if something is not cold it is not necessarily hot, and if it is not hot it is not necessarily cold: hot—warm—lukewarm—cool—cold Where intermediate terms are possible, as with cold and hot, the antonyms are contraries. Here are some other examples of contraries: huge—large—medium-sized—small—tiny wet—moist—dry probable—possible—unlikely hate—dislike—like—love Sometimes the set of antonyms may contain some words that are not gradable; for example, the extremes in this set: always—frequently—occasionally—rarely—never Contradictories (also called complementaries) are binary antonyms. Examples are: male—female dead—alive animate—inanimate married—unmarried stay—leave inside—outside These normally exclude intervening terms: one is either male or female, dead or alive. Nevertheless, it is sometimes possible to squeeze in middle terms in exceptional circumstances or with certain connotations: male—hermaphrodite—female dead—more dead than alive—half-dead—very much alive -alive outside—half-in—inside Antonymous pairs that are morphologically related in that one term has a negative prefix (cf. 9.9) may be either contradictories or contraries. Examples of contradictories: continue curable legal ripe punctual

discontinue incurable illegal unripe unpunctual



Examples of contraries: approve friendly happy intelligent wise

disapprove unfriendly unhappy unintelligent unwise

Converses are opposites where there are reciprocal relationships. A typical example is the pair buy and sell: Tom bought the car from Norma. Norma sold the car to Tom.

Other examples of pairs of verbs that are converses: give lend

receive borrow

The same verb may be used for both directions of the action: Sylvia rented the apartment to Diane. Diane rented the apartment from Sylvia. I loaned the stereo to Robert. Robert loaned the stereo from me.

Certain pairs of terms for kinship and social relationships may also constitute converses: wife parent grandparent doctor teacher lawyer

husband child grandchild patient student client

If Sandra is Paul's wife, then Paul is Sandra's husband. Similarly, if Ronald is Elizabeth's teacher, then Elizabeth is Ronald's student. The same term is sometimes available for both directions. If Kelvin and Sheila are colleagues, then Kelvin is Sheila's colleague and Sheila is Kelvin's colleague. Other converses that are identical are friend, partner, associate, room-mate, cousin, sibling. So also for verbs and combinations with verbs: marry, be related to, be associated with. Adjectives and verbs denoting similarity or difference may be identical converses: resemble, differ, equal; similar to, identical with, different from, equal to. Some terms for spatial and temporal relations are also converses: in front of above

behind below



If I am in front of the screen, then the screen is behind me. If Milton lived after Shakespeare, then Shakespeare lived before Milton. Terms that may be identical converses for spatial relations include near, next to, opposite.13



Some sets of terms within the same semantic field are not considered as antonyms, though they are incompatibles. They are incompatibles because the use of one term excludes the other. If a dress is green it cannot be blue, though a dress can be partly green and partly blue. Whereas black and white are considered antonyms, green and blue are not. Other examples of incompatibles are the terms for days of the week, military ranks, numbers, rooms in a house (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc.), departments in a university or college (History, Mathematics, Physics, etc.). C. Hy pony my

Hyponymy is a relationship of inclusion: a general term (a superordinate or hypernym) covers terms that are more specific (its hyponyms). The word meat refers to a type of food: the superordinate term is food, and meat is its hyponym. There is of course more than one type of food: meat, fish, fowl, fruit, vegetables are co-hyponyms of food. Since each of these in turn have hyponyms, we have a hierarchy of hyponymy for food. Fruit, for example, includes the co-hyponyms berry and citrus fruit; among the co-hyponyms of berry are strawberry, gooseberry, blackberry, raspberry, and among the cohyponyms of citrus fruit are orange, grapefruit, tangerine. 'I bought some oranges' entails 'I bought some citrus fruit', which in turn entails 'I bought some fruit', and that entails 'I bought some food' and ultimately 'I bought something'. The hyponymy hierarchy allows us to be as specific or as general as we wish. Here are some other examples of superordinates followed by some of their co-hyponyms: go: walk, run, ride, drive, fly walk: stroll, saunter, amble, march get: buy, borrow, steal cook: bake, boil, fry, grill, poach, roast religion: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism fuel: oil, gas, electricity, coal, wood Not all words have superordinates. For example, there is no term to cover the adjectives happy and sad, though the nouns emotion or feeling might be considered quasi-superordinates for these and other adjectives in the same semantic field. Similarly, there are no superordinates for teacher I student, old/young, live/die. In kinship terms we lack a superordinate in ordinary use for brother and sister, though the technical term sibling is sometimes pressed into service for this purpose. Consequently, we normally have to ask 'Have you any brothers or sisters?', whereas we can ask 'Have you any children?' without specifying whether they are sons or daughters. There may also be some variation in the use of superordinates. Vegetable is ordinarily felt to be a superordinate of potato and tomato. However, a restaurant menu may specify vegetables and potatoes as separate sets of items. Tomato is technically a fruit, but we treat it as a vegetable. Similarly, nuts are technically fruit, but in ordinary use we do not consider them as such.



In certain instances involving sexual distinctions, a term may be a superordinate and a hyponym of itself. Dog, for example, may be used for both sexes of the animal ('I have recently bought a dog') or just for the male dog ('Is it a dog or a bitch?'). Similarly, man is sometimes used—but less so than in the past, to avoid accusations of sexism—as a synonym for the noun human: 'man's inhumanity to man'; 'All men are born equal'. D. Part-whole relationships

The distinction between hyponymy and part-whole relationships is sometimes blurred, but some clear examples can be given. The parts of the body include the arms, legs, and the head; the head includes the face; the face includes the eyes, nose, and mouth. In the hyponymous relationship of food and fruit, we can say 'A fruit is a kind of food'; but we cannot say 'A head is a kind of body', or 'A face is a kind of head', or 'A mouth is a kind of face'. Here are some other examples of the part-whole relationship: aircraft: fuselage, engine, rudder, wing, wheel shoe: heel, sole, instep, lining, tongue revolver: barrel, bore, cylinder, trigger, butt, hammer room: door, window, ceiling, floor

Combinations of Words 8.14 Free combinations and idioms

The semantic relationships illustrated in 8.13 appear in sets of words from which a choice has to be made by the speaker or writer. Depending on our intended meaning and other factors (such as style), we choose whether to say buy or purchase, like or dislike, stroll or amble, heel or sole. The choices constitute the paradigmatic dimensions of the vocabulary: sets (or paradigms) of options available to the user. In contrast, the syntagmatic dimension presents the possible or obligatory sequences of words as they appear in speech or writing. Most combinations of words are free, though there may be grammatical constraints. The noun day can go with a large range of adjectives: fine ('It was a fine day'), sunny, wet, long, sad, boring—to take just a few examples. The verb write can be used with nouns such as letter, essay, paper, article, report, card, memo, reply, protest, objection, defence, attack, apology, letter, in turn, can combine with many other verbs such as read, study, see, remember, forget, post, mail, file, discard, tear, fold, begin, end. Some combinations are idiomatic in that the meaning of the whole cannot be deduced from the meanings of the parts:14



a red herring out of the blue a piece of cake a rough diamond a flash in the pan a lame duck

kick the bucket hit the roof up the spout cut dead run of the mill on the wagon

Idioms need not be entirely frozen. There may be some lexical variability: hit the roof or hit the ceiling out of the blue or out of a clear blue sky kick one's heels or cool one's heels hit a nerve or touch a nerve keep your shirt on or keep your hair on Or there may be grammatical variability: a rough diamond or rough diamonds kick, kicks, kicked, or kicking one's heels take somebody to the cleaners or somebody was taken to the cleaners Proverbs and sayings tend to be frozen: A stitch in time saves nine Out of sight, out of mind Forewarned is forearmed Every dog has its day Don't count your chickens before they're hatched There are numerous standard similes, though these may allow some variation: as busy as a bee as clear as crystal or as clear as daylight as cool as a cucumber as hot as hell as keen as mustard

as sick as a dog as strong as a horse or as strong as an ox as ugly as sin

There are also numerous relatively fixed expressions (catch phrases and the like), some of which can be interpreted literally: a whole new ball game gloom and doom slow but sure Did the earth move for you? Go on, make my day

Read my lips Tell it like it is Don't make me laugh Keep your shirt on and a good thing too

Fro is preserved only in the phrase to and fro, and similarly kith only in kith and kin. Many phrasal verbs, prepositional verbs, and phrasal-prepositional verbs (cf. 5.34—7) are idiomatic to varying degrees. Here are just a few examples:



bring up ('rear') catch on ('understand') come by ('acquire') fall out ('quarrel') go into ('investigate')

8.15 CollOCcltlOIIS

make out ('understand') make up ('end quarrel') put up with ('tolerate') take out on ('vent anger on')

' Between free combinations and idioms are loose combinations of words, where the meanings of the whole can generally be predicted from the parts. These collocations—words that frequently co-occur—vary in the extent to which they do co-occur. The standard seasonal greetings are Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, although Happy Christmas seems possible, Merry New Year or indeed Merry Birthday are odd. We can ask for black coffee (not brown coffee) and white wine (not yellow wine); the words need not be juxtaposed: 'Would you prefer your coffee to be black?' The choices are lexical choices, to do with words and not meaning. There is nothing in the meanings of merry and happy that make the collocations in the greetings predictable, and similarly there is nothing in the meaning of black that makes it more suitable than brown to collocate with coffee or in the meaning of white that makes it more suitable than yellow to collocate with wine. The phrasal verb turn on collocates with (among other items) light, gas, radio, and television. That is to say, if we hear or read turn on, among the items we might expect nearby are those nouns. These items constitute, in part, the collocational range of turn on. In this instance, there is some mutual expectancy: the presence of television predicts the presence of turn on, though probably less strongly than the reverse; other items that collocate with television include turn off, switch on, switch off, watch. The expectancy may be very much stronger in one direction. In the list below, the adjective predicts the noun far more than the reverse: rancid butter stale bread callow youth

gammy leg addled brains pungent smell

On the other hand, the noun is more predictive in the collocation dumb blonde.

A particular type of collocation is found in binomials, the co-ordination of expressions in a relatively fixed order. Here are some examples: black and white cup and saucer free and easy ladies and gentlemen

law and order men and women odds and ends pots and pans



Synonyms may have different collocations. Schoolchildren are truant (or play truant) from school, and there may be complaints about their truancy, workers are absent from work, and there may be complaints about absenteeism. Of course it is also possible to say that workers are truant, but that is a less frequent collocation, whereas schoolchildren perhaps collocates with absent as frequently as with truant. Students are expelled (in some British universities they are rusticated or sent down), workers are fired or sacked, and soldiers are dismissed from the army. A banker has customers, but a lawyer has clients. Intensifying adverbs have their favourite verbs: badly collocates with need and want, entirely with agree, completelywith forget, and greatly with admire. The examples of co-occurring words in this section and in the previous section suggest that in much of our everyday use of the language we draw on prefabricated units rather than selecting words individually. Just as we may allude to a literary source by saying 'August is the cruellest month', so we may allude to an established collocation; for example, virtuous circle in the following citation: It seems to be easier to stabilise inflation at low levels, partly, perhaps, because this creates a virtuous circle of low inflationary expectations. [The Economist, 7 November 1992, p. 21]

Other examples of allusions to collocations are these headlines in one issue of The Economist (17 October 1992): Will more be merrier? Gin and tunics Shrinking pains

In the widest sense, collocation covers frequent co-occurrence of words at any distance from each other in the same spoken discourse or the same written text, or perhaps in some part of a discourse or text. If we encounter the word dinner in a conversation, among the words that we might expect to hear in its vicinity are time, ready, table, serve, prepare, cook, dish. If we encounter the word dinosaur in a book, we might expect to find in its vicinity museum, fossil, skeleton, extinct. Cancer collocates with smoking, malignant, chemotherapy, tumour, cell. In one meaning star collocates with Hollywood and film, in another meaning with astronomy, space, telescope, visible, planet. The company that a word keeps contributes to its interpretation.



Homonymy and Polysemy 8.16 Homonyms are distinct words that happen to have the same form. For example, the noun bank represents two words: bank where money is deposited (derived from French banque) and bank of a river (probably derived from Old Norse banke). In this instance the two words are pronounced the same, spelled the same, and belong to the same word class. Other examples of homonyms are duck (a swimming-bird) and duck ('bend quickly'), ear (of a face) and ear (of a cereal), peep ('make a feeble shrill sound') and peep ('look cautiously'), bear (a large mammal) and bear ('carry'). The homonyms of both duck and bear belong to different word classes, noun and verb. When two lexical items are pronounced the same but are spelled differently, they are called homophones. Here are just a few examples: altar, alter brake, break cell, sell die, dye hair, hare knew, new meat, meet

one, won peace, piece right, write sail, sale sight, site threw, through weak, week

Since pronunciations vary, what may be a homophone for one speaker may not be for another. Those who use a rhotic accent (retaining /r/ before a consonant or in final position) will pronounce father and farther differently, whereas for speakers with a non-rhotic accent the two words are homophonous. In some dialects ate and eight are homophones; in other dialects the vowels of the two words are distinguished as /e/ and /ei/ respectively. Stylistic differences may also affect pronunciation: than and then may be pronounced identically in casual speech, a possible cause for the misspelling of than as then. Homographs are spelled the same but pronounced differently.15 Lead represents two nouns: the lead /li:d/ attached to a dog and the metal lead /led/; the same written form is also used as a verb: to lead /li:d/ the patrol. As a verb, row can mean 'propel (a boat) with oars' /rau/ or 'quarrel' /rau/. The spelling system makes more distinctions than the sound system, so there are fewer homographs than homonyms. Here are some further examples of homographs: does: read: sewer: sow: tear:

present singular of do /d\zj, plural of doe /dauz/ present tense /ri:d/, past tense /red/ 'conduit' /su:s(r)/, 'one who sews' /ssu3(r)/ 'scatter seed' /sao/, 'female adult pig' /sau/ 'pull apart' /te:(r)/, 'drop from eye' /tra(r)/



Homomorphs are words with the same form that are related in meaning but are distinct grammatically. Most frequently the pairs of words are related by means of conversion (cf. 9.29); for example: the verb laugh and the noun laugh, the adjective calm and the verb calm. Other examples of homomorphs are the adjective fast ('a fast car') and the adverb fast ('They drove fast'); the adverb past ('They went past') and the preposition past ('They went past our house'); the adverb since ('I haven't seen them since'), the preposition since ('I haven't seen them since last April'), and the conjunction since ('I haven't seen them since I was a child'). Homomorphs may be different grammatical forms of the same word: put as present tense and past tense. In some instances the relationship in meaning is unclear, although there is an etymological connection, and therefore their status as homomorphs is in doubt; for example, but as conjunction ('They do nothing but complain'), preposition ('We've had nothing but trouble from them'), and adverb ('She is but a child'), where the meaning relationship of the adverb to the other two is obscure.

8.17 The two meanings of bank relate quite obviously to two distinct words, which are therefore undoubtedly homonyms. We expect the homonyms to be given separate entries in dictionaries. But it is not always clear whether two words are distinct: some people, for example, might see a relationship between the homonyms of ear ('The ear of corn looks like the ear of an animal') and the homonyms of duck ('The verb refers to an action that ducks habitually perform'). In many instances the semantic relationship is clear. Hand (of a human) and hand (of a clock) are polysemes rather than homonyms, and so are grasp (a stick) and grasp (an idea). These two meanings of hand, as well as many others, appear under one entry in dictionaries. Polysemy refers to multiple meanings of a word. We think of one meaning as literal or basic and the others as extended meanings that are derived from the first. As a brief inspection of a dictionary shows, words generally have more than one meaning and some have very many meanings. The most frequent words tend to be the most polysemous. Consider just a few of the meanings that can be distinguished for the verb have. be in possession of: be in a relationship to: experience: cause: hold: give birth to:

have a car have a daughter have a headache have the television repaired have a party have a baby



Homonyms are coincidental in language, and might be considered a defect; they may introduce ambiguity without any compensating advantage. Polysemes are essential in language; they immensely reduce the number of words we need to learn and store in our memory. Homonymy and polysemy are common intentional components of ambiguity in literature and, more generally, of wordplay in language.16

Numbers of Words 8.18 T t i C S I Z G O i t i l © The average number of words known by an educated adult has been estimated as at east ' 50,000 and perhaps as high as 250,000.17 Webster's Third New International Dictionary (published 1961) claims to have over 450,000 words. Both these sets of figures raise questions on matters that have been considered earlier in this chapter. What counts as a word? Do we take polysemous words to be one word or do we take each polyseme as a separate word? If we count polysemes, how many should we assign to words such as have and give7. The bigger the dictionary, the more definitions will be provided for such words. Do we count the grammatical forms of a word as separate words? Is it sufficient for this purpose to list the verb dance, or should we regard dance, dances, danced, dancing as separate words? The same point applies to nouns {woman, women, woman's, women's), adjectives {tall, taller, tallest), and pronouns {they, them, their). Problems also arise in what to include as a compound (cf. 9.24). Are we to count hot dog as a word as well as hot and dogl And are idiomatic phrasal verbs such as make up ('invent') to be listed separately? The high estimates for words known by educated adults refer to passive knowledge of vocabulary: words that are recognized or whose meaning is inferred from the word's components. The number of words that any individual actually uses will be much smaller. Dictionaries do not include all the words that educated adults know. In the past, taboo words were generally excluded, and even now many slang and dialect words may not be admitted. For instance, the 1991 edition of Collins English Dictionary (nearly 1,800 pages) has an entry for rental but not in the British teenage slang sense 'parental'; it does not note bizzies ('police'), used by young Geordies, or the British market-trader's bunce ('profit'). Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary (the tenth edition, published in 1993) does not include such examples of American college slang as squid (though it has its synonyms dork and nerd) and grinder ('difficult course').



General dictionaries do not include all scientific and technical words, which are best catered for in specialized dictionaries. In chemistry alone, it has been estimated that there are over six million named compounds, and more are continually being added. Even for the general vocabulary, since it takes some time before new words are noted and researched, dictionaries are always somewhat out of date. The same points have to be taken into consideration if we attempt to estimate the number of words in the English language. We also have to consider whether we are dealing with just one national variety or whether we include words in all national varieties, even when the words do not have currency outside one country. Some of these considerations apply equally when we look at the vocabulary of a particular speech or piece of writing or the collected works of one author. If a student's paper is limited to 1,000 words or a novel is cut down to 50,000 words, the reference is to the number of running words in the text: each occurrence of a word is counted separately. On the other hand, if Shakespeare's vocabulary in his works is estimated at between 15,000 and 24,000 words whereas Milton's vocabulary is said to be between 7,000 and 8,000 words, the reference is to distinct words.18 The distinct words are types and the instances of the types are tokens: for example, there may be 85 tokens of the type you in a text. The higher the ratio of types to tokens, the richer the vocabulary. The relative frequency is expressed in the type : token ratio. In counting types and tokens, decisions have to be taken about polysemy and grammatical variants.

Two Major Types of Words 8.19 Content words and grammatical words

The vocabulary is often categorized as consisting of content words and grammatical words. Content (or full or lexical) words—most of the words in the language—are said to carry in the main the semantic content of the vocabulary, whereas the grammatical (or function or form) words chiefly carry the grammatical relationships. Though linguists may vary over details, the content words are usually said to comprise words belonging to the major word classes: nouns, main verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. The grammatical words belong to the minor word classes: pronouns, determiners, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, and conjunctions. This distinction correlates with the distinction between open classes and closed classes. The major word classes are readily open to new words. The minor classes, however, do not easily admit new members. Witness the



difficulty of finding a neutral personal pronoun to replace he and she. However, a few new members have been recently added to closed classes, for example plus as a conjunction. The grammatical words have important grammatical functions in relation to content words or units containing content words (for example, a and the introduce noun phrases, and and links phrases and clauses), but they generally also have semantic content. We are aware of the semantic contrasts between the pronouns he and she, the prepositions up and down, and the auxiliaries may and must. Perhaps the clearest example of a purely grammatical word is the infinitival to, as in to pay.

Reference Books on Words 8.20 The contents of dictionaries

Dictionaries are reference books on the vocabulary. They range in size from the scholarly 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary (second edition 1989) to pocket dictionaries. Some, including the Oxford English Dictionary, are available as software for use on personal computers. Dictionaries may be arranged alphabetically (from word to meaning) or semantically (from meaning to word). Semantically arranged dictionaries— such as the various books called Roget's Thesaurus—also require an alphabetical index. One type of thematic dictionary is a pictorial dictionary, which is generally limited to nouns and noun phrases. Dictionaries may be monolingual (limited to the vocabulary of one language), or bilingual (offering definitions or synonyms in the other language), or even multilingual. Some monolingual English dictionaries are intended for the foreign learner. The typical dictionary is alphabetically arranged and covers the general vocabulary but may include some specialized terms and also some words from slang or non-standard dialects. Specialist dictionaries deal with a particular aspect of the vocabulary. They include dictionaries of pronunciation, words that may be confused, new words, difficult words, abbreviations, idioms, slang, taboo words, words from non-standard dialects, or from disciplines such as law or linguistics. The general dictionary usually offers the following information: 1. Spelling, including any variants, e.g. yoghurt, yogurt. The variation may be in capitalization, e.g. Aids, AIDS. Hyphens are indicated, e.g. air bag, air-bed. Some dictionaries also indicate where end-of-line hyphens may be used.



2. Pronunciation, using some kind of phonetic transcription. Variants may be indicated, e.g. /vitamin/, /vAitamm/. It is usual to supply stress marks for polysyllabic words. 3. Inflections, such as the plural of irregular nouns and the past and the -ed participle of irregular verbs. Where the inflections conform to regular rules, they are usually not given. However, inflected forms are included if the consonant is doubled when the inflection is added; e.g. big—bigger—biggest, permit—permitted—permitting. 4. Parts of speech, such as noun and verb. Except in dictionaries for foreign learners, grammatical information is minimal. 5. Definitions for each of the senses that are distinguished. Multi-word expressions are also listed and defined under the entry for the dominant word in the expression; e.g. cod-liver oil under cod; dirty dog under dog, order about under order, go on record under record. 6. Usage labels, indicating restrictions of time (archaic, obsolete), place (British, Australian), register (medical, historical, literary), style (informal, slang, taboo). There may also be usage notes to explain points of usage, such as when to use who or whom and the difference between imply and infer. 7. Etymology, indicating the history of words, referring to earlier periods of English and to languages from which they were borrowed. General dictionaries are increasingly including encyclopedic information, such as information on names of people and places. Among the encyclopedic entries on just one page of Collins English Dictionary (3rd edition, 1991) are Gance (French film director), Gand (French name for Ghent), Gandhi, Ganges, Gang of Four, Gangtok (city in NE India).

Meaning 8.21 Sense, denotation, reference

Meaning and sense have been used interchangeably in this chapter in ways that are usual in everyday language. In linguistics and philosophy these and related words may be used variously as technical terms. Within the scope of this chapter it is not appropriate to enter into a discussion of the use of such terms, but it may be helpful to refer to a few concepts about meaning. The sense of a word is its cognitive meaning as determined by its place within the semantic system of the language. The word mother has the sense 'parent and female', in contrast to father 'parent and male', both of the words



contrasting with child, son, and daughter in a set of related kinship terms. Football is definable as a ball game with certain characteristics, in contrast with other words for ball games, such as basketball and netball. Come is a verb of movement in contrast with go; sad is an adjective of emotion, a synonym of unhappy and an antonym of happy, down and up are contrasting pairs of prepositions of direction; and and or axe contrasting co-ordinating conjunctions, the first indicating merely a link between two items and the second a disjunction. Words may have more than one sense. In one sense, brother is a kinship term, in another it is a religious term. The denotation of a word is the relationship between the word and the set of entities, situations, and attributes that exist outside the language. In its most common use the word cat denotes (or refers to) a class of small four-legged domesticated animals; the adjective round denotes a particular shape; talk denotes a type of activity. The word unicorn denotes a mythical animal, a being in an imaginary world. Even if we do not believe in fairies or demons, the words fairy or demon have denotations for us. Words are often fuzzy at the edges in their denotation. The set denoted by a word may have very typical members but there may also be items about which people are in doubt whether they belong to the set. The word bird obviously denotes robins, pigeons, and sparrows, but is a bat a bird? Trousers and skirts are prototypical for clothes, but shoes and gloves seem peripheral to the set. When is it appropriate to refer to a person as being old? Can we agree on which countries to call democracies! Where on a leg does a foot begin? Can we distinguish precisely between run and jog? Whereas every word has one or more senses, not every word has a denotation. For example the articles a and the and the conjunctions and and because have senses that can be defined for their use in the language, but they do not denote anything outside the language. The connotation of a word is the emotive associations that a word evokes. Contrast the typical connotations of mother, stepmother, and mother-in-law. There may, however, be individual connotations, based on experience, that contradict the stereotypical connotations. Reference is what a word—more commonly a phrase—refers to in a particular utterance. Somebody may call out: Your dog is jumping on me. Get the beast off me.

The phrase your dog refers to a particular dog in the situation. If the sentences were said in a different situation, your dog might refer to a different dog. We infer that the beast in the second sentence refers to the same dog as your dog does. The reference of the two phrases is the same (they are co-referential) in the particular context, but the senses of the two phrases are different. The person might have used a pronoun (it, him, her) instead of the beast, which would also be co-referential with your dog. We can interpret the sense of each word or phrase out of context and may also be able to infer which are co-referential without knowing what they refer to.

Chapter 9 The Formation of Words Summary

The structure of words (9.1-2) 9.1 Simple words and composite words 439

9.2 Affix, prefix, suffix, base, root 439

Sources of new words and meanings (9.3) 9.3

Borrowings and existing resources 440

Main types of word-formation (9.4-5) 9.4

Prefixation, sufflxation, compounding, conversion 441


Combining form 443

9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17

Size 449 Time 449 Status 450 Number 450 Class-changing 451 Miscellaneous 452

Prefixes (9.6-17) 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11

Recent coinages 444 Supportive and opposing 444 Reversative and deprlvative 445 Negative 445 Pejorative 447 Place 447

Suffixes (9.18-23) 9.18 Recent coinages 453 9.19 Verb suffixes 454 9.20 Adjective suffixes 454

9.21 Suffixes of concrete nouns 455 9.22 Suffixes of abstract nouns 457 9.23 Adverb suffixes 458

Compounds (9.24-8) 9.24 9.25 9.26

Compounds and phrases 458 Recent coinages 460 Compounds in word classes 461

9.27 9.28

Compound nouns 462 Compound adjectives 463



Other types of word-formation (9.29-34) 9.29 9.30

Conversion 464 Back-formation 466

9.31 Clipping 467

9.32 9.33

Acronyms 468 Blends 468

9.34 Miscellaneous 469

Morphology (9.35-9) 9.35 Word-formation and inflection 470 9.36 Morpheme, morph, allomorph 470 9.37 Conditioning of aliomorphs: phonetic, lexical, grammatical 471 9.38 Portmanteau morph, empty morph, suppletlve morph 473

9.39 Free morph, bound morph 474 9.40 Paradigm, conjugation, declension 475


Chapter 9 Summary Words may be simple or composite. Composite words are composed of smaller units. Affixes—prefixes and suffixes—are attached to the base of a word. The root is what remains when all affixes are removed. Some words are compounds, consisting of more than one base. New words may be borrowed from other languages or from other national varieties of the language, or they may result from the addition of new meanings to existing words. New words are also created from existing words by various processes of word-formation. The four main processes of word-formation are prefixation, suffocation, compounding, and conversion. Combining forms, such as astro- and -logy, resemble both affixes and bases. Prefixes are grouped semantically: supportive and opposing, reversative and deprivative, negative, pejorative, place, size, time, status, number. There are also class-changing prefixes. Suffixes tend to be class-changing. They are grouped according to the resulting word class: verbs, adjectives, concrete nouns, abstract nouns, adverbs. Compounds are distinguished from phrases conceptually, by being written solid or hyphenated, or by their stress pattern. It is best to take account of all three criteria. Compounds are found in all word classes, but particularly in nouns and adjectives. Conversion is the process of shifting a word to a different word class without adding an affix. The major types of shifting are nouns from verbs, verbs from nouns, and verbs from adjectives. Minor processes of word-formation are back-formation (dropping what is thought to be a suffix), clipping (omission of one or more syllables), creation of acronyms (words derived from initial letters of parts of a word or phrase), blends (compounds formed from parts of words), onomatopoeia, and conversion of proper names. Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words. Its two major branches are word-formation and inflection. Morphemes are abstract units in the structure of words. They are represented by morphs, actual forms of a word or a part of a word. Variant members of a set of morphs (e.g. in- of incompetence and il- of illegal) are allomorphs of the same morpheme.



The choice of allomorphs depends on three types of conditioning: phonetic (determined by the following or preceding sound), lexical (dependent on the particular word), and grammatical (dependent on the word class). Some allomorphic variation may be ascribed to stylistic conditioning, and some to free variation. A portmanteau morph represents more than one morpheme but cannot be divided into morphs. An empty morph (e.g. to in to say) has no meaning. A suppletive morph is a form from a different root used in the paradigm of a particular word (e.g. go, went). A zero morph signifies the absence of a morph to represent a morpheme expected in the grammatical system. A free morph can occur by itself as a word. A bound morph is always combined with another morph. A paradigm is a set of grammatically related forms of verbs. Paradigms for verbs are conjugations, and those for nouns are declensions.


The Structure of Words 9.1 Simple words and composite words

Some of the most frequent words in our language are simple: they cannot be divided into smaller meaningful segments: and, the, if, on. Most words, however, are composite in that they have a recognizable internal structure.1 We know that the adjective unhappy consists of un- plus happy because happy occurs as a word by itself and un- is found with the same negative meaning in other words (untidy, unwell, unkind). A different un-, reversative in meaning, appears in the verbs uncover, undress, unlock, untie.

9.2 Affix, prefix, suffix, base, root

Unhappy consists of the word happy to which the affix un- has been attached. If the affix comes at the beginning (like un- in unhappy) it is a prefix, if it comes at the end (like - ly in happily) it is a suffix. Unhappily therefore has both a prefix and a suffix. The segment to which an affix is attached need not occur as a word itself: capture = capt + ure We find capt in other words—captive, captor, captivate, recapture—each of them with affixes that appear elsewhere. Capt is the root of these words, but unlike happy it does not exist as a word. The root is what remains when we strip all the affixes from a word. More precisely, we attach affixes to the base of a word, which is not necessarily identical with its root. The word recapturehas the structure re- plus capture, the prefix re- is attached not to the root capt but to the base capture. The structure of a complex word that has a base distinct from its root is illustrated by the diagram (Fig. 9.2.1) for undoubtedly. The diagram shows that the root doubt is the base for doubted, that doubted is the base for undoubted, so undoubted (and not the obsolete word doubtedly) is the base for undoubtedly In a further complication, some words are compounds, consisting of more than one base: backache, dry-clean, mother-in-law. The bases of compounds may have their own affixes: printmaker, non-profit-making. In some instances, the affix applies to the compound as a whole rather than to one of the bases: kindhearted, matter-of-factly, we know -edis attached to kindheart- and -ly to matter-of-fact- because we do not have hearted and factly. It is often unclear what the root of a word is, particularly for many borrowings from Greek and Latin, since their etymology is not known to most speakers of the language, or for words that in the course of centuries have



Fig. 9.2.1 Structure of a complex word

changed their form or meaning. Does handsome consist of the root hand (perhaps related to the word hand) and the suffix -some (which is a suffix in toothsome, awesome, troublesome) or should we rather say that it is an unanalysable whole for present-day speakers? Is there a shared root in exceed, proceed, succeed or in accept, except, precept7. Answers will depend on how

much weight is given to etymology and how much to the contemporary meanings. For this chapter, such questions can be left aside, since we are mainly concerned with how new words are formed in our own period. In 9.35-9 you will find a broader conspectus on the study of word-structure.

Sources of New Words and Meanings 9.3 Borrowings and existing resources

A major source for new words in our language, especially in earlier periods, is the acceptance of words from other languages (cf. 8.2-9). Among loanwords that have been acquired or have achieved prominence during the last decade are perestroika and glasnost from Russian, bimbo and galleria from Italian, intifada and fatwa from Arabic, karaoke and futon from Japanese, fromagefrais from French. Words or expressions may also come from another national variety of English. American English, in particular, is a rich source of words and expressions for other varieties of English. They are spread through the mass media and may be rapidly assimilated without people being aware of their origin. Yuppie, fax, headhunt, and safe sex are several of the numerous



successful entrants in recent times from the United States. Other national varieties have contributed too: British English has benefited from the useful Australian expressions go walkabout and wheelie-bin. Our vocabulary stock also increases substantially through the addition of new meanings to existing words or expressions, such as the metaphorical extensions of menu for a set of options in a computer program and of paste for a computer process of transferring text (cf. 8.10-12). Finally, new words and expressions are created from the resources of the language itself. They are formed from existing words in a variety of ways. Word-formation is the topic of this chapter and will be treated in detail in subsequent sections.

Main Types of Word-Formation 9.4 Prefixation, suffixation, compounding, conversion

Present-day English has four main processes that result in the formation of new words: 1. prefixation: the addition of a prefix in front of a base; for example: pro-life, recycle, deselect 2. suffixation: the addition of a suffix at the end of a base; for example: ageism, marginalize, additive 3. Compounding (or composition): the combination of two or more bases; for example: hands-on (as in hands-on experience), helpline, spin doctor 4. conversion: the change of a base from one word class to another without any change in form; for example: the verbs email, fax, and microwave derive from the nouns of the same form. Minor types of word-formation are discussed in 9.30-4. Prefixation and suffixation are types of affixation (or derivation) that differ most obviously in positioning but also in another important respect.2 Typically, prefixation is class-maintaining in that it retains the word class of the base. Retention when a prefix is added is illustrated by the noun pair choice/pro-choice, the adjective pair green/ungreen, and the verb pair select/deselect. Suffixation tends to be class-changing. Change when a suffix is added is illustrated by the shift from the adjective fat to the noun fattism, the verb lug to the adjective luggable, and the verb highlight to the noun



highlighter. There are exceptions in both directions. Prefixation brings about a shift from the adjective sure to the verb ensure, from the noun mask to the verb unmask, and from the noun friend to the verb befriend. Suffocation has no effect on the word class of the noun pairs martyr/martyrdom, author/authorships, and host/hostess, or the adjective pairs kind/kindly and economic/economical, though there is a shift in subclass from concrete noun to abstract noun in the first two noun pairs. Affixation, compounding, and conversion may co-occur. The adjective red-handed ('They were caught red-handed') is composed of the phrase red handto which the suffix -edhas been added to form a compound; the adjective compound user-friendly, composed of two words with their own suffixes (-er and -ly), is the base for the noun compound user-friendliness, while the compounds user-unfriendly and user-unfriendliness have a prefix in their second segment as well; from the noun compound necklace in its metaphorical use (in the context 'killing by burning a tyre around the victim's neck') has been formed the verb compound necklace by conversion, and the verb in turn has become the base for the compound noun necklacingby suffixation. Inflections—those suffixes that change the grammatical forms of words (cf. 9.35)—generally come at the very end of a compound or suffixed word:3 reader-friendly/reader-friendlier/reader-friendliest headhunt/headhunts/headhunted/headhunting marginalize/marginalizes/marginalized/marginalizing Affixes and processes of word-formation are productive when they are commonly used to form new words: we might think of the suffix -ness for making new nouns or the negative prefixes un- and non-. On the other hand, we rarely find new nouns formed with the suffix -hood or new adjectives with the suffix -ly, so these two have severely limited productivity. This chapter deals with word-formation in ordinary language and therefore excludes, for example, affixes that are used only in scientific and technical vocabulary.


9.5 Combining form


Straddling affixation and compounding are processes involving combining forms. Combining forms are segments that do not occur as separate words in the language (cf. 9.39, bound morphs) and like affixes they are attached before or after another segment to constitute a word. They are usually neo-classical; that is to say, they are mostly segments originating from Latin and Greek that are used to form words in English. Examples of initial combining forms are Anglo-, astro-, bio-, electro-, Euro-, psycho-, tele-; examples of final combining forms are -cide, -cracy, -gram, -graph, -logy, -phile, -phobe. These may be combined with established English words: biochemistry, electromagnetism, psychotherapy, Eurosceptic, teleconference, meritocracy, futurology, escapologist. In this way, elements from the classical languages enjoy a new life in English, forming words that did not exist in the original languages. Apart from their use in non-specialized language, combining forms are a common feature of scientific terminology, particularly in chemistry and pharmacology. Initial combining forms generally end in a vowel, mostly o, though other vowels are also found, e.g. agriculture, docudrama. When a new initial combining form is created, it tends to end in o. It may be shortened for that purpose from a longer word: eco-, from ecology and ecological, provides the first segment of ecosystem and ecocentric, Euro-, from Europe and European, yields Eurocrat and Eurospeak. If that possibility is not available, the combining vowel o is added to convert the first segment into a combining form, as in speedometer, futurology, meritocracy, Francophone. Combining forms resemble affixes in being initial or final segments of words. However, two combining forms can be joined to form a word (psychology, homophobe, Eurocrat, astronaut), just as two bases can be conjoined in a compound word, whereas it is not possible to have a word consisting of just a prefix and a suffix. Indeed, final combining forms regularly combine only with initial combining forms: -logy, for example, requires an initial combining form such as psycho-, socio-, anthropo-, futuro-, escapo-. Hence, pigeoncide (attested in a news item in the British daily The Independent, 2 January 1991, p. 1) is irregular, though intelligible, as would be spacenautin place of astronaut.



Prefixes 9.6 Recent coinages

It is convenient to treat initial combining forms that occur frequently together with prefixes. Many of these initial segments are commonly used nowadays to form new words. The alphabetical list below presents recent coinages for a number of prefixes and initial combining forms. anti-choice bicultural co-presenter counter-culture deselect difunctional disinvest eco-tourism Eurosceptic ex-directory gigabyte

hypertext interface intra-uterine macrobiotic maxiseries megastar microsurgery minibreak multimedia neo-colonialism non-proliferation

pan-African paramedic postmodernism preschooler proactive reflag retrofire supergun ungreen unisex up-market

Prefixes presumed no longer productive, except possibly as deliberate archaisms, can sometimes be resurrected. Witness the recent use of a- in the adjective adither. The Labour Party, however, is already adither over the desirability of complying as fully as Mr King suggests with Resolution 678. [W2E-ooi-i8j

Co-ordination of prefixes is possible with a few related prefixes: pro- and anti-war

pre- and post-1945

micro- and midi-computers

The sections that follow contain semantic groupings of prefixes, including some initial combining forms and initial segments that appropriately belong with them even if by some criteria they are more properly analysed as initial bases in compounds.

9.7 Supportive and opposing



pro-choice, pro-life, pro-market ('on the side of): ('against', 'counteracting'): antibody, anti-abortion, anticoagulant ('spurious'): anti-hero, antichrist contraception, contraindicate ('against'): ('contrasting'): contraflow, contradistinction


counter- ('in opposition to'):

counteract, counter-example, counter-espionage

Pro- and anti-, the most common prefixes in this set, are antonyms. They can be freely used with nouns and adjectives to express support or opposition.


Reversative and deprivative

de- ('reverse of something'):

decriminalize, deselect, decontaminate ('remove something'): debug, defrost, delouse ('depart from' or 'cause to depart from'): deplane, detrain, decamp dis- ('reverse of something'): disqualify, disinvite, disenfranchise ('remove something'): disarm, disillusion, disambiguate un- ('reverse of something'): unscramble, untie, unlock ('remove something'): unleaded, unmask, unhouse The reversative sense maybe illustrated by decriminalize, which denotes the act of undoing the previous act of making something criminal. To debug has a deprivative sense: it means to remove bugs (literally, insects, and metaphorically, either hidden microphones or defects in a system). The departure sense of the prefix de- is rarely used to form new words. A creative use of reversative un- appeared in the headlines Vietnam unblackballed (The Economist, 25 July 1992, p. 59). When they exist, the antonyms of these prefixed words are mostly the corresponding unprefixed words: disarm/arm, unleaded/leaded. In the departure sense, the corresponding antonyms (where they exist) have the prefix en- or (before bases beginning with b or p) em-: decamp/encamp, deplane/ emplane.

9.9 Negative


(W): ('not affected by'): ('not'):

atheist, asymmetric amoral, apolitical, asexual disloyal, distrust, disagree



in^ 1 ('not'): il- (before I) im- (before b, m, or p) 1 ('absence of): ir- (before r) } non('not'):


('not regarded as'): ('not'):


illegal, incapable, imperfect, irregular intolerance, impatience, injustice non-aggression, noninterference, non-stop non-person, non-event unfair, unproductive

The antonyms are the corresponding unprefixed words. There are some interesting sets of related words that illustrate differences between these negative prefixes. Both amoral and immoral are antonyms of moral, but in careful usage amoral refers to behaviour to which standards of morality cannot be applied (for example, the behaviour of animals, which are assumed not to have a moral code). Non-American is a neutral descriptive term, whereas un-American denotes behaviour that is judged not to conform to assumed American norms; non-scientific is neutral ('not connected with science') and unscientific is evaluative ('not conforming to scientific standards of investigation'). In- and dis- are generally found in words of Latin or French origin. Un- and non- are the two regular negative prefixes for new words.4 Inflammable is derived from inflame, where in- is a causative prefix, and means 'capable of being set on fire'. Because confusion with the negative prefix could be dangerous, it has usually been replaced on substances and manufactured objects by flammable, the negative ('not capable of being set on fire') being non-flammable or non-inflammable. Irregardless has two negative affixes, the prefix ir- and the suffix -less. Since regardless is well-established in the language, objections have been voiced against irregardless, which is intended to have the same meaning but has the redundant prefix. The prefix non- comes from Latin via French, as do the words negative and null. A large number of words make use of the Old English words na ('not', 'not at all') and ne ('not' or 'nor'): no nor not

neither never none

nobody nothing nowhere

naught (or nought) naughty

In Old English a number of verbs had negative forms, produced by prefixing n- (contracted from ne) to the normal form and displacing the initial w if present. Thus, ne + is became nis, ne + wxs became nsts, and ne + wolde became nolde. The corresponding negative forms in Modern English have n't (contracted from not) attached at the end, with other changes in some instances: isn't, wasn't, wouldn't, can't, won't. The older negative form is preserved in willy-nilly ('whether one likes it or not'), literally 'I am willing, I am unwilling'.



9.10 Pejorative

crypto- ('concealed'): crypto-fascist, crypto-Catholic, cryptography mal('improper'): malpractice, malformation, malnutrition maltreat, malfunction, maladjusted ('badly'): mismanagement, misinformation, mismarriage ('wrong'): mismiscalculate, misgovern, mishandle ('wrongly') pseudo-education, pseudo-intellectual, pseudopseudo- ('false'): science ('imitation'): pseudo-Elizabethan, pseudo-Gothic Words formed with the prefixes crypto- and pseudo- can contrast neatly. A crypto-Catholic is a Catholic who conceals his religious affiliation; a pseudoCatholic is a non-Catholic who pretends to be a Catholic. Unlike mal- (which originated as a prefix in borrowings from French), misis a frequent prefix. Disinformation has a more restricted meaning than misinformation; it refers to the intentional spreading of false or distorted information, usually by governmental agencies and particularly by intelligence agencies.

9.11 Place


('before'): ('around'):


('outside', 'beyond'):


('in front'): ('front part of):

in-, il-, im-, ir- ('in'):


('into'): ('between'):




('middle'): ('out of, 'outside'): ('surpass'):

antechamber, ante-room circumnavigate, circumlocution, circumcision extramarital, extracurricular, extrasensory forefinger, forecourt, foreskin forehead, forefront, foreground ingathering, indoors, in-patient immigrate, ingrown, import interracial, international, interdisciplinary intramural, intra-uterine, intravenous midfield, mid-point, midway outdoor, out-patient, outlook outdistance, outbid, outnumber








('from above', 'outer'):

overthrow, overshadow, overcoat ('excessive') overemphasis, overenthusiasm ('excessively') over-anxious, overcharge, overfish retroflex, retrorocket, ('backwards'): retroject ('below'): subway, subsoil, subconscious ('secondary'): sub-editor, subdean ('below the norm'): subhuman, substandard, subzero ('subordinate part (of)'): subcommittee, sub-plot, sublet, subtitle ('above'): superstructure, superimpose, superterrestrial ('beyond the norm'): superhuman, supergun, superstar ('excessive'): superconformity, superconfidence ('excessively'): supersensitive, superabundant, supercritical ('above'): supranational, supramundane ('above'): surtax, surcharge, surtitle telecommunication, ('at a distance'): telephoto, television ('across'): transatlantic, transnational, transsexual ('beyond'): ultraviolet, ultrasonic ('excessively', 'extremely'): ultra-modest, ultra-thin, ultra-modern ('below'): underground, undercarriage, underclothes ('too little'): undercharge, underpay, undercook ('subordinate'): under-secretary, underclass

Some of these prefixes have metaphorical extensions of their literal meanings of relative place, indicating relative status or relative intensification. Others indicate time as well as place (cf. 9.13). Not surprisingly, some of these prefixes form contrasting pairs of words: extramural/intramural, international/intranational, indoors/outdoors, overeat/ undereat, substructure/superstructure. In some of the new words with tele-, the prefix is an abbreviation of various


words: telemarketing ('marketing by telephone'), teleprompter ('prompter next to a television camera'), teleconference ('conference where participants are linked by telecommunication devices'), teleprinter ('printer for telegraph messages'). The adverb overly is an alternative to the prefix over- in its 'excessively' sense, particularly in American and Scottish usage. It premodifies adjectives: overly eager, overly scrupulous.

9.12 Size

macro- ('large'): mega- (Very large'): micro- ('small'):


('minute'): ('medium'): ('small'):

macrocosm, macro-organism, macro-economics megastar, megastore micro-computer, microsurgery, microtransmitter micro-organism, microgram, microscope midibus, midi-computer miniseries, minibreak, minicab

Hyper- ('huge and complex') should be added to these for its use in a set of words for stores ranging in size: mini-market, supermarket, megastore, hypermarket. Maxi- (shortened from maximum) indicates the longest in a set of words for lengths of skirts or coats: miniskirt, midiskirt, maxiskirt, these have been shortened to the words mini, midi, maxi. Micro- and macro- form pairs of antonyms: microcosm/macrocosm, macroeconomics/microeconomics, microscopic/macroscopic; micro and macro are themselves used as words in computer language. Mega is written as a separate word in phrases such as mega bore, and colloquially quite independently in the sense 'very good' ('She was mega').

9.13 Time


('before'): ('former'): ('before'): ('middle'): ('new', 'recent form of):

post- ('after'): pre- ('before'): re-


antenatal, antedate ex-wife, ex-president, ex-colony foresee, foretell, foreplay mid-afternoon, midwinter, midnight neo-colonialism, neo-conservative, neo-impressionist post-war, post-modernism, post-structuralist prepay, pre-existing, predate, preview, preschool reprint, reapply, replay, renew,



We find contrasting pairs of words with pre- and post-: pre-war/post-war, pre-tax/post-tax, predate/post-date. Of the three prefixes meaning 'before', pre- is the one most used to form new words. It also competes with the others in a few words: the words in the pairs antenatal/prenatal, forejudge/prejudge, foreordain/pre-ordain are synonyms. Re- appears as an English prefix in words that contrast with borrowings from French or Latin. In such contrast, the English prefix re- is pronounced /ri:/ whereas the initial syllable of the loanwords may begin /n/ or /re/ or /ra/, and the English prefix is differentiated by being spelled with a hyphen: re-cover ('provide with a new cover')/recover, re-form/reform, re-creation/recreation, re-fuse/refuse, re-lay/relay, re-mark/remark, re-present/represent, re-serve/ reserve, re-signj resign. Two prefixes that are less common (in non-scientific language) are proto('first', 'original'), as in prototype, and retro- ('back in time'), as in retroactive. Retro- has had some recent popularity in the sense 'fondness for past style or fashion', both as a word on its own, and (with the same sense) as a prefix in words such as retro-culture and retro-rock.


9.14 Status


('chief'): ('joint'): ('deputy'): ('deputy'):

archbishop, archangel, arch-rival co-author, co-founder, co-presenter proconsul, pro-vice-chancellor vice-president, vice admiral, vice-chancellor

To these maybe added the metaphorical application of some place prefixes: overseer, subdean, undersecretary. In formations from the sixteenth century, arch- is generally pejorative, as in arch-hypocrite. Pro- meaning 'substitute for' appears in the non-personal noun pronoun.

9.15 Number


('single', 'one'): ('one'): ('many'): ('many'): ('half'): ('partly'):

monotheism, monorail, monoplane unidirectional, unidimensional, unilateral polysyllabic, polytheism, polygraph multi-faith, multinational, multimillionaire semicircle semi-automatic, semi-conscious, semi-official




('half'): ('partly'): ('half): hemibi('two'): ('two'): diduo-, du- ('two'): tri('three'):

demisemiquaver demigod hemisphere, hemistich bifocal, bilingual, bilateral dioxide duologue, duplex tripartite, triangle, triennial

Mono-, poly-, hemi-, and di- are generally confined nowadays to forming new words in scientific discourse. Exceptions are monophonic in contrast with stereophonic, usually abbreviated to mono and stereo, and polytechnic, which in reference to a type of British college was abbreviated to poly (but since 1992 these have assumed the title of university). Neither demi- nor duo- are productive prefixes. For non-scientific language, the productive prefixes in this list are uni-, multi-, and semi-. Curiously, unisex does not refer to one sex but to either sex. We find contrasting pairs in monogamy)polygamy, monotheism/polytheism, monosyllabici polysyllabic, monolingual/bilingual. Number prefixes form many sets: duple/triple/multiple, monologue/duologue ('precisely two'), dialogue ('two or more'); unicyde/bicycle/tricycle; unilateral/bilateral/trilateral/ quadrilateral; triplets/quadruplets (also shortened to quads), quintuplets (also quins), sextuplets, septuplets; duet/trio/quartet/quintet etc.; sexagenarian/ septuagenarian/octogenarian/ nonagenarian. The last months of our present calendar indicate their origin in the Roman calendar, where the year began in March and the months were once the seventh to tenth months: September, October, November, December. Etymologically related to December is decimate ('kill one in ten of, originally referring to the punishment for mutiny in the Roman army); it has developed the extended sense "kill a large proportion of, which is often rejected as incorrect. Words prefixed by bi- that refer to time frequency may be ambiguous; for example, biweekly or bimonthly may be taken to mean 'every two' or 'twice in one'. It is safer to use a paraphrase: 'every two weeks' or 'twice a week', etc. Bicentenary and bicentennial are unambiguously 'two hundredth'.

9.16 Two prefixes have as their primary effect the change of the word class. They are rarely used nowadays to form new words. be-

(for transitive verbs from nouns): (intensifying the force of verbs):

besiege, beguile, bewitch besmear, bewail, bespatter



(for transitive verbs from adjectives):

belittle, becalm, befoul (for participle adjectives from nouns): bespectacled, beribboned en-, em- (for transitive verbs from nouns, 'put in'): encode, endanger, ensnare (for intransitive verbs from nouns, 'put enlist, embark, oneself onto or into'): enrol (for transitive verbs from nouns, 'make into'): enslave, ennoble (for transitive verbs from adjectives, 'make'): enlarge, embitter, enrich, ensure

9.17 Miscellaneous

Here are some common productive prefixes that do not fit into previous sections. auto-


autograph, autopilot, auto-suggestion bio- (abbreviation of biology and biological): biodegradable, biofeedback, biodiversity eco- (abbreviation of ecology and ecological): ecosystem, eco-tourism Euro-1 (abbreviation of Europe and European): Eurocurrencies, \ Eurosceptic, euro- J Europhile para- ('ancillary'): paramilitary, paramedic, paralegal ('beyond the scope of): paranormal, parapsychology selfself-motivating, selfdenial, self-satisfaction Most of these are also written as separate words. The nouns auto and para have specialized meanings: auto as an abbreviation of automobile, and para as an abbreviation of paratrooper or paragraph.


Suffixes 9.18 Recent coinages

By analogy with prefixes (cf. 9.6), we may include with suffixes also final combining forms (cf. 9.5) and some recurring final segments that might be regarded as parts of compounds. One of the major functions of most suffixes is to signal word class: a word ending in -ism is a noun, one ending in -ize is a verb. Suffixes commonly bring about a shift in class. Informant is a deverbal noun (a noun derived from the verb inform), whereas freedom is a de-adjectival noun. Logical is a denominal adjective (derived from the noun logic), choosy a deverbal adjective. Modernize is a de-adjectival verb, hospitalize a denominal verb. Both snob and snobbery are nouns, but snob is a concrete personal noun, snobbery an abstract noun. Host and hostess are nouns distinguished by gender. An interesting method of creating new suffixes has become quite common in recent times. The end of a specific word is sliced off as a suffix carrying with it a major component of the meaning of the parent word and generating sets of words. Watergate was identified with a major political scandal in the USA in the early 1970s, and the word Watergate referred to that scandal. The word came to be used for other (mainly political) scandals, and subsequently -gate has spawned many other (usually ephemeral) words for scandals: Koreagate, Westlandgate, Irangate, Iraqgate. Alcoholic has given rise to terms for other types of addiction: workaholic, shopaholic, chocoholic. On the basis of marathon many new words have been formed for activities involving endurance, generally to raise funds for charities: telethon, walkathon, readathon, sellathon. Perhaps because of a misanalysis of hamburger (a derivative from the name of the city Hamburg) as composed of ham + burger, the suffix - burger has been applied to a certain kind of fast food: beefburger, cheeseburger, fishburger, nutburger, tunaburger. The computer term hardware has generated (among other words) software, shareware, freeware, wetware, liveware. Below is a list of recent words formed by suffixation. The words are listed in the alphabetic order of the suffixes. microwaveao/e factional gentrifkafion yuppiedom finger-dried faxee leaderene bagger bimberte additive -free kissogram


gentrifr networking wimpish ableisra survivalisf recyclabilify confrontive privatize ecomania user-friendliness

returni/c retrophilia homophobe homophobia homophobic francophone childproof shareware streetwise glitchy




The sections that follow are arranged by word class, within which semantic groups are distinguished. The largest number of suffixes are noun suffixes. There are only a few verb or adverb suffixes. Suffixes are more numerous than prefixes. Within the scope of this chapter the focus is on just those suffixes that continue to be productive in the general language.

9.19 Verb suffixes

-ify beautify, purify, classify, personify -ize, -ise capitalize, modernize, popularize, terrorize Only -izej-ise is a very productive suffix. Both it and -ify are added to either adjective or noun bases. Other verb suffixes include the denominal -ate, still productive for creating scientific words (chlorinate), and the chiefly deadjectival -en (quieten), which is no longer productive. Some writers on style criticize the excessive use of words ending in -ize or the corresponding noun suffix -ization. New words formed with these suffixes are sometimes ridiculed, usually because they are associated with bureaucratic writing; finalize, hospitalize, and prioritize are among those that have evoked complaints in recent times, while others (for example, privatize and privatization) have apparently entered the language without opposition. As with all coinages, if they allow us to express a concept more economically they will be accepted. For most verbs, -ize is the only American spelling. The predominant British spelling is still -ise, but -ize has become the house style for some British publishers, including Oxford University Press.

9.20 Adjective suffixes

-able -al, -ial

-ed -ful

-ic -ish -less -like


readable, profitable, reliable accidental, managerial, musical cultured, heavy-handed, eagle-eyed powerful, careful, resentful Arabic, aristocratic, dramatic Swedish, feverish, youngish, moreish (or morish) careless, harmless, restless childlike, statesmanlike, godlike funny, sleepy, choosy



Among the adjective suffixes that are no longer productive or only mildly productive are -ary (inflationary), -ate (affectionate), -en (golden), -ive (attractive), -ly (friendly), -ory (inflammatory), and -ous (monotonous). The -ed suffix is distinct from the -ed inflection for the past and participle of verbs. It is attached to nouns or noun phrases to form adjectives: from the noun gable we derive the adjective gabled as in 'gabled house', from the noun phrase short sight the adjective short-sighted. Wet-handedin the example below alludes to the established word red-handed: Caught wet-handed, a Cape Coral resident argued against a ticket for watering her lawn.

The suffix -able is always attached to native English words. The much rarer suffix -Me (pronounced identically) appears primarily in words borrowed from French which end in -Me and in words borrowed from Latin which end in -ibilis. If in doubt as to whether to use -able or -ible, consult a dictionary. Dictionaries may give alternative spellings for a few of the words. Many words ending in -ish that convey the meaning 'having the characteristics of are pejorative (fiendish, brutish, prudish). Compare also childish with the neutral childlike. The pejorative meaning is not inherent in ethnic adjectives (British, Jewish, Polish) and is also absent in adjectives when the suffix conveys an approximative meaning (youngish, smallish, reddish, sixtyish). Some words ending in - k contrast with words having the same base but the suffix -ical: economic. economic situation, economic rent, economic theory economical: economical life-style, economical in buying goods, economical car historic. historic events, historic building historical: historical novel, historical approach, historical research Other contrasts include classic/classical, comic/comical, electric/electrical, politic/ political, psychic/ psychical. Some additional suffixes are used in forming small sets of words. They include -free (gluten-free), -friendly (ozone-friendly), -genie (telegenic), -hoik (chocoholic), -proof (baby-proof).

9.21 Suffixes of concrete nouns

-ant, -ent -ee -er -ery, -ry

informant, claimant, solvent trainee, mortgagee, absentee teacher, carer, toaster brewery, machinery, weaponry



-ing -ist

clothing, flooring, drawing socialist, novelist, sexist

These suffixes chiefly form personal nouns. Other suffixes that are at best only mildly productive are -an/-ian (African, Australian), -crat (Eurocrat), -eer (racketeer), -ess (hostess), -ette (kitchenette), -iej-y (toughie, softy), -he (suburbanite), -let (playlet), -ling (weakling), -ster (gangster), -ware (shareware). In certain words the suffix is spelled -or or -ar rather than -er. For some words there are variant spellings in -er and -or (perhaps linked to different senses of the word): adapterjadaptor, conjurer/conjuror, converterjconvenor, mortgager/mortgagor. Some words in -or or -ar were borrowed from French or Latin without there being an English verb base: doctor, emperor, tailor, bursar, scholar. In other instances, verbs have been created by back-formation (cf. 9.30): burglar/burgle, editor/edit, hawker/hawk, pedlar/peddle (also peddler in American English), scavenger/scavenge. But there are nouns in -or and -ar that are derived from an English verb base: conqueror, educator, exhibitor, liar, operator, visitor. Nouns in -ant and -er/-or/-ar generally denote a personal agent—the person who performs the action denoted by the verb base: claimant ('person who claims'), contestant, baker, waiter. Some denote impersonal agents or instruments: disinfectant, pollutant, strainer, typewriter. Corresponding to the active suffix -er/-or in some words is the passive suffix -ee. examiner/ examinee, franchiser (also franchisor)/franchisee, mortgager/mortgagee, nominator/nominee, payer/payee, trainer/trainee, tutor j tutee. However, some established nouns in -ee have an active meaning: absentee, escapee, refugee, retiree may be interpreted as either active ('one who has retired') or passive ('one who has been retired'). Less well-established nouns with the active meaning arouse objections from some: returnee, standee. Amputee has been objected to because it is the limb that has been amputated and not the person, but it has survived objections. The opposing meanings of the -ee suffix can lead to confusion. A book reviewer in The Sunday Times was obviously confused, misusing nominee as active: He was elected to the austere American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters in spite of having Allen Ginsberg as his nominee. (Ginsberg, we are told, also nominated his boyfriend [. . .]). [The Sunday Times, 10 March 1991, p. 6.3]

The suffix -ist forms nouns for a person connected with a particular occupation or activity (cartoonist, cyclist, hygienist, psychiatrist, violinist) or for an adherent of a particular ideology or attitude (capitalist, leftist, materialist, nationalist, racist). In the occupational or behavioural sense the corresponding abstract nouns end in -y (archaeology, bigamy, botany, dentistry, psychiatry) or -ics (economics, physics); in the ideological sense they end in -ism (communism, cf. 9.22). The suffixes -ery/-ry form collective nouns for objects (confectionery, cutlery) or place nouns (brewery, nursery); grocery can refer to either a food



that you buy) or a place (where you shop). The suffix -ing forms nouns for objects {bedding, building). Both -eryj-ry and -ing are also used to form abstract nouns, cf. 9.22.

9.22 Suffixes of abstract nouns


-age -al -ation, -ion -dom -ery, -ry -ing -ism -ity -ment -ness -ship

postage, spillage, drainage betrayal, dismissal, deferral collaboration, authorization, objection freedom, martyrdom, officialdom snobbery, chemistry, summitry cleaning, gardening, manufacturing idealism, favouritism, ageism responsibility, technicality, publicity arrangement, embarrassment, bewilderment usefulness, carelessness, willingness dictatorship, editorship, scholarship

Among the suffixes for abstract nouns that are at best only mildly productive are -acy {intimacy), -ance/-ence {utterance, existence), -ancy/-ency {truancy, decency), -babble {psychobabble), -ful {mouthful), -hood {statehood), -line {chatline), -speak {Eurospeak), -thon {talkathon). Abstract nouns in -ity derive from adjectives ending in -alj-ial, -ablej-ible, and -ar. brutality, technicality, superficiality, profitability, responsibility, regularity, peculiarity. Abstract nouns in -acy, -ancy, and -ency derive respectively from adjectives in -ate, -ant, and -ent accuracy, intimacy, relevancy, vacancy, agency, decency. The most productive abstract noun suffixes are -ing and -ness. From virtually any activity verb may be derived an - ing noun referring to the activity of the verb or to the occasion when the activity occurred: I enjoyed the playing. We attended the last hearing. Were you at their wedding! Nobody heard her warnings.

Abstract nouns in -ness can be freely formed from adjectives, but -ness competes with nouns in -ity, -cy, or -tion. Where an abstract noun already exists with these suffixes (such as brutality and decency), it is felt clumsy to form a noun in -ness {brutalness, decentness). However, sometimes a pair of such nouns has developed different meanings, so that both may be needed: casualness/ casualty, correctness/correction.



9.23 Adverb suffixes


amiably, candidly, surprisingly

The -ly suffix can be freely added to adjective bases to form adverbs, though it is not added to adjectives ending in -ly, such as friendly. It is occasionally used with phrases, the most common example being matter-of-factly. Below is a conspicuous example of an adverb neologism, transbroomstickally (from The Times, 6 June 1992): [l]t comes as no real surprise to discover that partners who live together transbroomstickally before getting married are more likely to finish up in the divorce court.

The only other adverb suffix that deserves a mention is -wise. Anybody got any problems notewise on that [SIA-026-223] ('from the point of view of the musical notes')

Compounds 9.24 Compounds and phrases

A compound is a word consisting of two or more bases (cf. 9.2): postcard, picture postcard. Compounds contrast with phrases, which consist of two or more words that are grammatically related: a large card, beautiful pictures. The distinction between postcard and large card can be viewed conceptually. Postcard is a word that we expect to find in a dictionary because it is the name of an object; large and card refer to separate concepts and would not appear as one entry in a dictionary, since large independently ascribes a descriptive feature to innumerable objects. Similarly, the compounds blackbird and blackboard art names of objects, neither of which are necessarily black in colour; they differ from the combinations of adjective blackplus noun (written as separate words) in black bird and black board. Cooking apples ('apples for cooking') and eating apples ('apples for eating1) are compounds naming major classes of apples by a feature of those classes that is important for human beings. The phrase rotting apples ('apples that are rotting'), on the other hand, does not present a characteristic feature of a class of apples, but a descriptive feature that can apply to any apples and to innumerable other things; analogous phrases are running water, crying baby, sinking ship, sleeping patients. Sleeping partner is ambiguous between phrase ('partner who is sleeping') and compound ('partner who does not take an active role'), whereas sleeping pill (also written sleeping-pill] is unambiguously a compound. The conceptual criterion is not entirely satisfactory, since it is subjective



and therefore open to disagreement in specific instances. On conceptual grounds we might be unsure whether to count as compounds such expressions as black pepper, white people, summer school, winter vacation. We cannot rely on dictionaries to tell us. They vary considerably in what multiword expressions they include and they do not indicate which they regard as compounds. Orthographic practice has been urged as evidence that an expression is perceived as a compound. It is true that expressions that are written solid (postcard) or hyphenated {bird-watching) can reliably be considered compounds. But the vagaries of orthographic practice in this respect are notorious. To take just one example, three spellings for this compound appear in dictionaries: open: paper knife hyphenated: paper-knife solid: paperknife Other instances of pairs that are commonly found with either open or hyphenated spellings are cease fire/ cease-fire, ice cream/ice-cream, paper clip/paper-clip, sleeping bag/ sleeping-bag, water ski j water-ski. Secondly, many words that are not written solid or hyphenated should properly be counted as compounds on conceptual grounds. Apart from those mentioned earlier, these include fancy dress, hay fever, hot dog, house arrest, space flight, travel guide. Another criterion is word stress. Generally, words have one main stress. Compounds tend to have their main stress on the first base (if there are only two bases), here indicated by the superscript vertical line: 'blackbird, 'databank. The same tendency applies if the compound is written as two words: 'news conference, 'travel agent. In contrast, two-word phrases tend to have the main stress on the second word: good ' conference, personal' agent. But stress patterns are also not wholly reliable. First, there is considerable individual variation in the positioning of stresses. Secondly, there is variation across national varieties. For example, British English tends to have hot 'dog and class-' conscious, while American English tends to have ' hot dog and ' classconscious. Also, compounds consisting of an adjective or adverb as the first base and a participle as the second base normally have the main stress on the second base: flat-'footed, well-'meaning. There are numerous exceptions to the typical stress pattern of compounds for which no generalizations or explanations can be offered. For example, names of streets have the main stress on the second word, except for names with the word street itself: Edgware 'Road Highfield 'Avenue Park 'Lane Manor 'Drive 'Church Street



It seems odd to regard only those names with street as compounds. Here are a few individual contrasts: 'black spot 'Christmas card power base 'rock salmon 'white people

black 'market Christmas Day power 'steering lemon 'sole white lie

Since no one criterion alone is adequate, it is best to take account of all three criteria in deciding what to regard as compounds.

9.25 RGC6llt COin3£GS

Below are some examples of compounds that have been coined in recent times: alpha test brat pack compassion fatigue cook-chill junk food lager lout magnet school neighbourhood watch

ozone hole passive smoking phonecard photo opportunity safe sex shell suit smart card snail mail

sound bite spin doctor thirtysomethings toyboy venture capitalism zero option

Nonce coinages are frequent. Outside their context, they may be opaque. It would be impossible to find an interpretation for boiled-frog approach in isolation, but its meaning is clear in the context of a quotation by an American management psychologist: [1]

"Some [companies] take the 'boiled-frog approach,' " in which managers turn up the productivity heat. "People get used to hotter and hotter water." [International Herald Tribune, 25-6 June 1992, p. 1]

Here are two more nonce coinages: [2]

I am of Scots-English ancestry, a breed as common as sparrows, but in America a man can always better himself through marriage and so, a few years ago I married a Dane. I learned to speak Danish just well enough to get into trouble and I visit the motherland-in law whenever possible and try to improve myself. [They Eat and Talk Together (How Odd!) but Think Apart', by Garrison Keillor, International Herald Tribune, 7 September 1993, p. 7]


In Washington, President Bill Clinton strongly endorsed Mr. Yeltsin's handling of the standoff. "I think so far they've done quite well," Mr. Clinton said. "I don't think that any of us should be here basically armchair quarterbacking the unfolding events." [International Herald Tribune, 30 September 1993, p. 1]



The opaqueness applies equally to many—if not most—established compounds. We have to learn what they mean, though their components may provide a clue or a reminder. We could not, for example, interpret smart card or magnet school simply by knowing their components. Humourists have played on false interpretations: turncoat ('a reversible jacket'), blunderbuss ('an awkwardly placed kiss'); so also for affixed words: liability ('the ability to lie').5

9.26 Compounds in word classes

Compounds are found in all word classes: nouns: pop group, whistle-blower, date-rape adjectives: class-ridden, heart-breaking, homesick verbs: babysit, dry-clean, cold-shoulder adverbs: good-naturedly, however, nowadays pronouns: anyone, everything, nobody numerals: sixty-three, nine-tenths prepositions: as for, because of, next to semi-auxiliaries: be going to, had better, have got to conjunctions: except that, rather than, whenever New coinages are mainly nouns and adjectives. Historically, compound verbs are derived chiefly from nouns. They may be derived by conversion (cf. 9.29), simply a shift in word class from a noun compound without any other change: blackmail, cold-shoulder, daydream. Or they may be derived by back-formation (cf. 9.30), the removal of a suffix: babysit (from babysitting or babysitter), double-park (from double parking), shoplift (from shoplifting). Some of the prepositions, semi-auxiliaries, and conjunctions are not strictly compounds because the segments can be separated by the insertion of other words: because (however) of, was (perhaps) going to; except (I think) that. As with prefixes (cf. 9.6), some initial segments of compounds can be coordinated: English- and French-speaking mothers- and fathers-in-laws eating or cooking apples Some compounds, chiefly nouns and adjectives, are reduplicatives: the segments are identical [clever-clever) or near-identical. If near-identical, they differ in the initial consonant [teeny-weeny) or more commonly in the medial vowel (tick-tock). They tend to be very informal and some are restricted to nursery language [chuff-chuff, din-din) or pseudo-baby talk intended affectionately [mumsie-wumsie). They may (1) imitate sounds [quack-quack, bow-wow), (2) suggest movements up and down or back and forth, perhaps



also imitating sounds (flip-flop, ping-pong), and from that literal use metaphorical instability (hocus-pocus, mishmash), and (3) intensify (goodygoody, hush-hush). American English has borrowed from Yiddish the reduplicative device in which schm- appears at the beginning of the second word to deride the use of the first word: chairman-schmairman, architectsschmarchitects.

9.27 COIYI p O l i n C I n O l i n S In the most common type of compound noun the final segment denotes the general class of entities to which the compound belongs: travel guide is a kind of guide, pop group a kind of group, Dover sole a kind of sole, blackbird a kind of bird. This relationship is absent from—or at least not transparent in— many compounds: whistle-blower is someone who blows the whistle metaphorically, summer house denotes a building but not a house, hotdog certainly does not refer to a dog in the usual sense, and washer-dryer refers to an object that combines equally the functions of a washer and a dryer. The relationships between the segments of compound nouns can often be explained in grammatical terms. A segment may be a noun, a verb or a word derived from a verb, or an adjective. The relationship, for example, may be that of subject + verb, verb + object, or subject + predicative. Examples appear below. subject + verb: bee sting ('bee stings'), headache, snowfall verb + subject: answerphone ('phone answers'), playboy, washing machine verb + object: chewing gum ('chews gum'), cooking apple, know-all object + verb: air-conditioner ('conditions air'), sightseeing, travel guide Note the contrast between call-girl ('calls girl') and call-boy ('boy calls'). subject + object:

cable car ('the cable operates the car'), compassion fatigue ('(excessive) compassion causes fatigue'), hay fever ('hay causes fever') object + subject: honey-bee ('bee produces honey'), news agency ('agency distributes news'), pop group ('group plays pop') verb + instrument: hearing aid ('hears with an aid'), plaything, washcloth instrument + verb: gunfight ('fights with a gun'), fly-fishing, word play verb + place: dance hall ('dances in a hall'), driveway, swimming pool



place + verb: verb + time. time + verb:

boat ride ('rides on a boat'), factory worker, home help closing time ('closes at that time'), payday ('pays on that day'), rush hour daydreaming ('dreams during day'), night worker, spring-cleaning

Many compounds are composed of two nouns or an adjective plus a noun, where the verb be can link the two segments in a subject + predicative relation. adjective + noun: passive smoking ('the smoking is passive'), smart card, white lie noun + noun: 'B is A' booster shot ('the shot is a booster'), junk food, willow tree 'B is like A' magnet school ('the school is like a magnet'), shell suit, toyboy 'B is for A' ashtray ('the tray is for ash'), raincoat, safety belt 'B is part of A' door handle ('the handle of a door'), fingertip, table leg

One type of compound noun, whose first segment may be a noun or an adjective, refers to an entity indirectly by a characteristic: loudmouth: hunchback: paperback:

9.28 Compound adjectives

('person who has a loud mouth') ('person who has a hunched back') ('book that has a paper cover')

Most compound adjectives end in an adjective (sea-sick), an -ing participle (soul-destroying), or an -ed participle (well-dressed). One common type is formed by adding the -ed suffix to a compound noun (short-sighted, cf. 9.20). The grammatical relationships between the segments of compound adjectives can be explained in the same way as for compound nouns (cf. 9.27). object + verb:

English-speaking ('speaks English'), germresistant, soul-destroying place/time/cause + verb: far-reaching ('reaches far'), home-made ('made at home'), frost-bitten ('bitten by frost') noun + adjective: 'A is B' footsore ('the foot is sore'), heart-sick, topheavy 'as BasA' dirt-cheap ('as cheap as dirt'), jet black, paperthin



The first segment in this relationship has an intensifying force ('extremely cheap'). 'B in respect of A' camera-shy ('shy in respect of cameras'), colourblind, power-mad Some compounds imply a co-ordination relationship: 'A and B'

aural-oral, bitter-sweet, deaf-mute

These may be associated with words containing initial combining forms: Anglo-Irish, psycho-linguistic, socio-economic. Here are some examples of compounds formed by adding an -ed suffix to a compound noun: foul-mouthed, right-angled, single-minded.

Other Types of Word-Formation 9.29 Conversion is the process of shifting a word to a different word class without adding an affix. It resembles suffixation, which usually has the same effect. For example, from the adjective humid is derived the verb humidify ('make humid') by suffixation. Analogously, from the adjective wet is derived the verb wet ('make wet') by conversion. Conversion similarly produces from the concrete noun water the verb water ('provide with water'), and from the verb swim the abstract noun swim (as in 'I'm going for a swim'). Most instances involve the conversion of nouns to verbs or of verbs to nouns. With suffixation it is easy to see which word came first; it is obviously the word to which the suffix was added (but cf. back-formation, 9.30). Historical research on the direction of conversion can sometimes find evidence for which word entered the language first. For example, we know that the verb talk appeared about three centuries before the noun talk. Even without the historical evidence, we are likely to feel that the verb is the base, perhaps because the noun fits into a set of abstract nouns that refer to an event or activity denoted by verbs: have a chat/drinkjfight/ look/quarrel/sleep/swim/ walk/wash. It would be difficult to define some of these nouns—for example, smoke in have a smoke—without referring to the verb. We might explain the noun bore as denoting someone who habitually bores others; we would hardly explain the verb bore as referring to what a bore does. On the other hand, the verb carpet in the sense 'provide with a carpet' clearly derives from the noun.



Relative frequency may also support our intuition. We are aware that the noun party is much more frequent than the verb party, which suggests that the verb was converted from the noun. Three recent instances of conversion of nouns to verbs are fax, parent, and video. The major types of conversion are listed below. 1.

Nouns from verbs

state: action: agent: affected: instrument: place.

dislike, doubt, know (as in in the know) laugh, offer, walk bore ('person or thing that bores'), rebel, sneak drink ('what someone drinks'), find, reject cure ('something one uses to cure'), polish, wrap dump ('where something is dumped'), haunt, stop (as in bus stop)


Verbs from nouns

to produce. to make into: to put into/on: to provide with: to remove. to do something with: to transport by: to go by: to act as: 3. Verbs from adjectives to become, to make.

echo, knot, tunnel cash, clone, orphan box, garage, shelve butter, finance, label peel ('to remove the peel'), skin, weed bomb, comb, hammer cart, ship, wire bicycle, motor, ski bully, mother, tutor faint, idle, slim calm, clean, smooth

There are occasional uses of conversion involving other word classes and involving constructions: They tried to out him. (adverb to verb) That course is a must for someone like you. (auxiliary to noun) Don't give me any its or buts. (conjunctions to nouns) I haven't yet learned the ins and outs of the business. (adverbs/prepositions to nouns) I don't have the know-how, (verb plus adverb to noun)

Here are some recent examples: The theory is that humans, who are after all only jumped-up animals, emit a chemical come-hither from their sweat glands when they are in the mood for mating. [The Observer Life, 17 October 1993, p. 4] (verb + adverb to adjective and to noun) "Yes, this may be a de facto presidency," someone said. "But Al Gore will have to accept he is not one of the co-es." [The Independent, 22 January 1993, p. 11] (prefix to noun) A constant refrain from has-been and never-were journalists is that investigative journalism is dead. [The Sunday Times, 24 January 1993, p. 3] (auxiliary + verb and adverb + verb to adjectives)



But I do get chemically depressed and during this separation I got depressed. l-lost-20lb-in-three-weeks depressed. It was bad. [The Times, Life magazine, 1 May 1994, p. 8, quoting Hollywood agent] (sentence to intensifier) Gunnell prefers the serious taking-care-of-business approach, but she is increasingly out of fashion. [The Times, 7 August 1992, p. 14] (participle clause to adjective) The dowdy and apologetic I'm-a-servant-of-the-proletariat look has gone for good. [The Times, 1 August 1992, p. 14] (sentence to adjective)

One change of subclass is worth mentioning, that of proper noun to common noun: She's going to buy a Rover. They're auctioning a couple of Picassos. Pass me your Shakespeare.

These common nouns refer to instances of products bearing the name. But some names of products have been generalized to refer to other products having the same function; for example, hoover and xerox, used both as nouns and (by conversion) as verbs.

9.30 BdCK'TOriTldtlOn

Back-formation is the process of deriving words by dropping what is thought to be a suffix or (occasionally) a prefix. It applies chiefly to the coining of verbs from nouns. Recent back-formations include the adjective abled from disabled and the verb explete from expletive. Some people find new back-formations ugly and have objected to them for that reason. Most derivations by back-formation are well-established, and their origin by that process is recognized only by those who have studied the history of the language. Only a very few common back-formations are still felt to be such by at least some people—chiefly perhaps emote (from emotion), enthuse (enthusiasm), liaise (liaison). Although editor appeared before edit, in a description of current English it is appropriate to analyse editor as derived from edit by the addition of the suffix -or. The two major sources of back-formation are (1) nouns (including compound nouns) ending in -er/-or/-aror -ing, and (2) nouns ending in -tion or -ion. It is not always possible to determine for the first group whether the source is the agent suffix or the -ing suffix. Examples of these two groups are given below, followed by a miscellaneous group (3). (la) (lb)

burgle, commentate, edit, peddle, scavenge, sculpt, swindle air-condition, babysit, brainstorm, brainwash, browbeat, dryclean, house-hunt, housekeep, sightsee, tape-record


(2) (3)


articulate, assassinate, coeducate, demarcate, emote, intuit, legislate, marinate, orate, vaccinate, valuate diagnose (from diagnosis), enthuse (enthusiasm), laze (lazy), liaise (liaison), reminisce (reminiscence), statistic (statistics), televise (television)

Back-formation of verbs from compounds is particularly common.

9.31 Clipping is a shortening of a word by the omission of one or more syllables. What is left may be the beginning of a word (exam from examination), less frequently the end (phone from telephone), and infrequently the middle (flu from influenza). They are usually informal, though they may lose their informality when they usurp the place of the full form: bus (from omnibus), mob (from mobile, shortened from the Latin mobile vulgus), pants (from pantaloons). Even when the full form is still current, the clipping may predominate and may be felt to be neutral in style, so that the full form is stylistically marked as formal: lunch (luncheon), plane (airplane/aeroplane), pram (perambulator), stereo (stereophonic), taxi (taxicab, from taximeter cab). Here are some further examples of clippings: bike (bicycle) decaf (decaffeinated coffee) fan (fanatic) fax (facsimile) fridge (refrigerator) hyper (hyperactive) intercom (intercommunication system) lab (laboratory)

medic (medical student/doctor) memo (memorandum) mike (microphone) movie (moving picture) photo (photograph) pub (public house) zoo (zoological gardens)

The American clipping of mathematics is math while the British clipping is maths. Names may also be clipped: Liz/Beth/Betsy (Elizabeth), Fred (Frederick), Tom (Thomas), Frisco (San Francisco). Generally, clippings originate in some group where the abbreviation is easily understood. They may remain confined to the group or percolate into the general language.


9.32 Acronyms


Acronyms are another abbreviatory device. They are words—generally nouns—formed from the initial letters of parts of a word or phrase. The letters may be pronounced as words (AIDS, also Aids, from Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or they may be pronounced as a series of letters (UN), in which case they are sometimes distinguished from acronyms by being called initialisms or alphabetisms. Acronyms have been a very productive method of creating new words in the last few decades. They are commonly used for names of organizations, and often the name has been chosen because it lends itself to an appropriate acronym: ASH (Action on Smoking and Health). Sometimes people know what the acronym refers to without knowing what the initials stand for: radar (radio detection and ranging). One of the dangers of acronyms for communication is that people may not understand them, since the initials give no clue to the composition of the words. If there is any doubt on this score, it is best when writing to add the full form or a paraphrase in parentheses. Here are some further examples of acronyms: AI a.s.a.p. CD-ROM ECU EEG e.g. HIV NIMBY, nimby PC PS RSVP repondez scuba

artificial intelligence as soon as possible compact disk, read-only memory European Currency Unit electroencephalogram exempli gratia ('for example' in Latin) human immunodeficiency virus not in my backyard personal computer postscript s'il vous plait ('please answer' in French) self-contained underwater breathing apparatus

There may also be combinations of acronyms with words: email (electronic mail).

9.33 Blends

Blends are yet another abbreviatory device, which has also been productive in the last few decades. They are compounds formed from bits of two words: brunch from the combination of breakfast and lunch.. Here are some further examples: bit camcorder contraception

binary + digit camera + recorder contra + conception


geep glitterati modem motel smog transistor


goat + sheep glitter + literati modular + demodulator motor + hotel smoke + fog transfer + resistor

Two medieval blends are don {do + on) and doff (do + off).

9.34 Miscellaneous

Two other ways in which words are formed are briefly mentioned: 1. onomatopoeia—words felt to be suggestive of the sounds they refer to (cf. 9.26 for reduplicatives): bubble, burp, clatter, hiss, mutter, splash; 2. words from proper names: bowdlerize, boycott, braille, caesarean, lynch, pasteurize, platonic, sadist, sandwich. It is very rare for new words to be created without being composed of existing words or parts of words. Two examples are gas and googol (1O100), though gas is said to be modelled on chaos. Phonaesthemes are combinations of sounds found in sets of words with some vague associations in meaning, often through onomatopoeia. Many words in -ump suggest heaviness and hardness in an object or a sound: hump, lump, rump, bump, dump, stump, thump. In contrast, words in -ip suggest a light, sharp movement or sound: clip, nip, dip, flip, tip, drip, snip, zip. Notice also the -i-/-o- contrasts in clip-clop, flip-flop, tip-top that we also find in ticktock and ping-pong. Some words in sit- or sli- have in common a suggestion of trim and thin: slim, slender, slick, slit, sliver. Some in sk- or sc- suggest a frisky movement: skip, skim, scurry, scuttle, scour, scamper, scoot, skedaddle. Phonaesthemes have played a part in the creation of new words; for example, it has been suggested that hassle was formed in imitation of the set bustle, hustle, rustle; tumble may have given rise to stumble and fumble, and fiddle to twiddle and diddle. See also n. 4 for prefixoids.



Morphology 9.35 Word-formation and inflection

Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words. The two major branches of morphology are word-formation (or lexical morphology) and inflection (or inflectional morphology). Word-formation deals with the creation of new words, whereas inflection deals with the grammatical forms of the same word. Pluggable is derived by the addition of the suffix -able to the root plug, unplug adds the prefix un- to the same root, and sparking-plug combines the two words sparking and plug. On the other hand, the suffix -5 in the noun plugs is an inflection; plug is the singular form of the noun and plugs is the plural form. In one obvious sense, plug and plugs are different words: they are pronounced and spelled differently. We can say that plug and plugs are different grammatical words belonging to the same lexical word. In a dictionary (or lexicon), plug and plugs will share an entry; since the plural is formed by a regular inflectional rule, only the very largest of dictionaries will refer to the plural inflection. By contrast, we would expect the lexical words plug, unplug, pluggable, and sparking-plug to appear in different places in the dictionary.6

9.36 Morpheme, morph, allomorph

The basic unit for morphological (or morphemic) description is the morpheme, the smallest unit required for grammatical and lexical analysis. Morphemes are abstract units, established for the analysis of word structure. When a word segment represents one morpheme in sound or writing, the segment is a morph. Infamous, for example, consists of three morphs in-,fam(e), -ous, each representing one morpheme; harmful contains two morphs; and house just one. A morpheme may be represented by more than one morph: the morpheme realized by the prefix in- of incompetent is also found in il- of illegal, im- of impatient, and ir- of irregular. Similarly, there are different morphs for the root morphemes in the pairs peace/pacifist, long/length, omitlomission, appear/apparent. Variant members of a set of morphs are allomorphs of the same morpheme: in-, im-, and ir- are allomorphs of a particular prefix morpheme. The negative prefix morpheme of infamous differs from the directional prefix morpheme of indoors and income, but it also has allomorphs in il(illuminate), im- (immigrant), and ir- (irrupt, cf. interrupt). Dictionaries usually give the two prefixes as separate entries, perhaps adding different



number superscripts or subscripts. In linguistic descriptions morphemes are distinguished where necessary by being placed in braces: {and}, {fame}, {inj}. No significance is attached to which allomorph is used to display the morpheme. An inflectional morpheme corresponds to a grammatical category: the inflectional suffix in students represents the plural morpheme, also found with different allomorphs in churches and oxen.

9.37 Conditioning of allomorphs: phonetic, lexical, grammatical

The choice of allomorphs depends on three types of conditioning: phonetic (or phonological), lexical (or morphological), and grammatical. Phonetic conditioning may involve either progressive assimilation (determined by the following sound) or regressive assimilation (determined by the preceding sound). The allomorphs of the negative prefix in- are conditioned by the sound that follows the prefix: il- before /I/, im- before /m/ or /p/, ir- before /r/, and in- before any other sound: ilillegal illegibly illiteracy illogical

imimmature immorality impolitely impossible

irirrational irregularity irresistible irresponsible

ininadequate independence informally invalid

As noted in the previous section, the same conditioning applies to allomorphs of another prefix morpheme with directional, intensive, or causative meanings: il- {illuminate, illustrate), im- (immigrate, imprison), ir- (irrigate, irritate), in- (inflame, invade). We can also hear the effect of a following /p/ on the pronunciation of ten in tenpence and Saint in Saint Paul: /tern/ and /sm/ respectively. The allomorphs of the regular plurals of nouns are conditioned by the sound that precedes the plural inflection (cf. 4.6): /iz/ after a sibilant (kisses); /z/ after voiced sounds (cf. 10.3) other than sibilants (dogs); and /s/ after voiceless sounds other than sibilants (cats). The same conditioning applies to the allomorphs of the third person singular present of verbs (teaches, knows, writes), the allomorphs of genitives of nouns where an s has been added (church's, women's, priest's), and the allomorphs of the contracted forms of is and has (Joyce's taken it, she's leaving; The ticket's too expensive). Lexical conditioning applies when the choice of allomorph depends on the particular word. The plural allomorph -en of oxen is unique to that word, since it is a fossil from an earlier period of the language, like (for example) men and teeth. Similarly, plural allomorphs of other irregular nouns, some of them borrowed from foreign languages, cannot be predicted by rules but refer to the



particular word; for example: larva/larvae, curriculum/curricula, thesis/theses, kibbutz/kibbutzim. Allomorphs of irregular forms of verbs may also be lexically conditioned. Irregular verbs have allomorphs of the past tense or of the -ed participle or both: Table 9.37.1 Lexically conditioned allomorphs in verbs

regular past participle


walk see take walked saw took walked seen taken

put sing put sang put sung

The contexts for the past and participle are shown below: Norman walked/saw his dog. Norman has walked/seen his dog. In the two sentences, walked conforms to a regular rule for inflecting past and participle forms, whereas saw and seen are unpredictable forms from the verb see. Lexical conditioning applies to words and roots as well as affixes. The indefinite article has allomorphs that vary according to whether a vowel or consonant follows (a garden, an orchard) and according to whether the word is unstressed or (less usually) stressed: /a/, /an/, /ei/, /an/. Compare the allomorphs of the base in fraction, fracture, and fragile, fragment, or in the base please, displease, and pleasant, pleasure. Grammatical conditioning is recognizable in the shift of stress in some verbs of two syllables that are converted into nouns (cf. 10.11). The stress shifts to the first syllable of the noun. Whereas the unstressed first syllable of the verb generally has the reduced vowel /a/, the stressed first syllable of the noun has a full vowel. The noun-verb pairs include convert, convict, escort, extract, permit, present, rebel, record, reject, suspect. There is some variation in the stress patterns across and within national varieties of English. Another example is the change from the final voiceless consonants /s/, /f/, /9/ to the voiced /z/, /v/, /5/ when some nouns are converted into verbs: their use /s/ our belief /{/ my mouth /0/

they use /z/ we believe /v/ we mouth /6/

Some allomorphic variation may be ascribed to stylistic conditioning, perhaps often in combination with phonetic conditioning. Contractions are characteristic of informal speech and some are conventionally represented in writing: she is —> do not —>

she's don't

they will —> do you —>

they'll d'you

Most of the variants in grammatical words, however, are not usually represented in writing, for example /kan/ for can and /av/ or /a/ for of.



Finally, there may be free variation in the alternation of some morphs. The past and -ed participles of bet and dream may be irregular or regular: bet or betted, dreamt or dreamed. Some nouns have regular as well as irregular plural inflections: cacti/cactuses curricula/curriculums

formulae/formulas appendices/appendixes

9.38 Portmanteau morph, empty morph, suppletive morph

A portmanteau morph corresponds to a bundle of morphemes. The word am is a portmanteau morph: it contains the morphemes {be}, {present}, {1st person}, and {singular}, but it cannot be segmented into morphs. Similarly, men consists of the morphemes {man} and {plural}, and took of the morphemes {take} and {past}. In contrast, some morphs have been said to have no meaning. The to used to introduce infinitives is an empty morph. It is generally obligatory in certain types of infinitival constructions; for example: I want to be your friend; We asked her to represent us; To open the door, insert your identification card. Where

in a relatively few cases to is optional, it seems to make no difference to meaning whether or not it is present: / helped him (to) fill in the form. Another empty morph is the -o- found in combining forms: Anglo-French, psychology, pseudo-Elizabethan.

It has been claimed that it in cleft sentences (It was on Monday that I last saw her, cf. 4.38) and there in existential sentences (There is somebody asking for your signature, cf. 4.39) are empty morphs, since rf and there are introduced in constructions that rearrange basic structures (/ last saw her on Monday, Somebody is asking for your signature). The it that is used as subject in sentences denoting time, weather, and distance has been called 'prop it', 'empty if, and 'expletive if, all indications that it has been analysed as serving simply to fill the obligatory function of subject in an independent clause when there is no other candidate for that function. A suppletive (or suppletive morph) is a form from a different root that is used in a paradigm, a grammatically related set of forms. Suppletion is postulated for only a few morphemes in English, but they occur in highly frequent words. The verb be is composed of words that come from three distinct roots, all of them present in Old English: be, been, being, is, am, are, was, were. Go has a suppletive past tense form went, which joined the paradigm from the verb wend during the Middle English period. The comparatives and superlatives of four highly frequent adjectives are suppletives in Modern English as they were in Old English: good bad

better, best worse, worst



much little

more, most less, least

The same suppletives are used for the adverbs well, badly, much, little. Some linguists recognize a zero morph where a morpheme is expected in the grammatical system but no morph is there. The absence of a relative pronoun in a letter I wrote (compare a letter that I wrote) is noted by postulating a zero relative pronoun. The plural of sheep is identical with the singular sheep, though (say) the plural of cow is cows; the plural noun sheep has been said to have a zero morph. More controversially, a zero article has been postulated for plural nouns and for non-count nouns (e.g. sugar) to fill the paradigm of indefinite and definite articles: a garden the garden

9.39 Free morph, bound morph

gardens the gardens

sugar the sugar

A free morph can occur by itself as a word, whereas a bound morph is always combined with another morph. Affixes are always attached to a base and are therefore bound morphs: the prefix en- in enjoy, the suffix -ity in activity, and the inflectional suffix -s in tasks. Roots may be free morphs: tidy in untidy, move in movement, own in owner. However, roots are often bound morphs. The classic example of a bound root morph is cran- in cranberry, a unique morph found nowhere else in the language. Other examples are twi- {twilight) and leng- (an allomorph of long in length, lengthen, lengthy). Bound root morphs typically appear in words borrowed directly or ultimately from Latin and Greek. It is easy to recognize the bound root morph -mit- in admit, commit, omit, permit, submit, transmit, and the allomorphic variant in the corresponding suffixed words admission, commission, omission, permission, submission, transmission. Another example is -pel- in compel, dispel, expel, impel, repel, and the allomorphic variant in compulsory, expulsion, impulse, repulse. We can acknowledge that pairs of words such as admit/admission share the same root morpheme even if we do not know what meaning to assign to the morpheme without looking up the etymology of the words. In any event, meanings may have changed for some or all the words from their meanings in the source languages: edify and edification have an etymology in common with edifice but the words have diverged considerably in meaning. Some affixes were originally free root morphs. In Old English these are words as well as suffixes: dom, had, lie. From them derive the present-day suffixes in freedom, kingdom; childhood, falsehood; friendly, heavenly. The reverse may also happen. Some affixes have also become words: ex (former spouse or lover), isms, ologies, pseud(s), minis, macros, micros. The



nonce-word wasm was created by analogy with the word 15m in the following newspaper headline, producing a punning that gives new meaning to ism: State socialism: an 'ism' that became a 'wasm'.

9.40 Paradigm, conjugation, declension

A paradigm is a set of grammatically related forms of a word. Paradigms can be established in English for verbs, nouns, adjectives, and (to a limited extent) adverbs. Paradigms for verbs are conjugations. We conjugate a verb when we give its variant forms. For example, the conjugation of regular verbs may be exemplified by the verb play: play plays playing played To each of these forms we may ascribe its grammatical functions (cf. 4.14). The irregular verb drive has five forms in its conjugation: drive drives driving drove driven The functions of played are distributed between drove (simple past) and driven {-ed participle). In play the forms are differentiated solely by inflections. In drive, there is a change of vowel in drove and a combination of vowel change and inflection in driven. In the verb go the paradigm drawns on suppletion (a form from a different root) for the simple past went (cf. 9.38). Paradigms for nouns are declensions. For regular nouns there is little variation in declension. We can decline girl in the written language with four forms (girl, girl's, girls, girls'), but in the spoken language there are only two forms, since the genitive singular girl's and the two plurals are pronounced the same. Irregular nouns may display all four forms in speech as well as in writing (man, man's, men, men's). The terms conjugations and declensions are useful in highly inflected languages, where there may be several well-defined conjugations of verbs and declensions of nouns and adjectives. The terms are not usually applied to present-day English grammar because there are few inflections in these word classes. There is a paradigm for adjectives that are inflected for comparison: old,



older, oldest. There are also some adjectives that are irregularly inflected; for example: good, better, best. A relatively few adverbs are also inflected for comparison: (work) hard, harder, hardest, badly, worse, worst. Finally, there are paradigms of pronouns, particularly personal pronouns; for example: /, me, my.

Chapter 10 Sounds and Tunes Summary

Phonetics (10.1-2) 10.1

The branches of phonetics 480

10.2 The organs of speech 480

Consonants (10.3-5) 10.3 10.4

English consonants 481 The articulation of consonants 483

10.5 Accent differences in consonants 484

Vowels (10.6-8) 10.6 10.7

The set of Received Pronunciation vowels 485 The set of General American vowels 487

10.8 Accent differences in vowels 489

Phonemes (10.9) 10.9

Phonemes and their aliophones 490

Word stress (10.10-14) 10.10 10.11

Stressed syllables 491 Stress patterns and word class 492


Tone and tone unit 496

10.12 Predicting word stress 493 10.13 Strong and weak forms 494 10.14 Rhythm 495

Intonation (10.15-16) 10.16

Direction of tone 497

Sounds and tunes in verse (10.17-18) 10.17

Sound patterns in verse 499


Rhythm and metre



Chapter 10 Summary Phonetics is the study of sounds used in the communication of human languages. Its three branches are articulatory phonetics (dealing with the production of sounds), acoustic phonetics (dealing with the transmission of sound waves), and auditory phonetics (dealing with the perception of sounds). In the production of sounds, air ascends from the lungs through the windpipe and vocal cords. Also involved are the organs of speech within the mouth: the soft palate, the hard palate, the alveolar ridge, the tongue, the lips, and the top front teeth. Consonants typically obstruct the flow of air. To describe them we take account of the articulator (usually the tongue or lips), the place of articulation, the manner of articulation, and whether they are voiced or voiceless. In accordance with their manner of articulation, consonants may be stops, fricatives, affricates, nasals, or approximants. There are some differences between English accents in the use of consonants or in their pronunciation. The major distinction is between rhotic and nonrhotic accents. Non-rhotic accents drop the /r/ when it is followed by a consonant or a pause. Vowels are described according to the positions of the tongue inside the mouth as they are being articulated and by the shape of the lips. Vowels may be short or long; single vowels, diphthongs, or triphthongs. Two sets of vowels are described: Received Pronunciation and General American. Some reference is made to other sets. Phonemes are abstract sound units. Variant pronunciations that represent the same phoneme are its allophones. If a word is polysyllabic, one of its syllables carries the primary or only stress and another syllable may have secondary stress. The stress pattern may be affected by the grammatical class of the word. In many instances it is possible to predict the stress pattern of a word. Many grammatical words occur in two forms: a stressed form and an unstressed form. English is said to be a stress-timed language, where stress occurs (or is perceived to occur) at roughly equal intervals. A tone unit is a segment of speech that contains a nuclear tone, a distinctive movement of pitch. Tone units tend to correspond to units of grammar and units of information. The most important part of the information is indicated by the location of the nuclear tone.



The most frequent nuclear tones are falling and rising tones. The tones may signal grammatical distinctions and attitudes. Repetition of identical or near-identical sounds is characteristic of verse, and may be conventional and systematic. The most common conventional devices are rhyme and alliteration. Others are assonance, consonance, reverse rhyme, and pararhyme. Sound patterning is also employed in (for example) headlines, proverbs, and advertisements. Rhythm is the patterning of stressed and unstressed syllables that occurs in connected speech. Metre, a formal convention of much of English verse, is a regular patterning that ignores the variability usual in speech.


Phonetics 10.1 The branches of phonetics

Phonetics is the study of the sounds used in the communication of human languages.1 Phoneticians distinguish three branches of their discipline: 1. articulatory phonetics, which deals with the production of sounds 2. acoustic phonetics, which deals with the movement of air caused by the transmission of sounds from the speaker's mouth to the listener's ear 3. auditory phonetics, which deals with the perception of sounds by the brain after they have been received by the ear. Articulatory phonetics is based on anatomy and physiology and uses their methodologies. Acoustic phonetics borders on physics. Auditory phonetics may be viewed also as a subdiscipline of psychology. All three branches of phonetics use laboratories and experimental techniques. Phonetics is applied in foreign language teaching, speech therapy (for the deaf, stroke patients, and others with speech defects), and in automatic speech recognition and synthesis. This last application includes devices for converting written material into speech and speech into written form, and for verifying the identity of speakers through their voiceprints. Most work in these areas has been done on English.

10.2 The organs of speech

We produce speech by interfering with the movement of air, originating from the lungs, that we breathe out through the nose or mouth. Air ascends from the lungs through the windpipe (or trachea), at the top of which stands the larynx. The larynx is a cartilaginous and muscular box containing the vocal cords (or vocal folds or vocal lips). These are two bands of elastic tissue lying opposite each other across the windpipe. They are attached to the front wall of the larynx (which protrudes, particularly in men, as the Adam's apple) but are movable at the back. They can be moved towards each other to cover the top of the windpipe completely, thereby blocking the passage of air; or they can be drawn apart so that there is a gap (glottis) between them and they therefore do not interfere with the movement of air; or they can be closed partially, causing friction. The glottal stop is the sound in the middle of water (indicated by the spelling wa'er) in accents such as Cockney; it is produced when the closed cords are suddenly opened to release air. The vocal cords are drawn apart for sounds such as [p] and are half-open for [h]. They can also be made to vibrate (opening and closing rapidly) while held loosely together. The effect of the



continuous vibration is to produce voiced sounds. The English sounds [z] as in zip and [s] as in sip are pronounced identically except that [z] is voiced, produced while the vocal cords are vibrating. We can feel the vibration by putting our fingers on the sides of the larynx or by putting our hands over our ears as we produce a buzzing sound with [z]. The other main organs of speech are inside the mouth: 1. The soft palate (or velum) is at the back of the top of the mouth. During normal breathing the soft palate is lowered, allowing air to pass through the nose. It is also lowered during the production of the nasal consonants [m], [n], and [rj]. It is raised during the production of oral sounds, preventing air from passing into the nose. 2. The hard palate is the hard roof of the mouth in front of the soft palate. 3. The alveolar ridge is at the very front of the palate. It is the rough ridge immediately behind the top front teeth. 4. The tongue is particularly important as an articulator because of its extreme mobility and its use in the production of most sounds. It is roughly divided into three parts, indicating its position at rest relative to the three parts of the palate: the blade is below the alveolar ridge, the front below the hard palate, and the back below the soft palate. The tip of the tongue sometimes has a function in articulation. 5. The lips are also highly mobile. They come together in [p], touch the teeth in [f], are rounded in [u:] as in two, are spread in [i:] as in see, or are simply apart as in the pronunciation of ah. 6. The top front teeth are touched by the tongue in producing the English dental sounds.

Consonants 10.3 English consonants

In general, the difference between consonants and vowels is that consonants are sounds made by obstructing the flow of air whereas vowels are sounds made without obstruction. A second difference is that vowels generally constitute the nucleus of syllables whereas consonants are generally at the peripheries of syllables. We have syllables consisting simply of the vowel nucleus, as in the monosyllabic words represented by the spellings I, a, oh, ah. We have syllables with one or more consonants before the vowel (be, tree), one or more after the vowel (if, old), and one or more on either side (brink, streets). However, in some pronunciations there are syllabic consonants (consonants that can constitute a syllable by themselves; for example: [1] in metal [metl],



[n] in kitten [kitn]). A third conspicuous difference is the effect on the form of the preceding indefinite article: a before words with initial consonant sounds, as in play and weather, an before words with initial vowel sounds, as in uncle and hour. To describe English consonants we have to take account of the active articulator, the organ that moves in the production of the sound (usually the tongue or lips); the place of articulation, i.e. the location of the passive or fixed articulator with which the active articulator comes into contact (as when the tip of the tongue touches the upper front teeth); the manner of articulation, i.e. the type and extent of obstruction in the flow of air; and the distinction between voiced and voiceless consonants, the voiced consonants requiring vibration of the vocal cords. The distinction in voice is particularly important, since it differentiates consonants in several pairs. Table 10.3.1 displays the phonetic set for a sample of English consonants. The column headings indicate the main articulators apart from the tongue, and the horizontal terms indicate the manner of articulation and the presence or absence of voicing. Table 10.3.1 English consonants



voiceless voiced

voiceless voiced affricate voiceless voiced nasal voiced liquid voiced semi-vowel voiced




e a

t d s z

P b f



palatopalatal alveolar or post-alveolar



k 9 h

J 3 tj d3







The sounds of the consonants are exemplified below: Stops

p pan b ban

t fill k fcilt d dill g gilt

The glottal stop [?] is most easily recognized in the pronunciation of wafer and daughter in certain accents, sometimes represented by the spellings wa'erand daugh'er. Fricatives

f/at 0 thin v vat 5 fMs

s seal J fasMon z zeal' 3 revision

Our spelling system does not differentiate between voiceless [9] (as in thin, thirty, thistle) and voiced [5] (as in this, the, then).




tj chin d^gin Nasals

m mail

n nail


In some accents, the ng of sing is pronounced [rj], contrasting with the final consonant [n] of sin. [rj] occurs only at the end of a syllable. Liquids

1 lap r rap Semi-vowels

w wet

i vet

Liquids and semi-vowels are approximants. The liquid [1] is often called a lateral approximant or simply a lateral. The semi-vowels are pronounced like vowels but function like consonants. They occur only in front of a vowel; for example, [w] in water and twinkle, and [j] in yes and cure. They behave like consonants in requiring the form a of the indefinite article (a well, a yawn), and they do not function as the nucleus of a syllable.

10.4 The articulation of consonants

The place of articulation indicated by the column headings in Table 10.3.1 may be summarized in this way: 1. bilabials: the lips come together 2. labiodentals: the lower lip touches the upper front teeth 3. dentals: the tip of the tongue touches the upper front teeth 4. alveolars and palato-alveolars: the tip or blade of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge 5. palatals: the front of the tongue approaches or touches the hard palate 6. velars: the back of the tongue touches the soft palate (or velum) 7. glottals: the vocal cords come together either completely as for [f] or partially as for [h]. The types of manner of articulation indicated by the horizonal terms may be summarized in this way: 1. stops (or plosives): total closure, during which air pressure builds up behind the closure, followed by a sudden release (or plosion) 2. fricatives: partial closure, forcing the air to escape through a narrow passage and thereby producing a turbulent (or friction) sound



3. affricates: as indicated by the phonetic symbols, combinations of stops and fricatives—total closure followed immediately by a slow release that produces a friction sound 4. nasals: lowering of soft palate and total closure within the mouth, forcing the air to pass through the nose only 5. approximants: the articulators come close but no audible friction is produced. In the production of lateral [1], air is allowed to escape around the sides of the tongue. The names of the consonants refer to the place of articulation, and—where the distinction is relevant—to whether the consonants are voiced or voiceless. For example, [p] and [b] are bilabials, [p] and [t] are stops, [p] and [f] are voiceless. More fully, [p] is a voiceless bilabial stop, [z] is a voiced alveolar fricative, [tj] is a voiceless palato-alveolar affricate.

10.5 Accent differences in consonants

Below are specified some important instances of regional or social variation that apply to English consonants. There are fewer differences for consonants than for vowels. 1. There is a major distinction between rhotic and non-rhotic accents. Non-rhotic accents drop the /r/ when it is followed by a consonant, as in part, or by a pause, as in 'They haven't gone far'. The /r/ is retained when followed by a vowel (as in peril), even if the vowel is in the next word, as in 'They are far away by now'. Rhoticity is dominant among accents. Non-rhoticity is typical of most of England and Wales, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, and some parts in the east and south of the United States. There are several types of pronunciations of/r/, often within the same accent. 2. In Indian English the alveolar stops [t] and [d] are retroflex, pronounced with the tip of the tongue curled back and raised upward. Indian English also has dental stops,[ t ] and [d], which are used in place of [9] and [5]. 3. In the English of Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and South Africa, there is an additional consonant, the voiceless velar fricative [x] in words such as loch. It is also found in some pronunciations of Yiddishisms adopted into American English, such as chutzpah. 4. In American English, in words spelled with a medial -t- or -tt-, such as butter and metal, the medial sound is typically pronounced in the same way (or almost the same way) as [d], so that metal sounds like medal, and latterlike ladder. Also, [t] is often dropped from medial [nt] in words such as winter, so that winter sounds the same as winner. 5. Words ending in -ing, such as making, may end with [n] or [rj]. In general, the pronunciation with [n]—widely referred to as 'dropping the g'— correlates with a lower level of socio-economic class and a lower level of


formality. The lower prestige form is sometimes indicated in spelling by an apostrophe in place of the final g, as in makin'. 6. In some regional accents in Australia, England, Wales, and the West Indies, [h] is dropped at the beginning of a word or syllable, as in happy or behind. 7. The Cockney accent replaces [0] by [f], as in think (homonymous with fink), Arthur, both. It replaces [6] by [v], but usually only when it is medial or final, as in rather, mother, smooth; initial [8], as in this, is commonly replaced by [d]. The same replacements are found in some accents in the south of the United States and in Black English. These pronunciations are indicated in the non-standard spellings muwer and dis. The two consonants are variously pronounced in the different regional varieties of African English; [9] as [t] (tree and three then being homophones) or as [s], and [5] in they as [d] or as [z].

Vowels 10.6 The set of Received Pronunciation vowels

Traditionally, the vowels are described according to the positions of the tongue inside the mouth as the vowels are being articulated, but in practice the distinctions between vowels are based on how they sound and the relative positions of the tongue that we infer from what we hear. We also take account of the shape of the lips, whether they are rounded (as in ooh); spread (as in ease), or neutral (as in ah); whether the vowel is short, like [i] in pit, or long, like [i:] in peat, and whether it is a pure or single vowel (or monophthong) such as [i] in it, or a diphthong (involving a glide from one vowel to another), such as [AI] in ice. Fig. 10.6.1 is a vowel chart, which is used to indicate the position of the tongue in producing vowel sounds. The chart is an abstraction from possible positions of the tongue. The location of the vowels correlates roughly with the highest part of the tongue (front, centre, or back) when the sound is made and its position in the mouth: high (close to the palate), mid, or low (far from the palate). The vowel symbols in the chart are those used in the New Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford: Clarendon Press). RP (Received Pronunciation, i.e. generally accepted pronunciation) is an accent that is typical of educated speakers of British English, though by no means all educated speakers use it. It is not associated with any particular region of the country, but it is associated with speakers from the upper and upper-middle social classes. It is used by a small minority of British speakers, estimates varying from 3 to 10 per cent according to how broadly it is defined.



RP is the accent that is commonly taught to foreign learners of English and is usual for news broadcasters on the BBC. As with other accents, there is a great deal of variability among RP speakers, so the chart should be considered a generalization.2 The exemplification of vowels that follows applies to typical RP pronunciations.

Fig. 10.6.1 Vowel chart

The pure vowel sounds are: Front vowels

high mid low

i: beat £ bet a bat


bit hair








Central vowels

a: her

A run

Back vowels

high mid low

u: too o: saw a: arm

Some of the pure vowel sounds correspond to two or three letters in the spellings of the particular words exemplifying them. RP is a non-rhotic accent, so that the r that ends a word in her or precedes a consonant in arm is not given its consonantal value. The short vowels are: i bit

s bet

a bat

3 ago

u put





The long vowels are: i: heat x her

e: hair

u: too

D: saw

a: arm


The colons indicate that these are long vowels. Short vowels and long vowels differ in relative length: the difference is manifested when they occur in the same context, preceded or followed by the same sounds. For example, the vowel in bead is longer than that in bid, and similarly the vowel in beat is longer than that in bit. But because vowels are generally longer before a voiced sound, such as [d], than before a voiceless sound, such as [t], the vowel in bid is longer than the one in bit, and similarly the vowel in bead is longer than that in beat. As a result, the lengthened short vowel in bid may well be longer than the shortened long vowel in beat. Another difference between short and long vowels relates to constraints on a short vowel in a stressed monosyllabic word. If a short vowel appears in a stressed monosyllable, it must be followed by a consonant; for example, [i] in bit. A long vowel may occur in a stressed monosyllable, so we can have [i:] in bee as well as in beat. The lips are slightly spread for these vowels: i bit

e bet

s: hair

a bat

i: beat

They are rounded for these vowels, strongly for [u:]: D dot

u put

o: saw

u: too

They are neutral for these vowels: a ago



a: her a: arm

The diphthongs are sounds that glide from one vowel to another. The second vowel, shorter in duration, is [a], [i], or [u]: is fear ei bait 3U snow



us poor oi toy

au cow

The diphthongs and triphthongs are long vowels. Mention might be made here of two triphthongs, where the glide continues to a third vowel: Aia tire

aua sour

10.7 The set of General American vowels

GA (General American) is not a regional or class accent, but an abstraction from what is typical of English pronunciation in the United States in contrast to British RP.3 The pure vowel sounds are: Front vowels


i: beat

i bit




e: baft e bet a bat


Central vowels

her s ago A run 3

Back vowels

high mid low

u: too o: boat a: pot

u put o: bought

The lips are spread for: i: beat

i bit

e bet

a bat

They are rounded for: u put

o: saw o: boat

u: too

They are neutral for: 3 her

s ago



a: pot

The short vowels are: i brt

s bet

a bat

3 her

3 ago



The diphthongs, which are long vowels, are: au cow

AI tie

oi toy

The long vowels are: i: beat

e: baft

u: too

D: saw

a: pot

o: boat

In many sets of words roughly the same vowel is used in both GA and RP, but in other sets the two accents differ. Path, dance, can't, and numerous other words are pronounced with the vowel [a] in GA and [a:] in RP, so that GA does not distinguish can't from cant. Most American speakers distinguish between the [a:] of words like cot and the [o:] of words like caught, though some have an intermediate vowel that serves for both sets of words. The RP distinction in [D] and [a:] between the vowel sounds in hot and heart and between cot and cart is generally not made in GA. Many American speakers do not distinguish between the short vowels in ago and run. The GA pure long vowel [o:] corresponds to the RP diphthong [au], as in boat, home, no. Similarly, the GA pure long vowel [e:] corresponds to the RP diphthong [ei], as in bait, shave. In a number of words GA has [u:] where RP has the combination [ ju:]; for example, duke, new, tune. In a few words, such as clerk and Berkeley, GA [3r] corresponds to RP [a:]. There are also several idiosyncratic differences, such



as the pronunciation of the medial vowel of tomato: [ei] in GA, [a:] in RP; ate in RP is usually [et], in GA [eit]; vase has the vowel [a:] in RP, and usually [e:] inGA. RP is a non-rhotic accent, whereas GA is rhotic. As a result, some RP diphthongs correspond to sequences of a pure vowel plus [r] in GA: fear has [ra] in RP and [ir] in GA; poor, [us] in RP and [ur] in GA.

10.8 Accent differences in vowels

Within the scope of this chapter, it is possible to refer to only a few of the numerous differences in vowels in various regional accents. 1. Scottish English is highly distinctive. While vowels may vary in length according to context, the contrasts between short and long vowels, as found elsewhere, are absent. The same vowel [u] is used for both full and fool; [o] for cof and caught; [a] for can and calm. 2. Regional accents in Australia, England (in the Midlands and South East, including Cockney) have diphthongs that differ from those of RP and GA: [AI] for the vowel in paper, which is homophonous with piper, [oi] for the vowel in child and buy, the latter homophonous with boy (a merger also found in some regional Irish accents); [au] for the vowel in no, which is homophonous with now. 3. Caribbean English does not distinguish between beer and bare, the vowel being [e:] or [ie] according to the region. There is a tendency to use unreduced non-central vowels where other accents use reduced central vowels, such as [a]; for example, [a] in the second syllable of woman. 4. African varieties of English do not have a contrast between [i] and [i:], giving rise to numerous pairs of homophones, such as ship/sheep, sin/seen, bit/beat, live/leave.




Phonemes 10.9 Phonemes and their allophones

Despite the variations, we can recognize a limited set of sound units that are distinctive. These sound units are the phonemes of the accent of the language. The phonemes are distinctive in that if we substitute one phoneme for another we can produce a different word. For example, the word ban consists of a sequence of three phonemes; /b, a, n/. If we replace the initial consonant /b/ by /p/ we get the different word pan; if we replace the vowel /a/ by /i/ we get bin; and if we replace the final consonant /n/ by /t/ we get bat. In this way we can show that /b, p/, /a, i/, and /n, t/ are contrastive in English, and are therefore phonemes. Phonemes are abstract sound units. A phoneme is manifested by a number of phones (or sounds), and variants of a particular phoneme are allophones of that phoneme. Phonemes are conventionally placed between virgules (slanting lines), whereas phones and allophones are enclosed within square brackets. In previous sections of this chapter, the phonetic transcription has been broad, a transcription restricted to a simple set of symbols that are used for the representation of phonemes. A narrow transcription uses more specific symbols or adds superscripts and subscripts. For example, the three main allophones of/I/ are shown in a narrow transcription as [1], [1], and [I]. The concepts of phoneme and allophone become clearer by analogy with the letters of the alphabet. We recognize that a symbol is a despite considerable variations in size, colour, and (to a certain extent) shape. The representation of the letter a is affected in handwriting by the preceding or following letters to which it is joined. Writers may form the letter idiosyncratically and may vary their writing according to whether they are tired or in a hurry or nervous. The variants in the visual representations are analogous to the allophones of a phoneme, and what is distinctive in contrast to other alphabetic letters is analogous to the phoneme. Allophonic variation may depend on the phonetic environment, the sounds preceding or following an allophone. If two allophones never occur in the same phonetic environment, they are in complementary distribution. For example, the phoneme /k/ is pronounced differently in key and coo, influenced by the vowel that follows it. It is easy to feel the difference in the position of the tongue when we say [k] as if we are going to say key and when we say [k] as if we are going to say cow. For key the tongue is forward into the hard palate in anticipation of the following high front vowel; for cow the tongue is retracted low down on the soft palate in anticipation of the following mid back vowel. In many accents, including RP and GA, there are distinct allophones of /I/. Clear [1], which is close in sound to a front vowel, is an allophone of/I/ that occurs before vowels, as in leap and look; dark [1], which is close in sound to a back vowel, occurs after vowels, as in peal and milk; voiceless [1] follows /p/ or /k/ in a stressed syllable, as mplay&nd sprinkler. As



final examples, /n/ is realized by the dental allophone [n] when followed by the dental fricatives /G, 5/, as in tenth\ similarly (t( and (d( are realized by the dental allophones [t, d] when followed by /9, 5/, as in eighth. Allophonic variation may arise from individual differences in pronunciation of the same word that do not affect the meaning, in which case the allophones are in free variation. For example, the final consonant of the stop /t/ in Take it! may be followed by a sudden release (or plosion) or it may be unreleased; the unexploded allophone is symbolized by the addition of a small circle as a superscript: [t°]. Free variants are allophones that occur in the same phonetic environment. They may be produced by the same person on different occasions. Other factors may affect the production of sounds. There are anatomical differences in the shape and size of vocal organs, individual differences as well as general differences in sex and age. The realization of phonemes may also be affected by the tempo and volume of utterances or by emphasis.

Word Stress 10.10 Stressed syllables

Syllables may be stressed or unstressed. In a monosyllabic word, there can be only one stressed syllable. Polysyllabic words vary in which of their syllables are stressed. We stress the first syllable of capitalize, generally, microbe, supermarket; the—or a—middle syllable of dictatorial, glaucoma, politician, potato; the final syllable of below, contain, engineer, unforeseen. If a word has two or more syllables, it may have a secondary stress. The primary (or only) stress is indicated by ' before the syllable, and the secondary stress by , before the syllable. The stress patterns of the words mentioned above are shown here: 'capitalize 'generally 'mic.robe 'super,market

.dictatorial, .glau'coma .politician po'tato

be'low contain .engi'neer .unforeseen

Stress is produced by an increase in muscle energy during articulation. The stressed syllable is perceived as more prominent than unstressed syllables in the word. Several factors may enter into the perception of prominence. They include pitch movement on the syllable; the type of vowel (for example [a] does not normally occur in stressed syllables, and [i] and [u] rarely occur in stressed syllables of polysyllabic words); the length of the vowel (longer vowels are more prominent).



10.11 StrGSS p d t t G m S

Stress is relevant to grammar as well as phonetics, since the stress patterns in

Slid WOfd ClflSS

some words may be affected by their grammatical word class. Some disyllabic verbs are distinguished from corresponding nouns or adjectives in that the verbs take the primary stress on the second syllable whereas the nouns and adjectives take it on the first syllable. There is often also some accompanying change in a vowel. Here are some examples, all of them words of classical origin (cf. 10.12): noun/ adjective ac,cent 'com,bine 'con, duct 'convict 'frequent object perfect pro.duce 'project 'rebel 're,cord 'subject 'trans,port

verb .ac'cent com'bine con'duct convict fre'quent ob'ject per feet pro'duce pro'ject re'bel re'cord sub'ject .trans'port

Several disyllables have the same stress pattern for both noun and verb or have a varying pattern; for example contact, contrast, comment. The present tendency seems to be to move the stress in disyllabic verbs of Latin origin to the first syllable. That tendency, which is also found in words of more than two syllables, whether they are verbs or nouns, is exemplified in the disputed pronunciations of contribute, controversy, dispute, distribute, research. Words of more than two syllables also display different stress patterns according to their word class. Some examples follow. noun/ adjective 'attribute 'estimate 'moderate 'prophecy 'reprimand 'separate

verb at'tri,bute 'estimate 'mode.rate ' .reprimand 'sepa.rate



10.12 Predicting word stress

Attempts have been made to establish the rules for determining where to place the primary stress and (if relevant) the secondary stress. The rules are extremely complex and admit numerous exceptions. It is beyond the scope of this chapter to deal with this topic in any detail, but a few general remarks are in order. The English vocabulary consists primarily of native words of Germanic origin to which have been added an enormous number of loanwords originating directly or indirectly from Latin or Greek. Different stress rules apply to Germanic and classical words. Germanic words typically take primary stress on the first syllable of their root, and that stress position is usually retained when prefixes and suffixes are added: holy 'holiness un'holy

live 'living

'sweet 'sweeter 'sweetest

heaven 'heavenly

Classical words also generally retain the stress on the same syllable (not necessarily the first) when Germanic suffixes are added, if the words have just a primary stress: 'generous generously but .generosity

'organize organizer but .organization

'editor editorship but .editorial

Nouns or adjectives of classical origin that have two or more syllables generally have the primary stress on the penultimate syllable (one from the end) or the antepenultimate syllable (two from the end) when a suffix is added. The position of the stress depends on the affix: 'photograph nation 'national logic logical origin

antepenultimate penultimate pho'tography .photographic pho'tographer .nationality .nationalistic .logi'cality


original o.rigi'nality


There are considerable variations in word stress between and within national varieties. For example, American English stresses the first syllable of laboratory and inquiry, whereas British English stresses the second syllable.



10.13 and Weak

Whereas all content words carry a primary stress on one syllable, many grammatical words (cf. 8.19)—such as most of the pronouns and auxiliary verbs—occur in two forms: a strong or stressed form and a weak or unstressed form. For example, the strong form of the indefinite article a is [ei], whereas the weak form is [a]. The weak forms are the ones normally used. The strong forms are used in these circumstances: 1. When the words are cited: How many instances of the word a [ei] can you find in this paragraph?

2. When the words are in contrast: He is not a [ei] suspect, he is the [5i:] suspect.

3. When the words are emphasized: You must [mAst] tell me.

4. When the units to which the words are related are fronted or omitted: Who were you speaking to [tu:, tu]? ('You were speaking to X') They were taken advantage of [DV]. ('X took advantage of them') If you won't do it, I will [wil] ('If you won't do it, I will do it')

Here are some common weak forms: a am an and as at but can

[m, am] [n,an] [and, an, n] [«] [at] [bat] [km] could [kad] from [frsm]

have [hav, av, v, a] must [mast] not [nt,n] of [av, a] some [sam] to [ta] + consonant [tu] + vowel was [waz] will [1]

Below are examples of weak forms in connected speech: I 'm [m] ready, but [bat] I 'd [d] prefer to [ta] get some [sam] food first, or at [at] least a [a] cup of[s] coffee. It's [s] best to [ta] tell him [im] before the [6a] meeting. Bob and [n] Henry must [mast] know where he's [iz] staying. I couldn't [n] say which of [a] them's [5amz] from [from] Manchester.

Words that are distinct from each other in their strong forms may become homophones in their weak forms. The example sentences above show that [n] can represent and and not, and that [a] can represent a and of. Both o/and have have the weak forms [a] and [av], a convergence that can cause the misspelling



of have as of in combinations such as I could have told you that. What's she like? is ambiguous, depending on what strong form corresponds to the [s] of What's: What is she like? or What does she like? Similarly, He's paid today corresponds to either He is paid today or He has paid today. The weak forms exhibit various kinds of reductions from the strong forms; omission of vowels and consonants, shortening of the lengths of sounds, and replacement of vowels by [9]. Some weak forms are represented by standard contracted spellings in writing; for example: 'm, 've, 'II, n't, 's. There are also non-standard spellings of weak forms; for example: a for of in cuppa coffee, n for and in fish'n'chips; 'em (derived from older hem, rather than them) in Get 'em.

10.14 RhytnlH

In connected speech, the alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables often conveys a rhythm, with stressed syllables providing the beat: El'even 'hundred 'people in 'fifty con'stituencies were 'asked 'how they'd 'vote.

In this example, there is virtually a regular pattern of unstressed syllables followed by stressed syllables. The major exception is the set of four unstressed syllables consisting of the three syllables of constituencies that follow the first syllable of that word and the unstressed were. It has been suggested that speakers of English tend to keep (or are perceived to keep) a similar amount of time between stressed syllables, so that the time taken by two or more unstressed syllables is (or is perceived to be) roughly equivalent to that taken by one stressed syllable. English is therefore said to be a stress-timed language, in contrast to languages such as French that are syllable-timed, since they give approximately the same time to each syllable. However, varieties of African and Indian English are generally syllable-timed. The time equivalence between stressed syllables is very approximate indeed. It is also affected by hesitations, rapid changes of tempo, and emphasis. The equivalence is most apparent in some rhetorical styles of public speaking.




Intonation 10.15 1OI16 •Init

Intonation involves patterns of pitch prominence in connected speech. The most important prominence is generally conveyed by a tone (a distinctive movement of pitch) that starts on a stressed syllable—the nuclear syllable or nucleus—and may continue over several syllables. A tone unit is a segment of speech that contains a nuclear tone. In what follows the nuclear syllable is in capitals. Tone units generally correspond to grammatical units: phrases, clauses, or short sentences. Plausible ends of the tone units below are marked by vertical lines. Phrases He is putting some distance between HIS ideas| and those of his COLIeagues| Clauses As soon as I got out of the WAter| I began to SHIver| Sentences I DON'T have an insurance policy| I've NEver had one|

In these examples, there are separate tone units for the phrase beginning with and, for the initial subordinate as-clause, and for the two parallel sentences beginning with /. A tone unit may consist of just one word; for example: Yes or No as responses, or unfortunately in: UnFORtunately| I've caught a COLD|

Tone units function as units of information that are offered by the speaker to the listener. The most important part of the information is indicated by the location of the nuclear tone. Take the question: Where are you this week? A possible reply would be: I'm in COLchester this week.

The information required by the question is conveyed by Colchester, and the tone begins on the nuclear syllable COL, which is the stressed syllable of the word. We can see that Colchester is the most important information, since an appropriate reply could have been limited to that name. Similarly, the question: What are you reading? might elicit the reply: I'm NOT reading.



NOT conveys the most important information, a denial of the implication of the question. The most important information in a tone unit tends to be information that has not been mentioned or implied before or that the listener could not know from the situation or from general knowledge. There is a tendency to put the most important information at the end of a tone unit, its climax. Hence, the tone will tend to occur on the last stressed syllable of the unit. What are you doing NOW? I'm just cleaning my TEETH. The play was pretty DREAry. My last examination was on THURSday.

The tone is generally on the stressed syllable of just one word, but the focus of information—the part that the listener's attention is directed to—may extend over more than one word. For example, a question-answer exchange might be: What are you DOing? I'm just cleaning my TEETH.

Here I'm is implied in the question, and the focus is just cleaning my teeth. When the tone is not on the last stressed unit, it has special function, such as marking emphasis, as in an earlier example in this section: I DON'T have an insurance policy] I've NEver had one| Or for contrast, as in another earlier example: He is putting some distance between HIS ideas| and those of his COLIeagues|

His is being contrasted with of his colleagues.

10.16 Direction of tone

The most common tone by far is the falling tone, where the pitch movement is downward. It is therefore considered the neutral tone. It conveys the impression of completeness. On the other hand, the rising tone (the second most frequent tone) conveys the impression of incompleteness. In what follows, the direction of the tone is indicated by an arrow immediately before the word carrying the tone. The contrast between the two impressions given by falls and rises is most clearly seen in lists. All the items in a list except the last have rises, indicating that more items are coming, whereas the last item has a fall, indicating that the list is now complete:



/• SALmon| /TROUT| /TURbotl /"HALibutl /HERringl Z1 TEN| /TWENty| ^"THIRty| /FORty| /1FIFty| /SIXty| \SEventy|

Similarly, in alternative questions, where the listener is presented with alternatives to choose from in the reply, the first alternative has a rise and the second a fall. Did you have /MUMPSI or \MEAsles?| A rise is also common, though not invariable, in yes-no questions: Have you had /'MUMPS? Initial clauses tend to have a rise, to show that more is to come: When I started my /caREER| there was SiNO unemployment! You /TRAIN the troops for six months| you send them /ABROAD for six months| and then you bring them \BACK again|

A rise may allow for a more polite request or invitation, since it conveys a lack of finality: /TELL us Come around /toNIGHT

The other tones, which are far less frequent, are mostly combinations of fall and rise. The fall-rise often conveys doubt or encouragement: We could have gone straight to the X/poLICE I N/MIGHT They are very v^exPENsivel for what you \GET out of them| \/CAREful

It is often used for an initial short adverbial: X/'SurPRIsinglyl no one was \THERE| X/'FRANKIyl I was \BORED| In all \/probaBllity| you are too \LATE| Even \Z*SO| there's a lot to be done \inTERnally|

The level tone, which is a variant of the rise, tends to convey lack of interest: It's "OKAY It might be used with yes and no in responses to a series of routine questions at an interview. The rise-fall, which is a variant of the fall, may communicate various strong feelings, such as enthusiasm, indignation, and sarcasm: You were simply /\WONderful What /NaGAIN That's /\NICE

There is also a combination of fall-plus-rise where the tones are carried by two nuclear syllables, indicating two places of information prominence in the one tone unit:



\YOU /'SHOULD The \SIMplest way to /'DO it| is to use your \HANDS|

From the discussion of the tones in this section, it is clear that the directions of tones play some part in signalling both grammatical and attitudinal distinctions. They serve in large measure to reinforce what is conveyed by the grammar. Questions expecting the answer yes or no (Are you ready?) tend to end in a rise, whereas wfr-questions expecting to extract information from the listener (What's your name?) tend to end in a fall. But these tendencies may be countered by the speaker's wish to convey certain attitudes. There may be other factors that are yet to be discovered.

Sounds and Tunes in Verse 10.17 Sound patterns in verse

Repetition of identical or near-identical sounds is characteristic of poetic language and of verse in general.4 The repetition may be conventional and systematic, as in rhymed or alliterative verse. Rhyme, alliteration, and other conventional devices take account of syllable structure. The English syllable consists of a vowel (V), which may be preceded by one or more consonants and may be followed by one or more consonants. A simplified notation gives the formula (C)V(C), where C stands for an optional consonant cluster. The conventional devices for sound repetition in English verse require that one or two parts of the CVC structure vary in the stressed syllable that carries the sound patterning. For example, rhyme requires that only the vowel and the final consonant cluster be identical: ran/man, swung)flung. The rhyme pattern can therefore be represented as CVC, where the bold VC represents the identity of sounds. It is the sounds that are identical, not the spellings: pane and rain rhyme. The absence of a consonant cluster in the rhyming pair is regarded as an equivalence: lie and try rhyme, since the final consonant cluster is absent in both words. As in the other conventional devices for the repetition of sounds, the rhyme generally starts from the stressed syllable: re main rhymes with Spain. Using the CVC formula, we obtain the sound patterns listed below. CVC rhyme rage/page





CVC alliteration take/tea






CVC assonance bait/main



CVC consonance (or half-rhyme) ran/sun



CVC reverse rhyme soft/song



CVC pararhyme (or slant rhyme) hall/hell




Alliteration was a common linking convention between half-lines in Old English verse and it was conventional in the alliterative verse in parts of England during the fourteenth century. Since the Old English period, rhyme has been the dominant verse convention for systematic sound patterning, marking words at the ends of lines. In alliterative verse, the absence of an initial consonant cluster is alliterative. Abraham and ombihtum alliterate in this line from an Old English poem paraphrasing the first half of Genesis, although they begin with different vowels: Da Abraham spraec

to his ombihtum

(Then Abraham spoke to his servants)

There may be partial alliteration in that the consonantal cluster is not fully identical in the words: . . . and bend Your force to break, blow, burn, and make new. [John Donne, 'Batter my heart', 3 f.] The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, The furrow followed free; [Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner', 104 f.]

Rhymes begin on the stressed syllables of the paired words, and include any unstressed syllables that follow the stressed syllables. If there are no unstressed syllables, the rhymes are monosyllabic or masculine: stalk/walk



If one unstressed syllable follows, the rhymes are disyllabic or feminine: flower/power



Polysyllabic rhymes, with more than two unstressed syllables, are most likely to occur in light or satirical verse: meticulous/ridiculous


Rhymes may extend over more than one word:



She snatch'd it, and refused another morsel, Saying, he had gorged enough to make a horse ill. [Lord Byron, 'Don Juan', Canto II, 7 f.]

When the rhyming pair are sharply different in their grammatical forms the effect is humorous, as in the Byron example or in the rhyming couplet that concludes Canto III of Alexander Pope's 'The Rape of the Lock': The meeting points the sacred hair dissever From the fair head, for ever, and for ever!

In this concluding sombre couplet from a Hopkins poem, the rhyming pair are more nearly matched grammatically: It is the blight man was born for, It is Margaret you mourn for. [Gerard Manley Hopkins, 'Spring and Fall: To a Young Child', 14 f.]

In his 'Essay on Criticism', Part II (lines 365-73, here renumbered 1-9), Alexander Pope illustrates the use of sound patterning in verse to reinforce meaning: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

The sound must seem an Echo to the sense: Soft is the strain when Zephyr gently blows, And the smooth stream in smoother numbers flows; But when loud surges lash the sounding shore, The hoarse, rough verse should like the torrent roar: When Ajax strives some rock's vast weight to throw, The line too labours, and the words move slow; Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain, Flies o'er th' unbending corn, and skims along the main.

Here the patterning is localized rather than being a conventional form for the verse. The repeated fricatives in line 2 are suggestive of the gentle turbulence of the wind; the combination of sibilants with nasals in line 3 suggests greater smoothness. In contrast, the meaning of line 4 is supported by the diphthongs in the stressed words loud and sounding and by the voiced consonants in the stressed words loud, surges, and sounding. In line 6 the image of Ajax's striving is reinforced by both the stress pattern and the syntactic order. Five successive stressed monosyllables ('strives some rock's vast weight') slow down the line, which is also slowed by the abnormal positioning of the direct object 'some rock's vast weight' before its verb 'throw'. Line 9 contrasts with line 6: although it is an alexandrine (with twelve syllables), it has fewer stresses and it displays normal word order. Sound patterning is employed in uses of language other than verse. Here are some instances of alliteration drawn from headlines in The Independentfor just one issue (10 December 1992): III met by moonlight in Mogadishu Digging dirt can land you in doo-doo Rights for the wrong reasons Beastly tidings for Buxton Kop confused by King Kenny's return

\ * I jj |



Sound patterns also occur in such diverse uses of language as proverbs ('Time and tide wait for no man', 'Birds of a feather flock together'), and advertisements: 'Guinness is good for you'; 'SHE is a woman and a lover, SHE is a worker and a mother' (advertisement for the magazine SHE); 'In Touch with Tomorrow—Toshiba'. Rhyming slang alludes to an intended word through a phrase that rhymes with it: cut and carried for 'married', Mona Lisa for 'freezer', stand at ease for 'cheese'.

10.18 Rhythm and metre

Rhythm represents the patterning of stressed and unstressed syllables that normally occurs in connected speech. It also involves pitch changes, including those associated with nuclear tones in tone units (cf. 10.15 f.). In ordinary speech there are various degrees of stress, varying jumps or drops in pitch, and varying durations of pitch movements in the tones. Rhythm takes account of syntactic units. Metre is a regular patterning of alternations of stressed and unstressed syllables that ignores the variability usual in speech. It is a formal convention of much of English verse. In Old English alliterative verse the number of unstressed syllables associated with a stressed syllable is not constrained. The traditional approach to metre uses terminology borrowed from the analysis of quantitative metres (based on the length of syllables) in Greek and Latin poetry. The units within a line are feet. Feet consisting of two syllables are duple, those consisting of three syllables are triple. In the list of main types of foot given below, an unstressed syllable is symbolized by 'x' and a stressed syllable by'/'. x / iamb /x trochee / / spondee

x x / anapaest / x x dactyl

Lines are characterized by the number of feet in them. The lines most frequently used are: 3 feet 4 feet 5 feet 6 feet

trimeter tetrameter pentameter hexameter or alexandrine

The most common metrical form in English poetry is iambic pentameter. It is exemplified in the first line of Thomas Gray's 'Elergy Written in a Country Churchyard': The curfew tolls the knell of parting day x /Ix / I x /I x /Ix /I

The traditional foot-scansion has been criticized because the foot is not a perceptual unit and because rhythmic effects transcend the boundaries of feet. However, no alternative metrical scansion has yet gained general acceptance.5

; i

Chapter 11 Punctuation Summary


Punctuation and the spoken language (11.1-3) 11.1 Written communication 506 11.2 The development of English punctuation 506


Punctuation, pauses, and intonation 507

Punctuation for separating and for enclosing (11.4-8) 11.4 The functions of punctuation 11.5 The written text 511 11.6 The separating punctuation hierarchy 512


11.7 11.8

The enclosing punctuation hierarchy 513 Frequencies of punctuation marks 514

Periods (11.9-11) 11.9

Periods at the ends of sentences 515 11.10 Abbreviation periods 517


Ellipsis and suspension periods 519

Question marks (11.12) 11.12 The functions of question marks 520

Exclamation marks (11.13) 11.13 The functions of exclamation marks


Colons (11.14-16) 11.14 The major functions of colons 523 11.15 Punctuation accompanying colons 524

Semicolons (11.17) 11.17 The functions of semicolons 527

11.16 The minor functions of colons 526




Commas for separating (11.18-21) 11.18 Commas for separating two Independent clauses 529 11.19 Commas for separating two units other than independent clauses 531


Commas for separating three or more units 532 11.21 Commas for separating adjectives 533

Dashes for separating (11.22-3) 11.22 The major functions of dashes 535

11.23 The minor functions of dashes 536

Parentheses (11.24-6) 11.24 Parentheses for enclosing 11.25 The minor functions of parentheses 539



Other types of bracketing 540

Dashes for enclosing (11.27) 11.27

Enclosing dashes


Commas for enclosing (11.28-9) 11.28

Enclosing commas



Commas for avoiding misinterpretation 544


The minor functions of quotation marks 548


Hyphens in word divisions

Quotation marks (11.30-1) 11.30 Quotation marks for quotations 545

Punctuation of words (11.32-4) 11.32 Apostrophes 549 11.33 Hyphens in compounds 551



Chapter 11 Summary There are numerous graphic displays that are unique to human communication. The conventions of punctuation reflect only crudely—if at all—the pauses and intonational patterns that occur in speech. The present punctuation system for English was essentially in place during the second half of the seventeenth century. It is linked more to grammatical structure than to the rhythms of speech. Punctuation marks do not necessarily coincide with pauses in speech. They occasionally indicate intonational features. The two major functions of punctuation marks are to separate and to enclose. There is a hierarchy of separation marks and a hierarchy of enclosing marks. The most frequently used marks are the comma and the period. The separation marks are periods, question marks, exclamation marks, colons, semicolons, commas, and dashes. The enclosing marks come in pairs, though one of the pair may be absorbed by a more major mark. The enclosing marks are parentheses, dashes, commas, and quotation marks. Two punctuation marks apply to words. They are apostrophes and hyphens.


Punctuation and the Spoken Language 11.1 Written communication

There are numerous graphic displays that are unique to written communication: footnotes and indexes; tables, diagrams, maps, and graphs; photographs and cartoons; formulae and equations. Some variations in printed texts may have communicative—and not merely aesthetic— significance: print size, spacing between letters, roman versus italic, normal versus bold. One set of writing systems in English bears some relationship to systems in the spoken language: the conventions for spelling, which are discussed in Chapter 12, correspond in some measure to the sounds used in speech. On the other hand, the conventions for punctuation, the topic of this chaper, reflect only crudely—if at all—the pauses and intonational patterns that occur in speech (cf. 11.3).

11.2 The development of English punctuation

The beginnings of the punctuation systems used now in Europe can be traced back to punctuation practices in classical Greece and Rome, which influenced the punctuation used by medieval European scribes. However, there was a great deal of variability and inconsistency in both classical and medieval periods: variability and inconsistency in the number and form of punctuation signs and in their use even within the same work. The unsystematic punctuation that was common in medieval manuscripts continued into the early period of printing. In some instances, more than one compositor was employed to set a work and the compositors might vary in the punctuation that they added to what they found in the manuscripts of authors. It has been claimed, for example, that several compositors worked on Shakespeare's First Folio, the different hands manifesting themselves in the variable punctuation of parts of the printed text. Indeed, it is likely that Shakespeare's punctuation was augmented by others before the manuscripts reached the compositors: perhaps by the prompter, to guide the actors in their rendering of the lines; and by the professional scribes, who produced a fair copy of the text for the acting company. The present punctuation system for English was essentially in place during the second half of the seventeenth century. It owes its standardization in the first place to the work of printers and subsequently to the guidelines set by



publishing companies. Some variation continues to the present day. Relatively minor differences, though conspicuous, distinguish American and British punctuation, the two systems that influence punctuation practices elsewhere in the English-speaking world. In addition, some publishers maintain house styles, and copy-editors often impose on the manuscripts of authors their own prescriptions. The earliest punctuation systems tended to reflect a division into sense units that were expected to correlate at their boundaries with pauses in speech. They provided an aid to reading aloud and for some religious texts a guide to chanting. With the increased publication of printed books, the punctuation system was adapted for silent reading and was linked more to grammatical structure than to the rhythms of speech.

11.3 Punctuation, pauses, and intonation

There is a widespread belief that the comma is equivalent to a pause in speech and even that the semicolon, colon, and period (or full stop) represent progressively longer pauses than the comma. It is true that a reader is often likely to pause after such punctuation marks when reading aloud from a script, though there is no strict hierarchy in length of pause. However, in unscripted monologue (even when the speaker is prepared or knows the topic well) and certainly in casual conversation we may expect to find numerous pauses where punctuation marks would not occur: these may reflect the speaker's hesitations, which are common even among practised speakers. Such pauses and also intonation breaks (which mark the ends of intonation units but may sound like pauses to the untrained ear) vary considerably in their placement, depending on factors apart from familiarity with the topic, such as the personality of the speaker, the speaker's mood, the tempo of the speech, and the relationship between participants in the discourse. There are, however, circumstances apart from hesitations where pauses or intonation breaks occur in speech but punctuation marks are not allowed in writing. One example is the position immediately after a long subject. In [1] a pause (or some other kind of break) is expected in speech between discussed (the end of the subject of the sentence) and the verb concerns, but punctuation rules forbid the separation of the subject from the rest of the sentence by a single punctuation mark: [1]

The question that does remain to be discussed concerns notions of political responsibility and ethics. [W2A-017-6]

Similarly, it would not be surprising to find a pause in speech between was and that in [2], but punctuation rules forbid the insertion of a single comma between the verb be and the subject predicative (cf. 3.18):




The prediction was that broking firms would expand their operations and that very many new companies would be created. [W2A-005-56]

In the next example, a pause or intonation break would be normal in speech between also and that, but rules intervene, preventing us from inserting a single comma before a t/iaf-clause functioning as an extraposed subject (cf. 4.38): [3]

It should be noted also that the rate of protein turnover is influenced by the activity of the thyroid gland. [W2A-024-28]

On the other hand, punctuation marks may be found where pauses would normally not occur. In [4] a pause is unlikely between that and after (though likely between time and that, where a comma is disallowed): [4]

Sears predicted at the time that, after an initial surge triggered by an advertising blitz, sales would not be affected at all. [891005-0012-13]

Similarly, a pause is unlikely before in fact in [5], even though a pair of commas encloses the expression: [5]

Many analysts, in fact, said they thought IBM did not go far enough in lowering expectations. [890928-0146-3]

Nevertheless, there are occasions when punctuation marks indicate intonational features that are not otherwise conveyed in the text. For example, question marks signal the presence of a question and therefore the intonation appropriate to a question. If the grammatical form shows that the sentence is a question, the question mark is redundant, as in [6]: [6]

Is this an indication that the social structure within the church mirrored that in secular society? [WIA-002-25]

But a question mark is required otherwise, as in [7]: [7]

Well I did it—I asked for a hard piece and she said "A really hard one?" [W1B-010-55]


Perhaps she should stay away from Lesley today? [W2F-003-37]

Similarly, an exclamation mark is redundant when the sentence is exclamative in form: [9]

How lovely to be writing to you again! [wiB-003-106]

But the punctuation signals the appropriate intonations in [10]-[13], without of course detailing what they could be: [10] I miss you! [WIB-OOI-35]

[11] I've not had a permanent job for almost two years now! [WIB-OOI-164] [12] Muchas gracias for your letter which came this morning. It was nice to hear from you—when I finally got it open! [WIB-004-64] [13] 'Come in, come in. Tom, look who's here . . . Aunty Emma!' [W2F-003-48 f.]

If the presence of the punctuation marks is optional, they may suggest some intonation pattern in a spoken version, though not necessarily a



particular pattern. Consider the use of the optional dash in [14] to express a dramatic pause before a self-correction: [14] The night of the accident she'd been upset, distracted—no, upset: after dinner, she hadn't been able to settle to anything. [W2F-016-86]

In the following examples, notice the effect of the suspension periods in [15], and the parentheses in [16], and the pairs of commas in [17]: [15] I was passing, and . . . I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here. [W2F-009-88] [16] I've come to Haight Street (home of the hippies I told you about) to get a haircut. [WIB-OII-71]

[17] She asked if she might see a hand-mirror, please, and when it was placed in her hand she started fussing, quite urgently, with her hair. [W2FO10-66]

Punctuation for Separating and for Enclosing 11.4 The functions of punctuation

We can distinguish two major functions for punctuation marks: either they separate or they enclose.1 Marks that separate occur singly and set apart juxtaposed units. In [1] the period signals the end of the first sentence and therefore separates the two sentences, in [2] the semicolon separates the two main clauses that have been juxtaposed in one orthographic sentence, and in [3] the commas separate the three adjectives: [1]

Until now we have been a rural planet in which most of mankind has lived close to the land and to nature. By the end of the century we will be transformed into an urban planet which will be mainly man-made and include 3 thousand million people competing for limited space in its towns and cities. [W2B-018-7 f.]


I was sorry to hear about your traumatic experience; it must have been very harrowing, [WIB-OII-5]


She had always disliked this building. To her it was cold, unsanctified, sinister. [W2F-005-85 f.]

There are several enclosing marks that set apart a unit that is included in a larger unit. In [4] there are two appositives, the first enclosed by a pair of dashes and the second by a pair of commas, while in [5] the appositive is enclosed by parentheses.




You can try an experiment on reaction by sitting in a chair with castors— an office chair or a wheelchair—and throwing a heavy object, such as a brick or a book, away from you. [W2B-035-19]


It was based on the fact that a colour picture contains both luminance (light or brightness) and the colour. [W2B-034-108]

Theoretically, enclosing marks always occur in pairs, but a comma or dash is omitted at the beginning of a sentence, as in [6], and is absorbed by a more major punctuation mark when it occurs at the end, as in [7]: [6]

Frankly, those reasons are not good enough. [W2B-013-54]


He did notice the flowers, apparently. [W2FO19-67]

Contrast these two examples of enclosed adverbs with [8], where both commas are present: [8] Then, unhappily, my thoughts are unoriginal. [W2F-018-93]

Parentheses, on the other hand, may enclose one or more sentences—one sentence in [9] and two in [10]—or occur at the end of the sentence before the period, as in [11]: [9]

The operatives identified pro-choice Democrats and emphasized the abortion issue among them. (Special-election procedures allow crossparty voting.) In a district where 33% of the voters are registered Democrats, the only Democratic candidate on the ballot received 6.6%; the remainder voted for Ms. Hunter. [891013-0006-28]

[10] The novels in particular intrigued Alice, because she sensed that to read some of them might afford insights, but Eleanor so consistently downplayed them that she soon stopped asking about them. (A search through library catalogues—with an unmistakably furtive feeling—revealed nothing. None of the titles was even listed, and the only authors with the name Hamilton were other people.) [W2F-009-47 ff.] [11] Much of Mr. Lane's film takes a highly romanticized view of life on the streets (though probably no more romanticized than Mr. Chaplin's notion of the Tramp as the good-hearted free spirit). [891102-0153-10]

Periods marking the ends of enclosed sentences come within the parentheses, as in [9] and [10]. The period follows the closing parenthesis if the enclosed unit functions as part of the sentence, as does the though-dause in [11]. Several marks have a specifying function, sometimes in addition to other functions. For example, the question mark not only separates between sentences (like the period) but also specifies that its sentence is a question. Pairs of quotation marks not only enclose but also specify that the enclosed content is direct speech. The apostrophe in neighbours' specifies that the word is in the genitive plural in contrast to the genitive singular neighbour's and the non-genitive plural neighbours.



11.5 The Writtdl t e x t

A text is a self-contained communicative unit. Written texts range in size from a multi-volume encyclopedia to a road sign consisting of one word such as 'STOP'. Large texts are visually divided into smaller units. Books, for example, are divided into chapters for the main body of the text, though there is also obligatory front matter and there may be optional back matter. Chapters may in turn be divided into sections, as in this book, and perhaps into subsections or a hierarchy of subsections. The visually distinct units that are common to the majority of varieties of written texts are the paragraph, the sentence, and the word. Since the word and the sentence in orthography (the writing system) are not always equivalent to the word and the sentence in grammar, it is sometimes necessary to refer to them as the orthographic word and the orthographic sentence. The paragraph, on the other hand, is a conceptual entity that is not defined in grammar, so that there is no such unit as a grammatical paragraph. Punctuation also separates or encloses units other than the paragraph, sentence, and word; but the others are not as visually distinct or as wellestablished. A word is separated from words before and after it by a space or by a combination of a space with one or more punctuation marks preceding or following the space: I'm surprised how a ' routine' that I We can, however, say 'Good'. And should I Punctuation marks—apostrophes, hyphens, capitals, and abbreviation periods—may also perform functions for words, internally or at the peripheries: they can't my T-shirt '(was too early custom-built furniture the minister's brief F— off! our sons' birthdays You c—f! her ex-husband Prof. Carter A sentence begins with a capital and usually ends with a period; less usually it ends with a question mark or exclamation mark or some indication of interruption or suspension such as a dash or ellipsis dots. The sentence—or a set of sentences—may also be enclosed by opening and closing quotation marks or by opening and closing parentheses. Between two sentences there may be a longer space than is normal between two words. The beginning of a new paragraph is signalled by indentation (also called indention) or by a larger space after the previous paragraph than is normal between lines or by a combination of indentation and spacing. In print (and sometimes in typescript) the first paragraph of a chapter or section normally begins without indentation, since indentation is unnecessary to signal the beginning of such a paragraph. The end of a paragraph is signalled by leaving



blank the space remaining after the last sentence. If the end of the paragraph coincides with the end of the line, the signal for the end of the paragraph in block style is extra spacing before the next paragraph; this signal is obscured when the end of the line also coincides with the end of the page.

11.6 The separating punctuation hierarchy

Sentences, clauses, and phrases constitute a grammatical hierarchy in that a sentence consists of one or more clauses and a clause of one or more phrases. However, for punctuation we have to distinguish the orthographic sentence from the grammatical sentence. For example in both [1] and [2] we have two orthographic sentences separated by periods, but only in [1] do we have also two grammatical sentences: [1]

Things never work out the way we would like them to. Like fallen leaves that the wind sweeps to and fro, we are indiscriminately swayed by our unsubstantial and frivolous emotions, [WIB-OOI-37 f.]


You're no doubt working extremely hard. At avoiding the things you dislike and doing the things you do best, [WIB-OOI-4 f.]

The second orthographic sentence in [2] is a grammatical phrase, not a grammatical sentence (cf. 11.9). The norm in punctuation is for the orthographic sentence to be also a grammatical sentence. But the writer can often exercise the option of combining two sentences into one, for example by replacing the period in [1] by a semicolon. The effect would be to signal to the reader that the two units were more closely connected than the sentences on either side of them. In [3] we have two independent clauses separated by a semicolon: [3]

The paint was peeling everywhere; it would be a surprise if it wasn't. [W2F-006-34]

The two clauses in [3] could equally have been made into two orthographic sentences separated by a period. Commas are often used to separate co-ordinated units (but cf. 11.18-21). The co-ordination may be syndetic (with a co-ordinator) [4] or asyndetic (without a co-ordinator) [5]: [4] [5]

These images come mainly from poems, novels, articles, cartoons, postcards, and posters [. . .] [W2A-009-21] Brett looked down at the stiff cold collar, inspected the fittings. [W2F-001-78]

The hierarchy of separation marks is shown below together with the units that they normally separate: mark unit 1. period, question mark, exclamation mark sentence



sentence(s), independent clause, phrase independent clause independent clause, phrase subordinate clause, phrase

2. colon 3. semicolon 4. dash 5. comma

Marks are sometimes used to separate units other than those specified, either for special purposes or for stylistic effects. For example semicolons are used in [6] and [7] to separate phrases when internal commas obscure the major units: [6]

Airlines that could be affected include Continental Airlines, a unit of Texas Air Corp., Houston; Pan American World Airways, a unit of Pan Am Corp., New York; and Trans World Airlines, New York. [89ioo&oii9-30]


More police, more jails, more-stringent penalties, increased efforts at interception, increased publicity about the evils of drugs—all this has been accompanied by more, not fewer, drug addicts; more, not fewer, crimes and murders; more, not less, corruption; more, not fewer, innocent Victims. [890929-0138-4]

Independent clauses that are asyndetically co-ordinated (i.e. without a co-ordinator) are normally not separated by commas, but commas may be used to reinforce parallel structures, as in [8]: [8]

He loved his mother, he feared his father.

The separation punctuation hierarchy is useful in distinguishing superordinate from subordinate units. In [9], for example, the colon is the superordinate mark, which introduces a list of units separated by semicolons: [9]

They never expressly forswore reunification but never stood up for it either, hiding behind alibis: Reunification is, at best, a long way off; it can be achieved only with the support of "our neighbors,"; it is possible only within "a European solution." [890918-0062-19]

Semicolons and separating commas readily occur in a series of more than two units. Unlike the other separating marks, the colon can introduce a unit consisting of more than one sentence (cf. 11.15).

11.7 The enclosing punctuation hierarchy

In parallel with the hierarchy for separation marks, we can establish a hierarchy for enclosing marks: mark parentheses dashes commas

unit sentence(s), clause, phrase sentence, clause, phrase subordinate clause, phrase



The most frequent kind of parentheses is (), usually called brackets in British English. For other kinds of parentheses, see 11.26. The enclosing marks are correlative. Parentheses (and other types of bracketing) come in pairs, the closing mark being different in shape from the opening mark. Theoretically, the dashes and commas are in pairs, but one or other of the pair may be absorbed by a more major punctuation mark or omitted at the beginning of a sentence. Parentheses are placed above dashes in the hierarchy because they can enclose two or more sentences. And while the units enclosed by all three correlative pairs can be omitted without affecting the acceptability and meaning of the remainder, those enclosed by parentheses are most easily dispensed with. One enclosed unit can be embedded within another. As examples [l]-[4] demonstrate, there is no hierarchy dictating which marks should enclose the superordinate and subordinate units. [1] One of the fastest growing segments of the wine market is the category of superpremiums—wines limited in production, of exceptional quality (or so perceived, at any rate), and with exceedingly high prices. [891102-0121-8] [2] Copying media coverage of the Olympics, this film dogs the steps of Aleksei Sultanov, the young Soviet athlete—oops, musician—who won last spring's tournament—oops, piano competition. [891012-0165-21] [3] When inserted again this year, the provision was not even challenged on the Senate floor, as conservatives relied—mistakenly—on the House ultimately stripping out the language. [891012-0054-38] [4] Mum's coming up for a few days and then Daddy's joining us on the bank holiday weekend (back to the camp bed for me—we've only one bed!). [W1B-004-34]

Quotation marks are also correlative, and like parentheses the opening and closing marks are always present. Quotation marks fall into a different category from the three sets of marks in the enclosing hierarchy, since their primary function is not enclosure but specification: they specify that the enclosed content is direct speech or a quotation (cf. 11.30).

11.8 Frequencies of punctuation marks

Of the separating and enclosing punctuation marks, the most frequently used are the comma and the period. One study of American punctuation2 cites frequency counts based on samples totalling about 72,000 words that were drawn in equal proportions from three styles of writing in print: journalism, learned writing, and fiction. The figures for the punctuation marks are: commas periods

4,054 (46.8%) 3,897 (45%)



dashes pairs of parentheses semicolons question marks colons exclamation marks

189 (2.2%) 165 (1.9%) 167 (1.9%) 84 (1%) 78 (0.9%) 25 (0.3%)

Together, the comma and the period accounted for over 90% of the marks. None of the other marks came anywhere near their frequency. Comparable figures are given below for percentages in a British set of texts—the written component of ICE-GB, which consists of 200 texts totalling approximately 400,000 words (see Ch. 8, n. 4): commas periods dashes opening parentheses closing parentheses semicolons question marks colons exclamation marks

19,485 (41.9%) 18,632 (40.1%) 1,347 (2.9%) 2,090 (4.5%) 2,118(4.6%) 743 (1.6%) 810 (1.7%) 806 (1.7%) 444(1%)

Again, the most frequent punctuation marks by far are the commas and periods. There are higher percentages for parentheses in particular in ICE-GB than in the American samples, but that may be due to differences in the types of texts: the texts in ICE-GB were drawn from a wider selection of text categories. In the American texts the parentheses always came in pairs, but in the British texts the closing parentheses sometimes came singly, after a section or list number or letter. The sections that follow examine in turn the individual separating and enclosing marks and then consider the factors that influence choices where they are available.

Periods 11.9 Periods at the ends of sentences

The period (commonly called full stop in British English) is the most usual punctuation mark for the end of an orthographic sentence. The relatively infrequent alternatives are the question mark and the exclamation mark. Since these two marks replace the sentence period they are generally not followed by a period even when quotation marks intervene:




He looked slowly round at the crew and said, 'Anyone know if it's raining in RiO?' [W2B-004-108]

It is acceptable and quite usual—particularly in official and business letters—to put a period at the end of a request that is politely framed as-a question: [2]

Would you kindly telephone the above number to make an appointment.


In the meanwhile, may I just confirm a few administrative details.

[W1B-017-65] [W1B-030-851

Question marks are possible in [2] and [3], but they suggest genuine queries. It is sound practice to resort to exclamation marks sparingly and to prefer a period unless the sentence is intended to be read as undoubtedly exclamatory in tone. Imperative sentences normally end in a period: [4]

'Bring him out here,' instructed Miss Pickerstaff. [W2F-012-87]

A period may end an orthographic sentence that is not a grammatically independent sentence. Here is a series of fragments in the form of noun phrases, each in an orthographic sentence for separate emphasis: [5]

But there is also punishment and self-imposed pain here—guilt, perhaps, at taking the role of breadwinner away from the father. Anxiety. Solitude. Defilement. Despair. Blacking. All these things come together, and we are left with the image of the young boy writhing in agony on the rat-infested floor. [W2B-006-8 ff.]

This type of fragment is often found in advertisements: [6]

Thai now flies smooth as silk to Istanbul. Twice a week. [International Herald Tribune, 23 September 1994, p. 18]

Elliptical sentences and non-sentences (cf. 6.1) are particularly common in dialogue: [7]

'Actually I was thinking of having a rest afterwards,' I said. 'A rest? she said incredulously. 'On the first day of our holiday?' [W2F-013-28 ff.]


'What you mean? What can they do to me? I mean really.' ' Really deport you.' 'How?' 'Extradition.' [Adolf's Revenge, by Lynne Alexander (London: Abacus, 1994), p. 82]

Periods are customarily omitted after addresses and dates that head letters and after addresses on envelopes. They are always omitted after the name that ends a letter. It is usual not to have a period in titles of books and other works and in newspaper headings or subheadings, even if these take the form of sentences that would elsewhere end in a period: [9]

Fossils Provide Closest Clue to Missing Link [International Herald Tribune, 23 September 1994, p. 1]


More conspicuously, the heading in [10] consisting of two sentences has the period at the end of only the first sentence: [10] Researchers have been bewitched by the elegance of nucleic acids and proteins. Now they are opening their eyes to the subtleties of sugar [The Economist, 24 September 1994, p. 119]

It is sometimes claimed that there is a rule against starting a sentence with and or but, but they are frequently used by experienced writers. Though inexperienced writers may overuse and and but at the beginnings of sentences and their usage may be unjustified, skilled writers can use these conjunctions with confidence to smooth the flow of the discourse.

11.10 Abbreviation periods

A period may be placed after initial letters or after a shortened form of a word to indicate an abbreviation: B.A. U.K. C.O.D. a.m. A.D.

Mon. Dec. Fig. Prof. Gen. (General or Genesis) Hon. Sec.

The period is not used for acronyms where the initials are pronounced as a word and the word has established currency: AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome; also writtens as Aids) WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant) NOW (National Organization for Women) UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) VAT (Value-added Tax) Increasingly, the abbreviation period is omitted—particularly in British English—even when the acronym is pronounced as a sequence of letters (sometimes called an alphabetism or an initialism): AC/DC (Alternating Current/Direct Current) NHS (National Health Service) IRA (Irish Republican Army) FDA (Food and Drug Administration) NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)



OUP (Oxford University Press) DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) Similarly, periods are often omitted in British English in alphabetisms such as BA, UK, PhD, am, PC (Police Constable), QC (Queen's Counsel), MP (Member of Parliament). In British usage there has long been a tendency to omit the period when the final letter is present as well as the first letter, in which case the shortening is regarded as an orthographic contraction: Mr Mrs Dr Rd St (Street or Saint) Ltd The tendency is being extended in some British printed matter (particularly newspapers) to other forms of shortening, though it is more usual to provide periods: Lt.Col. Capt. Co. sq.ft. Inc. Rev. Initials for personal names normally take periods: J. R. Pearson. The periods are omitted after the initials in some typing and printing styles. In British usage, the day of the month may be written as an ordinal numeral {1st May, 8th June) as well as a cardinal numeral (1 May or May 1). A period is usually not inserted after the abbreviated ordinal. Numerals for abbreviated dates may be separated by periods, but virgules (slanting lines or solidi) and dashes (en-dashes in print) are common alternatives: 8.3.95



The dates here represent August 3, 1995 in American English and 8 March 1995 in British English, since the references to day and month are differently ordered in the two varieties. Periods are generally used in British English for time abbreviations as well, where American English uses colons: 9.30


They are also used before decimals (and are then called decimal points) and between units of money: 15.30 per cent



Scientific and technological works generally follow an international system of abbreviations for measures, chemical elements, and the like. No periods are used for the abbreviations: kg (kilogram) Hz (hertz)

s (second) m (minute)

sq (square) O (oxygen)

If an abbreviation period coincides with a sentence period, only one period is used: If the 20-point limit is triggered after 1:30 p.m. Chicago time, it would remain in effect until the normal close of trading at 3:15 p.m. [891102-0104-6]



11.11 Ellipsis and suspension periods

A sequence of (normally) three periods is used for omissions in quotations and for hesitation or suspense. They are termed ellipsis dots, ellipsis points, or ellipsis periods; the terms suspension dots or suspension periods are sometimes reserved for hesitations and suspense. Ellipsis periods indicate that the writer has omitted something from a quotation. It may be at the beginning of the quotation [1], in the middle [2], or at the end [3]: [1]

Another alteration is: '. . . weep, and you sleep alone'. [W2B-010-44]


One dictionary defines dowager as 'a wealthy or dignified elderly woman . . . a widow possessing property or a title obtained from her husband'. [W2B-022-13]


In section 40 it states "After the formation of the filament and during its formation, arsenic [. . .] will flow from the electrodes and heavily dope the f i l a m e n t . . ." [W2A-034-54]

If the omission comes at the end of a sentence, a fourth period is commonly added (particularly in American English and for scholarly writing in British English) for the usual sentence period. Suspension periods indicate hesitations and pauses of various kinds and breaks in sentence structure that may be followed by a new start: [4]

Bereavement is so . . . yes it does feel like fear, [WIB-OIO-25]


The accident, caused by human error and negligence, is on record as "the world's worst nuclear accident" . . . yet. [W2A-030-6]


'Now if only Peter could give me a child like that I'd get pregnant tomorrow. The only trouble is . . .' her look now enveloped Peter as well, 'his children have turned out so badly.' [W2B-004-44 f.]


'He vanished,' Anne said, 'Just like Tommy did. He said he was going to look for him, so I suppose he's over here somewhere, unless . . .' Sally shook her head. [W2F-002-40]


But drinking coffee and reading in an undusted room, children and mother still in their night-clothes, the breakfast dishes undoubtedly unwashed in the sink if not still on the table—it was . . . Emma sought for a civilized word . . . sloppy. [W2F-O03-62]

A dash can similarly indicate a break in structure, but it suggests a sharper break than do suspension periods (cf. 11.23).



Question Marks 11.12 The functions of question marks

A question mark is placed at the end of a sentence to signal that the sentence is a question. It therefore has a dual purpose: it marks the end of a sentence (thereby replacing the sentence period and indeed including the period in its appearance) and it specifies that the sentence is a question: [I]

Is this an indication that the social structure within the church mirrored that in secular society? [WIA-002-25]


What have you two been up to? [WIB-002-78]


Is Joe still annoying everyone or has she learned to keep her big mouth Shut? [W1B-002-28]

Sentences [l]-[3] have the structures of various types of questions (cf. 3.5): a yes-no question [1], expecting the answer yes or no; a wto-question [2], requesting the supply of missing information; an alternative question [3], asking for a choice. The questions may be elliptical: [4]

Seen anyone else I know? [WIB-002-36]


You spendthrift! Anyhow why not? [WIB-004-81]


Any ideas? [WIB-007-50]


Looking forward to your move to Cambridge? [WIB-013-93]


More coffee? [W2F-019-87]

A tag question (cf. 3.6), which requires a question mark, is attached at the end of a sentence that is not a question: [9]

It won't be too long before you come over, will it? [WIB-008-137]

[10] 'You don't mind, do you?' [W2F-003-8i! [II] They haven't come back, either, have they? [W2F-006-132] [12] You love me, don't you? [W2F-016-97]

A declarative question (cf. 3.10), which has the function of a question though not the form, also ends in a question mark: [13] Perhaps this represents cash advanced? [WIB020-18] [14] You must be glad to have Keith back? [W2F003-ii2] [15] I said quickly, 'You believe in using drugs to suppress all pain?' [W2F-004-92]

[16] Jaycee was a male? [W2F-oo6-i78] [17] I thought you telephoned ahead? [W2F-012-26] [18] 'You did pick your passport off the floor?' [W2F-015-104]

A tag question may sometimes not have question form: [19] 'What have you been up to with this then, eh?' [W2F-001-65]



Punctuation conventions require that a question mark not be used for indirect questions: [20] I don't know whether you've had any work lately. [21] They told him what the topic should be.

See also 11.13 for exclamatory questions. A question mark in parentheses is occasionally used to express doubt about a part of the sentence that comes immediately before it: [22] The concern with 'authenticity' and 'integrity' expresses itself in, for example, gridded metal-framed canopies in the arcades, supported by steel (?) rods emerging out of free-standing stone pillars [. . .] [W2A-005-108]

Exclamation Marks 11.13 The functions of exclamation marks

The exclamation mark is placed at the end of a sentence to signal that the sentence is a forceful utterance. Like the question mark (cf. 11.12), it has a dual purpose, since it also marks the end of a sentence. It is used for certain kinds of utterances, typically in personal letters between intimates, informal notices, and representations of dialogues: 1. Exclamatory sentences introduced by how or what



What an appropriate introduction to San Francisco! [WIB-012-15]


How lovely to be writing to you again! [WIB-003-106]


How boring! [WIB-004-103]

Exclamatory questions [4]

Aren't things different now! [W2B-022-7]

3. Expressions of surprise or shock [5]

You can only have showers on week-days after supper, and you have to pay 5 Francs each time—I couldn't believe it! [WIB-002-126]


The architecture here is dramatically different from that in Manhattan. You can see the sky! [wiB-012-26 f.]

4. Conventional form of wishes and curses [7]

Good luck to Simon for his exams! [wiB-004-99]


Happy Birthday! [WIB-006-98]


Congratulations! [WIB-014-69]



[10] If only it would! [W2F-003-44] [11] Damn the Belgian refugees! [W2F-005-33] 5. Urgent warnings or alarms [12] Look, Benjamin! [W2F-012-93] [13] 'Shoot him! Shoot him!1 [W2F-012-130] [14] The wheelchair woman cried, 'Not like that!' [W2F-oi8-88] 6. Vocatives (cf. 5.15) when used alone [15] 'The neighbours will hear you. Or do you want people to know how you behave towards me?' 'Susan!' [W2F-008-145] 7.

Interjections (cf. 4.47) [16] Oh dear! [WIB-005-124] [17]

Hi again! [WIB-009-29]

[18] "Humph!" she said to herself. [W2F-005-101] [19] Well, well! [W2F-005-i23] [20] 'Oh no!' [W2F-006-153]

Here are some other examples: [21] I miss you! [WIB-OOI-35]

[22] I've not had a permanent job for almost two years now! [WIB-OOI-164] [23] You spendthrift! [WIB-004-80]

[24] The rent costs next to nothing and the area is superb—about time too! [W1B-008-136]

[25] I'm here at last! [WIB-013-44] [26] I shall regret this for the rest of my life! [WIB-015-24] [27] 'She wouldn't do that!' [W2F006-155]

Exclamation marks are occasionally used within sentences: [28] However, usually (and ideally!) the industrial contract is of a thoroughly standard kind. [wiB-029-30]

They are also occasionally used in parentheses in informal writing to indicate that what appears in an immediately preceding part of the sentence is surprising. [29] There are about 50 other girls, most appear to be younger than me (!) and are very unfriendly. [WIB-002-120]

In informal writing we occasionally find combinations of two or more exclamation marks [30] or combinations of question marks with exclamation marks [31]: [30] (Gosh, the things which satisfy us, as we get o l d e r . . . ! ! ) [WIB-001-I6O] [31] Has he mended the door yet?! [wiB-002-45]



Colons 11.14 The major functions of colons

The colon has three major functions: 1. to introduce identifications 2. to introduce examples 3. to introduce, especially in formal style, quotations or direct speech. The colon separates two units: it is attached to the end of one unit and introduces the unit that follows, which may consist of several parts. Within the second unit, the identifications, examples, and quotations are separated by semicolons or commas. (But see 11.15 for the punctuation in itemized lists set out in columns.) In [1] the colon introduces a list of items that identify the three spectral bands: [1]

This arrangement allows measurements to be made in three spectral bands: solar, near infrared and (by subtraction) visible. [W2A-029-47]


Today they face a further threat to their survival: starvation. [W2C-002-40]

The colon introduces an identification (one item rather than a list) in [2] and an example in [3]: [3]

There are numerous variables that can contribute towards an increasing totalitarianism within a new religious movement: one fairly obvious one is physical isolation. [W2A-012-55]

A period or a semicolon is more usual than a colon when an explicit expression is present, such as for example in [4], though the period would ordinarily be used only when the expression is followed by a sentence: [4]

Some we won: for example, a standardized mineral-carrying rail wagon was agreed on. [W2B-016-87]

The colon is followed by a quotation in [5] and by direct speech in [6] and [7]: [5]

It is disappointing, therefore, that the submitted design should fall far short of its clearly stated goal: 'to discover an architectural form that can accommodate all these functions, activities and contexts at once'.


Atkinson said yesterday: "I'm happy here." [W2C-004-i05]


One dealer said: "Even as late as yesterday I suppose the market had a 90% belief in war. That 10% of optimism has now been stamped out."



A comma would be more usual than a colon in [6], where the direct speech consists of just one short sentence and the style is not formal. A colon appears in [8]-[10], but a period or semicolon would be common alternatives when what follows the colon could be an independent sentence.



In [8] the second unit (which follows the colon) is a conclusion; in [9] an elaboration; in [10] an explanation or reason: [8]

Similarly, the behavioural model does not support the illness or sick concept either, but assumes that a person's observable actions determine whether he/she is normal or abnormal: one is abnormal if one acts abnormally. [WIA-007-34]


The raid turns into a fiasco: Butch shoots the other two gang members because they are running off with the loot, and is then wounded himself. [W2B-009-122]

[10] One of the members of our local diving club once surfaced in an oil slick and said that he really felt for the birds: the stuff matted his hair, filled his ears and tasted foul. [W2B-029-20]

The colon may be superordinate to the semicolon in the hierarchy of separation punctuation (cf. 11.6); the point is illustrated in [11] below. Equally, the semicolon maybe superordinate to the colon [12]. [11] The production of seeds by a plant is dependent on three processes: first, pollination; then, fertilisation of the ovule (embryo sac) by fusion of the female gamete (egg cell) with a male gamete from a pollen grain to produce an embryo; and finally, development and maturation of seed. [W2B-030-55]

[12] The book is a series of letters purportedly written but not sent by a modern Arthurian officer; the last letter is melodramatically incomplete: the enemy are rapidly encroaching. [W2A-OO9-5O]

11.15 Punctuation accompanying colons

An itemized list following a colon is commonly set out in a column or with separate indentations for each item: [1]

To 1. 2. 3.

install the application: Put the 0ED2 compact disc in the CD drive. Run Windows. Put the floppy disk distributed with the package in your floppy-disk drive. 4. Run File Manager and double click on the drive icon for your floppydisk drive. 5. Double click on the program file SETUP.EXE. 6. Follow the instructions on the screen. [The Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on Compact Disc (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 3]

A dash is sometimes superfluously combined with a colon that introduces a list (:—). Listed items may be enumerated by numbers (roman—upper or lower case—or arabic) or by letters (upper or lower case). The numbers or letters may be followed by a period (as in the above example), or be enclosed in a pair



of parentheses, or be set off by just the closing parenthesis. In printed documents and forms and in advertising, other signals may be used for marking each item in the list, such as a bullet •. The unit before the colon may signal explicitly that a list is to follow by referring to the presence of listing or by using the expressions as follows or the following.

When the units before the colon can be an independent sentence, the colon replaces a possible sentence period: [2]

Of all scenes that evoke rural England, this is one of the loveliest: An ancient stone church stands amid the fields, the sound of bells cascading from its tower, calling the faithful to evensong. [891102-0103-3]


But yesterday's factory orders report had good news on that front: it said factory inventories fell 0.1% in September, the first decline since February 1 9 8 7 . [891102-0157-26]

In American usage it is usual for the sentence after the colon to begin with a capital [2], though occasionally it begins with a lower case letter [3]. British usage prefers lower case: [4]

Extremes meet: unity disperses into multiplicity. [W2A-004-79]


This is a rather long book: some of the characters are weak, and the dialogue is heavy at times. [W2B-005-35]

If there are two or more sentences after the colon, as in [13] below, it is usual to begin with a capital. Note also the punctuation of [1] above. In both American [6]-[7] and British usage [8]-[9], however, direct speech and quotations that follow a colon begin with a capital: [6]

The mathematics section of the widely used California Achievement Test asks fifth graders: "What is another name for the Roman numeral IX?"


The judge declined to discuss his salary in detail, but said: "I am going to be a high-priced lawyer." [891102-0143-47]


Or, as a member of the US Supreme Court is reported to have said about pornography: 'I can't define it, but I know it when I see it.' [W2A-035-75]


The witness replied, "Not altogether." [W2C-oi9-56]


American guides to usage advise against inserting a colon or any other punctuation if the first unit is not a complete sentence. However, the colon is common in such contexts in British punctuation, as in [1O]-[11]: [10] To track environmental change the gene pool must be able to: a) maintain and continuously update an adequate reserve of variants [. . .] [wiA-009-32] [11] What is the structure and composition of the link, is it: single crystal, part poly and part single crystal or a mixture of microcrystallites and dielectric? [W2A-034-36]

The colon is unnecessary and intrusive in [11], where the listed items are not numbered. It would not be a mistake to omit the colon in these contexts in British English even when the list is displayed, as in [12]:



[12] The 0ED2 application comes with a full installation program which • creates a directory on your hard disk • copies all the required files into that directory • installs the 0ED2 fonts in Windows • creates an 0ED2 program group and item in Windows. [The Oxford English Dictionary Second Edition on Compact Disc (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994), p. 2]

Punctuation usage varies for ends of items set out as a list. Questions must be given question marks, as in [13]: [13] So in carrying out your survey, try to find the answers to the following questions: What kind of heating is installed? Does it operate efficiently and keep the house warm in winter? How old is it and what condition is it in? Is it Safe? [. . .] [W2D-012-49 ff.]

Otherwise the choices are periods [1], no punctuation except for a period at the end [12], or no punctuation at all [14]: [14] You can choose to pay: —the whole amount on 3rd May —two instalments on 3rd May and 3rd November —eight monthly instalments from 3rd May to 3rd December [invoice from Thames Water Utilities 1994]

Another less common option is to use semicolons except for a period after the last item.

11.16 The minor functions of colons

Here are some conventional uses of the colon: 1. In times, to separate hours from minutes, especially in American usage: 9:30


Periods are more usual in British usage, but colons are always used for the 24-hour clock. 2. In titles, to separate subtitle from title: Teaching Grammar: A Guide to the National Curriculum Bully for Brontosaurus: Reflections in Natural History A common alternative is a period. On the book cover and title page the difference between title and subtitle may be expressed by a difference in fount or type size. 3. In biblical references, to separate chapter from verse: Genesis 11: 1-9

2 Kings 10: 12-25



4. In the salutation for letters, especially in American usage (where British usage generally has a comma): Sir:

Dear Mr Taylor:

American English uses a comma too for informal personal letters. 5. In bibliographies, between place of publication and publisher's name: Oxford: Oxford University Press Amsterdam: Rodopi 6. In ratios, between the proportions: . . . the three substances in the proportions of 3 : 2 : 1.5 parts by weight respectively 7. In various abbreviated forms, to separate a heading from accompanying information: PS: I forgot to say that... NOTE: You will find . . . Tel:... Fax:... Telex:... Present:... Our Ref:... Admission: Members £5, Guests £7.50 X-ray of chest: no abnormality found 1st prize:...

Semicolons 11.17 The functions of semicolons

The main function of the semicolon is to separate two or more independent clauses that are placed next to each other within a sentence: [1]

The government counts money as it is spent; Dodge counts contracts when they are awarded. [891102-0157-49]


Arbitrage does not cause volatility; it responds to it. [891102-0073-22]


She was the widow of a curate from the south of France; with her daughter she kept a small day school and had a few paying guests. [W2B-002-14]


On the one hand, it would be a relief to have it off my chest; on the other, I felt that I would be committing professional hara kiri on air. [W2B-001-41]


Like Sir Winston, Randolph was a prodigious drinker and smoker; unlike him, he was also impulsive, quick-tempered and grandly irresponsible. [891004-0157-18J



A sentence period can always be used in place of a semicolon that separates independent clauses, but a semicolon is preferable if the two or more units are felt to be closer to each other than to sentences on either side of them. For the option of using commas between parallel independent main clauses, see 11.18, 11.20; a colon is a less likely alternative and is restricted to separating not more than two clauses. The clauses separated by semicolons are often co-ordinated; asyndetically (without a co-ordinator) [l]-[5] or syndetically (with a co-ordinator) [6]-[7]: [6]

It is, he says, just a hunch; but as we have seen, Broecker's hunches have an uncanny knack of coming true. [W2B-025-41]


It is hardly probable that anything can be proved; it is even possible that there is nothing to prove; and unwarranted investigation might cause undeserved stress. [W2F-0H-2]

When there is a sequence of three or more units, some writers use a comma instead of a final semicolon before the co-ordinator: [8]

John Garrison sang solidly and affectingly as Edmund; Gloria Parker, as Dahlia, was the other cast standout; Maria Berg, as Eleanor, was an adept actress if a somewhat thin and colorless soprano, and Imre Pallo conducted the rough-and-ready-sounding Ohio Chamber Orchestra. [891012-0062-46]

When co-ordinators are present, commas can be used instead of semicolons, but semicolons are required to mark the units if the clauses have internal commas that might obscure the structure of the sentence, as in [8]. Commas are considered incorrect—and are particularly stigmatized in American English—if a linking expression other than a co-ordinator or semico-ordinator (cf. 11.18) is used. In [9] the semicolon is required because the linker is instead: [9]

In Australia itself, airline pilots said they were withdrawing a 30% pay-hike demand that is at the heart of a dispute disrupting Australia's domestic air services; instead, the pilots are seeking an unspecified increase based on a 25% increase in productivity. [891005-0100-20]

When three or more clauses are separated by semicolons, the clauses are likely to constitute a list: [10] The wooden watchtowers are crumbling; the entire area is overgrown with weeds; the remains of the crematoriums are barely marked and cannot be approached because of surrounding debris. [89ion-oi67-54]

V M \ ^ e s'\\ vr\ the c a vastest eft NraWiwg, we vse \.V& \\ft wYsxaaA tf \V\e staves; we spend the evening sitting in front of the television. [W2B-022-9] [12] All this explains why early satellite launch vehicles were used for only one mission; why they consisted of multiple stages; and why they could carry only a very small payload. [W2B-035-59]

When the semicolon separates independent main clauses, which is its major function, it competes chiefly with the period. When the semicolon separates other units, they come in sets of three or more and the chief competitor is the comma. (See also 11.14 for the colon.) Semicolons are



preferred over the more usual comma when the units have internal commas, since the semicolons mark the superordinate units more clearly. In [13] the units are subordinate rfwf-clauses; in [14] they are noun phrases: [13] Italians have also learned that General Giovanni De Lorenzo, as secret service chief, compiled secret dossiers, including tapes and photographs, on some 150,000 people; that his successor, General Vito Miceli, received an $800,000 handout from the Americans, that Miceli was linked to an abortive coup in 1970 led by Prince Valerio Borghese, a wartime mini-sub commander. [W2C-O10-66] [14] And executives at stations in such major markets as Washington; Providence, R.I.; Cleveland; Raleigh, N.C.; Minneapolis, and Louisville, Ky., say they may very well not renew "Cosby." [89iiO2-oi32-i6]

In [15] the semicolon separates two sets of noun phrases, each set with internal commas: [15] They had been replaced by a range of lesser varieties laid out over scraps of plastic on the ground: Russian chocolates, curling irons, cutlery, shower nozzles, juice extractors; plus East German fishing rods, a Czechoslovak carpet, a Turkish fire extinguisher. [890928-0009-77J

Semicolons may separate units other than independent clauses even if there are no internal commas. They are used in place of commas to emphasize distinct points in a series: [16] If the Japanese companies are seriously considering their survival, they could do at least three things to improve the situation: raise salaries higher than those of financial institutions; improve working conditions (better offices and more vacations, for example); accept and hire more labor from outside Japan. [891102-009&14] [17] She is a home-maker; a wonderful mother; a marvellous cook. [W2F-019-39]

Commas for Separating 11.18 Commas for separating two independent clauses

Commas are by far the most frequently occurring punctuation marks within sentences. They are the lightest of the marks and the most versatile, used to separate units and in a variety of contexts to isolate units. They are also the most flexible of marks, since writers often have the choice whether or not to insert them. Commas offer scope for assisting readers to understand the text. Writers show their skill in punctuation by their judicious use of commas: too many commas slow down reading and can obstruct comprehension; too few can promote ambiguity.



If two main clauses are linked by a co-ordinating conjunction, a separating comma is generally used before the conjunction: [I]

It is recognised that natural selection acts on phenotypes and not on genotypes, and it is acknowledged that behaviour constitutes a significant part of phenotype expression, [WIA-009-3]


It sounds an excellent idea to take a boat over to Dusseldorf, and I do hope that the boat owners will be able to undertake this project.


But nobody knows who he is, or if they do they are keeping it to themselves. [W2B-005-109]



Is this something recent, or have you felt this way for a while? [W2K>04-74]


She might not know the cause, but she could weigh up the symptoms and what she found when she examined me. [W2B-001-76]


The diet may be deficient in calcium, but their bodies will compensate by absorbing more and excreting less. [W2B-022-1]

The linkers so, yet, and nor may also be preceded by a comma, though it is quite usual for them to follow a more major mark when the clauses are lengthy: [7]

We are happy to give a randomly selected jury power over the life or death of individuals, so why not give a similarly randomly selected panel power over the nation? [W2B-oi4-7i]


The governor could not make it, so the lieutenant governor welcomed the Special guests. [891102-0184-12]


Transfer payments are already unwieldy for budget management, yet such new burdens as child care are in the works. [891012-0107-30]

[10] That would indicate that IBM expects to make up ground in the fourth quarter, yet analysts do not believe the problems will go away that fast. [890928-0146-15]

[II] No one knows exactly how many new religions there are, nor does anyone know how many members are in each movement. [W2A-012-1] [12] We do not know the advantages or handicaps of having a high or low rate of whole body protein turnover, nor do we know the effects on it of a habitually low energy intake. [W2A-024-24]

A comma may sometimes be absent, particularly if the co-ordinator is and and the clauses are short: [13] Poorly-sorted coarse sands occur around the patch reefs and muddy fine sands cover the lagoon floor. [W2A-023-13] [14] She asked Eddie if he wanted a cup of tea but he said no. [Cowboys and Indians, by Joseph O'Connor (London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1991), p. 178]

Two independent clauses are occasionally juxtaposed, separated by a comma without a co-ordinator, particularly if they are short and parallel: [15] Justine occasionally received a flowered, coyly folded letter from one of her fading Action friends, tattooed with slogans like "Hippies are cool, greasers are fools." [Two Girls, Fat and Thin, by Mary Gaitskill (London: Chatto & Windus, 1991), p. 137]



[16] It was nobody's fault, that was the thing to remember. [Cowboys and Indians, by Joseph O'Connor (London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1991), p. 207]

11.19 Commas for separating two units other than independent clauses

If two units other than independent clauses are linked by co-ordinators, there is usually no punctuation between the units: [1]

The inadequacies of our own relationship of father and son, the real but stifled affection, the things we never said to each other, the gestures felt but unmade, were no doubt responsible for my desire to find out what I flinched from. [W2F-014-15]


Instead it has been decided to try to improve conditions and regimes for prisoners by building new jails and by management reorganisation.


Cut the meat into even-sized cubes, leaving on any fat but removing all


What are you doing for the summer, staying in Paris or going home?


I described how I first noticed the symptoms and how I first heard from the doctor that it was no ordinary problem. [W2B-001-53]


The CIA's job is to find out what led the agent there and who killed him.

[W2C-001-80] gristle. [W2D-020-25]



Commas are occasionally found, particularly with but and or, perhaps to emphasize contrast or alternatives: [7]

When my plate was clean I asked her if she would mind telling him when she got the chance that I couldn't stand snails or garlic, but that this was no reflection on his excellent cooking. iW2F-oi3-9O]


It lasted on the whole for 250 years: nothing like it had been known before, or has been repeated since. [W2A-001-49]


Bands which contain either no sound at all, or sound which is masked, need less coding. [W2&O38-33]

Commas—or a more major punctuation mark- -are always used in asyndetic co-ordination (without a co-ordinator): [10] When she was able to move, to shake herself free again, she stumbled downstairs. [W2F-02O-7O] [11] He looked down into the white-tiled portal where the ticket inspector yawned, scratching his head, briefly returning Michael's glare from his bOOth. [W2F-008-87]



11.20 Commas for separating three or more units

A series of three or more units can be co-ordinated by and or or: [1]

Statistical data can be portrayed in many ways—as just lists of figures, or diagrams or if a spatial element is involved as a map. [WIA-006 39]


Emperor tamarins are about the same size as the other species, which is to say about the size of a good handful, and are clothed in black and reddish brown, and sport a long flowing moustache of white. [W2B-021-37]

The co-ordination exemplified in [1] and [2] is polysyndetic co-ordination, where the co-ordinator is repeated between the units. More usually the co-ordination is syndetic (with a co-ordinator) or asyndetic (without a co-ordinator). Here are examples of asyndetic coordination: [3]

The audience roared in approval, the children cheered and shook their fists in the air, their mothers protectively stroked their brows. [Two Girls, Fat and Thin, by Mary Gaitskill (London: Chatto & Windus, 1991), p. 236]


I hope I can perform again somewhere, sometime, somehow. . . [W1B-008-31]


Flipping through this book, one discovers that almost every ailment— rheumatism, cataracts, eczema, convulsions, sciatica—responds to sustained doses of laxatives. [International Herald Tribune, 28 September 1994, p. 5]


Meanwhile, sitting in the sky boxes, running the concessions, selling hot dogs to the crowd, are the lawyers, politicians, race-mongers white and black, opportunists of every variety. The rest of us watch while the wrestlers sweat and thunder. We watch thanks to the biggest cashier-in of all, the huge, dish-linked, lap-topped, ad-powered, fame-fueled, deadlinetooled media luring us so far into the myths, the dream, the beastliness, the spectacle, that we hardly notice the fact that we've become the spectacle ourselves. [International Herald Tribune, 27 September 1994, P. 3]

There are two punctuation styles for syndetic co-ordination. The A, B and C style (which omits the comma between the last two units) is the general British convention. The A, B, and C style (which inserts the final comma) is the general American convention, except that the A, B and C style is usual in American journalism. The insertion of the final comma is increasing in British practice. The general American A, B, and C style is shown in [7]-[8] and the journalistic American A, B and C style is shown in [9]-[10]: [7]

The new geometry mirrors a universe that is rough, not rounded, scabrous, not smooth. It is geometry of the pitted, pocked, and broken up, the twisted, tangled, and intertwined. [Chaos: Making a New Science, by James Gleick (New York: Viking Penguin, 1987), p. 94]


Although the work in this tradition started in philosophy, it soon spread to linguistics, psychology, and artificial intelligence. [Arenas of Language Use, by Herbert H. Clark (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992), p. xii]




Under the stars and moons of the renovated Indiana Roof ballroom, nine of the hottest chefs in town fed them Indiana duckling mousschino, lobster consomme, veal mignon and chocolate terrine with a raspberry sauce. [891102-0184-19]

[10] The U.S., claiming some success in its trade diplomacy, removed South Korea, Taiwan and Saudi Arabia from a list of countries it is closely watching for allegedly failing to honor U.S. patents, copyrights and other intellectual-property rights. [89iiO2-oi73-i]

The omission of the final comma is sometimes justified on the grounds that it is redundant in the presence of a co-ordinator. However, the comma is occasionally needed to indicate the correct grouping. Here are examples from American journalism, where the A, B, and C style has been selected instead of the usual A, B and C style: [11] One of his favorite groups of shorts is the "junk-yard play," involving buyers of junk bonds, bank lenders to junk-bond issuers, and others. [891012-001443] [12] One of his central, and more familiar, tenets is that children, despite their terrible hygiene and inability to spell, are somehow superior in wisdom and spirituality to those of us who can drive, open bank accounts, and procreate. [89ion-oi46-46]

In [11] the presence of the comma prevents the misreading 'bank lenders to others'. In [12] the comma emphasizes the three separate privileges of adults.

11.21 Commas for separating adjectives

Special consideration needs to be given to a series of adjectives that premodify nouns. If the adjectives are linked by a co-ordinator, their punctuation follows the conventions outlined in 11.19 and 11.20. The absence of a co-ordinator may be interpreted as asyndetic co-ordination or there may be a hierarchy of modification in which one adjective modifies another adjective or the rest of the noun phrase (cf. 5.2). Some usage guides require commas when the adjectives are asyndetically co-ordinated, as shown by the possibility of inserting co-ordinators between them and reversing the order of the adjectives. The punctuation then follows the general rule for asyndetic co-ordination. Here are some examples of asyndetically co-ordinated adjectives (or adjective phrases) that premodify nouns: [1]

But conventional as Ms. Anderson has become, she can still make the inspired, ironic, off-beat observation now and then, as when she offers her off-center interpretation of the Star-Spangled Banner. [891011-0138-29]


Although Congress could ultimately fall back on a much cheaper, strippeddown set of benefits, it is not likely to tackle high-cost, broad-based medical issues anytime soon. [89ioo4-oii9-3]




So he designed a computerized, digital wristwatch that tells how high the tide is now and how high it is going to be at any date and time during the coming year. [890928-0098-29]


It seems strange that there is an ice-rink in the middle of such a hot, dusty city, [WIB-009-39]

If the adjectives are not asyndetically co-ordinated, commas are not required: [5]

Peasant farmers are being pushed onto increasingly marginal land as a direct result of the failure to carry out effective agrarian reform. [wiA-013-57] ('agrarian reform that is effective')


It's great to hear about Michael—love puts a whole new complexion on things, doesn't it? [WIB-01366]


They tended to consist of that minority of the 'middling sorts' of society who had lost faith in the old religious ways and were seriously worried about their personal salvation. [W2A-006-92]

In the phrase high-cost, broad-based medical issues in [2], the adjectives highcost and broad-based are asyndetically co-ordinated, but not medical: the two adjectives modify medical issues as a unit. A similar example is [8] where the sets of adjectives modify younger man and older guy as units: [8]

"Hardball" is a buddy show about undercover cops that teams a cocky, longhaired younger man with a bull-headed, paunchy older guy. [890918O036-39]

In [9] bright modifies yellow. [9]

He turned suddenly and ran, to reappear a moment later with a bright yellow racing car. [W2F-003-54]

The insertion of a comma between the two adjectives would indicate the interpretation 'a racing car that was bright and yellow'. In practice, even edited printed writing does not always follow the distinctions. In [10] the adjectives multi-national and trans-frontier axe presumably intended to be asyndetically co-ordinated, but there is no comma between them. The same applies to the three adjectives in [11]. [10] One of the most widespread multi-national trans-frontier pollution problems over the/last decade has been acid rain. [W2A-030-47] [11] Don Boswell at the Record has an opening for a bright vital young reporter [. . .] [W2F-014-73]

On the other hand, the comma between early and major in [12] seems odd, since presumably the intended interpretation is 'the early works among the major works': [12] All Freud's early, major works on normal psychology reveal that the dynamics of the mind rely on unconscious forces rather than intelligence [. . .] [W2A-002-14]

Similarly, there is hierarchical modification rather than asyndetic co-ordination in [13].



[13] Lord Denning has clothed his opposition to the application of the legal rule in a vivid, narrative presentation of the facts. [W2A-007-68]

Dashes for Separating 11.22 The major functions of dashes

Like the colon, the dash separates two units only, but it signals a sharper break between the units and it is also used in contexts where a comma is equally appropriate. One such context is when the second unit is linked to the first by a co-ordinator (and, or, or but): [1]

In Scandinavia, after centuries of conflict, Swedish and Norwegian leaders deliberately chose to seek a path of friendship and cooperation—and disciplined their communications consistently. [W2A-017-72]


A loss made all the greater, from his own account, by the spectacle of seeing his older sister win a prize—or, rather, two prizes. [W2B-006-53]


Police said the jogger could be just a friend—or the killer himself. [W2C-020-83]


Perhaps in the industrial and political climate of the day it wasn't possible—but I doubt whether it was even recognized at the time as being something important to strive for. [W2B-oi6-6O]


We've got to come back and finish the job—and I think we can do it. [W2C-014-18]

The co-ordinated units in [4] and [5] are main clauses. An independent clause can follow a dash without a co-ordinator: [6]

He wouldn't thank me for continuing to be with him for these reasons— it's so dishonest. [WIBOI5-96]


Several of the tasks that brains can perform well have strong commercial potential—for example, automatic speech recognition and synthesis are already used in many applications. [W2A-032-33]


Remember this—official figures show that two million houses in England alone are inadequately heated. [W2D-oi2-48]


There wasn't anything glamorous or sophisticated about her—she was just a typist in Barnsley's office. [W2F-oii-75]

[10] Americans today spend $15,000 like pocket change—they do not think much about it. [891102-0105-12]

A colon would be a more formal alternative to the dash; an initial capital is not an option after the dash, though a capital is possible for independent clauses after colons in British English and usual after colons in American English.



Semicolons are another more formal alternative, particularly for [7], but not for [8] since this points forward to the second unit. In casual writing, for example in personal letters between family members or close friends, we sometimes find elliptical sentences or fragments separated by a dash: [11] Saw you glance at the camera tonight—didn't notice it first time through. [W1B-008-14]

[12] A rather different evening on Wednesday—dinner champagne (a good imitation of it, anyway!) and excellent jazz at Kimball's. [WIBOII-54]

11.23 The minor functions of dashes

Apart from the separating function (cf. 11.22) and the enclosing function (cf. 11.27), the dash has a number of minor conventional uses: 1. To combine with a colon that Introduces a list (:—)

This combination does not occur frequently now. 2. In representation of dialogue, to represent a pause [1]

'We—' he indicated Peter and himself—'will be in Hong Kong.' [W2B-004-74]


'Did—' Dee groped for their names—'did Jaycee and Maggie go to classes today?' [W2F-oo6-ii6]


'Let's just say—' she paused, sighed winsomely, looking aged. 'Let's just say they're from someone who cares' [W2F-oos-6]

3. In representation of dialogue, to indicate that a person is interrupted or does not finish the sentence [4]


'I wonder if a computer could handle—' 'I think you'll find the administrator more than happy to talk to you about his work,' he said. [W2F-004-125]

In representation of dialogue, to indicate a break in the sentence structure followed by a new start in the structure [5]

I don't know what's happened to—I mean, I don't know where she is or why she isn't back. [W2F-006142]

5. In representation of dialogue, to indicate hesitation, stammering or stuttering [6] [7]

'I—I'm not sure.' [W2F-oo6-ii9] 'We're going to do all right, Co—Cora,' she murmured to herself. [W2F-006-249]

6. To indicate a missing letter or letters or a word that has been suppressed


Mr B— T—

Senator —



7. To indicate various uses of inclusive numbers and the like (the shorter en-dash)

1995-99 1-5 p.m. verses 10-15 pages 95-102

March-June 1990 20 November-1 December Genesis 1: 10-2: 5 28-15 victory

When the concluding date is in the unpredictable future, nothing follows the dash: Professor of English (1994- )

Parentheses 11.24 Parentheses for enclosing

Parentheses (more commonly called brackets—sometimes round brackets— in British English) are used to enclose content that the writer sets out apart so that it does not interrupt the flow of the sentence. In the examples given below, the enclosed content constitutes an explanation or a rephrasing in less technical language [l]-[4], an exemplification [5]-[6], an identification or specification [7], an elaboration [8]-[9], a concession [10]-[ll], a comment [12], a justification [t3]-[lA]: [1]

Qualifying earnings may also be credited (treated as paid)—for example, on account of sickness or unemployment—but only to trie level needed to make the year a qualifying one. [W2D-ou4-i7j


We can send two representatives and additional observers (who can participate but not vote), [WIB-024-60]


Release studies are conveniently performed in vitro using either small slices of brain, or synaptosomal preparations (pinched-off nerve endings).


Totally absorbed, the ringers stare straight ahead, using peripheral vision (they call it "rope sight") to watch the other ropes and thus time their


pulls. [891102-0103-30]


[. . .] and the 1970 Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act placed a further set of obligations on local authorities, with regard to community care provision (for example, assessment for a telephone). [W2A-013-52]


I think it is disgraceful, for example, that Mrs T is given so little credit for stamping out the disgusting—not to say dangerous—practice of eating partially cooked or even sometimes raw eggs (as in foreign confections such as omelettes and mayonnaise). [W2B-oi4-3j




The American transnational corporations (Ford, General Motors and Chrysler), the Japanese giants (Nissan, Toyota and Honda specifically), and the European "National champions" including VW, Rover, Fiat and Renault are fighting for dominance or survival. [W2A-015-26]


Sprinkle the cornflour over the meat and add the garlic (cut in half), soy sauce and rosemary. [W2D-020-56]


We took a shuttle bus from the airport (door-to-door service) driven by a rather creepy guy. [wiB-012-7]

[10] Either that or my (admittedly simplistic) approach is faulty. [W1&020-9] [11] She always fell in with any plan for excursions or picnics (although she was always expected to pack up the picnic basket). [W2F-017-11] [12] Undeterred, Microsoft continued refining Windows, and in November 1987 (I guess Microsoft likes November launches!) Windows 2.0 was released. [W2B-036-12]

[13] The commonest causes of death are heart disease (31.9 per cent) and malignant cancers (17.6 per cent). [W2A-019-62] [14] We (I assume you are in this with me at this point) need to get three words—"for examination only"—eliminated from the law. [891102-0084-59]

Parentheses and dashes signal a sharper break in the continuity of a sentence than do commas. The combination of these pairs of marks allows for one enclosed unit to be embedded within another, as in [5] (where the parentheses unit is embedded in a commas unit). Parentheses and dashes, unlike pairs of commas, can enclose a sentence, as in [4]. Notice that the embedded sentence in [4] does not have an initial capital. Unlike dashes, parentheses can enclose a sentence that is not embedded in another sentence and therefore has its own period within the enclosing parenthesis, as in [15]: [15] The Artist hangs out in Greenwich Village, on a strip of Sixth Avenue populated by jugglers, magicians and other good-natured hustlers. (This clearly is not real life: no crack dealers, no dead-eyed men selling fouryear-old copies of Cosmopolitan, no one curled up in a cardboard box.) [891102-015313]

Furthermore, more than one sentence can be enclosed within one set of parentheses, each ending in its own period, question mark, or exclamation mark.



11.25 The minor functions of parentheses

Parentheses have a range of minor uses, some of which are related to the major functions described in 11.24. They enclose: 1. An abbreviation that will subsequently be used In the text [1]

The break in the redox potential profile, known as the redox potential discontinuity (RPD) occurred at shallower depths in finer sediments. [W2A-022^9]

2. A translation or equivalence of an expression [2]

It is an allied strength that he takes so flexible yet responsible a view of what should be understood by that innocent word sense ('to aid the sense') [...] ['High Punctuation', by Christopher Ricks, London Review of Books, 14 May 1992, p. 9—italics in original]


The city had expected to pay about 11 million yen ($77,000), but Fujitsu essentially offered to do it for free. [89iio2-oi4i-26j


A typical Eldorado weighed about 4 6 0 0 Ib (2086 kg). [W2B-037-67J

See also related examples in 11.24. 3.

References to other places in a text [5]

On 11 and 12 September 1985 the centre of an anticyclone was situated over Denmark and produced clear skies over the North Sea (Fig.l). [W2A-029-31]

Similarly: (p.125) (Table 15) 4.

(opposite) (on next page)

(above left) (Chapter 3)

(below) (cf. page 15)

Bibliographical references to other texts or bibliographical details about other texts [6]

Judging from the Americana in Haruki Murakami's "A Wild Sheep Chase" (Kodansha, 320 pages, $18.95), baby boomers on both sides of the Pacific have a lot in common. [89iio2-oi56-ij


These trends are of major concern to a government with a strong policy objective to control public expenditure on all its social programmes (Thain and Wright, 1990) and to reduce the level of direct state involvement in service provision (Flynn, 1989). [W2A-oi3-iO]

Styles of bibliographical references are usually determined by the publishers of books and journals. In some styles, brackets [ ] are used instead of parentheses. 5.

Various identificatory or locatory references [8]

Sen. John Danforth (R., Mo.) praised the department's actions, noting that rollover crashes account for almost half of all light-truck deaths.


I enclose an official union order form (# U2081) for the work, [WIB-028-57]


[10] These are located in reception (our street entrance) and the cashier's office (4th floor). [WI&028-104]



[11] Do please contact either Julie Green (X 3136) or myself (X 3228) if you have any queries. [wiB-019-124] 6. Numerals or letters that enumerate sections of a text or items on a list

Brackets (cf. 11.26) are an alternative in this use. In a list, the opening parenthesis or bracket may be omitted. 7. In formulas, to show which items belong together


(a+b+c) (x+y)

When enclosed items are embedded within other enclosed items, the different extents of enclosure maybe indicated with the use of other types of bracketing, such as [ ] and braces { }.

11.26 Other types of bracketing

Brackets [ ] (commonly called square brackets in British English) are the most frequent type of bracketing apart from parentheses. Their distinctive (though not necessarily most frequent) use is to indicate an editorial insertion in a quotation: [1]

Gervase continues: 'The two [chapels] of St Anselm and St Andrew, formerly placed in a circle on each side of the church, prevented the breadth of the choir from proceeding in a straight line [. . .]' [W2B-003-84]

In this first of several sentences quoted from Gervase, the author has inserted '[chapels]'—either missing in the original or replacing a less familiar expression—as a help to the reader, but has indicated that the insertion is an editorial interpolation by enclosing it in brackets. In [2] the author feels constrained to point out that the italics are added: [2]

Strictly speaking, it should be: 'lay on, Macduff; / And damn'd be he that first cries, "Hold enough!" ' [my italic] (Shakespeare, Macbeth, V.iii.33). [W2B-010-114]

As often in this volume, omission of a part of a quotation is indicated by three ellipsis periods within brackets. In [3] the conventional '[sic]' ('thus' in Latin) draws attention to something surprising in a sentence taken from a quoted text. [3]

Vincent felt great sympathy for the mother, fell in love with the daughter Ursula [sic], and spent a happy time with them, as the cheerful tone of his letters clearly shows. [W2B-002-15]

Two common uses of brackets are as alternatives to parentheses in bibliographical references and in the enumeration of sections of a text or items on a list; in the enumeration use, the opening bracket may be omitted. One technical use of brackets (which can be found in Ch. 10) is to enclose transcriptions of sounds in a language.



Apart from parentheses and brackets there are a number of other types of bracketing for enclosing content, but these have technical uses in particular subject areas. As with parentheses and brackets, they occur in pairs and typically the opening and closing marks have a different shape. Here are a few examples: { } braces () angle (or diamond) brackets / / oblique brackets or slants

Dashes for Enclosing 11.27 Enclosing dashes

Dashes are enclosing marks as well as separating marks (cf. 11.22). In their enclosing function they resemble parentheses (cf. 11.24), signalling a sharper break from the rest of the sentence than do commas: [1]

I'm studying Computer Operating Systems at the moment—MS DOS & UNIX for example—as well as two modules in Communication Studies. [W1B-001-97]


It's really embarrassing at the moment because everyone in the street— and I mean everyone—has cut their lawn. [WIB-004-28]


When the war did break out, such images were not so much forgotten—it was soon termed the Great War—as distorted by propagandist caricature.


The average daily calorie intake is only 1901—a figure which is dangerously near the minimum necessary to sustain life—and 90 per cent of the population is undernourished. [W2A-019-64]


Was it because she knew—or suspected—more than she was admitting?



In [l]-[5], the pairs of dashes could be replaced by pairs of parentheses. Pairs of commas are also possible replacements except in [3], because the enclosed unit is an independent sentence. In [6] the internal commas rule out replacement by a pair of commas since they would obscure the structure of the sentence: [6]

It is unrealistic to expect human nature to change, to expect humanity— overnight, over millennia, ever—to mature and transcend what appears to be one of our most basic bio-sociological drives. [W2A-017-17]

If the second of the enclosing, dashes comes at the end of a sentence, it is absorbed by the period or its equivalent:




The term 'acid rain' is a short-hand version of acid deposition—the fallout of acidic material from the atmosphere. [W2A-030-60]


When did you last hear from her—any of you? [W2F-006-96]


It was nice to hear from you—when I finally got it open! [WIB-004-64]

The second dash is also absorbed by a semicolon, as in [10], and by a colon, as in [11]: [10] Timber is a crop that grows and dies—often in a lifetime; it is meant to be used for the benefit of man—it is "renewable forever." [891005-0112-18] [11] "If you continue to do this, the investor becomes frightened—any investor: the odd lotter, mutual funds and pension funds," says Larry Zicklin, managing partner at Neuberger & Berman. [891102-0074-60]

Commas for Enclosing 11.28 Enclosing commas

Commas are used to enclose as well as to separate (cf. 11.18-21). They signal a less sharp break from the rest of the sentence than do parentheses (cf. 11.24) or dashes (cf. 11.27), and the writer can often choose between the three types of enclosing marks. Unlike parentheses and dashes, commas cannot enclose a sentence; on the other hand, they are regularly used to enclose an initial element in a sentence. Enclosing commas come in pairs, as in [1]: [1]

Nothing, so far as she could see, had been disturbed. [W2F-020-24]

However, if the enclosed unit comes at the beginning of the sentence, the first comma is omitted: [2]

Among 33 men who worked closely with the substance, 28 have died— more than three times the expected number. [891102-0191-13]

And if it comes at the end, the second comma is absorbed by the period: [3] I long for your skin on mine, your face touching mine. [wiB-007-116] The omission illustrated in [2] occurs also when the initial comma is preceded by other major marks of punctuation, such as a colon, semicolon, or dash. Similarly, the absorption of the second comma is applied when other major marks of punctuation follow it. However, the second comma is retained in the presence of a closing parenthesis: [4]

If you were primarily here to receive full-time education (and would normally be elsewhere), you will not be regarded as having been ordinarily resident here. [W2D-003-44]



Punctuation conventions disallow the presence of a comma immediately before an opening parenthesis, since a unit enclosed by parentheses cannot be embedded initially within another unit. For the punctuation of commas in relation to quotation marks, see 11.30. Enclosing commas (or more major enclosing marks) are conventionally used for: 1. Vocatives [S]

'You'll bend over that table, lad,' he said. [W2F-ooi-95j


'Tiger, wait!' Anne shouted, but the boy didn't stop. [W2F-002-16I]

2. Tag questions (cf. 3.6) [7]

'Morphine's a controlled drug, isn't it?' [W2F-00499]


'You don't mind, do you?' [W2F-003-8ij

3. Adverbial clauses that are verbless or have a participle as their verb (cf. 6.13) [9]

And Chile, while retaining a rather large primary sector, has an extraordinarily large proportion of its population employed in the tertiary services sector. [W2A-019-25]

[10] As already mentioned, land redistribution schemes are very unpopular with landowners. [WIA-OI3-64] [11] [. . .] the upper classes were privileged, enjoying a sort of benefit of clergy. [W2A-001-80] [12] There were no truths, however revered, that Coleridge allowed to lie bedridden in the dormitory of his soul. [W2A-003-15] [13] Surviving evidence suggests a preference for capitals, whether square or rustic, for non-Christian texts [. . .] [W2A-oos-3i] 4. Adverbial finite clauses (cf. 6.13) when they are in medial position within their host clause [14] Why, if Edward I consistently sought peace, did Anglo-French relations degenerate from relative harmony into outright hostility in 1294? [W2A-010-68]

5. Apposltives (cf. 5.11) [15] 'Oh, I should think so,' said one of them, a jolly, red-faced girl. [W2F-004-172]

[16] A son, Alistair, was born in 1900. [W2F-017-50] [17] Similar situations apply in India, a country in the World Bank's lower middle-income group of 35-40 countries. [WIA-014-21] [18] Dugongs, or sea cows, are declining in numbers throughout their fairly wide geographical range. [W2B-029-52]

Enclosing commas are commonly used for: 6.

Expressions that comment on the sentence or link it to other sentences

(cf. 4.27) [19] Nevertheless, civilian society was largely fed on a diet of heroic stories and atrocity tales. [W2A-009-28]



[20] Curiously, the birth certificate showed that the baby was born at 87 Hackford Road, while the father was resident at number 17 in the same street. [W2B-002-39]

[21] Tragically, Haiti suffers uniquely from the terrible scourge of AIDS [. . .] [W2A-019-71]

[22] If Romanesque cathedrals were dark, this was not a deliberate search for sacred gloom; on the contrary, their designers lit them as well as they COUld. [W2B-003-19]

[23] In any case, these are my initial thoughts. [WIB-018-116] [24] Conversely, if one seeks peaceful coexistence, the prescription is blatantly obvious [. . .] [W2A-017-33] 7.

Initial adverbial finite clauses (cf. 6.13) [25] When I look around at my friends, virtually all of them seem to have got careers, [WIB-OOI-167]

[26] If I were you, I'd apply for the York position just for the experience. [W1BO14-43]

8. Other initial adverbials if they are long [27] As a first-aid measure for a patient in petit mal status, a paper bag placed over the mouth and nose may be helpful. [W2B-023-155] 9. Adverbial finite clauses introduced by causal since, contrastive while, whereas, although, though, and purpose so that even when they are In final position [28] The sandflats are regarded as the province of marine biologists, while the dunes are investigated by terrestrial biologists. [W2A-022-9] [29] At present, there is no universally accepted surgical nomenclature for the various constituents of a peripheral nerve, although a long-accepted anatomical terminology has been based on microscopic findings. [W2A-026-32]

For commas with non-restrictive relative and appositive clauses, see 5.8-11.

11.29 Commas for avoiding misinterpretation

Commas are sometimes needed to prevent misinterpretation, even if the meaning may become evident in the context: [1]

As scientific involvement increases, knowledge increases and advancements are likely. [W1A007-76]

The absence of the comma from [1] might lead to the initial reading for the first part of the sentence: 'As scientific involvement increases knowledge'. Similarly in [2], the absence of the final comma before and would suggest a co-



ordination of the final unit with lack of oxygen instead of with the series that begins with certain eye injuries: [2]

These include certain eye injuries, electrical injuries requiring medical attention, loss of consciousness due to lack of oxygen, and any injury resulting in twenty-four hours in hospital [. . .] [W2A-018-5]

Below are some invented examples that show how the presence of a comma can forestall a misinterpretation: [3]

The Romans had slaves, like other ancient peoples.


The minimum salary has been fixed for the grade above, that of principal.


However, much as he wanted the job, he was unwilling to move to another city.


When the demands are high, prices will rise.


After this has been done, clearly the next task should be to consider upon what evidence such conclusions must rest.


She slipped her shoes on quickly, deciding to open the door herself.

The headline in [9] is a play on the difference made by the presence or absence of a comma: [9]

No, Canada Or no Canada? [The Economist, 17-23 October 1992, p. 20]

Quotation Marks 11.30 Quotation marks for quotations

Quotation marks (also called inverted commas and sometimes quote marks) are primarily used to indicate the exact words of a speaker or writer in quotations, including direct speech (cf. 6.17 f.). Quotation marks come in pairs. In handwriting and in perhaps most printed material the opening mark and the closing mark are usually differentiated in shape, but some typewriters and computer keyboards provide the same shape for both marks. In British English there is an increasing tendency to employ single marks as the norm and double marks for quotations within quotations. In American English, in contrast, double marks are the norm and single marks are used for quotations within quotations. Here is an example of the two types of quotation marks in British English [1] and American English [2]: [1]

'You said, "not certain"?' [W2F-oio-49]




Says Mr. Novack in Allentown: "When you go into a store and buy bananas that say, 'No cholesterol,' you know there is a concern out there." [891012-0100-50]

If a sentence (or more than one sentence) consists entirely of direct speech except perhaps for a reporting clause, the closing quotation mark comes after a period, question mark, or exclamation mark that belongs to the direct speech: [3]

The policeman said, 'I'd like your full name and address, please.'


Mr Bennett raises the question, "Do you think it was a mistake to repeal Prohibition?" [890929-0138-64]


'You're lying, Edward, aren't you? You're not going to let me see him!'


[W2F-012-40 f.]

If the reporting clause is at the end of the sentence, the period that would have ended the direct speech is replaced by a comma: [6]

"A couple of my law clerks were going to pass me in three or four years, and I was afraid I was going to have to ask them for a loan," the judge quipped in an interview. [891102-0143-38]

However, a question mark or exclamation mark remains before the reporting clause: [7]

"What sector is stepping forward to pick up the slack?" he asked. [891102-0157-15]


'Tiger, wait!' Anne shouted, but the boy didn't stop. [W2F-002-16I]

If a sentence of direct speech is interrupted by a reporting clause, a comma ends the first part and is followed by a closing quotation mark: [9]

"People are going over to cable anyway," he says, "so why not see our product there as well?" [890928-0074-12]

The comma ends the first part even if the sentence of direct speech would not have any punctuation there: [10] "How long," he recalls asking himself, "could it take to finish one drink?" [891004-0157-22]

The punctuation that follows the medial reporting clause depends on what would be the punctuation of the sentence or sentences in direct speech. In [11] the part following the reporting clause is intended as a new sentence and therefore the medial reporting clause is followed by a period: [11] 'It can't be far away,' said Mary Jane, swivelling her head. 'Isn't that a castle on top of the cliff?' [W2F-013-121]

A semicolon may also follow the reporting clause. If a sentence containing direct speech or any other type of quoted material within quotation marks contains more than a reporting clause, British and American English differ in their punctuation conventions. In British English, the closing punctuation mark belongs to the sentence as a whole and is put outside the quotation marks:



[12] The motto of the market is 'Let the buyer beware'. [W2A-019-70]

There may therefore be a punctuation mark before the closing quotation mark and another after it: [13] One often raised question about OS/2 is 'Why does it require so much money?'. [W2B-036-78]

However, the final punctuation is often omitted in such combinations. See [1] above. In [14] the period is outside the closing quotation mark because the sentence of direct speech is not given in full within quotation marks: [14] Their victory, he said, 'will mean the police were guilty of perjury, that they were guilty of violence and threats, that the confessions were erroneous'. [W2E-007-89]

The same convention applies to the comma after quoted expressions: [15] In his brief address inside the church, the curate spoke of her being 'with the hosts of angels'; after her recent 'troubles', she was now 'crowned with glory'. [W2F-010-69]

In American English, the final quotation marks always follow a period or a comma: [16] One writer, signing his letter as "Red-blooded, balanced male," remarked on the "frequency of women fainting in peals," and suggested that they "settle back in their traditional role of making tea at meetings." [891102-0103-65]

[17] Last December, he made his Metropolitan Opera debut leading "The Tales of Hoffman"; he returns this winter to do "Samson and Delilah" and "Faust." [890815O053-54]

If direct speech extends over more than one paragraph, the convention is to place opening quotation marks at the beginning of each paragraph and closing quotations marks only at the end of the final paragraph. A long quotation may be set out from the rest of the text as a block quotation or extract. It is then usual to omit quotation marks. In handwritten or typed material, the block quotation is usually distinguished by having all the lines identically indented from the left (unless there is further indentation for the beginnings of paragraphs); the typist may also leave less space between the lines than in the text. Printers may further indicate the block quotation by using a smaller type.


11.31 The minor functions of quotation marks


Quotation marks also enclose: 1. Cited words or expressions [1]

What is the difference between an 'award' and a 'grant'? [W2D-oo3S]


'What do you mean by "lately"?' Dee pounced on the word. [W2F-006-127 f.j


The phrase 'to sock it to someone' originally meant 'to put something bluntly' (and was used as such by Mark Twain). [W2B-oio-56j

For the citation of single words, italics are often used in print, normally represented by underlining in handwriting or typing. 2.

Paraphrases and translations

An example of a paraphrase enclosed in quotation marks appears in [3]. Here is an example of a translation: [4]


Literally 'water of life', aqua vitae, originally an alchemist's term, appears to be the most amusing euphemism ever invented for hard liquor. [Nil Desperandum: A Dictionary of Latin Tags and Useful Phrases, by Eugene Ehrlich (London: Guild Publishing, 1986), p. 4]

'So-called' expressions

Expressions are sometimes highlighted by being enclosed in quotation marks to indicate that the author does not accept responsibility for the wording. It is often possible to preface them with so-called. The expressions may represent someone else's view, may be intended ironically, or may be a neologism or slang. Here are some examples: [5]

By adopting this slogan, which originated in the 'permissive' 1960s, women have turned their own interest in the personal to their advantage.


In the 'good old days' our great-great-grandmothers walked several miles to the village [. . .] [W2B-022-4]


It also seems allowable to beg if you are a 'deserving person'. [WIA-002-56]


What is chilled is the speech of anyone whose views might "offend" the "victims" of those look-alike, think-alike white males. [891012-0112-23]


As the parents of deaf children have to be, in a sense, "super-parents," so deaf children themselves have to be even more obviously, "superchildren." [Seeing Voices, by Oliver Sacks (London: Picador, 1990), p. 18]


In printed material, titles of works are italicized if they are separate publications—for example, books, long poems, newspapers, operas, plays, films, musical compositions; titles of works that are parts of longer works are in roman type and are enclosed in quotation marks—for example, chapters, articles, short stories, short poems, songs, radio or television programmes. The distinction is not always kept in handwritten material, where quotation marks are often used for all such titles. However, it is clearer to employ underlining (the manuscript equivalent of italics) in place of quotation marks in sentences where apostrophes or other quotation marks are required.


Punctuation of Words 11.32 The main use of the apostrophe is to signal the genitive (or possessive) case of nouns (cf. 4.10-12). The general rule is that to form the genitive singular we add an apostrophe and an s, to form the genitive plural we add an apostrophe only (unless the plural does not end in s, as is the case for a few irregular nouns). The genitive relation can usually be paraphrased with o/('the boy's mother'—'the mother of the boy'), but like the relation expressed with of it encompasses a range of meanings. Here are examples of the genitive singular, with possible paraphrases in parentheses: Jill's house (the house owned by Jill or lived in by Jill) Freud's theories (the theories espoused by Freud) Einstein's contributions to science (the contributions to science made by Einstein) her daughter's career (the career followed by her daughter) the author's later novels (the later novels written by the author) the university's future (the future envisaged for the university) the chairman's secretary (the secretary working for the chairman) the baby's bib (the bib worn by the baby) the judge's sentence (the sentence passed by the judge) the prisoner's sentence (the sentence received by the prisoner) in an hour's time (in a time lasting an hour) the judge's interrupting the witness (the interrupting of the witness by the judge) Here are examples of the genitive plural: my parents' car (the car owned or hired by my parents) the voters' decision (the decision taken by the voters) the bankers' huge loss (the huge loss suffered by the bankers) the developing countries' objections (the objections voiced by the developing countries) a two hours' flight (a flight lasting two hours) the officers' acquittal (the acquittal given to the officers) If the plural does not end in an s, we form the genitive plural by adding an apostrophe and an s: the children's school fees (the school fees required for the children) women's rights (rights claimed for women) the people's opinions (the opinions held by the people) the police's reactions (the reactions exhibited by the police)



Like the genitives of singular nouns, the genitives of indefinite pronouns ending in -body or -one (such as somebody, anyone, cf. 4.44) are formed by the addition of an apostrophe and an 5: somebody's fault (the fault ascribable to somebody). But the possessive pronouns (cf. 4.34 f.) form their genitives sometimes without an 5, e.g. my, mine, her, our, and always without an apostrophe, i.e. hers, ours, yours, its. The spelling it's is not the genitive of it, but a contraction of it is ('It's late') or it has ('It's eaten my fish'). There are a few exceptions to the general rules: 1. Traditionally, singular common nouns ending in an 's' sound that combine with sake take the apostrophe alone

for goodness' (appearance', conscience') sake Alternatively, particularly in British English, the apostrophe may be omitted. 2. There is divided usage over singular proper names ending in -s

Some follow the general rule for the singular: Dickens's novels

Jones's children

but make an exception for Moses and Jesus, because the two words already have two s letters: Moses' rebuke

Jesus' teachings

and traditionally also for Greek names of more than one syllable that end in -s: Aristophanes' characters

Socrates' death

Others use only an apostrophe in all cases, therefore allowing: Dickens' novels

Jones' children

Plural proper names follow the general rule for plurals ending in -s by taking only the apostrophe: the Thompsons' new house 3.

the Joneses' children

Plurals of letters are usually formed by adding apostrophe and s if doing so avoids confusion

A's and B's

i's andy's

The apostrophe is sometimes added when there is no confusion, but this practice is considered unnecessary. Hence, it is better to add simply s in instances such as the following: in the 1980s

the three Rs

But me no buts

The group genitive (cf. 4.10) is attached at the end of a modifying ofphrase: the head of the police's absence (cf. the head's absence)



the Queen of England's wealth the Tower of London's opening hours This end-attachment similarly occurs in informal style after other modifiers: the woman in the corner's dress the man on their left's face The genitive is also attached at the end of co-ordinated nouns that constitute a unit: Norman and Alice's wedding my son and daughter-in-law's trip to Australia The genitive noun may be used without a following related noun: That is my son's car. —• That car is my son's. It is so used to refer to a place: Where is St. Paul's? I'm going to the dentist's. We'll see you at Gerry's tonight. From this use have developed plural forms for large companies—without the apostrophe: They're shopping at Harrods. The apostrophe is also used to indicate a contraction. The apostrophe marks the place where one or more letters have beeen omitted: she'll we've he's they'd

11.33 Hyphens in compounds

couldn't isn't won't aren't

o'clock d'you 'fraid not 'cause ('because')

The main function of the hyphen is to link words that form a compound word. Compounds may be 'open', written as separate words (e.g. washing machine), 'hyphenated', linked by a hyphen (e.g. tax-free), or 'solid', written as one word (e.g. handkerchief). Also to be considered are hyphens that attach some prefixes to an existing word to form a new word (e.g. ex-husband). American English tends to use fewer hyphens than British English, but British practice is increasingly following American practice in this respect. Practice varies considerably on the use of hyphens. Some general guidance follows, but for particular combinations you should consult a large dictionary.



1. In compounds used attributively (I.e. to modify a following noun), a hyphen Is inserted if it Is needed to clarify which words belong together •

a long-dead pet a first-class performance a well-known artist twentieth-century novels a small-scale production. The hyphen is not needed if the two words do not come before the noun: The pet is long dead. Your performance was first class. She was well known. The novels were written in the twentieth century. The production was on a small scale. It is also not needed if the first word is an adverb ending in -ly and can therefore be recognized as modifying the second word: a tastefully furnished room (contrast a well-furnished room). An adverb or adjective preceding an attributive compound is not hyphenated: a very well-known artist an early twentieth-century novel 2. Adjective compounds on the pattern 'adjective or noun + noun + -ed suffix' are generally hyphenated even if they come after a noun, but they are also sometimes written solid

They were middle-aged. The children were long-haired. He is simple-minded. The packet was king-sized. Compounds such as middle-aged are not written solid, to avoid juxtaposing the vowels. 3. Most adjective compounds whose second word is an -ing or -ed participle are either hyphenated or more usually (especially in American English) written solid even when they come after a noun

easy-going/easygoing good-looking/goodlooking life-saving/lifesaving

far-fetched/farfetched fresh-baked/freshbaked home-grown/homegrown

Some tend to be hyphenated in both British and American English, for example fact-finding, custom-built. 4. Noun compounds on the pattern 'verb with an -eror -ing suffix + adverb' are hyphenated





Where the first word is without these suffixes, the compounds may be hyphenated: break-in, follow-up, follow-through, stand-in; but many such compounds are usually solid: breakdown, breakthrough, breakup. 5. Compounds expressing an 'and' relation are hyphenated

bitter-sweet tragic-comic 6.

Anglo-Irish socio-economic

deaf-mute secretary-treasurer

Number compounds are hyphenated



but two hundred five thousand Note the use of the hyphens in: four twenty-fifths

thirty-three fiftieths

and for attributive use in: a one-day-old baby thirty-odd students a 70-mile-an-hour speed limit 7. Compounds in which the first element is a single capital are hyphenated

T-shirt U-turn X-ray (orx-ray)

F-word X-rated

8. A hyphen is usual after a few prefixes

ex-wife half-breed quasi-judicial self-appointed

ex-partner half-life quasi-mystical self-perpetuating

ex-girlfriend half-truth quasi-public self-restraint

However, selfsame is written solid and there are exceptions and variants for half {e.g. halfback).

A hyphen is usual if the prefix precedes a capital or a digit: pre-1960s an ti-English un-American It is required to distinguish different words (cf. 9.13): re-form ('form again') reform ('improve') In British English it is sometimes used to prevent mispronunciation, e.g. co-operation, pre-eminent, but there is an increasing tendency to follow the American practice of writing such words solid. 9. Two or more hyphenated forms may be linked

pro- and anti-Vietnam demonstrations



middle- or old-aged patients mothers- and fathers-in-law

11.34 Hyphens in word divisions

In handwritten material it should not be necessary to divide words at ends of lines. When lines are justified in print or typing, word divisions are sometimes required. British English divides words according to etymology where the etymology is clear, and otherwise according to pronunciation; American English gives priority to pronunciation, the division into syllables. The contrast appears in the divisions for words such as psychologist and knowledge. British psycho-logist and know-ledge, American psychol-ogist, knowl-edge.

However, British practice may be moving towards American practice and for most words the application of the different principles yields the same results. Some dictionaries indicate word divisions for entries of more than one syllable. Here are some general recommendations: 1.

Divide hyphenated compounds at the hyphen

self-perpetuating (not self-perpet-uating) Divide solid compounds at the join between the parts: micro-analysis (not microan-alysis) 2.

Prefer a division after a prefix

over-simplify (not oversim-plify) dis-interested (not disin-terested) 3. Avoid divisions that might confuse the reader by suggesting a different word or a different pronunciation

manu-script (not man-uscript) Leave undivided the words that might otherwise cause problems to the reader: flower



4. In general, divide between two or more consonants

regret-ting profes-sor mas-sacre

elec-tron terres-trial pros-perity

But do not divide between two consonants that form one sound. The correct division is shown here:


wea-ther crack-ers


ranch-ers research-able

sul-phur rough-est

5. Divide before the ending -ing

writ-ing show-ing

offer-ing cross-ing rock-ing fish-ing

But when the final consonant is doubled before -ing, divide between the two consonants: permit-ting plug-ging

plan-ning slip-ping

put-ting recur-ring

If the word ends in an -le syllable before the -ing suffix is added, divide before / or another consonant plus /: wrig-gling ram-bling

puz-zling fon-dling

chuck-ling trick-ling

6. Do not divide these endings when they constitute one syllable

-ceous -cial -cion -cian



-geous -gion -gious

-tial -tion -tious

Chapter 12 Spelling Summary

A historical introduction (12.1-4) 12.1 12.2

Standard spelling 558 The sources of spelling conventions 559

12.3 Changes In pronunciation 560 12.4 Analogical spellings and spelling pronunciations 562

Spelling and pronunciation today (12.!5-8) 12.5 12.6

Spelling for meaning 562 Homonyms, homophones, homographs 564

12.7 Spelling reform 565 12.8 Reading and spelling 566

Sound-spelling correspondences (12. 9-12) 12.9 Consonants 567 12.10 Short vowels 569

12.11 12.12

Long vowels and diphthongs Some spelling rules 573



Chapter 12 Summary Correct spelling is viewed nowadays as an indicator of a good education. It has not always been assumed that each word has—or should have—a unique spelling. There is some variation in spelling even today. English spelling is a mixture of systems: principally an original system going back to Old English, new conventions introduced by French scribes after the Norman Conquest, and spellings derived from Greek and Latin during the Renaissance period. The connection between spelling and pronunciation has been weakened because changes in pronunciation since the seventeenth century have generally not been reflected in changes in spelling. Some words have been respelled to accord with their Latin etymologies and contain letters that were never pronounced. On the other hand, some spellings have influenced pronunciation. The spelling system often gives precedence to spelling-meaning relationships over spelling-sound correspondences. English spelling has been credited with reducing the amount of homonymy, thereby easing comprehension and reducing the chances of ambiguity. Attempts to reform English spelling have not met with success. Different types of cues are required by readers and spellers. Spelling equivalents are given for each phoneme: consonants, short vowels, long vowels, and diphthongs. Some general spelling rules are stated.


A Historical Introduction 12.1 Standard


Spelling is commonly considered a reliable indicator of a writer's education. It is assumed that somebody who is good at spelling will tend to be good at using the language in general. Not surprisingly, to spell accurately—particularly unusual words—we need to read widely and perhaps also to engage in varied kinds of writing. However, a weak speller is not necessarily illiterate in other respects. Occasional errors in spelling are common among even the highly educated, and good writers may be poor spellers. Some people at the top of their profession rely on their secretaries to ensure that their spelling—perhaps also their punctuation—is correct, though their writing may otherwise be efficient. Correct spelling is highly valued in our society. Poor spelling may arouse ridicule and reduce the chances of obtaining employment and promotion, at least in jobs that require some writing. When parents and employers criticize the standards of English in school-leavers, spelling mistakes tend to head the list of faults. It has not always been assumed that each word has—or should have—a unique spelling. To take a celebrated example, Shakespeare is often cited for spelling his own name in various ways. Our present spelling conventions reach back, in the main, to the work of printers. By about 1650 some printers had their own house styles for spellings, and by 1700 a stable spelling system existed for print, though handwriting continued to exhibit variant spellings. Spelling books and dictionaries promoted the notion of correct spellings in personal use. Samuel Johnson's dictionary of 1755, which followed the norms of the printers, was accepted as the authority for private use in Britain by the end of the eighteenth century. In the USA, Noah Webster's spelling book of 1783 and his dictionary of 1828 influenced the development of distinctive American spellings. Nowadays we expect greater uniformity in spelling than in any other aspect of the English language. Yet the spelling of standard English is by no means invariant even today. Open a large contemporary dictionary at random and you are likely to find in the spread of two pages one or more sets of variant spellings. There are of course the well-known differences between British and American English, but both national varieties recognize doublets such as adviser/advisor, judgment/judgement, discussable/discussible, encylopedia/ encyclopaedia, yoghurt/yogurt. British dictionaries cite variants for British English such as realise/realize, aether/ ether, jail/gaol, fetus/foetus. American dictionaries cite variants for American English such as ameba/amoeba, ax/axe, distill/distil, OK/okay. Other national varieties (principally Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand English) have adopted spelling variants from the two major standards of English.1



12.2 The sources of spelling conventions

The Germanic tribes that colonized Britain from the middle of the fifth century brought with them a set of angular letters called runes; these were mainly inscribed on wood, stone, or metal for magical purposes. The Roman alphabet found in Anglo-Saxon manuscripts was introduced by Christian missionaries from Ireland; it was augmented by several characters that catered for sounds peculiar to Old English.2 But the unique equivalences of sounds and letters were disrupted as additional sound-spelling correspondences were superimposed on the original spelling system and as the pronunciation of English sounds changed. After the Norman Conquest, new spelling conventions were introduced by the French scribes from the Continental tradition, usually first in words borrowed from French and then spreading (not always consistently) to native words. These include qu in queen for earlier cw, wh for earlier hw, as in present day what, v for the sound in present day live, previously spelled f, which served (as it does nowadays) for the /v/ in of as well as the /f/ in life, ch for the sound in child, usually spelled by Anglo-Saxon scribes as c, z for the initial sound in the name of the letter, a sound that previously was generally represented by 5, which is still the common spelling today, as in dogs /z/; sh for the initial sound in ship, for earlier sc; c for the initial /s/ in city in addition to the continuing use of 5 for the same sound, giving us today mice alongside of mouse; gh to spell a velar or palatal fricative, sounds like the final consonant of Scots loch, but the spelling is retained in words where the sound was changed or lost, for example laugh and though; gu for the combination of sounds /gw/ in sanguine, ou for the sound /u:/ that was used earlier in house. During the Renaissance period (1500-1650 approximately) numerous words were borrowed from other languages, particularly from Greek (which was then an essential component of the scholarly curriculum), Latin, and French. The influx of loanwords increased the use of non-native spellings, some of which had existed in English in earlier periods. Certain spelling conventions entered the English writing system from Greek via Latin transliterations of Greek letters. The initial ch in Christ and chaos is the Latin rendering of the Greek letter x (chi); the Greek letter resembled English X and appears in the abbreviation Xmas for Christmas. The Latin use of ph for the Greek letter 4> (phi) is found in words deriving from Greek such as philosophy and phenomenon. Ps is the Latin spelling of the Greek letter I/J (psi) and appears in words of ultimately Greek origin such as psalm and psychology. Other English spellings that betray the Greek origin of the words include pn in pneumonia, mn in mnemonic, pt in pterodactyl, rh in rhetoric, rrh in catarrh, ae in aegis, and oe in phoenix. Greek and Latin elements continue to be used to form English words, heightening the prominence of alternative spelling conventions. Most of the later formations are restricted to technical vocabularies, but many are used in ordinary language; for example: chemotherapy, phase out, psychiatrist. A feature article on the centenary of the British Pteriodological Society, devoted



to the collection and study of ferns, playfully alludes to the classical spelling in its heading 'Pterrible names, fiendishly complicated sexual lives' and in the comment 'Pteriodological is a pterrible mouthful' (The Independent, 3 August 1991, p. 39). A 1990 volume of words and meanings that have recently entered the language in non-technical contexts lists a number of words containing elements with the ph spelling that are already used in the language; they include glasphalt, hydrophonk, photo-ageing, radiophobia, workaphile. In this way the dead classical languages live on in English and in many other languages. Loanwords from languages other than French, Greek, and Latin have contributed a few spelling conventions to English. For example, the initial sch, instead of the usual sh, is found in borrowings from German and Yiddish, as in schnitzel and schlock. From Italian come the use of cin cello and concerto and of ae in maestro; from Spanish, the initial II in llama and llano; from Persian, the initial kh in khaki.

12.3 Changes in pronunciation

It took over two centuries (roughly 1450-1700) for English to acquire a stable spelling system. During that period, and subsequently, major changes occurred in the pronunciation of English that disturbed the links between the conventional spellings and the sounds they were intended to represent. Starting in the fifteenth century and ending about 1600, a series of changes— traditionally known as the Great Vowel Shift—affected the long vowels. In Middle English the vowel sounds had Continental values, and the same letter was used to represent a short vowel and its corresponding long vowel; for example, the letter i was used for both the short vowel sound /i/ in presentday bit and the long vowel sound /i:/ in beet. After the Great Vowel Shift the phonetic connection was disrupted: the iin bite is a diphthong /AI/, not related in a straightforward way to the i in bit. Similarly, the same letters are used without a simple short/long phonetic relationship in mat/mate, metj mete, notj note, though we have retained the final -e that marked the previous vowel as a long vowel. One type of change that occurred during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was the loss of a sound in a cluster, resulting in a 'silent' letter in the spelling. The initial sounds in /kn/ and /gn/ were lost, so that k and g are not pronounced in words such as knee, kneel, knife, knight, knit, knob, knock, know, gnat, gnaw, gnome. Similarly, the w in wr is no longer pronounced in words such as wrap, wrestle, wrist, write, wrong. The second sounds in the clusters /mb/ and /mn/ were lost in words such as bomb, climb, comb, dumb, tomb, womb; autumn, column, condemn, hymn, solemn. By analogy, the combination mb was confusedly used in place of simple b where there was no etymological justification; e.g. crumb, limb, numb, thumb. The sound of /I/ was lost in the



modals should and would; the spelling was introduced in late Middle English for the modal could (from coude) by analogy with the two modals and without etymological justification, as we can see by comparing these three past tense forms with their present tense forms: can/could, shall/should, will/would. One significant change that affected some areas of the English-speaking world in the eighteenth century was the loss of the sound /r/ before a consonant or in final position, as in beard and beer. The loss or retention of /r/ in these environments is a major difference between regional varieties of the language, and within a regional variety both possibilities may be in use, one being considered superior. Accents that drop /r/ are called non-rhotic; those that retain /r/ are rhotic. Broadly speaking, non-rhotic accents are common in England and Wales and in most of the Commonwealth countries where English is the native language, whereas rhotic accents are common in the United States, Scotland, and Ireland. The lost /r/ in non-rhotic accents reappears in certain environments when it is followed by a word beginning with a vowel, as in far away, for us, car engine. It also reappears within related words where r is followed by a vowel, a useful spelling reminder to those with non-rhotic accents: water, watering; refer, reference, vigour, vigorous; peculiar, peculiarity. By analogy, an 'intrusive

/r/' appears in non-rhotic accents in the same environments even though it is not etymologically justified; for example, in law/r/ and order, America/r/ and Europe.

Another significant loss—the vowel in the regular verb inflection -ed— began to occur in late Middle English, but is not reflected in present-day spelling. The syllable /id/ is pronounced when the inflection follows /d/ or /t/ as in padded and trotted, but otherwise the vowel is dropped. The inflection is pronounced /d/ after voiced sounds other than /d/, e.g. condemned and stayed, and /t/ after voiceless sounds other than /t/, e.g. passed and hoped. We therefore have three pronunciations for the -ed spelling: /id/, /d/ and /t/. Although the -es spelling for noun and verb inflections generally corresponds to the syllabic pronunciation /iz/, as in changes (except where the -e- results from a change of -y to -ie- as in cries), the -s spelling varies between /z/ after voiced sounds (e.g. dogs, lies), and /s/ after voiceless sounds (e.g. cats, puffs). Some sound changes resulted in the merging of two previously different sounds. The different spellings reflect their history before the merger, giving us modern homophones such as meet/meat, see/sea. Similar mergers are reflected in the two sets of homophones pane/pain, wave/waive and toe/tow, sole/soul. Some words did not participate in the general mergers: the spelling ea is used for the merged sound /i:/ in meat, please, tea, teach, but the merger did not affect other words with the ea spelling: those pronounced /ei/, such as break, great, steak, now homophones of brake, grate, stake, or those pronounced /s/, such as bread, dead, head, sweat, resulting in the homophones bread/bred. The sound changes spread gradually to individual words, and some regional accents or social variants within regions preserve older pronunciations. Alexander Pope rhymed tea with obey in this couplet from The Rape of the Lock, written in the early eighteenth century:


Here thou, great Anna! whom three realms obey, Dost sometimes counsel take—and sometimes tea.

The pronunciation of tea /ei/ exhibited here is still used by some speakers in Ireland and England.

12.4 Analogical spellings and spelling pronunciations

In the Renaissance period, certain words were respelled to accord with their Latin etymologies: b was introduced in debt, doubt, redoubt, subtle, c in indict, p in receipt. These inserted letters have never been represented in pronunciations of those words. On the other hand, some added letters led eventually to spelling pronunciations of the words, pronunciations based on analogies with regular spelling-pronunciation correspondences. In the same period, h was added after t in a number of nouns, and the new spelling has resulted in a change of sound; for example: apothecary, authentic, author, catholic, theatre (spelled theaterin American English), throne. A similar spelling change for Thames and Thomas (compare Tom) has not affected the initial sound /t/, but the th in Anthony, pronounced /t/ in British English (compare Tony), is pronounced /6/ in American English, as in other proper nouns, for example Dorothy. Many spelling pronunciations coexist today with more traditional pronunciations: arctic with the first c pronounced as /k/, traditionally not pronounced; often with /t/, traditionally without; Sunday and other words ending in -day with the final vowel pronounced as in the word day, traditionally as in sandy. Spelling pronunciations bring the sounds of words closer to their spellings. They balance the opposite tendency, where sound changes distance sounds of words from their spellings.

Spelling and Pronunciation Today 12.5 Spelling for meaning

In 12.2 and 12.3 two major reasons have been given why our spellings of words do not have a consistent one-to-one correspondence with the sounds we make in pronouncing the words: (1) our spellings reflect a mixture of spelling



conventions, so that the same sound may be represented by various alphabetic letters or combinations of letters, and conversely a particular letter or combination of letters may reflect more than one pronunciation; (2) for the most part, our spellings do not take account of the changes in pronunciation that have affected English since the fifteenth century. In this section we will examine another major reason for the lack of spelling-sound correspondences: our spelling system often gives precedence to spelling-meaning relationships over spelling-sound correspondences. In general, the spelling preserves the stability of the word even though in everyday speech the word may be pronounced in more than one way by the same speaker in different contexts. For example, some function words (words that play an important function in the grammar) are regularly pronounced differently when unstressed (the usual pronunciation) than when stressed. We use the stressed form when we cite the word in isolation or for emphasis or contrast. Here are several examples of stressed forms with one or more unstressed variants (or weak forms): stressed


/«/ /and/ /kan/




the you

/Si:/ /ju:/


a and can

/and/, /an/ /kan/


Only in some instances are spelling contractions available in the writing system to represent, in whole or part, the reductions in pronunciation, as in n't {not) or 's {is or has). In addition, in the flow of everyday speech, variants often occur with other types of words, depending on the speed and informality of the speech. As a consequence individual sounds or syllables may be omitted; for example, the final consonant in the first word of good morning and left school, a vowel in the middle of dangerous and medicine, and the middle syllable of library and average. In some instances, assimilation may take place; for example, from alveolar to bilabial in Saint /sm/ Paul (where the final cluster /nt/ is otherwise often reduced to /n/ in casual speech) and from alveolar to palato-alveolar in his /I113/ shop. (See 10.3 for nasal and voiced consonants.) The spelling of words often signals that they are related in meaning even when their pronunciation obscures the relationship. The spellings of the -ed and -s inflections for regular verbs and the -s inflection for regular nouns are constant despite the differences in pronunciation, which are induced by preceding sounds (cf.12.3). Other examples appear in related sets of words such as: medicine, medicinal; medic, medical, medicate, medication sign, signer; signal, signatory, signature nation; national, nationality, nationalize photograph, photographic; photographer, photography


Finally, the same spelling may represent different pronunciations across the English-speaking world. One major difference is that between rhotic and non-rhotic accents (cf. 12.3). Another example is the different pronunciations in Britain and the United States of the words represented by laboratory, the British stress on the second syllable contrasts with the American stress on the first syllable, the distinction in stress resulting in different pronunciations of the vowels. Even within the same country there are regional and social dialects. So we find the vowel in book as /u/ or /u:/ and in bath as /a:/ or /a/, the second syllable of bullet as /it/ or /at/, and retention or dropping of the initial consonant in happy, as well as rhotic and non-rhotic accents. On the whole, national differences in spelling are minor and do not affect mutual intelligibility. Non-standard dialects do not have institutionalized spellings, though there have been attempts in dialect poetry and in fictional dramatic dialogue to indicate non-standard pronunciations; for example: the dropping of h{'e), the pronunciation /n/ for the final consonant in the ending -ing (goin'), the substitution of/f/ for /6/ (fink). The common spelling system has the undoubted advantage of conveying meaning directly, ignoring the manifold variability in pronunciation.

12.6 Homonyms, homophones, homographs

English spelling has been credited with reducing the amount of homonymy that occurs in speech, thereby easing comprehension in the written language and reducing the chances of ambiguity. Homonyms are sets of two or more words that are pronounced or spelled identically but have different meanings (cf. 8.16). For example, seal may refer to a type of animal or to a device for closing something tightly; fair may refer to a place of entertainment or to displaying the quality of impartiality or to being light in colour. In these two instances there is identity in both pronunciation and spelling. Very often, however, the spellings show the differences even though the pronunciations are the same. Here are a few examples of such homophones: aid/aide, berry/bury, buy/by, cereal/serial, chews/choose, frees/freeze/frieze, hear/here, know/no, meat/meet, write/right/rite/wright, scent/sent/cent, son/sun. Spellings may also differentiate homophonous word combinations, such as their from they're or syntax from the compound sin tax. Homophones are not necessarily constant across all English accents: words that sound the same in one regional or social accent may sound different in others. Some speakers of English, for example, pronounce these words identically while others do not: orphan/often, where/wear, fatherjfarther, ate/eight, ladder/latter, marry/ merry/ Mary, hostel/hostile. Even for the same speaker, pairs that are homophones in normal speech may be distinguished quite easily when it is necessary to do so to avoid ambiguity; for example, affect/effect, accept/ except.



English also has homographs (also called heteronyms), words pronounced differently but spelled the same; for example: does /dAz/, the -s form of the verb do, or /dguz/, the plural of the noun doe; lead /li:d/, the verb meaning 'guide', or /led/, the name of a metal. Among the homographs are a number of words where the stress varies in speech according to whether the word is functioning either as a verb or as a noun or adjective (cf. 10.11); for example: conduct, convict, permit, rebel, absent, frequent, perfect. Similarly, some words related in meaning are spelled identically even though they differ in the pronunciation of a vowel (the verb live and the adjective live as in live wire) or a consonant (the verb use and the noun use). For this type of homograph, the identical spelling preserves the meaning relationship between the two words while the pronunciations signal their syntactic difference. On the whole, English has more homonyms in speech than in writing. Admittedly, homonyms are usually distinguished in context and are therefore not a major obstacle for communication, but the spelling distinctions may be helpful for the reader. They are another way in which spellings take into account meanings rather than just sounds.

12.7 Calls for changes in English spelling first appeared in the middle of the sixteenth century. Some of the proposals of the early reformers have left permanent effects on English spelling. Spelling reform movements continue to advocate new spelling systems: radical reforms require the replacement of the present alphabet by a new set of symbols that have a regular one-to-one correspondence with sounds; a more moderate approach supplements the existing alphabet with new symbols; the most realistic goal is to retain the present alphabet but use the letters more regularly. The majority of English words conform to regular rules of sound-spelling correspondences, but there are enough exceptions to create the impression that English spelling is chaotic. Irregularities affect many of the words that are most frequently used: consider the unpredictability of the spellings of are, one, two, have, were, some, come, says, does (from the verb do). Spelling reform would save a great deal of the time that children now spend in learning to read and to spell and reduce the emotional strain that many of them endure, and it would similarly help adult illiterates in the English-speaking world. A more regular spelling system would also remove a formidable obstacle to the learning of English by foreigners. Movements for the reform of English spelling currently exist in the USA and Britain but they have failed to attract sufficient political support. Opposition to reform comes from those who are unwilling to learn a new spelling system and also from those who see no pressing need for the change. It has also been argued that the change would inhibit access to printed sources


in the old spelling. But for many who are proficient in the present spelling system it is simply that unfamiliar spellings look wrong. If a reformed system were introduced, there would undoubtedly be an awkward and costly transitional period when old and new spelling systems existed side by side. A major problem for language reform in general is that English-speaking countries do not have language academies or other authoritative language regulatory agencies; such bodies would be needed to decide among competing reformed spelling systems. It is essential that major English-speaking countries agree on reforms; otherwise, they would no longer have a common spelling system (albeit with minor variations). It is difficult to imagine the procedures that could be instituted for bringing about a consensus on spelling reforms. The essential linguistic problem involved in reaching a consensus is the need to account for variation in sound systems across and within countries. Contrasts in pronunciation within one system may not exist in another. For example, rhotic accents distinguish sauce and source, but in non-rhotic accents the two words may sound the same (cf. 12.11); similarly, most American speakers pronounce palm and pot with the same vowel, but most British speakers pronounce the two words with different vowels. Some simplifications of British spellings have occurred in recent times under the influence of American spellings. The ligatures ce and oz have disappeared; so, for example, encyclopedia has given way to encyclopaedia, which is now giving way to encyclopedia (without the ae digraph), and -ize, -ization is frequently replacing the traditional British -ise, -isation. Eventually regularized spellings of brand names, advertising copy, and shop notices may accustom people to non-standard variations. On the other hand, the widespread use of spelling checkers in computer software may inhibit spelling variants and may be felt to reduce the need for spelling reform. It may eventually lead to a more unified international spelling of English through American influence, since most spelling checkers are American. There is much to be said for a return to the earlier tolerance of spelling variation in non-printed writing, but this requires a change in public attitudes to spelling that would be difficult to achieve. More attainable would be the gradual regularization of anomalous spellings. The notorious ough cluster could be respelled according to its pronunciation; perhaps tho (although), thru or thrue (through), enuf (enough), cof (cough), drowt(drought), bawt(bought). Simpler and more regular variants, where they exist in English-speaking countries, could be encouraged: plow (plough), analog (analogue), jail (gaol), traveled (travelled), draft (draughjt), omelet (omelette). In the absence of authoritative agencies that could command respect throughout the Englishspeaking world, spelling reform will be successful only through a long and gradual process initiated by publishers.



12.8 Reading and spelling

The proficient reader draws on cues from the general subject matter and the immediate context as well as visual recollections of whole words. Such a reader does not need to decode the parts of each word into their sound equivalents, and except for unfamiliar words absorbs the written text in chunks of perhaps a half-line or more. The good reader derives meaning directly from the text, bypassing the conversion of the written forms into sound. That is what we mean by silent reading. Good spellers, on the other hand, need to know the regular equivalents in writing for each sound or combinations of sounds and to remember the many exceptions. There are often a number of possible letters or combinations of letters for a particular sound; the good speller must remember exactly the choice required for a particular word. For example, the vowel sound of shoe could potentially be rendered by such spellings as shew (cf. shrew), shue (cf. blue), shoo (cf. zoo), and shu (cf. flu). The last three spellings, however, could have only the one sound correspondence found in shoe, so that a competent reader would be able to read the word correctly in those three spellings. In what follows, we will be looking at spelling from the point of the writer; that is to say, we will start from the sounds and find the major equivalencies in spelling.3

Sound-Spelling Correspondences 12.9 Consonants

The description in this section and 12.10 f. follows the convention that phonemes (cf. 10.9) are enclosed in slashes and letters in diamond brackets. In some instances the spelling equivalent consists of more than one letter, usually a digraph such as sh or th. 1. /p/ is normally spelled (p) and to a lesser extent (pp): pip, appeal. An exceptional spelling is hiccough, more usually spelled regularly hiccup. In addition (ph) is often pronounced /p/ before (th) in a few words, e.g. diphtheria, diphthong. 2. /b/ is normally spelled (b) and to a lesser extent (bb): book, ribbon. 3. /t/ is normally spelled (t) and to a lesser extent (tt): pet, written. The past and participle inflection (ed) is pronounced /t/ when the preceding phoneme is voiceless if it is not /t/, e.g. hoped, popped. Examples of unusual spellings: two, receipt, debt, doubt, indict, pterodactyl, yacht. There is also the exceptional (th) in posthumous and thyme and in certain names, e.g. Thames, Thomas, Anthony.



4. /d/ is normally spelled (d) and to a lesser extent (dd). The past and participle inflection (ed) is pronounced /d/ when the preceding phoneme is voiced if it is not /d/, e.g. sowed, and /id/ when the preceding phoneme is /d/ or /t/, e.g. flooded, potted. 5. /k/ is most frequently spelled (k) before front vowels (cf. 10.6) and (c) otherwise: king, keep, call, cute. Before the letters (i) and (e), the spelling (k) occurs, but not (c). Less frequent spellings: (ck> (qu) /kw/

pick quiet conquer cheque chaos six account

6. /g/ is normally spi guest (gu) ghost (gh) (x)/gz/ examine 7. /t|7 is normally spelled (ch), e.g. church, and to a lesser extent (tch), e.g. batch. Another common spelling is (t) before i or u, e.g.: question, statue, furniture, ritual, century. There is also the exceptional (c) in the Italian loanwords cello and concerto. 8. l&$l is most frequently spelled (j), (g), or (ge): job, gin, rage, garage. Less frequent equivalents are (dge), (dg) or (dj): judge, dodgy, adjust. Exceptional spellings: (di) and (gg) in soldier, suggest, exaggerate. 9. /f/ is normally spelled (f) and to a lesser extent (if): fit, stiff. In words with elements of Greek origin, the usual spelling is the digraph (ph): philosophy, telegraph. The exceptional (gh) spelling appears in a few very common words, e.g. tough, laugh. 10. /v/ is normally spelled (v): vain. The (ve) spelling appears in a few very common words: active, have, live (verb), give; love, dove, glove, shove. Exceptional is the (f) spelling in of. 11. /0/ (voiceless) and / 5 / (voiced) are both spelled (th): think, that. 12. /s/ is most frequently spelled (s) and (ss), and to a lesser extent (c): rats, pass, city, (c) and the minority spelling (sc) in this correspondence occur virtually only before the vowel letters (i), (y), and (e): cite, cycle, cent, science, scythe, obscene, (x) may represent the cluster /ks/, as in box. 13. /z/ is most frequently spelled (s) and to a lesser extent (z), (zz), and (ss): has, zoo, buzz, possess. In this use, initial (s) does not occur. On the other hand, final (s) is common in noun and verb inflections after voiced phonemes: dogs, prays, discusses. Initial (x) may be pronounced /z/, as in xenophobia, xerox, xylophone. In the initial combination (ex), (x) may represent the cluster /gz/, as in exist. 14. Ill is most frequently spelled by (t), (s), (ss), or (c) when these are



followed by (i) at the juncture of a suffix from Latin: attention, expulsion, discussion, officious. Another common spelling is the digraph (sh), which is generally associated with this phoneme: shape, (ch) is a minority spelling, found in words of French origin: chef. 15. fa/ is most frequently spelled (s) and to a lesser extent (and usually before (e)) (g): usual, massage. 16. /h/ is normally spelled (h). A minority spelling (wh) is found in a few words, several of them occurring very frequently, e.g. who, whose, whole. 17. /m/ is normally spelled (m) or (mm): mirror, commit. Exceptional spellings: (mb), (mn), and (gm): dumb, condemn, and phlegm. When a suffix is added, the (n) in (mn) and the (g) in (gm) are no longer silent: condemnation, phlegmatic. 18. /n/ is normally spelled (n) or (nn): note, runner. Exceptional spellings: (kn), (gn), and (pn): knife, sign, pneumatic. There is also the odd spelling (mn) in mnemonic and words derived from it. When a suffix is added, the (g) in (gn) is no longer silent: resignation. 19. /rj/ is spelled (n) if the sounds /k/ or /g/ follow. Otherwise, it is spelled (ng), the usual spelling: sing: drink, single (though these may also be pronounced with /n/ instead of/rj/. 20. /I/ is normally spelled (1) or (11): list, called. 21. /r/ is normally spelled (r) or (rr): real, carry. Exceptional spellings: (wr) and (rh) in write, rheumatism. 22. /w/ is normally spelled (w): water. Less frequent spellings are (u), particularly in the combinations (qu) and (gu), and (wh): quite, language, suite, wheel. The (wh) occurs initially in a number of highly frequent words; for example: what, when, whether, which, why. Some people, however, pronounce these words with initial /hw/. The sound /w/ occurs in some words spelled with (oi) that have been borrowed in recent times from French: bourgeois, repertoire. There is also the exceptional spelling one. 23. l]l is spelled (y): year, yes, yet.

12.10 S h o r t VOWClS

Correspondences between vowels and letters are complicated by regional, social, and idiosyncratic variation. It is traditional to distinguish between short vowels (such as /a/ in rat) and long vowels (such as /ei/ in rate). The correspondence in spelling may be discontinuous; for example, in rate (a...e) the (e) comes at the end of the syllable and marks the (a) as representing a long vowel. 1. /i/ is most frequently spelled (i): pit. Other frequent spellings are (y) and (e): city, blanket. But for many speakers, the final vowel in words such as city may be /i:/. Less frequent spellings include:



(a) (a...e) <ey> (ie)

spinach manage alley calorie

Unusual spellings include: (0) (u) (ui) (ee)

women busy biscuit been (a possible pronunciation when unstressed)

2. / s / is normally spelled (e): pet. Another frequent spelling is (ea): deaf. Less frequent are (ai), (a), and (eo): said, any, leopard. Unusual spellings include friend, bury, and (one British pronunciation) ate. 3. /a/ is virtually always spelled (a): pat. Exceptional spellings include: (1) (ai) (au)

meringue plaid laugh (American English)

4. / u / is most frequently spelled (u) or (oo): put, good. The exceptional spelling (ou) occurs in the three modal auxiliaries could, should, would. Some words have the variant pronunciation /u:/, e.g. book, and in some accents the phoneme / u / has merged with /u:/. 5. / A / is most frequently spelled (u): cut. Less frequent are (o) and (ou): brother, trouble. 6. British /D/ is normally spelled (o): top. The American pronunciation is usually /a:/. A less frequent spelling is (a): want. Unusual spellings include (au), (ou), and (ow): sausage, cough, knowledge. 7. /a/, called schwa, is the reduced vowel commonly used in unstressed syllables. It is spelled by various vowel letters or combinations of letters. Some examples are listed below, where the relevant letters are italicized. In nonrhotic accents, a following (r) in the same syllable is to be included in the representation of schwa. cover forget liar surprise colour futMre acre

abroad today famous element position delirium deficit



12.11 Long vowels and diphthongs

In non-rhotic accents, an /r/ that at one time was pronounced after a vowel has been lost before a consonant or in final position, whereas in rhotic accents the original /r/ has been retained (cf. 10.5). The spelling with (r) complicates the task of speakers of non-rhotic accents, who may pronounce roar and raw identically, although the /r/ reappears in roaring where it is no longer in final position. In (9)-(14) below, the phonemes are combined with /r/ for rhotic accents. 1. /AI/ is most frequently spelled (i...e), (y), or (y...e): bite, fly, type. Generally (i) occurs initially or medially, whereas (y) occurs finally. A less frequent spelling is (igh): high, fight. 2. /i:/ has several frequent spellings: (e) (e...e) (ee) (ea)

legal gene beef teach i / i n t" c T~\ £1 1 1 1 r^ /"i

s rreqilent spelling (ae)


(i...e) (ie) (oe)

aegis visa magazine field foetus

The digraph spellings (ae) and (oe) for /i:/ are often replaced by (e), especially in American English. For many speakers the final (y) in words such as city and cosy is pronounced /i:/. 3. /ei/ is most frequently spelled (a...e) or (a): case, danger. Other frequent spellings are (ay) and (ai): may, plain. Less frequent spellings include several for late French loanwords:

(er) (et)

cafe suede foyer beret matinee

Other infrequent spellings include: (ea) (ei) <ey) (eigh)

great reign obey eight

4. /au/ is normally spelled (ou) or (ow): loud, crowd. Infrequent spellings are:


(ou...e) (ough)

house drought

5. British /so/ and American /o:/ are normally spelled (o), (o...e), or (oe): radio, note, toe. Less frequent spellings are (ow) and (oa): follow, coat. Infrequent spellings include some late French loanwords: (ot) (eau) (au)

depot bureau chauffeur

6. /u:/ is most frequently spelled: (u), (u...e), or (ue) lucid, rude, clue (oo), (oo...e) food, choose (o), (o...e) do, prove Less frequent spellings are: (ew) (ou) (ui) (eu)

crew youth fruit rheumatic

See also /ju:/ below. 7. /oi/ is spelled either (oi) or (oy): poison, employ. 8. The combination /ju:/ is most frequently spelled (u), (u...e), (ue), or (ew): music, cube, due, hew. The / j / is dropped, especially in American English, in many words with the combination /ju:/, resulting in the pronunciation /nu:/ for new rather than /nju:/. 9. /a:/ in non-rhotic accents, such as RP (Received Pronunciation in British English, cf. 10.6), is most frequently spelled (a) or (ar): class, car. However, the vowel in words such as class is generally /a/ in American English (like the vowel in cat). In rhotic accents, such as generally American English, (ar) in car is pronounced /a:r/. In American English /a:/ is also spelled (o) or (a): doll, watch. Less frequent spellings include (ear) in non-rhotic accents and (ea) in rhotic accents, e.g. heart, and (al), e.g. half, though in American English generally pronounced with the vowel /a/. 10. /o:/ in non-rhotic accents is most frequently spelled (or), (ore), (ar), (our), or (a): for, core, war, four, salt. In rhotic accents, the spellings of /o:j exclude (r) since the (r) corresponds to the actual pronunciation of /r/. Less frequent spellings are (au) and (aw): author, saw. Infrequent spellings include: (augh) (ough)

caught fought

11. non-rhotic /s:/ and rhotic /a:r/ are most frequently spelled (er): revert. Less frequent spellings are: (ur) (ir)

nurse bird


(or) (ear)


work earth

Infrequent spellings include: (our) (eur) (yr)

journey entrepreneur myrtle

12. non-rhotic /is/ and rhotic /ir/ or /is/ are most frequently spelled: (ea(r)) (er) (ere) (ia(r)) (ee)

idea, fear period here media, peculiar beer

13. non-rhotic /e:/ and rhotic /s:r/ are most frequently spelled: (ar) (are) (air)

rarity care hair

A less frequent spelling is (ear): pear, wear. Two very common words have idiosyncratic spellings: there, where. 14. non-rhotic /us/and rhotic /ur/ are frequently spelled (oor), (ure), or (ur): poor, sure, security. However, many RP speakers pronounce words such as poor and sure with the vowel /o:/. The phoneme j]j sometimes precedes the sequence /ua/, as in the words cure, curious, endure, furious.

12.12 Some spelling rules

Spelling rules tend to be complex with many subrules and exceptions. Nevertheless, it may be helpful to attempt some generalizations.

A. Doubling of consonant letter before suffix

If you add a suffix to a word, double the final consonant letter before the suffix under these conditions: 1. the suffix starts with a vowel letter: forget/forgetting, cf. forgetful 2. the word ends in a single consonant letter that represents a single sound: red/redder, cf. old/older, box/boxer 3. a single vowel letter comes before the final consonant letter: stop/stopped, cf. stoop/stooped 4. the stress is on the final syllable both before and after the suffix is added: refer/referred, cf. refer/reference, rapid/rapidity



There are variant spellings for many words ending in an unstressed syllable to which -ed or -ing is added. Most of the words end in /, such as travel, label. British English requires doubling (travelled, labelling), whereas American English follows the regular rule by preferring a single consonant (traveled, labeled). Other examples with similar variation: marvelous/marvellous, traveler/traveller, worshiper/worshipper, diagramed/diagrammed, programer/

programmer. The spelling of words derived from gas is inconsistent: gaseous and gasify (both infringing the doubling rule) contrast with gasser and gassy. There is variation between -s- and -ss- in inflected forms of bias, bus, focus, and gas, except that gas has the variants gases/gasses but only the one form for gassed and gassing. There are variants of the inflected forms of benefit (benefited/benefitted), though doubling appears to be more usual in American English. To preserve the /k/ sound, final (c) is usually spelled (ck) when a suffix is added: panic/panicky, mimic/mimicked.

B. Dropping Of silent final •©

Drop the silent (e) at the end of words if you add a suffix beginning with a vowel letter: have/having fame/famous fertile/fertility

deplore/deplorable mediate/mediation medicine/medicinal

Keep the (e) when the suffix begins with a consonant letter: hope/hopeful base/basement care/careless

false/falsehood lecture/lectureship scarce/scarcely

If the word ends in (ie) and the suffix begins with (i), drop the (e) but also change the (i) to (y) to avoid (ii): die/dying lie/lying

tie/tying vie/vying

Exceptions where you keep (e): 1. The letters (c) and (g) are generally pronounced /s/ and /d.3/ respectively when they are followed by one of the vowel letters (e), (i), or (y): cell, city, cycle, gem, gin, gymnasium. To signal these pronunciations, (e) is generally kept when a suffix is added beginning with another vowel letter, notably (a) or (o): noticeable peaceable

courageous knowledgeable

If the suffix begins with (e), (i), or (y), the (e) is dropped in accordance with the regular rule: notice/noticed/noticing




2. Keep the (e) in singeing (from singe) and swingeing (from swinge) to distinguish them from singing (from sing) and swinging (from swing). Similarly, keep the (e) in dyeing to distinguish it from dying (from die). 3. In a number of words, there are irregular variants where (e) is kept. They include the set of words to which the suffix (able) has been added: likable/likeable livable/liveable

movable/moveable ratable/rateable

The irregular retention of (e) may be due to the association of the suffix with the word able and hence the feeling that these words are compounds. The rule for dropping (e) before a vowel letter applies only when a suffix is added and not when two words are joined to form a compound such as whereas. In a few words, the irregular variant is preferred. The most common instances are ageing, matey, and mileage. The word acreage has only this spelling with (e). Exceptions where you drop (e) before a consonant letter: 1. Six words irregularly drop (e): argue/argument awe/awful due/duly

nine/ninth true/truly whole/wholly

2. In some words ending in (ge), there are variants without (e), particularly in American English, when the suffix begins with a consonant letter: abridgement/abridgment acknowledgement/acknowledgment judgement/judgment C. Changing of final (y) to (i) before suffix

The general rule is that when a word ends in a consonant letter plus (y), change the (y) to (i) before adding a suffix: happy/happiness industry/industrious fifty/fiftieth

cry/cried story/stories beauty/beautiful

Keep the (y) when the word ends in a vowel letter plus (y): enjoy/enjoyment annoy/annoyance

play/played spray/sprays

Exceptions when you keep the (y): 1. before the suffix (ing): cry/crying


2. before the genitive 's: the story's end

the industry's complaint



3. when the suffix -ness is added to a few words of one syllable: dryness



4. in busyness ('state of being busy') to distinguish it from business ('industrial or commercial operation', etc.). Exceptions when you change (y) to (i): daily paid laid said


The change from say to said also involves a vowel change: /ei/ to /s/. D. (i) before (e) except after (c)

This is the spelling rule that most people remember from their schooldays. The rule in full is: When the vowel sound is /i:/, represent the sound by spelling (ie), but after (c) spell it (ei). (ie) achieve believe brief diesel field niece priest siege thief

(ei) after (c) ceiling conceit deceit deceive perceive receipt receive

Exceptions with (ei) as the spelling of /i:/ when it does not come after (c): caffeine, codeine, counterfeit, protein, seize.

In several words with (ei) there are variant pronunciations, one of which is/i:/: either



Weird, whose vowel is the diphthong /is/, is another exception. Exceptions with (ie) after (c): 1. Words in which (y) has changed to (i) keep (ie) even after (c): agency/agencies



2. The word species is an exception. Note the spelling (ie) in words representing a diphthong or a sound other than /i:/: financier





For most words that do not have the pronunciation /i:/ and where (c) does not precede, the usual order is (ei): neighbour



The most common exception is friend.

Notes Chapter 1 1. There are now a sizeable number of books dealing with English throughout the world. A useful reference work is The Oxford Companion to the English Language, edited by Tom McArthur (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992). A range of statistics on the uses of English appears in English: A World Commodity, by Brian McCallen (London: The Economist Intelligence Unit, 1989). A summary account of differences between national standard varieties of English can be found in International English: A Guide to Varieties of Standard English, by Peter Trudgill and Jean Hanna (London: Edward Arnold, 2nd edn., 1985). Among other general works on English internationally are The Story of English, by Robert McCrum, William Cran, and Robert MacNeil (London: Faber & Faber, 2nd edn., 1992), The Other Tongue: English Across Cultures, edited by Braj B. Kachru (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2nd edn., 1992), The New Englishes, by John Platt, Heidi Weber, and Ho Mian Liam (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984), English as a World Language, edited by Richard W. Bailey and Manfred Gorlach (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1982), The English Language Today, edited by Sidney Greenbaum (Oxford: Pergamon, 1985). Devoted to English internationally are the quarterly magazine English Today (Cambridge University Press) and the scholarly journals World Englishes and English World-Wide. 2. On the history of English and other languages in the British Isles and their present status and uses, see Language in the British Isles, edited by Peter Trudgill (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984). 3. See Language in the British Isles, ch. 25, for details on the newer minority languages. 4. See Language in the British Isles, ch. 14. 5. On the English language in the countries mentioned in 1.3 and 1.4, see the books listed in n. 1 of this chapter. For the United States in particular, see Language in the USA, edited by Charles A. Ferguson and Shirley Brice Heath (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981). 6. Pidgins and Creoles, by Loreto Todd (London: Routledge, 2nd edn., 1992) is a succinct account that focuses on English-based pidgins and Creoles. 7. Current views favour regarding Black English as a development of a Creole English that was indebted in its origins to West African languages. See the discussion in Pidgins and Creoles, by Loreto Todd, pp. 61—5.


8. The statistics are taken from The Economist Pocket World in Figures (London: Hamish Hamilton, 4th (1995) edn., 1994), p. 22. 9. The international presence of English has not been welcomed everywhere. In some countries English has been viewed as having a malign influence on local languages, contaminating their purity by infiltrating large numbers of foreign words. Official resistance to English loanwords is fiercest in France, where there have been moves by the government to bar their use in the media, advertising, and official documents. Most media reaction in France has declared the restrictions unenforceable. More generally, French officialdom has been concerned with the preservation of French as an international language and the threats from English and other languages to the retention of French by the francophone countries in Africa and the Americas. 10. The International Corpus of English is a research project into standard varieties in about twenty countries, most of which have English as a second language. It is co-ordinated by Sidney Greenbaum and his colleagues at the Survey of English Usage, University College London. 11. Webster's Dictionary of English Usage (Springfield, Mass.: Merriam-Webster, 1989) is recommended for those who wish to know the historical background to usage controversies, the views of writers who have commented on disputed usages, and the evidence for present-day usage. A recent practical usage guide for quick reference is the Longman Guide to English Usage, by Sidney Greenbaum and Janet Whitcut (London: Penguin, 1996). The best of the newspaper commentators on language is William Safire, who writes a weekly column in The New York Times, which is reprinted in The International Herald Tribune. He has published several books based on his column and has included in his books the letters generated by his observations. 12. On issues concerned with the standard language, see Authority in Language, by James Milroy and Lesley Milroy (London: Routledge, 2nd edn., 1991). On grammars in relation to the standard language, see 'A Grammarian's Responsibility', in Good English and the Grammarian, by Sidney Greenbaum (London: Longman, 1988), ch. 3. 13. On variation according to use, see Investigating English Style, by David Crystal and Derek Davy (London: Longman, 1969). 14. A lively and enlightening discussion of jargons appears in Jargon: Its Uses and Abuses, by Walter Nash (Oxford: Blackwell, 1993). 15. On correct English and good English, see Bad Language, by Lars Andersson and Peter Trudgill (Oxford: Blackwell, 1990) and 'Good English', in Good English and the Grammarian, by Sidney Greenbaum (London: Longman, 1988), ch. 1. Excellent analyses of abuses of language appear in Language—The



Loaded Weapon, by Dwight Bolinger (London: Longman, 1980). On swearing, see Swearing: A Social History of Foul Language, Oaths and Profanity in English, by Geoffrey Hughes (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991). On political correctness, see The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook, by Henry Beard and Christopher Cerf (London: Grafton, 1992) and The Politically Correct Phrasebook, by Nigel Rees (London: Bloomsbury, 1993). A history of sexist bias in English and attempts to counter it appears in Grammar and Gender, by Dennis Baron (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1986).

Chapter 2 1. The earlier work is by the eminent Danish linguist Otto lespersen (Copenhagen: Munksgaard, 1909-49). The more recent work is by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik (London: Longman, 1985). 2. The grammars of non-standard varieties have not been researched to anywhere near the extent that standard varieties have been. Summary accounts of the grammars of British non-standard varieties can be found in English Accents and Dialects, by Arthur Hughes and Peter Trudgill (London: Edward Arnold, 1989), The Dialects of England, by Peter Trudgill (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1990), and Real English: The Grammar of English Dialects in the British Isles, edited by James Milroy and Lesley Milroy (London: Longman, 1993). Selective information on the grammars of American non-standard varieties appears in Dialects and American English, by Walt Wolfram (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1991). Essays on aspects of non-standard dialects in the USA, Canada, Australia, and the British Isles appear, with summary introductions, in Dialects of English: Studies in Grammatical Variation, edited by Peter Trudgill and J. K. Chambers (London: Longman, 1991). Works that deal with these grammars focus on certain features that display differences from standard varieties. It is assumed that most of the grammar will be identical for all varieties. 3. Among the numerous introductions to linguistics, mention may be made of Language and Linguistics: An Introduction, by John Lyons (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981) and General Linguistics: An Introductory Survey, by R. H. Robins (London: Longman, 4th edn., 1989). Teach Yourself Linguistics, by Jean Aitchison (London: Hodder & Stoughton, 4th edn., 1992), is a highly readable, wide-ranging, elementary introductory text. On language universals, see Language Universals and Linguistic Typology, by Bernard Comrie (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 2nd edn., 1989).



4. Chomsky's Government and Binding Theory retains two syntactic levels, but these are termed D-structure (formerly deep structure) and S-structure (formerly surface structure), which are related by movement transformations. Surface structures (in the new sense) result from the application of rules that determine the phonetic form of the S-structures. In his more recent Minimalist framework, Chomsky dispenses with the distinction between D-structure and S-structure and no longer uses these two terms. The Language Instinct: The New Science of Language and Mind, by Steven Pinker (London: Allen Lane, 1994) presents an excellent, wide-ranging account of language that is heavily influenced by Chomsky's approaches to language. 5. The sentence is uttered by Butt the Hoopoe in Haroun and the Sea of Stories, by Salman Rushdie (London: Granta Books, 1991), p. 71. 6. Accounts of English traditional grammars appear in The English Reference Grammar: Language and Linguistics, Writers and Readers, edited by Gerhard Leitner (Tubingen: Max Niemeyer, 1986); Grammatical Theory in Western Europe 1500-1700: Trends in Vernacular Grammar, by G. A. Padley (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985); English Grammatical Categories and the Tradition to 1800, by Ian Michael (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970). A comprehensive study of English teaching in earlier periods, including the teaching of English language, is to be found in The Teaching of English: From the Sixteenth Century to 1870, by Ian Michael (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).

Chapter 3 1. The major reference grammar of present-day English is A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik (London: Longman, 1985). An abridgement of that work, with some revisions, is A Student's Grammar of the English Language, by Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk (London: Longman, 1990). Other recent general grammars that are worth consulting are A New Approach to English Grammar, on Semantic Principles, by R. M. W. Dixon (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991) and the 2-volume English Grammar. A Function-Based Introduction, by T. Givon (Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1993). 2. Caution is necessary in the use of the term verb. In traditional practice, it is applied in two ways: (1) for a part of speech [contains is a verb in the verb



phrase contains and given in the verb phrase has been given) and (2) for a major constituent in a sentence or clause (contains in [1]; 've been given, have, and may be reduced in [4]). See also n. 9. 3. Yes-no questions have also been called polarity questions, polarity being the system of positive/negative contrast. W/i-questions have also been called information questions. 4. In early periods of English, questions such as [8a] would have been formed by subject-verb inversion, without the support of the auxiliary do, and this was still possible in Elizabethan times. Thus, Shakespeare's Hamlet asks: Stay'd it long?

The present-day equivalent is: Did it stay long? The use of do as a dummy auxiliary began in the fourteenth century as an option instead of the fronting of the main verb, it became the preferred option by the middle of the sixteenth century, and it finally became obligatory by the early eighteenth century. The increased use of do reflected the increased rigidity of word order in English. The insertion of the dummy auxiliary allowed both the verb-subject order that signalled yes-no questions {did it...) and the subject-(main) verb order (. . . it stay). It also paralleled the pattern found with auxiliaries in questions (It should stay, Should it stay?). However, the main verb be has continued to follow the earlier pattern of subject-verb inversion without do-support, if no auxiliary is present: Are they naughty?

But if an auxiliary accompanies be, there is subject—operator inversion: Have they been naughty? British English allows both options for the main verb have, but American English generally follows the regular pattern with do-support: Have you enough to eat? Do you have enough to eat?

In informal style have... got is more common in British English: Have you got enough to eat? Analogous uses of do-support apply elsewhere when present-day English requires an auxiliary, as in verb negation (cf. 3.11). The older forms of questions and verb negation without do-support are occasionally found in present-day English either in solemn oration, in an imitation of the style of the King James Bible and the Common Prayer Book, or in jocular style. The oratorical use is exemplified in John Kennedy's oftenquoted words from his 1961 inaugural address:


And so, my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

The jocular use is exemplified in this brief news item about new lavatories in Northumbria: The view from the washbasins, the company's recreation manager, Chris Spray (we kid you not), enthuses, is 'spectacular1. [The Independent, 25 August 1992, p. 17]

5. Not all prepositions can be fronted in w/z-questions. For example, the prepositions that follow the verb be are retained in final position: What was the food like? So also: What did you say that for? ('Why did you say that?')

6. The imperative auxiliary let's and the main verb let co-occur in this example: 'Let's tetthe Khmer Rouge become outlaws or rebels,' Mr. Jennar said, and enforce the building 'of democracy and the building of rehabilitation of the country.' [International Herald Tribune, 6-7 February 1993, p. 5]

7. The classic works on speech act theory are by philosophers: How To Do Things With Words, by J. L. Austin (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1962), Speech Acts, by John R. Searle (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1969), Expression and Meaning: Studies in the Theory of Speech Acts, by John R. Searle, chs. 1 and 2 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979). For a concise account by a linguist of various theories dealing with speech acts and a critique of them, see Pragmatics, by Stephen C. I^evinson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), ch. 5. 8. This is an example of a hedged performative, where a modal auxiliary is used to express (for example) the obligation, ability, or willingness to perform the speech act designated by the performative verb, but at the same time the speaker intends what he says to constitute the performance of that speech act. 9. The term verb phrase is also used for the verb plus its complements (if any). Predicate may be similarly used, but may also be extended to include adverbials that are closely attached to the sentence. The verb of the sentence is sometimes called the predicator. 10. British English also allows the direct object to come first if both objects are pronouns. The normal order—indirect object followed by direct object— occurs in this example: Well if you give me (0) it (0) tomorrow I might be able to do some tomorrow morning [. . .] [SIA-038-155]



The exceptional order—direct object followed by indirect object—is shown below: Give it (0) me (0) tomorrow.

11. Subject predicative has also been called subject complement and object predicative has also been called object complement. Complement has been replaced by predicative to avoid confusion, because complement has a more generalized sense. Predicative has been traditionally used for predicative adjectives and predicative nouns (or nominals) when these are functioning to complement a copular verb. 12. It has been argued that gender as a grammatical category does not exist in English, since the only candidates for gender distinctions are a few pronouns, and their choice is overwhelmingly determined by sex reference, whereas choices in grammatical gender are determined by agreement with words according to their subclass (e.g. the noun agreeing with an adjective or verb). The choice of reflexive pronoun in the following two sentences depends on extralinguistic information, not on agreement with the noun friend: Your friend is washing herself. Your friend is washing himself.

Chapter 4 1. The exception is the main verb beware, which is not inflected. Among auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries, there are no inflections for must, ought to, had better (or better), had best (or best). The uninflected got to (gotta in nonstandard spelling) is an informal variant of's got to, 'vegot to, 'dgot to. 2. In this sense the verb is a constituent of a sentence or clause just as are the subject and direct object. See Ch. 3, nn. 2 and 9. 3. Infinitival to is a separate word, and therefore adverbials (especially single adverbs) sometimes intervene between it and the infinitive. The interruption results in what is traditionally known as the split infinitive. [1]

But it's the sense of freedom of being able to just lie down if you want to roll over [SIA-OO3-88]


How could people be so insensitive as to not know they've got wax in their ears [SIA-OSO-77]




But you'd need to think carefully about the number of support people required to actually administer ( ,} a process like this [SiB-020-195]


Certainly all the members of the panel here tonight are too young to really remember the Second World War [. . .] [siB-035-31]


Boeing Co. said that it is discussing plans with three of its regular Japanese suppliers to possibly help build a larger version of its popular 767 twin-jet. [891102-0152-1]


Some associates suspect that the 40-year old Mr Trumka would like to someday head the nation's largest labor group. [891005-0019-14]


When must states make retroactive refunds of collected taxes that are later found to unconstitutionally interfere with interstate commerce? [891002-0001-


They want to plug into the EC power grid, get a piece of Europe's Eureka high-tech research program and set up as an export platform for South Korea to conveniently manufacture and ship its wares into the EC. [890928-



The split infinitive has been objected to because infinitival to has been perceived as part of the infinitive. This perception was at one time influenced by a knowledge of Latin grammar, which does not have an infinitival to. In some contexts splitting the infinitive avoids ambiguity. For example, if in a written form of [4], really was placed before to it could be misunderstood as focusing on too young, though in speech the intended focus could be conveyed intonationally. In other contexts, the infinitive must be split, unless the sentence is rephrased. This applies to [5] and [8] and to the longer interruption in [9] below: [9]

Who would cherish them as friends, when we have new, clean, up-to-date people to, if you like, look up to—people such as Richard Branson, Gary Lineker, Paul McCartney? [The Sunday Times, 14 February 1994, p. 5.1]

Chapter 5 1. Genitive noun phrases generally have a determiner function: the girls' parents parallels their parents. They can also be premodifiers, as in a girl's school (cf. 4.12). 2. The intensifiers so, that, and too followed by an adjective can come at the beginning of a noun phrase: [1]

Certainly it was so prominent a punctuation in the landscape that one was positively drawn towards it. [W2F-005-74]


I'd had a reasonable lunch but not that good a lunch [S2A-044-22]




I think you're putting that in too simplistic a form [SiB-O3i-93]

So may correlate with a that-dause after the head noun, as in [1], or with a toinfinitive clause introduced by the subordinator as. Too may correlate with a to-infinitive clause. 3. The adverb else is only a postmodifier. It follows indefinite pronouns and adverbs compounded with some, any, or no, interrogative pronouns (cf. 4.43), and interrogative adverbs (cf. 4.26): [1]

I don't know what else I'll go to though [SIA-005-68]


Well do it somewhere else [SIA-OIO-145]


I don't know anyone else who could do it [siA-021-ii]


Where else do you look John [SIA-034-207]

The genitive inflection is on else rather than on the pronoun: [5]

Is it part of your responsibility or someone else's responsibility to check whether the people who're running the hotel appear on the face of it to be competent and up to the job [SIB-067-30]

4. Extraposition of the postmodifying o/-phrase would have forestalled the embarrassing suggestion reported without comment in this news item: A press release informs us that he hopes to raise the issue of "street children and those sold into sex slavery with Foreign Office ministers". [The Independent, 19 June 1992, p. 19]

Whereas the q/-phrase is a postmodifier of the head noun issue, the withphrase is an adverbial of the infinitive clause. It would be better still to place the wif/i-phrase after to raise. 5. The quasi-independent status of the sentential relative clause is indicated by its ability to be punctuated as an independent sentence in writing [1] and even to head a new paragraph [2]: [1]

You'll get a letter from me tomorrow and no doubt be embarassed [sic] when the lady gives it to you. Which reminds me, do you want me to post your toothbrushes? [wiB-006-82 f.]


The news is not all bad. The Bank judges that six countries got the macroeconomic fundamentals right: . . . All of which is quite some achievement. (The Economist, 5 March 1994, p. 22]

6. Exceptional titles that follow names include the (chiefly) American designations Senior (Sr.) and Junior (Jr.) to distinguish between fathers and sons with the same first names, as in Martin Luther King, Jr.; subsequent generations are given Roman numerals, as in Sen. John D. Rockfeller IV (read as 'the fourth'). Major and minor are sometimes used in British schools after family names of brothers in the same school (e.g. Smith minor). The courtesy title Esq. (abbreviation of Esquire) is occasionally used in addresses on letters


with the full name when no other title is used with the name (e.g. John Black, Esq.). 7. Descriptive phrases consisting of the definite article the and an adjective or numeral may follow the names of monarchs; Elizabeth I ('the first'), William the Conqueror. Those of the type Ivan the Terrible and Elizabeth I are postmodifiers (compare: the terrible Ivan, the first Elizabeth), whereas in William the Conqueror, the Conqueror is an appositive (compare the poet Longfellow). 8. Appositive clauses are to be distinguished from relative clauses (cf. 5.9). Appositive clauses are self-contained, whereas in relative clauses the relative item functions within the clause. For example in the appositive clause [1] that is a subordinator and does not function (say as subject or direct object) in the clause: [1]

Police say they can't confirm a TV report that the building had been hit by automatic fire [S2B-016-95]

We can extract the appositive clause without its subordinator and make it an independent sentence: [la] The building had been hit by automatic fire.

We can show that it is an appositive by demonstrating its copular link with the preceding noun phrase: [lb] The TV report is that the building had been hit by automatic fire.

We can insert an appropriate apposition marker, in this case namely. On the other hand, the f/iat-clause in [lc] is a relative clause: [lc] Police say that they can't confirm a TV report that we all saw last night.

Here that is a relative pronoun functioning as direct object in the relative clause. We can replace it by the relative pronoun which, which refers back to the antecedent a TV report ('We all saw the TV report last night'). 9. Certain types of clauses that have a non-finite verb phrase as their verb can serve as independent complete utterances. They mainly occur in informal conversation. Here are some examples of questions whose verb is non-finite, an -ingparticiple [l]-[2] and an infinitive [3]: [1] [2]

How about pouring a pint of oil over their heads or something [SIB-079-290] What about putting legs on it and making it into an enclosed table type of arrangement [SIB-073-238]


Why change things [SIA-017-2]

10. Some grammarians have argued that the perfect is a tense rather than an aspect, since it refers to a period or point in time: the past of the speaker/writer or a preceding past time. Others have considered it an aspect because it is retrospective in at least some of its uses.



11. The absence of an operator for negation shows that the verb is subjunctive even though it has the same form as the indicative: And every last one of the six who had children said he would prefer they not smoke. [International Herald Tribune, 19 April 1994, p. 6]

The indicative requires the dummy operator do: 'they do not smoke' or 'they did not smoke'. 12. For a readable and enlightening study of multi-word verbs, see The Phrasal Verb in English, by Dwight Bolinger (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1971). 13. Prepositional objects are sometimes termed oblique objects. In some analyses, prepositional objects that correspond to indirect objects are also termed indirect objects: 'I gave a book to her (cf. 'I gave her a book'). 14. The difference between the adjective and the adverb as premodifiers is starkly posed in a report of a printing mistake: Foul-up corner, part two. From this week's Fashion Weekly, on an earlier article about the Hackett chain: "In paragraph eight we referred to the company as 'a terrible British company', this should of course have read 'a terribly British company . . .' " [The Independent, 13 November 1992, p. 27] (italics in original)

The adverb terribly has become an intensifier, having lost its pejorative connotation. The adjective modifies the unit British company ('a British company that is terrible'), whereas the adverb modifies only the adjective British ('a company that is terribly British'). 15. Adjectives functioning as complements of prepositions are virtually confined to fixed expressions. They should all perhaps be regarded as nominal adjectives (cf. 4.23). Here is a list of such expressions, arranged according to the preposition: at best at large at worst

in brief in common in full in general for better or worse in particular for certain in private for free in public for good in secret for real in short for sure of old from bad to worse on high There are also a few expressions with determiners, e.g. all of a sudden, in the extreme, to the full.



16. The preposition but ('except') is occasionally found with ellipsis of its complement, the ellipsis being recoverable from the preceding context: The campaign for the European election on Sunday was easy to ignore, but the new European Parliament will be anything but. [International Herald Tribune, 13 June 1994, p. 4] ('anything but easy to ignore')

Chapter 6 1. The concept of a sentence is discussed in Syntax, by P. H. Matthews (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981), ch. 2. 2. For co-ordination and subordination, see A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik (London: Longman, 1985), chs. 13-15. 3. If verb phrases include complements of the verbs, as in some analyses, then the subordinate clauses in [2]-[5] would also be constituents of phrases. 4. A subordinate clause may be embedded in a phrase (cf. 6.3). In one approach, the sentence is simple if the only subordinate clauses occurring in the sentence are in phrases. If complements of verbs are taken as constituents of phrases, this approach would extend the notion of simple sentence considerably. 5. An adverbial that is not a clause may also extend its scope to more than one main clause. Below, three co-ordinated main clauses are within the scope of the initial adverbial: Here in wonderful London, the sun shines, the birds sing and the streets are still paved with gold, [WIB-OOI-20]

6. On clause complexes, see An Introduction to Functional Grammar, 2nd edition, by M. A. K. Halliday (London: Edward Arnold, 1994), ch. 7. We could define a clause cluster as a set of clauses related by parataxis or hypotaxis, as Halliday does for clause complex. Certainly we would want to include within a clause cluster most of the paratactically related clauses listed in 6.5. There is, however, a problem with juxtaposed clauses. For example, should all the juxtaposed clauses in citation [1] in 6.5 be considered as belonging to one cluster, or just the two linked by For example? In the written language we might follow the clues provided by punctuation, so that citations [2] and [3] in 6.5 are regarded as having one cluster each because the clauses are linked by punctuation that is internal to an orthographic sentence. In the spoken language we may need



to take account of intonation linkage that suggests that the cluster has not been completed. If we attempt to establish logical connections as the basis of a clause cluster, we may find ourselves designating a complete written text or speech as a cluster. 7. Many Americans cannot use nor with a co-ordinator. For them, nor itself is a co-ordinator. However, it differs from the other co-ordinators in that, like neither, it causes subject-operator inversion, as in [7] in 6.8. 8. So is frequently used as a pro-clause for a t/jaf-clause functioning as direct object, and similarly not as a negative pro-clause (cf. 7.11). The fftat-clause is generally a complement of a verb of saying, cognition, or perception: [1]

He was happy to return to Manfield Terrace and to Norma, and often said so. [W2F-014-37] ('and often said that he was happy to return to Manfield Terrace and to Norma')


A: Oh I would imagine she would have left by now if she said twenty minutes B: You would have thought so [SiA-039-157]


A: Uhm were your first (, > sexual relationships anything like you'd expected them to be ( , ) B:

I guess not [SIA-O72-167]

A similar range of verbs of cognition and perception (but not verbs of saying) are involved in transferred negation, the transfer of negation from the subordinate clause to the host clause. The negative in / don't think they know you can negate the host clause (Tm not of that opinion')—and it clearly does so if think is stressed—or it can negate by transferred negation the subordinate clause ('I think they don't know you'), though the negative force is weaker in transferred negation than when the subordinate clause is directly negated. Compare also the direct negation in They don't know you, I think. Here are some examples of transferred negation: [4]

I don't suppose anyone can guess what this is [S2A-O5i-90] ('I suppose no one can guess what this is')


I don't believe that's correct [SIB-069-60]


The vet didn't think she would live but she's nearly 7 months old now. [W1B-014-93]

Transferred negation applies also with complements that are to-infinitive clauses and finite clauses or -ing participle clauses introduced by as if, as though, or like: [7]

[. . .] I don't expect to make a profit [. . .] [SIB-078-60] ('I expect not to make a profit')


Anne didn't seem to be listening. [W2F-002-I8]


You don't look as if you need it [SIA-075-13]

[10] [. . .] they all of them didn't feel like doing their exams because he died like the night before a lot of uh the exams [SIA-093-180]



Can't seem to and couldn't seem to transfer also the meaning of the modal: [11]

[ . . . ] ! honestly feel great now, although my stomach can't seem to handle anything stronger than fruit at the moment! [wiB-005-50] ('my stomach seems not to be able to handle')

The pro-clause so is commonly used in transferred negation: [12]

A: Are you going grey B:

I don't think so [SIA-068-104]

It is less formal than direct negation with not: [12a] I think not. 9. Some grammarians have considered the nominal relative clause to be a noun phrase rather than a clause. They analyse the nominal relative item as consisting of a pronoun or general noun phrase that is fused with a relative item as in these examples drawn from citations in 6.12: 'the things that the market wants to see' [34], 'things that looked like 20 different types of fish' [35], 'any person who needs to be bribed to get on that plane' [36]. In this alternative analysis, the nominal relative clause is regarded as a noun phrase whose head (what in [34]-[35] and whoever in [36]) is a fused relative with a built-in antecedent, and the head is followed by the rest of a postmodifying relative clause. 10. Some participles—assuming, judging, considering, supposing—are commonly used in adverbial clauses with an understood generic subject: As usual, the second half is expected to be better, assuming that the recession is shallow [. . .] [W2c-oo5-82] [. . .] judging by the experimental evidence, any reduction of lean body mass is likely to be mainly at the expense of slowly metabolizing tissues, particularly muscle. [W2A-024-14] The baby tortoise, so tiny when Pete christened him on the docks at Southampton, was now the size of a large soup plate which, considering how many of our plants he 'd devoured over the years, was hardly surprising. [W2R-004-38]

Supposing we want to create a large commercial monopoly for some reason we'll come back to why in a few moments how would we do it [SIB005-89]

11. Complements of verbs may have the same form as adverbial clauses and express the same kinds of meanings as they do. For example: There was even animated, dewy-eyed talk of a hurried return to the First Division and startling mention of the "rich rewards of Europe", with the footballing folk of Newcastle urged to put their money where their mouths are[. . .] [W2C-004-69]

See the subsection on manner clauses in 6.14.



12. Conditional clauses exhibit a number of parallels with subordinate interrogative clauses (cf. 6.12): 1. Both indicate that information is missing. For conditional clauses, the missing information is about the fulfilment of the condition. In fact, we can often rephrase a conditional construction as a question with its response: You're going to have huge trouble if you've infected me. Have you infected me? If so, you're going to have huge trouble.

2. The semantic and formal distinctions between the three types of interrogative clauses (yes-no, alternative, wh-) are analogous to those between the three types of conditional clauses (direct, alternative, wh-). 3. // and whether are used as subordinators in both interrogative and conditional clauses. 4. Rhetorical questions (cf. 3.5) are paralleled by rhetorical conditions: Is there anybody stronger than me? If anybody is stronger than me, I'll eat my hat.

13. //can be a subordinator in an abbreviated conditional clause with the proclause so or not (cf. n. 8 to this chapter): Should you buy a separate transport unit and, if so, which one? [W2B-040-3] Seen anyone else I know? If not, then what the hell have you been doing?!! [wiB-002-37]

14. If may be used concessively (usually in abbreviated clauses) as well as conditionally. It may be synonymous either with even if[l] or with even though [2]: [1]

Unfortunately there remain some strong if not stronger arguments in favour of the opposite view: that an excessive show of force inevitably leads to war. [W2c-003-86] ('even if they are not stronger')


But can't that fantastic technical ingenuity [. . .] at last be applied to civilian production turning if not swords into ploughshares F Fifteens into kidney machines [S2B-034-77] ('even though not turning swords into ploughshares')

15. The in proportion clauses is not the definite article. It derives from the use in Old English of the instrumental case py of the demonstrative pronoun in expressions of comparison ('by thatthe faster, by thatthe better'). 16. The concept of complementation has been extended to adjectives and nouns by analogy with its use with verbs. As with verbs, complements of adjectives and nouns need not be obligatory. Indeed, very few adjectives (e.g. fond of) or nouns (e.g. lack of) require a complement. But just as the same verb (e.g. eat) may be used as either intransitive (without any complement) or transitive (with a direct object as complement), so specific adjectives or nouns may occur with or without a complement.


With respect to complement clauses, clauses are considered to be complements if their form is determined by the subclass of adjective or noun; for example, whether the complement is finite, what subordinator is used, what forms of verbs are possible. Thus, the adjectives aware and sure are followed by f/iaf-clauses, though if the host clause is negative sure can also take interrogative clauses. Similarly, nouns such as impression belong to a subclass that can take appositive clauses. Another criterion for complementation is that when the complements are omitted the sentence, though grammatical, is felt to be semantically incomplete, as in Are you sure? Further evidence is provided by resemblances, in meaning and perhaps also in form, to verbs with the same complements. So, you are aware that she is abroad parallels You know that she is abroad, and their decision to leave early parallels they decided to leave early. 17. On reported speech, with particular reference to indirect and free indirect speech, see The Fictions of Language and the Languages of Fiction, by Monika

Fludernik (London: Routledge, 1993).

Chapter 7 1. On the move from speech to written technologies, see Orality and Literacy, by W. J. Ong (London: Methuen, 1982), and Worlds of Reference, by Tom McArthur (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986). 2. This example appears in Understanding Utterances, by Diane Blakemore (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), pp. 42 f. 3. Pragmatics is the study of the principles governing language use in context. For a general introduction, see Pragmatics, by Stephen C. Levinson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). For a brief but comprehensive study of texts in communication, see Introduction to Text Linguistics, by Robert de Beaugrande and Wolfgang Dressier (London: Longman, 1981). While asserting the importance of other aspects of intertextuality, some present-day literary critics deny the relevance of information about the author and the period of composition for the interpretation of literary texts, but this is an approach that is unlikely to endure. 4. Coherence and cohesion are discussed in Introduction to Text Linguistics, referred to in n. 3. For a detailed study of cohesion, see Cohesion in English, by M. A. K. Halliday and Ruqaiya Hasan (London: Longman, 1976); more succinct accounts appear in A Comprehensive Grammar of the English



Language, by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, and Jan Svartvik (London: Longman, 1985), ch. 19, and in An Introduction to Functional Grammar, by M. A. K. Halliday, 2nd edition (London: Edward Arnold, 1994), ch. 9. 5. Among the numerous books on rhetoric and composition, mention might be made of three: Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student, by Edward J. Corbett, 2nd edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1971); Rhetoric: The Wit of Persuasion, by Walter Nash (Oxford: Blackwell, 1989); Designs in Prose: A Study of Compositional Problems and Methods, by Walter Nash (London: Longman, 1980). 6. This description of the structure of news reports draws on 'News Schemata', by Teun A. van Dijk, in Studying Writing: Linguistic Approaches, ed. Charles R. Cooper and Sidney Greenbaum (Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage, 1986), pp. 155-85. 7. For references to books on speech acts, see Ch. 3, n. 7. 8. For a thorough and systematic introduction to conversational interactions, see An Introduction to Spoken Interaction, by Anna-Brita Stenstrom (London: Longman, 1994).

Chapter 8 1. Two general books on English vocabulary are recommended. Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon, by Jean Aitchison (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987), is written from a psycholinguistic perspective. Vocabulary: Applied Linguistic Perspectives, by Ronald Carter (London: Allen & Unwin, 1987) is of particular value for the teaching of modern English vocabulary. 2. Words based on existing words (e.g. piglet, pigwash) are not arbitrary, though the meanings of the derived words may not always be transparent. 3. The most important reference source for the history of English words is the massive Oxford English Dictionary (OED), published by Oxford University Press. It is now available in a second edition that incorporates the four supplementary volumes that were published in the period 1972-86 and also some new material. The second edition has been published in book form and on CD-ROM. Though dated, A History of Foreign Words in English, by Mary S. Serjeantson (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1935) remains useful, and it was consulted for this chapter. Among other works consulted are two general



histories of English: A History of the English Language, by Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable, 4th edition (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1993) and The Origins and Development of the English language., by Thomas Pyles and John Algeo, 4th edition (San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993). Recommended on changes of meaning in English words is Words in Time: A Social History of the English Vocabulary, by Geoffrey Hughes (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1988). 4. Each of the three corpora contains 500 texts (samples of language that have actually been used), and each text contains about 2,000 running words. The Brown and LOB corpora, which are roughly parallel in their composition, consist of printed material published in 1961. ICE-GB consists of language produced during the four years 1990-3: 300 texts (600,000 words) of spoken material and 200 texts (400,000 words) of written material. The spoken categories include conversations, public dialogues (such as legal crossexaminations and parliamentary debates), unscripted monologues (such as lectures and legal summings-up), and scripted monologues (such as lectures and broadcast news). The written categories include manuscript as well as printed material. The sources for the 500 texts in ICE-GB are listed at the end of this book. 5. At one time there were objections against formations that combined segments originating from different languages; for example, words that combined Latin with Greek elements or classical elements with native elements. Among the combinations that Fowler condemned as hybrids in his usage guide were the following words, which few people would see as problematic: amoral, bureaucracy, climatic, coastal, floatation [sic], gullible, pacifist, speedometer, tidal (See the entry 'hybrid derivatives' in A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, by H. W. Fowler (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1926).) In his revised version published in 1965, Sir Ernest Gowers retains these words under the entry 'hybrids and malformations', except for the spelling emendation flotation, and adds a word of his own—automation. 6. For an explanation of Latin tags, phrases, maxims, and proverbs, see A Dictionary of Latin Tags and Phrases, by Eugene Ehrlich (London: Guild Publishing, 1985). 7. The book in question is Fifty Years Among the New Words: A Dictionary of Neologisms, 1941-1991, ed. John Algeo (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991). Excluded were words formed from segments already existing in English, such as Legionellosis. The three French loans were magicienne, messagerie, and minited. The other loans were bhangra (Hindi), intifada/intifadah (Arabic), lambada (Portuguese), perestroika (Russian), primo (Spanish), and rumtaske (Norwegian). As with all neologisms, only time will tell which—if any—of these will become permanent in English.



8. The work consulted is The Oxford Dictionary of New Words: A Popular Guide to Words in the News, by S. Tulloch (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991). 9. The processes of change can also be viewed as indications of the effects of change: the extension ('process') of a meaning results in its extension ('effect'). On the use of metaphor and metonymy in everyday language, see Metaphors We Live By, by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1980). 10. On euphemisms, see Euphemism and Dysphemism: Language Used as Shield and Weapon, by Keith Allan and Kate Burridge (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991); The Faber Dictionary of Euphemisms, by R. W. Holder, 2nd edition (London: Faber & Faber, 1989); In Other Words: A Thesaurus of Euphemisms, by Judith Neaman and Carole Silver, 2nd edition (London: Angus & Robertson, 1990); A Dictionary of Euphemisms and Other Doubletalk, by Hugh Rawson (New York: Crown Publishers, 1981). 11. For a recent account of the history of swearing in English, see Swearing: A Social History of Foul Language, Oaths and Profanity in English, by Geoffrey Hughes (Oxford: Blackwell, 1991). 12. On semantic relationships, see Semantics, by John Lyons (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977), vol. i, ch. 8, on which I have drawn for some examples. 13. Pairs of adjectives and adverbs that are contraries can serve as converses in comparative constructions: Ron is older than Susan. Susan is younger than Ron. Kenneth plays better than Norman. Norman plays worse than Kenneth.

14. There are numerous dictionaries of idioms. Among recent ones are Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English, i. Verbs with Prepositions and Particles (1975), by A. P. Cowie and R. Mackin (published in 1993 under the title Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms); ii. Phrase, Clause and Sentence Idioms, by A. P. Cowie, R. Mackin, and I. R. McCaig (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983); Longman Dictionary of English Idioms, by Thomas Hill Long (London: Longman, 1979); A Dictionary of Contemporary Idioms, by Martin H. Manser (London: Macmillan, 1983); NTC's American Idioms Dictionary, by Richard A. Spears (Lincolnwood, 111.: National Textbook Company, 1987). 15. In some descriptions homophoneand homograph are defined differently. If two items are pronounced the same, they are considered homophones regardless of their spellings; if they are spelled the same, they are considered homographs regardless of their pronunciation. Hence, according to this treatment the



homonyms of bank are also both homophones and homographs, depending on whether one is discussing the sound system or the writing system. 16. The classic work on ambiguity in English literature, and in particular in English poetry, is Seven Types of Ambiguity: A Study of its Effects in English Verse, by William Empson (London: Chatto & Windus, 1953). On wordplay in general, see The Language of Humour: Style and Technique in Comic Discourse, by Walter Nash (London: Longman, 1985) and Puns, by Walter Redfern (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1984). 17. The estimates are derived from researches reported in Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon, by Jean Aitchison (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987), pp. 6-7. Aitchison (personal communication) cites results of a project on children's vocabulary in which she was involved to show that the average 11-year-old knows at least 10,000 words and the average 14-year-old knows at least 20,000 words. 18. The estimates are cited in Growth and Structure of the English Language, by Otto Jespersen, 8th edition (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1935), pp. 194-5.

Chapter 9 1. A recent general work on the structure of words is English Word-Formation, by Laurie Bauer (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983). An older account can be found in An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation, by Valerie Adams (London: Longman, 1973). The classic work is The Categories and Types of Present-Day English Word-Formation: A Synchronic-Diachronic Approach, by Hans Marchand (Munich: Oscar Beck, 1969). 2. English rarely makes use of infixes (insertions within words), for example abso-bloody-lutely, im-fucking-possible, un-fucking-believable. 3. A few noun compounds make their plural in the first segment (e.g. mother-inlaw), but the regular plural may also be used in some of these compounds, particularly in informal style (cf. 4.7). 4. To these negative prefixes may be added prefixoids that have a negative feeling about them. Prefixoids are sound sequences that resemble genuine prefixes without qualifying for the status of prefix, since their etymology is not known to the vast majority of speakers. Examples of sets of negative prefixoids are deny, despair, despise, detest, disdain, disgust, distress, object, obliterate, obnoxious, obstruct, obtrude.



The examples are taken from Word Warps: A Glossary of Unfamiliar Terms, by David Diefendorf (London: Muller, Blond & White, 1986). If the senses of words derived by suffocation can be predicted with confidence, many dictionaries will save space by putting the words under the entry for their base, perhaps without further definition {portability and portably under portable). Words derived by prefixation (unclear from clear) will be given in their alphabetical positions. Compounds may be cited separately or under the entry for their head segment: sparking-plug under plug, since a sparking-plug is a type of plug, not a type of sparking. The noun plug and the verb plug are also different lexical words, each with its own set of inflections: the noun plug/plugs and the verb plug/plugs/plugged/ plugging, but for economy they may appear under the same entry. Larger dictionaries assign distinct senses of an item or different etymologies to separate entries (for example, the noun plug and the verb plug in their several senses).

Chapter 10 1. Three introductory textbooks on phonetics are recommended: A Course in Phonetics, by Peter Ladefoged, 3rd edition, international edition (Fort Worth: Harcourt Brace, 1993), which takes account of British and American English and their regional variants and also refers to other languages, is linguistically orientated but wide-ranging; The Speech Chain: The Physics and Biology of Spoken Language, by Peter B. Denes and Elliot N. Pinson, 2nd edition (New York: W. H. Freeman, 1993) draws on various disciplines to explain what happens in spoken communication; Patterns of Spoken English: An Introduction to English Phonetics, by Gerald Knowles (London: Longman, 1987) focuses on English, drawing on various national varieties, and deals amply with connected speech. Differences between British and American pronunciation are recorded in the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary, by J. C. Wells (London: Longman, 1990). For British pronunciation, see An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English, by A. C. Gimson, 4th edition, revised by Susan Ramsaran (London: Edward Arnold, 1980). For American pronunciation, see The Pronunciation of American English, by Arthur J. Bronstein (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1960). The standard work on the pronunciation of English world-wide is the three-volume Accents of English, by J. C. Wells (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982). 2. Public attention has recently been focused on the spread among the younger generation of the middle and upper social classes in South East England of an accent that is intermediate between RP and Cockney, the traditional accent of



working-class Londoners. This accent has been called Estuary English, to indicate its main location in the basin of the River Thames. Two features are particularly associated with Estuary English. One is the vocalization of III when it does not precede a vowel, as in little [liu], belt [bsut]. Sometimes, instead [s] is inserted, as in oil [oral], feel [fi:sl]. The other feature is the frequent use of the glottal stop as an allophone of/t/ at the end of a word: cut if out [kA? i? 3. Though for convenience of comparison, the same distinction in length is made here for GA as for RP, vowel length is less important in GA and the length colons are usually omitted in transcriptions of American vowels. More usually in American classification, the short vowels are said to be lax while the long vowels and the diphthongs are said to be tense. The terms refer to the relative degree of tension in the tongue and other muscles during the articulation of the vowels. In general, American tense vowels are shorter in duration than the corresponding RP long vowels. 4. On sound patterns in verse, see A Linguistic Guide to English Poetry, by Geoffrey N. Leech (London: Longman, 1969), ch. 6, which has been consulted for this section. 5. Rhythmic Phrasing in English Verse, by Richard D. Cureton (London: Longman, 1992) contains critiques of current theories and traditional views of verse rhythm and presents a new comprehensive theory.

Chapter 11 1. A scholarly account of major aspects of American punctuation based on a computer corpus of printed texts appears in A Linguistic Study of American Punctuation, by Charles F. Meyer (New York: Peter Lang, 1987). A theoretical treatment of American punctuation can be found in The Linguistics of Punctuation, by Geoffrey Nunberg (Stanford University, Calif.: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1990). You have a Point There, by Eric Partridge (London: Routledge, 1953) is a comprehensive guide to British punctuation with a chapter on differences in American punctuation by John W. Clark, but it is somewhat dated. Usage guides tend to include advice on punctuation, but a comprehensive investigation into British practice is long overdue. A scholarly history of punctuation in Western Europe appears in Pauses and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West, by M. B. Parkes (Aldershot, Hants: Scholar Press). But I Digress: The Exploitation of



Parentheses in English Printed Verse, by John Lennard (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991) discusses the functions of just one punctuation mark in English poetry, with detailed critical analyses of the works of Marvell, Coleridge, and Eliot. 2. The frequencies are taken from the book by Meyer (p. 7) referred to in n. 1. 3. If the hyphen is used to link an open compound with an affix or another word, the result can be odd. It may wrongly suggest that only one part of the compound is linked: the next New York-Los Angeles flight the post-Cold War world A White House-Size Logistical Drama [International Herald Tribune, 13 September 1993, p. 6—headline]

Chapter 12 1. Two major scholarly works on English spelling have appeared recently: American English Spelling: An Informal Description, by D. W. Cummings (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988) and English Spelling—A Survey, by E. Carney (London: Routledge, 1994), which is based on British spelling and pronunciation, but takes account of differences in American English. For the historical background, see A History of English Spelling, by D. G. Scragg (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1974). 2. One of the early additions has survived into present-day English as a curious vestige of the runic/) (called 'thorn') in the archaic pretensions of shop names such as Ye Olde Tea Shoppe. The thorn spelled both the sounds represented by modern th in this and thin, but it was eventually replaced by th because it could easily be confused with y in manuscripts. The Y of Ye in Ye Olde Tea Shoppe reflects the earlier spelling, when the word was intended to be pronounced as the. On the whole, the Old English alphabet successfully represented the sound system in the language when it was first used. 3. For sound-spelling correspondences I have drawn on the information in the book by Carney referred to in n. 1.

Appendix: Sources of Citations in ICE-GB The identity number for each text appears in the lefthand column. If there are subtexts, their numbers appear in the second column. If the second column displays a range of numbers, e.g. 1-5, this indicates that each subtext in the range is derived from the same source. The identification of participants as extra-corpus indicates that they are excluded from the corpus AUT BMA CUP GLR HMSO ITV

Association of University Teachers British Medical Association Cambridge University Press Greater London Radio Her Majesty's Stationery Office Independent Television

S1A-001 to S1A-090: Direct Conversations Instructor and dance student, Middlesex S1A-001 Polytechnic, Apr. 1991 [m, f] Instructor and dance students, Middlesex S1A-002 1 Polytechnic, Apr. 1991 [m, 2f ] Instructor and dance student, Middlesex S1A-002 2 Polytechnic, Apr. 1991 [m, f] Instructor and dance student, Middlesex S1A-003 Polytechnic, Apr. 1991 [m, f ] Instructors at Middlesex Polytechnic, Apr. 1991 S1A-004 [2m] S1A-005 Student friends, 12 Mar. 1991 [2f] S1A-006 Workmates, 20 Mar. 1991 [m, f] S1A-007 Family conversation, 8 June 1991 [3m, 2f] S1A-008 Friends, 7 June 1991 [m,f] S1A-009 Mother and son, 2 July 1991 [m, f ] S1A-010 Mother and daughter 5 July 1991 [2f ] S1A-011 Friends, 9 June 1991 [m, 2f] S1A-011 Colleagues' conversation, 3 Dec. 1991 [2f ] SlA-012 Conversation among members of a barbershop quartet, 9 June 1991 [4m] SlA-013 Marketing discussion, Apr. 1991 [2f, 3m] S1A-014 Friends, July 1991 [m, 2f] S1A-015 Friends, recorded in a pub, 12 June 1991 [m, f] S1A-016 Marketing discussion, Apr. 91 [2f, 3m] SlA-017 Friends, July 1991 [m,2f] S1A-018 Friends, 12 Apr. 1991 [m, 2f ] S1A-019 College friends, 2 June 1991 [2m, 4f ] S1A-020 Friends, Aug. 1991 [4m] S1A-021 1-2 Friends, 3 July 1991 [2m, 2f + 3 extra-corpus] S1A-022 Family conversation, 10 June 1991 [m, 3fj

proper (perhaps because they are not British) but are retained for their contribution to the context. The number of participants and their sex—m(ale) or f (emale)— are noted for conversations. The descriptions contain some abbreviations. Those that are not universally known and seem to be relevant to an appreciation of the type of text are listed below with their full forms. LAGB Linguistic Association of Great Britain RADA Royal Academy of Dramatic Art RSA Royal Society of Arts SEU Survey of English Usage UCL University College London UCLU University College London Union

SlA-023 S1A-024 S1A-025 S1A-026 S1A-027 S1A-028 S1A-029 S1A-030 S1A-031 S1A-032 1-2 S1A-033 S1A-034 S1A-035 S1A-036 S1A-037 S1A-038 S1A-039 S1A-040 S1A-041 SlA-042 S1A-043 SlA-044 S1A-045 1-3 S1A-046 S1A-047 SlA-048 S1A-049

Family conversation, 8 Oct. 1991 [m, f] University professor and PhD student, 7 Nov. 1991 [2m] Brother and sister, Mar. 1991 [m, f ] Conversation during singing practice, 9 June 1991 [4m] Friends, 10 Nov. 1991 [2m, 2f] Birthday party conversation, July 1991 [2m, 3f] Programmers' conversation at SEU, 15 Nov. 1991 [5m + 1 extra-corpus] Flatmates' conversation, 21 Nov. 1991 [4m] Friends, 27 Nov. 1991 [2f] Family conversation, 12 Oct. 1991 [2m, 2f ] Careers interview, 4 Mar. 1992 [2m] Careers interview, 5 Mar. 1992 [m, f ] Careers interview, 5 Mar. 1992 [m, f ] Colleagues, February 1991 [2f ] Student friends, May 1991 [2f ] Flatmates, October 1991 [m, f ] Flatmates, October 1991 [2f ] Flatmates, 7 Dec. 1991 [m, 4f ] Flatmates, 7 Dec. 1991 [2m] Flatmates, 4 Dec. 1991 [3f] Friends, 21 Oct. 1990 [2m] Friends, 21 Oct. 1990 [2m] Friends, 23 Apr. 1991 [2m] Family conversation, Nov. 1991 [2m, 2f] Christmas dinner family conversation, 25 Dec. 1991 [m, 2f ] Friends, 5 Jan. 1992 [3f] Friends, 12 June 1991 [3fJ


S1A-050 S1A-051 S1A-051 S1A-051 S1A-051 S1A-052 S1A-053 S1A-054 S1A-055 S1A-056 S1A-057 S1A-058 S1A-058 S1A-059 S1A-060 S1A-061 S1A-062 S1A-063 S1A-064 S1A-065 S1A-066 S1A-067 S1A-068 S1A-069 S1A-070 S1A-071 S1A-072 S1A-073 S1A-074 S1A-074 S1A-074 S1A-074 S1A-074 S1A-074 S1A-074 S1A-075 S1A-076 S1A-077 S1A-078 S1A-078 S1A-078 S1A-078 S1A-079 S1A-080


Counselling interview, 26 Feb. 1991 [m, f] 1 Doctor and patient, 12 Nov. 1991 [m, f ] 2 Doctor and patient, 12 Nov. 1991 [2m] 3 Doctor and patient, 12 Nov. 1991 [m, f ] 4 Doctor and patient, 12 Nov. 1991 [2m] 1-2 Researchers and photographer, June 1991 [3m] Friends, 6 Jan. 1992 [2m, f ] Friends, 27 Nov. 1991 [2f] Conversation in canteen, 20 Jan. 1992 [2m, 3f] 1-4 Mealtime conversation, 7 Feb. 1992 [2m, f+ 1 extra-corpus] Birthday party (family), 8 Feb. 1992 [2m, f] 1-2 Family conversation, Jan. 1992 [2m, f, + 1 extracorpus] 3 Dinner party conversation, Feb. 1992 [m, f ] Counselling interview, Feb. 1991 [2m] Counselling interview, 10 Oct. 1990 [m, f] Colleagues' lunchtime conversation, Feb. 1992 [2m] Counselling interview [m, f ] Colleagues'conversation [2m, 2f] Conversation among students of speech and drama, Nov. 1991 [3f] Friends, 18 Nov. 1991 [2f ] Careers interview, 29 Jan. 1992 [m, f ] Friends, 8 Nov. 1991 [2f ] Students' Union Office conversation, 6 Mar. 1992 [2m, f ] 1-2 Students'Union Office conversation, 6 Mar. 1992 [m,f] Students' Union Office conversation, 6 Mar. 1992 [2m] Conversation in a restaurant, Mar. 1992 [2m, 2f] Psychology research interview, Apr. 1991 [m, f ] Lunchtime conversation, 10 Nov. 1991 [2m, 2f ] 1 Conversation in a travel agent's office, 10 Dec. 1991 [2m, f] 2 Conversation in a travel agent's office, 10 Dec. 1991 [2m] 3 Conversation in a travel agent's office, 10 Dec. 1991 [m, 2f] 4 Conversation in a travel agent's office, 10 Dec. 1991 [2m, f] 5 Office conversation, 10 Feb. 1992 [m, 2f] 6 Office conversation, 10 Feb. 1992 [m,f] 7 Office conversation, 10 Feb. 1992 [2m, f] Psychology research interview, Apr. 1991 [m, f ] Psychology research interview, Apr. 1991 [m,f] Office conversation, 24 Mar. 1992 [2m, 2f ] 1 UCLU Rights and Advice Office, 6 Mar. 1992 [m,f] 2 UCLU Rights and Advice Office, 6 Mar. 1992 [m,2f] 3 UCLU Rights and Advice Office, 6 Mar. 1992 [m, f] 4 UCLU Rights and Advice Office, 6 Mar. 1992 [m,2f] UCLU Rights and Advice Office, 5 Mar. 1992 [m,2f] Friends, May 1992 [2f ]


Family conversation, Apr. 1992 [m, f + 1 extracorpus] Students of speech and drama, Mar. 1992 [m,


2f] S1A-083 S1A-084 S1A-085 S1A-086 S1A-087 S1A-088 S1A-089 S1A-089 S1A-090 S1A-090

1-2 1 2-4 1 2

Tennis coaches, Apr. 1992 [2f] Students, Mar. 1992 [m, 2f ] Friends, Mar. 1992 [m, f ] Friends, Apr. 1992 [3f] Dentist and patient, Mar. 1992 [2m] Dentist and patient, Mar. 1992 [2m] Dentist and patient, Mar. 1992 [2m] Doctor and patient, 12 Nov. 1991 [m, f ] Students' conversation, Mar. 1992 [m, 3f ] Students' conversation, Mar. 1992 [3f ]

S1A-091 to S1A-100: Distanced Conservations S1A-091 S1A-092 S1A-093 S1A-094 S1A-095 S1A-095 S1A-095 S1A-095 S1A-096 S1A-097 S1A-098 S1A-098 S1A-098 S1A-099 S1A-100 S1A-100 S1A-100

1 2 3 1-2 1 2 3

Friends, Aug. 1991 [2f ] Friends, Aug. 1991 [m, f] Sisters, 26 June 1991 [2f] Niece and aunt, 28 July 1991 [2f ] Brothers, 8 Aug. 1991 [2m] Mother and son, 8 Aug. 1991 [m, f ] Brothers, 8 Aug. 1991 [2m] Mother and son, 8 Aug. 1991 [m, f ] Friends, Feb. 1992 [m, f ] Friends, Oct. 1991 [2m] Friends, 4 Dec. 1991 [2f] Friends, 4 Dec. 1991 [m,f] Friends, 4 Dec. 1991 [2f] Friends, 20 Jan. 1992 [m, f ] Secretary and lawyer, Oct. 1991 [m, f ] Secretaries, Oct. 1991 [2f ] Friends, 20 Jan. 1992 [2m]

S1B-OO1 to S1B-020: Classroom Lessons S1B-001 S1B-002 S1B-003 S1B-004 S1B-005 S1B-006 S1B-007 S1B-008 1-3 S1B-009 S1B-010 S1B-011 S1B-012 S1B-013 S1B-014 S1B-015 S1B-016 S1B-017 S1B-018 S1B-019 S1B-020

Jewish and Hebrew Studies, 3rd year, UCL, 16 May 1991 Linguistics, 1st year, UCL, 24 Oct. 1991 Psychology, 1st year, UCL, 22 Oct. 1991 Community Medicine, 2nd year, UCL, 12 Mar. 1991 History, 3rd year, UCL, 18 Nov. 1991 Geology, 1st year, UCL, 28 Oct. 1991 Geography, 2nd year, UCL, 18 Nov. 1991 Slade School Workshop, 2nd year, UCL, 29 Nov. 1991 Anatomy, 2nd year, UCL, 22 Nov. 1991 Surgery, 4th year, UCL, 19 May 1992 Public Law, 1st year, UCL, 14 Oct. 1991 Linguistics supervision with Ph.D student, Cambridge University, 6 Dec. 1992 Mathematics, 2nd year, UCL, 10 Feb. 1992 History of Art, 1st year, UCL, 16 Oct. 1991 Anatomy, 2nd year, UCL, 29 Nov. 1991 Psychology, 1st year, UCL, 24 Oct. 1991 Archaeology, 3rd year, UCL, 20 Mar. 1992 Slade School Workshop, 2nd year, UCL, 29 Oct. 1991 Greek and Latin, 1st year, UCL, 4 May 1992 Biochemistry, 3rd year, UCL, 11 May 1992


S1B-021 to S1B-040: Broadcast Discussions S1B-021 1 Sport on Four, BBC Radio 4, 27 Apr. 1991 S1B-021 2 Andrew Neil on Sunday, LhC Radio, 21 July 1991 S1B-022 Thames Special: A Question for London, ITV, 17 June 1991 S1B-023 Richard Baker Compares Notes, BBC Radio 4, 27 Apr. 1991 S1B-024 Start the Week, BBC Radio 4, 12 Nov. 1990 S1B-025 Gardeners' Question Time, BBC Radio 4, 24 Feb. 1991 S1B-026 Midweek with Libby Purves, BBC Radio 4, 15 May 1991 S1B-027 Question Time, BBC 1 TV, 17 Jan. 1991 S1B-028 The Persistence of Faith, BBC Radio 4, 27 Jan. 1991 S1B-029 Tea Junction, BBC Radio 4, 5 Apr. 1991 S1B-030 The Moral Maze, BBC Radio 4, 27 Apr. 1991 S1B-031 The Moral Maze, BBC Radio 4, 2 Apr. 1991 S1B-032 Richard Baker Compares Notes, BBC Radio 4, 9 Feb.1991 S1B-033 The Scarman Report, BBC Radio 4,16 June 1991 S1B-034 Panorama, BBC 1 TV, 29 Apr. 1991 S1B-035 Any Questions?, BBC Radio 4,9 Nov. 1990 S1B-036 Any Questions?, BBC Radio 4,2 Feb. 1991 S1B-037 Issues, BBC Radio 3, 10 Nov. 1990 S1B-038 BBC Radio 4 News (extended Gulf War edition), 30 Jan. 1991 S1B-039 Andrew Neil on Sunday, LBC Radio, 13 Oct. 1991 S1B-040 The Wilson Years, BBC Radio 4, 31 Oct. 1990 S1B-041 to S1B-050: Broadcast Interviews S1B-041 Mavis Catches up with... Robert Runcie, ITV, 13 June 1991 S1B-042 1 Aspel & Co., ITV, 16 Mar. 1991 S1B-042 2 The Radio 2 Arts Programme, BBC Radio 2, 9 Feb.1991 S1B-043 On the Record, BBC 1 TV, 25 Nov. 1990 S1B-044 1-2 Kaleidoscope, BBC Radio 4, 21 Feb. 1991 S1B-044 3 Kaleidoscope, BBC Radio 4, 14 Feb. 1991 S1B-045 Third Ear, BBC Radio 4, 7 Jan. 1991 S1B-046 Desert Island Discs, BBC Radio 4,16 June 1991 S1B-047 The Reith Lecture, BBC Radio 4, 7 Nov. 1990 S1B-048 Bookshelf, BBC Radio 4, 6 Jan. 1991 S1B-049 Tough Cookies, BBC Radio 4,1 Nov. 1990 S1B-050 Third Ear, BBC Radio 4,11 Feb. 1991 S1B-051 to S1B-060: Parliamentary Debates S1B-051 Hugo Summerson etal., 2 Mar. 1990 S1B-052 Public Expenditure Debate, 8 Nov. 1990 S1B-053 Margaret Thatcher et al., 30 Oct. 1990 S1B-054 Overseas Debate, 25 July 1990 S1B-055 Employment Debate, 26 June 1990 S1B-056 Welsh Debate, 29 Oct. 1990 S1B-057 Employment Debate, 11 Dec. 1990 S1B-058 Tony Newton et al., 26 Nov. 1990 S1B-059 Education/Employment Debate, 24 July 1990 S1B-060 Abortion Debate, 2 Apr. 1990 S1B-060 Foreign Policy Debate, 16 Jan. 1991

S1B-061 to S1B-070: Legal Cross-Examinations S1B-061 Court of Chancery, Hansen Engines v. Sainsbury, 17 July 1990, cross-examination of plaintiff by defence counsel S1B-062 Queen's Bench, Hawkes v. Arend, 19 Nov. 1990, cross-examination of prosecution witness by plaintiff's counsel and judge S1B-063 Queen's Bench, Wallings v. Customs & Excise, 4 Oct. 1990, cross-examination of defence witness by plaintiff's counsel and judge S1B-064 Queen's Bench, Lehrer v. Lampitt, 5 July 1990, cross-examination of prosecution witness by defence counsel and judge S1B-O65 Queen's Bench, Lehrer v. Lampitt, 5 July 1990, cross-examination of defence witness by plaintiffs counsel and judge S1B-066 1 Queen's Bench, Heidi Hoffmann v. Intasun Holidays, 25 Oct. 1990, cross-examination of plaintiff by defence counsel S1B-066 2 Queen's Bench, Heidi Hoffmann v. Intasun Holidays, 25 Oct. 1990, cross-examination of plaintiff's witness by plaintiff's counsel S1B-067 Queen's Bench, Heidi Hoffmann v. Intasun Holidays, 25 Oct. 1990, cross-examination of defence witness by plaintiffs counsel and judge S1B-068 1 Queen's Bench, Tull v. Olanipekun and other, 25 Mar. 1991, cross-examination of police officer by defence counsel and judge S1B-068 2 Queen's Bench, Tull v. Olanipekun and other, 25 Mar. 1991, cross-examination of expert witness by two defence counsels and judge S1B-069 County Court, Scott Cooper v. Manulite, 23 July 1990, cross-examination of defence witness by plaintiff's counsel S1B-070 Queen's Bench, Hawkes v. Arend, 19 Nov. 1990, cross-examination of expert witness by barrister and judge S1B-071 to S1B-080: Business Transactions Architect and 2 clients, 4 June 1991 S1B-071 Solicitor and client, 6 June 1991 S1B-072 Builder and 2 clients, 24 June 1991 S1B-073 S1B-074 1-3 Insurance company and client, 25 Mar. 1992 UCL Arts Faculty Meeting, 5 Feb. 1991 S1B-075 Business discussion between SEU and CUP, Jan. S1B-076 1991 S1B-077 AUT Meeting, UCL, 16 Oct. 1991 UCL Mature Students' Society AGM, 20 Feb. S1B-078 1992 UCLU Social Committee meeting, 6 Mar. 1992 S1B-079 S1B-080 1-2 Insurance company and clients, 25 Mar. 1992 S2A-001 to S2A-020: Spontaneous Commentaries S2A-001 Soccer, BBC Radio 5, 21 May 1991 S2A-002 Sport on Five, BBC Radio 5, 2 Feb. 1991 S2A-003 Football Extra, BBC Radio 5, 7 Jan. 1991 S2A-004 Rugby League, BBC 1 TV, 10 Nov. 1990 S2A-005 1-5 The Grand National, BBC Radio 5, 6 Apr. 1991 S2A-006 1 The Epsom Derby, BBC Radio 5, 5 June 1991


S2A-006 2-5


Racing from Newmarket, Channel 4, 20 June

1991 S2A-007 1-13 Athletics, ITV, 26 July 1991 S2A-008 1 Snooker, BBC 1 TV, 11 Feb. 1991 S2A-008 2-6 Meeting of John McCarthy with Perez De Cuellar, LBC Radio, 11 Aug. 1990 S2A-008 7 Athletics, ITV, 26 July 1991 S2A-009 Champion Sport, BBC Radio 5, 6 Mar. 1991 (boxing) S2A-010 International Soccer Extra, BBC Radio 5, 23 May 1991 S2A-011 Trooping the Colour, BBC Radio 4, 15 June 1991 S2A-012 1-7 Sunday Sport, BBC Radio 5, 19 May 1991 (motor racing) S2A-013 1-4 Sunday Sport, BBC Radio 5,19 May 1991 (cricket) S2A-013 5 Sunday Sport, BBC Radio 5, 19 May 1991 (motor racing) S2A-014 International Soccer Extra, BBC Radio 5,23 May 1991 S2A-015 LBC Sport, LBC Radio, 10 Aug. 1991 (soccer) S2A-016 1-5 Tour de France, Channel 4,20 June 1991 S2A-017 Capital FM Soccer, 30 Oct. 1991 S2A-018 LBC Sport, LBC Radio, 3 Aug. 1991 (soccer) S2A-019 The Gulf Ceremony, BBC Radio 4, 21 June 1991 S2A-020 1 The Maundy Thursday Service at Westminster Abbey, BBC Radio 4, 28 Mar. 1991 S2A-020 2 National Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving, Glasgow Cathedral, BBC Radio 4, 4 May 1991

S2A-021 to S2A-050: Unscripted Speeches S2A-021


S2A-023 S2A-024 S2A-025

S2A-026 S2A-027

S2A-028 1 S2A-028 2 S2A-028 3 S2A-029 1 S2A-029 2

Sir Peter Newsam, 'Teaching the Teachers', Frederick Constable Memorial Lecture, RSA, 22 May 1991 Simon James, 'The Ancient Celts Through Caesar's Eyes', British Museum Lecture, 22 Dec. 1990 John Banham, 'Getting Britain Moving', RSA Lecture, 29 Apr. 1991 Patsy Vanags, 'Greek Temples', British Museum Lecture, 1 May 1991 Dr A. Chandler, 'Earthquakes and Buildings: Shaken and Stirred', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 14 Mar. 1991 David Jeffries, 'Joseph Hekekyan', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 7 Feb. 1991 Prof. Hannah Steinberg, 'An Academic's Path through the Media', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 5 Mar. 1991 Wyndham Johnstone, UCL staff training presentation, 10 June 1991 Mark David Abbott, UCL staff training presentation, 10 June 1991 Dr D. M. Roberts, Introduction to Prof. Peter Cook's Inaugural Lecture, UCL, 1 May 1991 Nicole Gower, UCL staff training presentation, 17 June 1991 Andy Betts, UCL staff training presentation, 17 June 1991

S2A-029 3 S2A-030 S2A-031 S2A-031 S2A-032

S2A-033 S2A-033 S2A-033 S2A-034 S2A-034 S2A-034 S2A-034 S2A-035 S2A-035 S2A-035 S2A-036 S2A-037

S2A-038 S2A-039 S2A-040 S2A-041 S2A-042 S2A-043

S2A-044 S2A-045

S2A-046 S2A-046 S2A-046

Andrew Newton, UCL staff training presentation, 20 June 1991 John Local, 'Prosodic Phonology' (lecture), 21 June 1991 1 Hilary Steedman, 'Towards a Quality Workforce', RSA Lecture, 23 Jan. 1991 2 Sir John Cassells,'Towards a Quality Workforce', RSA Lecture, 23 Jan. 1991 John Hutchins, 'Eurotra and Some Other Machine Translation Research Systems', King's College London, 25 Apr. 1991 1 Katy Ash, UCL staff training presentation, 20 June 1991 2 D. R.L.Edwards, UCL staff training presentation, 20 June 1991 3 A. N. Lansbury, UCL staff training presentation, 14 June 1991 1 Andrew Wood, UCL staff training presentation, 17 June 1991 2 Mark Morrissey, UCL staff training presentation, 11 June 1991 3 R. Ramsay, UCL staff training presentation, 11 June 1991 4 Dr Jane Stutchfield, UCL staff training presentation, 20 Dec. 1991 1 Sharon Spencer, UCL staff training presentation, 12 June 1991 2 Lindsay James, UCL staff training presentation, 12 June 1991 3 Harriet Lang, UCL staff training presentation, 4 Dec. 1991 Dr M. Weitzmann, Hebrew and Jewish Studies seminar, UCL, 16 May 1991 Dr D. M. Roberts, 'The Relationship between Industrial Innovation and Academic Research', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 15 Oct. 1991 Sir Peter Laslett, 'The Third Age', RSA Lecture, 6 Feb. 1991 Andrew Phillips, 'Citizen Who, Citizen How?', RSA Lecture, 27 Mar. 1991 Prof. Peter Cook, 'The Ark', Inaugural Lecture, School of Architecture, UCL, 1 May 1991 Prof. A. L. Cullen, Barlow Memorial Lecture, UCL, 23 Oct. 1991 Prof. Elkins, 'The Immunological Compact Disc', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 22 Oct. 1991 Prof. Rapley, 'Studying Climate Change from Outer Space', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 12 Nov. 1991 Prof. Twining, 'Lawyers' Stories', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 28 Jan. 1991 Gerald Grosvenor, Duke of Westminster, 'Managing a Great Estate', RSA Lecture, 27 Nov. 1991 1 Graham Rose, UCL staff training presentation, 12 Dec. 1991 2 Andrew Shaw, UCL staff training presentation, 19 Dec. 1991 3 Dr Mark Cope, UCL staff training presentation, 20 Dec. 1991



S2A-047 S2A-048

S2A-049 S2A-050 1-2

C. Macaskill, UCL staff training presentation, 17 Dec. 1991 Dr Tait, 'Write with Your Hand, Read with Your Mouth: Scribes and Literacy in Ancient Egypt', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 24 Oct. 1991 Prof. John Burgoyne, 'Creating a Learning Organisation', RSA Lecture, 8 Jan. 1992 Photojournalist's reminiscences, Apr. 1991

S2A-051 to S2A-060: Demonstrations S2A-051 S2A-052 S2A-053 S2A-054 1-2 S2A-055 1-3 S2A-056 1-2 S2A-057 1-2

S2A-058 1 S2A-058 2

S2A-058 3 S2A-059 S2A-060

Dr C. A. King, 'Movement in the Microscopical World', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 28 Feb. 1991 George Hart, 'New Kingdom Paintings and Reliefs', British Museum Lecture, 23 Apr. 1991 David Delpy, 'Looking into the Brain with Light', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 21 Nov. 1991 'Pass your Motorbike Test' (commercial video, Duke Video Ltd.), 1990 Top Gear, BBC 2 TV, 7 Mar. 1991 Virginia Ball, demonstration of laryngograph, UCL staff training presentation, 17 Dec. 1991 Prof. Bindman, demonstration of eighteenthcentury caricatures, History of Art Dept, UCL, 16 Oct. 1991 Dr Clive Agnew, demonstration of WordPerfect, Dept. of Geography, UCL, 18 Nov. 1991 Dr Nick Walton, demonstration of planetary nebulae, UCL staff training presentation, 16 Jan. 1992 Avril Burt, demonstration of a wound model, UCL staff training presentation, 16 Jan. 1992 Barbara Brend, 'Persian Manuscripts', British Library Gallery talk, 23 Nov. 1990 Rowena Loverance, 'The Mosaics of Torcello', British Museum talk, 15 Dec. 1990

S2A-061 to S2A-070: Legal Presentations S2A-061 S2A-062 S2A-063 S2A-064 1 S2A-064 2 S2A-065 S2A-066 1 S2A-066 2 S2A-067 S2A-068 1-2 S2A-069 S2A-070

Queen's Bench, Keays v. Express Newspapers, 11 July 1990, judge's summation Queen's Bench, Ford v. Kent County Council, 29 June 1990, judge's summation Queen's Bench, Proetta v. Times Newspapers, 22 June 1990, judge's ruling Slipper v. BBC, Queen's Bench, 26 June 1990, judge's address to prosecution lawyer Slipper v. BBC, Queen's Bench, 26 June 1990, submission by plaintiff's counsel Queen's Bench, CL Line Inc v. JMS Overseas (St Vincent) Ltd., 20 Mar. 1991, judge's summation Queen's Bench, Astor Chemicals v. GEC Technology, 27 Mar. 1991, judgment Queen's Bench, VHO v. Coral Sea Enterprises, 21 Mar. 1991, judgment Queen's Bench, Cooke v. Bournecrete, 21 Feb. 1991, judgment Queen's Bench, Walling v. Customs & Excise, 4 Oct. 1990, submission by plaintiff's counsel County Court, Bankruptcy Order, 25 July 1990, judgment Queen's Bench, 24 Oct. 1990, judgment

S2B-001 to S2B-020: News Broadcasts S2B-001 S2B-002 S2B-003 S2B-004 S2B-005 S2B-006 S2B-007 S2B-008 S2B-009 S2B-010 S2B-011 S2B-012 S2B-013 S2B-014 S2B-015 S2B-015 S2B-016 S2B-016 S2B-016 S2B-016 S2B-017 S2B-018 S2B-018

1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2

S2B-019 S2B-020 1 S2B-020 2

Channel 4 News, 4 Feb. 1991 Channel 4 News, 11 Feb. 1991 News at Ten, ITV, 23 Nov. 1990 The Six O'clock News, BBC Radio 4, 2 Feb. 1991 The Six O'clock News, BBC Radio 4, 9 Feb. 1991 Today, BBC Radio 4, 7 Nov. 1990 The World at One, BBC Radio 4, 5 Nov. 1990 BBC Radio 4 News, 17 Jan. 1991 The World this Weekend, BBC Radio 4, 25 Nov. 1990 Newsnight, BBC 2 TV, 15 Jan. 1991 News at Ten, ITV, 23 Nov. 1990 The PM Programme, BBC Radio 4, 2 Jan. 1991 Channel 4 News, 4 Feb. 1991 The World this Weekend, BBC Radio 4, 24 Feb. 1991 Radio Bedfordshire News, 19 Jan. 1991 Radio Oxford News, 19 Jan. 1991 LBC Radio News, 4 Aug. 1991 Capital Radio News, 25 Feb. 1991 Chiltern Radio News, 13 Feb. 1991 GLR Newshour, 7 Nov. 1990 The World Tonight, BBC Radio 4, 5 Nov. 1990 The Nine O'clock News, BBC 1 TV, 28 Jan. 1991 The World this Weekend, BBC Radio 4, 24 Nov. 1990 The World at One, BBC Radio 4,1 Nov. 1990 News at One, BBC 1 TV, 22 Nov. 1990 Newsview, BBC 2 TV, 24 Nov. 1990

S2B-021 to S2B-040: Broadcast Talks S2B-021 1-4 S2B-022 S2B-022 S2B-023 S2B-023 S2B-023

1 2 1 2 3

S2B-024 1 S2B-024 2 S2B-025 S2B-026 S2B-027 S2B-028 1 S2B-028 2 S2B-029 S2B-030 1 S2B-030 2 S2B-030 3 S2B-030 4 S2B-031 1-2

LBC Radio, journalists' monologues on presidential wealth, 7 July 1991 The River Thames, ITV, 21 June 1991 Nature, BBC 2 TV, 5 Mar. 1991 Can You Steal It?, BBC Radio 1, 2 Mar. 1991 Spirit Level, Radio Oxford, 20 Jan. 1991 From Our Own Correspondent, BBC Radio 4, 27 Apr. 1991 Viewpoint '91: Poles Apart, ITV, 30 Apr. 1991 40 Minutes, BBC 2 TV, 8 Nov. 1990 For he is an Englishman, BBC Radio 4, 5 Feb. 1991 The World of William, BBC Radio 4, 5 Nov. 1990 Castles Abroad, ITV, 21 June 1991 Lent Observed, BBC Radio 4, 19 Mar. 1991 Lent Observed, BBC Radio 4, 26 Feb. 1991 The Reith Lecture, No. 2, BBC Radio 4, 21 Nov. 1990 Address to the Nation, BBC Radio 4, 17 Jan. 1991 Address to the Nation, BBC Radio 4, 18 Jan. 1991 Labour Party Political Broadcast, BBC 1 TV, 13 Mar. 1991 Social Democratic Party Political Broadcast, Channel 4,13 Mar. 1991 The BBC Radio 4 Debate: The Police Debate, 10 Feb.1991


S2B-031 3 S2B-032 1 S2B-032 2 S2B-033 S2B-034 S2B-035 1-2 S2B-036 1-2 S2B-037 S2B-038 1 S2B-038 2 S2B-038 3 S2B-039 1-3 S2B-040 1-3


The Week's Good Cause, BBC Radio 4, 30 Mar. 1991 Opinion: King or Country, BBC Radio 4, 7 Nov. 1990 The BBC Radio 4 Debate: The Police Debate, 10 Feb.1991 Barry Norman's Film '91, BBC 1 TV, 12 Mar. 1991 Analysis, BBC Radio 4,16 May 1991 The BBC Radio 4 Debate: The Class Debate, 24 Feb. 1991 The BBC Radio 4 Debate: The Class Debate, 24 Feb. 1991 The Scarman Report, BBC Radio 4,16 June 1991 Medicine Now, BBC Radio 4, 12 Mar. 1991 Medicine Now, BBC Radio 4,19 Mar. 1991 The Week's Good Cause, BBC Radio 4,17 Mar. 1991 From Our Own Correspondent, BBC Radio 4, 2 Apr. 1991 From Our Own Correspondent, BBC Radio 4, 27 Apr. 1991

S2B-041 to S2B-050: Scripted Speeches S2B-041 1 The Queen's Speech at the Opening of Parliament, 31 Oct. 1991 S2B-041 2 Budget Speech, House of Commons, 19 Mar. 1991 S2B-042 Hugh Denman, 'Is Yiddish a Real Language?', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 12 Mar. 1991 S2B-043 Dr Wendy Charles, 'Anglo-Portuguese Trade in the Fifteenth Century', Royal Historical Society Lecture, UCL, 11 Oct. 1991 S2B-044 1 Census Office, 'The Census: It Counts Because You Count' (Public information video) S2B-044 2 Camden Adult Education Authority, Audio Prospectus, 1990-1 S2B-045 Peter McMaster, 'The Ordnance Survey: 200 Years of Mapping and On', RSA Lecture, 10 Apr. 1991 S2B-046 Prof. Freeman, 'Who Owns my Cells?', UCL Lunchtime Lecture, 17 Oct. 1991 S2B-047 Shirley Williams, RSA Lecture, 28 Mar. 1992 S2B-048 Sir Peter Baldwin, 'Transoceanic Commerce', The Thomas Gray Memorial Lecture, RSA, 20 May 1991 S2B-049 Prof. Palmer, 'Firthian Prosodic Phonology', LAGB Lecture, 22 June 1991 S2B-050 Sir Geoffrey Howe, Resignation Speech, House of Commons, 13 Nov. 1990 W1A-001 to W1A-010: Non-Printed: Student Essays W1A-001 Rodwell, Tom, 'What happened to the British in the 5th and 6th centuries?', 1st year, Dept. of History, UCL, 1991 W1A-002 Monks, T. J., 'Discuss the value of Adamnan's Life of Columba for evidence of the structure of society and the nature of politics in seventhcentury Ireland and Scotland', 1st year, Dept. of History, UCL, 1991

W1A-003 Cunnington, Tara, 'To what extent if any did the Franks "rule" Brittany in the early Middle Ages?', 1st year, Dept. of History, UCL, 1991 Wl A-004 Lawrence, Anthony, 'Amnesia: Theory and Research', 3rd year, Dept. of Psychology, UCL, 1991 W1A-005 Elkan, David, 'Programs for the Survey of English Usage', BA dissertation, Dept. of Computer Science, UCL, 1990 W1A-006 1 Reed, Jacqueline, 'Why is the Milankovitch theory currently favoured as an explanation of glacial/interglacial cycles?', 2nd year, Dept. of Geography, UCL, 1991 W1A-006 2 Tribe, S., 'Outline the principal problems of presentation and interpretation associated with the depiction of statistical data in the form of choropeth maps', 2nd year, Dept. of Geography, UCL, 1991 W1A-007 Beech, Sandra, 'The medical model is alive and well despite numerous criticisms. Discuss', 1st year, Dept. of Psychology, UCL, 1991. W1A-008 ' "Perfect" Man, "New" Woman and Sacred Art', MA dissertation, Dept. of the History of Art, UCL, 1991 W1A-009 1 Vale, Barbara, 'Why has intelligence evolved?', 1st year, Dept. of Psychology, UCL, 1991 W1A-009 2 Plewes, Anthony,'To what extent, if at all, can a Pictish identity be established?', 1st year, Dept. of History, UCL, 1991 W1A-010 Warner, A., 'Narrative Texts and Intellectual and Cultural Sources', 1st year, Dept. of English, UCL, 1991. W1A-011 to W1A-020: Non-Printed: Examination

Scripts W1A-011 1-3 2nd year Anthropology, 25 May 1990 W1A-012 1-3 2nd year Anthropology, 25 May 1990 W1A-013 1-3 2nd year Geography of Development and

Poverty, 1990 W1A-014 1-2 2nd year Geography of Development and

Poverty, 1990 W1A-015 1-4 2nd year Geography of Development and

Poverty, 1990 3rd year Psychology, 23 Apr. 1990 3rd year Psychology, 1990 1st year English Literature, May 1991 3rd year Post-1945 American and European Art, 19 June 1990 W1A-020 1-5 1st year Structural Geology, 1990. W1A-016 W1A-017 W1A-018 W1A-019

1-3 1-3 1-3 1-4

W1B-001 to W1B-015: Non-Printed: Social Letters W1B-001 W1B-001 W1B-001 W1B-001 W1B-001 W1B-002 W1B-002 W1B-002 W1B-002

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4

Sean to Matthew, 1990 Sean to Anne-flo, 1990 Sean to Darren, 1990 Sean to Nordine, 1990 Ruthie to Laura, 26 June 1991 Jane to Emma, Apr. 1991 Bryan to Emma and Ginny, 1991 Anne Marie to Emma, 1991 Nigel to Emma, 1990



Isabelle to 'Thing', 1991 W1B-003 Isabelle to D.B. 1991 W1B-003 Ruthie to Laura, 18 Apr. 1991 W1B-004 Swoo to Laura, 7 July 1991 W1B-004 Swoo to Laura, 25 July 1991 W1B-004 Ian to Laura, 26 May 1991 W1B-004 W1B-004 Ian to Laura, 15 May 1991 W1B-005 Mary to Laura, 7 May 1991 W1B-005 Isabelle to David, 5 June 1991 Joey to Laura, 1991 W1B-005 W1B-005 Swoo to Laura, 30 June 1991 W1B-005 Swoo to Laura, 27 Sept. 1991 W1B-006 Isabelle to Laura, 14 July 1991 W1B-006 Isabelle to Laura, 1991 W1B-006 Dee to Laura, 1991 W1B-006 Ian to Laura, 26 July 1991 W1B-006 Andy to friend, 1991 W1B-006 Ellie to Laura, 21 June 1991 W1B-007 1^1 Isabelle to Laura, 1991 W1B-008 1-2 Isabelle to Laura, 1991 Sean to Francoise, 1990 W1B-008 Sean to Anne Marie, 1990 W1B-008 Sean to Lydia and Valeria, 1990 W1B-008 Sean to Anne-flo, 1990 W1B-008 Peter to Simon, 5 Nov. 1990 W1B-008 Swoo to Laura, 21 July 1991 W1B-009 Swoo to Laura, 14 July 1991 W1B-009 Ruthie to Simon, 2 Aug. 1991 W1B-009 Jane to Laura, 5 Aug. 1991 W1B-009 W1B-009 Ellie to Laura, 24 July 1991 W1B-010 Isabelle to D.B., 20 June 1991 W1B-010 Jane to F.F., 23 July 1991 W1B-010 Gill to Laura, 11 Aug. 1991 Dee to Laura, 5 Aug. 1991 W1B-010 W1B-011 B.C. to Bea and Dera, 13 July 1991 W1B-011 B.C. to Mike, 24 Aug. 1991 W1B-011 Ellie to Laura, 1991 W1B-012 B.C. to Mike, 18 Aug. 1991 W1B-012 B.C. to Mike, 12 Aug. 1991 W1B-013 B.C. to Mike, 22 Aug. 1991 W1B-013 B.C. to Rachel, 19 June 1991 W1B-013 Helen to Laura, 20 Aug. 1991 W1B-014 June to Yibin, 23 Aug. 1991 W1B-014 JunetoYibin, 12 Aug. 1991 W1B-014 Alan to Yibin, 25 Aug. 1991 W1B-014 Tony to Yibin, 28 Aug. 1991 W1B-014 Nichola to Laura, 7 Sept. 1991 W1B-014 Karen to Laura, 1991 W1B-014 A. A. Leigh to Tony and Joan, 7 Dec. 1990 W1B-014 A. A. Leigh to Gordon, 14 Apr. 1991 W1B-015 1-3 Andy to friend, 1991 W1B-015 4 Andy to cousin, 1