The Stuart News from Stuart, Florida (2024)

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8 The News Wednesday August 19 1998 Part-TimeHsIp' iifvHBeeBeieous (5? ftTecholcalTredes 1 CPU Help Wanted SaM'RelpI Wanted YSaOEungeli Help Wanted eRaMJLounge Help Wanted 1240 HSSKSI aW WMed 1 i 1 SALES ASSOCIATE Looking for a solid new career A have experience playing a musical instrument? Excellent Pay I Benefits working for nation's largest musical instrument dealer CaH Mr Dickson 692-4035 IV L' i Wanted inserters'N DAY a NIGHT POSITIONS PART-TIME ONLY Individuals needed to work approximately 20 hours weekly inserting preprinted Inserts sections and advertising circulars at the Stuart News Heavy lifting Involved Applications are being accepted at For Mote Information CALL Scoopline 396-639705627 Equal Opportunity Employer Drug Free Workplace LIFEGUARDS $7-9hr PT Will train YMCA of Martin County Contact Sandy Pustover 286-4444 exf 253 To change ordinary Hems into gold you need Rumplestiltskin or our CLASSIFIED section It's easy to use and works liksmqgic Call Today! MAINTENANCEDOCK MASTER PT 25-30 hrs per week $6hr Call 286-7200 SALES STOCK CASHIER PT positions avail Apply in person Mon Tues Ace Hardware 975 So Federal Hwy Stuart TELEMARKETING PART TIME We need good phone voices to promote area's 1 paper Established company with newhours-new days per week-new pay scale If you are able to work from 4PM-9PM Mon -Frl and would like more information -please call 221-4158 If we are on another Hne-please leave a message If part of your ob Is to hire the best people possible then CLASSIFIEDS are your bast possible choice to find them TELEPHONE SURVEYORS Pleasant PT work 3-7pm Homemakers A Sr Citizens welcome Can only between 1-5 pm 287-8775 TRUCK DRIVERSWEEPR PT nights mechanically Inclined CaH 287-8487 TUTORS Needed Immed Middle A HS Math $12hr 334-1100 Fax res 334-6137 240 Professional Help Wanted 1 TRAVEL AGENT Strong agent witit 2 yen Amadeus A Travel benefits (800)172-8638x20 Call 562-2611 taMnRhnrCo SCRIPPS HOWARD 240 Professional Help Wanted ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY CPR is saekin highly qualified full time candidate proficient hi Windows 95 applications Word A Excel Amlicants will be responsible for all office correspondence tiling maintaining office documentation and general reception Fax or sand resume 561-569-5906 or CPR 2770 Indian River Blvd Suite 201 Vero Beach FL 32960 Advertising Account Executive FULL-TIME The Stuart News Is seeking someone with a "can dof attitude) The successful candidate must have at least one year of outside sales experience in a competitive environment good communication and organizational skids be goal oriented and have the ability to work under the pressure of deadlines A proven track record of Increasing sales is required Newspaper advertising sales experience and a college degree preferred Applications and resumes are being accepted at The Stuart News 1939 Federal Highway Stuart FL 34994 For More Information CALL: Scoopline 398-6397 ext 5627 BEST CAREER IN FLORIDA 75K 1st year Insurance agents moi brokers license unlicensed 20 hours per week No prospecting Pre-qualified local leads Advanced commissions Interviews daily 8:30 am 112SouthUS15 "Call for appt 567-9191 or Fax 561-567-9055 BSW for SNF Background in nursing home regulatk must Qualities: personable professional and organized Fax resume to 561-569-2326 EEODFWP COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT Hutchinson Island Has Full A PT Openings For The Following Position ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR Enoy Working Outside Outgoing People Person APPLY IN PERSON 10978 Ocean Dr Hutchinson Island DFWP EOE CPA: Palm City office of expanding regional firm desires CPA with existing client base to join our organization Fax reply to DIETARY MANAGER Certified A skilled nursing facility is currently seeking a certified dietary manager The id applicant wil be a ic organized setf-with the ability to identify resolve and monitor concerns officially and thoroughly Solid knowledge of state regulations budgeting scheduling and sanitation required (fore Plan knowledge preferred but not required SubmR resumes to: P0 Box 6400 Vero Beach FL 32961 All resumes will be kept confidential EOEDFWP Degreed Engineers PT Now -FT or "Partner" Later Jack Wlrth ME 561-220-1950 FLORAL DESIGNER needed only for weddings Paid pcontract 286-6264 2-BP FLORAL DESIGNERS PT riance nec PM French Teacher needed full time 561-464-5200 nin Professional Help Wanted Professionai Help Wanted AQUARIUM STORE Part time position Cal 387-7177 ASSISTANT FAI MANAGER Customer focused person details important ADP Com-uter CaH Jay Samson Advertising Salss Professional Looking for an Ambitious Advertising Sales Professional for Fifty Plus Magazine In Brevard and North Palm Beach County Territories TIT Is for someone with a "Can attitude Established territory requires someone wno can work with 6 resent accounts and uild upon an existing base The successful candidate wtii need sales experience in a business environment Advertising sales and college degree preferred but not required Must have good communication and organizational skills be goal oriented have the ability work well under deadline pressures and have contact In the business community Send resume and cover letter to: Treasure Coast Publishing PO Box 1268 Vero Beach FL 32961 Attn: Human Resources Or Fax to: 561-978-6903 EASY SALES -Person for busy mattress store Salary comm No exp nec Only good attitude needed Apply 2201 SE Indian St Stuart ETHAN ALLEN career opportunities avail for furniture A design sales associates WiN train Stuart 692-2311 Vero 978-1 664 FINANCIAL mkt finl services to sr citizens FT PT hi potential 1-800-996-8722 FURNITURE SALES EXP'D Norwalk Th8 Furniture Idea Career opportunities available! Will train 692-2870 Hiring for all positions Friendly outgoing people Apply in person only Crafts Stuff 632 Mirada Plaza Vero Beach INSIDE SALES: Packaging A paper products Salary comm benefits Sales experience req 561-335-0411 LIFE AGENTS Needed Untapped disability A mort- market Truly qualified A we can prove It! 9 mos advanced commission on submission Also bonuses A free trips CaH 1-888-703-7283 or 561-567-9191 LOCK DEPT SALES PERSON FT benefits Apply In SPJL 657 NE Dixie RioJensen Bch DFWP person: Hwy Ri MEDIA SALES PERSON Energetic bright A motivated for TV Advertising Sales CaH BIN 6692-0016 MODEL HOME SALES ASSISTANT Vero Week- hourly wbasic comer skiHs Call 569-9176 ORDER TAKERS up to $1000 per wk In-bound calls wwy pay daily spiffs am shifts 10-4 pm 4-10 Jupiter area 561 -745-8737 OUTSIDE SALES PERSON For lumber A building material Sales experience pref Apply in parson at East Coast Lumber 416 Flagler Ave Stuart 287-1611 RE SALES: FT PT Looking for a small friendly office InS Stuart CaH 286-7406 SALES Dynamic Growth Co hu great opportunity for the right people We are a 25 yr old subsidiary of a Billion Dollar Coro Territories available InSL Lucia A Martin Counties Great benefits 401 paid training salary and excellent commissions 1-800-816-1757 SALES ADMINISTRATOR Bav Dlst seeks prof computer I its rata detail-oriented Individual The qualified candidate must have excellent computer skills In MS Office Suites If you are an Admin professional looking for a career don't pus up this portunlty We offer am I A Bene Apply in person 6 Wm Thles A Sons weekdays 9-4 5020 Glades Rd Ft Pierce No calls please EOE DFWP Wanted' PAPA BEARS BAR GRILL NOW OPEN -AN positions: MANAGERS Cook Prep Cook Servers Bartenders 879-1 1 31 7950 US 1 PSL 34952 PIZZA MAKER part time Inquire within: Capps Pizza 725 Ave SW Veto SALAD PERSON -ETC PT Few eveningswk Some exp preferred Apply John Plaza Cafe before 11am or after 2 pm 286-9030 0 rfi SERVERS BUSSERS HOSTESSCASHIER Apply In person Personnel Office 4001 26 St 10 am-l pm M-F DFWP SERVERS FT PT Apply in person Blupere Restaurant 3508 SE Fed Hwy Stuart SERVERS i or time night shift CaH fuH or part 461-3884ask for Nancy Biggies or Mr Harris SERVERS DISHWASHERS PREP COOK for new Spanish Rest Apply: 3200 NE Maple Ave Jensen 2-6 pm SONNY'S BAR-B-Q Taking applications for WAIT STAFF CASHIERS A COOKS Apply 1961 Federal Hwy Stuart SOUS CHEFLINE COOK Good pay Call Max A Megs 467-0065 START 8-10tir AZ Dan's Concession located front of Lowes Vero Exc ben Call 407-431 -7454 for application TOOJAYS Cook 40 hr Benefits Apply 9-1 1AM or after 2PM Regency Square Stuart VERO Gourmet ShopDeti 25 hours AM A PM shifts 730 to start 231-3992 WAIT A HOST STAFF PT FT Appl Chinese Restau-Cedar Point Plaza 2389 Ocean Blvd Stuart WAIT STAFF A Buuaopla Experience preferred Apply Monty's 1517 So Ocean Dr vero between 4-6 pm WAIT STAFF PT Nights week-ends flexible hours Apply: Crusty's 231-4728 WAIT STAFF Wanted -Experience prat'd Village Comer Rest 2019 Jensen Bch Blvd WAIT STAFF SERVERS-For busy Japanese Restaurant Lunch A Dinner HOSTHOSTESS needed eves only Exp a must Call 30 Mo WAIT STAFFBUSSER Italian Fine Dining exp Casa Bella CaH 1-4pm 223-0077 WAITRESS A COOK Will train Apply hi person 8-1 1am at Wnat-A-favem 58 Rival Palm Points Vero WAITRESSES Bartenders Day Cook Apply in person: CJ Cannon Restaurant Vero Beach Airport WAITSTAFF am A pm shifts MAM's restaurant apply In reon 3120 SW Martin Blvd Palm City (250 Retail Help ASSISTANT MANAGER FILA Part time sales Mornings A weekends Leading manufacturer of footwear and iparai has openings ant leir Vero beach Outlet location Ideal candidates should have previous professional retailsales experience Flexible work schedule we offer Coemptive salary and excel-banefits package For deration please apply In person at File 1768 94tn Dr Vero Beach or fax resume to: 561-563-0940 EOE CASHIERCLERK energetic general store at Marina some weekends 229-2811 CLERKS at EKE Market PM shifts 4pm-11pm at Subway A 3pm-11pm at Mobile Now accepting applications at 1924 Gatlin Blvd PSL INSIDE SALES: Paint store offers career opportunity Full benefits DFWP' Call 830a 561-288-2849 If you love helping decorating call Custom Windows 562-7505 people A SALES PT Martha's Sewell's Point Upscale Boutique Qualified motivated Flex 8-20 hrs weekly For interview call 220-7404 55 Sales Help Wanted AUTO TECHNICIAN Immediate openings avail for Import Line Techs Used Car Pra Owned Techs Technician Trainees We have greet benefits A Insurance avail- AUTOMOTIVE TECH Front end aUgnment brakes general repair Benefits St Lucie Battery A Tire 219-0100 Auto Tech General repair tune-ups air conditioning exp own tools Exc pay A benefits CaH Tony Martin Downs Mobil 288-0097 BOAT BUILDER HIGH END BUILDER SEEKING FINISHERS PATCHMEN SECURE JOB BENEFITS APPLY AT: 2105 US 1 VERO 567-9200 BUILDERS Saw Dept Lam-Inators Truck Driver Class general shop help A aH other positions for cabinet shop Good pay 421-427 Market Ave Ft Pierce 465-0288 See Jim or Stewart CARPENTER HELPERS LABORER "Sign-on bonus 561-220-1254 CARPENTER all around experienced with reliable transpiration and tools $11 par hour CaH 770-9901 between Sam A leave message CARPENTERAPPRENTICE for display shop mica Muat have some exp 781-2200 CARPENTER: Experienced for custom home builder Must have tools A transportation 334-5827 Martin Co CARPENTERS all phases of carpentry Call 336-1312 or 552-6202 bpr any time CARPENTERS A HELPERS long term projects in Martin A St Lucie Counties Drivers lie A transportation a must Roe Construction Inc 221-7779 CARPENTERS A APPRENTICES CaH A leave message regarding exp Steady local work Good pay I CARPENTERS A DECKING CREWS A Carpentry 407-537-3422 CARPENTERS A needed Reliable transportation CaU 778-6983 Vero CARPENTERS A HELPERS Exp have own tools A transp 561-219-9923 hr msg CARPENTERS A HELPERS Exp'd only Tools A transpo a must 561-336-7910 CARPENTERS A LEAD PERSON exp'd- Must have own tools A TRANSPORTATION Hobe Sound area 546-1052 CARPENTERS (FRAMERS) Tools A trans a must Good pay steady workl 337-4224 CARPENTERS Experienced A HELPERS Tools A reliable transportation peferred CaH i CARPENTERS Good all around person that does aH-wexp-too Is -truck 335-8554 CARPENTERS HELPER Need energetic hard working person wsome exp A willingness to team 878-3079 CARPENTERS If you have worked for the REST why not work for the BEST? PRO-FRAME CONTRACTING INC Exp carp A helpers wanted for long term work ki Broward Boca Boynton A No Palm Beach cty Rough carp trusses framing 401k A healthpkg 1-800-767-3672 after 8 am CARPENTERS SUB CREWS Lie A Ins sub craws wanted for long-term work In Broward and Palm Beach cty Roofing trusses tie-beams slabs Ken (954)801-2942 John (954)830-5051 or (600)787-3872 (ofc) CARPENTERS A LABORERS Framing A trim to train work Willing to train Tools A transportation req 7002 Beeper! CARPENTERS Exclusive custom residential work QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY The HIM Group 567-SI 54 Benefits Safety Drug-Free Workplace CARPENTERS Vero Quality minded only wdrivera lie A tools DFWP CaH 234-5088 CARPENTERSALL PHASES tools SIO-SIBhr QT Sign-on bonus 561-220-1254 CARPENTERSHELPERS: Toolstruck a must Bonuses 879-3606 260 TechnlcalTrades HelpWanted MV Help Wanted SMALL EQUIPMENT OPERATORS for sand bunker renovation 40 hr week 8 per hour EOE DFWP Call 778-0530 8:30 to 3:30 Mon- Frl SOD LAYERS FOR JIM LIANETS LAWN SERVICE Call 878-1882 STUART FINE FOODS Hiring for all positions Apply wnhin: 2300 Ocean Blvd Stuart DFWP STUFFER Strong able body person needed for cushion manufactuer warehouse Ion Apply in person at PI Vero or call 569-9722 M-6 8-4 JO Several positions foil time part time to work with children 2 years and up Experience preferred but will train Apply In person Children's Discovery Center 760 Ave Vero Beach Small Fast Growing ELECTRONICS CO has Several Openings from Entry Level Up Call287-5000 TEACHERS ASSIST DIRECTORS Preschool Palm City FT PT Call 287-2699 TELEMARKETER 3-5 yrs exp Flexible hrs Hourly wage bonus 340-7900 TELEMARKETERS needed Good phone skills part time Bonuses earned Apply at 112 US 1 Vero 567-9191 TREE CLIMBERGROUNDS PERSON: Experience preferred Good pay Must have ir 561-340-2410 TRUCK TIRE CHANGER Experienced only Mid Coast Tire 870 US 1 Veto WACKENHUT NOW HIRING For Northern -Palm Beach Co Custom Protection Officers tm $950hr QUALIFICATIONS: Military Police Career military Special forces Former Law enforcement Graduate of Police or Correction Academy Upscale Security Officers $750 hr You must provide HS diploma or equivalent rigid background investigation screening Uniforms Vacations Health A life Insurance 401k Plan Free License Training 7108 Fairway Dr 170 Palm Beach Gardens (561) 627-0068 EOE NEED EXTRA SPENDING MONEY? Call Classified because diamonds a rani always a girl's best friend and sometimes change Is good So out with the old and In with the new WAREHOUSE CLERK needed Experience preferred Drug-free Workplace Apply at Maverick Boat Co 3054 Industrial St FL Pierce WAREHOUSE POSITION Quality Hard worker DFWP EOE Cold Air Diet 1339 SE Dixie Hwy Stuart 283-1994 WAREHOUSE WORKERS We have Immediate part-time openings for Individuals to work In our refrigerated warehouse Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday and Saturday: nlgnt-time hours You'll be using bar code scanning equipment Lifting required Apply In person Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday or Saturday between 1 and receive an Immediate Interview ARMELLINI EXPRESS LINES INC 3446 SW Armelllnl Ave Palm City FL 34990 Drug-free Workplace EOE MFDV 235 Part-Time Help Wanted AOMINJSALES ASST PT Campo Insurance Investment Fax 286-6022 BUSERSERVER Part Tima OCEAN PALMS RETIREMENT CENTER Position now available Hours to Include week- 27501 Stuart EOEDFWP CLEANINB-Stuart office -5am M-F Paid monthly Own trans 6 to start 878-1689 hr name TsL DELIVERY DRIVER: West Palm Ft Laud Tu-Wed THGMC Sonoma 283-9110 Degreed Engineers PTNow -FT or "Partner" Later Jack Wlrth ME 561-220-1950 SALES REP- Apparel Co seeks professionai Rep for Schools Start Immediately Good oppty 334-6643 SALES Sewing knowledge helpful Crafts by Maritou US1 Wabasso STOCKBROKER DEAN WITTER Account Executive Sates position In-depth paid sail training program Business salesmanagemsnt experience a plusExcellent communication skills Please fax resume to (561 223-2494 Equal Opportunity Employer TELEMARKETING Putting together a new team of dialers in our Stuart Office If you have a good phone voice can work 4PM-9PM Mon-fri and are Interested in a Bass Plus Rate that pays you for your efforts we nave the Job for you No previous experience necessary CaH 221-4158 If we are on another Dne-ptease leave a message WANTED: Experienced Tele marketers Full time fuH benefits Join a great team! I Call Tori (561 )-2 83-6248 With our Link Pro- Earn what you Join the Leader in Home Security Sales We offer Company benefits Bonus Program Gas Allowance Marketing Support Training Allowance CaH Paul Jones Mon-fri Drug free WorkpteoiEOE 562-4399 TeclmtcalTredea zOU Help Wanted AC AIR COND TECH Comml HVAC company looking for Exp Techs Vacation HealttiUfe Ins 401K Confidential For career opportunity Fax resume to athy (954) 537-95B6 Phone 800-333-4001 Ext 211 EOE Drug Free WrkpL AC MECHANIC Benefits Good opportunity CaH Hobe Sound 561 AC SERVICEPERSON A INSTALLERS Experienced only Good pay good benefits Barker AC 562-2103 AC TECH AND DUCT MECHANICS Experience and good driving record required Top pay A benefits Vero 562-7216 DFWP APPLIANCE REPAIR PERSON PT or FT Call 225-3171 PSL area APPLIANCE benefit enced561 TECH Great package Expert' 11-335-0105 PSL APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN Exp Custom Res wk Hardworking dependable must have transportation 562-6356 leave message (VB) ARCHITECTURAL SHEET METAL WORKERS Needed for large project in Martin County 848-0222 ext 25 GOLF COURSE MECHANIC for pvt country dub wilUng to train individual wproven mechanical skills FT pos benefits Fax resume 287-2108 or mail Mechanic PO Box 466 Jensen Bch 34957 DFWP ASSEMBLY Corporate aircraft seat mfg seeka people with mechanical ability andor basic math and carpentry skills Will train ambitious starters Incentives A benefits history i is Fix work AUTO BODY COMBO valid driver's license Exp reliable Immediate 546-3050 AUTO MECHANIC exp'd In computer diagnostics A have own tools 561-283-1044 days 221-1022 eves AUTO TECH A GENt SERVICE A COMM'L TIRE TECH Hobs Sound Goodyear 548-1644 AUTO TECH for foreign care Own tools Salary based on exp CaU Ron 561-225-3878 AUTO TECHNICIAN Seeking exp'd Tech who Is qualified In engine analysis AC A all facets of auto repair Good salary benefits A working conditions Call 334-1126 rirn YechnicaVTrades ZOU HelpWanted 245 COOKPASTRY COOK -EARN WHILE YOU LEARN! Chef Apprenticeship Program Job Placement Assistance Starts 998 Become a Certified Cook Call Chef Boehm 287-0710 Ext 315 COOK: '7J9 per hour FT Apply 11-2 Scooters Ho be Sound Call 546-6235 COOK: Full-time BUSPER-SON part time Exp only for fast paced restaurant Cal Pat for Interview 219-4555 Morning Glory Cats Stuart COOK: PT Apply after 2pm at DaVkicTs 6692 US 1 PSL 561-466-9331 COOKS PANTRY DISHWASHERS for Willoughby Golf Club Application: 3001 SE Doubleton Drive Stuart COOKS Prawnbrokar Grill Established top rated seafood restaurant in Stuart accepting applications for high volume quality oriented Line Cooks with speed Apply 3754 SE Ocean Blvd Stuart 9-11 A 2-5 I full A part time all Competitive salary good benefit pkg Apply In person: IHOP 1425 Federal Hwy Stuart EEODFWP COOKS HOSTS A SERVERS exp nec Apply In Person: PERKINS 9202 Fed Hwy PSL Benefits A flexible hrs Come loin our friendly team! No phone calls please COOKS KITCHEN BANQUET HELP WAIT STAFF good pay benefits No calls Apply In person: Ramada Inn 1200 SE Fed Hwy Stuart FL COOKS PREP COOKS DISHWASHERS BUSSERS AND WAITPERSON in Vero Beach caH 569-1920 or Sebastian 589-2221 CRACKER BARREL OLD COUNTRY STORE is now accepting applications for PT Cashiers Hostesses Dishwashers A Servers We offer year round employment flex hrs A excellent benefits Apply in person: 7461 SW Lost River Rd Stuart Captain Hiram's Is seeking energetic teamwork oriented service staff Experience a plus Good SS and in liver No phone fun Kreon: Sebastian calls please Captain Hiram's is applications for all positions Front and back of house Apply in person: 1606 Indian River Dr Sebastian Countless Home Buyers will find their future homes In the CLASSIFIED columns Call us today with your Real Estatsad DAY-TIME SERVERS Exp'd For both NINO'S locations Apply within 2-4p Beachside 231-9311 Souths ids 978-9773 DELIVERY DRIVERS Part Time and Full Time Averages S6-S8 an hour Apply in person: Vic's Pizza 1140 US 1 Sebastian 589-8989 DENNY'S Now Hiri AS Positions Top Pay Health Vacation Cove Hwy Stuart 287-5026 EOE DFWP Dental 61 DININGROOM MANAGER Martin Downs Country Club has an opening for DINING ROOM MANAGER Experienced Only Apply In Person MARTIN DOWNS COUNTRY CLUB 3801 SW Greenwood Wy Palm City DFWP EOE DISHWASHER Part Time at Dodger Pines Country Club for evening shift Apply: Person nil Office 4001 26 St IQam-lpm M-F DFWP DISHWASHERS FT A PT all shifts Competitive salary good benefits Apply In person: IHOP 1425 Federal Hwy Stuart EEODFWP EXPERIENCED Cooks DishwashBr Wait Staff Apply In person: WATERWAY CAFE 8525 US 1 Sebastian EXPERIENCED FRY COOKS AND GRILL COOKS FLOOR MGR 450 week BONUS Apply Tues Frl 430 DOS AMIGOS 300 8 Fed Hwy Stuart Hobs Sound Golf Club Seeking exp'd DINING ROOM MGR Year round salaried position wBenefits Send resume to: Mr John Hines Hobe Sound Golf Club 11671 SE Plandome Dr Hobe Sound 33455 KITCHEN UTILITY PERSON cooking exp a plua also PT BUSPERSONBARBACK Apply Mahoney's Blvd Tavern Jensen Beach Blvd LINE COOK- Full time Apply 9-1 1AM Charlie's Bar A Grill Stuart 268-4326 HAIRSTYLIST Mar-Lo Co is looking for a full time established Hairstylist to Jofn our progressive friendly salon Applications now being accepted 563-4868 LEGAL SECRETARY experienced for small PSL firm me A 116 LICENSED NOTARIES needed for 2nd mortgage loan dosings Local travel required lex resume to: FIRSTPLUS DIRECT (800) 398-3510 Attn: Marcia EOE LIFE INS AGENT w2 18 Lie Lrg ins apey has oppty for proven Salesperson Income unlimited leads supplied Full benefits Send resume: 0 Box 26 Stuart 34995 MORTGAGE LOAN PROCESSOR: Looking for highly experienced career minded perfectionist who can effectively manage others Will report to CEO Stuart 287-3100 Barb PRESCHOOL TEACHERS TEACHER AIDES needed Call 223-0405 for Interview PRESCHOOLTEACHER Exp'd loving reliable for toddlers hi Stuart 286-6568 PROPERTY MANAGER'S ASSISTANT needed Duties: bookkeeping on computer word processing advertising customer service answering telephone etc Send resume to: BAC Investments PO Box 2021 Vero Beach FL 32961 TEACHER Certified Mori A Wed 3-8pm strong math helpfuL 561-220-9214 TEACHERS A AFTER SCHOOL CARE Exp a plus Benefits avail FT A PT Call Kinder Care 335-41 15 TEACHERS: Apple Tree Academy Palm City Is apting appfs FT PT exp helpful Pam 286-1979 TENNIS PRO needed for West Side Racquet Club Great opportunity Please caH Dick Edwards 562-7660 Wal-Mart Vision Canter is taking applications for Florida licensed Opticians Com-ititive salary with excellent nefits pkg Call 561-778-9820 or apply Vero Beach Wal-Mart Vision Center WebPraducerN TCPalmpom an award winning regional news site on thelntemet is seeking a member for its advertising design team This fulltime fulLbenef its position will require working In a fast-paced environment meeting with advertisers to develop an affective web presence and utilizing the latest internet-related applications for site design and maintenance Interested candidates should send resume to: TCPalmDesi PO Box nTeam Stuart FL 34995 or FAX (561)287-2980 Call CLASSIFIED Today 'vac ReetAounge U93 Help Wanted ALL POSITIONS Apply at FEY'a LANDING 806 Indian River Drive Sebastian Apply today at KFCI Kentucky Fried Chicken of the Treasure Coast is looking for quality minded people to Join our management team We are the right company for the rlghf people An excellent chance to loin a makes us different from the others! Donl miss your shot at a positive career move We offer competitive salaries attainable bonuses healthlife insurance 401 plan and flexible schedules Apply today at any KFC on the Treasure Coast BARTENDER A COOK needed for 3 bare rastau-ts In Sebastian A Fells-mera area Apply at 1623 North US Hwy 1 Suita A5 Sebastian BARTENDERS A SERVERS Experienced Only Norris's Famous PIgcb For Ribs APPLY: 6431 US 1 Stuart BUSSERS MARTIN DOWNS COUNTRY CLUB currently has openings for BUSSEFIS PT Please contact Human Resources at 286-6818 DFWP EOE Be a WAITER(ESS) on the water at tna RIVERSIDE CAFE Interviewing now for fulltime position which requires an appreciation of sunsets Cal 1 234-5550 ask for Jay iLERKLiquor Store Nights FT A PT BARMAIDTENDER ALL NEW! Triangle Bar A Grid Downtown Stuart 287-1586 COOK OR PIZZA PERSON Experience necessary Full or partrtims Apply In person: Vic's Pizza 1140 US 1 Sebastian 589-8989 PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER Indian River Shores FL Is seeking applications for Public Safety Officer (PSO) A PSO functions is police officer firefighter and paramedic Minimum qualifications-include Florida paramedic certification and law enforcement or firefighter certification Non-smoker Starting salai $29061 excellent fringe benefits Qualified applicants on 240 Professionai Help Wanted CROOM CONSTRUCTION COMPANY HOME SERVICE TECHNICIAN A Whitehall Professional Home Maintenance a division of Croom Construction Co Is looking for an exceptional Individual to fiH the position of Home Service Technician The successful candidate will be technically proficient In all aspects of luxury home maintenance practices be quality oriented and committed to the concept of preventive maintenance This person must have a valid drivers licence and a clean driving record A pleasant personality neat professional appearance ability to work unsupervised and good communl-I Fo military perconnal are Advertising Account Executive Estate Specialist Scrlpps Howard Treasure Coast Newspapers seeks an Advertising Account Executive with a "Can Do" attitude for a Real Estate Specialist Position The successful candidate must have at least one year of outside sain experience In a competitive environment Newspaper advertising ules experience and college degree preferred Must have good communication and organizational skills be goal oriented and have the ability to work under deadline pressures A proven track record of increasing sain is required Resumn are being accepted at: The Press Journal 1801 US Hl Vero Beach The Stuart flaws 1939 Federal Highway Stuart FL 34994 OM HOWARD Dus to continued growth and expanding Croom Construction Company Is applicants for the following position: PROJECT MANAGER 5 years plus of Residential or Commercial experience with related degree Must have excellent written communication and managerial skills Understanding of computer software is essential This position offers exciting opportunities and rewarding benefits for the successfulcandidats Equal opportunity employer Please sand resume to: David Croom President CROOM Construction Company 4733 North A1A Vero Beachfl 32963 Earn Extra Money Night Work Loading Trucks 40r hrs Transp A Must! 692-2316 460-5108 Other Positions Available v-- --v encouragdd to apply This position offers top compensation and a benefits package that includes paid vacations and holidays 401k program medical Insurance and tion i monetary incentive program Sand resume to: Bob Tutton 4733 A1A Vero Beach FL 32963 1 561-231-1703 or fax: 561-231-4957 FURNITURE DEUVERY PT good driving record References Call 581-287-8095 1.

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The Stuart News from Stuart, Florida (2024)


Is Costco coming to Stuart Florida? ›

Costco estimated opening will be summer 2025.

The project, approved by the Stuart City Commissio...

What is the ethnicity of Stuart Florida? ›

Stuart Demographics

White: 72.15% Black or African American: 14.45% Two or more races: 9.99%

Does Stuart, Florida have a newspaper? ›

The Stuart News Stuart, Martin County, Fla. -Current .

How much does it cost to live in Stuart Florida? ›

The total cost of housing, food, child care, transportation, health care, taxes, and other necessities for a single adult in Stuart is $37,927 a year — greater than the annual cost of living for Florida of $36,375 yet roughly in line with the national figure of $38,433.

Where is Costco opening new stores in 2024 in Florida near? ›

There are 10 new Costco stores planned worldwide, including nine in the U.S. and one in China. These are the Florida locations planned to open: Daytona Beach, Florida, February 2022. North Port, Florida, May 2024.

Is Costco coming to Port St Lucie? ›

Despite discussion about a future Costco store eventually being built in Port St. Lucie, the only Costco approved to be constructed on the Treasure Coast is in Stuart. That store is tentatively slated to open in the summer of 2025. "Bringing in ... a company like Costco into Port St.

Is Stuart, FL a good place to live? ›

Stuart is a with a population of 17,639. Stuart is in Martin County and is one of the best places to live in Florida. Living in Stuart offers residents an urban suburban mix feel and most residents own their homes. In Stuart there are a lot of restaurants, coffee shops, and parks.

What is Stuart, FL known for? ›

Known as the "Sailfish Capital of the World" and named in 2024 as the "Best Coastal Small Town", Stuart is famed for offshore and inshore sport fishing for not only sailfish, but marlin, tarpon, snook, bonefish, redfish, grouper, and more.

What is the crime rate in Stuart Florida? ›

Stuart Annual Crimes
Number of Crimes31320
Crime Rate (per 1,000 residents)1.7017.53

What was the original name of Stuart Florida? ›

Potsdam was renamed Stuart in 1895, in honor of Homer Hine (Jack) Stuart Jr., a local landowner who owned 160 acres around the railway station. Rue, Luckhardt, Krueger, Crary, and Armellinis were some of the prominent settler families. When Stuart was incorporated as a town in 1914, it was located in Palm Beach County.

What kind of town is Stuart Florida? ›

Stuart, Florida is a laid-back coastal city located in Martin County. Known for its picturesque beaches, quaint downtown area, and rich history, Stuart offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, relaxed ambiance, and small-town charm.

What is the poverty rate in Stuart Florida? ›

13.9% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Stuart, FL (2.38k out of 17.1k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 25 - 34, followed by Males < 5 and then Males 55 - 64.

What is the most expensive place to live in Florida? ›

25 Most Expensive Cities To Live in Florida
  1. Palm Beach. Total population: 5,370.
  2. Jupiter Island. Total population: 342. ...
  3. Golden Beach. Total population: 179. ...
  4. Manalapan. Total population: 162. ...
  5. Bal Harbour. Total population: 1,325. ...
  6. Gulf Stream. Total population: 392. ...
  7. Key Biscayne. Total population: 4,658. ...
  8. Jupiter Inlet Colony. ...
May 9, 2024

How much does it cost to build a house in Stuart Florida? ›

Stuart: Building a new home in Stuart costs between $170,000 to $280,000.

What are the expansion plans for Costco in 2024? ›

New Costco warehouses nationwide
  • Richmond, Texas: June 2024.
  • Northwest Omaha, Nebraska: July 2024.
  • Chaska, Minnesota: July 2024.
  • Tomball, Texas: August 2024.
  • Covington, Louisiana: August 2024.
  • Ridgefield, Washington: August 2024.
  • Napa, California: October 2024.
  • Bend, Oregon: October 2024.
Jul 4, 2024

What cities in Florida have a Costco? ›

Costco Locations in Florida
  • Altamonte Springs. Costco. 741 Orange Ave… ...
  • Boca Raton. Costco. 17800 Congress Ave… ...
  • Bradenton. Costco. 805 Lighthoue Drive… ...
  • Brandon. Costco. 10921 Causeway Blvd… ...
  • Clearwater. Costco. 2655 Gulf to Bay Blvd… ...
  • Coral Springs. Costco. 4621 Coral Ridge Dr… ...
  • Davie. Costco. 1890 South University Drive… ...
  • Estero. Costco.

Where is Costco in the villages Florida? ›

The Villages has attracted another prominent global chain to the nation's fastest growing micropolitan community. According to a Sumter County Commissioner, Costco Wholesale Corporation will open sometime in 2025 on County Road 466, next to the Hobby Lobby and behind Fresh Market.

Is Costco merging? ›

The companies expect to complete the merger by the end of the year, when they will issue 2.13 shares in the new company for each common share of Price, and 1 share for each Costco common share. The deal's value, $2.26 billion, is based on yesterday's closing price of Costco shares.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Author information

Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.